Compare 1577 edition: 1 But albeit the prince was of such a disposition by nature, yet there is one thing written of him which ought not to be forgotten, to admonish vs that there is no man of so euill an affection, but that sometime he dealeth vprightlie, though it be by hap or other ex|traordinarie motion. It chanced that an abbeie was void of an abbat, wherein were two moonkes verie couetous persons aboue the rest, and such as by scra|ping and gathering togither, were become verie rich, for such (saith Polydor) in those daies mounted to preferment. These two appointed to go togither to the court, ech hoping at their comming thither to find some meanes that he might be made abbat of that house. Being thus agréed, to the court they come, and there offer verie largelie to the king to ob|teine their sute: who perceiuing their gréedie desires, and casting his eies about the chamber, espied by chance an other moonke (that came to beare them companie, being a more sober man, and simple after his outward appearance) whom he called vnto him, and asked what he would giue him to be made abbat of the foresaid abbeie. The moonke after a little pause, made answere, that he would giue nothing at all for anie such purpose, since he entred into that profession of méere zeale to despise riches & all worldlie pompe, to the end he might the more quietlie serue God in holinesse & puritie of conuersation. Saiest thou so, EEBO page image 19 quoth the king, then art thou euen he that art wor|thie to gouerne this house: and streightwaie he be|stowed the house vpon him, iustlie refusing the other two, to their open infamie and reproch.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But to
returne to our historie. After the expulsi|on of the bishop of Durham,
Matt. Pari [...]
and other of his adhe|rents,
Anno Reg. 3. 1090 the king passed ouer into Normandie, purpo|sing to depriue his brother
of that dukedome, and be|ing arriued there, he besieged and tooke S. Ualerie, Albemarle, and diuerse other
townes and castels, wherein he placed a number of his best souldiers, the
better to mainteine warre against his foresaid bro|ther.
Simon Dun. Warres be|twixt the king and his bro|ther Robert. Herevpon also the said
Robert sent vnto the French king for aid, who came downe at his request with a noble armie, and besieged one
of those castels which king William had latelie woone; howbeit by such meanes as king William made, in
sending to the French king an huge summe of monie, he raised his siege shortlie & returned home
againe. At length a peace was concluded betwixt king William and the duke his
Anno Reg. 4. 1091 but yet verie dishonorable to the said Robert:
Gemeticensis. A peace con|cluded.
Simon Dun. M [...]tth. West. Matt. Paris.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Gemeticensis. This peace was concluded at Caen, and that by procurement of the French king, at what time king William was verie strong in the field neare vnto Ewe. After which conclusion, they vnited their powers, and besieged their yoongest brother Henrie in the castell of mount S. Michell, which (being situat in the confines of Normandie and Britaine) he had stronglie fortified not long before for feare of after|claps. But when they had lien about it by the space of all the Lent season, and had made manie bickerings with his m [...]n, more to their losse than lucre, they rai|sed their siege, and voluntarilie departed. Not long after this, Sim. Dunel. king William depriued Edgar Etheling of his honor, which duke Robert had assigned vnto him, banishing him out of Normandie for euer.