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Back Matter: Section 1 of
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 19 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1485) T.
- TAle how king Alureds body walked a nights after his death. 218.82
- Tale how king Kenelmes death was ſignified at Rome. 205.55
- Tacuinus ordeyned Arch|biſhop of Canterburie. 191.103.
- Tacuinus Archb. of Can|terburie dieth. 193.27
- Thomas Talbot. 396.58. a
- Tancrede concludeth an affinitie and league with King Richarde the firſt. 488.150.
- Taluan Earle of Sagium deliuereth certaine Ca|ſtels to King Henrie the ſeconde. 410.3
- Tailbourgh fortreſſe ſub|dued. 4 [...]3.90
- Tale of a knightes dreame that wore a long heare. [...]64.72.
- Tame foules flie too the woods, and become wild. 314.30.
- Tailleux william, a Chro|nicler of Normandie cy|ted. 293.60
- Tale of a King giuen too Saint Edwarde, by a Pilgrim that came from Ieruſalem. 279.89
- Talbot william, defendeth Hereforde in the ryght of Mawd the Empres. 368.74.
- Tale of King Arthure, conueyed awaye by Fai|ries. 136.20
- Tale of a Calfe reſtored to lyfe by Saint Germaine. 122.43.
- Tallages, and vniuſt im|poſtes layde downe. 319. 41.
- Tankeruile william, chã|berleyne and Lieutenant to King Henrie the firſt. 359.70.
- Tables, Dice, and Cardes forbidden. 466.28
- Taurus nephew too Han|niball. 15.3
- Tay riuer. 69.88
- Tarapha cited. 1.97
- Tancred elected King of Sicill. 480.104
- Talbot George Earle of Shreweſburie, and hys ſonne Lord Straunge at Stoke field. 1430.14
- Talbot Gilbert Knight, ſent intoo Flaunders. 143 [...].4 [...].
- Tallages of Bridges and Streetes, betwene Eng|lande and Rome dimmi|ſhed. 262.5
- Tale howe Dunſtan ſawe the diuell. 228.90
- Tale howe Swanus was ſlaine with Saint Ed|monds knife. 249.87
- Tamer riuer. 241.42
- Tate or Tace. looke E|thelburga.
- Tamer Riuer, a confine betweene the Engliſh|men and Corniſhmen. 226.103.
- Tankeruile yeelded to the Lorde Talbot. pag. 1262. col. 1. lin. 34.
- Tamworth towne. 1416.57.
- Talbot George Earle of Shreweſburie, and Lord ſtewarde of houſholde to Henrie the eigth. 1464.5
- Talbot George, Earle of Shrewſburie captaine of the foreward in the wing to Turwin. 1478.36
- Talbot Humfrey knight, Marſhall of Calais, ſent into Flaunders. 1435.50
- Talbot George Earle of Shrewſbury his faithful diligence in the tyme of the rebellion in the north. 1567.50.
- Talbot George Earle of Shrewſburie, Lieute|naunt Generall of the north partes. 1522.52
- Talbot Gylbert Knight, Ambaſſador to the Pope. 1461.19.
- Tankeruile wonne by Ed|warde Dudley. 1821.30. recouered by the Rein|graue. 1821.18
- Table of golde. 850.20. a
- Taxe of the Spiritualtie. 799 20. b. 828. a 810.20. a
- Tax leuied of the thirtenth part of euery mãs goods in Englande by King Iohn. 564.13
- Earle of Tankeruile ta|ken priſoner at Caen. 930 55. a.
- Tale how the diuel laugh|ed at Dunſtanes baniſh|ment. 230.100
- Tame Robert Knight, 1450.14.
- Tadcaſter a town .1820.40
- Tenants not to bee trou|bled for their Lords debt. 451.26.
- Tempeſt great. 1821.47
- Tempeſtes and much hurt thereby. 1839
- Tearme of Trinitie ad|iourned by reaſon of the warres. 1601.40
- Tempeſt of weather at the battaile of Creſſy. 933 24 b.
- Tenham ſpoiled by the erle of Albemarle. 618.40
- Templers ſent from Pan|dolfe the Popes Legate in Fraunce too King Iohn. 574.83
- Temple of peace, nowe Blackwell hall in Lon|don builded. 23.16
- Tacitus cited. 4.77. and 51.26. and. 52.58. and. 69 14.
- Tempeſt moſt ſtraunge at London. 633.97
- Tenth part of all ſpirituall liuing graunted too the Pope. 628.35
- Tempeſt ſore vpon Chriſt|maſſe day, the lyke hath not beene hearde of. 421.9.
- Temples builded in Bry|tain by Cunedagius. [...].40
- Temple of Claudius and Victoria builded. 54.45
- Tempeſte in Brytayne hurtyng the Romaines. 37.29.
- Terre filius, howe to bee vnderſtoode. 6.9 [...]
- Temples dedicated too Idolles, conuerted too the ſeruice of almightie God. 91.88
- Tempeſt. 1833.26. and 1834.13.
- Tempeſt of thunder and lightnings. 726.9
- Teuide riuer. 55.63
- Tempeſt. 556.2 [...]
- Tertullian cited. 53.28
- Temneſford caſtell builded and deſtroyed. 222.85
- Tearmes ordeyned to bee kept foure tymes in a yeare. 303.40
- Tenth of all moueabl - e goodes to bee payed, to|wardes the iourney into the holye lande. 466.8. and. 481.8.
- Tempeſts. 1076.1. b. 1084.35. a.
- Tempeſt of wind. 2088.51. a
- Tenchard Thomas knight cauſeth the Archduke to ſtay. 1459.17
- Terrouan beſieged and won. 937.43. b
- Tenantius looke Theo|mantius.
- Theis riuer. 219. [...]6
- Tedder Iaſper, Earle of Pembroke created duke of Bedford. 1426.33. vn|cle to K. Henrie the .vij. ibid. ſent with a power to repreſſe the inſurrec|tion of the Lord Louell and others. 1427.4 [...]. the which hee doth with ef|fect. 1428.10. ſent with a power againſt the coun|terfeit Erle of warwike 1430. diſcõfiteth the ar|my of the counterfeyte. 1431.30.
- Tẽplers apprehended. 448 32. a. their lands giuen to the hoſpitalere. 874.26. a
- Terme Michaelmaſſe ad|iourned to ye ſixth of No|uember. 1870.37
- Tirrell walter eſcapeth a|way by flight. 334.48
- Terme Michaelmas none kept. 1873.50. Hillarie terme kept at Hertfort caſtell. 1834.26
- Tempeſt horrible. 1773.43
- Tempeſt. 1835.50. & 1835. 54. and. 1868.42. &. 1870. 58. and. 1872.47.
- Terme Michaelmaſſe not kept. 1839.12
- Terme begon at Oxford, & adiorned to weſt. 1504.20
- Tempeſt of weather. 794.1 b. 797.56. a. 848.28. a
- Tẽpeſt of winds. 89 [...].16. b
- EEBO page image 1486Tearme adiourned to ſaint Albons. 1591.18
- Terwin raſed. 1485.28
- Terme adiourned. 1536.17
- Tenerchbray Caſtel beſie|ged. 345. [...]3
- Tempeſt Nicholas put to death. 1570.12
- Tempeſt of winde and ram doing exceding much hurt. 743.6
- Tenth payed. 825.23. b. 810.8. b
- Tenour of the profeſſion which the Archbiſhop of Yorke maketh too the Archbiſhop of Canter|burie. 350.72
- Tempeſt of horrible thun|der and lightning in win|ter. 365.18
- Teſra williã prohibited to gather money. 844.43. a
- Teukeſburie 1337.52. field 1338.30.
- Teeth fewer than afore time. 945.13. b
- Terme kept at Yorke ſixe yeares. 840.12. a
- Tirrel Iames Knight, Capitaine of Guiſnes, ſent into Flanders. 1435 47.
- Title pretended to ye crown of Englande, by Lewes the French kings ſonne. 599.30.
- Tides two at London in one houre. 1870.40
- Tirell Iames knight at|tainted & beheded. 1457.40
- Tindall william burned, 1764.26. his byrth and workes. ibid.
- Tinmouth. 325.12
- Tinmouth Caſtell taken by King william Ru|fus 326.5
- Tillage cõmanded. 1500.1
- Tileburg vpon Thames, 174.46.
- Tickhill Caſtell fortified agaynſt king Henrie the firſt. 339.62
- Title too the Crowne of Fraunce. 905.50. b
- Titus Emperor of Rome dieth. 73.44
- Tithings and hundreds, firſt deuiſed in England, and why. 217
- Tileres Gilbert owner of Danuile Caſtel. 428.88
- Tineas king of Babilon. 15.39
- Triphon ſlain by Hercules in Egypt. 5.106
- T [...]o Vulfingaceſter. 162.77
- Timagines firſt bringeth the Greke letters frõ the Druides to Athens. 3.80
- Tiler wat ſlain. 1029.1. a
- Tinninghã burnt. 227.73
- Titus Liuius cited. 27.70
- Prior of Tiptre thronged to death. 1090.30. a
- Til [...]ey Abbey founded. 394.25
- Tithes too bee payed too Churches in Irelande, 420.108
- Tirrell walter a Frenche knight, ſleaeth K. williã with an arrow. 334.39
- Tine riuer. 140.8
- Tine riuer. 76.50
- Tine riuer. 302.61
- Tinemouth. 202.45
- Theobald Earle of Char|ters, maketh warres vpõ Haruie de yuon. 411.60
- Theobald Earle of Bloys maketh attonement be|twene the kings of Eng+land & France. 412.107
- Thunder and lightning, continuing. xv. dayes. 641.113.
- Theadford towne. 230.9
- Three things to bee fore|ſeene, by them that ſhall giue battaile. 375.70
- Thames frozen, ſo that mẽ paſſe ouer on foote, and horſebacke. 383.105
- Three knightes templers, receyued and entertey|ned by King Henrie the ſeconde. 401.23
- Theobalde Archbiſhop of Canterburie, for feare of King Stephen and his ſon fleeth the realme. 386.3
- Thorney Abbey eſtably|ſhed. 234.9
- Thomas depriued of hys Archbiſhoprike, and why 30 [...].29.
- Theodore ordeyned Arch|biſhop of Canterburie. 178 35.
- Thamar, an Engliſhman, ordeined Biſhop of Ro|cheſter. 170.36
- Three knightes templers baniſhed France, for de|liuering vp certaine ca|ſtels to king Henrye the ſecond. 401.22
- Theft puniſhed. 23.65
- Theophilus cited. 2.10. and 4.70.
- Thanes, that is to ſay, gen|tlemen of honor. 272.76
- Theomantius yongeſt ſon to Lud, created king of Britaine. 45.90
- Theodora, daughter in law to Herculeus Maximia|nus, maryed to Conſtan|tius. 89.30
- Theobald Erle of Cham|paigne maketh war vpon the Frenchmen. 354.108
- Theodoſius the Empe|rour fleath Maxima|nus in Italie. 96.14
- Theodoſius ſent into Bri|tayne wyth an armye. 103.110.
- Theodoſius putteth the e|nimies to flight, and re|ſtoreth the land of Bry|tain to quietneſſe. 104.37
- Theodoſius returneth out of Brytaine to the Em|perours Court. 105.79
- Theodoſius made maiſter of the horſe. 105.82
- Theodoſius called to be aſ|ſociate with Gracianus in the Empire. 105. [...]3
- Thomas Chaplayne too King Henrie the firſt, made Archbiſhoppe of Yorke. [...]48.12
- Thomas refuſeth to come too Canterburie too bee conſecrated. 348.65
- Thomas ſuſpended from exerciſing all paſtorall function. 348.52
- Thom. ſon to Samſon Bi. of worceter. 350.21
- Thruſtain ſucceedeth Th. in the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke. 352.9
- Thruſtain contendeth with Raufe Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie, aboute the right and title of the Pri|macie. 352.12
- Thom. conſecrated Archb. of Yorke. 350.65
- Thomas receyueth the pal at Yorke. 350.101
- Thunnir a cruell murthe|rer in Kent. 180.102
- Thomas Archb. of yorke. departeth out of this trã|ſitorie life. 341.115
- Three Monks come to re|ſtore religion in Northũ|berland. 307.95
- Thomas Archbiſhoppe of Yorke. 336.55
- Thomas Chanon of Bay|eux, made Archbiſhop of Yorke. 305.11
- Theodoretus cited. 53.21. and. 90.48.
- Theis riuer. 128.65
- Thurſtane Abbot of Glaſ|tenburie. 313.1
- Thurſtane depriued, for his great diſorder. 313.25
- Thurſtane reſtored againe by king Rufus, for mo|ney. 313.33
- Thanks giuen publikely at Rome for the reconciliatiõ of the Engliſh Churche vntoo the Churche of Rome. 1 [...]6 [...].1
- Theobald Archb. of Can|terburie, departeth ouer sea without licence of the king. 382.1 [...]
- Theobald Archb. conſtray|ned by the king to depart the realme. 382
- Thirlbie Biſhop of Elie, ſent Ambaſſador vntoo Rome. 1763.40
- Three horſes ſlaine vnder duke william of Normã|die, in the battaile at Ha|ſting. 287.28
- Thomas ſucceedeth Felix in the Biſhoprike of the Eaſtangles. 171.45
- Thomas B. of the Eaſt|angles dieth. 172.47
- Thruſtane created Arche|biſhoppe by the Popes owne handes. 355.9 [...]
- Thruſtane reſtored vntoo his Archbiſhoprike vpon condition. 358.44
- Tholous countrey ſpoyled by king Henrie the ſe|cond. 199.33
- Theeues vtterly aboliſhed 162.86.
- Theodore Archb. of Can|terburie dieth. 187.26
- Theobalde Archbiſhop of Canterburie, departeth this life. 401.27
- Three circles ſeene aboute the Sunne. 402.14
- Theis riuer. 518.31
- Thom. ſon to K. Edwarde the third borne. 949.22. a
- Theodorus Erle of Flan|ders going to Ieruſalem cõmitteth his ſon & lands to the cuſtodie of Henrie the ſecond, king of Eng|lande. 397. [...]5
- Thom. a Bourgh knight, 1321.56.1329.16.
- Thomas Dimocke knight tooke Sanctuarie. 1322. 7. beheaded. col. 2.6.
- Thomas de Laund knight taken. 1322.38
- Thomas Lorde Stanley. 1222.54.
- Thomas Coniers recor|der of Yorke. 1328.48
- Thames ouerfloweth by meanes of great raine, & doth much harme within the citie of Lõdõ. 780.46
- Tholous erledom engaged and forfeited to Reimond erle of S. Giles. 398.77
- Tholous Earledome gi|uen in dowery with Con|ſtance, to Euſtace ſonne to king Stephen. 398.96
- Thetforde taken by the EEBO page image 1486 Danes. 211.20
- Thamworth town. 222.37
- Theodbaldus brother too Egelfred ſlaine. 153.44
- Thurſt william Abbot of Fountaines put to death. 1 [...]76.13.
- Thorſbye Iohn made Archb. of Yorke. 944.1. a
- Tilwall towne builded. 222.75.
- Three hundred Markes yearely too bee ſent too Rome. 207.55
- Thomas Mountgomerie knight. pa. 13 [...]9. co. 1. li. 17
- Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonſhire pag. 133 [...] co. 2. lin. 38. ſlain. pa. 1339 col. 2. lin. [...]4.
- Theiſedale waſted by the Scottes. [...]06.115
- Thomas Triuet knight ſlaine with a fall. 1074. 44. a.
- Thames ſo lowe that men might wade through Lõ|don bridge. 353.24
- Thunder bolt lighteth be|twene the kings of Eng|land and France as they be talking. 471.11
- Throckmortõ executed for treaſon. 1766. [...]
- Thankes giuen publikely to God for the battail of Stoke. 1431.45. and for the victorie of the King of Spaine gotten of the Saraſins. 1438.30
- Thanes toroughly [...] out of the Realme of Eng|lande. 316. [...]
- Thomas Neuill Knight Lord Furniual pa. 1119 col. 2. lin. 56.
- Thom. Erpingham knight Lord great chamberlain. pa. 1119. col. 2. lin 34.
- Thomas Dimocke cham|pion at Coronation pag. 1120. col. 1. lin. 44.
- Thomas Percie Earle of worceſter. pag. 11 [...]5. col. 2. li. 34. ſent into Gaſcoin pag. 1130. col. 2. lin. 52.
- Thomas Gray knight. pa. 1125. col. 2. lin. 43.
- Thomas Mowbrey duke of Norffolk died at Ve|nice. pa. 1125. co. 2. lin. 53
- Thomas Holland Erle of Kent beheaded at Circi|ter pag. 1128. col. 2. li. 33
- Thomas Rainſton knight taken by French. pa. 1152 col. 1. lin. 43. drowned. pag. ibid. col. 2. lin. 55.
- Thomas Beauchamp erle of warwike. pag. 1119. col. 2. lin. 43.
- Thomas erle of Arundell. pag. 1120. col. 1. lin. 2 [...].
- The Treſſham knight be|headed. pa. 1340. co. 2. li. 21
- Thom. O [...]uill baſtarde ſon to Th. lord Faucõbridge bringeth an armye before Lõdõ pa. 1341. col. 1. li. 47.
- Thomas Rotheram arch|biſhop of York. pag. [...]45. col. 1. lin. 54.
- Thomas Vaughan knight beheaded at Pomfroc. pa. 1362. col. 1. lin. 36.
- Tho. lord Stanley woun|ded. pa. 1375. col. 1. lin [...]
- Thom. Cooke Alde [...] pag. 1381. col. 1. lin. 21.
- Thomas Fitz william re|corder of London. pag. 1383. col. 1. lin. 14.
- Thomas Lorde Marques Dorſet the Ne [...] ſon pag. 1358 col 2. lin. 4 [...].
- Thom. lord Haward crea|ted duke of Norffolke pa. 1 [...]. col. 1 lin. [...]4.
- Tho. Haward knight crea|ted Erle of Surrey pag. 1386. co. 2. lin. [...]5. pa. 1415 co 2. li. 27. p. 147. c [...] 1415
- Thomas Lorde Stanley pag. 1411. col. 2. lin. [...]. pa. 141 [...]. col. 1. lin. 42.
- Thom. Se [...]eger knight, maryed the Dutches of Exeter, executed. pag. 1405. col. 2. lin. 5.
- Thomas Ram executed at Exceter. pag. 1405. col. 2 lin. 7.
- Tho. Rotheram Archb. of Yorke. pag. 1387. co. 1. li. 7 pag. 1410. col. 2. lin. 48
- Thomas Marques Dor|ſet. 1401 col. 2. li. 43. pag. 1402. col. 2. li. 18. pa. 1410 co. 1. li. 36. pag. 14012. co. 2 li. 39 p. 1413. co. 1. li 22
- Thomas Louell knight. pag. 1401. col. 2. lin. 40.
- Thomas Southwel prieſt 1262. co. 1. li. 55. co. 2. li. 14
- Thomas Kitiel knight pa. 1276. col. 1. lin. 23. behea|ded. pa. 135. col. 2. lin. 4.
- Tho. Burſelier Archdi. of Cant. pa. 1290 col. 2. lin. 4
- Thom. Thorpe lord chiefe baron. pa. 1288. col. 1. li. 27 committed too the tower. 1300. col. 1. li. 26. beheaded pag. 1305.
- Th. Neuil knight. pa. 1292 col. 2. lin. 31. wounded and apprehẽded. 1295. co. 2. li. 58 ſlain. 1204. col. 1. lin 4
- Thomas Dutton. pa. 1295 col. 1. lin. 56.
- Thom. Harington knight, pag. 1296. col. 1. li. 1.
- Thomas Arundell knight pag. 1402. col. 2. lin. 22.
- Thomas Hutton Ambaſ|ſador from king Richard the third into Britain pa. 1401. col. 1. lin. 8.
- Thomas Brandon, pag. 1411. col. 2. lin. 50.
- Thom. Bourchier knight, pa. 1415. col. 2. lin. 39. pa. [...] col. 1. lin. 22.
- Thanks publikely giuẽ to God for the recõciliation of the church of England vnto ye Romiſh. 1761.52
- Throckmerton Nicholas Knight, arreigned and acquited. 1727.42 the or|der of his arraigment ſet forth at large ibid.
- Theodore firſt acknowled [...]ged to bee reimate of all England. 122.38
- Throckmertõ Iohn [...] for a rebell. [...]
- Th. duke of Clarence ſlain [...] col [...] lin 48
- Thomas lord Seales ſent to conquer Anion [...]35 col. 1. lin. 21. to [...] priſo|ner. 1242. co. 2. li. 30. 1 [...]08 col. 1. lin. 44.5 [...] murdred [...]00. col. 1. lin. 20.
- Thomas Erle of Saliſbu|rie ſlaine. 1240. col. [...] lin. 3
- Thomas Gargraue ſlaine, 1240. col. 1. lin. 7.
- Thomas lord Egremonde ſent too Norgate. 1291. col. 1. li. 14. eſcaped. li. 24 bound to the peace. 1292 col. 2. lin. 52 ſlaine, 1299. col. 2. lin. 58.
- Thomas Earle of Or|mond ſent Ambaſſadour into Fraunce. 1437.30
- Theophilactus Biſhop of Euder to, ſent Legate from Pope Adrian into England, 198.6 [...]
- Thom. Eudouham knight beheaded. 1 [...]. col. [...]. li. 27
- Thom. wentworth knight 1314. col. 2. lin. 24. behea|ded. 1315. col. 1. lin. 1
- Thomas Huſey knight. 1314. col. 2. lin. 26. behea|ded. 1315. col 1. lin. 1.
- Thomas Lorde Scales, 1 [...]16. col. 2. lin. 29.
- Thom. Gray knight, mar|ques Dorſet. 1316. col 2 lin. 29
- Thetford ſea remoued too Norwich. 333.78
- Thwaites his valor. 1522 30.
- Theodore Archb. excellent well learned. 178.85
- Theime tol graunted to K. Richard the firſt, 571.52
- Thwaites Thom. knight, 1443.38.
- Thomas Aparre ſlaine, 1304.5.
- Thomas. Hoo. Eſquir [...]. 1305.27. b
- Thira ſiſter too king Har|dicnute. 269.34
- Theuet Andrewe cyted. 15.2
- Thomas william executed 1755.30
- Thames frozen. 1834.58
- Thomas dieth. 352.3
- Thomas reſtored. 305.46
- The greater men bee, the more humble they ought to bear theſelues. 19 [...]. [...]2
- Things not to be loued for the places ſake, but places for ye things ſake. 149.26
- Theomantius dyeth, and is buried at London. 45 106
- Treaſure in Holt Caſtell, 1108.5 [...]. b
- Thruſtan made lieutenant of the north parts. 369.2 [...]
- Thorney, and why ſo cal|led. 75.41
- Theeues ordeyned too bee hanged to death. 363.107
- Theobalde Abbot of Be|chelloum, ſacred Archbi|ſhop of Canterb. 371.2 [...]
- Three kindes of people come oute of Germanie into Britaine. 112.81
- Thomas Robert, maiſter Gunner of Englãd ſlain. 1835.42. and, 1872.37
- Thankes giuen publikely too God through ones France for the recouerie of Calais. 1778.24
- Thanks giuẽ publikely to god for an ouerthrow gi|uẽ to the Turk. 1860.23
- Thankes publikely giuen vnto God, and bonfires made for the taking of the French K. 1 [...]33.24 [...]
- Thetford taken and burnt by the Danes. 243.7 [...]. and. [...]45.50
- Thiſtleworth manor ſpoi|led. 766.6
- Thorne william cited, and what time hee liued. 299 48.
- Thunders. 1046.24. a
- Theodoſius the yonger Emperor. 125.51
- Thomas Stafforde. 1422 24.
- Theodorus Erle of Flan|ders. 395.33
- Theis riuer. 302.6 [...]
- Theis riuer. 241.32
- Thames frozen. 1569.49
- Thames frozen ye mẽ paſſe EEBO page image 1487 ouer on horſebacke. 761.12. and .780.37.
- Toſtie returneth into Eng+land with a feet, againſt his brother King Ha|rold. 284.12
- Toſtie chaſed into Scotlãd with ſome loſſe of his mẽ and ſhips. 284.27
- Toſty fleeing out of Scot|land into Norway, per|ſwadeth k Harold Har|fager to make a conqueſt of England. 284.35
- Toſtie ioyneth his power with the Norwegians, againſt the Engliſhmen. 285.53.
- Toſtie ſlaine in battaile. 284.90.
- Townes in Fraunce ta|ken by the Engliſh ar|mie. 930.7. a
- Tottenhall battaile, fought by the Engliſhmen a|gainſt the Danes. 221.63
- Townes buylded and re|payred by K. Edwarde. 222.68.
- Townes in Scotland for|tifyed by King Edward the thirde. 900.15. a
- Townes in Fraunce bur|ned. 904.45. b
- Topelife Caſtell fortified. 433.35.
- Tower of Lõdon beſieged by the Nobles of the realme. 40 [...].56
- Toſtie cruelly murthereth his brother Earle Ha|rolds ſeruants. 278.84
- Toſtie ſayleth ouer intoo Flanders with his wyfe and children. 279.28
- Toures a citie in Fraunce, whence ſo named 14.77
- Tongues vſed more libe|rally at bankets than nee|deth. 234. [...]3
- Tower of Lõdõ furniſhed with a gariſon. 110.54
- Toures a citie in Fraunce builded by Brute. 14.42
- Tong a place in Kent .126.26.
- Tower of London beſie|ged. 377.41
- Tower of London yeelded to Lewes. 601.59
- Torkſey chanel caſt. 359.11
- Towns drowned by riſing of the Thames. 333.105
- Towers and houſes of ſtrength, builded in Wa|les by K. William Ru|fus. 328.62
- Tower of London com|paſſed about wyth newe walles. 329.8
- Toſty baniſhed the lande, 272.11.
- Togodummus, ſon to Cy|nobellitius vanquiſhed. 49.6.
- Tonque Caſtell beſieged by Henry ye fifth pa. 1187 col. 1. li. 57. yelded. co. 2. li. 3
- Tower of Lõdon deliuered to K. Stephen. 38.401
- Textor Rauiſius cyted. 2.105. and 5.27.
- Tourney won by Charles the Emperor. 1518.10
- Townes buylded and re|payred by Ethelfleda, ſi|ſter to K. Edward. 222.1
- Townes won by ye French K. in Normandy. 558.42
- Tonſtall doctor maiſter of the Rolles. 1506.10
- Tourney promiſed to bee deliuered vnto ye French King, and vpon what conditions. 1505.22. de|liuered. 1506.10
- Tonſtal Cathbert Biſhop of Dureſme, one of the executors of the will of king Henrie the eight, and of the Counſaylers aſſigned vnto his f [...]e. 1611.40.
- Townes in Fraunce ren|dred to the Frenche. pag. 1244. col. 1. lin. 50.
- Tunſtall Cuthbert made B. of London. 1518.46
- Tonſtall Richarde knight. 1435.30.
- Tonneys Iohn. 1461.47
- Tunſtall Cuthbert made B. of Dureſme. 1553.41
- Toſtie made Erle of Nor|thumberland. 276.74
- Townes wonne by Henry Erle of Darby in Gaſ|coigne. 938.23. b
- Tower of London yeelded to Edwarde the .iiij. pag. 1332. col. 2. lin. 18.
- Torkſey in Linſey. 212 14
- Tower of London deliue|red to Edwarde earle of March. p. 1300. co. 1. li 12
- Townes in Guien reſtored to k. Edw. ye .iij. 912.55. a
- Townes in Normandie yeelded to Henry the fift. pag. 1192. col 1. lin. 8.
- Tourney beſieged by king Edwarde the thirde. 910. 27. b. ſiege raſed. 912.9. b
- Towns in Gaſcoin won by ye erle of Darby. 927.24. b
- Townes in Gaſcoin won 809.47. b
- Tours. 559.46
- Townes won in Gaſcoin. 925.16 b.
- Towns in Thiraſſe burnt. 907.53. b.
- Towton field. 1311. c. 2. l. 9
- Tower of London buyl|ded. 28.8
- Tormace, loke Theoman|tius.
- Touceter towne repayred. 222.81.
- Bi of Tourney. 901.12. b
- Trahern one of Helen the Empreſſe vncles, ſent wt an army into Brytain a|gainſt Octauius. 92.103
- Trahern and his army put to flight and chaſed. 91.3
- Traherne ſlaine by treaſon 93.16.
- Treacherie of Philip king of Fraunce, towarde Ri|charde the firſte king of Englande, vpon the way towardes the holy lande. 490.74.
- Treaſon practiſed by Al|fred, agaynſt king Adel|ſtane. 224.14
- Truce taken betwene king Iohn and the Frenche King for fiftie dayes. 546.27
- Trebellius appointed lieu|tenaunt of Brytayne. 73.71.
- Trebellius receyueth the chriſtian religion. 74.64
- Treaſon of Edricke de Streona, in fleeing too the Danes. 252.18. and 254.51. and .255.81.
- Trumnine ordeyned Pa|ſtour of the Pictes. 182.27.
- Troians flocke vnto Bru|tus in Grece. 10.53
- Trimare, a Celtike word. 4.104.
- Trebonius gyueth the Brytains an ouerthrow 41.102.
- Troinouantes where they inhabited. 42.53
- Tracie William Knight. 415.61.
- Tracy William Knight. throwne downe too the grounde by Archbiſhop Thomas Becket. 416.85
- Treaſon of king Harolde, agaynſt Queene Emma and hir children. 164.97
- Treaſon of the welſhmen, againſt their owne prince Gryffin. 277.70
- Trebellius Maximus, made lieutenant of Bri|taine. 66.19
- Trebellius Maximus hũ|bleth himſelf to his ſoul|diours. 66 38
- Treaſon of the Saxons a|gaynſt the Brytaynes. 118.22.
- Troians beſieged in theyr campe by the Gaules. 14.52.
- Treaſon of Offa to intrap Egilbert King of Eaſt Angles. 194.100. and. 196 106.
- Trinouants ſend Ambaſ|ſadours of ſubmiſſion to Ceſar. 52, 57
- Trent riuer runneth back|warde. 351.36
- Trumhere thirde Biſhop of Mercia. 176.22
- Traitors preferred for the puniſhment of the realm and people. 244.73
- Tribute payed to K. Hen|rie the ſeconde for Tho|louſe. 424.48
- Treaſon in Edricke de Streona iuſtly puniſhed. 260.4.
- Tribute payed by the En|gliſhmen too the Danes inhaunced. 242.24
- Treſke Caſtel deliuered to king Henrie the ſeconde. 436.30.
- Treaſon of Gothlots, a Britiſh captaine. 127.86
- Trou [...]onal or Troinewith builded. 16.1 [...]
- Treacherous practiſes of Baſſianus, againſt the emperor Seuerus his fa|ther. 80.32. and .80.62.
- Truce taken betwixt king Henrie the thirde, and king Lewes. 610.18
- Trenchuile William Lord a man of greate power. 399.12.
- Truce taken betwixt king Iohn and the Frenche king. 586.25
- Truce concluded betweene K. Edward, and the Da|nes of Eaſtangle & Nor|thumberland. 220.50
- Truce in Britain for three yeares. 919.52. a
- Trinitie Church in Ire|lande made the Metro|politane. 386.38
- Treaſure and furniture which K. Richard ye firſt demaundeth of Tancrede K. of Sicile. 487.6
- Tremarle Thomas knight 1450.16.
- Treaty of peace. pag. 1199. col. 2. lin. 29.
- Trẽchard Thomas knight 1450.41.
- Truce betwene Englande and France. 1046.10. a
- Trutulenſis hauen. 73.41
- Truce with Fraunce for thirtie yeares. 1088.7. b
- Trubleuile Henrie a wor|thie captaine. 653.68
- EEBO page image 1487Truce with France. 1074.7. a
- Truce with the Scottes. page. 1317. col. 1. line. 54
- Truce for two yeres. 962.30. a
- Truce with Fraunce for four yeares. 1084.20. a
- Truce betweene Englãd & France, and their ad|herents. 912.34
- Robert Triſilian attain|ted. 1071.25. a. hanged. 1071.1. b
- Truce betwene England and Fraunce. 995.10. b. 996.12. a. 997.3. a. 997.37. b
- Treaſon practiſed againſt Henrye Fitz Empreſſe. 392.76
- Truce with Frenchmen. 1047.20. b
- Truce for ſixe yeres with Fraunce. page. 1249. col. 1. line. 19
- Trow town burned. 468. line. 12
- Truce for nine yeres with Scots. 981.3. b
- Treſham Thomas knight inſtituted Lord of Saint Iohns of Ieruſalem in England. 1769.48
- Truce with the Scottes. 1036.50. b
- Truce for a time in Bri|taine. 917.17. a
- Truce betwene England and Fraunce. 948.25. b
- Treaſon of Earle Edri|cus. 243.51. and .244.57. and .245.9
- Treaſon in truſt. 170.59. and .194.100
- Truce with the Scottes. 838.38. a. 899.1. a
- Treatie of peace at Arras page. 1254. col. 2. line. 15
- Treaſon of Mortimer. 891.2. a
- Truce with the Scottes. page. 1406. col. 2. line. 37
- Traile Baſton. 840.26. b
- Tumulte rayſed by Lon|doners. 914.16. a
- Tutburie Caſtell deliue|red to King Henrye the ſecond. 436.32
- Turnamentes forbidden. 838.3. b
- Turold Erle ſent againſt the Danes. 240.14.
- Turneham Stephan cõ|mitted to priſon 474.21
- Turburie Caſtell ouer|throwen and defaced. 767.22
- Cunbridge Caſtel wrõg|fully holden from the Archbyſhop of Caunter|burie. 637.4
- Turberuils treaſon. 813.40. b. executed. 814.30. b
- Turneham Roberte. 542. line. 22
- Tuda dyeth. 1774.8
- Tunbridge Caſtell to be|long to the ſeigmorie of the Sea of Caunterbu|rie. 401.105
- Turneys to bee exerciſed in diuers places. 523. [...]
- Tunbridge Caſtel taken. 596.30
- Tully cited. 2.109. and .3. line. 7 [...]
- Tuball obteineth ye king|dome of Spaine. 1.98
- Tu [...]a ordeyned Biſhoppe of Northumberland. 177. line. [...]
- Tumbart ordeyned By|ſhop of Hagunald. 182.29
- Turkell compoundeth to tarrie in Englande, and is reteyned by King E|geleedus. 251.6
- Turkel ſayleth into Den|marke, to perſwade Cnute to returne into England. 251.20
- Turkel maketh an inrode into Englande, and re|turneth with great boo|ties. 251.88
- Turguſius, brother to Gurmundus King of the Affricanes. 144.2
- Turketell Mirenchened his treaſon, in fleeing to the Danes. 245.45
- Turkell maketh himſelfe chiefe Lorde and gouer|nour of Norffolke and Suffolke. 246.55
- Turkell diſcloſeth the vnabieneſſe and ſecrets of this Realme to Kyng Swanus. 247.35
- Turkell ioyneth in league with King Egelred, a|gainſt the other Danes. 247.45. and .247.86
- Turkell gouernoure of the Daniſh fleete vnder King Swanus. 248.43
- Turinus, Nephewe to Brute ſlayne. 14.75
- Turneham Robert taken priſoner by the Frenche King. 562.15
- Turkell baniſhed the lãd. 260.52. and .269.14
- The Turke hathe a no|table ouerthrow by [...]a. page. 1860
- Turkell, a Daniſh Cap|taine. 244.113
- Turſtan a collector ſlaine. 267.24
- Turketellus a leader of the Daniſh army againſt King William. 302.23
- Turketillus a Daniſhe Earle, ſubdued by Kyng Edwarde. 221.47
- Tunbridge Caſtell yeel|ded to Kyng William Rufus. 319.51
- Tu [...]e Brian cited. 4.74
- Turneham Robert Lieu|tenance to King Iohn. 560.11
- Turkell made gouernour of Eaſt angle. 259.11
- Touracy yeelded vnto King Henrye. 1487.2. ſworne true vnto the K. 1487.22
- Twing Robert a Knyght withſtandeth ſtraungers incumbents. 639.93
- Tu [...] terrible biaſing Startes appeare. 191.52
- Two men burnt to death with lightning at Ande|uer. 421.20
- Twichet Iames Lorde Ande [...]y Chiefetaine of the Corniſhe Rebelles 1447.10. beheaded. ea|dem. 43
- Tweede Riuer at thys daye deuideth the two Realmes of Englande and Scotland. 428.7
- Twing Roberte goeth to Rome for abſolution. 639.112
- Twing Roberte reſtored to his patronage of Lu|thun in Yorkeſhire. 655. line. 53
- Twine Iohn, a learned Antiquarte. 1219.72. hys diligence and wary cir|cumſpection in keeping the Citie of Caunter|burie from ioining with Wyat. 1724.62