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  • IAmbert. ¶ Sée Lambert.
  • Iaphet and his sonnes, &c: first peopled Europe, 1, b 30
  • Iaroman bishop, sent to the Estsaxons to reduce them to the faith, 121, a 10
  • Iceni, Northfolke men, 38, a 60 42, a 60
  • Ida the first king of Brenicia, 95, a 50. Of Northumberland his acts, déeds, and death, 96, b 60
  • Idols destroied by king Er|cõbert, 114, b 40. Destroied by a heathenish bishop, 109, a 10
  • Idolatrie erected by Sighere king of Eastsaxons, 120, b 60
  • Ierusalem when taken by Na|buchodonosor, 14, b 10
  • Iew. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Igerna. ¶ Sée Igwarne.
  • Igwarne the wife of Uter af|ter the slaughter of hir first husband, 81, a 20
  • Ilands none at the first as some coniecture, 1, a 40
  • Images proued by a fabulous vision, 128, a 60
  • Imanuentius slaine by Cassi|belane, 29, b 50
  • Imball king of Armorica slaine 67, a 10
  • Imbert slaine by Corincus, 10, a 10
  • Ine. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Inas king of westsaxons, his acts and deeds, 127, a 20. Sel|leth peace for monie, 126, b 10. Diuideth the westsaxons prouince into two bishopriks 129, a 60. How persuaded by his wife to resigne vp his crowne & become a p [...]lgrime, 128, a 10. Went to Rome and there died, 127, b 30
  • Indians fond adorning them|selues with pretious stones, 9, b 50
  • Indigenae, 4, a 60
  • I [...]ogen the wife of Brute, 8, b 40
  • Interteinement. ¶ Sée Hospi|talitie.
  • Iohn archbishop of yorke, 125, b 50
  • Iohn the archchanter of saint Peters at Rome sent to the synod at Hatfield, and why, 123, b 10
  • Ioseph of Arimathia, 52, a 40. His comming into Britaine, 37, a 20
  • Ipswich spoiled by the Danes, 116, a 60
  • Ireland and the Orkneies by whom first gouerned, 4, b 10. when it laie wast and not in|habited, 19, b 10. The peoples cursses against king Egfride preuaile, 125, a 20, b 40. Ciuill discord there when Agricola was lieutenant of Britaine, 49, a 10. Conquest therof pur|sued by Turgesus, 98, a 10. Inuaded by the Northum|bers, 125, a 10. Subdued to Edgar, 162, a 20
  • Irmenrike the son of Oth the Saxon, 89, a 20
  • Irmenrike of Kent dies, 97, a 10
  • Ithamor bishop of Rochester consecrateth archbishops of Canturburie. 116, b 40
  • Itius portus supposed to be Ca|lis, 24, a 50
  • Iudith the daughter of Charles the Bald married king E|thelwolfe, 141, a 60
  • Iudge Bearne burnt for cruel|tie, 135, a 30
  • Iudwall, 160, a 20. ¶ Sée Lud|wall.
  • Iue. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Iugants a people, 40, b 40
  • Iulius Agricola lieutenant of Britaine. 47, b 40. His good gouernment, 48, a 40
  • Iulius Cesars purpose to make a discouerie of Britaine, 24, a 30. Appointed for to conquer Gallia, 24, a 10. with two le|gions passeth ouer into Bri|taine, 24, b 30. His ships lie at Calis, 24, a 50
  • Iulius Cassianus at square with Suetonius, 46, a 20
  • Iulius Frontinus lieutenant of Britaine, 46, b 40
  • Iustine. ¶ Sée Guthmond.
  • Iustus archbishop of Cantur|burie, 107, a 30
  • Iustus bishop of Rochester, 103 a 40. He and Melitus depart into France, 106, b 50. Both sent for againe, & the one re|frored to his bishoprike, 107, a 10
  • Iutes called Ibitti a kind of people that came into Bri|taine with the Saxons, 78, b 60, 79, a 20


  • KAerkin, 12, b 30. ¶ Sée Can|turburie.
  • Keneline murthered by his mo|ther Quẽdred, 136, b 10. King of Mercia shamefullie mur|thered, 139, b 50
  • Kenneth king of Scots durst not combat with K. Edgar: note, 161, b 60, 162, a 10
  • Kenred king of Mercia descri|bed, 128, a 50
  • Kenrie the son of king Cathred slaine, 131, a 10
  • Kenrike K. of westsaxons, his acts, déeds, & death, 96, b 40
  • Kent, when it began to be a kingdome, & how it was ex|tended, 82, a 40. Of whom the kings thereof descended, 95, a 50. wasted, spoiled, and dis|quieted, 126, a 20, b 10. Uoid of a king for the space o [...] seuen yeares, 126, b 10, The foure kings thereof in Cassibelans time, 30, a 30, Noble off spring of the kings thereof decaied, 137, b 10. The kingdome had two kings at once, 126, b 10. Giuen to Hengist in reward, 79, b 10. when it began to be a kingdom, 86, b 10. The king|dome taketh end, 139, b 30
  • Kentishmen plate the men a|gainst the westsaxons, 126, a 20. Uanquished in fight of the Danes, 167, a 60. Descended of the Iutes, 79, a 20. Diso|beieng K. Edwards cõman|dement are surprised by the e|nimies, 151, a 10 Buie peace with monie, 127, b 10. Desti|tute of a king, 126, a 50
  • Kenulfe king of Mercia his vertues, 136, a 40. His libera|litie toward churchmen, 136, a 50
  • Kenwalch king of westsaxons dieth, his acts & déeds, 121, b 60
  • K [...]mrus king of Britaine his sudden end, 20, a 10
  • Kimbeline king of Britaine in great fauour with Cesar, 32, b 10, 33, a 10
  • Kineards conspiracie against Kinewulte, 134, a 50
  • King becommeth a pilgrim for|saking a crowne, 128, a 10. In name but not in rule, 77, a 20. A philosopher, 125, b 30. Dis|possessed of his kingdome and restored, 13, b 20. Made of a herdman, 84, a 40. Made of a seruant, 149, b 30. Made of one bought and sold, 150, a 10. Becommeth a moonke, 129, a 10, 132, b 60. The first that ware a golden crowne, 15, a 30, 16, a 10 Depriued, 79, b 60 ¶ Sée Crown & Uortigerne.
  • Kings seuen in Britaine called Reguli, 82, a 60. By vsurpatiõ and not by succession, 126, b 10 Eight of the English & Sax|on nation at once, 98, b 10. Eight row king Edgar in a barge vpon the water, 159, b 40. They béecome monks, 122 a 60, 131, b 20. Their daugh|ters professed nuns, 114, b 60. Fiue ruled this Iland all at once. ¶ Sée Pentarchie.
  • EEBO page image 730 They gouerned Britaine be|fore the Romans subdued it, 31, b 40. Crowned & gouerne Britaine, 11, 12, 13, &c. The British kings gouernement endeth, 126, b 40
  • Kingdome of Eastangels when it began, 87, a 20. Of South|saxons when it began, 86, a 30. Seuen erected by the Saxons: note, 97, b 40
  • Ki [...]gils king of Westsaxons becommeth a christian, 114, 10. ¶ Sée Cinecistus.
  • Kingstone vpon Thames fa|mous by meanes of kings there crowned, 158, a 30
  • Ki [...]macus the seuentéenth ru|ler of Britaine, 14, b 20
  • Ki [...]marus. ¶ Sée Kinimacus.
  • Ki [...]wulfe king of Westsaxons, his victories and exploits, he is slaine of his seruants, 134, a 30
  • Knight of the field in Cesars time, 32, b 10
  • Knighthood of Kimbeline king of Britaine giuen him by Ce|sar, 32, b 20, 33, a 10
  • Knought. ¶ Sée Cnute.


  • LAabin. ¶ Sée Hercules.
  • Labienus a Romane tri|bune slaine, 27, a 50
  • Lambert archbishop of Can|turburie, 135, a 20. Dep [...]iued, 132, a 20 D [...]eth, 137, b 40
  • Laurence archbishop of Can|turburie laboureth to inlarge the church and augment the [...]aith, 105, a 30. Meaning to leaue his sée he is otherwise warned in a dreame, 106, b 60.
  • Law Ordalian: note, 187, a 60
  • Lawes of king Alured: note, 148, b 10. Of Cnute, 182, a 20. Of king Edmund, 157, a 60. Of king Edward the third, 191, b 10. Morall of king I|nas, 127, b 30. Of Martia, 19, b 60. Of Mulmutius, 15, b 30
  • Lawes and decrées how dange|rous to be broken of them that make them, 141, a 60
  • Lecherie ingendered of slouth, 11, b 50
  • Legats from the pope into En|gland, 134, b 30
  • Legions of souldiers sent by Claudius into Ireland, 36, b 10
  • Leicester, 12, b 60. ¶ Sée Caer|leir,
  • Leill the seuenth ruler of Bri|taine, 12, a 60
  • Leir the tenth ruler of Britain, 12, b 60. Driuen to great di|stresse, 13, a 60. Restored to his kingdome, 13, b 10
  • Lent how fasted, 118, a 10. First ordeined to be kept in Eng|land, 114, b 50
  • Leofrike earle of Chester, 180, a 40. Bare great rule in the commonwelth, 182, a 20. A furtherer of Edward third to the crowne, 187, a 10. He dieth and was buried at Co|uentrie, 193, a 40
  • Leogitia an Iland wherein Bru [...]e arriued, 8, b 50
  • Leolin king of Southwales an aider to K. Edmund, 157, a 30
  • Leporius Agricola a Pelagi|an, 82, b 20
  • Lichfield, whereof it tooke the name, 62, a 30. The bishop of Mercia his sée, 121, a 40
  • Licinius chosen fellow with Maximianus in the empire, 64, a 60
  • Lilla his zelous seruice cost him his life, 107, b 60
  • Lincolne besieged by Cheldrike king of Germanie and the Saxons, 90, b 40
  • Linde [...]erne the bishop of Nor|thumbers sée, 119, a 50, b 10
  • Lindseie a part of Lincolne|shire, 110, a 40
  • Liuius Gallus slaine by Ascle|piodotus, 57, a 10
  • Locrine the second ruler of Britaine, 11, a 50. Forsaketh Guendolina his wife & mar|rieth Estrild, 11, b 10. Hath both a wife and a paramour, 11, b 10. In loue with Estril|da a Scithian kings daugh|ter, 11, b 10. Slaine in bat|tell, 11, b 10
  • Loialtie of Gawaine. ¶ Sée Gawaine.
  • Lollius Urbicus lieutenant in Britaine, 53, a 50
  • London walled by Helen, 66, a 10. In danger to be spoiled in the time of the Romans, 59, b 30. Recouered out of the hands of the Danes, 147, a 60 In obedience to Cnute, 177, a 60, Not greatlie peopled with Romans in Suetoni|us his time, 44, b 60. The chéefe citie of the Eastsaxons kingdome, 90, a 10. A great part of it burnt by casuall fier, 165, a 60. Pestered with the Danes, 145, a 20, Besie|ged by Cnute & his a [...]dants, 176, a 10. Assa [...]ted by Swaine the Dane & notablie de [...]ended by the Londoners, 171, b 20. Besieged by the Danes and defended by the citizens, 166, b 50. How first named, 23, a 60. Cal [...]ed Augusta, 72, b 60, 73, a 40. A great part of it consumed with fier, 135, a 60
  • Londoners victors against the Danes, 147, b 60. Uerie vali|ant against Swaine and his Danes, 171, b 20. Submit themselues to Swaine, 172, b 20. Receiue Edmund I|ronside verie ioifullie, 175, b 60. Slaine by the Danes, 166, b 20
  • Londorike ¶ Sée Roderike.
  • Lord Dane became a word of contempt, 168, a 60
  • Losses recompensed, 123, b 10
  • Loth king of Picts ioineth with the Saxons against Arthur, ouerthrowne, 90, b 10
  • Lothaire the king of Kent, 122, a 20. Durst not méet Edelred in the field, 122, b 40. He dieth of a wound, 125, b 60
  • Loue put to triall: note, 12, b 60 13, a 10. Betwéene Aidan & Oswin, 115, b 20. Of Amphi|balus and Alban, 62, a 10. Of Locrine lewd ill rewarded, 11, b 10. Betwéene brethren long at discord, 17, a 60. Bro|therlie notablie exẽplified, 21, a 40. Towards enimies, &c: purchased hatred and death, 117, b 10. Of a wi [...]e to hir hus|band, exemplified, 133, b 30. Like to cost losse of life: note fond Ethelwulfes dooing, 141, a 60. Maketh men blind and sottish: note, 79, b 50. In a woman with lust what mis|chiefe it bred, 40, b 40. Un|lawfull of Algar reuenged, 133, b 60. Unlawfull of Kine|wulfe: note, 134, a 10. Tur|ned into no loue, 13, a 60. Of ones countrie maketh a man offend against his calling, 158, a 60. ¶ Sée Lust.
  • Lucius king of Britaine re|nowmed in writers, 51, b 20. Built S. Peters at West|minster, 52, a 60
  • Lud king of Britaine, his acts and déeds, 23, a 30
  • Ludgate by whome builded, 23, a 40
  • Ludhurdibras the eight ruler of Britaine, 12, b 20
  • Ludwall paieth a tribute of Wolfeskins to Edgar, 160, a 20
  • Luidhard bishop appointed to instruct quéene Bertha: note, 99, a 50
  • Lupicinus is sent from Rome to reléeue the Britons a|gainst the Scots and Picts, 72, a 30
  • Lupus. ¶ Sée Germanus.
  • Lust and what inconueniences it bréedeth in men, 79, a 40. Unlawfull what mischéefe it bred, 144, b 20. Fleshlie to sa|tisfie occasion of deadlie vil|lanie, 160, b 30, 50. Of Algar in séeking to rauish Friswid punished with blindnes, 133, b 60, 134, a 10, Unlawfull of king Edwin, 159, a 10. ¶ Sée Loue.
  • Lynceus preserued by his wife, 5, b 60, 6, a 30

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