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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But in the meane time, and so soone as Ferguse heard of the approch of the Britains, he caused all Ferguse as|sembled a great power of Scotish|men. the people in the countrie to get them with their goods & cattels vnto the mounteins, except such as were able to beare armour: whome he appointed to attend vpon him, to defend the countrie as occasion serued. Whereof Coill hauing knowledge brought by an espiall, he sent foorth about fiue thousand nimble men, and such as had beene vsed to clime craggie hilles, to go before and win the passages, purposing the next day to follow himselfe with the whole armie. But the Scotishmen and Picts being now assembled togither, and certified hereof also by their spies, they first fell in consultation what they were best to doo; and in the end agréed that the same night they should set vpon the British campe: Fer|guse with his Scotishmen on the one side, and the king of the Picts on the other; so that in the dead of the night the Scotishmen killing the watch, were entered into the British campe, yer Coill had know|ledge of anie such thing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whereby it came to passe that whilest the Britains (awaked with the noise) drew vnto that part where the alarme rose, to beat backe the Scots; the Picts comming ouer the riuer of Dune, by a certeine blind foord, assailed them on the backs, to the great confusion of the whole armie, by reason whereof the Britains (séeing none other remedie but to saue themselues by flight) turned their backs and fled, in which turmoile they were trodden downe and fell by heaps one vpon an other, and were not able to helpe themselues, nor yet to make shift to auoid the hands of their aduersaries. In this businesse also Coill Coill was slaine and his whole armie discomfited, of whome as Hector Boet. saith, their countrie of Coill tooke name. himselfe chanced to be oppressed amongest the rest, so that he was found dead in the search of such as were slaine, and after solemnlie buried according to his estate in Troinouant, leauing the kingdome vnto his sonne Sisellius, who with his mother Mer|tia gouerned the same togither by the space of ma|nie yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Such Britains also as escaped out of their enimies hands, got them togither in the next morning, & per|ceiuing what losse they had susteined not onlie by the death of their prince, but also in the slaughter of a great part of their whole armie, sent an herault vn|to Peace con|cluded. the Scots and Picts to require a peace: which though the most part of the people were not in will to haue consented vnto, yet persuaded in the end by their princes, they were contented to yéeld there|to: so that a generall peace was concluded, and spéedilie published betwixt them.

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