Wherevpon the said Henrie Killigrew made a quiet end and pacification of all matters & debates betwéene all the lords of Scotland after this maner. In Februarie following the new creation of this regent Morton, there assembled at Perth, or saint Iohns towne (by especiall edict therefore) the grea|test An assemblie at saint Iohns towne. part of the nobilitie of Scotland, as the regent, the earles of Huntleie, Argile, Atholl, and others: who pitieng the miserie of their countrie, condescen|ded that the quéene of England should by hir ambas|sador, set a quiet end and order amongest them. Which the said Henrie Killigrew did in all points accordinglie, extending the same vnto all the nobili|tie of Scotland, except such as were in the castell of Edenborough: which were the lord Hume, the lord of Grange, secretarie Lidington, the lord Rastal|rege, and others: who rather desirous of warre than peace, as persons méetelie well inured therewithall, would not consent to anie peace, other than such as might stand with their owne liking, and support of the imprisoned quéenes faction, which they earnest|lie followed, as after shall more appeare.
But before this finall agreement, as I haue 1573 A parlement at Edenbo|rough. beene crediblie informed, there was a parlement cal|led at Edenborough to begin the fifteenth of Ianua|rie, in which were assembled the earle Morton re|gent, the earles of Angus, Argile, Glencarne, Cas|sels, EEBO page image 411 Eglinton, Mountrosse, and yoong Marshall, for the earle Marshall his father: the lords of Ruth|wen, Lindseie, Glames, Simple, Boid, Maxwell, Herris, Graie, Olliphant, Sincleir, Forbois, Ca|chart, Ochiltrée, Somerwell, and others: with the commissioners of the borows of Edenborough, Striueling, Perth, Dundie, saint Andrews, Glascow, Lithgo, and Couper. Out of which num|ber of this assemblie were chosen for to be lords and iudges, to determine the articles propounded in that parlement, the earles of Argile, Glencarne, and Mountrosse, the lords Ruthwen, Lindseie, Boid, Simple, and Herris, with the bishops of saint An|drews & Orkeneie, the abbats of Aberborth, Dun|firmiling, Canbuskineth, and Newbottle, besides the prior of saint Marie ile and Portiniake, which were also adioined vnto them: all which persons so passed, named, and appointed, determined, ratified, & passed these articles following.
3.1. The articles and acts of the parle|ment holden at Edenborough the 25 of Ianuarie.
The articles and acts of the parle|ment holden at Edenborough the 25 of Ianuarie.
1 _THe approbation and ratification of the regiment.
2 Annenst the true and holie kirke, and deiering of the true ministers & members thereof.
3 That nane of the aduersaries and enimies of Gods truth shall inioie the patrimonie of the kirke.
4 That sike of the disobedients as shall be recei|ued to mercie and pardon, protest the true religion, and sweare to resist the decrées and execution of the councell of Trent.
5 The establishing of the regiment, in case that charge zet vaile during the kings minoritie.
6 Annenst recouering of the iewels, housholdstuffe, munition, and moueables, such as sometime were the quhenes the kings mother, to his highnesse vse and behoofe.
7 A declaration, that all things doone in the kings name and authoritie is lawfull, and of the inualidi| [...]ie of all things attemptid in anie name, and vnder color of quhatsoeuer other authoritie, since his high|nesse coronation.
8 Touching motion to be made for a league with the quhens maiestie of England, for the defense of forren inuasion, for the cause of religion; and that others professing the true religion, may be drawne into the same.
9 The declaration and interpretation of the act annenst masse and gleibis.
10 Annenst the interpretation of the popes and o|ther counterfet buls or prouision to benefices with antedats.
11 Approbation with some addition to the act of priuie councell, made in the reigne of the quhene the kings mother, annenst the disposition of bene|fices to ministers of the kirke.
12 Annenst execution against persons excom|municat.
13 Annenst the reparation of parish kirks.
14 Annenst procéeding in cause of diuorse.
15 Annenst the reparation of the destructions, biggings, and other damneges within the towne of Edenborough during the late trouble.
16 A confirmation of the infe [...]ement of certeine rents to the pedagog or college of Glascow. All which acts thus fullie passed in this parlement, there was the same aduise giuen to the regent, touching the re|ceiuing to pardon of persons guiltie to the slaughter of the earle of Lennox late regent, & touching suspen|sion and delaieng of pursute of the murther of the kings father. Whereof much being spoken, and thought good to be followed; yet there was nothing enacted that might establish the same.
During the time of which session of this parle|ment, manie occurrents deseruing remembrance happened after the said fiftéenth of Ianuarie. For Skirmishes about Eden|borough. Edenborough castell being somewhat distressed, the castilians were put from sallieng out of the castell gate, where capteine Craiford, and capteine Hume laie with their bands to keepe them in. Notwith|standing all which, they within repaired vnto a po|sterne in the northside of the castell besides saint Cutberts church, and saint Margarets well, where they issued and fet water at their pleasure: which be|ing espied by their enimies, capteine Michaell and his band came from Dondiske to stop their passage thereto. Who within thrée daies after such his ap|proch, destroied their well, and inforced them to kéepe within the wals of the castell: at what time the re|gent aduanced his trenches made against the ca|stell, from the bulworke or spurre of that castell to the west part: and from thense, to saint Cutberts kirke: so that with the water lieng on the south|westside, and the regents power on the other side, the castell was wholie inuironed. During which siege, the sixteenth of the same moneth, the castilians, to feare such as were assembled in the forenamed parlement kept within the towne of Edenborough, bestowed fourescore and seuen great shot vpon the towne, which harmed not anie one creature, but a poore dog that was slaine before the doore of the regents house: although men, women, and children did dailie frequent and passe the stréets of the towne. Which was a rare matter, but yet not more strange than this: that there was not slaine on the regents part (from the first of the moneth of Ianuarie vntill this time, either by great or small shot in the towne or trenches, skirmishes or other|wise) aboue six persons, and within the castell but three, with as manie hurt betweene the tolbooth and the spurre of the castell, The cause whereof grew by reason of thrée trauerses made ouerthwart the streets to saue the people, besides the other trenches made against the castell: at what time also the tol|booth and the church was fensed with a rampier for|ced of turffes, fagots, and other stuffe fit for that pur|pose. Whereby the lords of the parlement did as safelie assemble and sit in the tolbooth, and the people went as quietlie and safelie to the church to heare di|uine seruice, as they at anie time did before the warres began, and before that the castell was be|sieged.
During which dooings in the castell & the towne, An abstinence of war gran|ted. there was an abstinence granted at the sute of the ambassadors of England for the duke and his ad|herents, vntill the foure and twentith of Februarie: in which meane time, certeine lords were appointed to conferre with the said ambassadors for an accord to be had betwéene the king and imprisoned quéenes faction. Wherevpon sir Iames Balford came to the Sir Iames Balford sub|mitteth him|selfe to the regent. Officers cre|ated. regents grace, obteined pardon for his offense, and earnestlie laboured to further this agréement. The earle of Argile was aduanced to the honour of the chancellorship. And Alexander Areskine mai|ster of Marre was appointed to haue the kéeping of the kings person vpon certeine conditions, for the performance whereof he was to find foure suer|ties, lords of the parlement, to be bound for him bo|die and lands, hauing fifteene daies appointed vnto him to consider thereof, whether he would enter in|to so great a charge or no. And if in case he should refuse to accept the same, it was further resolued and concluded, that the erles of Glencarne and Bu|quhan, EEBO page image 412 the lord Glanes, and master Marshall should haue the kéeping of the king quarterlie one after an|other. And if anie of the foure should happen, during the time of his quarterlie gouernement, to be sicke, or not able to execute that function; that then the lord Lindseie should be assistant to him in that gouerne|ment, during that time. Which being thus on all parts concluded, Iames Kircawdie arriued in the Iames Kir|cawdie en|treth Eden|borough ca|stell. Blackenesse in a small pinnesse, and entred the ca|stell of Edenborough, with such monie as he had pro|uided to bring thither. Which occasioned the castell of Edenborough to be reasséeged and inuironed both by sea and land, and was the cause that capteine Bruse sallieng foorth with other of his companie to forage the countrie, and to prouide vittels, were ta|ken by the regents companie. Notwithstanding all which, yet the others within the castell continued their purpose, and defended the same against the regent and his companie, farre otherwise than was suppo|sed that either they could or would doo.
Wherevpon the regent of Scotland solicited the 1573 quéene of England, in the behalfe, and for the succor of the yong king of Scots hir cousine, thus grieuous|lie molested with the warres of his owne people. So that the quéene of England sent a power of The taking of Edenbo|rough castell by the Eng|lish and the regent of Scotland. fiftéene hundred Englishmen to the siege of Eden|borough castell, ouer whome sir William Drurie knight and marshall of Berwike was made gene|rall, with such capteins as follow; which were sir Francis Russell knight, third sonne to Francis erle of Bedford with other capteins, as Read, Yaxleie, Wood, Brickwell, Pikeman, Gam, Case, Ca|rew, Errington prouost marshall, Astoll, Stéerleie capteine of the pioners, and capteine Barton. To whom also to serue at their owne frée will these gen|tlemen of name, sir George Carie, sir Henrie Leie knights, Thomas Cicill eldest son of the lord tresuror of England, William Knolles, Su [...]ton, Cotton, Kelwaie, Dier, Tilneie, William Killegrew, & ma|nie other gentlemen of good estimation did associat themselues with conuenient number to attend vp|on them. These with their generall passed from Ber|wike to Leith, where they met with maister Henrie Killegrew the quéene of Englands ambassador, whose care, trauell, & furtherance at that time deser|ued no small commendation; and with the Scotish nobilitie, & such as they had assembled to ioine with the English in the behalfe of the yoong king against such as tooke part with the deposed quéene. Which Scotish nobilitie and gentlemen of Scotland were the earle Morton regent, and such other earles and gentlemen as were tied and alied to him by kindnes and kinred, and such as fauoured the yoong king, di|stressed by the deposed quéene, as was pretended. Af|ter the ioining of these two nations, they on the fiue and twentith of Aprill marched towards Edenbo|rough: and the same daie sir William Drurie the generall summoned the castell of that towne in forme as followeth.