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These much about one time arriuing in Scot|land, and ioining togither concerning the execution of their ambassage, dealt so effectuallie therein, that in the end they concluded an abstinence of warre to be had betweene the parties of the king and quéenes An abstinence of warre for a [...]e. faction, from that time which was about the first of August, to continue vntill the first of December fol|lowing: and so brought both the parties in conclu|sion to relie and abide the full determination of all quarels to be set downe by the queene of England, and the French king. Which being done the ambassa|dors returned home, monsieur Corque into France, Sir William Drurie and maister Ran|dolph go into Scotland. and sir William Drurie and maister Randolph into England.

In October following died the earle of Marre, regent of Scotland, of a lingering sicknesse (as some affirme) but Lesleus saith lib. 10. pag. vltima, that morte repentina concidit) being buried in Allowaie a place of his owne, situat foure miles from Ster|ling, to whom in the erledome succéeded Iohn erle of The death of the earle of Marre. Marre, who after fled into England, as in this follo|wing discourse shall appeare. Which Iohn Areskine earle of Marre the regent did marrie Annable Murrie daughter to the lard of Tullebarton, by whom he had issue this Iohn, which succeeded him in the earledome of Marre (as is before said) and one daughter which was married to Archibald Dow|glasse now earle of Angus: but she died without is|sue. Of which decessed Areskine earle of Marre, Bu|chanan composed these verses commendatorie, ex|pressing the nature, vertues, qualities, and valour of the said earle in this forme and maner following:

Si quis Areskinum memoret per bella ferocem,
Pace grauem nulli, tempore vtroque pium:
Si quis opes sine fastu, animum sine fraude carentem,
Rebus in ambiguis suspicione fidem,
Siquis ob has dotes, saeuis iactata procellis,
Figit in illius patriafessa pedem:
Vera quidem memoret, sed non & propria: laud [...]
Qui pariter petet has vnus & alter erit:
Illud & proprium est, longae quòd in ordine vitae
Nil odium aut liuor, quod reprehendit, habet.

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