You are here: 1577 > Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the firſt part of
the Engliſh Historie before the Conqueſt.
Snippet: 2 of 7 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1491) Ithan de Beugue, not Bauge, a Frenchman.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the firſt part of
the Engliſh Historie before the Conqueſt.
Snippet: 3 of 7 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1491) - Pa. 1. col. 1. lin. 52. for Noe, read Noah
- Pa. 2. col. 1 lin. 9. for Hebr, read Heber
- Eadem col. 1. lin. 18. for acceſte rit, read acceſlerint.
- Ead. col. 2. lin. 58. for than, read there.
- Pag. [...]. col. 2. lin. 7. for diſenſſing, read deciſing or diſcuſſing.
- Pa. 5. co. 1. li. 10. for of him, read to him
- Ead. col. 1. lin. 37. for reſtance, read re|ſiſtance.
- Eadem col. 1. lin. 54. for Seroſus, read Beroſus in the mergent.
- Eadem col. 1. line. 21. for amphitrita, read amphitrite.
- Pag. 11. col. 1. lin. 50. for preaſing, read preſſing.
- Pag. 13. col. 1. lin. 21. for cuſe, read caſe.
- Pa. 15. col. 1. lin. 35. for Totneſſe, read Dodoneſſe.
- Ead. col. 1. lin. 38. for captiuitie of Ba|bilon, read bondage of Pharao.
- Pa. 16. col. 2. li. 46 for. 1874. read. 2 [...]74
- Pag. 18. col. 1. lin. 8. for Ebracus, read Ebrancus.
- Ea. co. 1. l. 13. for Guilles, read Gaules
- Eadem col. 1. lin. 41. for Henand, read Henault.
- Ead. col. 1. lin. 50. for loyne, read Loire
- Ead. col. 2. li. 29. for built by P. Oſtor. read built, as by P. Oſtorius.
- Pag. 20. co. 1. lin. 48. for inheritor, read inheritance.
- Ead. col. 2. lin. 28. for there, read that
- Pa. 24. co. 2. lin. 55. for Northeaſt, read Northweſt.
- Pag. 27. col. 1. lin. 4. for thoſe, read they
- Pag. 33. col. 1. lin. 8. for who, read whom
- Pag. 41. col. 2. lin. 5. for theſe two co|horts yet, read the Britains therfore
- Pag. 42. col. 1. lin. 1. for aduentured too ſight, read aduentured not to fight.
- Pag. 47. col. 1. line. 28. for earing, read earings.
- Ead. col. 2. lin. 38. for 79. read 793.
- Pag. 50. col. 1 lin. 5. for. 79. read. 795.
- Pag. 51. col. 1. lin. 1. the three firſt lines are in the foot of the page before.
- Pa. 54. col. 1. lin. 5. for reformable, read conformable.
- Ead col. 1. lin. 13. for ſhorter they, read ſhorter before they.
- Pag. 56 col. 2. lin. 39. for captaine, read captiue.
- Pag. 75. col. 2. lin 51. for ſure, read ſithe
- p. 79. c. 2. l. 8. for marres, read mariſhes
- Pa. 80. co. 2. l. 30. for veſtros, read veſtras
- Pag. 104. co. 1. lin. 25. for Rextacheſter read Reptaceſter.
- Pa. 106. col 1. lin. 15. for ſo to returne. read and ſo to returne.
- Pa. 133. col. 1. li. 45. for Howell king of Britaine, read Howell king of little Britaine.
- Pag. 144 col. 1. lin. 27. for Chicheſter, read Ciceſter.
- Pa. 145. co. 2. li. 17. for ſlept, read ſtept
- Pag. 148. col. 2. line. 40. for or, read for
- Pag. 153. co. 2. li. 50. for feaſt, read faſt
- Pag. 180. co. 2. li. 47. for which were the ſonnes, read which was the ſonne.
- Pag. 183. co. 2. li. 9. for but, read but three
- Pa. 184 co. 2. lin. 26. Stanford bridge, adde thereto theſe wordes, after cal|led battaile bridge in yorkeſhire.
- Page 202. co. 2. line 52. for 80. read. 801
- Eadem, line 53. for Eirine or Hierine not Emperor, but Empreſſe.
- Page 227. col. 2. line 60. for but by hir meanes, read by whoſe meanes.
- Page 200. col. 2. line. 50. ford Edmonde, read Edmond.
- Page 218. col. [...]. line 40. for ſtate with their, read ſtate but with their.
- Pa. 221. col. 2. li. for Eſſex, read Eſſex
- Pa. 221. col. 2. li. 10. for eche read euery
- Pag. 223. col. [...]. line. 50. Math. weſtm. affirmeth that Frichſtan was ordei|ned to the ſea of wincheſter, Aethe|line to Shireborn, Eadulf to welles werſtan to Crida and Herſtan to Cornwall. And further ye to Dorche|ſter one Kenulfe was ordeyned, and Borthegus to Ciceſter: which ſeuen Biſhops were conſecrated all in one day at Canterburie, by the Archbi|ſhop Plegmond.
- Page 235. col. 2. line 14. for Cumelorn, read Culene.
- Page 238. col. 1. line 50. for Ethelgime read Ethelgina.
- Ead col. 2. line 35. for recouering hys diſeaſe, read recouering of that hys diſeaſe.
- Pa. 241 col. 2. li. 26. for caſe, read cauſe
- Pa. 245. col. 2. line 54. for reteyne, read receyue.
- Pa. 249. col. 2. line 7. for 114. read 1014 and likewiſe in the mergent of both the colums, for. 114. read 1014. and for 115.1015.
- Page 252. col. 2. line 12. for 116. read 1015. and likewiſe in the mergent.
- Pag. 260. col. 2. line. 32. for very, read verily.
- Page 267. col. 2. line 14. for mailes, read nailes.
- Pag. 269. co. 2. lin. 38. for ſore read ſo.