The eldest brother of Arthur (who was the chiefe of that familie) hauing his house so spoiled, and him|selfe hardlie escaping from his enimies hands, hast|ned to the court, from whense (though the matter was in great extremitie) he was by the king to be releeued. For which cause there were appointed two hundred footmen to such of the nobilitie as fauoured The For|boises receiue aid from the king. and followed that faction, with letters to the adioi|ning nobilitie to associat themselues to the part of the Forboises. These thus confeder at and come to|gither to the rest of the Forboises, with certeine other families of their affinitie & neighbours, so aduanced the spirit of this Alexander, that he now thought himselfe sufficientlie fensed against all the forces of his aduersaries. But as their number increased, so there wanted amongst them one person sufficient to inioy the place of a capteine, whome the rest might follow, sith all the principals and heads of the fami|lies were almost yoong men, and scarse one better than others in degrée of calling. Wherefore the as The For|boises follow seuerall lea|ders. Iohn Keth departed. Alexander Forboise go|eth to Aber|den. semblie being drawen into diuerse companies (for they were inforced to follow seuerall leaders) Iohn Keth with fiue hundred horssemen departed to his house not far from thense. Alexander Forboise with his retinue and two hundred footmen went to Aber|den, to expell Adam Gordon from thense, and to re|pare his armie in the iournie.
Adam Gordon (not sléeping his affaires, know|ing the preparation of the Forboises, and vnder|standing the approch of his enimie so néere with so small companie) assembled his people, led them out of the towne, and compelled the citizens to follow, to The For|boises ouer|throwen be|sides Aber|den. make the number of his armie to séeme the grea|ter. Shortlie after, in a field next adioining to the towne, the two companies met, and a sharpe con|flict was committed betwéene them. In which the kings footmen (appointed to the Forboises) desirous (more hastilie than wiselie) to fight, and aduenturing further in following of the Gordons (than their shot of powder would continue) they went so far, that in the end (being out of the reach of defense or helpe of their company) they were put to fearfull flight by the bowmen of the Gordons, who pursued them egerlie, and continued the battell vntill night. At what time there were not manie of the vanquished slaine, but mostlie taken and reserued as prisoners, amongst which was the said Alexander Forboise taken, after that he had long and valiantlie defended himselfe a|gainst his enimies in the same conffict, to the perpe|tuall glorie of that house.
After the suppression of the Forboises in the north Iedworth defended from assault. parts, the quéenes fauourers were highlie incoura|ged to attempt greater matters. Wherefore assem|bling their power out of diuerse parts of the king|dome, they bend their minds to the suppressing of Iedworth, a towne which after the manner of the countrie is vnwalled and vnfensed, but onelie with the strength of the inhabitants: which towne (cer|teine yeares past had stronglie resisted the force of the quéenes faction. Neere vnto this towne were neighbours Thomas Car of Ferniherst, and Wal|ter Thomas Car. Walter Scot. Scot, both which besides their owne retinue had ioined vnto them the people of the next countries, being Lidesdale, Euian, and Eskine, alwaies trou|bled with robberie and giuen to spoile, who at that time by the libertie of war fréelie without restreint, did wander into further countries, to preie, spoile and catch what they could. Besides whom there were also in Teuiot (aswell by the infection of these coun|tries, as by the custome of spoiling in the wars, for these things were by vse made an other nature and priuilege, as it were from the note and paine of sin) great families defamed with such theft and rapines, and not these alone (sith this poison had crept al|most Buchan. li. 20. ouer all the land) but certeine of the next Eng|lish pale (being allured with hope of preie, and suppo|sing all things lawfull in ciuill warres) ioined togi|ther; and (to make their number the greater, and their power the stronger) called from Edenborough one hundred and twentie harquebushers, chosen out of the chéefest souldiers, to be assistant vnto them.