Compare 1577 edition: 1 This ordinance also they decréed to be obserued as a law from thencefoorth euer after, that if the king died leauing no issue, but such as were vnder age to succéed him, then should one of his néerest coosins, such as was thought méetest to occupie the roome, be chosen to reigne as king during his life, and after his deceasse the crowne to reuert vnto his predeces|sors issue without controuersie, if the same were once growne vp to lawfull age.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 By this meanes then were children excluded from obteining the crowne, least the publike libertie of the realme might chance to be put in danger. But yet was it afterwards perceiued that this deuise for choosing of kings, ministred occasion sometimes to the vncle to séeke the destruction of the nephue, and likewise to the nephue to procure the dispatch of the vncle and vncles sonnes, with the committing of The choosing of kings was not allowed. manie heinous murders of right worthie princes, to the no small danger of ouerthrowing the whole state of the commonwealth, so that finallie that or|dinance was clearelie abrogated, as you shall heare hereafter.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 BUt now to my purpose. After Feritharis with Feritharis the full consent of all the people was thus elec|ted king, he was inthronized with all solemnitie in receiuing his kinglie ornaments, as his two edged A two edged sword. sword, his scepter roiall, and his crowne of gold fa|shioned in forme of a rampire made for defense of a towne or fortresse, signifieng that he tooke vpon him to preserue the libertie of his countrie, to sée offen|dors dulie punished, and the execution of lawes with equall punishment trulie ministred.