Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Moreouer, whereas he reteined and kept in his hands the bishoprike of Canturburie the space of foure yeares, he now bestowed it vpon Anselme, who was before abbat of Bechellouin in Normandie;Anselme elec|ted archbishop of Cantur|burie. and for certeine abbeis which he had held long time in his possession, he ordeined abbats: by meane wher|of all men (but especiallie the spiritualtie) began to conceiue a verie good opinion of him. The yere where|in Anselme was thus elected, was from the birth of our Sauiour 1093. on the sixt of March, being the first sundaie in Lent (as Eadmerus recordeth. Eadmerus. ) Fur|thermore he gaue the see of Lincolne (being void by the death of bishop Remigius) to his councellour Ro|bert Bluet; Matth. Paris. Polydor. Robert Blu|et L. Chan|celor elected bishop of Lin|colne. but afterward repenting himselfe of such liberalitie, in that he had not kept it longer in his hands towards the inriching of his coffers, he de|uised a shift how to wipe the bishops nose of some of his gold, which he performed after this maner. He caused the bishop to be sued, quarelinglie charging him that he had wrongfullie vsurped certeine posses|sions, togither with the citie of Lincolne, which apper|teined to the sée of Yorke. Which although it was but a forged cauillation, and a shamefull vntruth; yet could not the bishop be deliuered out of that trou|ble, Hen. Hunt. till he had paid to the king fiue thousand pounds. And as he dealt with the spiritualtie, so he caused diuerse of the Nobilitie to be put to gréeuous fines, for transgressing of his lawes, though the fault were neuer so little. He also caused the archbishop Anselme to paie him a great summe of monie, vnder colour of a contribution which was due in Lanfrankes daies, though it was certeinlie knowne that Lanfranke had paied it. Thus grew king William from time to time more sharpe and rigorous to his subiects, so that whosoeuer came within the danger of the laws, was sure to be condemned; and such as would plaie the promooters and giue informations against any man for transgressing the lawes, were highlie re|warded.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this sixt yeare there chanced such an excessiue raine, and such high flouds, the riuers ouerflowing the low grounds that lay néere vnto them, as the like had not béene seene of many yeares before; and after|wards insued a sudden frost, whereby the great streames were congeled in such sort, that at their dis|soluing or thawing, manie bridges both of wood and stone were borne downe, and diuerse water-milles rent vp and caried awaie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Furthermore, Polydor. king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, to liue in forreine countries, he published a proclamation, charging that no man should depart the realme without his licence and safe-conduct.A proclamati|on that none should depar [...] the realme. Hereof it is thought, that the custome rose of forbidding passage out of the realme, which oftentimes is vsed as a law, when occasion serueth. Soone after, he went against the Welshmen, whom he vanquished in battell néere to Brecknocke, and slue Rees their king, who had doone much hurt within the English borders, Ran. Higd. Rées king of Wales slaine. when he was their incamped. This Rise or Rées was the last king that reigned ouer the Welshmen, as au|thors affirme: for afterwards, though they often|times rebelled, yet the kings of England were repu|ted and taken as supreme gouernors of that part of the Iland. Moreouer, to haue the countrie the better in quiet, he did cut downe their woods, Wil. Thorne. and builded manie castels and piles in places conuenient, by meanes whereof they were somewhat tamed, and trained in due time to obedience, though not at the first, nor in the daies of sundrie of his successors.