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The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 5 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 726) E.
- EAdbald king of Kent, ince|stuous, irreligious, & ta|ken mad, 106, a 40. Baptised, becommeth a christian, and buildeth a church, 107, a 10
- Eadbert K. of Northumberland becommeth a moonke, 132, b 60
- Ealdbright K. of Southsaxons slaine in battell, 127, b 20
- Eadhidus bishop of Lindseie, 122, b 60
- Eadulfus bishop of Lichfield adorned with the pall, 132, a 20
- Eardulfe a duke taken & woun|ded, 136, b 30
- Earle. ¶ Sée Erle.
- Eartongatha a kings daughter a professed nun, 114, b 50
- Easter. ¶ Sée Ester.
- Eata bishop of Hexam, 125, b 50
- Eaubald archbishop of Cantur|burie, 137, b 40
- Eaufled king Edwins daugh|ter borne, 107, b 60
- Eaufride and Osrike kings of Northumberland slaine: note 111, a 60, b 10
- Ebranke first inuaded France after Brute, 12, a 10. Fift ru|ler of Britaine, 11, b 60. He had 21 wiues, 20 sonnes, 30 daughters, to be maried with Troian bloud, 11, b 60, 12, a 10
- Ebusa. ¶ Sée Occa.
- Eclipse of the sunne, 119, b 10. note, 130, a 60. That in the yeare when it appéered died king Ercombert & the arch|bishop Deusdedit, 119, b 60
- Edan K. of Scots warreth a|gainst Edelferd of Northum|berland, 103, b 50
- Edbert. ¶ Sée Ethelbert.
- Edelferd K. of Northumberlãd his exploits & victories, 103, b 50, 104, a 10. He entereth Che|ster, 104, b 10. Associated of the Saxon princes méeteth Cadwan in the field, 106, a 10 Wounded in fight and put to flight, 104, b 20, 60
- Edelhere slaine by Oswie, 116, b 30
- Edelwulfe earle of Barkeshire fought at Englefied with the Danes, 143, b 40
- Edelwulfe king of Kent chased out of his countrie, 138, b 10
- Edenburg castell by whome builded, 12, a 20
- Ederus king of Scots, alias Cridiorus, 27, a 30, 60
- Edgar K of England his dispo|sition, & diligent prouision for defense of his realme, 159, a 60 b 10. Murthereth Ethelwold & marieth his wife, 160, b 30. His wiues & children, and in what state the land was in his time, 162, a 20. Rowed on ye water eight kings driuing his barge, 159, b 40. He pre|ferred moonks to bishopriks, 160, a 10. Put to seuen yeares penance for deflouring Wil|frid, 161, a 20. In loue with duke of Cornewals daughter sendeth to hir about mariage, & is preuented by the messen|ger, 160, a 60, b 10 Described, 161, b 50. Subdueth the Welshmen, his spoiles, his vi|sion and death, 161 a 60
- Edgar Edeling why the péeres of England would not make him king, 196, a 60
- Edgitha. ¶ Sée Editha.
- Edgiua the wife or (as some saie) the concubine of king Edward hir dreame, 153, a 10 Mother of K. Edred, 158, b 10
- Edhirike. ¶ Sée Edrike.
- Edilbald king of Mercia figh|teth against Cuthrid, 131, a 10 30. Put to flight, 131, a 30
- Edilred king of Mercia inua|deth Kent, 122, b 40. ¶ Sée Ethelred.
- Edilwald king of Northumber|land, his acts & déeds, 132, b 60
- Edilwalke king of Southsax|ons licenceth Wilfrid to prech to his people, 123, a 10. Expel|led out of his kingdome by his subiects & slaine, 124, b 40
- Ediswald king of Deira dispo|sed to deuotion, 117, b 60
- Editha the daughter of earle Goodwin maried to Edward the third, 187, a 40. Put awaie by hir husband king Edward the third: note, 189, b 40. A wife & yet a virgin, 154, b 20. Base daughter of Edgar made a nun, 160, b 60. Abbesse of Wil|ton, 161, b 10
- Edoll earle of Glocester or Che|ster his valiantnesse against the Saxons with a stake, he taketh Hengist, 82, a 10.
- Edmund bishop of Shirburne slaine, 144, a 10
- Edmund king Egelreds eldest son marieth the widow of Si|geferd ye Dane, 174, a 60. His valiant exploits, 174, b 20, 60
- Edmund fighteth in cõbat with Cnute, 177, b 40. Distressed by the Danes withdraweth into Glocestershire, 177, a 20. K. Egelerds eldest sonne sent into England, 173, a 40. Ioi|neth Northumberland vnto his owne estate, 157, a 20. K. of England by intreatie con|cludeth peace with Danes of Northumberland, 136, b 50 His lawes, 157, a 60. His death & the lamentable maner thereof, 157, a 60, b 10. Diuerse and discordant reports of his end, 178, b 40. His deth reuen|ged, 179, a 40, his sons bani|shed, 50, they are maried, 60
- Edmund why surnamed Iron|side, 175, b 60. Proclamed K. of England, 175, b 30. Offe|reth the combat vnto Cnute the Dane, 175, b 60. He & his English discomfit Cnute and his Danes in a pitcht field, 176, b 30. He sheweth himselfe to his soldiers, partlie belée|uing that he was slaine, 176, a 40. Traitorouslie slaine in Oxfordshire, 178, b 10
- Edmund king of Estangles in armes against the Danes, he is cruellie murthered of them 144, a 60
- Edmund the martyr gouerned the Eastangles, 133, b 50
- Edred K. of England his acts and déeds, 158, a 20. Impri|soneth archbishop Wolstan, 158, b 60. He dieth, 158, b 10
- Edrike a Dane ruler of the Est|angles, 149, b 60. Author of K. Edmunds death, 178, b 10. Commandeth faire Gunthil|dis to be put to death, 171, a 10 A close furtherer of Danes dooings, 169, b 30. Taketh part with the Danes against Edmund, 176, b 60, 177, a 10. Put to death after he had re|uealed his traitorous hart, 179, b 50
- Edrike de Streona his trai|tors practise against two Da|nish noble men, 174, a 40. He with a great power flieth to ye Danes, 174, b 20. Made duke or earle of Mercia, 169, a 50. His treason against ye Eng|lish, 176, a 40. His treason co|loured with sicknes, 168, b 50
- Edrike king of Kent slaine in warres, 126, a 10
- Edsinus archbishop of Cantur|burie, 186, b 40
- Edwine the sonne of king Ella banished out of Northumber|land, 104, b 30. He displaceth moonks and putteth secular préests in their roomes, 159, a 40. Preuaileth against the Westsaxons, 108, a 10. Useth the helpe of Petitus a sooth|saier, 112, b 50. In a doubt what religion to imbrace, 108, 109, His vision: note, 108, a 40 He with his people receiueth the christian faith, 109, b 40. King of Northumberland, his regiment inlarged, and his reputation, 107, a 60, b 10. A good commonwealth man, 110, a 60. His zeale in setting foorth religion, 110, a 10. His two wiues and his children, 109, b 60. King of England. his filthie lust, 159, a 10. He and his two sonnes slaine in battell, 110, b 60. He dieth with gréefe, 159, a 50
- Edwin king Adelstans brother accused of conspiracie, & how punished, 155, a 60
- Edward the elder king of En|gland, and consecrated, 150, b 30. Subdueth the kingdome of Eastangles, 152, a 10. Sei|zeth into his hands the c [...]s of London and Oxford, 151, a 40, Sendeth presents to the pope to appease his displea|sure, 153, a 60. Builder and reparer of townes, 152, b 50. Put the Danes still to the worst, 151, b 40. His thrée wiues, his issue by them, and his death, 153, a 10
- Edward the secõd king of En|gland after much contention, 162, b 10. Gouerned by good counsell, 163, a 20 Shameful|lie murthered by his mo|thers procurement, 163, a 30, surnamed Martyr, 163, b 30
- Edward the third king of Eng|land by generall cõsent, crow|ned, 186, a 60, b 40. Promiseth to make duke William heire, 191. a 10. Absteineth from the companie of his wife, 187, a 50. Dealeth strictlie with his mother Emma, 60. In person maketh out against Goodwin and his complices, 190, a 10. His lawes instituted, 191, b 10. Marieth earle Goodwins daughter, 187, a 40. Putteth awaie his wife Editha: note, 189, b 40. Departeth this life, his manners, and mind, 195, a 10. Canonised by the name of Edward Confessor, 195, a 60. His words vpõ his death bed, b 10. Described, b 30
- Edward the sonne of Edmund Ironside surnamed the ou [...]|law, his death, 192, b 10
- Egbert archbishop of Yorke: note, 130, a 60. He hath his pall from Rome, b 50. Depar|teth this life, 135, a 10
- Egbert king of Kent, 119, b 60. Dieth, and what is written of him, 122, a 20
- Egbert king of Northumber|land, 131, b 10. Expelled from his kingdome by his subiects 149, b 60. Receiued as king of the Westsaxons, 137, b 60, His notable exploits & conquests, 138, a 40, 139, a 10. His death, buriall, his issue, and how he diuided his kingdome among his sonnes, 139, a 50
- Egbert one of the bloud roiall banished, 135, b 40
- Egelred is sent for home & re|turneth, 173, a 40. K. of Eng|land & negligent in gouerne|ment, 164, b 50. Maketh him|selfe strong against Danes, 173, b 20. Marieth Emma a ladie of Normandie, 168, a 10. His deuise to murther all the Danes in one daie, 168, a 30. Diuerse foretokens of euils like to befall in his time, 165, a 20. Maried earle Egberts daughter, 165, a 60. Deter|mineth to giue place vnto Swaine, 172, b 10. Hath no remedie against the Danes outrages, 170, a 60. Passeth to Normandie, 172, b 20. Had no remedie against crueltie of Danes, 196, a 20. Discom|fited by them, 171, b 60. His o|ratiõ to his soldiers, 172, a 10 Recouered of his sicknesse, assembleth an armie against the Danes, 174, b 40. Com|poundeth with the Danes for peace, 166, b 50. Dieth and is buried, his qualities, and is|sue, 175, a 10
- Egelfrida one of the wiues of EEBO page image 727 Edgars. 162, a 10
- Egilbert K. of Estangles head chopt off by falshood, 132, a 10
- Egfrid king of Northumber|land, 121, a 60. He and Edil|red fight in aimes, 123, a 60. Banished bishop Wiltred, 122 b 60. His armie wast Ireland 125, a 10. Slaine by Brude|us king of Picts, 125, a 30
- Egfrid king of Mercia, his acts and déeds, 132, b 20
- Egriens. ¶ Sée Sigibert.
- Egwine bishop of Worcester, 128, a 60, 129, a 10
- Elanius king of Britaine how long he reigned, 20, a 20
- Elcu [...]us king of Westsaxons, his acts and déeds, 122, a 10
- Elcwold. ¶ Sée Akwold.
- Eldad bishop of Colchester, 84, b 40
- Eleutherius. ¶ Sée Elutherius
- El [...]er duke of Mercia & others immediatlie after Edgars death remoued the monks & restored the canons, 162, b 10. Departeth this life, 165, a 60. Eaten to death with lice, 163, b 30
- Elfleda gouernesse of Mercia by K. Edwards assignement, 152, a 30. K. Alureds daugh|ter hir continencie & chastitie, 148, a 60. Hir victories against the Danes & others, hir deth, buriall, and epitaph, 152, a 50
- Elfrida. ¶ Sée Egellrida.
- Elnothus archbishop of Can|turburie refuseth to conse|crate Harold, 182, b 30
- Elphegus bishop of Winche|ster, 165, b 50, 166, b 60
- Elphegus archbishop of Can|turburie murthered by the Danes, 170, b 10, 40
- Elie Ile whereof it tooke the name and by whome builded, 23, a 10. ¶ Sée S. Auderie.
- Elidurus king of Britaine la|boureth to haue his brother restored to the kingdome, 21, a 10. Taken prisoner of his owne brethren, 21, b 30. Deli|uered out of prison and crow|ned king, 21, b 60
- Ella the son of Histria first K. of D [...]ira. 95, b 10, 30. King of the Southsaxõs his exploits, 89, b 10. He & his thrée sons enter Britaine, 86, a 20, b 60. He and Osbright king of Nor|thumbers are slaine by the Danes, 143, a 20
- Ellas croft in yorkeshire why so named, 144, b 40
- Elsing. ¶ Sée Duke.
- Elstrida king Alureds daugh|ter maried to Baldwin earle of Flanders, 149, a 60
- Elutherius bishop of Rome his aduise to Lucius touching religion, 52, a 10
- Elutherius bishop of Westsax|ons, 129, b 10
- Embert a notable man & first husband to Ethelred, 125, a 60
- Emma daughter to Richard duke of Normãdie maried to K. Egeldred, 168, a 10. Sent for out of banishmẽt, 185, a 10. Accused of diuerse crimes purgeth hir selfe by the Or|dalian law, 187, a 60. The wi|dow of Egelred married to Cnute, 179, a 60. Sendeth hir sonnes into Normandie, 176, a 60. The praise of hir wise|dome, 179, b 30. Harolds coũ|terfeit letter tending to the destruction of hir & hir sons, 183, a 60, b 10 all, 184, a all. Banished after she had béene spoiled, 184, a 60
- Emma K, Edward the thirds mother dieth, 191, a 30
- Empire. ¶ Sée Rome.
- Emperor, a name that no Ro|mane should take vpon him oftener than once in anie vei|age, 35, a 30
- England somtimes calle [...] Hen|gistland, 98, a 30. Frée from troubles both on sea & land in Edward ye thirds daies, 191, a 60. Danes vtterlie expelled out by decrée, 187, a 20. The foure notable conquests ther|of set downe in an aduertise|ment, 202, a 10. Miserable state of it vnder the Danes, 168, a 60. Pestered by Danes as thicks as grassehoppers, 166, a 60. The more part of it conquered by Swaine, 172, b 10. Subiect to Swaine the Dane, 172, b 60. How manie shires therin ye Danes wasted 170, a 20. The cause that it was so afflicted by ye Danes in K. Egelreds time, 167, b 10 The maiestie and glorie of it fell with the deth of Edmund 178, b 50. Parted betwéene K. Edmund and Cnute, 178, a 10, 60. Freshlie inuaded by Swaine, 171, a 60. Cõtention about successiõ to the crowne therof, 162, a 60. First accur|sed by the pope: note, 153, a 50 Pestered with wolues & how rid of them, 160, a 20. Absolut|lie in Cnutes hands, 178, a 60 State of things much altered therein by the deth of Cnute, 184, b 60. State of it in king Edgars daies, 162, a 20, Foure especiall destructions thereof, 140, a 60. When the Danes rule & persecutiõ cea|sed in it, 185, b 60. The name of this Ile when changed & made a monarchie, 139, a 10. ¶ Sée Albion and Britaine.
- Englishmen of whom they lear|ned their excessiue féeding, 185, b 50. Behaue themselues like beasts, 199, b 50. Their valiantnesse and skilfulnesse in fight against the Normãs, 200, a 10. Order imbattelled against duke William & his Normans, 199, b 40. Preuaile against the Danes, 145, b 10. Why they went into France and became monks, 114, b 60. A [...]ct themselues with ciuill wars, 137, a 20. Practised in wars are commonlie victors, 150, b 60. Obteine grants be|neficiall at the instance of K. Cnute, 181, b 10. Their good seruice vnder Cnute against the Uandals, 180, b 30. Flie to the Danes & take part a|gainst their owne king, 171, b 60, 172, a 10. In a perplexitie, 172, a 60. Hardlie handled by Swaine, 172, b 60. Receiue the faith in Ethelberts time, 100, b 40. Lerne vices of strã|gers, 159, b 60. Learned to quaffe of the Danes, 159, b 60 Discõfited by duke Williams Normans, 200, a 40. Happie when Theodore was archbi|shop of Canturburie, 120, b 20 Discomfited by the Danes, 139, a 30, ¶ Sée Britains, Britons, and Welshmen.
- Englishsaxõs. ¶ Sée Saxons.
- Ensigne bearer of the Romans his valiantnesse, 25, a 40
- Enuie an enimie to honor, 51, a 30. To vertue & honor, 53, b 30
- Enuie at anothers welfare, 110, b 50. At an others aduance|ment, 90, a 60
- Enuie of kinsmen conceiued a|gainst their vncle breaketh in|to murther, 117, a 60, b 10
- Enuie of Cleander against Per hennius: note, 53, b 60. Of Penda against Oswald for his good procéedings, 115, a 10
- Enwulfe earle of Summerset a conspirator, 141, a 60
- Eopa a Saxon, but disguised Britaine, poisoneth Aure|lius, 85, a 20
- Erchenwin first king of East|saxons, 90, a 30
- Ercombert the first of the Eng|lish kings that destroied all idols in his kingdom, 114, b 40
- Erkenwald bishop of Eastsax|ons, 122, a 50
- Ericke a Dane king of Estan|gles, put to flight, he is mur|thered of his subiects, 151, b 60
- Erle Algare of Oxford, 191, b 30. Androgeus of London: note, 30, b 30. Baldwine. ¶ Sée Baldwine. Brightnod of Essex giueth battell to the Danes, sla [...]ne, 166, a 60. Broc|male of Chester, 104, a 20. Co|ell of Colchester, 62, a 40. Fa|ther to the good empresse He|len, 66, a 10. Edelwulfe of Barkeshire his valiantnesse, 143, b 40. Edol of Glocester or Chester. ¶ Sée Edoll. Enulfe of Summerset, 141, a 60. Of Essex namelesse, 162, b 10. Go|da of Deuonshire slaine, 166, a 50. Goodwin of Kent, 182, b 10. ¶ Sée Goodwin. Leofrike of Chester, 180, a 40, 188, b 60. Nonneus, 74, a 10. Oddo hath Deuonshire & Summerset|shire giuẽ him, 189, b 30. Rafe of Hereford, 188, b 60. Si|ward of Northumberland, 188, b 60. His exploits against the Scots, 192, a 30, 60
- Ermenredus his two sonnes cruellie slaine, 122, a 30
- Erming stréet. ¶ Sée High|waies.
- Erocus king of the Almans a friend to Constantine, 64, a 10
- Escuinus, ¶ Sée Elcuinus.
- Esseda, 17, a 60. ¶ Sée Chariots.
- Essex arriued in by the Danes, 147, b 60. The kingdome ther|of taketh end, 139, b 40
- Essexmen yéelded themselues to Adelwold, 150, b 60
- Estangles where planted in Britain, 82, a 20. Their king|dome brought into decaie and subiect to diuerse, 133, b 40. It ceaseth, 144, b 10. Conquered by Offa, 133, b 30. Subiect vnto the Danes, 149, b 60. Kingdome & when it began, first called U [...]ines, 87, a 30. They haue Gurthrun a Dane their king, 144, b 20, 146 b 50. Their kingdome subdu|ed by king Edward, 152, a 10 Their vaine hope made them venterous to their cost, 116, a 50. Wholie conuerted to the faith, 110, a 30
- Estsaxons when their kingdom began, 90, a 10. Will not re|ceiue Melitus to his sée at London, 107, a 10. Receiue ye faith which they had renoun|ced, 117, a 10. Gouerned by a Dane, 144, b 20. Notablie cõ|firmed in the faith, 121, a 10. Kingdome ceased, 133, b 60
- Ester feast to be vniformelie kept, 110, b 30. Obseruing wherof ye Scots will obserue their owne custome, 119, a 50. About the obseruing whereof there was contention in Au|gustines time: note, 102, b 40, 103, a 20. About the obserua|tion wherof the Scots varie, 114, a 10
- Ethelard king of Westsaxons taketh flight out of his land, his death, 129, b 10
- Ethelbald K. of Mercia of what puissance he was [...] 130, a 30. His vertues and vices: note, 128, b 20. His acts, and death in battell, 128, b 10. ¶ Sée E|thelbright.
- Ethelbert king of Estangles highlie commended, 133, a 40. Builded saint Andrewis in Rochester, 102, b 10, 103, a 50
- Ethelbert king of Kent, 97, a 20. He imbraceth the gospell, 99, a 60, 100, all. Subdueth all the Englishsaxons, 99, a 50. Taken prisoner and released in Winchcomb church, 136, a 50. His lawes, death, and bu|riall, 106, a 40
- Ethelbert K. of Northumbers his cruelties, his ill life, & ill death, 136, b 30. ¶ Sée Alrike, and Ethelbrit.
- Ethelbright & Ethelbald diuide their fathers kingdome be|twéene them, 144, a 60
- Ethelbrit, 125, b 60. ¶ Sée Lo|ther.
- Ethelburga sister to K. Eadbald maried to K. Edwin, 107, b 30. Wife to king Inas hir de|uise to persuade hir husband to forsake the world, 127, b 6o, 128, a 10. Deliuered of a child, 107, b 60. Desired in a letter from the pope to continue in the faith, 108, a 40. Returneth into Kent, 111, a 50. An ill woman & proud as the diuell, hir end: note, 136, a 10. A nun. ¶ Sée Erkenwald.
- Etheldrida. ¶ Sée Ethelreda.
- Ethelgina K. Egelreds wife, 165, a 60. She dieth, 168, a 10
- Ethelred king of Estangles, 131, b 10
- Ethelred king of Mercia becõ|meth a monke, 128, a 40
- Ethelred K. of Westsaxons he fought with the Danes nine times in one yeare, 142, b 10. His death, 144, a 60. ¶ Sée Edilred.
- Ethelreda king Egfrides wife a virgine: note, 125, a 50
- Ethelswida king Burthreds wife died in Pauia, 149, b 30. ¶ Sée Elstrida.
- Ethelwold bishop of Winche|ster, 160, a 10. Put in trust to sue for king Edgar to spéed him of a wife, deceiueth the king. 160, a 60, b 10
- Ethelwulfe K. of Westsaxons, a subdeacon, &c: note, 140, a 30 Marieth his butlers daugh|ter, 140, a 40. Marieth the French kings daughter, 141, b 40. His genelogie as the old Saxõs draw it, 141, b 40. His victories against the Danes, 140, b 20 His last will, how he diuideth his kingdome and dieth, 141, b 20, 30
- Euclie or Eweline alied to An|drogeus, 30, b 30
- Eumerus a murtherer sent to kill Edwin & why, 107, b 40
- Europe by whom first peopled, 1, b 30
- Excester besieged by Danes, 147, b 40. Taken by them and spoiled, 168, b 40. Fortifi|ed by Brian, and besieged by king Edwin, 112, b 50. EEBO page image 728 Besieged of Uespasian, 36, b 40. Repared by Adelstane, 156, a 30
- Excommunication for vnlaw|full marriage, 117, b 10. Of Uortigerne by bishop Ger|mane, 84, a 20