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  • EAdbald king of Kent, ince|stuous, irreligious, & ta|ken mad, 106, a 40. Baptised, becommeth a christian, and buildeth a church, 107, a 10
  • Eadbert K. of Northumberland becommeth a moonke, 132, b 60
  • Ealdbright K. of Southsaxons slaine in battell, 127, b 20
  • Eadhidus bishop of Lindseie, 122, b 60
  • Eadulfus bishop of Lichfield adorned with the pall, 132, a 20
  • Eardulfe a duke taken & woun|ded, 136, b 30
  • Earle. ¶ Sée Erle.
  • Eartongatha a kings daughter a professed nun, 114, b 50
  • Easter. ¶ Sée Ester.
  • Eata bishop of Hexam, 125, b 50
  • Eaubald archbishop of Cantur|burie, 137, b 40
  • Eaufled king Edwins daugh|ter borne, 107, b 60
  • Eaufride and Osrike kings of Northumberland slaine: note 111, a 60, b 10
  • Ebranke first inuaded France after Brute, 12, a 10. Fift ru|ler of Britaine, 11, b 60. He had 21 wiues, 20 sonnes, 30 daughters, to be maried with Troian bloud, 11, b 60, 12, a 10
  • Ebusa. ¶ Sée Occa.
  • Eclipse of the sunne, 119, b 10. note, 130, a 60. That in the yeare when it appéered died king Ercombert & the arch|bishop Deusdedit, 119, b 60
  • Edan K. of Scots warreth a|gainst Edelferd of Northum|berland, 103, b 50
  • Edbert. ¶ Sée Ethelbert.
  • Edelferd K. of Northumberlãd his exploits & victories, 103, b 50, 104, a 10. He entereth Che|ster, 104, b 10. Associated of the Saxon princes méeteth Cadwan in the field, 106, a 10 Wounded in fight and put to flight, 104, b 20, 60
  • Edelhere slaine by Oswie, 116, b 30
  • Edelwulfe earle of Barkeshire fought at Englefied with the Danes, 143, b 40
  • Edelwulfe king of Kent chased out of his countrie, 138, b 10
  • Edenburg castell by whome builded, 12, a 20
  • Ederus king of Scots, alias Cridiorus, 27, a 30, 60
  • Edgar K of England his dispo|sition, & diligent prouision for defense of his realme, 159, a 60 b 10. Murthereth Ethelwold & marieth his wife, 160, b 30. His wiues & children, and in what state the land was in his time, 162, a 20. Rowed on ye water eight kings driuing his barge, 159, b 40. He pre|ferred moonks to bishopriks, 160, a 10. Put to seuen yeares penance for deflouring Wil|frid, 161, a 20. In loue with duke of Cornewals daughter sendeth to hir about mariage, & is preuented by the messen|ger, 160, a 60, b 10 Described, 161, b 50. Subdueth the Welshmen, his spoiles, his vi|sion and death, 161 a 60
  • Edgar Edeling why the péeres of England would not make him king, 196, a 60
  • Edgitha. ¶ Sée Editha.
  • Edgiua the wife or (as some saie) the concubine of king Edward hir dreame, 153, a 10 Mother of K. Edred, 158, b 10
  • Edhirike. ¶ Sée Edrike.
  • Edilbald king of Mercia figh|teth against Cuthrid, 131, a 10 30. Put to flight, 131, a 30
  • Edilred king of Mercia inua|deth Kent, 122, b 40. ¶ Sée Ethelred.
  • Edilwald king of Northumber|land, his acts & déeds, 132, b 60
  • Edilwalke king of Southsax|ons licenceth Wilfrid to prech to his people, 123, a 10. Expel|led out of his kingdome by his subiects & slaine, 124, b 40
  • Ediswald king of Deira dispo|sed to deuotion, 117, b 60
  • Editha the daughter of earle Goodwin maried to Edward the third, 187, a 40. Put awaie by hir husband king Edward the third: note, 189, b 40. A wife & yet a virgin, 154, b 20. Base daughter of Edgar made a nun, 160, b 60. Abbesse of Wil|ton, 161, b 10
  • Edoll earle of Glocester or Che|ster his valiantnesse against the Saxons with a stake, he taketh Hengist, 82, a 10.
  • Edmund bishop of Shirburne slaine, 144, a 10
  • Edmund king Egelreds eldest son marieth the widow of Si|geferd ye Dane, 174, a 60. His valiant exploits, 174, b 20, 60
  • Edmund fighteth in cõbat with Cnute, 177, b 40. Distressed by the Danes withdraweth into Glocestershire, 177, a 20. K. Egelerds eldest sonne sent into England, 173, a 40. Ioi|neth Northumberland vnto his owne estate, 157, a 20. K. of England by intreatie con|cludeth peace with Danes of Northumberland, 136, b 50 His lawes, 157, a 60. His death & the lamentable maner thereof, 157, a 60, b 10. Diuerse and discordant reports of his end, 178, b 40. His deth reuen|ged, 179, a 40, his sons bani|shed, 50, they are maried, 60
  • Edmund why surnamed Iron|side, 175, b 60. Proclamed K. of England, 175, b 30. Offe|reth the combat vnto Cnute the Dane, 175, b 60. He & his English discomfit Cnute and his Danes in a pitcht field, 176, b 30. He sheweth himselfe to his soldiers, partlie belée|uing that he was slaine, 176, a 40. Traitorouslie slaine in Oxfordshire, 178, b 10
  • Edmund king of Estangles in armes against the Danes, he is cruellie murthered of them 144, a 60
  • Edmund the martyr gouerned the Eastangles, 133, b 50
  • Edred K. of England his acts and déeds, 158, a 20. Impri|soneth archbishop Wolstan, 158, b 60. He dieth, 158, b 10
  • Edrike a Dane ruler of the Est|angles, 149, b 60. Author of K. Edmunds death, 178, b 10. Commandeth faire Gunthil|dis to be put to death, 171, a 10 A close furtherer of Danes dooings, 169, b 30. Taketh part with the Danes against Edmund, 176, b 60, 177, a 10. Put to death after he had re|uealed his traitorous hart, 179, b 50
  • Edrike de Streona his trai|tors practise against two Da|nish noble men, 174, a 40. He with a great power flieth to ye Danes, 174, b 20. Made duke or earle of Mercia, 169, a 50. His treason against ye Eng|lish, 176, a 40. His treason co|loured with sicknes, 168, b 50
  • Edrike king of Kent slaine in warres, 126, a 10
  • Edsinus archbishop of Cantur|burie, 186, b 40
  • Edwine the sonne of king Ella banished out of Northumber|land, 104, b 30. He displaceth moonks and putteth secular préests in their roomes, 159, a 40. Preuaileth against the Westsaxons, 108, a 10. Useth the helpe of Petitus a sooth|saier, 112, b 50. In a doubt what religion to imbrace, 108, 109, His vision: note, 108, a 40 He with his people receiueth the christian faith, 109, b 40. King of Northumberland, his regiment inlarged, and his reputation, 107, a 60, b 10. A good commonwealth man, 110, a 60. His zeale in setting foorth religion, 110, a 10. His two wiues and his children, 109, b 60. King of England. his filthie lust, 159, a 10. He and his two sonnes slaine in battell, 110, b 60. He dieth with gréefe, 159, a 50
  • Edwin king Adelstans brother accused of conspiracie, & how punished, 155, a 60
  • Edward the elder king of En|gland, and consecrated, 150, b 30. Subdueth the kingdome of Eastangles, 152, a 10. Sei|zeth into his hands the c [...]s of London and Oxford, 151, a 40, Sendeth presents to the pope to appease his displea|sure, 153, a 60. Builder and reparer of townes, 152, b 50. Put the Danes still to the worst, 151, b 40. His thrée wiues, his issue by them, and his death, 153, a 10
  • Edward the secõd king of En|gland after much contention, 162, b 10. Gouerned by good counsell, 163, a 20 Shameful|lie murthered by his mo|thers procurement, 163, a 30, surnamed Martyr, 163, b 30
  • Edward the third king of Eng|land by generall cõsent, crow|ned, 186, a 60, b 40. Promiseth to make duke William heire, 191. a 10. Absteineth from the companie of his wife, 187, a 50. Dealeth strictlie with his mother Emma, 60. In person maketh out against Goodwin and his complices, 190, a 10. His lawes instituted, 191, b 10. Marieth earle Goodwins daughter, 187, a 40. Putteth awaie his wife Editha: note, 189, b 40. Departeth this life, his manners, and mind, 195, a 10. Canonised by the name of Edward Confessor, 195, a 60. His words vpõ his death bed, b 10. Described, b 30
  • Edward the sonne of Edmund Ironside surnamed the ou [...]|law, his death, 192, b 10
  • Egbert archbishop of Yorke: note, 130, a 60. He hath his pall from Rome, b 50. Depar|teth this life, 135, a 10
  • Egbert king of Kent, 119, b 60. Dieth, and what is written of him, 122, a 20
  • Egbert king of Northumber|land, 131, b 10. Expelled from his kingdome by his subiects 149, b 60. Receiued as king of the Westsaxons, 137, b 60, His notable exploits & conquests, 138, a 40, 139, a 10. His death, buriall, his issue, and how he diuided his kingdome among his sonnes, 139, a 50
  • Egbert one of the bloud roiall banished, 135, b 40
  • Egelred is sent for home & re|turneth, 173, a 40. K. of Eng|land & negligent in gouerne|ment, 164, b 50. Maketh him|selfe strong against Danes, 173, b 20. Marieth Emma a ladie of Normandie, 168, a 10. His deuise to murther all the Danes in one daie, 168, a 30. Diuerse foretokens of euils like to befall in his time, 165, a 20. Maried earle Egberts daughter, 165, a 60. Deter|mineth to giue place vnto Swaine, 172, b 10. Hath no remedie against the Danes outrages, 170, a 60. Passeth to Normandie, 172, b 20. Had no remedie against crueltie of Danes, 196, a 20. Discom|fited by them, 171, b 60. His o|ratiõ to his soldiers, 172, a 10 Recouered of his sicknesse, assembleth an armie against the Danes, 174, b 40. Com|poundeth with the Danes for peace, 166, b 50. Dieth and is buried, his qualities, and is|sue, 175, a 10
  • Egelfrida one of the wiues of EEBO page image 727 Edgars. 162, a 10
  • Egilbert K. of Estangles head chopt off by falshood, 132, a 10
  • Egfrid king of Northumber|land, 121, a 60. He and Edil|red fight in aimes, 123, a 60. Banished bishop Wiltred, 122 b 60. His armie wast Ireland 125, a 10. Slaine by Brude|us king of Picts, 125, a 30
  • Egfrid king of Mercia, his acts and déeds, 132, b 20
  • Egriens. ¶ Sée Sigibert.
  • Egwine bishop of Worcester, 128, a 60, 129, a 10
  • Elanius king of Britaine how long he reigned, 20, a 20
  • Elcu [...]us king of Westsaxons, his acts and déeds, 122, a 10
  • Elcwold. ¶ Sée Akwold.
  • Eldad bishop of Colchester, 84, b 40
  • Eleutherius. ¶ Sée Elutherius
  • El [...]er duke of Mercia & others immediatlie after Edgars death remoued the monks & restored the canons, 162, b 10. Departeth this life, 165, a 60. Eaten to death with lice, 163, b 30
  • Elfleda gouernesse of Mercia by K. Edwards assignement, 152, a 30. K. Alureds daugh|ter hir continencie & chastitie, 148, a 60. Hir victories against the Danes & others, hir deth, buriall, and epitaph, 152, a 50
  • Elfrida. ¶ Sée Egellrida.
  • Elnothus archbishop of Can|turburie refuseth to conse|crate Harold, 182, b 30
  • Elphegus bishop of Winche|ster, 165, b 50, 166, b 60
  • Elphegus archbishop of Can|turburie murthered by the Danes, 170, b 10, 40
  • Elie Ile whereof it tooke the name and by whome builded, 23, a 10. ¶ Sée S. Auderie.
  • Elidurus king of Britaine la|boureth to haue his brother restored to the kingdome, 21, a 10. Taken prisoner of his owne brethren, 21, b 30. Deli|uered out of prison and crow|ned king, 21, b 60
  • Ella the son of Histria first K. of D [...]ira. 95, b 10, 30. King of the Southsaxõs his exploits, 89, b 10. He & his thrée sons enter Britaine, 86, a 20, b 60. He and Osbright king of Nor|thumbers are slaine by the Danes, 143, a 20
  • Ellas croft in yorkeshire why so named, 144, b 40
  • Elsing. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Elstrida king Alureds daugh|ter maried to Baldwin earle of Flanders, 149, a 60
  • Elutherius bishop of Rome his aduise to Lucius touching religion, 52, a 10
  • Elutherius bishop of Westsax|ons, 129, b 10
  • Embert a notable man & first husband to Ethelred, 125, a 60
  • Emma daughter to Richard duke of Normãdie maried to K. Egeldred, 168, a 10. Sent for out of banishmẽt, 185, a 10. Accused of diuerse crimes purgeth hir selfe by the Or|dalian law, 187, a 60. The wi|dow of Egelred married to Cnute, 179, a 60. Sendeth hir sonnes into Normandie, 176, a 60. The praise of hir wise|dome, 179, b 30. Harolds coũ|terfeit letter tending to the destruction of hir & hir sons, 183, a 60, b 10 all, 184, a all. Banished after she had béene spoiled, 184, a 60
  • Emma K, Edward the thirds mother dieth, 191, a 30
  • Empire. ¶ Sée Rome.
  • Emperor, a name that no Ro|mane should take vpon him oftener than once in anie vei|age, 35, a 30
  • England somtimes calle [...] Hen|gistland, 98, a 30. Frée from troubles both on sea & land in Edward ye thirds daies, 191, a 60. Danes vtterlie expelled out by decrée, 187, a 20. The foure notable conquests ther|of set downe in an aduertise|ment, 202, a 10. Miserable state of it vnder the Danes, 168, a 60. Pestered by Danes as thicks as grassehoppers, 166, a 60. The more part of it conquered by Swaine, 172, b 10. Subiect to Swaine the Dane, 172, b 60. How manie shires therin ye Danes wasted 170, a 20. The cause that it was so afflicted by ye Danes in K. Egelreds time, 167, b 10 The maiestie and glorie of it fell with the deth of Edmund 178, b 50. Parted betwéene K. Edmund and Cnute, 178, a 10, 60. Freshlie inuaded by Swaine, 171, a 60. Cõtention about successiõ to the crowne therof, 162, a 60. First accur|sed by the pope: note, 153, a 50 Pestered with wolues & how rid of them, 160, a 20. Absolut|lie in Cnutes hands, 178, a 60 State of things much altered therein by the deth of Cnute, 184, b 60. State of it in king Edgars daies, 162, a 20, Foure especiall destructions thereof, 140, a 60. When the Danes rule & persecutiõ cea|sed in it, 185, b 60. The name of this Ile when changed & made a monarchie, 139, a 10. ¶ Sée Albion and Britaine.
  • Englishmen of whom they lear|ned their excessiue féeding, 185, b 50. Behaue themselues like beasts, 199, b 50. Their valiantnesse and skilfulnesse in fight against the Normãs, 200, a 10. Order imbattelled against duke William & his Normans, 199, b 40. Preuaile against the Danes, 145, b 10. Why they went into France and became monks, 114, b 60. A [...]ct themselues with ciuill wars, 137, a 20. Practised in wars are commonlie victors, 150, b 60. Obteine grants be|neficiall at the instance of K. Cnute, 181, b 10. Their good seruice vnder Cnute against the Uandals, 180, b 30. Flie to the Danes & take part a|gainst their owne king, 171, b 60, 172, a 10. In a perplexitie, 172, a 60. Hardlie handled by Swaine, 172, b 60. Receiue the faith in Ethelberts time, 100, b 40. Lerne vices of strã|gers, 159, b 60. Learned to quaffe of the Danes, 159, b 60 Discõfited by duke Williams Normans, 200, a 40. Happie when Theodore was archbi|shop of Canturburie, 120, b 20 Discomfited by the Danes, 139, a 30, ¶ Sée Britains, Britons, and Welshmen.
  • Englishsaxõs. ¶ Sée Saxons.
  • Ensigne bearer of the Romans his valiantnesse, 25, a 40
  • Enuie an enimie to honor, 51, a 30. To vertue & honor, 53, b 30
  • Enuie at anothers welfare, 110, b 50. At an others aduance|ment, 90, a 60
  • Enuie of kinsmen conceiued a|gainst their vncle breaketh in|to murther, 117, a 60, b 10
  • Enuie of Cleander against Per hennius: note, 53, b 60. Of Penda against Oswald for his good procéedings, 115, a 10
  • Enwulfe earle of Summerset a conspirator, 141, a 60
  • Eopa a Saxon, but disguised Britaine, poisoneth Aure|lius, 85, a 20
  • Erchenwin first king of East|saxons, 90, a 30
  • Ercombert the first of the Eng|lish kings that destroied all idols in his kingdom, 114, b 40
  • Erkenwald bishop of Eastsax|ons, 122, a 50
  • Ericke a Dane king of Estan|gles, put to flight, he is mur|thered of his subiects, 151, b 60
  • Erle Algare of Oxford, 191, b 30. Androgeus of London: note, 30, b 30. Baldwine. ¶ Sée Baldwine. Brightnod of Essex giueth battell to the Danes, sla [...]ne, 166, a 60. Broc|male of Chester, 104, a 20. Co|ell of Colchester, 62, a 40. Fa|ther to the good empresse He|len, 66, a 10. Edelwulfe of Barkeshire his valiantnesse, 143, b 40. Edol of Glocester or Chester. ¶ Sée Edoll. Enulfe of Summerset, 141, a 60. Of Essex namelesse, 162, b 10. Go|da of Deuonshire slaine, 166, a 50. Goodwin of Kent, 182, b 10. ¶ Sée Goodwin. Leofrike of Chester, 180, a 40, 188, b 60. Nonneus, 74, a 10. Oddo hath Deuonshire & Summerset|shire giuẽ him, 189, b 30. Rafe of Hereford, 188, b 60. Si|ward of Northumberland, 188, b 60. His exploits against the Scots, 192, a 30, 60
  • Ermenredus his two sonnes cruellie slaine, 122, a 30
  • Erming stréet. ¶ Sée High|waies.
  • Erocus king of the Almans a friend to Constantine, 64, a 10
  • Escuinus, ¶ Sée Elcuinus.
  • Esseda, 17, a 60. ¶ Sée Chariots.
  • Essex arriued in by the Danes, 147, b 60. The kingdome ther|of taketh end, 139, b 40
  • Essexmen yéelded themselues to Adelwold, 150, b 60
  • Estangles where planted in Britain, 82, a 20. Their king|dome brought into decaie and subiect to diuerse, 133, b 40. It ceaseth, 144, b 10. Conquered by Offa, 133, b 30. Subiect vnto the Danes, 149, b 60. Kingdome & when it began, first called U [...]ines, 87, a 30. They haue Gurthrun a Dane their king, 144, b 20, 146 b 50. Their kingdome subdu|ed by king Edward, 152, a 10 Their vaine hope made them venterous to their cost, 116, a 50. Wholie conuerted to the faith, 110, a 30
  • Estsaxons when their kingdom began, 90, a 10. Will not re|ceiue Melitus to his sée at London, 107, a 10. Receiue ye faith which they had renoun|ced, 117, a 10. Gouerned by a Dane, 144, b 20. Notablie cõ|firmed in the faith, 121, a 10. Kingdome ceased, 133, b 60
  • Ester feast to be vniformelie kept, 110, b 30. Obseruing wherof ye Scots will obserue their owne custome, 119, a 50. About the obseruing whereof there was contention in Au|gustines time: note, 102, b 40, 103, a 20. About the obserua|tion wherof the Scots varie, 114, a 10
  • Ethelard king of Westsaxons taketh flight out of his land, his death, 129, b 10
  • Ethelbald K. of Mercia of what puissance he was [...] 130, a 30. His vertues and vices: note, 128, b 20. His acts, and death in battell, 128, b 10. ¶ Sée E|thelbright.
  • Ethelbert king of Estangles highlie commended, 133, a 40. Builded saint Andrewis in Rochester, 102, b 10, 103, a 50
  • Ethelbert king of Kent, 97, a 20. He imbraceth the gospell, 99, a 60, 100, all. Subdueth all the Englishsaxons, 99, a 50. Taken prisoner and released in Winchcomb church, 136, a 50. His lawes, death, and bu|riall, 106, a 40
  • Ethelbert K. of Northumbers his cruelties, his ill life, & ill death, 136, b 30. ¶ Sée Alrike, and Ethelbrit.
  • Ethelbright & Ethelbald diuide their fathers kingdome be|twéene them, 144, a 60
  • Ethelbrit, 125, b 60. ¶ Sée Lo|ther.
  • Ethelburga sister to K. Eadbald maried to K. Edwin, 107, b 30. Wife to king Inas hir de|uise to persuade hir husband to forsake the world, 127, b 6o, 128, a 10. Deliuered of a child, 107, b 60. Desired in a letter from the pope to continue in the faith, 108, a 40. Returneth into Kent, 111, a 50. An ill woman & proud as the diuell, hir end: note, 136, a 10. A nun. ¶ Sée Erkenwald.
  • Etheldrida. ¶ Sée Ethelreda.
  • Ethelgina K. Egelreds wife, 165, a 60. She dieth, 168, a 10
  • Ethelred king of Estangles, 131, b 10
  • Ethelred king of Mercia becõ|meth a monke, 128, a 40
  • Ethelred K. of Westsaxons he fought with the Danes nine times in one yeare, 142, b 10. His death, 144, a 60. ¶ Sée Edilred.
  • Ethelreda king Egfrides wife a virgine: note, 125, a 50
  • Ethelswida king Burthreds wife died in Pauia, 149, b 30. ¶ Sée Elstrida.
  • Ethelwold bishop of Winche|ster, 160, a 10. Put in trust to sue for king Edgar to spéed him of a wife, deceiueth the king. 160, a 60, b 10
  • Ethelwulfe K. of Westsaxons, a subdeacon, &c: note, 140, a 30 Marieth his butlers daugh|ter, 140, a 40. Marieth the French kings daughter, 141, b 40. His genelogie as the old Saxõs draw it, 141, b 40. His victories against the Danes, 140, b 20 His last will, how he diuideth his kingdome and dieth, 141, b 20, 30
  • Euclie or Eweline alied to An|drogeus, 30, b 30
  • Eumerus a murtherer sent to kill Edwin & why, 107, b 40
  • Europe by whom first peopled, 1, b 30
  • Excester besieged by Danes, 147, b 40. Taken by them and spoiled, 168, b 40. Fortifi|ed by Brian, and besieged by king Edwin, 112, b 50. EEBO page image 728 Besieged of Uespasian, 36, b 40. Repared by Adelstane, 156, a 30
  • Excommunication for vnlaw|full marriage, 117, b 10. Of Uortigerne by bishop Ger|mane, 84, a 20

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