You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 9 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 729) I.
- IAmbert. ¶ Sée Lambert.
- Iaphet and his sonnes, &c: first peopled Europe, 1, b 30
- Iaroman bishop, sent to the Estsaxons to reduce them to the faith, 121, a 10
- Iceni, Northfolke men, 38, a 60 42, a 60
- Ida the first king of Brenicia, 95, a 50. Of Northumberland his acts, déeds, and death, 96, b 60
- Idols destroied by king Er|cõbert, 114, b 40. Destroied by a heathenish bishop, 109, a 10
- Idolatrie erected by Sighere king of Eastsaxons, 120, b 60
- Ierusalem when taken by Na|buchodonosor, 14, b 10
- Iew. ¶ Sée Inas.
- Igerna. ¶ Sée Igwarne.
- Igwarne the wife of Uter af|ter the slaughter of hir first husband, 81, a 20
- Ilands none at the first as some coniecture, 1, a 40
- Images proued by a fabulous vision, 128, a 60
- Imanuentius slaine by Cassi|belane, 29, b 50
- Imball king of Armorica slaine 67, a 10
- Imbert slaine by Corincus, 10, a 10
- Ine. ¶ Sée Inas.
- Inas king of westsaxons, his acts and deeds, 127, a 20. Sel|leth peace for monie, 126, b 10. Diuideth the westsaxons prouince into two bishopriks 129, a 60. How persuaded by his wife to resigne vp his crowne & become a p [...]lgrime, 128, a 10. Went to Rome and there died, 127, b 30
- Indians fond adorning them|selues with pretious stones, 9, b 50
- Indigenae, 4, a 60
- I [...]ogen the wife of Brute, 8, b 40
- Interteinement. ¶ Sée Hospi|talitie.
- Iohn archbishop of yorke, 125, b 50
- Iohn the archchanter of saint Peters at Rome sent to the synod at Hatfield, and why, 123, b 10
- Ioseph of Arimathia, 52, a 40. His comming into Britaine, 37, a 20
- Ipswich spoiled by the Danes, 116, a 60
- Ireland and the Orkneies by whom first gouerned, 4, b 10. when it laie wast and not in|habited, 19, b 10. The peoples cursses against king Egfride preuaile, 125, a 20, b 40. Ciuill discord there when Agricola was lieutenant of Britaine, 49, a 10. Conquest therof pur|sued by Turgesus, 98, a 10. Inuaded by the Northum|bers, 125, a 10. Subdued to Edgar, 162, a 20
- Irmenrike the son of Oth the Saxon, 89, a 20
- Irmenrike of Kent dies, 97, a 10
- Ithamor bishop of Rochester consecrateth archbishops of Canturburie. 116, b 40
- Itius portus supposed to be Ca|lis, 24, a 50
- Iudith the daughter of Charles the Bald married king E|thelwolfe, 141, a 60
- Iudge Bearne burnt for cruel|tie, 135, a 30
- Iudwall, 160, a 20. ¶ Sée Lud|wall.
- Iue. ¶ Sée Inas.
- Iugants a people, 40, b 40
- Iulius Agricola lieutenant of Britaine. 47, b 40. His good gouernment, 48, a 40
- Iulius Cesars purpose to make a discouerie of Britaine, 24, a 30. Appointed for to conquer Gallia, 24, a 10. with two le|gions passeth ouer into Bri|taine, 24, b 30. His ships lie at Calis, 24, a 50
- Iulius Cassianus at square with Suetonius, 46, a 20
- Iulius Frontinus lieutenant of Britaine, 46, b 40
- Iustine. ¶ Sée Guthmond.
- Iustus archbishop of Cantur|burie, 107, a 30
- Iustus bishop of Rochester, 103 a 40. He and Melitus depart into France, 106, b 50. Both sent for againe, & the one re|frored to his bishoprike, 107, a 10
- Iutes called Ibitti a kind of people that came into Bri|taine with the Saxons, 78, b 60, 79, a 20
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 10 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 729) K.
- KAerkin, 12, b 30. ¶ Sée Can|turburie.
- Keneline murthered by his mo|ther Quẽdred, 136, b 10. King of Mercia shamefullie mur|thered, 139, b 50
- Kenneth king of Scots durst not combat with K. Edgar: note, 161, b 60, 162, a 10
- Kenred king of Mercia descri|bed, 128, a 50
- Kenrie the son of king Cathred slaine, 131, a 10
- Kenrike K. of westsaxons, his acts, déeds, & death, 96, b 40
- Kent, when it began to be a kingdome, & how it was ex|tended, 82, a 40. Of whom the kings thereof descended, 95, a 50. wasted, spoiled, and dis|quieted, 126, a 20, b 10. Uoid of a king for the space o [...] seuen yeares, 126, b 10, The foure kings thereof in Cassibelans time, 30, a 30, Noble off spring of the kings thereof decaied, 137, b 10. The kingdome had two kings at once, 126, b 10. Giuen to Hengist in reward, 79, b 10. when it began to be a kingdom, 86, b 10. The king|dome taketh end, 139, b 30
- Kentishmen plate the men a|gainst the westsaxons, 126, a 20. Uanquished in fight of the Danes, 167, a 60. Descended of the Iutes, 79, a 20. Diso|beieng K. Edwards cõman|dement are surprised by the e|nimies, 151, a 10 Buie peace with monie, 127, b 10. Desti|tute of a king, 126, a 50
- Kenulfe king of Mercia his vertues, 136, a 40. His libera|litie toward churchmen, 136, a 50
- Kenwalch king of westsaxons dieth, his acts & déeds, 121, b 60
- K [...]mrus king of Britaine his sudden end, 20, a 10
- Kimbeline king of Britaine in great fauour with Cesar, 32, b 10, 33, a 10
- Kineards conspiracie against Kinewulte, 134, a 50
- King becommeth a pilgrim for|saking a crowne, 128, a 10. In name but not in rule, 77, a 20. A philosopher, 125, b 30. Dis|possessed of his kingdome and restored, 13, b 20. Made of a herdman, 84, a 40. Made of a seruant, 149, b 30. Made of one bought and sold, 150, a 10. Becommeth a moonke, 129, a 10, 132, b 60. The first that ware a golden crowne, 15, a 30, 16, a 10 Depriued, 79, b 60 ¶ Sée Crown & Uortigerne.
- Kings seuen in Britaine called Reguli, 82, a 60. By vsurpatiõ and not by succession, 126, b 10 Eight of the English & Sax|on nation at once, 98, b 10. Eight row king Edgar in a barge vpon the water, 159, b 40. They béecome monks, 122 a 60, 131, b 20. Their daugh|ters professed nuns, 114, b 60. Fiue ruled this Iland all at once. ¶ Sée Pentarchie.
- EEBO page image 730 They gouerned Britaine be|fore the Romans subdued it, 31, b 40. Crowned & gouerne Britaine, 11, 12, 13, &c. The British kings gouernement endeth, 126, b 40
- Kingdome of Eastangels when it began, 87, a 20. Of South|saxons when it began, 86, a 30. Seuen erected by the Saxons: note, 97, b 40
- Ki [...]gils king of Westsaxons becommeth a christian, 114, 10. ¶ Sée Cinecistus.
- Kingstone vpon Thames fa|mous by meanes of kings there crowned, 158, a 30
- Ki [...]macus the seuentéenth ru|ler of Britaine, 14, b 20
- Ki [...]marus. ¶ Sée Kinimacus.
- Ki [...]wulfe king of Westsaxons, his victories and exploits, he is slaine of his seruants, 134, a 30
- Knight of the field in Cesars time, 32, b 10
- Knighthood of Kimbeline king of Britaine giuen him by Ce|sar, 32, b 20, 33, a 10
- Knought. ¶ Sée Cnute.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 11 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 730) L.
- LAabin. ¶ Sée Hercules.
- Labienus a Romane tri|bune slaine, 27, a 50
- Lambert archbishop of Can|turburie, 135, a 20. Dep [...]iued, 132, a 20 D [...]eth, 137, b 40
- Laurence archbishop of Can|turburie laboureth to inlarge the church and augment the [...]aith, 105, a 30. Meaning to leaue his sée he is otherwise warned in a dreame, 106, b 60.
- Law Ordalian: note, 187, a 60
- Lawes of king Alured: note, 148, b 10. Of Cnute, 182, a 20. Of king Edmund, 157, a 60. Of king Edward the third, 191, b 10. Morall of king I|nas, 127, b 30. Of Martia, 19, b 60. Of Mulmutius, 15, b 30
- Lawes and decrées how dange|rous to be broken of them that make them, 141, a 60
- Lecherie ingendered of slouth, 11, b 50
- Legats from the pope into En|gland, 134, b 30
- Legions of souldiers sent by Claudius into Ireland, 36, b 10
- Leicester, 12, b 60. ¶ Sée Caer|leir,
- Leill the seuenth ruler of Bri|taine, 12, a 60
- Leir the tenth ruler of Britain, 12, b 60. Driuen to great di|stresse, 13, a 60. Restored to his kingdome, 13, b 10
- Lent how fasted, 118, a 10. First ordeined to be kept in Eng|land, 114, b 50
- Leofrike earle of Chester, 180, a 40. Bare great rule in the commonwelth, 182, a 20. A furtherer of Edward third to the crowne, 187, a 10. He dieth and was buried at Co|uentrie, 193, a 40
- Leogitia an Iland wherein Bru [...]e arriued, 8, b 50
- Leolin king of Southwales an aider to K. Edmund, 157, a 30
- Leporius Agricola a Pelagi|an, 82, b 20
- Lichfield, whereof it tooke the name, 62, a 30. The bishop of Mercia his sée, 121, a 40
- Licinius chosen fellow with Maximianus in the empire, 64, a 60
- Lilla his zelous seruice cost him his life, 107, b 60
- Lincolne besieged by Cheldrike king of Germanie and the Saxons, 90, b 40
- Linde [...]erne the bishop of Nor|thumbers sée, 119, a 50, b 10
- Lindseie a part of Lincolne|shire, 110, a 40
- Liuius Gallus slaine by Ascle|piodotus, 57, a 10
- Locrine the second ruler of Britaine, 11, a 50. Forsaketh Guendolina his wife & mar|rieth Estrild, 11, b 10. Hath both a wife and a paramour, 11, b 10. In loue with Estril|da a Scithian kings daugh|ter, 11, b 10. Slaine in bat|tell, 11, b 10
- Loialtie of Gawaine. ¶ Sée Gawaine.
- Lollius Urbicus lieutenant in Britaine, 53, a 50
- London walled by Helen, 66, a 10. In danger to be spoiled in the time of the Romans, 59, b 30. Recouered out of the hands of the Danes, 147, a 60 In obedience to Cnute, 177, a 60, Not greatlie peopled with Romans in Suetoni|us his time, 44, b 60. The chéefe citie of the Eastsaxons kingdome, 90, a 10. A great part of it burnt by casuall fier, 165, a 60. Pestered with the Danes, 145, a 20, Besie|ged by Cnute & his a [...]dants, 176, a 10. Assa [...]ted by Swaine the Dane & notablie de [...]ended by the Londoners, 171, b 20. Besieged by the Danes and defended by the citizens, 166, b 50. How first named, 23, a 60. Cal [...]ed Augusta, 72, b 60, 73, a 40. A great part of it consumed with fier, 135, a 60
- Londoners victors against the Danes, 147, b 60. Uerie vali|ant against Swaine and his Danes, 171, b 20. Submit themselues to Swaine, 172, b 20. Receiue Edmund I|ronside verie ioifullie, 175, b 60. Slaine by the Danes, 166, b 20
- Londorike ¶ Sée Roderike.
- Lord Dane became a word of contempt, 168, a 60
- Losses recompensed, 123, b 10
- Loth king of Picts ioineth with the Saxons against Arthur, ouerthrowne, 90, b 10
- Lothaire the king of Kent, 122, a 20. Durst not méet Edelred in the field, 122, b 40. He dieth of a wound, 125, b 60
- Loue put to triall: note, 12, b 60 13, a 10. Betwéene Aidan & Oswin, 115, b 20. Of Amphi|balus and Alban, 62, a 10. Of Locrine lewd ill rewarded, 11, b 10. Betwéene brethren long at discord, 17, a 60. Bro|therlie notablie exẽplified, 21, a 40. Towards enimies, &c: purchased hatred and death, 117, b 10. Of a wi [...]e to hir hus|band, exemplified, 133, b 30. Like to cost losse of life: note fond Ethelwulfes dooing, 141, a 60. Maketh men blind and sottish: note, 79, b 50. In a woman with lust what mis|chiefe it bred, 40, b 40. Un|lawfull of Algar reuenged, 133, b 60. Unlawfull of Kine|wulfe: note, 134, a 10. Tur|ned into no loue, 13, a 60. Of ones countrie maketh a man offend against his calling, 158, a 60. ¶ Sée Lust.
- Lucius king of Britaine re|nowmed in writers, 51, b 20. Built S. Peters at West|minster, 52, a 60
- Lud king of Britaine, his acts and déeds, 23, a 30
- Ludgate by whome builded, 23, a 40
- Ludhurdibras the eight ruler of Britaine, 12, b 20
- Ludwall paieth a tribute of Wolfeskins to Edgar, 160, a 20
- Luidhard bishop appointed to instruct quéene Bertha: note, 99, a 50
- Lupicinus is sent from Rome to reléeue the Britons a|gainst the Scots and Picts, 72, a 30
- Lupus. ¶ Sée Germanus.
- Lust and what inconueniences it bréedeth in men, 79, a 40. Unlawfull what mischéefe it bred, 144, b 20. Fleshlie to sa|tisfie occasion of deadlie vil|lanie, 160, b 30, 50. Of Algar in séeking to rauish Friswid punished with blindnes, 133, b 60, 134, a 10, Unlawfull of king Edwin, 159, a 10. ¶ Sée Loue.
- Lynceus preserued by his wife, 5, b 60, 6, a 30