Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same order is vsed also by the bi|shops and spiritualtie in their conuocati|on houses. For the bishops sit in one place by themselues as in the higher house, and the deanes, archdeacons, and other procu|rators of the spiritualtie in an other, as in the lower house, whose prolocutor decla|reth to the bishops what is agreed vpon by them. Then the archbishop (by consent of the more part of them that are assem|bled in both those conuocation houses) ra|tifieth and pronounceth their decrees for lawes, remitting (notwithstanding) the fi|nall ratification of them to the temporall houses.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This is the order of the lawgiuing of England; and in such decrees (established by authoritie of the prince, the lords spiri|tuall and temporall, and the commons of this realme thus assembled in parlement) consisteth the whole force of our English lawes. Which decrees are called statutes, meaning by that name, that the same should stand firme and stable, and not be re|pealed without the consent of an other parlement, and that vpon good and great consideration.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About this season, one Owin (whome some name prince of Wales) was slaine, as Simon Dunelmen. Simon Dun. writeth, but by whom, or in what sort, he sheweth not. In this eightéenth yeare of king Henries reigne, on All hallowes daie, or first of Nouember, great light|ning, thunder, and such a storme of haile fell, that the people were maruellouslie amazed therwith. Also on the thirtéenth of December, there happened a great earthquake, and the moone was turned into a bloodie colour: which strange accidents fell about the mid|dest of the night. At the same time, quéene Maud, wife to king Henrie departed this life. But now to returne to other dooings.