This man had béene before a long seruitour in that realme, hauing for sundrie yeares béene trea|suror at warres, which is the second office vnder the lord deputie in that land; as also had béene lord iu|stice solie and iointlie foure times. Great was his knowledge, wisedome, and experience both of that land, and of the nature, manners, and disposition of the people: wherein the more he excelled anie others in those daies, the more apt and fit was he to haue the gouernement of them. He was therefore called from out of Wales, where he then resided in his go|uernement vnto the court: and there after confe|rence Sir Henrie Sidneie lord president of Wales. had with hir highnesse, and with the councell; he was appointed to be lord deputie of Ireland, be|ing the seuenth yeare of hir maiesties reigne, in the yeare of our Lord 1565. And then he receiued of hir maiestie a booke of instructions signed with hir A booke of ar|ticles deliue|red to sir Hen|rie Sidneie for his go|uernement. owne hand, dated the fist of October 1565, the seuenth yeare of hir reigne aforesaid, concerning the principall articles for his gouernement & direc|tion, which chieflie consisted in these points.
First, that there should be a bodie of a councell established, to assist him being lord deputie, in the A councell to be established. gouernement of the same realme in times of peace and of warre; and whose names were then particu|larlie set downe: and order giuen, that euerie of Euerie coun|cellor to be sworne. them should before their admission be sworne by the said lord deputie, according to the accustomed man|ner: with an exhortation, that for somuch as hir maiestie had reposed a speciall trust and confidence in their wisedomes, aduises, good counsels, and ser|uices: he the lord deputie should vse their aduises, assistance, and counsels in all matters of treatie and consultation, concerning the state of that realme.
And they likewise, considering the place and au|thoritie wherevnto hir maiestie had called the said sir Henrie Sidneie, to hold hir place in that realme: they should yéeld that obedience and reuerence vnto him, as to such a principall officer dooth apperteine. And then they both togither, to haue a speciall care and regard to the gouernement, which was compri|sed EEBO page image 111 in foure articles that doo orderlie hereafter fol|low.