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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this purpose he sought out his vncle Martine, by whose means he was placed with Germanus the bishop of Aurerre, continuing with him as scholer or disciple for the space of fortie yeares: all which time He passeth in|to France. he bestowed in like studie of the holie scriptures, praiers, and such godlie exercises. Then at the age of threescore and two yeares, being renowmed through the Latine church for his wisedome, vertue and skill, he came to Rome, bringing letters with him in his commendation from the French bishops vnto pope Celestine, to whom he vttered his full mind and se|cret vow, which long since he had conceiued touching Ireland. Celestine inuested him archbishop and pri|mat Patrike to in|uested archbi|shop of Ire|land. of the whole Iland, set him forward with all fa|uour he could deuise, and brought him and his disci|ples onward to their countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the thrée and twentith yeare therefore of the emperor Theodosius the yoonger, being the yeare of our Lord 430, Patrike landed in Ireland, & bicause he spake the toong perfectlie, and withall being a re|uerend 430 personage in the eies of all men, manie liste|ned and gaue good care to his preaching, the rather for that (as writers haue recorded) he confirmed his doctrine with diuerse miracles: but speciallie those regarded his words before all others, that had some tast of the christian faith aforehand, either by the com|ming into those parties of Paladius, and his disciple Albius an I|rish bishop, disciple to Paladius. one Albius an Irish bishop, or otherwise by some o|ther: for it is to be thought, that continuallie there remained some sparke of knowledge of christiani|tie euer since the first preaching of the gospell (which was shortlie after the ascension of our sauiour) by saint Iames (as before is mentioned.) In continu|ance of time Patrike wan the better part of that kingdome to the faith.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Laigerius sonne of Neale the great monarch, al|though Laigerius son to Neale the great monarch of Ireland, permitteth the Irishmen to become chri|stians. he receiued not the gospell himselfe, yet per|mitted all that would to imbrace it. But sith he refu|sed to be baptised, & applie to his doctrine; the bishop denounced against him a curse from God according|lie, but tempered yet with mercie and iudgement, as thus: That during his life he should be victorious, but after him neither the kingdome should stand, nor his linage inherit. From thense he tooke his waie vnto Conill lord of Connagh, who honourablie receiued him, and was conuerted with all his people; and af|ter Conill lord of Connagh. Logan king of Leinster. sent him vnto his brother Logan king of Lein|ster, whome he likewise conuerted. In Mounster he found great friendship and fauour by means of an earle there, called the earle of Daris, who honoured The earle of Daris. him highlie, and gaue him a dwelling place in the east angle of Armagh called Sorta, where he erec|ted manie celles and monasteries, both for religious men and women. He trauelled thirtie yeares in prea|ching through the land, planting in places conueni|ent bishops and priests, whose learning and vertuous conuersation by the speciall grace and fauor of God, established the faith in that rude nation. Other thir|tie years he spent in his prouince of Armagh among his brethren, placed in those houses of religion, which by his meanes were founded, and so he liued in the whole about one hundred twentie two yeares, and lieth buried in Downe.

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