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1.20. King Henry the eyghte.

King Henry the eyghte.

EEBO page image 1464 [figure appears here on page 1464]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 H. the eight._NOwe after the death of this noble Prince Henrie the ſeuenth,


An. Reg. 1.

his ſonne Henrie the viij. began his raigne the .xxij. day of April in the yeare of the worlde .5475. after ye byrth of our ſauioure 1509. and in the xviij. yere of his age, in the .xvj. yeare of Maximilian then being Emperour, in the .xj. yeare of Lewes the .xij. that then raigned in Fraunce, and in the .xx. of king Iames the fourth as then [...]ſing ouer the Scottes. Whoſe ſtyle was proclaymed by the blaſſe of a trum|pet in the Citie of London,Henry the eight proclamed king the xxiij. daye of the ſayde Moneth, with muche gladneſſe and reioy|ſing of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And the ſame day he departed from his ma|nour of Richmonde, to the Tower of London, where he remained cloſely and ſecretely wyth hys Counſayle, till the funeralles of his father were finiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Polidor. Although this king nowe comming to the Crowne was but yong (as before is ſayde) yet hauing beene in his firſte yeres trained vp in ler|ning dyd for reſpect of hys owne ſuretye and good gouernement of his people, prudently by ad|uice of his graundmother, the Counteſſe of Rich|monde and Darbie, elect and chooſe forth diuers of the moſte wiſe and graue perſonages to bee of his priuie Counſayle, namely ſuch as he knewe to bee of his fathers right deare and famyliar friendes, whoſe names were as followeth. Wil|liam Warham Archebiſhop of Canterburie and Chauncellour of Englande,Counſailers to king Henry the eight. Richard Foxe Bi|ſhop of Wincheſter, Thomas Howarde Earle of Surrey, and Treaſorer of Englande, George Talbot Earle of Shreweſburie, and Lorde ſte|ward of the kings houſeholde, Charles Somerſet Lorde Chamberlaine, Sir Thomas Louell, ſir Henrie W [...]at, doctor Thomas Ruthall, ſir Ed|ward Poynings. These graue and wise counsailors, fearing least such aboundance of riches and wealth as the king was nowe possessed of, might moue his yong yeres vnto riottous forgetting of himselfe, for vnto no king at any time before was lefte greater or the like riches, as well in readie coine, as in iewels and other moueables, as was left to him by his father. And therefore hys saide counsaylers trauayled in such prudent sorte with him, that they got him to bee present with them when they sate in counsaile, so to acquaynt hym with matters pertaining to the politike gouernment of the Realme, that by little and by little hee might applie himselfe to take vppon him the rule and administration of publike affayres, with the whiche at the first he coulde not wel endure to be muche troubled, being rather inclined to followe suche pleasaunt pastimes as his youthfull yong yeares did more delight in, and therefore could be verie wel contented, that other graue personages should take paines therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The same day also that the king came to the Tower, the Lorde Henrie Stafforde brother to the Duke of Buckingham was arrested, and co(m)mitted to the Tower: and the same day also doctor Ruthal was named Bishop of Durham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THe .xxv. day of Aprill was proclaimed, that the kings grace ratified all the pardons graunted by his father, and also pardoned al suche persons as were then in suyte for any offence whatsoeuer it was, treason, muther, and fellonie onely excepted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And nowe wheras the perfourmance of the deceassed kings will was thoughte right expedient with al speede to be perfourmed, A pro [...] a Proclamaion was also sette forth and published throughe the Realme, that if any man coulde proue himself to be hurt, and depriued of his goods wrongfully by the Commissioners of the forfeytures, he shoulde come and present his plaint to the king, being redie to satisfie euery one of all iniuries sustained.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this Proclamation was notified abrode, all ſuche as had beene conſtrained eyther by right or wrong (as Polidor ſayth) to pay any thing for anye forfeytures of lawes and cuſtomes by them tranſgreſſed, came flocking to the Court, & there declared their griefs, in what ſort they had wrõg|fully bin compelled (as they [...]urmiled) to pay this or that ſumme. The counſaile heard euery mans complaint, & ſuche as were founde to haue paide any thing without plaine proof of iuſticau [...], they tooke ſuch order for them that they had ther mo|ney again. Which being once knowen, it was a ſtrange thing to ſee how thick other came in yea euen thoſe that had bin worthily fined & puniſhed for their diſorderly tranſgreſſions, making er [...]eſt ſuit for reſtitutiõ, feining, & forging many things to make their cauſe ſeme good, and to ſtand with equitie: and the better to be hearde in their ſuyte, they made friends as wel with brybes and large giftes as otherwiſe, leauing no wayes vnaſſayed to compaſſe their deſires, whiche greedineſſe in EEBO page image 1465 ſuch multitude of futers, brought the commiſſi|oners, and other that had delt in the forfeytures into daunger, and did themſelues no good: for the counſell perceyuing that it was not poſſible to ſatiſfie them all, refuſed to heare anye further complayntes or ſuites for reſtitution, but thou|ght it beſt to committe thoſe to priſon, by whom the compleynantes pretẽded themſelues to haue bin wrõged, & herevpon was ſir Rich. Empſon knight,Empſon and [...]ey com|mitted to the [...]. and Edmonde Dudley Eſquier, great counſelloures to the late Kyng attached, and broughte to the Tower, thereby to quiet mens myndes, that made ſuche importunate ſuite to haue their money agayne reſtored, whiche in the late Kynges dayes they hadde beene com|pelled to diſburſe, through the rigorous procee|dings, as they alledged, of the ſayd two counſel|lours, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Truely greate exclamation was made a|gaynſt them, as it often happeneth, that where anye thyng is doone contrarye to the lykyng of ye people, thoſe that be dealers vnder the Prince, & by hys commaundemente proceede in the exe|cution thereof, runne in hatred of the multitude.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howe ſo euer it was, theyr apprehen|ſion and committyng to priſon, was thoughte by the wyſe to bee procured by the malice of them that in the late Kynges dayes, were of|fended with theyr authoritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortely after, as Edwarde Halle ſayeth) were apprehended dyuers other perſones, that wer called promoters, as Canby, Page, Smith, Derbye,Promoters periſhed. Wrighte, Symſon, and Stocton, of the whyche, the more parte ware papers, and ſtoode on the Pillorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were prepared ready for the funeralles of the late Kyng, his corps with all ſumptuous pompe and ſolemne Ceremonyes, was conueyed from Richmont to Saint Geor|ges fielde, where the Clergie of the Citie mette it, and at the Bridge the Mayre and hys bre|thren wyth many Commoners all cloathed in blacke lykewyſe mette it, and gaue theyr atten|daunce on the ſame thorough the Citie, to the Cathedrall Churche of Saincte Paule, where was ſong a ſolemne Dirige and Maſſe, and a Sermon made by the Biſhoppe of Rocheſter Iohn Fyſher.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte daye the corps was had to Weſt|minſter, and there the daye followyng, put in|to the earth wyth all due ſolemnities as apper|teyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the funeralles of the ſayde la [...]e Kyng were once ended, great preparation was made for the Coronation of thys new King, whiche was appoynted on Midſomer daye next enſuyng: Duryng the tyme of whyche pre|paration, the Kyng was aduyſed by ſome of his counſell to take to wyfe the Ladye Kathe|rine, late wyfe to hys brother Prince Arthur, leaſt ſhe hauing ſo greate a dowrie as was ap|poynted to hir, might marrye out of the realme, whiche ſhould be to his hinderaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng beeyng hereto perſwaded,Lady Kathe|rin Prince Ar|thure his wi|dow, maried to his brother King Henry the eyght. eſpou|ſed the ſayd Ladye Catherine the thirde daye of Iune, the whyche maryage was diſpenſed with by Pope Iuly, at the ſuite of hir father, kyng Ferdinando.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the eleuenth day of this moneth of Iune, the King came from Greenewiche to the Tower ouer London bridge, and ſo by Gracechurche, with whome came many a Gentleman rychely apparelled, but ſpecially the Duke of Bucking|ham, whiche had a gowne all of Goldeſmithes worke, very coſtly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Friday, the two and twentith daye of Iune, the Kyng with the Queene, being in the Tower of London, made foure and twentie knightes of the Bath. And the morrowe follo|wing, being Saterday the 24. of Iune, his grace with the Queene departed frõ the Tower tho|rough London, the ſtreetes beeing hanged with tapeſtrie, & cloth of arras very richly. And a great parte of the South ſide of Cheape with clothe of gold, and ſo was ſome part of Cornehill. But to ſpeake of al ye ſolemne ſhew ſet forth that daye, & how ye crafts, Aldermen, and Lord Maior ſtoode in their appointed places, or of the rich & ſump|tuous apparel, which not only ye K. and Quene ware that day, but alſo other eſtates whiche dyd attẽd their maieſties, it would aſke a long time, & yet I ſhoulde omit many things, & faile of the nũber. The trappers & rich furnitures of horſes, palfreys, & charets were wonderfull. Of cloth of tiſſew, golde, ſiluer, embroderies, & goldſmithes worke there was no want, beſide the great num|ber of chaynes of gold & handerikes, both maſſy & greate, righte gorgeous to behold. And thus wt great ioy and honor, they came to Weſtminſter.

The morrow following being Sunday, & al|ſo Midſomer day, that noble Prince, wt his wife Q. Katherine, wente from the Palaice, to the Abbey of Weſtmin. where according to the an|cient cuſtome,The corona|tion of Kyng Henry, and Q. Katherine. they were annointed & Crowned by the Archb. of Cant. with other Prelates of the Realm there preſent, & the nobilitie, and a greate multitude of the cõmons. After with the ſolem|nity of ye ſaid coronation according to the ſacred obſeruances vſed in that behalf ended, the Lords Spirituall and temporall, did to him homage,Homage done to the King as his coronatiõ, by the lordes ſpirituall and temporall. and then he returned to Weſtminſter Hall with the Queene, where they dined, all the ſolemne cuſtomes and ſeruices being vſed & done, whiche in ſuch caſes apperteined, euery L. & other noble manne, according to their tenures before clay|med, viewed, ſeene, and allowed, entring into EEBO page image 1466 their roomths and offices that day to execute the ſame accordingly. When the feaſt or diner was ended, and the tables auoyded, the King and the Quene went vnto their chambers. For the more enobling of this coronation, there was prepared both iuſtes and tourneys, whiche within the pa|laice of Weſtminſter were performed and done, with great triumph and royaltie.

[figure appears here on page 1466]

The enterpriſers of which martiall feats, wer theſe perſons whoſe names enſue: Thomas Lord Howard, ſonne and heire apparant to the Erle of Surrey: ſir Edward Howard Admirall his brother: the Lorde Richarde Gray brother to the Marques Dorſet: ſir Edmunde Howarde: ſir Edmunde Kneuet: and Charles Brandon Eſquier.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And on the other ſide as defendauntes were theſe eight perſones. Sir Iohn Pechye, ſir Ed|warde Neuill, ſir Edwarde Euilforde, ſir Iohn Carre, Sir Willyam Parre, Sir Giles Capell, Sir Griffeth Doun, and Syr Roulande. The King pardoned the Lorde Henrye brother to the Duke of Buckingham committed to the Tow|er (as yee haue heard) vppon ſuſpition of treaſon: But when nothyng coulde bee proued agaynſte hym, hee was ſette at libertie, and at the Parlia|ment after created earle of Wilſhire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this yeare the kyng ordeyned fifty Gen|tlemen to bee ſpeares, euerye of them to haue an Archer, a Demylaunce, and a Cuſtrell, and eue|rye ſpeare to haue three great horſes to be atten|daunt on his perſon, of the whiche bende the earle of Eſſex was lieutenaunt, and Sir Iohn Pechy Capitaine. Thys ordynaunce continued but a while, the chardges was ſo greate, for there were none of them, but they and their horſes were ap|parayled and trapped in clothe of golde, ſiluer and Goldſmithes worke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A great plague [...]o Calais.This yeare alſo was a greate peſtilence in the Towne of Calais, ſo that the King ſente one Syr Iohn Pechie wyth three hundreth men to tarrye there vppon the defence of that Towne til the ſickeneſſe was ceaſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore,A parliament. this yeare the King ſommoned his Parliament in the Monethe of Nouember, to begin in the Monethe of Ianuarye nexte [...]|ſyng. Wherof Sir Thomas Ingleflelde was choſen ſpeaker.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this Parliament Syr Rycharde Empſon Knight,Empſon and Dudley at|tainted of treaſon. and Edmond Dudly eſquier late coun|ſellours to Kyng Henrye the ſeuenthe were at|teynted of highe treaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 They were chardged with many offences cõ|mitted in the late kings dayes, as partely beefore you haue hearde, and being broughte before the counſell,Polidor. as they were graue and wiſe perſona|ges, and bothe of them learned and ſkilfull in the lawes of this realm, they alledged for themſelues right conſtantlye in their owne defences muche good & ſufficient matter, in ſo muche that Emp|ſon being the elder in yeres, had theſe words: I know (right honorable) that it is not vnknowne to you, how profitable and neceſſarie lawes are for the good preſeruation of mans lyfe, withoute the which neither houſe, town, nor citie can long continue or ſtand in ſafetie, which lawes herein Englande thorough negligence of magiſtrates were partly decayed, and partely quite forgotten and worne out of vſe, the miſchief wherof dayly increaſing, Henry the .vij. a moſt graue and pro|dent Prince, wiſhed to ſuppreſſe, & therfore ap|pointed vs to ſee that ſuche lawes as were yet in vſe might continue in three ful force, and ſuch as were out of vſe might againe be reuiued and re|ſtored to their former ſtate, and that alſo thoſe perſons which tranſgreſſed the ſame, mighte bee puniſhed according to theyr demerites, wherein we diſcharged oure dueties in moſte faythfull EEBO page image 1467 wyfe, and beſte manner we coulde, to the greate aduauntage and cõmoditie no doubt of ye whole common wealthe: wherefore wee moſt humbly beſiech you in reſpect of your honours, courteſie, goodneſſe, humanitie, and iuſtice, not to decree a|ny greeuous ſentence againſt vs, as though wee were worthy of puniſhmente, but rather to ap|point how wt thankefull recompence our paines and trauaile may be worthily conſidered. Ma|ny of the counſell thoughte that hee had ſpoken well, and ſo as ſtoode with greate reaſon, but yet the greater number ſuppoſing that the reuiuing of thoſe lawes had proceeded rather of a couetous meaning in the King and them, than of anye zeale of Iuſtice, and hauing alſo themſelues felte the ſmart lately before for their owne offences, and tranſgreſſions, hadde conceiued ſuch malice towardes the men, that they thoughte it reaſon, that ſuche as hadde bene dealers therein, were worthy to loſe their heads in like ſorte, as they had cauſed others to loſe their money. Heerevp|pon, their accuſers were maynteyned, and many odde matters narrowly ſought out againſt thẽ, as by two ſeuerall inditementes framed againſt Sir Richarde Empſon (the copies whereof, I haue ſeene) it may well appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the one hee is charged, that to winne the fauoure and credite of the late King, not way|ing hys honour, nor the proſperitie of him, or wealthe of his Realme, hee hadde in ſubuerſion of the lawes of the lande, procured dyuers per|ſons to be endited of diuers crimes and offen|ces ſurmiſed agaynſte them, and therevpon to bee committed to priſon, without due proceſſe of lawe, and not ſuffered to come to theyr aun|ſweres, were kept in durance, till they had com|pounded for their fines, to their great importable loſſes, and vtter empoueriſhment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo diuers vntrue offices of intruſions and alienations, made by ſundrye the late Kyngs liege people, into manors, lands, and tenements were found, it being vntruely alledged, that they held the ſame of the Kyng in capite. And when ſuch perſons as were thus vexed, offered to tra|uerſe thoſe offices, they coulde not bee admitted thereto, in ſuche due and lawfull forme, as in ſuche cauſes the lawe prouideth, till they hadde compounded to paye greate fynes and raun|ſomes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the kings Wardes, after they had accompliſhed their full age, could not be ſuffered to ſue theyr lyueries, tyll they hadde paide exceſ|ſiue fynes and raunſomes, vnto their greate a|noyance, loſſe, and diſquieting, and to no leſſe contempte of the ſayde late King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further, where as dyuers perſons had bin outlawed, as well as the ſuite of theyr aduerſa|ries, as of the ſayde late Kyng, they coulde not be allowed to purchaſe theyr charters of pardon out of the Chancery, according to the lawe of the Realme, till they were driuen to aunſwere halfe the iſſues and profites of all theyr landes and tenementes by the ſpace of two yeares, whi|che the Kyng receyued to hys vſe, by the ſayde Richarde Empſons procuremente, who enfor|med hym that hee myghte lawfully take the ſame, although hee knewe that it was contrarie to the lawes and cuſtomes of the Realme: wherevppon, the people vexed and moleſted by ſuche hard dealings, ſore grudged agaynſte the ſayde late Kyng, to the greate perill and daun|ger of hys perſon and Realme, and ſubuerſion of the lawes, and auntiente cuſtomes there|of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, it was alledged againſte the ſaid Emp|ſon, that he hadde ſente forth preceptes directed vnto dyuers perſons, commaundyng them vp|pon greate penalties, to appeare before him, and other hys aſſociates, at certayn dayes and times within hys houſe in Sainte Brydes Pariſhe, in a warde of London, called Farringdon with|out, where they makyng theyr appearances, ac|cordyng to the ſame preceptes, were impleaded afore hym and other his ſayde aſſociates, of dy|uers murthers, felonies, outlaries, and of the ar|ticles in the ſtatute of prouiſors conteyned, alſo of wilfull eſcapes of Felons, and ſuch like mat|ters and articles apperteyning to the plees of the Crowne, and common lawes of the Realme. And that done, the ſayde perſons were commit|ted to dyuers priſons, as the Fleete, the Tower, and other places, where they were deteyned, tyll they hadde fined at hys pleaſure, as well for the commoditie of the ſayde late Kyng, as for the ſingular aduauntage of the ſayde Sir Richarde Empſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, whereas the ſayde Empſon, bee|ing Recorder of Couentrie, and there ſate with the Maior and other Iuſtices of the peace, vp|pon a ſpeciall gaole delyuerie within ye Citie, on the Monday before the feaſt of S. Thomas the Apoſtle, in the ſixteenth yeare of the late kyngs raigne, a priſoner that hadde beene endited of fe|lonie, for takyng out of an houſe in that Citie, certayne goodes, to the value of twentie ſhil|lings, was arraigned before them, and bycauſe the Iurie would not finde the ſayde priſoner gil|tie, for wante of ſufficient euidence, as they after alledged, the ſayde Sir Richarde Empſon ſup|poſing the ſame euidence to be ſufficient, cauſed them to be committed toward, wherein they re|mayned foure dayes togyther, till they were contented to enter band in fortie pound a peece, to appeare before the Kyng and hys Counſell, the ſecond returne of the tearme then nexte en|ſuing, being Quindena Hillarij, and therevppon, EEBO page image 1468 they keeping their day, and appearing before the ſaid ſir Richard Empſon, and other of the kings counſell, according to their bandes, were adiud|ged to pay euery of them eyght pound for a fyne, and accordingly made payment thereof, as they were then thought well worthy ſo to do. But nowe this matter ſo long paſt, was ſtill kepte in memorie, and ſo earneſt ſome were to enforce it to the vttermoſt againſt the ſayd Empſon, that in a Seſſions holden at Couentrie nowe in thys firſt yere of this kings raigne, an inditemẽt was framed againſt him for this matter, and thereof he was found giltie, as if therein he had commit|ted ſome great and heynous offence againſte the Kings peace, his Crowne and dignitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue I thought good to ſhew what I find hereof, to the end ye may perceiue how glad men were to find ſome coulour of ſufficiẽt mat|ter, to bring the ſaid ſir Richard Empſon, & ma|ſter Edmonde Dudley, within daunger of the lawes, whereby at lengthe, they were not onely condemned by acte of Parliament, through ma|lice of ſuch as might ſeeme to ſeeke their deſtruc|tion for priuate grudges, but in the end alſo, they were arreigned, as firſt the ſaid Edmond Dud|ley in the Guild Hall of London, the ſeuententh of Iuly, and ſir Richarde Empſon at Northãp|ton, in October nexte enſuing, and beeing there condemned, was from thence broughte backe a|gaine to the Tower of London, where hee re|mained till the time of his execution, as after yee ſhall heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the plague was greate, and raig|ned in diuers parts of this Realme.

1510The King kepte hys Chriſtmas at Riche|mond.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The twelfth of Ianuary, dyuers Gentlemen prepared to iuſt, and the Kyng and one of hys priuie chamber, called William Compton, ſe|cretely armed themſelues in the little Parke of Richmond, and ſo came into the iuſtes, vnkno|wen to all perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng neuer ranne openly before, and did exceedinglye well.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maſter Compton chanced to be ſore hurt by Edward Neuill Eſquier, brother to the Lord of Burgeinie, ſo that he was lyke to haue dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One perſon there was that knew the Kyng, and cryed God ſaue the Kyng, and with that, all the people were aſtonyed, and then the Kyng diſcouered hymſelfe, to the great comfort of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng ſoone after came to Weſtmin|ſter, and there kepte his Shrouetide with greate banquettings, dauncings, and other iolly pa|ſtimes.

Ambaſſadors.This yeare alſo came Ambaſſadors, not only from the Kyng of Arragon and Caſtile, but alſo from the Kynges of Fraunce, Denmarke, Scotlande, and other princes, whych were high|ly welcomed, and nobly enterteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare,An. reg. 2. the Kyng celebratyng the feaſt of Pentecoſt at Greenewiche, the Thurſeday in that weeke, with two other, whome hee choſe of purpoſe to aſſiſt hym as aydes, chalenged all commers, to fyghte with them at the barriers, with target, and punching ſtaffe of eyghte foote long, and that done, to fyghte eache of them twelue ſtrokes with two handed ſwordes, with and againſt all commers, none except, beeyng a Gentleman, where the Kyng behaued hymſelfe ſo well, and deliuered hymſelfe ſo valiauntlye, that through hys manly prowes and greate ſtrengthe, the lande and prayſe of that martiall paſtime was gyuen to hym and his aydes, not|withſtandyng that dyuers valiante and ſtrong perſonages had aſſayled them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeconde yeare, the Kyng beeing forth on his progreſſe, hearde euerye daye more and more complayntes of Empſon and Dudley (ſet forthe and aduaunced no doubte by the drifte of theyr deadly enimies) wherefore,The ſeuenth day hath Ioh [...] Stowe. Empſon and Dudley be|headed. he ſent writtes to the Sheriffes of London, to putte them to execution, and ſo the ſeauententh daye of Au|guſt, they were both beheaded at the Tower hil, and both theyr bodyes and heads buryed, ye one at the white Friers, and the other at the blacke Friers.

The Kyng beeyng in hys luſtie youthe, and muche deſirous to ſee the nobles and Gentlemen of hys Courte exerciſed in warlyke feates, cauſed thys yeare dyuers iuſtes and Torneys to be en|terpriſed, and he himſelfe for the moſt part made euer one amongſt them, acquiting himſelfe ſo worthely, that the beholders tooke paſſing plea|ſure to ſee hys valiaunte demeanoure in thoſe martiall feates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon New yeares day, thys yeare,


The birth of the firſt be|gotten ſonne of K. Henry the eyght.

at Rich|monde, the Queene was deliuered of a Prince, to the great gladneſſe of the Realme, for the ho|noure of whome, fyers were made, and dyuers veſſels with wyne ſette abroache, for ſuche as woulde take thereof, in dyuers ſtreetes in Lon|don, and generall Proceſſions made therevpon to lande God.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Godfathers at the Chriſtenyng, were the Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburye, and the Earle of Surrey: Godmother, the Lady Katherine, Counteſſe of Deuonſhire, daughter to Kyng Edwarde the fourth, his name was Henry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Februarye thys yeare,Ambaſſadors from the king of Spayne, for aid againſt the Moores. came Ambaſſadors from the Kyng of Arragon and Caſtile, to require an ayde of fifteene hun|dred archers, to be ſent to the ſame king, hauing at that time warre agaynſte the Moores, eni|mies of the Chriſtian faith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1469The Kyng hearing theyr meſſage, gently graunted theyr requeſt and bicauſe the Lord Thomas Darcy, a Knighte of the garter, made humble ſuite to the King to be generall of that true, that ſhoulde bee thus ſent into Spayne, the Kyng vppon truſt of his approued valiancie, graunted his deſire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were appoynted to goe with him the Lorde Anthony Grey, brother to the Marques Dorſet, Henry Guilford, Weſton Browne, and William Sidney Eſquiers of the Kings houſe, Sir Roberte Conſtable, Sir Roger Haſtings, and ſir Raufe Elderton, wt diuers other gentle|men to be Captaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King aboute thys ſeaſon was muche giuen to play at tenice, and at the dice, which ap|petite, certayne craftie perſons aboute hym per|ceyuing, brought in Frenchmen and Lombards to make wagers with him, and ſo hee loſt muche money, but when hee perceyued theyr crafte, hee eſchued their company, and let them go [...]

An. reg. 3. [...] at Grene| [...], the king [...]g [...]e [...]ge [...].On May daye, the Kyng lying at Greene|wiche, rode to the wodde to fetch May, and after on the ſame day, and the two dayes nexte enſu|ing, the King, Sir Edwarde Howard, Charles Brandon, and Edwarde Neuill as chalengers, held iuſtes againſt all commons.

On the other parte, the Marques Dorſet, the Earles of Eſſex and Deuonſhire, with other as defendauntes, ranne agaynſte them, ſo that ma|ny a ſore ſtripe was giuen, and manye a ſtaffe broken.

On the third day, the Queene made a greate banquet to the Kyng, and to all them that had iuſted, and after the banquet done, ſhee gaue the chiefe price to the Kyng, the ſecond to the Earle of Eſſex, the thirde to the Earle of Deuonſhire, and the fourth, to the Lord Marques Dorſet.

On the fifteenth daye of the ſame moneth, was another iuſtes begonne by the Kyng on the one partie, and the Earle of Eſſer on the other. Many that feared leaſt ſome euill chance might happen to the King, wiſhed that hee ſhoulde ra|ther haue beene a looker on, than a doer, and thereof ſpake as much as they durſt, but his cou|rage was ſo noble, that hee woulde euer be at the one ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde [...]y.In this meane time, the Lord Darcy, and o|ther appoynted to the viage agaynſt the Mores, made ſuche diligence, that they and al theyr peo|ple were ready at Plymmouth by the middes of May, and there muſtered theyr ſouldyers before the Lord Brooke, and other the Kings commiſ|ſioners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Darcy as Captayne general, or|deyned for his prouoſt Marſhall, Henry Guyl|ford Eſquier, a luſty yong man, and welbelo|ued of the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Monday in the Rogation weeke they departed out of Plimmouth Hauen with foure ſhippes royall, and the winde, was ſo fa|uourable to them, that the firſt day of Iune be|ing the euen of the feaſt of Pent [...]coſt, he deriued at the port of Cales in South Spayne, and im|mediately, by the aduice of his counſaile, hee diſ|patched meſſengers to the Kyng, whome they founde beſyde the Citie of Ciuil, where hee then lay, and declared to him, how the Lord Da [...]ye by the King theyr maiſters oppoyntmente, was come thither with ſixteene hundred archers, and lay ſtill at C [...]es to know his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Kyng of Caſtile aunſwered them gent|lie, that the Lorde Darcie, and all other that were come from hys louyng ſonne, were wel|come, and hartily thanked them of theyr pa [...] requiring the meſſengers to returne to their cap|taine, and tell him that in all haſt he would ſend certaine of hys counſell to him. And ſo vpon Sa|terday the eyght of Iune, a Byſhop and other of the Kings counſell came [...] Cales, and there abode till Wedneſday, beeing the euen of Cor|pus Chriſtt, at which day, the Lord Capitayne tooke lande, and was honorably receiued of the King of Aragons counſell, and on the morrow, was highly feaſted at dinner and ſupper. And at after ſapper, the Byſhop declared the Kyng hys maiſters pleaſure, giuing to the Lord Captayne as hartie thankes for hys paynes and trauell, as if hee hadde gone forward with his enterpriſe a|gainſt the Moores: but whereas by the aduice of his counſell, circumſpeltly conſidering the ſure|tie of his owne realme, vpon perfect knowledge hadde, that the Frenchmen meant to inuade hys dominions in his abſence, he had altered his for|mer determinatiõ, & taken an abſtinence of war with the Mores, till an other time. He therefore required the Lorde Darcy to be contented to re|turne home againe, promiſing him wages for all hys ſouldyers, and if it ſhould pleaſe hym to come to the Court, he ſhould receyue high th [...] of the Kyng, and ſuche cheere, at there could [...] made him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Darcy was nothing pleaſed wyth thys declaration, but ſith hee ſawe there was no remedie, he ſayd, that whatſoeuer the Kyng had concluded, he could not bee againſte it, conſide|ring hee was ſente to him: but ſurely it was a|gainſt his mind to depart home, without doing any thyng agaynſt Gods enimies, with whome he had euer a deſire to fight. And as for his com|ming to the Court hee ſaide, he coulde not leaue his men whome hee hadde broughte out of theyr Countrey, without an head, and as for ye kings banquette, it was not the thing that hee deſi|red.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the nexte daye [...] the morning, money EEBO page image 1470 was ſent to pay the Souldiers their wages, for their conduction againe into England with dy|uers gifts giuen to the Lorde Darcy, and other Gentlemen, yet notwithſtanding, he was hygh|ly diſpleaſed, howbeit, like a wiſe man, hee diſſi|muled the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſhrewde fray begun vpon a ſmall ſioccaon.The ſame day, being the fourtenth daye of Iune, and Friday, there chanced a fray to be be|gunne in the towne of Cales, betwixt the En|gliſhmen, and them of the towne, by reaſon that an Engliſhmen, would haue had for his money a lofe of bread from a mayd that had bin at the Bakers to buybread, nor to ſell, but to ſpende in hir miſtreſſe houſe. The cõmon be [...] was roong, and all the Towne wente to harneys, and thoſe few Engliſhmenne that were a lande, wente to there vowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Spanyardes caſt dartes, and the Eng|liſhmen ſhotte, but the Captaynes of England, and the Lordes of the Counſell for their parte, tooke ſuche payne, that the fray was ceaſſed, and but one Engliſhman ſlayne, though diuers were hurte: and of the Spaynardes, dyuers were ſtayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, vppon requeſt made by the Lordes of Spayne, the Lord Darcy and all his men the ſame night, went aborde their Shippes, but Hẽ|ry Guilforde, Weſton Browne, and William Sidney, yong and luſty Eſquiers, deſired licence to ſet the Courte of Spayne, which being gran|ted, they wente thyther, where they were of the King highly enterteyned,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henry Guilford, and Weſton Browne, were made Knightes by the King, who alſo gaue to Sir Henrye Guilforde, a Canton of Granado, and to Sir Wolſton Browne, an Egle of Sy|cill on a chiefe, to the augmentation of theyr armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Sidney ſo excuſed hymſelfe, that he was not made Knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they had ſoiourned there awhile, they tooke theyr leaue of the King and Queene, and returned through Fraunce into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Darcy retur|neth out of Spayne.During which ſeaſon, the Lord Darcy made ſayle towarde England, and arriuing at Plim|mouth, came to the King at Windeſore, and ſo this iourney ended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 During the time that the Lorde Darcy was in Spaine, the Lady Margaret Duches of Sa|uoy, and daughter to Maximilian the Empe|roure, and gouernour of Flaunders, Brabante, Holland, Zeland, and other the low Countreys apperteyning to Charles the yong Prince of Caſtile, ſent in the ende of May to the Kyng of Englande, to haue fifteene hundred archers, to aide hir againſte the Duke of Gelders, whiche ſore troubled the countreys aforeſaid. The kyng tenderly regarding the requeſt of fumoble a La|die, moſt gently granted hir requeſt, and appoin|ted ſir Edwarde Poynings, Knighte of the gar|ter, and comptroller of his houſe, a valiant Cap|tayne, & a noble warriour, to be Lieutenant and leader of the ſaid fifteene C. archers, whiche ac|companyed with his ſon in law the Lord Clin|ton, ſir Mathew Browne, ſir Iohn [...]goy, Io. Wetrõ, Richard Whethrill, and Shrelley Eſ|quiers, with other Gentlemen and y [...]omen, to ye foreſayd number of fiftene C. tooke theyr ſhippes a m [...]e beſide Sãdwich, the eightenth day of Iu|ly and landed at Armew the ninetenth daye, not without ſome trouble, by reaſon of a litle [...]or [...]e. From thence, they were conducted to Barowe, whether the Lady Regẽt came to welcome thẽ. On the Sunday, being the .27. of Iuly, they de|parted to Roſſindale, & on Thurſday the laſt of Iuly, they came to Bulduke. And the nexte day, the whole army of Almaynes, Flemings, and other appetteining to the ſaid Lady, mette with the Engliſhmen without Bulduke, where they ſet forth in order, the Lady Regente beeing there preſent, which tooke hir leaue of all ye Captaines, and departed to B [...]ke. The army, to the nũ|ber often M. beſide the fifteene C. Engliſhe ar|chers paſſed forwarde, and the tenth day of Au|guſt, being S. Laurice day, came before a little Caſtel, ſtanding on the higher ſide of the t [...] Maſe, called Brimuoiſt, belõging to ye baſterd of Gel|de [...]land. The ſame nighte, Tho. Hert, chiefe go|uernoure of the ordinance of the Engliſhe parte, made his approch, and in ye morning, made bat|tetie ſo, that the aſſault therevpon being giuen, ye fortreſſe was wonne, and the Captaine and .80. and oddemen were ſlaine, and nineteene taken, of ye which, eleuen were hanged. Iohn Morton, Captaine of C. Engliſhmen, and one Guyot an Eſquier of Burgoigne, crying S. George, were the firſte that entred, at which aſſault, there was but one Engliſhman ſlaine. On Thurſeday, the fourtenth of Auguſt, the army feryed ouer the ri|uer of Maſe into Gelderland. The next day, they came to a little Towne called Ayſke. The peo|ple were fled, but there was a little Caſtell raſed, and caſt downe, which was newly builte vppon the ſide of the ſayd riuer. Vpon the twentith day of Auguſt, they brent ye foreſaid towne of Aiſke, and al the coũtrey about it, and came at the laſt to a towne called Straulle, beyng very ſtrong, double diked, and walled. Within it were three C. 60. good men of warre, beſide the inhabitants. At the firſt, they ſhewed good countenance of de|fence, but when they ſawe their enimies approch neere vnto them with rampiers and trenches, they yeelded by compoſition, ſo that the ſoldyers might depart with a little ſticke in their handes. But the towneſmen reſted priſoners, at the will of the Prince of Caſtile. And ſo on S. Barthol|mewes EEBO page image 1471 day, the Admirall of Flanders, and Sir Edwarde Poynings entred the Towne with great triumph.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſixe and twentith day the army came before Veniow, and ſent an Herraule called Ar|thoys, to ſommon the Towne: but they within would not heare, but ſhotte gunnes at him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eyghte and twentith daye, the army re|moued vnto the Northe ſide of Venlowe, and part went ouer the water, and made trenches to the water, and ſo beſieged the towne as ſtraight|ly as theyr number would giue them leaue, but yet for al that they could doe without, they with|in kept one gate euer open.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At length, the Engliſh Captaines perceiuing that they laye there in vayne, conſidering the ſtrength of the towne, & alſo how the army was not of nũber ſufficient to enuiron ye ſame on each ſide, wrote to the K. who willed them with all ſpeede to returne, and ſo they dyd. Sir Edwarde Poynings went to ye court of Burgogne, where he was receiued right honorably of ye yõg prince of Caſtel & of his aunt ye lady Margaret. Iohn Norton, Iohn Fogge, Io. Scot, & Tho. Lynde, were made knightes by the Prince. And ye Lady Margarete perceiuing the ſouldiors coates to be worne & foule with lying on the ground (for eue|ry man lay not in a tent) gaue to euery yee man a cote of wollen cloth of yealowe, red, white and grene colors, not to hir litle land & praiſe among the Engliſhmẽ. After ye ſir Edw, Poynings had bin highly ſ [...]ted & more praiſed of al mẽ for his valiant men & good order of his people,Sir Edwarde Poinings. he returned wt his crue into Englãd, & had loſt by war & ſick| [...]es not fully [...] Whẽ ye Engliſhmẽ wer departed, the Gelders [...] out of the gates of Venlord, daily ſkirmiſhed with ye Buigo [...]g|nions, & a ſked for their authors & herewith win|ter began ſharply to approch, & the riuer of Ma [...] by a hirdauce of rain roſe ſo high: that it drowned vp the terenehes, ſo that all things conſidered, the captaines without, determined to raiſe their ſiege, and ſo they did, and after they had waſted al the countrey, aboute Venlowe, they returned euery man to his home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Iune the Kibeing at Leiceſter,Andrew Bar|ton a Scottiſh Pirate. heard ty|dings, that one Andrew Barton a Scottiſhman and pirate of the ſea, ſaying that the K. of Scots had war with the Portingals, robbed me [...]|tion, & ſtopped the kings ſtreams, that no mer|chant almoſt could paſſe. And when he toke En|gliſhmens goods, he bare the in hand yt they were Portingales goods, and thus he haunted & robbed at euery hauẽs mouth. The king diſpleaſed here|with, ſent ſir Edmund Howard lord Admiral of England, & lord Thomas Howard, ſerue their to the erle of S [...]cey in all haſt to the ſea which haſtily made ready two ſhippes, & taking ſea, by chaunce of weather were ſeuered. The Lorde Howard, lying in the Dewnes, perceiued where Andrew was making toward Scotland,A cruell fight on the Sea. and ſo faſt ye ſaid lordchaſed him, that he ouertoke him [figure appears here on page 1471] and there was a ſore battaile betwixt them, An|drew euer blew his whiſtle to encourage his mẽ, but at length the L. Howard and ye Engliſhmen did ſo valiantly, that by cleane ſtrength they en|tred the Mayne deck. The Scots fought fore on the hatches: but in concluſion Andrew was ta|ken, & ſo ſore wounded, [...] Bartõ [...]e. that he dyed there. Then all the remnant of the Scots were taken wyth their ſhippe called the Lyd [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All this while was the lord Admirall in chaſe of the Bark [...] of Scotlande called Ienny Pi [...]|wyn, which was woute to ſayle with the Lyon in companie, & ſo much did he with other, that he layd him a h [...]de, and though the Scots man|fully defended themſelues, you at length ye engliſh men entred the Barke, ſlew many, and tooke all EEBO page image 1472 the reſidue. Thus were theſe two ſhippes taken, and brought to Blackewall the ſeconde of Au|guſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Scottes that were taken priſoners, wer pardoned of their liues, and ſent home into their Countrey. The King of Scottes hearing of the death of Andrew Barton, and the taking of his two ſhippes, was wonderfully wroth, and ſente letters to the King, requiring reſti [...]tion, according to the league & amitie. The K. wrote to the K. of Scots againe with brotherly ſalu|tation, of the robberies done by ye ſayd Andrew, and that it became not a Prince to lay breache of peace to his confederate, for doing iuſtice vpon a Pirate and theefe: and that all the Scots that were taken, had deſerued to die by iuſtice, if hee had not extended his mercy. And with this aun|ſwere,King Henry the eyght ta|keth the popes part againſt the french K. the Scottiſh Herrault departed. About this ſeaſon, the Frenche K. made ſharp warre a|gainſt Pope Iuly: wherefore the K. of England wrote to the french K. that he ſhould leaue off to vexe the Pope in ſuche wiſe, being his friend, and confederate: but when the French K. ſeemed litle to regarde that requeſt, the king ſent him worde to deliuer him his lawfull inheritance both of the duchie of Normandy and Guyenne, & the coun|tries of Aniou & Mayne, and alſo of his crown of France, or elſe he woulde come with ſuche a po|wer, that by fine force he wold obteyne his pur|poſe: but notwithſtanding thoſe writings, the French King ſtill purſued his warres in Italye. Whervpon the K. of Englãd, ioyning in league with Maximilian the Emperor, & Ferdinando king of Spain, and with diuers other princes, re|ſolued by the aduiſe of counſel to make warre on the French king & his countreyes, and made pre|paration both by ſea and land, ſetting forth ſhips to the ſea, for ſafegard of his merchants.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1512This yeare the king kepte his Chriſtmaſſe at Grenewich, with great and plentiful cheere, alſo with triumphant paſtimes, as maſkings, daun|cings,A Parliament. and ſuche lyke. The .xv. day of Ianuarie began the Parliament, wher the biſhop of Can|terbury began his oration with this verſe Iuſtitia & pax oſculatae ſunt, vppon whiche hee declared how iuſtice ſhould be miniſtred, & peace ſhould be nouriſhed, & by what meanes Iuſtice was put by, and peace turned into warre. And therevpon he ſhewed how the French K. wold do no iuſtice in reſtoring to the king his righte inheritaunce, wherefore for lacke of Iuſtice, Peace of neceſſitie muſt be turned into warre. In this Parliament was graunted two fifteenes of the temporaltie, & of the Cleargie two diſmes. After that it was concluded by the whole body of the realme in the high court of Parliament aſſembled, that warre ſhuld be made on the French K. & his dominiõs, whervpon was wonderful ſpede made in prepa|ring all thinges neceſſarie bothe for Sea and lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. of Aragon alſo hauyng of that tyme warre with the Frenche king wrote to his ſon in law king Henry, that if he wold ſend ouer an ar|mie into Biſ [...]ay, and ſo to inuade Frãce on that ſide, for ye recouerie firſt of his durhie of Guy [...]e, he would ayde them with ordinaunce, horſemen, beaſtes & cariages, with other neceſſaries apper|taining to the ſame. The king and his counſell putting their affiance in this promiſe of [...]. Fer|dinando, prepared a noble armie all of footemen, and ſmall artillerie, appoyntyng the noble Lord Thomas Greye Marqu [...] Dorſet to bee chiefe conductour of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The kyng dayly ſtudying to ſet forth his war which he had begon againſt the French K. cau|ſed Sir Edmund Haward his Admirall,An. reg. 4. wyth diligence to make readie diuers goodly tall ſhips, as the Souerain & other, to the number of .xvlij. beſide other ſmaller veſſels, and therwith hauing in his companie ſir Weſton Browne, Griffyth Doune, Edwarde Cobham, Thomas Wind|ham, Thomas Lucy, William Perton, Henry Shirchourne, Stephen Bull, George W [...]it|wange, Iohn Hopton, William Gunſtõ, Tho|mas Draper, Edmonde Cooke, Iohn Burder, and diuers other, he tooke the Sea, and ſcowring the ſame, about the middes of May he came be|fore Porteſmouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the very ſelfe time the Lord Marques Dorſet, and other noble men apointed for the iorney of Biſkey, as the Lorde Hawarde ſon and heire to the Earle of Surrey, the Lorde Brooke, the Lord Willoughby, the lord Fer|rers, the lord Iohn, the lord Anthony, and the lorde Leonarde Grey, all three brethren to the Marques Syr Griffeth ap Riſe, Syr Morris Barkely, ſir William Sandes, the Baron of Burforde, ſir Richarde Cornewall brother to the ſaid Baron, William Huſey, Iohn Meltõ, William Kingſton eſquiers, ſir Henry Wil|loughby, and diuers other, with Souldiors to the number of .x.M. (amongſt the which were fiue .C. Almaynes clad all in white, vnder the leading of one Guiot a Gentleman of Flaun|ders) came to Southampton, and there [...]|red their bandes whyche were appoynted and trimmed in the beſt maner. The ſixtenth daye of May they were al beſtowed aboued in Spa|niſh ſhippes furniſhed with victual, & other ne|ceſſaries for that iourney. The winde ſerued [...] well for their purpoſe, ye they came all in ſafety on the coaſte of Biſky at the Port of Paſſag [...] Southweſt of Fonteraby, and ſo the third day of Iune they landed, tooke the fielde, embattai|ling themſelues for their ſafegarde righte ſtrongly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 1473Within three days after that the army was thus a land there came to the Marques an erle and an other noble man to welcome him and his companie. Then the Lord captain remoued his field and took an other place nerer to Fon|terabye, where he lay a long tyme looking eue|ry day to haue ayde of horſemen and artillerie of the King of Arragon, but none came. Syr Iohn Style cauſed to bee boughte two hun|dred Mulettes and Aſſes of ſuche price as the Spanyardes gained greately, and when they were put to cary and drawe,The englishe [...]pe greatly [...]dered for [...] of beaſts [...] their [...]ce. they woulde not ſerue the turn, for they were not exerciſed ther|to before that tyme, and ſo for want of beaſts to drawe ſuch ordinance as the Engliſhemen had there with thẽ, they loſt the doing of ſome greate exployte againſt the Frenchmen on the frontiers of Gaſcoygne, for they mighte haue runne a great waye into that countrey, being as then deſtitute and vnpurueyed of men and munitions. One day the Frenchmen made a ſkrye toward the Engliſhe campe, but the En|gliſhmen perceyuing them, paſſed the riuer that was betwixt them, and with Arrowes chaſed the Frenchmen, ſo that for haſte many of theyr horſſes foundered, and fell, ere they came to Bayonne: If there had bene any horſemenne amongſt the Engliſhmen, they hadde ſore en|domaged their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A gentle offer by the king of [...]e to the Englishmen.The King of Nauarre doubtyng leaſt the Engliſhmen were come into thoſe parties for no good meaning towards him, ſent to the L. Marques a biſhop, and diuers other, offering to miniſter victuals vnto the Engliſhmẽ for their money, if it ſhould ſtand ſo with his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lord Marques thanked him for the of|fer, and promiſed that if they of Nauarre wold vittaile his people, they ſhould pay them well and truly for the ſame, and alſo he wold war|rant their paſſing and repaſſing in ſafetie, and that by the Engliſhemen no preiudice ſhoulde be done to his realme. Herevpon were the En|gliſhmen vittailed oute of Nauerre, to theyr great comfort. After that the armie had layne xxx. days in the ſecond camp, there came from the King of Arragon a Biſhop and other no|bles of his counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This biſhop was the ſame that made the an|ſwere to the Lorde Darcy at Cales, the laſte yeare. The effect of his meſſage was to deſire the Lord Captayne and his people to take pa|tience for a while, and they ſhould ſee that ſuch preparation ſhould be made for the furniſhing of their enterpriſe, as ſhuld ſtand with the ho|nour of his maiſter and their aduancements.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen ſore diſcontented with their idle lying ſtill in the field, miſliked wyth his excuſes, ſuppoſing the ſame (as they pro|ued in deed) to be nothing but delayes. In the meane tyme that the Engliſhmen thus lin|gered without attemptyng any exployte, theyr victuall was muche parte Garlyke, and they caring thereof with all theyr meates,Great death of the flixe by vnvvonted dyet. and drin|king hotte wyues, and feeding alſo on hot fea|tes, procured their bloud to boyle within their bellies, that there fell ſicke three thouſande of the flixe, and therof dyed an eighteene hundred perſones.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Marques perceyuing this myſ|chief, ſent to the king of Spayne,The L. Mar|ques ſendeth to the king of Spayne to per|forme promiſe. certain of his capitaines to know his pleaſure. The K. tolde them that ſhortely the duke of Alua ſhoulde ioyne with them, bringing with him a migh|tye power, ſo that they mighte the more aſſu|redly proceede in theyr enterpriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 With this anſwer they returned to the Lord Marques, who liked it neuer a deale, bycauſe he iudged that the king ment but to driue time with him, as after it proued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme there beganne a mute|nie in the Engliſhe campe thorough a falſe re|porte, contriued by ſome malicious perſone, whiche was, that the Capitaines ſhould be al|lowed eight pens for euery common ſouldior, where the truth was, that they had allowed to them but onely ſix pens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord generall aduertized that the ſol|diours began to gather in companyes, founde meanes to apprehend the chiefe beginner, and deliuered him vnto Williã Kingſton eſquier, then prouoſt Marſhall, and ſo was hee put to death to the terror of all other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Engliſhmen lay thus in camp on the borders of Biſkay towards Guyenne, the archers went oftentymes a forraging into the French confines almoſte to Bayonne, and brent many pretie villages. The K. of Spain reyſed an armie, and ſent foorth the ſame vn|der the leading of the Duke of Alua, whiche came forwarde as thoughe hee mente to haue come to the Engliſhmen, who being aduerti|zed of his approche, were meruaylouſly glad thereof, in hope that then they ſhoulde be em|ployed about the enterpriſe for the whiche they were come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Duke entendyng an other thing, when he was aduaunced foorth within a days iourney of them, ſodeynly remoued his army towarde the realme of Nauerre, and entryng the ſame, chaſeth out of his realme the Kyng of that lande, and conquereth the ſame to the K. of Spayns vſe, as in the hiſtorie of Spayn more playnly it doth appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Kyng of Spayn was thus poſſeſſed of the Kyngdome of Nauerre,The kingdome of Nauerre gotten to the K. of Spayne. hee ſente vnto the Lorde Marques, promyſyng EEBO page image 1474 to ioyne with him ſhortly, and ſo to inuade the borders of Fraunce, but he came not, wherfore the engliſhmen thought themſelues not wel v|ſed: for it greued them muche, that they ſhuld lye ſo long idle, ſith there was ſo great hope cõ|ceyued at their ſetting forth, that there ſhoulde be ſome great exployte atchieued by them tho|rough the aide that was promiſed by the kyng of Spayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus whileſt the armie lyngered withoute remouing, there chanced and affraye to riſe be|twixt the Engliſhmen and the townes men of Sancta Maris a village ſo called, whervnto ſuch Engliſhmen as fell ſicke, had their reſorte, and thervpon the alarm being brought to the camp, the Engliſhmen and Almains can in great fu|rie to the ſuccor of their fellowes, and notwith|ſtanding all that the captains could do to ſtaye them, they ſlew and robbed the people without mercie. The Biſcayans that could get away, fled ouer ye water into Gayenne. The capitai|nes yet ſo ordred the matter, that all the pillage was reſtored, and .xxj. ſouldiors were condem|ned, which wer apprehended as they were flee|ing awaye with a bootie of .x.M. ducates into Gaſcoigne, ſeuen of them were executed, and the reſidue pardoned of lyfe, at the ſuite of cer|tayn Lordes of Spayne, whiche were as then preſent. The Frenchmen hearing of this ryot, came foorth of Bayonne to ſee and vnderſtand the maner therof, but perceiuing that the En|gliſhmen had eſcried them,S. Iehan de Lu|cy brent by the Englishe. they ſodenly retur|ned. The Engliſhmen followed, and cõming to the towne of Sainte Iehan de Lucy, they brent and robbed it, and ſlew the inhabitantes. Diuers other villages they ſpoyled on the bor|ders of Guyenne, but bicauſe they wanted both horſſes of ſeruice, and horſes to draw forth their ordinance, they could not do any ſuch domage as they might and wold haue done, if they had bene furnyſhed accordyng to their deſires in that point.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus continued the Engliſh armie in ſuch wearyſome ſorte tyll the moneth of October, and then fell the Lord Marques ſicke, and the Lorde Howard had the chiefe gouernaunce of the armie, vnto whome were ſent from the K. of Spayne dyuers Lordes of his priuie coun|ſell to excuſe the matter for that hee came not accordyng to his promyſe, requiring them that ſith the tyme of the yeare to make warre was paſſe, it mighte pleaſe them to breake vp theyr campe, and to deuide themſelues abroade into the Townes and villages of his realme til the Spring tyme of the yeare, that they might then goe forwarde with theyr fyrſte pretenced en|terpryſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Howard ſhewed well in wor|des that the Engliſhmen could not think well of the king of Spaynes fayned excuſes, and vnprofitable delayes, to his ſmall honoure and their great hinderance and loſſe, hauyng ſpente the King their maiſter ſo muche treaſure, and doon ſo little hurt to his aduerſaries. The Spa|nyardes gaue faire wordes, and ſo in courte|ous maner departed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then about the ende of October it was a|greed amongſt all the Lordes of the Engliſhe hoſt that they ſhould breake vp their campe,The Englishe campe in Biſ|key breaketh vp. & ſo they did. The L. Marques and his people wẽt to Saynt Sebaſtian, the Lorde Howard and his retinue to Rendre,The [...] diſ|perſed to [...]+dry villages. the Lord Willoughby to Garſchang, and ſir William Sandes, with many other capitayns repaired to Fonterabie, and ſo euery captaine with his retinue was placed in one towne or other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The K. of England aduertiſed of the king of Spayne his meaning, ſent an herrauld cal|led Windſore, with letters vnto his armye, willyng his men there to tarry, promyſing to ſend ouer to them right ſhortly a new ſupplye, vnder the guydyng of the Lorde Herberte his chamberlain. When this letter was read,Vnappeace|ble rage amon|geſt the En|glish ſouldiours. & the contents therof notified, the ſouldiors began to be ſo highly diſpleſed, and ſpake ſuch outra|gious words, as it was maruell to heare, and not contented with words, they were bente to haue don outragious dedes, in ſo muche that in their furie they had ſlain the lord Howard and diuers other, if they had not followed their in|tentes, & herevpon they were glad to hyre ſhips and ſo embarked themſelues in the moneth of Nouember. When the Lorde Marques was brought a boord, he was ſo weake & feeble of re|membrance through ſickneſſe, yt he aſked where he was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of December they landed heere in Englande,The Englishe army retour|neth an [...]e of Biskey. and were gladde to be at home, and got out of ſuche a countreye, where they hadde little health, leſſe pleſaure, & muche loſſe of tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Spayne ſeemed to be ſore diſ|contented with their departure, openly affir|ming, yt if they had taried till the next Spring he would in their cõpanie haue inuaded Frãce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time that the Marques went into Spayn, that is to wit,The L. Admi|ral in Britayn. about the middeſt of May, ſir Edward Howard lord Admirall of Englande being on the ſea afore Porteſmouth, made foorth again to the ſea, and directing his courſe towards Britayn, on Trinitie Sunday ariued at Berthram bay with .xx. great ſhips, and ſodeinly ſet his men on land, & there wan a bulwarke which the Britaynes kept and de|fended a whyle, but beyng ouercome, fled oute of their holde, and left it to the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1475Then the Lord Admirall paſſed, ſeuen myle into the countrey, brenning and waſting tow|nes and villages, and in returning he ſkirmy|ſhed with diuers men of armes, and ſlew ſome of them: and notwithſtanding that the Bri|tons fought valiantly in defence of their coun|trey, yet they were put to the worſſe, and ſo the Lorde Admirall returned to his ſhips.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The .23. of May being Monday, he landed in the morning,C [...]et, and [...] other places brent by ſir Edvv. Ha|warde Lorde [...]rall of Englande. and cõmaunded to burne the houſe of the Lorde Piers Moguns, wyth the towne of Conket, and diuers other places, and chaſed the Britons into the caſtel of Breſt, and notwithſtanding al the aſſemblies and ſhewes that ye Britons made, yet they ſuffred the en|gliſhmen peaceably to returne with their prays and booties. The firſt of Iune the Engliſhmẽ tooke land in Croyton Bay, & then the lords of Britain ſent word to the L. Admiral, that if he wold abide, they would giue him battail. The Admiral rewarded the meſſenger, & willed him to ſay to them that ſent him, yt all that day they ſhould find him in that place tarying their cõ|ming. Then to encourage diuers gentlemen ye more earneſtly to ſhew their valiancie, he dub|bed them knights,Diuerſe Gen|tlemen Knygh|ted by the lord Admirall. as ſir Edward Brooke, bro|ther to the lord Cobham, ſir Griffyth Doune, ſir Tho. Windhã, ſir Tho. Lucy, ſir Io. Bur|det, ſir William Pyrton, ſir Henry Shirborn, & ſir Stephen Bull. Whẽ the L. Admiral ſaw ye Frenchmẽ come, he cõforted his men wt plea|ſant words, therby the more to encourage thẽ. The whole nũber of the Engliſhemen was not much aboue .xxv.C. where the Frenchmẽ were at the leaſt .x.M. and yet when they ſaw ye or|der of the Engliſhmen, they were ſodeinly a|ſtonnyed. Then a gentleman of good experi|ence & credit amõgſt thẽ, aduiſed the other cap|tains not to fight, but to retire a little, & to take a ſtrong ground, there to remain till the En|gliſhmen returned towards their ſhips, & then to take ye aduãtage. And ſo ye captains began to retire, which whẽ the cõmons ſaw, they al ran away as faſt as they might, ſuppoſing yt theyr captains had ſeene or knowne ſome great peril at hande, bycauſe they were not priuie to the purpoſe of their captains. The Lord Admirall ſeing what hapned, when night came departed to his ſhips. After this, the gentlemen of Bri|tain ſent to the Admirall for a ſafeconduct for diuers perſons which they ment to ſend to him about a treatie. The Lorde Admirall was of his gentleneſſe content to graunt their requeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then certayne Lordes of Britayne tooke a boate and came to the ſhippe of the Lorde Ad|myrall, where he was ſette wyth all his coun|ſell of the armie about him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The requeſte of the Brittons was, that it might pleaſe him to ſurceaſſe his cruell kynd of warre in brenning of towns and villages: but the Admirall playnly tolde them that he was ſent to make warre and not peace. Then they required a truce for ſix dayes, which would not be graunted, and to their reprofe, the Admiral told them that gentlemẽ ought to defend their countrey by force, rather than to ſue for peace. And thus (makyng them a bankette) he ſente them away, and after hearyng that there were ſhips of warre on the ſeas, he coaſted frõ thence alongſt the countrey of Normandie, ſtill ſkou|ring the ſea, ſo that no enimie durſte appeare. And at lengthe he came and laye by the Iſle of Wight, to ſee if any enimies would appeare, during which time, diuers ſhippes kepte in the northſeas, vnder the conducte of ſir Edwarde Ichingham, Iohn Lewes, Iohn Lonedaye, and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yeare alſo in Iune the King kepte a ſolemne iuſtes at Grenewiche,Iuſtes at Gr [...]|vviche. the king and ſir Charles Brandon taking vpon them to abyde all commers. After this, the kyng hauing pre|pared men and ſhips ready to go to the ſea vn|der the gouernance of ſir Anthonie, Oughtred, ſir Edward Ichyngham, William Sydney, & diuers other Gentlemen, apointed them to take the ſea, and to come before the Iſle of Wight, there to ioyne with the L. Admiral, which they did but in their paſſage, a galey was loſt by ne|gligence of the Maſter. The K. hauing a deſire to ſee his nauie together, rode to Portſmouth, and ther appointed captains for one of the chie|feſt ſhips called the Regent, ſir Thomas Kne|uet maſter of his horſes, and ſir Iohn C [...]w of Deuonſhire, and to the Soueraine hee ap|pointed for captains ſir Charles Brandon, and ſir Henry. Gylforde, and with them in the So|ueraigne were put .lx. of the talleſt yeomen of the kings garde. Many other gentlemen were ordeyned capitains in other veſſels. And the K. made them a bankette before their ſetting for|ward, and ſo committed them to God.The Kings na+uye ſetteth out They were in number .xxv. faire ſhippes, of greate burdeyne, well furniſhed of all thinges ne|ceſſarye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenche king in this meane whyle had prepared a Nauie of .xxxix. ſayle in the ha [...]en of Breſt, and for chiefe hee ordeyned a greate Carrike of Breſt, apperteyning to the Quene his wife, called Cordelier, a verie ſtrong ſhip, and well appointed. This nauie ſet forwarde out of Breſt the tenth of Auguſt,The Englishe nauye encoun|treth vvith the Frenche vpon the coaſte of Britaine. and came to Britayne Bay, in the which the ſame day was the Engliſhe fleet arriued. When the Engliſh men perceiued the Frenchmen to be iſſued forth of the hauen of Breſt, they prepared themſelues to battail, & made foorth toward their enimie., EEBO page image 1476 whiche came fiercely foreward, and comming in ſight eche of other, they ſhotte of their ordi|naunce ſo terribly together, that all the Sea coaſt ſounded of it. The Lord Admirall made with the great ſhippe of Depe, and chaſed hir. Sir Henry Guylforde and Sir Charles Brã|don made with the great Carricke of Breſte, beyng in the Soueraine, and layde ſtemme to ſtemme to the Carrike, but by negligence of the maiſter, or elſe by ſmoke of the Ordinance, or otherwiſe, the Soueraigne was caſt at the Verne of the Carrike, wyth whyche aduaun|tage the Frenchmen ſhouted for ioy: but when Sir Thomas Kneuet whyche was readye to haue bourded the greate ſhippe of Deepe ſawe that the Soueraigne miſſed the Carricke, ſo|deynly he cauſed the Regent (in the whiche he was aboord) to make to the Carricke, & to cra|ple with hir a long boorde, and when they of the Carrike perceyued they coulde not departe, they ſet ſlippe an ancre, and ſo with the ſtreame the ſhippes tourned, and the Carrike was on the weather ſyde,A cruell fight betvvixt the tvvo Nauies. and the Regente on the lye ſide. The fight was cruell betwixt thoſe two ſhippes, the Archers on the Engliſhe ſide, and the Croſſebowes on the Frenche parte doyng theyr vttermoſt to annoy eche other: but finally the Engliſhmen entred the Carricke whyche being perceiued by a Gunner,The Englishe [...]ge [...] and the Frenche Carricke brent tog [...]ther. he deſperatly ſet fyre in the gunpowder, as ſome ſaye, thoughe there were that affirmed, howe ſir Anthonye Oughtred following the Regent at the ſterne, bowged hir in diuers places, and ſet hir pou|der on fire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howe ſoeuer it chanced, the whole ſhip by reaſon of the powder was ſet on fyer, and ſo both the Carrike & the Regent being crappled togyther, ſo as they coulde not fall off, were bothe conſumed by fier at that inſtant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenche nauie perceiuyng this, fled in al haſt, ſome to Breſt, and ſome to the A [...]es ad|ioyning. The Engliſhmen made out boates to helpe them in the Regent: but the fire was ſo terrible, that in maner no man durſt approche, ſauing yt by the Iames of Hull certain Fren|chemen that could ſwim were ſaued. Captain of this Carrike was ſir Piers Morgan, & with him he had in the ſame ſhip .ix.C. men: & with ſir Thomas Kneuet, and ſir Iohn Car [...]we were .vij.C. & al drowned and brent. The en|gliſhmen that might lay in Berthram Bay, for the Frenche fleete was diſparpled as ye haue heard. The L. Admirall after this miſchaunce thus hapned to theſe two worthy ſhips, made agayn to the ſea, and ſkoured all alongeſt the coaſtes of Britayne. Normandie and Picar|die, taking many Frenche ſhips, and brenning ſuche as they could not well bring away wyth them. The K. of England hearing of the loſſe of the Regent, cauſed a great ſhip to be made, ſuch one as the like had neuer bin ſene in Eng|lãd, & named hir Henrie grace de dieu. Henry grace de Dieu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Kyng aboute the ſame tyme ſent to a Knighte of the Rhodes called Prione Iehan, a Frenchman borne, of the countrey of Guyenne, requiring him to come by the ſtray|tes of Marrocke into Britaine, the whiche he did, bringing wt him .iij. Galeis of force with diuers foiſts & rowgaleys ſo wel ordinanced & trimmed, as the like had not bin ſeene in theſe parties before his cõming. He had layn on the coaſts of Barbarie to defend certeine of the re|ligion as they came from Tripolie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in the Moneth Nouember the king called his high courte of Parliamente in the which it was concluded,A Parliament vvherein it vvas conclu|ded that Kyng Henry in pro|per perſon shoulde i [...]ade Fraunce. that the K. himſelf in perſon with an army royall ſhoulde inuade Fraunce whervpon notice therof being giuẽ to [figure appears here on page 1476] EEBO page image 1477 ſuch as ſhould attend theyr [...] theſe [...]y|ance with all diligence that myght be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 1513After that this Parliament was ended, the king kept a ſolemne Chriſ [...] [...], with daunces and mummeries in muſt princely maner. After Candelmaſſe the King [...] ſir Charles Brandon vicounts [...]e. In Marche following,Sir Charles Brandon crea|ted Viſcount [...]le. was the king nauie of ſhippes royall and other ſee foorth to the number of .xlij. beſide other balengers vnder the conducte of the Lorde Admirall, accompanied with ſir Water Deur|reux,The nauie ſet+teth out againe. Abyd Fecites, ſir Wol [...]tan Browne, Sir Edward Ichyngham, ſir Anthony Pe [...], ſir Iohn Wallop, Sir Thomas Wyndam, Syr Stephen Bull, William Fitz William, Arthur Plantaginet, William Sydney Eſquiers, and diuers other noble and valiant capitains. They ſayled to Porteſmouth, and there laye abyding wynde, and when the ſame ſerued their towne, they weyed anker, and makyng ſayle into Bri|tayne, came into Berthram Bay, and there laye at anker in ſight of the French nauie, which kept it ſelfe cloſe within the hauen of Breſte, w [...]y [...]|out proferyng to come abroade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Englishe nauie purpo|ſing to ſee vpon the Frenche in the hauen are defeated by a [...]iſchaunce.The Engliſhmen perceyuing the manner of the Frenchmen, determined to ſet on them in the hauẽ, and making forward in good order of bat|tayl, at their firſt entrie one of their ſhips wherof Arthur Plantagenet was captain, fell on a blind rock, and braſt in ſunder, by reaſon wherof, all the other ſtayed, and ſo the engliſh captains per|ceyuing that the hauen was dangerous to enter without an expert lodeſman, they caſte aboute, and returned to their harborough at Berthram Bay againe. The Frenchemen perceyuing that the Engliſhmen meant to aſſayle them, moored their ſhips ſo neere to the caſtell of Breſt as they coulde, and placed bulwarkes on the land on e|uery ſide to ſhoote at the Engliſhmen. Alſo they trapped togither .xxiiij. greate hulkes that came to the Bay for ſalte, and ſet them on a rowe, to the intent that if the Engliſhmen hadde come to aſſault them, they would haue ſet thoſe hulks on fire, and haue let them driue with the ſtreame a|mongeſt the Engliſh ſhipps. Priour Iehan alſo lay ſtill in Blank ſable Bay, and plucked his ga|leys to the ſhore, ſetting his baſiliſkes and other ordinance in the mouth of the Bay, which baye was bulwarked on euery ſyde, that by water it was not poſſible to be wonne. The L. Admirall perceiuyng the French nauie thus to lye in fear, wrote to the king to come thyther in perſon, and to haue the honour of ſo high an enterpriſe: whi|che writing the kings counſell nothing allowed, for putting the king in icopardie vpon the chance of the ſea. Wherefore the kyng wrote to hym ſharply againe, commaundyng him to accom|pliſhe that which appertained to his dutie: which cauſed hym to aduenture thyngs further than w [...] [...]dn [...] he ſhould, as [...]eer ye then heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prioue Iehan keping [...] within h [...] hold as a pri [...] a dungeon,An. reg. 5. did yet ſomtime ſend out his cauſe ioy [...]s to make a ſhewe before the Engliſh nauie, which cauſed them to their Bay, but bicauſe the Engliſh ſhips were myghtie veſ|ſells, they coulde not enter the Bay, and therfore the L. Admiral cauſed certain boates to be man|ned [...], which took one of the beſt Foyſts that Prior. Iehan had, and that with great daunger: for the galeys and bulwarks ſhot ſo freſhly al at one inſtant, that it was maruel how the engliſh|men eſcaped. The L. Admirall perceiuing that the Frenchmen would not come abroade, called a counſel, wherin it was determined, ye firſt they would aſſaile Prior Iehan and his galeys lying in Blanke ſable Bay, & after to ſet on the reſidue of the French fleete in the hauen of Breſt. Then firſt it was appointed, that the Lord Ferrers, ſir Stephen Bull, and other, ſhould go a land with a conueniente member to aſſault the bulwarkes, while the Admirall entred with row barges and little Galeys into the Baye, and ſo ſhoulde the Frenchmen be aſſayled both by water and land.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lord Admirall by the counſel of a Spa|niſhe knight called Sir Alfonſe Charant, affir|ming that he might enter the Bay with litle ico|pardie, called to him William Fitz William, William Cooke, Iohn Colley, and ſir Wolſtan Browne, as his chiefe and moſt truſtie frendes, making them priuie to his intent, which was to take on him the whole enterpriſe, with their aſſi|ſtance, and ſo on Saint Markes day, whiche is the .xxv. of Aprill, the ſayde Admirall put hym|ſelfe ſmall rowe barge, appoynting three o|ther ſmall rowing ſhippes, and his owne ſhyp|boate to attend him, and therwith vpon a ſodain rowed into the Bay, where Prior Iehan hadde moored vp his galeys iuſt to the grounde, whiche galeys with the bulwarkes on the lande ſhot ſo terribly, that they that folowed were afrayd, but the Admirall paſſed forwarde, and as ſoone as he came to the Galeys, he entred & droue out the Frenchemenne. William Fitz William with|in his ſhippe was ſore hurt with a quarell. The Bay was ſhallow, and the other ſhips could not enter, for the tyde was ſpent: Which thyng the Frenchmen perceyuing, they entred the galeys agayn with Moris pikes, and foughte with the Engliſhemen in the galeys. The Admirall per|ceyuing their approche, thought to haue entred agayne into his rowe barge, whiche by violence of the tide was dryuen downe the ſtreame, and wyth a pike hee was throwen ouer the boorde,Sir Edvvarde Lord Admiral drovvned. and ſo drowned, and alſo the forenamed Al|fonſe was there ſtayne: All the other boates and veſſelles eſcaped verye hardlye awaye: EEBO page image 1478 for if they had taryed, the tyde had fayled them, and then all had bin loſt. The Lord F [...]ers and the other captaines were right ſorowfull of thys chance, but when there was no remedy, they de|termined not to attempte anye further, till they might vnderſtand the kings pleſure, and ſo they returned into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen, perceyuing that the Engliſh flete departed from the coaſts of Britayne, and drewe towardes Englande, they came foorth of their hauens, and Prior Iehan ſet foorth his ga|leys and foyſts, and drawing alongſt the coaſts of Normandie and Britayn, coaſted ouer to the borders of Suſſex with all his company,The Frenche gallies land in Suſſex, and brent certayne cotages. & there landed and ſet fire on certaine poore cotages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gentlemen that dwelte neere, reyſed the countrey, and came to the coaſt, and drone Prior Iehan to his galeys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King was right ſory for the death of his Admirall, but ſorrowe preuaileth not when the chaunce is paſt. Therfore the king hearyng that the French nauie was abrode, called to hym the lord Thomas Howard eldeſt brother to the late Admirall, and ſonne and heire apparante to the Erle of Surrey,The Lorde Thomas Ha|vvarde made Admirall. whom he made Admiral, wil|ling him to reuenge his brothers death. The lord Howard humbly thanked his grace of the truſte that he put in him, and ſo immediatly wente to the ſea, and ſkoured the ſame, that no French|man durſt ſhew himſelf on the coaſt of Englãd, for he fought with them at their owne portes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing all his prouiſions ready for the warre, and meaning to paſſe the ſea in hys owne perſon, for the better taming of the loftye Frenchemen, appoynted that worthy counſellor and right redoubted chieftayne, the noble George Talbot erle of Shreweſburie,The Earle of Sh [...]evveſbury ſent into Frãce vvyth an army. hygh Steward of his houſehold to be capitayn generall of his fore|ward, and in his companie were appoynted to goe, the Lord Thomas Stanley erle of Derby, Lorde Decowrey Prior of Saint Iohans, ſir Robert Ratcliffe Lorde Fitzwater, the Lorde Haſtings the Lorde Cobham, ſir Rice ap Tho|mas, ſir Thomas Blunt, ſir Richarde Sache|verell, Sir Iohn Digby, ſir Iohn Aſkewe, ſir Lewes Bagot, ſir Thomas Cornwal, and ma|ny other knights, and eſquiers and ſouldiors, to the number of eight thouſande men. Theſe paſ|ſed the ſea, and came to Caleys about the mid|dle of May.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lorde Herbert called ſir Charles So|merſet, Lorde Chamberlayn to the kyng, in the ende of the ſame moneth folowed the ſayd earle of Shreweſbury, with ſixe thouſande menne: in whoſe companie were the Earles of Northum|berlande Percye, of Kent Graye, of Wylſhyre Stafforde, the Lorde Dudley, the Lorde Dela|ware, and his ſonne Sir Thomas Weſte, Syr Edwarde Huſſey, ſir Edwarde Dynmacke, ſir Dany Owen, with many other knights, eſ [...]y| [...]s, and, Gentleman. After they had ſoiorned cer|tayne days in Eal [...]ys, and that all their neceſſa|ries were [...]adye, they iſſued forth of the towne, ſo to begin their camp. And firſt the erle of Shre|weſburie & his cõpany toke the fielde, & after h [...]s, the Lord He [...]bert with his reti [...]es in maner of a re [...]ward. Then folowed that valiant knight ſir Ry [...]cap Thomas, with .v.C. light horſmen and archers on horſbacke, who ioyned himſelf to the forewarde. Theſe two Lordes thus emb [...]tailed did remoue the .xvij. of Iune to Sa [...]field, and on the .xviij. they came to Marguyſon, on the further ſide of the water,The Englishe armie marche [...] vnto Tervvys. as though they woulde haue paſſed ſtreight ways to Bolongne but they meaning an other thing, the next day toke an o|ther way, and ſo coaſted the countrey with ſuche diligence, that the .xxij. of Iune they came before the ſtrong citie of Terrouanne, and [...]ight theyr tents a mile from the town. The ſame night (as certain captains were in counſell within the lord H [...]berts tent,) the baron of Carew was ſlayne with a bullet ſhotte oute of the towne,The Baron of Carevv ſlayne. whyche ſodain aduenture muche diſmayed the aſſemble, but the lord Herbert comforted them with man|ly words, and ſo his death was paſſed ouer. All the countrey of Arthoys and Picardie fortifyed their holdes, and made ſhewes as the Engliſhe armie paſſed, but they durſt not once aſſayle thẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The citie of Terrouanne was ſtrongly forti|fied with wailes, rampiers, bulwarks, and large ditches.The Lorde Pontremy cap|tayne of Tur [...]vvin. The Lorde Pontremy was gouernour within it, hauing with him .vj.C. horſmen, and 2500. Almaynes, beſide the inhabitauntes. The walles and towers were full of ordinance which oftentimes did much diſpleaſure to the Engliſh|mẽ.Tervvyn be|ſieged. The Erle of Shrewſbury planted his ſiege on the Northweaſt ſyde of the towne, and the Lorde Herbert on the Eaſt ſide, cauſing greate trenches to be made to couer his people withall: for on that ſide there was no hyll to ſuccoure or defend him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchemen and Almaynes would dy|uers tymes iſſue oute, but the Archers were euer readie to beat them into the Citie agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Shrewſbury got into an hollow ground or valey neare to the Citie, & likewiſe the Lorde Herbert by reaſon of his trenches appro|ched likewiſe very neare to the ditches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeuen and twentith day of Iune being Monday. Sir Nicholas Vaux and ſir Edward Belknappe hauyng with them .iiij.C. and .lx. men, ſette from Guyſnes to conducte foure and twentie Cartes laden with victuals towardes the ſiege at Terrouanne, but the Duke of Van|doſine Lieuetenaunt of Picardye with eyghte hundred horſemen ſette on them as they paſſed EEBO page image 1479 through Arde and founde them ſo out of order, that notwithſtanding al yt the Engliſh captains coulde do to bring men into array, it would not be: for the Frenchmen ſet on ſo redily, that they kept the Engliſhmen in ſunder: yet the horſmen of Guyſnes, beyng not paſte foure and twentie in all, tooke theyr ſpeares, and ioyned w [...] the Frenchemen ryght manfully, and lykewiſe three ſcore Archers ſhotte freſhly at their enimies, but the Frenchmen were ſo many in number, that they obteyned the place, ſlewe .viij. Gentlemen, and dyuers archers. Sir Nicholas Vaux, and ſir Edward Belknappe fled towarde Guyſnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were the victualles loſte, and yet the Frenchemen went not away with cleere hands, for thoſe fewe archers that cloſed together, ſhotte ſo egrely, that they ſlew and hurte diuers Fren|chemen, and on the fielde lay .lxxxvij. great hor|ſes, whiche dyed there in the place, and neuer went further.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King in perſon paſſeth ouer into Fraunce.The .xv. day of Iune the king departed from Grenewiche, taking his iorney towardes Do|uer, whether he came by eaſye iorneys, and the Queene in his companie. After hee had reſted a ſeaſon in the Caſtell of Douer, and taken order for the rule of the realme in his abſence he tooke leaue of the Queene, and entring his ſhippe the laſt day of Iune, being the day of Saint Paule: he ſayled ouer to Caleys, where he was receyued with great ioye by the deputie ſir Gilbert Tal|bot, and all other there. At his entryng into Caleys, all the baniſhed men entred with hym, and were reſtored to the libertie of the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king laye in Caleys a certayn tyme, till al his prouiſions were ready, but the army laye in campe at Newnham bridge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the .xxj. of Iuly, the kings Maieſtie paſ|ſed foorth of Caleys, and tooke the field, deuiding the armie which he had there with him into three battayles.The order of the kings army. The Lorde Liſle Marſhal of the hoſt was captaine of the forewarde, and vnder hym iij. thouſand men: ſir Richard Carewe with .iij. hundred, kept on the right ſyde of the ſame fore|warde, as a wing thereto: and the Lord Darcye with other three hundred men, was a wyng on the lefte hande. The foreryders of this battayle were the Northumberland men on light geldin|ges. The Erle of Eſſex was Lieutenant gene|rall of the Speares, and ſir Iohn Pechye was vicegouernor of all the horſemen, and ſir Iohn Burdet ſtanderd bearer to the Kings ſpeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An eyghte hundred Almayns went on a plumpe by themſelues before the Kings battayle, and the Duke of Buckingham with ſixe hundred men was on the kings lefte hande, egall with the Al|mayns, in like maner as Sir Edward Poynin|ges was on the ryght hande, with other vj. hun|dred men egall with the Almayns.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the kings battayl where was the ſtanderd of the armes of Englande borne by ſir Henrye Gaylforde, there was .iij. thouſand, and the lord of Burgaynye with .viij.C. men, was wing on the right hand and ſir Wiliam Compton with the r [...]er of the biſhop of Wincheſter, and of maiſter Wolſey the kings almoner, being m [...]nu|de [...] vlij.C. was in maner of a reregard.This man vvas aftervvarde Cardinall. Sir An|thonie Dughtred and ſir Iohn Neuill with the kings ſpeares that folowed wer .iiij.C. and ſo the whole armie conſtined .xj.M. and three hundred men. The number of ye carikges wer .xiij.C. and the number of them that attended the ſame were xix. Oane [...], and all theſe were reckened in the battayle: but of good fighting men and ſouldiors appoynted for the purpoſe, there were not full .ix.M. In this order the king wt his armie marched forward through the confines of his enimies to the ſiege of Terrouanne, entring into the French ground the .xxv. of Iuly being Monday. On the morrowe after, as the armie marched forwarde, by negligence of the Carters that myſtooke the way, a great Curtall called the Iohn Euange|liſt, was ouerthrowne in a deepe ponde of water and coulde not quickely bee recouered. The king being aduertiſed, that the Frenchmen approched to fight with him, left the gunne (bicauſe ye mai|ſter Carpenter vndertook to wey it ſhortly out of the water) & ſet forwarde, paſſing on by Torno|han, whiche he left on his right hand, and a little beyond pitched downe his fielde, abyding for his enimies, the which (as hee was informed) were not farre off. On the morow after,The Frenche army appro|cheth. being Wed|neſday, the Relief of the ſpeares brought worde that they had aſcryed the French army cõming forward in order of battaile, to the number of .xj, M. footemen, and .iiij. thouſand horſemen. Ca|pitains of this armie were the Lorde de la Pa|lyce, the lorde de Priennes, the Duke of Long|vile, the Earle of Saint Paule, the Lord of Flo|ringes, the lorde of Cleremont, and Richard de la Poole, a baniſhed man, ſonne to Iohn duke of Suffolke. They came within two miles of the kings armie, and there the footmen ſtaled, & came no further. But certayn of the horſemen to the number of .iij.M. came forward, and at the end of a wood ſhewed themſelues in open ſight of the Engliſhe army. And thus they ſtood countenan|cing the Engliſhmen.The Northern [...] rickers. Some of the Northerne prickers made to them, and in ſkirmiſhing with them, tooke ſome of them priſoners. About noone the ſame day, that valiant Welche knight Syr Ryce ap Thomas with his retinue of horſemen beeing departed from the ſiege of Terrouanne, came to the king, and ſtreight ways was ſent to the erle of Eſſex, which with .ij.C. ſpeares was layde in a ſtale, if the Frenchmen had come nee|rer. When they were ioyned togither, they drew EEBO page image 1480 aboute the hill, hauyng with them ſir Thomas Guylford, with .ij.C. archers an horſback, mea|ning to ſet on the Frenchmen, the which percey|uing that, & doubting leaſt more companye had followed, they ſodenly drewe backe, and ioyned them with their great battayle. Then the erle of Eſſex, and the Engliſh horſmen followed them til they came nere to the armie of France, & then ſcaled and ſente forthe light horſemen to viewe the demeanor of the Frenchmenne. When the Frenchmen of armes were retorned to their bat|taile, then bothe the horſmen and footmen with|drewe in order of battayle and ſtill the Engliſhe ſcurrers followed them for the ſpace of three lea|gues, and then retourned to the Earle, makyng report to hym of that they hadde ſeene, who then brake vp his ſtale, and came to the Kyng, decla|ring to hym howe the Frenchemenne were gone backe.The drye VVedneſdaie. This was called the drye Wedneſdaye, for the daye was wonderfully hote, and the king with his armye ſtoode in order of battaile, from ſixe of the clocke in the mornyng till three of the clocke in the after noone. And ſome dyed for lacke of moiſture, and generally euery man was bur|ned about the mouthe with heate of the ſtomacke for drinke lacked, and water was not neare. After this ye king remoued toward Trerovanne and as he was ſetting forward, the Lord Wa|lon of Flanders came to him with his horſmen, which were already in the kings wages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As the armie paſſed, by negligence the ſame day in a lane was ouerthrowne one of the kings Bombards of yron, called the redde gonne, and there lefte. The king lodged that night two mi|les from S. Omers on the north ſide the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the thurſdaye being the .xxviij. of Iulye the maiſter Carpenter with an hundred carpen|ters & laborers, without knowledge of the Mar|ſhal, wẽt to way vp the great gonne that was in the ponde, as ye haue heard, & by force of engins drew it vp, and carted it redy to bring away: but ſodeinly there came an .viij.C. Frenchmen with ſpeares,The great [...]unne gotten [...] the Frenche, [...]y the folishe [...]i [...] dynes of the Maiſter Carpenter. croſſebowes and handgons, which ſet on the labourers ſo fiercely, that not withſtanding their manful defence, the moſt part of them were ſlayne, and the reſidue taken, and both they and the peece of ordinance conueyed to Bolongne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Frenchmen glad of this chaunce, aſſemb|led a great number to fetch the other gonne alſo the which lay yet in the lane. But the lorde Ber|ners being captain of the Pioners, and hearing all theſe things prepared to recouer that gonne, & ſo on the morrow went to fetche it. There were appointed to goe back to ſee him ſafe conduited, the Erle of Eſſex with his company of ſpeares, ſir Richard ap Thomas with his retinue, and ſir Iohn Neuill with the Northumberlande men. The Almayns alſo were commaunded to retire backe to the ſuccours of them that were gone for the gunne. The Almayns went forth tyll they came within two myles of the place where the gunne lay, and further they would not go. The Frenchmẽ to the number of nine or ten thouſãd men, as ſome eſteemed, were abrode, & came to|ward the place where the Engliſhemen were a carting the peece of ordinance. The Northum|berland horſmen hauing eſpyed thẽ, gaue know|ledge to the reſidue of the Engliſhmen, who pre|pared themſelues to defend their ground againſt the enimies, and the earle of Eſſex ſente to the Lord Walon, willing him with his companye to come to his ayde, but the lorde Walon ſente worde agayn, that he was come to ſerue the K. of England more than for one day, and therfore he wiſhed, that al the Engliſhmen would return ſith that with the great power of Fraunce they were not able to matche. Thys aunſwere was muche diſpleaſant to the Earle of Eſſex, and the other captains. In this meane tyme the forery|ders of the Frenche part were come to the handes of the Engliſhmen, and ſo they fell in ſkirmiſhe verie hotly: but at length all things conſidered, and ſpecially the ſmall number of the Engliſhe men, being not aboue .vij.C. horſemen, it was thought beſt that they ſhould returne, and folow the gunne, whiche they had ſent forward: and ſo they retreyted in order, & not in any fleeing ma|ner, ſtill folowyng the gunne. The Frenchmen perceyuing that, pricked forwarde to the number of two thouſand horſemen, and came iuſt to the backes of the Engliſhmen, who therwith caſt a|bout, and made returne to the Frenchmen. Syr William Tyler, and ſir Iohn Sharpe were the firſte that charged, and after all the other En|gliſhe men. The Frenchmen fledde immediat|ly ſo faſt backe, that happie was he that myghte be foremoſt. The whole hoſt ſeyng theyr horſ|men thus had in chaſe, ſodeinly retourned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The erle of Eſſex withdrewe to an hill, and ther cauſed his trumpet to blow to the ſtanderd, for feare of ſuttle dealing, and when his mẽwer come in, and gathered togither, he returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The ſame day beyng Friday, the .xxix. of Iu|ly, the king came to Arkes, and there encamped,The King en|campeth at Arkes. whither the erle of Eſſex came to him, and decla|red what had bin done that day, the King than|king him and other the capitains for their pains and diligence. The king laye here at Arkes till Monday the firſt of Auguſt, and then remoued to a village mydwaye betwixte Tyrwyn, and Sainte Omers, where he laye tyll Thurſdaye the fourth of Auguſt, and came that day in good order of battaile before the citie of Tyrwyn, and there pight vp his tents and pauillions in moſte royal maner,The K. cõmeth to the ſiege. fencing his campe righte ſtrongly with ordinance, and other warlyke deuiſes. EEBO page image 1481 The ordinaunce that was planted againſt the walles did ſore beate and breake the ſame, and on the other ſide they within the town were no niggardes of their ſhotte wherewyth they hurt & ſlew many of the Engliſhmen in their [...]ren|ches. Alſo the Frẽche army lay houering a looſe to take what aduantage they coulde of the En|gliſhe forragers, and other that went ab [...]de. There were certaine light horſemen amongeſt the Frenchmẽ of the parties of Greece, and Al|bany, [...]es. called Eſtradiotes, with ſhorte ſtieropes, beuer hattes, ſmall ſpeares, and ſwordes lyke Turkiſhe Cimiteries: with theſe Eſtradiotes or Albanoiſes, the Northerne lyght horſemen oftentymes ſkirmiſhed and tooke dyuers of thẽ priſoners. Whileſt the Engliſhemen thus laye before Terrouanne, the Captaine of Bolongne aſſẽbled to the number of a .M. men, the which ſetting forward one Euening came to Newn|hã bridge by thre of the clock in the morning, & findyng the watchmen a ſlepe, entred the bul|warke and ſlew them. [...]en [...] [...]ping [...]. Then letting the bridge fall, all entred that were appointed. The capi|taine of Bolongne kepte .vj.C. men for a ſtale at the bridge, and ſente the other into the Ma|riſhes and Medows to fetche away the beaſts and cattaile which they ſhould finde there. This was one, and ſome of them came ſo neare the walles of Calais, that they were eſcried, and a|bout a ſixeſcore Coupers, Bakers, Shipmen, and other whych lay without the town hearing the alarme got togyther, and ſetting on thoſe Frenchemen whiche were aduaunced ſo neare the town, ſlew them downe that abode, chaſed them that fled men into Newnhem bridge, and recouered the ſame, and put backe their enemies. About fiue of the clock in the morning the gate of Calais called Bolongne gate was opened, and then by permiſſion of the deputie one Cul|peper the vnder Marſhall wyth .ij.C. archers vnder a banner of ſainte George iſſued foorthe,C [...]peper vn| [...] Marshall of Cala [...]. and in great haſte came to Newnham bridge, where they founde the other Engliſhmen that had won the bridge of the Frenchemen, and ſo altogither ſet forward to aſſaile the Frenchmen that kepte the ſtale, and tarried till the reſidue of their company which were gone a foraging vnto Calais walles were come, for the other that had ſpoiled the Mariſhes were retourned with a great booty. At the firſt whẽ the french|men ſaw the Engliſhmẽ approch, they thought they had bin their owne fellowes. But when they ſaw the banner of ſaint George, they per|ceyued howe the matter went, and ſo determi|ned to defẽd themſelues againſt their enemies: but the Engliſhemen ſet ſo fiercely on, that fi|nally the Frenchemenne were diſcomfited, and foure and twenty of them ſlaine, beſide twelue foore that were taken priſoners, & all the ordy|naunce, and [...]tie againe recouered. The elea|uenth day of Auguſt the king, & the Emperour Maximilian,The Empero [...] Maximilian, and the King of Englande meete. met togither betwixte Ayre and Terrova [...], and after they had moſte frendly ſaluted eyther other, and talked a while togy|ther, they departed for ye time, He that deſireth to vnderſtande howe richely the Kings Ma|ieſtie, the Duke of Buckingham, and other the nobles of Englande were apparayled at this enteruiewe, he may reade thereof in the Chro|nicles of Maiſter Hall. The Emperour and his retinue were all in blacke as mourners, for the Empreſſe lately before was deceaſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wythin a daye or twoo after thys enter|viewe, and that the King was retourned to his campe, thither came a King at armes of Scot|lande called Lion,A letter of defiaunce fe [...] by the Scottish King to King Henry. wyth his coate of armes on his backe, who within ſhort time was by Gar|ter Kng of armes broughte to the Kyngs pre|ſence, where hee being almoſte diſmaide to ſee the Kyng ſo noblye accompanyed, wyth fewe wordes and meetely good countenaunce deli|uered a letter to the King, which his grace re|ceyued, and readde it himſelf, and therwith ha|uyng conceyued the whole contentes thereof, made aunſwere immediatly to the Herrault, after a ſharpe ſorte reprouing the great vntruth in the Kyng of Scottes hys Maiſter, whyche nowe accordyng to the cuſtome of dyuers hys annceſtours woulde ſo diſhonourablye breake hys faithe and promyſſe: But fithe hee hadde myſtruſted no leſſe, and that nowe his vniuſte dealyng well appeared, hee hadde the Herrault tell hys Mayſter that hee ſhoulde neuer bee compriſed in anye league wherein hee was a confederate, and that he hadde lefte an Earle in hys Realme that ſhoulde bee able to defende hym, and all hys power: and further that where hee was the verye owner of Scotlande, as of whome it was holden by homage, he woulde not faile at hys retourne to expulſe hym out of his Realme, and ſo (ſaythe hee to the Her|rault) tell thy Mayſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir ſaid the Kyng of armes, I am hys na|turall ſubiect, and hee my naturall Lorde, and that he commaundeth me to ſay, I may bolde|ly ſay wyth fauour, but the commaundements of other I maye not nor dare faye to my ſoue|raigne: But your letters, with your honoure ſent, maye declare your pleaſure, for I may not ſay ſuch words of reproche to hym, vnto whom I owe only myne allegiance and faith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſaide the Kyng, wherefore came you hither, will you receiue no anſwere. Yes ſaide Lion, but your aunſwer requireth dooyng and no writyng, that is, that immediatly you ſhuld retourne home. Well ſayde the Kyng, I will EEBO page image 1482 returne to your domage, and not at thy Mai|ſters ſummoning. Then the king commaun|ded Garter to take him to his tent, and to make hym good cheare, whiche ſo did, and cheriſhed hym well: for hee was ſore abaſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After hee was departed, the King ſent for all the Capitaines, and before them, and hys counſell, cauſed the letter to be redde, the con|tentes whereof were,The effect of the Scottishe Kings letter to King Henry. that King Henry hadde not delt wyth hym vprightly in ſundry points, as in maintainyng of thoſe whiche had ſlayne hys people of Scotland by ſea, and alſo in ſuc|couryng baſterde Heron wyth his complices, whiche hadde vnder truſte of dayes of meeting for Iuſtice, ſlaine his Wardein. Alſo his wifes legacie was by hym withhoulden: And more|ouer, where firſte hee hadde deſired hym in fa|uour of his deare couſin the duke of Gelder not to attempt any thyng agaynſte hym, yet hadde hee ſente his people to inuade the ſayde Dukes countrey, whiche did what in them laye to de|ſtroye and diſinherite the ſaide Duke, that had nothyng offended agaynſte hym. And nowe againe, where hee hadde made the lyke requeſt for his brother and couſin the moſte Chriſten Kyng of Fraunce, yet notwythſtandyng, had the King of Englande cauſed hym to loſe hys Dutchie of Millaine, and at this preſent inua|ded hys Realme wyth all his puiſſance, to de|ſtroy hym and hys Subiectes, where as yet the ſaide Kyng of Fraunce hadde bene euer friend to hym, and neuer giuen hym occaſion thus to doe. In conſideration of whiche iniuries re|ceyued in his owne perſon, and in his frends, he muſte needes ſeeke redreſſe, and take part with hys brother and couſin the ſaid king of France, Wherefore hee requyred hym to deſiſte from further inuaſion and deſtruction of the Frenche dominions, which to do if he refuſed, he plain|lye declared by the ſame letters, that he would do what hee coulde to cauſe him to deſiſte from further purſute in that hys enterpriſe, and alſo giue Letters of Marque to hys Subiectes for the denial of Iuſtice made to them by the king of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The letters thus ſent to the Kyng of Eng|lande, were dated at Edenburghe the ſixe and twentith daye of Iulye, and gyuen vnder the ſignet of the ſaide Scottiſhe King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the King had thus cauſed theſe let|ters to bee readde, and throughly conſidered of them as apperteyned, hee ſente them ſtrayght vnto the Earle of Surrey, whiche then laye at Pomfret, and cauſed other letters to bee de|uiſed to the Kyng of Scottes,King Henry his a [...] [...]ere to the Scottishe Kings letters the effect wherof was, that althoughe hee well perceyued by the Kings letters, whiche he hadde receyued from hym, in what ſorte vnder colour of contriued occaſions and fained quarrells, hee ment to breake the peace, hee didde not muche meruaile thereat, conſideryng the auncient accuſtomed manners of ſome his progenitours: Howbeit if loue and dreade of God, nigheneſſe of bloud, honour of the worlde, lawe and reaſon, hadde bounde hym, it myght bee ſuppoſed that hee woulde neuer ſo farre haue proceeded, wherin the Pope and all princes chriſtened might well note in hym diſhonourable demeanor, whiche hadde dyſſimuled the matter, whileſt hee was at home in hys Realme, and nowe in hys ab|ſence thus went aboute vppon forged cauſes to vtter his olde rancor, whiche in couert manner hee hadde long kept ſecrete: Neuertheleſſe vp|pon miſtruſte of ſuche vnſtedfaſteneſſe, hee had put his Realme in a readineſſe to reſiſt his en|terprices, as hee doubted not through gods fa|uour, and the aſſiſtaunce of hys confederates, hee ſhoulde bee able to reſiſte the malice of all Sciſmatickes, and their adherentes, beyng by generall counſell expreſſelye excommunicate, and interdited, truſtyng alſo in tyme conue|nient to remember hys frendes, and to requite his foes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreoeuer, hee willed hym to ſette before his eyes the example of the King of Nauarre, who for aſſiſtaunce gyuen to the French King was nowe a King wythout a Realme. And as touchyng aunſwere to bee made to the ma|nifolde griefes in the Scottiſhe Kings letters ſurmiſed, if Lawe or Reaſon coulde haue re|moued hym from hys ſenſuall opinions, he had bene many times already aunſwered ſuffici|entlye to the ſame, onleſſe to the pretended grieues therin amongſt other compriſed for the denying of a ſafeonduit to the Scottiſhe Am|baſſadour to haue bene laſtely ſente vnto hym: wherevnto thus hee aunſwered, that the ſame ſafeconduit hadde bene graunted if the Scot|tiſh Herrault woulde haue taken it with hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And finally, as touching the Scottiſh kings requeſte to deſiſte from further attemptyng a|gainſte the Frenche King: he ſignifyed to him, that hee knewe hym for no competent Iudge of ſo high aucthoritie, as to require hym in that behalfe, and therefore God willyng he mente wyth the ayde and aſſiſtaunce of hys confede|rates and alies to proſecute his begon attempt, and as the Scottiſhe King ſhoulde do to hym, and to hys Realme, ſo it ſhoulde bee hereafter remembred and acquited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe letters were written in the campe before Tirwin the twelfth of Auguſte, and gi|uen vnder the Kings ſignet, and therwith de|liuered to Lyon Kyng of armes, who hadde giuen hym of the Kyng, an hundred Angelles in reward, and ſo departed with his letters in|to EEBO page image 1483 Flaunders, there to take ſhyppe to ſaile into Scotlande: but ere he coulde haue a veſſell and winde for his purpoſe, hys Maiſter was ſlain, as after yee ſhall beare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while the Frenchemen bee|ing aſſembled and lodged in camp at Bla [...]gie on this ſide Amiens, [...] C [...]en of [...] [...]ache Monſieur de [...]ey. the French King [...] no|ted that all the horſmen to the number of eight thouſande (as Paulus Ionius recordeth) ſhuld go with victuals vnto Terronanne, & put the ſame into the Towne, it by anye meanes they might, for that thoſe wythin ſtoode as then in greate neceſſitie for want of victualls.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monſieure de Piennes appoin|ted by the [...]nche King [...]ll Ter|rouane.The chardge of this conuey was commit|ted vnto Monſieur de Piennes, bycauſe he was lieuetenaunt of thoſe Marches, notwythſtan|dyng there were amongeſt the number, other noble men of more highe degree in honor, and alſo of great prowes, fame and experience, fur|niſhed wyth ſundry bandes of men at armes of long approued valiauncye, and vſed to go a|waye with victory in many a dangerous con|flict and battaile, wantyng at this preſent no|thyng but their olde accuſtomed good fortune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Whileſt the Frenchemen were thus prepa|red to come with victuals to Terrouanne,The Emperour Maximilian weareth a croſſe of ſainct George as [...]er to the King of Eng|lande. the Emperour Maximilian came from Ayre to the kings camp before Terrouanne the xij. of Au|guſt, wearing a croſſe of Saint George as the kings ſouldioure, hee was honorably receyued, and lodged in a riche tent of cloth of gold pre|pared for hym, accordyng as was conuenient for his eſtate. He tarried til Sonday being the xiiij. of Auguſte, and then returned to Ayre, & on the morrow after came againe being Mon|day the .xv. of Auguſte, on whyche daye there chaunced a great fray betwixt the Almaines of the Kings campe,A fray betvven to Almaines of the Kyngs campe, and the Englishemen well appeaſed by the deſcreti|on of the Capi|taynes. and the Engliſhemen, in ſo muche that many were ſlayne. The Almaines ranne to the Kynges ordinaunce and tooke it, and embattailed themſelues, and bent the or|dinaunce againſte the King and his Campe. The Engliſhemen prepared their bowes, and the Almaines made ready their pikes: But the captains tooke ſuche paines in the matter, that the fray was appeaſed: and as this trouble was in hande, the Emperour came from Ayre, and ſaw all the demeanor of bothe partes, and was glad to beholde the diſcreete behauioure of the captaines. After that the Emperour was thus come to the kings field, the king called a coun|ſell,The Kyng and the Emperor [...] vvhych [...]ge beſte to beſiege Tir| [...]y [...]e, to pre| [...] the vic| [...]kyng of it. at the whiche the Emperour was preſent, where it was debated, by whiche meanes they might beſt conſtraine them wythin to deliuer vp the Towne, and eſpecially howe to keepe them from victuals and other ſuccours, which the Frenche armye (as it was knowen) ment very ſhortly to miniſter vnto them. Some wer of this minde, and namely the Emperour, that bridges ſhoulde be made ouer the riuer to paſſe on at a parte of the army to beſiege the town on that ſide, where otherwiſe the Frenche armye might victuall the towne at their pleaſures o|ther were of a contrary minde, doubting what might happen, if the army ſhuld be ſo deuided, leſt the Frenchmen ſetting on the backe of ye one part of the army, and they within the towne to fally out in their faces, ſome miſfortune myght happen, ere the other part coulde paſſe the riuer to the ſuccour of their felows. Yet at length the former purpoſe was allowed as moſt neceſſary, and therefore commaundement was gyuen to the Maiſter of the ordinaunce, that in all haſte he ſhuld cauſe fiue bridges to be made ouer the water for the armye to paſſe.Fiue bridges made in one nyght for the armye to paſſe ouer the riuer at Tirvvinne. The Carpen|ters ſo applied their worke that night, that the bridges were made by the next morrowe, and all the horſemen firſte paſſed ouer, and then the Kyng wyth hys whole battaile, and the greate ordinaunce followed and paſſed ouer to the o|ther ſide of the water. This was on the ſixe|teenth daye of Auguſte being Tueſdaye. The ſame morning the Frenchmen were comming with their conuey of victualles to refreſhe the Towne, hauyng appoynted one parte of their troups to keepe on that ſide the riuer where the Engliſh army was firſt encamped, & where the Earle of Shrewſbury ſtill kept hys fielde, that in offering the ſkirmiſh on that ſide, the reſidue of the horſmen might with more eaſe and ſafe|tie, put the victuals and other neceſſary things into the towne on the other ſide. Here might a man haue ſeene of what force in warres ſud|dayne chaunce is oftentimes, for the king thus wyth his bataile paſſing the riuer,Polidore. meaning to beſiege the town on euery ſide, and the french|men at that ſame i [...]nt hauing alſo paſſed the riuer wyth other carriages laden wyth victu|alls, purpoſing to releue the town on that ſide, cauſed no ſmall doubte to be conceyued of eche others meaning, on bothe partes, leaſte that the one hauyng knowledge of the others, purpoſe hadde bin prepared for to hinder the ſame: and yet was it nothyng ſo, for neyther the Kyng knewe of the Frenchemens approche that day, neither they, of his paſſing ouer the water.Hall and Polidore. But when the King had aduertiſement giuen hym (by the light horſmen that were ſent abrode to diſcouer the countrey) how the Frenchemenne were at hande, he prepared hymſelfe to the bat|taile, and firſte ſette foorthe hys horſemen, and then followed himſelfe with his battell of foot|men. The Frenche Capitaynes beeing hereof aduiſed, determined not to fight without their footmen, and therfore with all ſpeede ſent backe their carriages, and ſtaled with their horſemen EEBO page image 1484 till the carriages might haue leaſure to get out of daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane tyme the Engliſhemen ad|naunced forwarde, and their horſemen moun|ted vp the hill, where the French horſmen were in troupe with .xxx, iij. ſtanderts ſpredde and myght ſee the Engliſhemenne commyng, and the Kings battaile marchyng forwarde wyth the Almaines. There were amongſt the frẽch|men certaine companies of Eſtradiottes, whi|che being placed before the French hoſt, as they came downe the hill to ſkirmyſh wyth the En|gliſhemen ſawe where the banners of the En|gliſhe horſemen were comming, and the kings battaile followyng vpwarde, w [...]yng [...]rly that all hadde bene horſemen, wherevppon they caſte themſelues aboute and fled. The French|men were ſo faſten array,The Eſtradiors miſtaking four|men, for horſe|men fled, firſte. that the Eſtradio [...]s could not enter, and ſo they can ſtel [...]yeſſe and of the Frenchmens ranges. Here [...] [...]|gliſhe horſemen ſette on, and a [...] [...] an hun|dred archers on horſe backe, [...] ſide their horſes, and ſet by an h [...] [...] [...]ugſt a village ſide called Bomy, [...] [...]lye at their enemies, and alſo certaine cal [...]ti [...]es be|ing placed on the top of an hill were diſcharged [figure appears here on page 1484] amongſt thickeſt preaſſe of the Frenchemen, ſo that finally the Frenchmen were diſcomfited, for thoſe that were behind ſawe the fall of ſome of their ſtandertes, which the Engliſhemen o|uerthrew, and their Eſtradiotes alſo (in whom they hadde greate confidence) returne, they that were furtheſt off fledde firſte, and then the En|gliſhemen and Burgongnyon horſemen whi|che were wyth them, egerly followed the chaſe, in the whiche were taken the Duke of Long|uile brother to the Earle of Dunois that hadde maried the daughter and heire to the Marques of Rothloys, the Lorde of Cleremont, Capi|taine Bayarde, Monſieure de Bufie, and other to the number of twelue ſcore priſoners, and all brought to the Kinges preſence wyth ſixe ſtan|dertes, which were likewiſe taken. The Bur|gongniõs brought not their priſoners to ſight. Monſieur de la Palyce, and Monſieure de Imbrecourt being taken of them and known, were put to theyr raunſomes, and licenced mayntenantlye to departe vppon their worde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Thus was the power of the Frenche horſe|menne by the ſharpe encounter of the Engliſhe horſemen, and full ſight of the battayles of the footemen following in array at the backes of the horſemen, and the diſchardgyng of certain culuerines amongſt them, quickly put to flight wythout any greate reſiſtaunce. The Emperor Maximilian was preſent wyth the King, and ware a Sainct George croſſe, greately encou|raging the Almaines to ſhewe themſelues like men, ſith the place was fortunate to hym and them, to try the chaunce of battayle in, as they might call to remembraunce by the victory ther obteyned againſte the Frenchemen a foure and thirtie yeres paſte. This encounter chauncyng thus on the ſixeteenth daye of Auguſte, beeyng Tuiſday, in thys fift yeare of Kyng Henryes raigne,The battaytõ of Sp [...]t whyche was the yeare after the incar|nation 1513. was called the battaile Des Eſprons by the Frenchemen themſelues, that is to ſaye, the battaile of Spurres, forſomuche as they in ſteede of ſworde and launce vſed their ſpurres, with all might and maine to pricke forthe their horſes to gette out of daunger. That wing of horſemen alſo, whiche was appointed to ſkir|miſhe with the Engliſhemen on the other ſide the riuer, whileſt the other might haue conuei|ed the victualles into the Towne, was fiercely beaten backe by the martiall prowes of the va|liaunt erle of Shrewſbury, Sir Riſe ap Tho|mas, EEBO page image 1485 and other worthie capitaynes, whi|che laye on that ſide the water. The Duke of Alanſon, the Earle of ſaint Paule, and Mon|ſieure de Florenges, had the leadyng of thoſe Frenchemen. They wythin the Towne were in greate hope of ſuccour this daye, and when they ſawe the Frenche power approche, they ſallied forth on that ſide where the Lorde Her|bert laye, and ſkirmiſhed with his people very prowdly, but they were repulſed to the gates of their Towne, and many of them ſlayne by the highe valiauncye of the ſaide Lorde Her|bert and his capitaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After that the Englishmen were retourned from the chase of the Frenchemen, whome they had followed a three long miles from the fielde, the Kyng made sir Iohn Peche a baneret, Sir Iohn Peche made baneret, and Iohn Carre Knighte. and Iohn Carre Knight, whiche was sore hurt: Sir Iohn Peche had his guydon taken and diuers of hys men hurte, they followed so farre in the chase. After this ouerthrowe of the French horsmen the King compassed the town more straightlye on eche side, and the batterye was brought so nighe the walles as might be, wherwyth breaches were made in sundry places, by meanes whereof the Lorde Pontremy dispairyng any long time to keepe the Town, fell to a composition, Tervvin yeel|ded vp to Kyng Henry. and yeelded it vp to the Kings handes, with condition that the Souldiours might departe wyth horse and armour, and that suche Townsemen as woulde there remayne, myght haue their liues and goods saued. And thus was the Citie of Terwin deliuered vp to the King of Englande, wyth all the ordeynance and munitions, as then beeing found within the same. This was on the .xviij. of Auguste. The earle of Shrewsbury entred the same night, and caused the banner of sainct George to bee set vp in the highest place of the Towne in signe of victorie. When the Lorde Pontremy, and all the souldiours were departed, and that the earle of Shrewsbury had serched all the towne to see that euery thyng was sure, hee called the townsemen afore hym, The citizens of Tervvin vvorne to Kyng Henry. and sware them to be true to the king of England. The .xxiiij. of Auguste the king hymselfe entred the town with great and royall triumphe, The Kyng en|treth into Ter|vvin. and dined in the Bishoppes Palaice. At after noone hee returned to his campe, & on the .xxvj. daye of Auguste hee remoued againe to Guingate, where he first encamped after the chase of the Frenche horsmen. Here it was determyned in counsell that the walles and fortifications of Terwin shoulde be raised, whych was done, [figure appears here on page 1485] and the Towne brenned, Tervvin brẽt. except the Cathedrall Churche and the Palaice. All the ordinaunce was sent to Ayre to be kepte there to the kings vse. After this, it was concluded that the kyng shuld lay siege to the citie of Tourney, wherevppon hee set forwarde in three battayles, Kyng Henry [...]archethe on vvyth his army to beſiege Tervvin. the erle of Shrewsbury leadyng the vaward, the K. and the Emperour gouernyng the battaile and the Lord Chamberlayne following with the rerewarde. The firste night they encamped beside Ayre. Diuers Englishemen tarying behinde at Terwin for pillage, were surprised by the Frenchemen, whiche slewe some of them, caste some into the fire. Those that fled escaped very narrowlye. The Kyng with his armye passed forwarde towardes Tourney, and by the way he visited the yong Prince of Castell, The Kyng go|eth to Liſle to viſite the yong Prynce of Caſtill. & the Lady Margaret gouernors of the prince in the Towne of Lisley, whilest his army lay abroade in the fieldes beyonde Pount Auaundieu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There was appointed to attende the kyng vnto Liſley the Duke of Burtyngham, the Lorde Marques Dorſ [...], the Earle of Eſſex, EEBO page image 1456 and the Lorde Liſlie wyth dyuers other. Hee was receyued wyth all honour that myght bee deuiſed, and feaſted in moſte royall maner: he tarried there three dayes, and then he returned to his camp, which was lodged at that preſent in a cõuenient place betwixt Liſle and Tour|ney. The day after being the xxj. of Septẽber he remoued his camp to a place within 3. miles of Tourney, and thither came to hym the Em|perour, and the Palſegraue of the Rhine, which hadde bin with hym at Liſle,The Emperor and the Palſ|graue of the Rhine came to the King in his campe. and there holpe to receyue hym. Hee cauſed firſte his horſemen to viewe the Towne, and the demeanor of them within, and after ſent Garter Kyng of armes to ſommon thẽ to yelde it ouer into his hands, to whom they made anſwere,Tourney ſom|moned by Gar|ter King of armes. that they recey|ued no Citie of the king of England to keepe, nor any would they render to hym, wyth whi|che aunſwere he departed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After this, he approched the Citie wyth hys whole army, and they of the citie iſſued forthe to proffer the ſkirmiſhe, but the Archers beate them backe. Alſo the carriage men that came with the Herbengers, ſaw where certaine wa|gons were entryng the Citie, vnto the whyche they ran, and tooke ſome of them. At this ſkir|miſhe the horſe of the Lorde Iohn Graye was ſlaine vnder hym as he came to defende the car|riage men, but hee himſelfe had no hurte. The King with his battaile planted his ſiege on the North ſide the citie.Tourney beſie|ged by Kyng Henry. The Erle of Shrewſbu|ry with the foreward lodged toward ye South ſide of the riuer, and there lay that night. The Lorde Herbert, with the rerewarde encamped [figure appears here on page 1456] hymſelf on the Weſt ſide, and beate the walles and Towers of the citie with the greate ordey|naunce. The nexte daye after their commyng thither, being the three and twentithe of Sep|tember, the Erle of Shrewſbury with the fore|warde paſſed the riuer, and planted his ſiege on the South ſide the citie, ſtretching to the Eaſte ende, and bent hys ordeynaunce agaynſte the walles. And thus was the city of Tourney be|ſieged on all partes. On the .xxv. day of Sep|tember the King receued letters from the earle of Surrey wyth the Scottiſhe Kings gantlet, wherby he was certified of the ſlaughter of the ſaide King, and howe all thyngs hadde bene handled at the battayle of Floddon, whereof hereafter yee ſhall finde further mention. The King thanked God of the newes, and highely commended the prowes of the Earle, and other the captaines: Howbeit he had a ſecrete letter, that Cheſſhiremen and other fledde from Syr Edmunde Howard in the battaile, which let|ter cauſed greate harteburnyng, and many wordes, but the King tooke all thyngs in good parte, and would that no man ſhoulde be diſ|praiſed. On the .xxvj. day fiers were made in the hoſte, in token of that victorye agaynſt the Scottes, and on the .xxvij. day being Tewſ|daye, Maſſe was ſong by them of the Kyngs Chappell wyth Te Deum, and the Byſhop of Rocheſter made a ſermon, declaryng the death of the King of Scottes, and lamentyng hys e|uill happe, and periurie: But now to our pur|poſe of the ſiege of Tourney. The citizẽs with|in did valiantly defende themſelues: though at the firſte they were maruailouſlye amazed. They diſpatched a meſſenger to the Frenche King for ſuccour, but in fine, when they ſawe themſelues enuironed on eche ſide, and percey|ued in what danger they ſtood if they ſholde be ouercome by force of aſſault, they concluded to yelde the Citie vnto the Kyng of Englande, and ſo gettyng a ſafeconduit, the prouoſte, and a xj. other of the chiefe citizens came forth, and firſt talking with the kings counſel, were after EEBO page image 1487 brought to his Maieſties preſence, and ſurren|dred the Citie into hys handes, [...]ey yel| [...] vp vnto King Henry. requiryng hys grace to receyue the ſame, ſo as all their aun|cient lawes, cuſtomes, liberties, and franchi|ſes, might remaine to them in ſuche ſorte and maner, as they had vſed the ſame vnder other Princes, and with that condytyon they were contented to become his vaſſals and ſubiectes. The Kyng remitted them to hys counſell, and ſo entring into the tent of counſell, the Tour|neſines fell at a poynt to yeelde the Citie, and to paye ſterlyng for the redemption of their liberties. [...] citizens Tourneye [...] ſub| [...] to the K.Englande. The .xxix. daye of Septem|ber the citizens came to the Kyng, where hee ſate in his tent, and were ſworne to hym, and ſo became his ſubiects. Then the king appoin|ted the lords Liſle, Burguẽny, & Willoughby to take poſſeſſion, which wt .vj.M. men entred the citie, and tooke the market place & the walls, and ſearched the houſes for doubt of treaſon. And then maiſter Thomas Woulſy the kings Almoner called all the citizens before him, yong and olde, whom he ſwore to be true to the king of England, the number of them was .80. M. On Sunday the ſeconde of October, the king entred the Citie at Porte Fontayne in reium|phant wiſe. The ſame day the king made new Knightes, as Edwarde Guilforde: William Fitz William: Iohn Sauage: Iohn Daun|ſey: Iohn Hampden: William Tiler: Iohn Sharp: William Huſſie: Chriſtofer Garniſh: Edwarde Ferrers, and dyuers other. On Monday the .xj. of October,The Prince of Caſtell, and the D [...]heſſe of S [...]oy come to Tourney to king Henry. the king without the citie receiued the Prince of Caſtell, and the Lady Margaret, with manye other nobles of the lowe countryes, and them with greate ho|nour broughte into the citie of Tourney. The noiſe went, that the Lord Liſle was a ſuter in way of mariage vnto the ſaide Lady Marga|ret, which was Dutcheſſe of Sauoy, & daugh|ter to the Emperor Maximilian, which Em|perour was departed from the king before this time with manye riche rewardes, and money borrowed. The prince of Caſtell, and the ſaide Lady Margaret remained in Tourney wyth the king for the ſpace of .x. dayes, duryng whi|che time a great Iuſts was holdẽ on the .xviij. of October,Iuſts at Tour|ney. the king and the lord Liſle anſwe|ring all cõmers. The .xx. daye of October the prince of Caſtell, & the Lady Margaret retour|ned to Liſle, with all their train highly rewar|ded to their great contentatiõ. Whẽ all things were ſette in order, for the ſure keepyng of the citie of Tourney, the king betooke it to the go|uernance of ſir Edward Poinings, the which kept it in good order and Iuſtice,Syr Edvvarde [...]gs made [...]rnour of Tourney. to his hyghe cõmendation and praiſe. After this the king, and all other, ſauyng ſuche as were appoynted to remaine with ſir Edward Poinings depar|ted from Tourney the xx. day of October. The King and the noble men that were wyth hym made ſuch ſpede, that they were ſhortly at Ca|lais, and on the .xxiiij. daye of October, the king tooke his ſhip, and came ouer the ſame day vnto Douer,The King re|tourneth into England. and from thence roade in poſte to Richemonde, where the Queene as then laye. Aboute the ſame ſeaſon a great mortalitie and death of people began in London, and in other places, ſo that much people died. Al this Win|ter the kings nauy kept the ſeas, and robbed & ſpoiled the Frenchemen on their owne coaſtes. But now I muſte returne to ſpeake of the do|ings in the North parts betwixt the Engliſh|men, and Scottes, whileſt the king was occu|pied in hys warres againſt France in the Sõ|mer of this yeare, as before is mentioned: Yee haue hearde how the king of Scottes ſent his letters vnto the king, as then lying at ſiege be|fore Terrouãne, and what anſwer was made thereto by the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Immediatly vpon the ſendyng of thoſe hys Letters conteyning in effecte a defyance, the king of Scots aſſembled his people to inuade the Engliſhe confines: But before his whole power was come togyther,Lorde Humes entreth the bourders of Englande. the Lorde Humes that was lorde Chamberlaine of Scotland one day in Auguſte entred England with a .vij. or viij.M. men, and gettyng togyther a greate bootie of cattel, thought to haue returned there|with into his countrey. But as hee came to paſſe through a field ouergrowen with broome, called Mill fielde,Englyshmenne aſſaile the Scots. the Engliſhemen vnder the leadyng of Sir William Bulmer, and other valiant captaines, hauing with them not paſte a .M. ſouldiors being laide within that fielde in buſhementes, brake foorthe vppon hym: and though the Scots on foote defended themſelues right manfully, yet the Engliſhe archers ſhot ſo wholly togither,Scottes put to flight. that the Scots were con|ſtreyned to giue place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were of them ſlaine at thys bicke|ring a fiue or ſixe hundrethe, and a foure hun|drethe or more taken priſoners,Lorde Cham|berlaine eſ|capeth. the Lorde Chamberlayne hymſelfe eſcaped by flight, but his banner was taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was called by the Scots the Ill road.The ill roade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the meane time was the whole power of Scotlande aſſembled, with the which king Iames approching to the borders, and com|ming to Norham Caſtell, laide ſiege thereto,Norham caſtel beſieged, hauyng there wyth hym an hundreth thouſand men. After he had beaten this caſtell with hys ordinaunce for the ſpace of ſixe dayes togy|ther the ſame was deliuered vp into his hande, for the Captaine was ſo liberall of his ſhotte,Norham caſtel deliuered. and powder, ſpendyng the ſame to freely be|fore EEBO page image 1488 he had cauſe ſo to do, that when it ſhoulde haue ſtande hym in ſteede, he had none lefte to ayde hym, ſo that in the ende hee yelded hym|ſelfe without more reſiſtaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey li [...]ete|naunn of the Northe preyſeth an army.In whiche meane time, the Earle of Sur|rey being liuetenaunt of the Northe partes of Englande, in abſence of king Henry, had gi|uen order to aſſemble a power of a .xxvj.M. men, and comming to Alnewicke the thirde of September being Satterday, tarryed there all the nexte day till the whole number of his peo|ple were come, whyche by reaſon of the foule way were ſtayed, and could not come forward with ſuch ſpeede as was apointed.The Lorde Admirall [...]y|neth vvyth the Earle of Surrey his father. This fourth day of September then being Sunday, his ſon the Lorde Admirall with a .M. ſouldiours, and able men of warre, whiche had bin at ſea, came to his father, wherof he greatly reioyced for the great wiſedom, manhood, & experience, which he knewe to be in hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Ho|vvarde Admi|rall Capitayne of the vau|vvarde.Then the Earle, and hys counſell wyth greate deliberation appointed his battailes in order, wyth wings, and wyth horſmen neceſ|ſarie. Firſte of the forewarde was ordayned Capitayne the Lorde Howarde Admirall of England, aſwell with ſuch as came with him from the Sea, as others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Fyrſte the Lorde Clyfforde: the Lorde Coniers: the Lord Latimer: the lord Scrope of Vpſall: the Lorde Ogle: the Lorde Lom|ley: Sir Nicholas Appliarde Maiſter of the ordinaunce: ſir Stephan Bull: ſir Henrye Shirborne: ſir Wyllyam Sidney: ſir Ed|warde Echingham: ſir Wyllyam Bullmer, wyth the power of the Byſhoppricke of Dur|ham: ſir Wyllyam Gaſcoygne: ſir Chriſto|fer Warde: ſir Iohn Eueringham: ſir Tho|mas Metham: ſir Walter Griffith, and ma|ny other: Of the wyng on the ryght hande of the forewarde was Capitayne ſir Edmunde Howarde Knyght Marſhall of the hoſte, and with him Brian Tunſtall: Rauſe Brearton: Io. Laurence: Rich. Bold, eſquiers: ſir Iohn Bothe: ſir Thomas Butler Knyghtes: Ri|charde Done: Iohn Bigod: Thomas Fitz Wyllyam: Iohn Claruys: Bryan Stapul|ton: Roberte Warcoppe: Richard Cholm|ley, with the men of Hulle, and the Kings te|nauntes of Hatfielde, and other. Of the wyng on the lefte hande was capitayne ſir Marma|duke Conneſtable with his ſonnes and kinſe|men: ſir Wyllyam Percye, and of Lanca|ſhire a thouſande men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Of the rerewarde was capitayne the earle of Surrey hymſelfe, and with hym the Lorde Scrope of Bolton, ſir Phillyppe Tiiney, ſir George Darcy, ſir Thomas Berkely, ſir Iohn Rocliffe, ſir Chriſtofer Pikeryng, Richarde Tempeſte, ſir Iohn Stanley with the Biſhop of Elies ſeruauntes, ſir Bryan Stapulton, Lionell Percye, with the Abbot of Whithies tenauntes, Chriſtofer Clapham, ſir William Gaſcoygne the yonger, ſir Guy Dawney, Maiſter Magnus, Maiſter Dalbies ſeruants, ſir Iohn Normanuile, the Citizens of Yorke, ſir Ninian Markanuile, ſir Iohn Willough|by, with other. Of the wing on the right hand was capitaine the Lorde Dacres with his po|wer. Of the lefte hande wing was captayne ſir Edward Stanley Knyght with the reſidue of the power of the twoo countyes Palantine of Cheſter and Lancaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus was the hoſte appointed and deui|ded into Wardes and wynges at the firſte, thoughe afterwarde vppon occaſion, this or|der was ſomewhat altered. And nowe that euery man knew what to do, the Erle of Sur|rey commyng wyth hys power towardes the place where hee thought to finde the Scottiſhe hoſte, hee was enformed howe King Iames being remoued a ſix miles from Norham,The ſtrength [...] of the place vvhere Kyng Iames lay en|camped called Flodden. lay embattailed vppon a greate mountaine called Flodden, a place of ſuche ſtrengthe, as it was not poſſible for the Engliſhmen to come neare hym, but to their greate diſaduantage: for at the foote of the ſame hill on the lefte hand, there was a great mariſhe grounde full of reed and water. On the ryght hande it was defended with a riuer called Til, the courſe whereof be|ing ſo ſwifte, and the chanell in ſome places to deepe, that it myght not conuenientlye bee paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the backe halfe there were ſuch craggy rockes and thicke woods, that it was not poſ|ſible to aſſayle hym to anye aduauntage that way forthe. And on the fore parte of the campe where Nature hadde lefte an eaſye entry for men to come to the ſame, all his ordinaunce was planted alofte vpon the ſides of ſuch tren|ches, as hee had cauſed to bee caſte for defence on that parte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Earle of Surrey herevppon, conſy|dering with hymſelf that onleſſe he might de|uiſe ſome policie to cauſe the Scottiſhe armye to diſcend the hil, it wer not poſſible for him to accompliſh his deſire, he calling about him his counſell,An Herraulte ſente from the earle of Surrey to King Iames. and with them taking aduice in this point, at length it was cõcluded & determined among other things, to ſend Rouge Croſſe, Purſeuaunt of armes, wyth a trumpet to the Kyng of Scottes, wyth a Meſſage and cer|tain Inſtructions, whych in ſubſtance was to ſhewe and declare vnto the ſayde Kyng of Scottes, that where hee contrarye vnto hys othe and league, and vnnaturallye agaynſt all reaſon and conſcience, hadde entred, and EEBO page image 1489 inuaded this his brothers Realme of England, and done greate hurte to the ſame, in caſtyng downe Caſtels, Towers, and houſes, brenning, ſpoyling, and deſtroying the ſame, and cruelly murthering the Kyng of England his brothers ſubiectes, he the ſayde Earle woulde bee readie to trie the rightfulneſſe of the matter with the king in battayle, by Friday next comming at the far|theſt, if he of his noble courage would giue him tarying and abode. And the ſame, the ſaid Earle promiſed, as he was a true Knight to God, and the Kyng of Englande hys maiſter.The Lorde Admirals [...]eſſage to the K. of Scottes And before Rouge Croſſe ſhould departe with the ſayde in|ſtructions, the Lorde Admirall gaue him in cre|dence to ſhewe the ſayde Kyng of his comming, and parte of hys companye from the Sea with him, and that hee had ſoughte the Scottiſhe na|uie then beeing on the Sea, but hee coulde not meete with them, bycauſe they were fledde into Fraunce by the coaſt of Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And in as muche as the ſayde Kyng, hadde diuers and many times cauſed the ſayde Lorde, to bee called at dayes of truce, to make redreſſe for Andrewe Barton,Andrewe Barton. a Pirate of the Sea, long before that, vanquiſhed by the ſame Lorde Ad|mirall, hee was nowe come in hys owne proper perſon, to be in the vantgard of the field, to iuſti|fie the death of the ſayde Andrew againſt hym, and all hys people, and woulde ſee what coulde be layde to hys charge the ſayde day, and that he nor none of his company ſhould take no Scot|tiſhe noble man priſoner, nor any other, but they ſhould dye if they came in his daunger, vnleſſe it were the Kings owne perſon, for hee ſayde, hee truſted to none other curteſſe at the hands of the Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And in thys manner, hee ſhould finde hym in the vantgard of the fielde, by the grace of God, and Sainte George, as he was a true Knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Yet before the departing of Rouge Croſſe, with the ſayde inſtructions and credence it was thought by the Earle and his counſayle, that the ſayde King woulde fayne and imagine ſome o|ther meſſage, to ſend an Herrault of his with the ſame, onely to view and ouerſee the manner and order of the Kyngs royall army, ordinance, and artillerie, then beeing with the Earle, whereby myghte haue enſued greate daunger to the ſame, [...] good [...]o| [...]e. and for the eſchuing thereof, hee hadde in commaundemente, that if anye ſuche meſſage were ſente, not to bryng any perſon commyng therewith within three or two mile of the fielde at the nigheſt, where the ſayde Earle woulde come, and heare what hee woulde ſaye. And thus departed Rouge Croſſe, with hys Trum|pette, apparrelled in hys coate of armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Monday, the fifth daye of September, the Earle tooke hys fielde at Bolton in Glen|dale, as he hadde appoynted, where all the noble men and Gentlemen mette hym with their re|tinues, to the number of ſixe and twentie thouſande menne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And about midnight nexte enſuing, came the Trumpette, whiche wente to Rouge Croſſe and declared howe the Kyng of Scottes, after the meſſage done to hym by Rouge Croſſe, ac|cordyng to hys inſtructions, the ſayde Kyng deteyned hym, and ſente one Ilay a Herrault of hys with hym vnto the Earle, to declare to hym the Kyngs pleaſure, to whome the Earle ſente Yorke Herraulte at armes, to accompa|nye the ſayde Ilay, at a Village called Mi|lo, two myles from the fielde, vntyll the commyng thyther of the ſayde Earle the nexte morrow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſixthe daye of September, earely in the morning, the Earle accompanied with the moſt parte of the Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemen of the fielde, euery man hauing with him but one ſeruaunte to holde hys Horſe, rode to the place, and ſo the ſayde Herrault mette with the Earle, and with blunte reuerence, declared to him, that hee was come from hys maiſter the Kyng of Scottes, whiche woulde knowe, whether the Earle ſente any ſuch meſſage by Rouge Croſſe, the Earle iuſtifyed the ſame, ſaying further, that Rouge Croſſe, hadde the ſame meſſage of hym in writing, ſigned with his owne hand, where|vnto, the ſaide Ilay ſayde. As to the abydyng for battayle betweene that and Friday, then nexte following, the Kyng hys maiſter bade hym ſhewe to the Earle, that hee was as wel|come, as anye noble man of Englande, vnto the ſayde Kyng, and that if hee hadde beene at home in hys Towne of Edenburgh, there re|ceyuing ſuche a meſſage from the ſaide Earle, hee woulde gladly haue come, and fulfilled the ſayde Earles deſire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And the Herrault aſſured the Earle, on the Kyng hys maiſters behalfe, that the ſame kyng would abyde hym battaile at the daye prefixed, whereof the ſayde Earle was right ioyous, and muche praiſed the honorable agreemente of the ſaid royall King, and eſteemed the ſame to pro|ceede of an high and noble courage, promiſing the Herrault, that he and good ſuretie with hym ſhould be bounde in tenne thouſande pound ſter|ling, to keepe the ſayde day appoynted, ſo that the Kyng woulde fynde an Earle of hys, and thereto a good ſuretie wyth hym to bee bounde in lyke ſumme, for the performaunce of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And furthermore, the Erle bade the Herrault to ſaye vnto hys maiſter, that if hee for hys EEBO page image 1490 parte kepte not his appoyntmente,Baffulling what it is. then he was contente that the Scottes ſhoulde Baffull him, whiche is a greate reproch among the Scottes, and is vſed, when a man is openly periured, and then they make of him an Image, painted, reuerſed, with hys heeles vpwarde, with hys [...]ame, wondering, crying, and blowing out on him with hornes, in the moſt deſpitefull maner they can, in token that hee is worthie to bee exiled the companye of all good creatures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thẽ Ilay deliuered to the Erle a little ſcedule, written with the Kings Secretaries hande vn|ſigned, the tenor whereof followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AS to the cauſes alledged of oure commyng into Englande agayne our band and pro|miſe (as is alledged) thereto we aunſwere, oure brother was bounde als farre to vs, as wee to him. And when wee ſware laſt before his Am|baſſador, in preſence of our counſaile, we expreſ|ſed ſpeciallie in an othe, that wee would keepe to oure brother, if oure brother kepte to vs, and not elſe: wee ſweare oure brother brake firſte to vs, and ſith his breake, wee haue required dyuers tymes hym to amende, and lately, we warned our brother as hee did not vs, or hee brake, and thys we take for oure quarrell, and with Gods grace, ſhall defende the ſame at youre affixed tyme, whyche with Goddes grace wee ſhall a|byde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for aſmuche as the King kepte Rouge|croſſe with hym, who was not yet returned, the ſame Earle cauſed the ſame Ilay to bee in the keeping of Sir Humfrey Liſle, and Yorke Her|rauld in the ſame village, vntill the time that a ſeruaunte of the ſame Ilay, myghte ryde in all haſt to the Kyng of Scottes, for the deliuering of the ſayde Rougecroſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Erle ioyous of the Kings anſwer, returned to hys campe, and ſette forwarde fyue mile, to a place called Woller Haugh, in ſuche order of battaile, as euen then hee ſhoulde haue ſoughte, and there lodged for that nighte, three little miles from the King of Scottes. And be|tweene the Kyng and hym, was a goodly and large corne fielde, called Milfield, whiche was a conueniente and faire grounde for two hoſtes to fighte on: there eyther hoſt myghte perceyue other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erles deſire was, to procure the Scottes to diſcend the hill into ſome euen ground, where he mighte fighte with them, without diſaduaun|tage of place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the King, though he had a great deſire to fight, yet vppon diuers conſiderations, by aduice of his counſayle, hee ſtill kept his ground, & ment not to remoue at al out of his ſtrenght, wherevp|pon, the Earle of Surrey not able long to con|tinue in ſuche groundes of diſaduantage, by rea|ſon of myres, and matriſhes, amongſt the which he was lodged with hys army, that was almoſt famiſhed for lacke of ſufficient victuals, whyche coulde not bee recouered in ſuch a barren Coun|trey, determined to ſeeke all wayes poſſible, if hee mighte conſtreyne the Scottiſhe King to come downe beſide the hill. Hee therefore cryſed hys camp, and leauing his enimies on the left hand,The Earle of Surrey remo|ueth his ca [...] ouer the wa|ter of Till. and paſſing ouer the water of Till, he drew into a more commodious ground, at the end of Bar|more wood, to the end he mighte refreſh hys ſol|diers ſomewhat heereby, after they had bin toy|led for the ſpace of three dayes togither, in clag|gie mires, and foule filthy wayes, to their greate diſeaſe and wearineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey beeing thus lodged, the water of Till ran betwixte the two campes of Scottes and Engliſhmenne, deuiding them in ſunder, and ſtill by reaſon the one was with|in the ſhotte of a culuering of the other, they ceaſſed not to beſtowe ſhotte and pouder, either at other, though without doyng anye greate hurt at all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the Engliſh camp on that parte, whyche lay towarde the Scottes, was couered with an hill, riſing from the hither banke of Til water, with an eaſie ſtepeneſſe, to the heigth of a miles, ſpace or thereaboutes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Lord Howarde,The Lord Ho|ward taketh view of the Scottiſh army. ſonne and heire to the Earle of Surrey, from the toppe of thys hill beholding all the Countrey on euery ſide aboute him, declareth to his father, that if hee did eft|ſoones remoue his camp, and paſſe the water of Till agayne in ſome place a little aboue, and by fetching a ſmall compaſſe come and ſhew him|ſelfe on the backe halfe of hys enimies, the Scot|tiſhe King ſhoulde eyther bee enforced to come downe forth of his ſtrength, and giue battaile, or elſe bee ſtopped from receiuing victuals, or anye other things out of Scotland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey deſirous of nothing ſo much as to ioyne with the Scottes in battayle, after hee vnderſtoode that hys ſonne had enfor|med him nothing but trueth, he reyſed hys field,The Earle of Surrey retur|neth agayne ouer the [...] o [...] Till. and marching a three myles vpward, by the ry|uer ſide, paſſed ouer his army in two partes at two ſeuerall bridges, all at one time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Iames when hee ſaw this manner of hys enimies, and perceiuing what theyr mea|ning was, by coniecture of theyr doyngs, thou|ght it ſtoode not with his honor to ſitte ſtill, and ſuffer hymſelfe to bee foreſtalled forthe of hys owne Realme: and againe, that it might ſore de|miniſhe the opinion of his princely power, if hee ſeemed to remaine, as it were, beſieged within a fortreſſe, hauing more confidence in ſtrength of the place, than in the manhood of his people: wherevpon immediately, he reyſed hys campe, EEBO page image 1491 gat an hill, which he doubted leaſt the enimie ſhould haue taken before him. But by ſuch di|ligence as he vſed, and by reaſon of the great [...] a [...]e whyche was reyſed and for [...]dde, ouer all the countrey by bre [...]nyng of the litter and cabaues wherin the Scottes hadde lodged, purpoſely ſette on fyre to the ſame intente, hee was gotte to the place whyther hee in|tended, before the Engliſhe w [...]nne knowe for anye certainetie that hee was diſlodged, thoughe they were as then within myle of hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus Kyng Iames keepyng the toppes of the hylles, the Earle of Surrey, with the En|gliſhe Armye came to the foote of the ſame hylles, and ſtaying there a whyyle, for ſo much as he ſawe howe the hylle to the whyche the Scottes were gotten, was neyther ſtiepe nor harde to aſcende, hee determined to mount the ſame, and to fyght wyth the Scottiſhe hoſte ere they ſhoulde haue leyſure to fortifie theyr campe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And heerewyth callyng his people togy|ther, hee made vnto them a briefe Oration, eclaryng vnto them both what neceſſitie there was for them to ſhew their manhod, and what iuſt cauſes they had alſo to fyght agaynſt thoſe enemies, that againſt both the Lawes of God and man had moſt cruelly inuaded the realm of Englande, in the quarell of a Sciſmatik, and one that was accur [...]ed and excommunicate by the cenſures of the Churche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhemen kyndeled wyth deſire to fighte, the more thorough thoſe wordes of the Earle, required incontinently to be led forthe againſt the Scottes, that they might ſhew what earneſt willes they had to bee reuenged, not on|ly of newe receyued wrongs, but alſo of aunci|ente iniuries, for there ſhoulde neyther heyghte of hill, nor any other obſtacle, hinder them, but they woulde eyther returne with victory, or elſe loſe theyr liues in the payne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey conceyued no ſmall hope of victorie in this chearefull readyneſſe of hys ſouldiours,The ordering of the engliſh+men. and therevpon with all ſpeede (as the occaſyon then moued hym at that in|ſtant) deuided his army into three battailes, or rather foure, vnto the vauntgarde wherof, the Lorde Howarde was capitayne, his brother ſir Edmunde Howard was ioyned as a wing, the Earle hymſelfe ledde the middle warde, and the rerewarde was guyded by Sir Ed|warde Stanleye, afterwardes created Lorde Montegle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The L. Dacres with a number of horſemen was ſette a parte by hymſelfe to ſuccor where neede ſhould ſeme to appeare. The ordinance was [...] in the frunte of theſe battayles, and [...] places betweene, as was thoughte ex|pedient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this order, forward they make with [...] on|ly co [...]ages towardes the Scottes a good mar|ching [...]ce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, King Iames [...] [...]ng all the demeanour of the Engliſhmen, from the height of the hill, thoughte with himſelfe, that there was offered him that dayle a goodly occaſi|on of victory, if he might [...] to fight with the enimies [...] aduantage of place and num|ber, and [...] beyng haſtned forward tho|rough the [...]ble force of deſtiny, or [...]hir Gods ordinance, he commaunded his ſtande [...] to bre [...]yſed and ſpred, and euery man to reſort to hys appoynted place, that they myghte forth|with encounter the enimies that preſumed thus to ſeeke battaile, and herewith toruing hym to the Lords and Captaines that ſtoode aboute him, hee ſpake vnto them manye comfortable wordes touchyng the occaſion offered them at that preſente to gayne bothe a famous vi|ctorye, and to reuenge ſo many folde iniuries and diſpleaſures as they hadde ſuſteined dyuers ways forthe at the Engliſh [...]es hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hee had vnneth made an ende of his ta [...] but the ſoldiers with great noyſe and clamor [...]yed forward, vpon them, ſhaking their weapons, in ſigne of an earneſt deſire they had, as then they ſhewed, to buecle with the Engliſhmen. Wher|vpon, without delay,King Iames and al the reſt alight from horſebacke. King Iames putting hys horſe from him, al other as wel nobles as [...]ane men, did the like, that the daunger beeing [...]ll, as well to the greateſt as to the meaneſt, and all hope of ſuccour taken away, whiche was to bee looked for by flight, they might be the more wil|ling to ſhew their manhoode, ſith their ſafegarde onely reſted in the edges and poyntes of theyr weapons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then was the whole army deuided into fiue wards or regiments;The order of the Scottiſhe hoſte. to this intent that the bat|taile wherein the King himſelfe ſtoode with hys ſtandert, might be encloſed as it were with two wings, on eyther ſide one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the righte wing, the Earles of Huntley, Craforde, and Montroſe, were placed as chiefe leaders thereof, and in the lefte were the Earles of Lenox, and A [...]gile, with the Lorde Hume, Lord Chamberlaine of Scotland, being men of great ſkill in warlike affaires as was re|ported.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in euery bande (almoſte gene|rally thoroughout) there was a knyght appoin|ted for Captayne and guyder,Frenche capi|taynes in the Scottiſh hoſt. and amongeſt them certain French capitayns, the whiche king EEBO page image 1492 Lewes hadde ſent ouer into Scotland lately be|fore, to trayne the Scottes in the pr [...]diſe of warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ordinance was lodged in places moſt conueniente, though by reaſon they marched downe the hill, theyr ſhotte dyd ſmall domage to the Engliſhmen comming vpwards towardes them, and yet they beſtowed it freſhly on eyther ſide one at another.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The battaile is begun.And herewith ſir Edmond Howard with his wing, was got vp on the hill ſide, with whome the Lorde Hande, and the two fore ſayde Earles of Lenor and Argile encountred with ſuche vio|lence, that this battaile of Scottes with ſpeares on foote on that parte, beate downe and broke that wing of the Engliſhmen, in ſuch wiſe, that Sir Edmond Howard was in manner lefte a|lone, and felled to the earth, that had not baſterd Heron come to his ſuccours at that inſtant, hee hadde bin flayne there without all remedy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And on the other [...]e, the Lord De [...], wat|ching to ayde where neede appearde,Thus hathe Iouius, al|though Hall ſaith, that the Lord Dacres ſtood ſtill all day vnfough|ten with. came in on the ſydes of the Scottes, and g [...]e a charge on them with his Horſemen, whereby Sir Ed|mond Howarde [...]ing ſomewhat [...]ed, eſ [...]|ped to the Engliſh dauntgard, which was [...] as before is mentioned by his brother the Lorde Howard who beyng nowe alſo got aloſ [...] on the hill, preſſed ſtill forwarde to re [...]e the battayle, and to ſuccoure thoſe whome he ſawe part to the worſe, ſo that thereby they tooke new courages, and layd about them agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith the Erles of Crawfort and Mont|ros came with their battaile of Speares alſo on foot, and encountring with the ſayde Lorde Ho|warde after ſore ſighte on both ſides continued with more malicious hatred than force of the parties, both the ſayde Earles were ſlayne,The Scottes put to the worſe in the right wing. be|ſydes a greate number of other, the whole bat|tayle whyche they ledde, beyng put to flyghte, [figure appears here on page 1492] and chaſed out of the field.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the left hande at the ſame inſtant, ſir Ed|ward Stanley hauing begon to encounter with the Scottes on that ſyde, forced them to come downe into a more euen grounde, and broughte to that pointe with ſuche inceſſaunt ſhot of ar|rowes, as his archers beſtowed amongeſt them, that to auoyde the daunger of that ſore & ſharpe ſtorme, the Scottes were conſtrained to breake their arraye, and to fyghte not cloſed together in order of battayle, but in ſunder, one ſeparated from an other, ſo that their ſtanderdes beganne to ſhrynke here and there: Whiche thing when ſir Edward Stanley perceyued, foorthwith brin|ging about three bandes, which he had kepte in ſtore for ſuche lyke purpoſe, he inuaded the open ſydes of his enimies by a freſhe onſette, and put them in ſuche diſorder, that they were not able anye longer to abyde the violence of the En|gliſhemenne myghtyly prea [...]yng vppon them, ſo that taking themſelues to flighte, and ren|ning headlong downe the ſtiepe diſſente of the mountayne, they eſcaped to the wooddes,The left wing of the Scottes is diſcom [...]d and there ſaued them ſelues, but the Earles of Ar|gyle and Lenox, doing what they coulde to ſtay their people from renning away, were ſlayne in the ſame place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, the Kyng who a little before hadde ioyned wyth the Earle of Surrey, perceyuing that the wings of his battaile were diſtreſſed, and that his enimyes began to encloſe him on eche ſyde, he baſhed nothing at the mat|ter, but wyth aſſured countenaunce, exhorted thoſe that were aboute him to ſticke to him, and to remember their worthy aunceſtours, in com|mitting nothing that mighte any wayes forth ſound to their reproche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herewith, ruſhing forthe vppon his eni|mies, EEBO page image 1493 a newe battaile more egre than the fyrſte began to ariſe, [...] fight. for that battaile beeing well ap|poynted and armed, paſſed little for the Engliſh mens arrowes, in ſo muche, that perſing the Earles battayle, they entred well neere ſo farre within the ſame, that they were at poynte to haue ouerthrowen his ſtandertes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were on eyther parte a number of tall mens bodies, choſen forth of purpoſe by the cap|taynes, for the good opinion conceyued of theyr hardy valiancie, and the battaile betwixte them ſeemed long time doubtfull and variable, nowe one while fauourable to the one parre, and an o|ther while to the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King [...]eth him| [...] right [...]ly.The King himſelfe on foote euen in the fore|moſt ranke, fought right valiantly, encouraging hys people, as well by example as exhortation, to do their deuoires.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Neyther did the Earle of Surrey for hys part fayle in the duetie of a righte worthy gene|rall, but whileſt the battaile was thus foughted in moſt earneſt maner about the ſtanderts with doubtfull chance of victory, the Lorde Howarde and ſir Edward Stanley hauing vanquiſhed the enimies in eyther wing, returned to the middle|warde, and finding them there thus occupyed, they ſet on, in two partes ſeuerally, with greate violence, and at the ſame time, the Lord Dacres came with his horſemen vpon the backes of the Scottes, ſo that they beeyng thus aſſayled be|hinde and before, and on eyther ſyde, were con|ſtreyned (as enuironed about) to fight in a round compaſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſtout ſto|macke of king Iames.King Iames as hee behelde Sir Adam For|man hys ſtandert bearer beaten downe, thought ſurely then, ther was no way for him but death, and that euen out of hand, wherefore to deliuer hymſelfe from ſuche deſpitefull reproche, as was like to followe, hee ruſhed forthe into the thickeſt preaſe of his enimies, and there fighting in moſt deſperate wiſe, [...]e is ſlayne. was beaten downe and ſlayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And a little beſide hym, there dyed with lyke obſtinate wilfulneſſe, or if yee liſt ſo to tearme it manhoode, diuers honorable Prelates, as the Archebyſhop of Sainte Andrewes, and two o|ther Byſhops beſydes foure Abbots. Alſo, of Lords and Knightes of honor a ſixe and thirtie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The battailes of Scottes [...]ght not, the g [...] the making on.The Lorde Hume and the Earle of Huntley got Horſes, and eſcaped away togither with cer|tayne bandes, placed in two the hindermoſt wardes, whiche of all that daye, neuer came to handſtrokes, but ſtoode ſtill, and gaue the loo|king on.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus through the power of God, on Friday being the ninth of September, in the yeare .1513. was Iames, the fourth of that name, King of Scottes ſlayne at Bramxſton, and his armye diſcomfited by the Earle of Surrey, Lieutenant to Henry the eyght Kyng of Englande, whyche a little before hadde wanne the Towne of Tur|wan, and was then preparing to goe to beſiege Tourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were ſlayne in thys battaile on the Scottiſh part, of all ſortes,Iouius. Hall. the number of eyght thouſande perſons at the leaſt, ſome ſaye twelue thouſand, beſide priſoners that were taken, as Sir William Scotte, Chancellor to the ſayde Kyng, and Sir Iohn Forman his ſergeaunte porter, with diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in manner, all the Scottiſhe enſignes were taken, and a two and twentie perces of greate ordinance, amongſt the whiche were ſea|uen enlu [...]rings of a large a [...] ſife, and verye fayre peeces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iames named them (for that they were in making one very lyke to an other) the ſeamen ſiſters.The ſeauen ſiſters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Though the victory thus remayned with the Engliſhmen, yet they bought it deere, loſing no ſmall number of their people, as well of thoſe that were ſlayne in the fielde, as of other that were taken priſoners, for the Scottes foughte very ſtoutely, and gaue it not ouer for a little, in ſo muche, that there were ſlayne and taken a|bout a fifteene hundred men,Hall. as appeared by the booke of wages, when the ſoldyers were payde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many Engliſhmen that followed ouer raſh|ly in chaſe of the Scottes, went to far, that they wiſt not whiche way to returne, and ſo were ta|ken of the Scottes that were in the two bat|tailes that wente away with cleere hands, and neuer fought.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, diuers were taken by the Lord Cham|berlaine, whiche foughte with the wing of Sir Edmonde Howarde, and were caried away by hym and his company into Scotland, as Iohn Fitton Eſquier, and others. During the tyme of the fight, and the night after, manye Engliſh|men loſt their horſes, & ſuch ſtuffe as they left in their tents and pauilions, by the robbers of Tin|dale and Tiuidale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When ye field was done, and that the ſkoutes brought word yt there was no more appearance of ye Scots, but that they were all auoided and gone, the Erle gaue thankes to God, & called to him certaine Lordes and Gentlemen, and them made knights, as ſir Edmond Howard his ſon, the L. Scrope, ſir Wil. Percy, ſir Edw. Gorge, and diuers other. The Erle and the Lord Admi|ral, departed to Bermar wood, & there lodged that night, leauing ſir Philip Tilney knight & diuers other worthy captaines, with a conueniente po|wer of men to keepe the place where the field had bin fought, for ſafegard of the ordinance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The body of the King of Scottes was not foũd til the next day,The body of King Iames found. and then being founde and EEBO page image 1494 knowen by the Lord Dacres, there appeared in the ſame diuers deadly woundes, and eſpecially, one with an arrow, and an other with a bill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day, there appeared ſome Scottes on an hill, but one William Blacknall that had the chiefe rule of the ordinaunce, cauſed ſuche a peale to be ſhot off at them, that the Scots fled, or elſe the L. Admiral, which was come to view the fielde, had bin in great daunger as was ſup|poſed: but now that the Scottes were fled, and withdrawen, all the ordinance was broughte in ſafetie to Eytil, and there remayned for a tyme. After that the Earle of Surrey had taken order in al things, and ſet the North parts in good qui|et, he returned to the Queene with the dead body of the Scottiſh King cired.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the King was returned into Englãd from his conqueſt made in Fraunce of the Ci|ties of Tirwine and Tourney, hee forgate not the good ſeruice of thoſe that hadde bin with the Erle of Surrey at the battaile of Bramxton, wherefore hee wrote to them hys louing letters with ſuch thankes and fauourable wordes, that euery man thought himſelfe well rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1514And on the day of the purification of our La|dy, at Lambeth, the K. created the Erle of Sur|rey Duke of Norffolke, with an augmentation of the armes of Scotlande, & ſir Charles Bran|don vicount Liſle, he created Duke of Suffolke, and the Lord Howard high Admirall, he created Earle of Surrey, and ſir Charles Sommerſet Lord Herbert his chief Chamberlaine, he created Erle of Worceſter: and after this, hee alſo made ſir Edward Stanley for his good ſeruice ſhewed at Bramxſton field, Lorde Mountaigle, and in Marche following, was maiſter Tho. Wolſey the Kings Almoner, conſecrate Byſhop of Lin|colne.Wolſey de|ſcribed. This man was borne at Ypſwich, & was a good Philoſopher, very eloquent & ful of witte, but paſſingly ambitious, as by his doings it wel appeared. In ye time of K. Henry the ſeauenth it was agreed betwixt the ſaid K. and Philip K. of Caſtile, that Charles, King Philips eldeſt ſon ſhoulde marrie the Lady Mary, daughter to the ſaid K. Henrye, with a dower to hir appoynted: but for want of ſufficiẽt aſſurance of the dower, the reſt of the couenaunts were made voyd, and yet had the K. highly prouided for the ſending of hir ouer, now after his cõming from Tourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the Citizens of London, finding themſelues greeued with the incloſures of ye cõ|mon fields about Iſlington,Encloſures of the fields a|bout London, caſt downe & ouerthrowẽ Horſton, Shordich & other places neere to the Cities, whereby they could not be ſuffered to exerciſe their bowes, nor other paſtimes in thoſe fields, as before time they had bin accuſtomed, aſſembled themſelues one morning, and wente with ſpades and ſhouels vnto the ſame fields, and there like diligẽt work|men, ſo beſtirred themſelues, that within a ſhort ſpace, al the hedges about thoſe townes wer caſt downe, and the ditches filled. The kings coun|ſaile comming to the grey Friers, to vnderſtand what was meant by this doing, were ſo anſwe|red by the Maior & counſaile of the citie, that the matter was diſſimuled, and ſo when the worke|men hadde done their worke, they came home in quiet maner, & the fields were neuer after hedged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the moneth of May,An. reg. [...] the K. and the newe D. of Suffolke, were defenders at the tilte a|gainſt al commers. At thoſe iuſtes were broken a C. and .14. ſpeares in a ſhort ſeaſon.A cap of m [...]+tenance ſe [...] the king [...] the Pope. The nine|tenth day of May, was receiued into London, & cap of maintenance, ſent from Pope Iuly, with a great company of nobles & Gentlemen, whych was preſented to the K. on the ſonday thẽ nexte enſuing, with great ſolemnitie in the Cathedrall Churche of S. Paule. About the ſame time, the warres yet continuing betwene Englande and France, Prior Iehan (of whome ye haue hearde before in the fourth yeare of this Kings raigne) greate Captaine of the Frenche nauie, with hys galeis & foiſtes, charged with great baſiliſks and other artillerie, came on the bordure of Suſſex in the nighte ſeaſon,Brighthelm+ſton in S [...] brent. at a poore village there called Brighthelmſton, & brente it, taking ſuche goodes as he found. But when people began to gather, by firing the beacons, Prior Iehan ſounded hys trumpet, to call his menne aboorde, and by that time it was day. Then certain archers that kept the watch, followed Prior Iehan to ye ſea, & ſhot ſo faſt, yt they bet the galey men from the ſhore, & wounded many in the foiſt, to the whiche Prior Iehan was cõſtreined to wade,Prior Ie [...] Captaine o [...] the French galleys, ſh [...] into the ey [...] with an arr [...] and was ſhot in the face with an arrow, ſo that he loſt one of hys eyes, & was like to haue died of the hurt, & there|fore he offered his image of waxe before our La|dy at Bulleine, with the Engliſhe arrow in the face, for a miracle. The L. Admiral offended wt this proude parte of the french men, in makyng ſuch attempt on ye Engliſh coaſtes, ſent ſir Iohn Wallop to the ſea with diuers ſhippes, whyche ſayling to the coaſts of Normandie, lãded there;Sir Iohn W [...]+lop in Nor+mandy. & brente .21. villages & townes, with diuers ſhips in ye hauẽs of Treaport, Staples, & other where. Men maruelled greatly at the manfull doyngs of ſir Iohn Wallop, conſidering he had not paſt an eight C. men, and tooke land there ſo often.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In Iune, Sir Tho. Louel was ſent ouer to Calais with ſixe hundred mẽ, to ſtrengthen that towne, & other the fortreſſes within the Engliſh pale, for doubt of any ſuddaine attempte to bee made by the Frenchmen, bycauſe Monf. de Põ|tremie, with a mighty army & great ordinance, was come downe neere to Arde, howbeit, he tar|ried not long, but reiſed his camp within a while after his cõming thither, and returned without EEBO page image 1495 any more doing. The frẽch K. perceiuing what loſſes he had ſuſteined by ye warres againſt En|glãd, [...] French procu| [...] the Pope [...] a mene [...]eace be| [...] king [...] and [...]. and doubting leaſt one euil luck ſhould ſtill followe in the necke of an other, determined to make ſute for peace, and firſt agreing with Pope Leo, deſired him to bee a meane alſo for ye pro|curing of ſome agreement betwixte him and the K. of England. Herevpõ, the veſſell of amitie be|ing firſt broched by the Popes letters, the french K. by an Herrault at armes ſent to the King of England, required of him a ſafeconduit for his Ambaſſadors, which ſhould come to entreate for a peace & atonement to be concluded betwixt thẽ and their realmes. Vpon grant obteined thereof, the french K. ſent a commiſſion with the preſidẽt of Roan and others, to intreate of peace and ali|ance betwixte both the Princes. [...]age [...]ed. And moreouer, bycauſe they vnderſtood that the marriage was broken betweene the Prince of Caſtile and the Lady Mary, they deſired yt the ſaid Lady might be ioyned in mariage with ye french K. offering a great dower and ſureties for ye ſame. So muche was offered, that the K. moued by his counſayle, & namely by the Biſhop of Lincolne Wolſey, conſented vpon condition, that if the French K. dyed, then ſhe ſhould if it ſtood with hir pleaſure, returne into England againe with al hir dower & riches. [...] con| [...]e [...]. After that they were accorded vppon a ful peace, & that the french K. ſhould marrie thys yong Lady, the indentures were drawen, en|groſſed, and ſealed, & peace therevpon proclaimed the ſeuenth day of Auguſt, & the K. in preſence of the french Ambaſſadors, was ſworne to keepe ye ſame, & likewiſe there was an Ambaſſade ſente out of England to ſee the french King ſweare ye ſame. [...]. The dower that was aſſigned vnto the bride to be receiued after hir huſbands deceaſſe if ſhe ſuruiued him, was named to be .32. crownes of yeerely reuennes & to be receiued out of certain lands aſſigned forth therefore during all hir na|turall life. And moreouer, it was further agreed and couenanted, that the frenche K. ſhould con|tent & pay yerely vnto K. Henry, during ye ſpace of fiue yeres, the ſumme of one hundred thouſand crownes. By concluſion of this peace,The Ladie Mary affyed to K. Lewes of Fraunce. was the D. of Longuile with the other priſoners delyue|red, paying their raunſoms, and the ſaid D. affy|ed the Lady Mary, in the name of his maiſter K. Lewes. In September following, the ſayde Lady was conueyd to Douer by the K. hir bro|ther, and the Queene, and on the ſeconde day of October, ſhe was ſhipped, and ſuche as were ap|pointed to giue their attendance on hir, as the Duke of Norffolke, the Marques Dorſet, the Biſhop of Durham, the Earle of Surrey, the L. de la Ware, the L. Berners, the Lord Mon|taigle, the four breethren of the ſaid Marques, ſir Maurice Barkeley, ſir Iohn Peche, ſir William Sandes, ſir Tho. Bulleyne, ſir Iohn Car, and many other knightes, Eſquiers, Gentlemen and Ladyes. They had not ſailed paſt a quarter of the Sea, but that the wind aroſe, and ſeuered the ſhippes, driuing ſome of them to Calais, ſome into Flanders, and hir ſhippe with great difficul|tie was brought to Bulleyne, not without great ieoperdie at the entring of the hauen, for the ma|ſter ranne the ſhip hard on ſhore, but the boates wer ready, & receiued ye Lady out of the ſhip, & ſir Chriſtopher Garniſh ſtood in the water and toke hir in his armes, & ſo caried hir to land, wher the D. of Vandoſme, & a Cardinall, with many o|ther great eſtates, receiued hir with great honor.The mariage ſolemnized betwene the French king, and the Lady Mary, ſiſter to King Henrye. From Bullein with eaſie iourneys ſhe was cõ|ueid vnto Abuile, and there entred the eyghth of October, and the morrow following being Mõ|day, and S. Deniſe daye, the mariage was ſo|lemniſed betwixte the French King, & the ſayde Lady, with all honour, ioy, and royaltie.

[figure appears here on page 1495]

EEBO page image 1496When the feaſt was ended, the Engliſh lords returned with great rewards back into Englãd.

Before their departure from Abuile, the Dol|phin of France, Francis Duke of Valoys, cau|ſed a ſolemne Iuſtes to be proclaymed,Solemne iuſtes pro|claymed at Paris. whyche ſhould be kept at Paris in the moneth of Nouẽ|ber next enſuing, the ſaid Dolphin with his nine aydes to aunſwere all commers, being Gentle|men of name and armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this Proclamation was reported in England, by the noble men that returned from the marriage, the D. of Suffolke, the Marques Dorſet, and his four breethren, the Lord Clintõ, Sir Edwarde Neuill, Sir Giles Capell, Tho. Cheinie, and other, got licence of the K. to goe o|uer to this chalenge, and therevpon, preparyng themſelues for the purpoſe, departed towarde Fraunce, and did ſo much by iourney, that they came to Paris about the later ende of October, and were hartily welcome to the King & Dol|phin, but moſt of al to the french Queene, which then lay at S. Deniſe, and was not yet crow|ned, nor entred into Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dolphin deſired the Duke of Suffolke, and the Lord Marques Dorſet, to be two of his immediate aydes, which thereto gladly aſſented.

In the meane time, whileſt all thyngs were a preparing for the Iuſtes, the fifth of Nouem|ber,The Corona|tion of the french Quene. being Sonday, the Queene was Crowned with greate ſolemnitie in the Monaſterie of S. Deniſe.

And on the morrow following, the ſayde Q. was receyued into the Citie of Paris, with all honour that might be deuiſed.

On ye ſeuenth day of October, being Tewſ|day, began the Iuſtes, which cõtinued the ſpace of three dayes, in the whiche were aunſwered three hundred and fiue men of armes, and euery man ranne fyue courſes with ſharp ſpeares.

The Engliſhe Lordes and Knightes did as well as the beſt, not only in the iuſtes, but alſo at the iourney and barriers, namely, the Duke of Suffolke, the Marques Dorſet, and his brother, that worthy yong Gentleman the Lorde Ed|ward Gray.

When all the greate triumph was done, the Lordes of England tooke theyr leaue, and were highly thanked of the king, the Queene, ye Dol|phin, and all the Lordes, and ſo departed, and came into England before Chriſtmas.

In this meane time, that is to ſaye, in No|uember, the Queene of Englande was deliue|red of a Prince, whych lyued not long after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Richard Hun hanged in Lollards towerIn December, one Rychard Hun a merchãt Taylor of London, that was layd in Lollardes Tower by commaundemente of the Byſhop of London, called Richarde Fitz Iames, and hys Chancellor, Doctor Horſey, was founde dead, hanging by the necke in a girdle of ſilke within the ſaid Tower. That ye may vnderſtande the cauſe of his empriſonmente, the beginning was this. The ſame Hun had a child that dyed in his houſe, being an infant, the curate claymed ye bea|ring ſheete for a mortuarie, Hun aunſwered, yt the infant had no propertie in the ſheete. Wher|vpon, the prieſt aſcited him in the ſpiritual court. He taking to him counſaile, ſued the Curate in a premunire, and when this was knowen, meanes was found, that Hun beeing accuſed of Hereſie, was attached, & laid in Lollards tower, wher he was founde dead, as ye haue heard. Muche adoe was made about his death, for the Byſhop & the Chancellor ſaid, that he hanged himſelf, but ma|ny of the temporalty affirmed, that he was mur|thered, greatly lamenting ye caſe, for he was wel beloued, & namely of ye pore, whiche cryed out a|gainſt thẽ that were ſuſpected to haue made him away. He was a good almes man, and greately relieued the needy. The queſtiõ of his death was ſo farre put forth, that vpõ the ſuſpitiõ he ſhould be murthered, twelue men were charged before ye coroner. After they had taken view of the body, ye ſame was brẽned in Smithfield by the byſhops apointment, notwithſtãding the coroners queſt indited doctor Horſey, with one Io. Spalding, otherwiſe called belringer, & Charles Ioſeph the ſomnar of the murthered, howbeit, vpon his ar|reignement, through great ſuite, and corruption of money, as many iudged, the Kings attorney declared Doctor Horſey not to be giltie.

The thyrd day of February,1515 the King made a ſolemne iuſtes at Weſtminſter, [...]uſte at Weſt|minſter. where hee and the Lord Marques Dorſet tooke vpon them to anſwer all commers, and ſo did, acquiting them|ſelues right worthily.

This yeare alſo, was a Parliamente called, whiche began the fifth of October, and helde tyll Eaſter, in the which, diuers actes were made, as ye acte of apparell, and that of labourers, with o|ther. Alſo in this Parliament, were diuers ſub|ſedyes graunted to the King, toward his greate coſtes and charges that hee hadde ſuſteyned by his voyage into Fraunce, and his other warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare dyed at Roane by poiſon as was reported, the Archbyſhop of Yorke,Doctor Ben|brick Archby|ſhop of York [...] is empoyſo|ned at Roane and Cardi|nall called Doctor Benbricke, whiche was the Kings Ambaſſador there. This was a wyſe man, and of a iolly courage. Then was the Bi|ſhop of Lincolne preferred to the Archebyſhop|ricke of Yorke, who in that ſeaſon bare al ye rule about the King, ſo that what he ſayd, was obey|ed in all places.

The firſt day of Ianuary,The deathe [...] the French [...] the Frenche Kyng departed this life, after he had bin married to the Lady Mary of Englande, the tearme onely of foureſcore and two dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1497The king of England being therof aduertiſed, cauſed a ſolemne obſequie to bee kept for him in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule, wyth a coſtly hearſe. At the whiche many nobles were preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this hee ſent a letter to comfort the Q. [figure appears here on page 1497] his Syſter, requyring to knowe hir pleaſure, whether ſhee woulde continue ſtill in Fraunce, or returne into England. And when he was ad|uertiſed of hir minde, which was to returne into Englãd,The Duke of Suffolke and others ſente [...]e Fraunce [...] bring the [...]ch Queene [...] England. the duke of Suffolk, ſir Richard Wing|field deputie of Calais, and Doctor Weſt, with a goodly bande of Gentlemen, and yeomen all in blacke, were ſent into Fraunce, and comming to Paris, were well receyued of the newe Frenche king Fraunces the firſt of that name, to whome they declared the effect of their commiſſion, which was to receyue the Queene Dowager, accor|ding to the couenants of the mariage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The counſaile of Fraunce by the kings ap|poyntment, aſſigned fourth hir dower, and the Duke of Suffolke put in officers,The Duke of Suffolke win| [...] the good will of the Queene dow| [...]g [...] of France Polidor. and then was the Queene deliuered to the duke by Indenture, who behaued himſelfe ſo towards hir, that he ob|teyned hir good will, to be hir huſband.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was thought, that when the king crea|ted him Duke of Suffolke, he perceyued hys ſy|ſters good will towarde the ſayde duke, and that he ment then to haue beſtowed hir on him, but that a better offer came in the way.Hal. But howſo|euer it was now, he wanne hir loue, ſo as by hir conſent, he wrote to the king hir brother, meeklye beſeeching him of pardon in his requeſt, whiche was humbly to deſire him of his good will and contentation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king at the firſt ſtayed, but after long ſuyte, and ſpeciallye by meane of the Frenche Queene hirſelfe, and other the Dukes friendes, it was agreed that the Duke ſhoulde bring hir into England vnmaried, and at his returne to marie hir in Englande: but for doubt of change he maried hir ſecretly in Paris at the houſe of Clugny, as was ſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he had receyued hir with hir dower ap|poynted, An. reg. 7. The french Queene mari|ed to the Duke of Suffolke. and all hir app [...]ell, iewels, and houſe|holde ſtuffe delyuered, they tooke leaue of the new Frenche king, and ſo paſſing through Fraunce, came to Calais, where ſhe was honorably enter|teyned, and after openly maryed with great ho|nor vnto the ſayde Duke of Suffolke. Doctor Weſt as then nominated Biſhop of Elie, remai|ned behinde at Paris, to go through with the full concluſion of a new league betwixt the king of England, and the new French king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere in September, the king being at his manour of O king, after his returne from his progreſſe which he made that yeare into the weſt partes, the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke came thither to him: whileſt bee ſoiourned there,The Archbiſ|ſhop of Yorke elected Cardi|nall. a letter was brought to the ſayde Archbiſhop from Rome, ad|uertiſing him that hee was elected Cardinall, which letter incontinently he ſhewed to the king, diſabling himſelfe in wordes, though his intent was otherwiſe, and ſo the king did encourage him, and willed him to take that dignitie vppon him, and called him from thenceforth my Lorde Cardinal. But his Hat, Bul, nor other ceremo|nies were not yet come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Nouember, the king aſſembled his highe Court of Parliament at Weſtminſter,A Parliament at Weſtmin|ſter. wherein diuerſe actes made in the ſixth yeare were refor|med and altered, and eſpicially the act of apparel, and the act of laborers, as by the booke of ſtatutes more plainly appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ende of this Parliamẽt, Doctor War|ham Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and as then lord Chauncellour, perceyuing howe the new Lorde Cardinall medled further in his office of Chaun|cellourſhip than he could well ſuffer, except hee ſhould aduenture the kings diſpleaſure, for thys and for other conſiderations gaue vp his office of Chauncellor into the kings handes, and deli|uered to him the great ſeale, which incontinently was deliuered by the king vnto the Lorde Car|dinall, and ſo was he made Lorde Chauncellor.Cardinall Wolley made L. Chancellor. He was no ſooner in that office, but hee directed forth Commiſſions into euerie ſhire, for the exe|cution of the ſtatutes of apparell and labourers, and in all his doings ſhewed himſelfe more loftie and preſumptuous than became him, which cau|ſed him to be greatly miſlyked of many, and the more, for that his baſe byrth was knowne of all men, ſo that the nobilitie (as reaſon was) diſdey|ned to be at his correction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the end of Nouember,The Cardinals hatte receyued by the Ken| [...]iſhe Gentle|men with gret ſolemnitie. the Cardinals hat was ſent into Englande, which the Gentlemen of Kent receyued, and brought to London, wyth ſuch tryumph as though the greateſt Prince in Europe had bene come to viſit the king. And on a Sunday in Saint Peters Church at Weſt|minſter EEBO page image 1498 he receyued the habite, Hat, piller, & other ſuch tokens of a Cardinal. And now that he was thus a perfite Cardinall he looked aboue all eſta|tes, whiche purchaſed him great hatred and diſ|daine on all ſides.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the ende of the Parliament, ſir Edward Poynings labored to be diſcharged of the keping of Turney,The Lorde Mõtioy made gouernour of Tourney. bicauſe he could not haue helth there: and ſo he was diſcharged, and ſir Williã Blunt Lorde Mountioy was ſent thither to haue that rowmth, and for Marſhall was appoynted ſir Sampſon Norton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately vppon their comming thither, chaunced a great ryot rayſed by the ſouldiers, ſo that to appeaſe thẽ, the Lord Mountioy was put in ieopardie of his life.A mutenye a|mõgſt the ſol|diers at Tourney. In concluſion, to quiet thẽ ſir Sampſon Norton was baniſhed the towne for euer, but what the matter was I haue not found reherſed by any wryter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Citie was appeaſed, and euery thing thought to bee forgotten, diuerſe of the of|fenders were executed, and diuerſe baniſhed the towne, Some fled, and were confined both out of Englande and the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the new league accorded betwixt the king and the French king was openly pro|claimed through the Citie of London by a trum|pet. Margaret Queene of Scottes, eldeſt ſiſter to the king, came this yeare into England, and at Herbottell Caſtell was deliuered of a daughter, begot by hir ſecond huſbande, the Lord Archym|balde Dowglas Erle of Angus.The birth of Margaret dau|ghter to the Queene of Scottes and of the Earle Angus maried afterwards to the Erle of Leneuxe. This daughter was cleped at the Font ſtone after hir mother Margaret.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Queene after the death of hir late huſband king Iames, maried the ſayde Earle of Angus, without conſent of hir brother king Hen|rie, or other of hir friendes, chiefely as ſome haue thought, for hir ſonnes ſake, doubting if ſhee ſhoulde not haue taken hir choyſe at home, ſhee ſhould haue maryed in ſome other place, and ſo haue beene ſequeſtred from hir ſonne, whoſe brin|ging vp apperteyned now chiefely vnto hir.Hall. But ſuch contention roſe ſhortly after in Scotlande amongeſt the Lordes,The Queene of Scottes and Earle of Angus hir huſ|band come in|to England. that both ſhee and hir huſ|bande were glad to ſeeke ſuccour in Englande at hir brothers hande, who was contented to re|lieue them, aſſigning them the ſayde Caſtell of Herbottell to lie in, till his further pleaſure ſhould be knowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1518The .xviij. day of Februarie this yeare, the Ladie Marie, daughter to king Henrie the .viij. was borne at Greenwich.The birth of ladie mary the kings daugh|ter afterwards Queene. This was ſhe that af|terwards was Quene of this realme, and maried the king of Spaine. This yere alſo died the king of Aragon father to the Q. for whõ was kept a ſolemne obſeque in ye cathedral church of Pauls.

An. reg. 8. The king ſent for his ſiſter the Queene of Scots & hir huſbãd to come to the court for their ſolace: whervpon comming vp to London, they lay at Saint Iohns without Smithfielde barres for a time, and after at Baynardes Caſtell, from whence the Queene was conueied to Greenwich where ſhe was ioyfully receyued of the king, the Queene his wife, and of the French Queene hir ſiſter.

Thus was ſhe ſometime at the Court, and ſometyme at Baynards Caſtell, and ſo conti|nued in England all this yeare.

The king for the honour of his ſiſter the .xix. and .xx. day of May, prepared two ſolemne days of Iuſtes, wherein the king himſelfe, the Duke of Suffolke, the Earle of Eſſex, and Nicholas Carew Eſquier, anſwered all tommers.

At length the Earle of Angus returned into Scotlande, leauing the Queene his wife behinde him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time were ſent out of Eng|lande twelue hundred Maſons, and Carpenters,A caſtell buil|ded by the king as To [...]y. and three hundred laborers to the Citie of Tour|ney to beginne the foundation of a Caſtell, which the king had determined to buylde there, for the better chaſtiſing of the Citie, if they ſhoulde at|tempt any rebellion.

This yeare the Cardinal cauſed all thoſe to be called to accoũts that had medled with the kings money, and had the occupying thereof, in the warres or elſe where.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This audite troubled manye, for ſome were founde in arrerages, and ſome ſaued themſelues by policie and briberie, and waxed rich, and ſome were wrongfully puniſhed. And ſurely he ſo pu|niſhed periurie with open infamie,Periury gre|uouſly puni|ſhed by Car|dinal Wolſey. cauſing the of|fenders to weare Papers, and ſo forth, that in his time it was leſſe vſed. He puniſhed alſo Lordes, knights, and men of all degrees, for riots, for bea|ring out wrongs,Iuſtice execu|ted by the Cardinal. and for maintenance practiſed in their country, that the poore men liued quiet|ly, ſo that no man durſt vſe ſuche bolſtring, for feare of impriſonment.

Theſe doings were worthie of commendation in him, but ſurely much more, if hir had beene a man that coulde haue kept a meane, which hee coulde not doe, but through his pompe and pre|ſumptuous pride, wanne him high diſdaine in the ende, of al men, not only offending the nobles, and high eſtates of the realme, but alſo the whole multitude of people, which could not away with his vaineglorious pride, and namely for that hee tooke vppon him the gouernaunce of the whole realme, in maner into his only hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was a ſtraunge matter to ſee, a man not ſkilled in the lawes to ſit in the ſeat of iudgement to pronounce the law, being ayded at the firſt by ſuch as according to the auncient cuſtome, dyd ſit as aſſociate with him but he would not ſticke EEBO page image 1499 to determine ſundrie cauſes, neyther rightly de|rided nor adiudged by order of law, and againe ſuche as were cleare caſes, hee would ſometime prohibite the ſame to paſſe, call them into iudgement frame an order in controuerſies, and puniſh ſuch as came with vntrue ſurmiſes, afore the Iudges, and ſharply reproue the negligence of the Iudges themſelues, whiche had receyued ſuch ſurmiſes, and not well conſidered of the con|trouerſies of the parties. [...] Hee ordeyned by the kings Commiſſion, diuerſe vnder Courtes, to heare complaynts by byll of poore men, that they might the ſooner come by iuſtice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And ſuch was the adminiſtration of the Car|dinall vnder a colour of Iuſtice at the firſt: [...]idor. but bycauſe the ſame ſeemed at length to be but a ve|rie ſhadow or colour in deed, it quickly vaniſhed away, [...]ton is con+ [...]e to this. he taking vpõ him the whole rule himſelf, for that he ſaw how the king made ſmall accoũt of any other but onely of him. Whereby it came to paſſe that many of the Peeres and high eſtates of the realme withdrew them from the Court, as firſt the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and the By|ſhop of Wincheſter, which got them home into their Dioceſſes, but yet before their departure, as good fathers of their Countrey, they inſtantlye beſought the king, that he woulde not ſuffer any ſeruant to exceede and paſſe his maiſter, boro|wing that ſentence out of the Goſpell of Saint Iohn, where our Sauiour ſpeaking to his diſci|ples ſayth to them, Verily, verily, I ſay vnto you the ſeruãt is not greater thã his maſter. Herevnto the king knowing that they mẽt this by the Car|dinal, made this anſwere, that he would diligent|ly ſee that euery ſeruaunt ſhoulde obey and not commaund.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the Duke of Norffolke departed home into his Countrey, and laſt of all the duke of Suffolke alſo followed the other. For hee ha|uing ſpent liberally in his iourneys when hee went as Ambaſſadour into Fraunce, alſo in the ſolemnization of his mariage, and in houſekee|ping, ſithe hee was maryed, borrowed greate ſummes of money of the king whiche hee hoped ſhoulde haue beene forgyuen him: but the Car|dinall would not haue it ſo, to the intent that the Duke being behind hande in debt, ſhoulde bee the more at commaundement. For as wealth ma|keth menne loftie, ſo doeth wante make them lowly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]al.In the moneth of October, in this, viij. yeare of king Henry, Mathew Biſhop of Sion or Sitten, [...]e ambaſsa| [...] from the [...]mperour. a Cardinal (commonly called the Cardi|nal of the Swiſſes) came into England from the emperor Maximilian.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the cõtemplation of this Cardinall, the king lent to the Emperor a great ſumme of money. But the chiefeſt matter that moued the king to be ſo free to Maximilian, was bycauſe the ſame money ſhoulde be imployed on men of warre a|gaynſt the French king, towardes whome the king, or rather Cardinal Woolſey of late had cõ|ceyued a grudge, as thus: True it is that the king beſtowed the reuenues of the Sea of Tour|ney on the Cardinall, at what tyme that citie came into the kings handes: and therefore the Cardinall being deſirous to aſſure to himſelfe the ſame, made ſuyte to the Frenche king, that hee would prouide Guillarde the former Biſhop of Tourney of ſome other Biſhoprike in Fraunce, ſo that he might reſigne the Biſhoprike of Tour|ney clearly into his handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The French king perceyuing how much this ſhoulde make agaynſt his purpoſe, that vpon oc|caſion hoped euer to recouer the poſſeſſion of Tourney, would not gratifie the Cardinal here|in: wherevpon the Cardinall turning the kings minde at his pleaſure, perſwaded him that the next way to abate the Frenche kings puiſſance (whiche in the beginning of his raigne had reco|uered Myllaine, and grewe euerie day in power more than other) ſhoulde bee to mainteyne the Emperour with money agaynſt him, ſo as the Frenchmen ſhould be chaſtiſed without the tra|uaile of him or his people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon was Richarde Pace ſent firſt into Germanie with a greate ſumme of money to wage the Swiſſes, whiche vnder the conducte of the Emperour Maximilian, inuaded the duchie of Myllaine, but without any great gaine retur|ned from thence, leauing Myllaine in the French mens handes at that tyme: and now for a newe reliefe was this Cardinall of Sion ſente from Myllaine, at whoſe inſtance money was aſſig|ned to bee delyuered,Hall. and certayne Genewayes vndertooke the exchaunge, which made not pay|ment therof at the day, although they had recey|ued it of the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon,1507 there grew a great heart|burning and malicious grudge amongeſt the Engliſh men of the Citie of London agaynſte ſtraungers, and namely the Artificers founde themſelues ſore grieued, for that ſuch numbers of ſtraungers were permitted to reſort hyther wyth their wares, and to exerciſe handie craftes, to the great handerance and impoueriſhing of the kings liege people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This malice grewe to ſuch poynt, that one Iohn Lincolne a Broker,Iohn Lincolne the author of inſurrection vpon yll may daye. buſied himſelfe ſo farre in the matter, that about Palme Sunday in this eight yeare of the Kings raigne, hee came to one doctor Henrie Standiſhe with theſe wordes Sir I vnderſtande that you ſhall preach at the San|ctuarie Spittle on Monday in Eaſter weeke, and ſo it is, that Engliſhmen, both Marchants and other are vndone, for ſtraungers haue more li|bertie EEBO page image 1500 in this lande than Engliſh men, which is agaynſt all reaſon, and alſo againſt the common weale of the realme, I beſeech you therefore to declare this in your Sermon, and in ſo doing ye ſhall deſerue great thankes of my Lorde Maior, and of all his brethren: and herewith he offred vn|to the ſayde Doctor Standiſh a bill, conteyning this matter more at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Doctor Standiſhe (wiſely conſidering that there might more inconnenience riſe thereof, than he would wiſh, if he ſhould deal in ſuch ſort) both wiſely refuſed the Bill, and tolde Lincolne plainly that he ment not to meddle with any ſuch matter in his Sermon, wherevpon the ſayde Lyncolne went vnto one Doctor Bele a Canon of the foreſayde Spittle, that was appoynted to preache likewiſe vppon the Tueſday in Eaſter weeke at the ſame Spittle, whome he perſwaded to read his ſayde byll in the Pulpet. Which Bill in effect conteyned the griefes that many founde with ſtraungers for taking the liuings awaye from artificers, and the entercourſe from mar|chants, the redreſſe whereof muſt come from the commons knit in one: for as the hurt touched all men, ſo muſt all ſet to theyr helping handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When hee had read this letter, or the chiefeſt part therof, comprehending much ſeditions mat|ter, he began with this ſentence, Coelũ coel [...] domino, terram aute dedit filijs hominum, An vndiſerete Preacher. & vpon this text hee entreated, how this land was giuen to Eng|liſh [figure appears here on page 1500] men, and as byrdes defende theyr neſtes, ſo ought Engliſh men to cheriſhe and mainteine themſelues, and to hurt and greeue aliens for re|ſpect of their common wealth: and vpon this text Pugna pro patria, hee brought in howe by Gods law it was lawfull to fight for theyr Countrey: and thus be ſubtilly moued or rather vndiſcrete|ly prouoked the people to rebell agaynſt ſtraun|gers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this fooliſh ſermon, many a light perſon tooke courage, and openly ſpake agaynſt ſtraun|gers. And as vnhappe woulde, there had beene diuerſe euill partes played of late by ſtraungers, in and about the Citie of London, which kindled the peoples rancour the more furiouſly agaynſte them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxviij. day of Aprill,An. reg. 9. dyuerſe yong men of the Citie pyked quarels to certaine ſtraungers as they paſſed by the ſtreets, ſome they did ſtrike, ſome they buffeted, and ſome they threwe into the Canell: wherefore the Maior ſent ſome of the Engliſh men to priſon, as Stephen Studley Skinner, Bettes, Stephenſon, and diuerſe other. Then ſodainly roſe a ſecrete rumour, and no man coulde tell how it began, that on May day nexte the Citie would rebell and ſlea all the aliens, in|ſomuch that dyuerſe ſtraungers fledde out of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This bruite ranne ſo into euery mans eares, that it came to the knowledge of the kings coun|ſayle, wherevpon the Lord Cardinall ſent for the Maior, and other of the counſayle of the Citie, giuing them to vnderſtande what he had hearde. The Maior as one ignorant of the matter, tolde the Cardinall that he doubted not but ſo to go|uerne the Citie, as peace ſhould be obſerued. The Cardinall willed him ſo to doe, and to take good heede, that if any ſuch ryotous attempt was in|tended, hee ſhoulde wyth good policye pre|uent it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Maior came from the Cardinals houſe at foure of the clocke in the after noone on May euen, and in all haſt ſent for his brethren to the Guildhall, yet was it almoſt ſeuen of the clocke ere the aſſemble was ſet. Vpon conference had of the matter touching the rumour that was ſpre [...] abrode of the rebellion agaynſt ſtraungers, ſome thought it neceſſarie that a ſubſtanciall watche ſhould be ſet of the honeſt citizens houſholders which myght wythſtande the euill doers,Counſayle [...]|ken by the Maior and [...] brethren [...] to pre [...]ent th [...] ſtirte at [...] if they went about any myſrule: but other were of this opinion, that it was daungerous to rayſe men in armour, bycauſe it was harde to tell whome they myght truſt: but rather they thought it beſt that commaundement ſhoulde bee gyuen to euery man through euery warde, to ſhutte in his doores, and to keepe his ſeruantes within. Be|fore .viij. of the clocke the Recorder was ſent to the Cardinall with theſe opinions, who hearing the ſame, allowed the latter for beſt and moſte ſureſt. And then the Recorder and ſir Thomas More late vnderſhirife of London, and nowe of the kings counſaile, came to the Guylde hall halfe houre before nine of the clocke, and there ſhewed the pleaſure of the Kings Counſayle, wherevpon euerye Alderman ſent to hys warde that no man ſhould ſtyrre after ſeuen of the clock out of his houſe, but to keepe his doores ſhut, and his ſeruants within, tyll nine of the clocke in the morning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1501After this commaundement gyuen in the E|uening, as ſir Iohn Mundie Alderman came from his warde, and founde two yong men in Chepe playing at the Bucler [...], and a great m [...]|ny of yong men looking on them (for the cõ [...]n|dement was then ſcarce knowne) he commaun|ded them to leaue off and for that one of them aſked him why? hee woulde haue hadde in|to the Counter. Then all the yong prenti|ſ [...] ſtept to and reſiſted the Alderman taking the yong fellow from him, and cryed prentiſes and clubbes. Then out at euery doore came clubbes and weapons. The Alderman fled and was in great daunger. Then more people aroſe oute of euery quarter, and forth came ſeruing men wa|termen, courtiers and other, ſo that by [...] of the clocke, there were in Cheape, ſir or ſeuen .C. and out of Pauls Church yeard came three .C. which knew not of the other. So out of all places they gathered, and brake vp the counters, tooke out the priſoners that the Maior had thither committed for hurting the ſtraungers, and came to New|gate, and tooke out Studley and Petit commit|ted thither for that cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior and Sherifes were preſent there, and made proclamation in the kings name, but nothing was obeyed. Herewith being gathered in plumpes, they ran through S. Nicholas Sham|bles, and at Saint Martines gate, there mette with them ſir Thomas More, and other, deſiring them to go to their lodgings. And as they were thus e [...]mating, and had almoſte perſwaded the people to departe, they within Saint Martyns threw out ſtones and [...]attes, ſo that they hurt di|uerſe honeſt perſons, that were ther with ſir Tho|mas Moore perſwading the rebellious perſons to craſſe, inſomuche as at length one Nicholas Downes a Sergeant of armes being there with the ſayde ſir Thomas Moore, and ſore hurt a|mongſt other, in a furie, cryed downe with them, and then all the miſruled perſons ranne to the doores and windowes of the houſes within ſaint Martines, and ſpoiled all that they found.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that they ran headlong into Cornehil, and there likewiſe ſpoiled diuerſe houſes of Frẽch men that dwelled within ye gate of maſter Mew|tas houſe called greene gate. This maſter Mew|tas was a Picard borne, and rep [...]ed to be a great bearer of Frenchmen in their occupyings & trades contrarie to the lawes of the Citie. If the people had found him, they would ſurely haue ſtriken off his head, but when they found hym not, the wa|termen and cortaine yong prieſtes that were there fell to ryfling, and ſome ranne to Blanchchapel|ton, & brake vp the ſtraungers houſes, and ſpoy|led them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus from tenne or eleuen of the clocke, theſe ryotous people continued in theyr outragious doings tyll aboute th [...]e of the clocke, at what tyme they beganne to with [...]e, and w [...]t to theyr places of reſort, as [...] the way they were taken by the Maior and the handes of the Citie, and ſent, ſame of thẽ to the tower, ſome to New|gate, and ſo [...] to the Court [...] to the [...] of three .C. Many fled, and ſpecially the watermen prieſts and [...]ing men, but the premiſes w [...] caught by the backe and had to priſon. In the meane time whileſt the hoteſt of this [...]fling laſted; the Cardinall was aduertiſed thereof by ſir Thomas Na [...] whervpon the Cardinal ſtreng [...] thened his houſe with men and ordinance, and ſir Thomas Pa [...]e rode in all haſt to Richmonde, where the king lay, and en [...]med him of the matter, who incontinently ſent forth haſtilye the London, to vnderſt and the ſtate of the Citie and was truly aduertiſed howe the ryot was craſed, and many of the my [...]ders apprehended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lieuetenant of the Tower ſir Roger Cholmeley, during the time of this h [...]ling, then off certaine peeces of [...] [...]gaynt [...] the C [...]|tie, and though they did us great [...]e, yet hee wanne muche euill will [...] his haſtie doing; by|cauſe men thought he did it of malice rather the [...] of any diſcration.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About fiue of the clocke the Erles of Shrewſ|burie, and Su [...]ey, Thomas Do [...]erey Lorde of Saint Iohns, George Neuill Lorde of Burgey|ny, and other, which had heard of thys ryot, come to London, with ſuche ſtrength as they coulde make vpon that ſodaine, and ſo [...] the I [...]s of Court but before they tan [...], whether with feare of the bruyte of theyr co [...]ing, or of her wyfe, [...] ryotous aſſemble was broken vp, and manye of the miſdoers taken (as ye haue heard.) Then to the the priſoners examined, and the Sermon of Doctour Bele called to remembrance, and he ta|ken and ſent to the Tower.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Herewith was a Commiſſion of Oyre and determiner directed to the duke of Norffolkes,A Commiſsi [...] of Oier add determiner. and to diuerſe other Lordes, to the Lorde Maior of London, and the Alderbury, and to all the Iu|ſtices of Englande, for puniſhment of this in|ſurrection whervpon all the Iuſtices, with [...] the kings Counſaile learned in the lawes, aſſe [...] at the houſe of ſir Iohn Fineux Lorde chiefe Iu|ſtice of Englande neare to S. Brides by Fleete|ſtreete, to take aduice, and conclude vpon the or|der which they ſhoulde follow in this matter, and firſt there was read the Sta [...]t [...] of the thirde of Henrie the fifth, the effect whereof enſueth in theſe wordes following:The ſtatute quinto of H. the fifth. bycauſe that dyuerſe [...]a [...]|ons compriſed within the [...]es concluded as well by o [...]er ſo [...]aigne Lorde the King that nowe is, as by his ryght noble father [...] that, [...] [...]ne robbed and ſpoyled by [...] Kings Li [...]ges of [...] ſubiectes, as well on the mayne Seas as wyth [...] EEBO page image 1502 the portes and coaſtes of Englande, Irelande, and Wales, by reaſon whereof, the truſes and ſafeconductes haue beene broken and violated, to the domage, diſhonour, and flaunder of the king, and agaynſt hys dignitie, and the manſleyers, ſpoylers, robbers, and violaters of the ſame truſes and ſafeconductes, (as before is declared) haue beene recetted, procured, counſayled, vpholden, and mainteined by diuerſe of the kings liege peo|ple vpon the coaſtes: our ſayde ſoueraigne Lorde the king by the aduice and aſſent aboueſayde, and at the prayer of the ſayd Commons, hath ordey|ned and eſtabliſhed that all ſuch manſlears, rob|bers, ſpoylers, breakers of truſes, and ſafecõducts graunted by the king, and the wilfull recetters, abetters, procurers, counſaylers, ſuſteyners and mainteyners of ſuch perſons, hereafter in time to come, being any of the lieges and ſubiectes of thys Realme of Englande, Irelande, and Wales, are to be adiudged and determined as guiltie of high treaſon cowmitted agaynſte the Crowne and dignitie of the king. And further in euerie Ha|uen and port of the ſea, there ſhall be from hence|forth made and aſſigned by the king, by his let|ters patents, one lawfull officer named a conſer|uator of truſes and ſafeconducts graunted by the king, which officer ſhall diſpend at the leaſt tenne pound in land by yeare .&c. as in the ſtatute more at large is expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The which ſtatute being read and well conſi|dered of, bycauſe there were diuerſe leagues of truſes betwixt the king and diuerſe other princes, as one betwixt him & the French king, an other betwixt him and the Archeduke of Burgongne, and an other betwixt him and the king of Spain, (all the which truces were violated by the ſayd in|ſurrection) it was determined by the whole coũ|ſaile there aſſembled, that the kings ſergeants and Attourneyes ſhould go to the L. Chauncellor to haue a ſight of all the ſayde leagues and charters of truſes, to the intent they might frame their in|dytements according to the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And note that iudge Fineux ſayd, that al ſuch as were parties to the ſaid inſurrection, were gil|tie of high treaſon, as wel thoſe that did not com|mit any robberie, as thoſe that were principall doers therein themſelues, bycauſe that the inſur|rection in it ſelfe was highe treaſon, as a thing practiſed againſt the regal honor of our ſouereign lord the king, and the ſame law holdeth of an in|ſurrection (ſaid Fineux) made agaynſt the ſtatute of laborers, for ſo (ſayd he) it came to paſſe, that certaine perſons within the Countie of Kent, be|gan an inſurrection in diſobedience of the ſtatute of labourers, and were attainted therefore of high treaſon, and had iudgement to be drawn, hanged, and quartered. He ſhewed where, and when this chaunced .&c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was further determined by the ſame Fi|neux, and all the Iuſtices of the lande, that vpon the ſayde Commiſſion of Dyer and Terminee, in London, the Iuſtices named in the ſame com|miſſion, might not arraigne the offenders, and proceed to their tryall in one ſelfe day, no more than myght the Iuſtices of peace. But Iuſti|ces in Eyer myght ſo doe, as well as the Iu|ſtices of Gaole deliuery, and as the ſufficiencie of the Iurours wythin the Citie to paſſe betwyxte the King and the ſayde Traytours, the Iuſtices determined, that hee that hadde landes, and goodes to the valewe of an hundred Markes, ſhoulde bee inhabied to paſſe vppon the ſayde in|dytementes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thys by the equitie of the Statute of Anno vndecimo Henrici ſeptimi, the which wil, that no manne bee admytted to paſſe in any In|queſt in London in a Plea of landes, or other action in which the damages ſhall paſſe the va|lue of fortie ſhillings, excepte hee bee woorth in landes or goodes, the valew of an hundred Markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Saterday the ſeconde of May, in thys ninth yeare, all the Commiſſioners wyth the Lorde Maior, Aldermen and Iuſtices, wente to the Guylde hall, where manye of the offen|dours were indyted as well of the Inſurrection as of the robberyes by them committed agaynſt the truſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevppon they were araigned, and plea|ding not guiltie, hadde day gyuen till the Mon|day nexte enſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On which day being the fourth of May, the Lorde Maior, the Duke of Norffolke, the Earle of Surrey and other, came to ſitte in the Guilde hall to proceede in theyr Oyer and Determiner as they were appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Norffolke entred the Citye with thirtene hundred armed men, and ſo when the Lordes were ſette the Pryſoners were brought throughe the Streetes tyed in Ropes ſome menne, and ſome laddes of thirtene yeares of age.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Among them were dyuerſe not of the Citie, ſome Prieſtes, ſome Huſbande menne, and labourers. The whole number amounted vn|to two hundred three ſcore and eyghtene per|ſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This daye was Iohn Lyncolne indyted as a principall procurour of this miſchieuous inſur|rection, and therevppon hee was arraigned, and pleading not guiltie, had day giuẽ ouer til Wed+neſday, or as Hall ſayth tyll Thurſday next en|ſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was charged with ſuch matter, (as before ye haue hearde) concerning his ſuyte vnto Doc|tor Standiſh, and Doctor Bele, for the reading EEBO page image 1503 of this bil in their ſermons, and opening the mat|ter (as before yee haue heard) all whiche matter with the circumſtances he had confeſſed on ſun|day the thirde of May, vnto ſir Richard Cholm|ley, ſir Iohn Daunſie, & ſir Hugh Skeuington. Diuerſe other were indited this Monday, and ſo for that time the Lordes departed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The next day the Duke came againe, and the Erle of Surrey with two .M. armed men, which kept the ſtreetes. It was thought that the Duke of Norffolk bare the citie no good will, for a lewd prieſt of his which the yeare before was ſlaine in Cheape. When the Maior, the duke, the erles of Shrewſburie and Surrey, were ſet, the priſoners were arreyned, & .xiij. found guiltie & adiudged to be hãged, drawne, & quartered, for executiõ wher|of were ſet vp .xj. paire of galowes in diuerſe pla|ces where the offences were done, as at Algate, at Blanchchapelton, Gracious ſtreete, Leaden hall, and before euery Counter one, alſo at New|gate, at Saint Martins, at Alderſgate, and at Biſhopſgate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then were the priſoners that were iudged brought to thoſe places of executiõ, and executed in moſt rigorous maner, in the preſence of the L. Edmond Howard ſon to the duke of Norffolke, and knight Marſhall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Thurſday the ſeuenth of May, was Lyncolne, Shyrwin, and two brethren called Bets, [...] Lincolne the Author of [...] May day [...]ed [...] [...]eſide. and diuerſe other adiudged to die. They were layd on Hardels, and drawne to the Stan|dert in Cheap, and firſt was Iohn Lincolne exe|cuted, and as the other had the rope aboute theyr neckes, there came a commaundement from the king to reſpite the execution, and then was the Oyer and determiner deferred till an other day, & the priſoners ſente againe to warde, and the ar|med men departed out of London, and all things were ſet in quiet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thurſday the .xxij. of Maye, the king came into Weſtminſter hall,The king cõ|meth to Weſt+minſter Hal & there ſate in iudgement himſelfe. and with him was the Cardinall, the Dukes of Norffolke & Suffolke, ye erles of Shrewſbury, Eſſex, Wilſhire, & Sur|rey, with many lords, & other of the kings coũſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior and Aldermen, with other of the chief Citizens were there in theyr beſt liuereys by nine of the clocke in the morning, according as the Cardinall had appoynted them. Then came in the priſoners bound in ropes, in ranke one af|ter another in their ſhirtes, and euery one had an halter about his necke, being in number foure .C. men, & .xj. women. When they were thus come before the kings preſence, the Cardinall layd ſore to the Maior and Aldermen their negligence, and to the priſoners he declared howe iuſtly they had deſerued death. Then all the priſoners togither reyed to the king for mercie, and therewith the Lordes with one conſent beſought his grace of pardon for theyr offences,The king par|doneth al the rebels. at whoſe requeſt the king pardoned them all. The Cardinal then gaue to them a good exhortation, to the great reioyſing of the hearers. And when the general pardon was pronounced, all the priſoners ſhouted at once, & caſt vp their halters into the roofe of the hal. This company was after called the blacke Wagon.

After that theſe priſoners were thus pardoned, All the gallowes within the Citie were taken downe, and the Citizens tooke more heed to their ſeruants than before they had done.The Quene of Scots retour|neth into Scot+lande. The .xviij. of May, ye Q. of Scots departed out of Londõ to|ward Scotlãd, richly appoynted of all things ne|ceſſarie for hir eſtate, through the kings greate liberality & bountiful goodneſſe. She entred into Scotland the .xiij. of Iune, and was receiued at Berwik by hir huſbãd. Al hir charges within the realme both in cõming abiding, and returning, were borne by the king.

In Iune there were wt the K. diuers Ambaſſa|dors frõ foraine parts, in honor of whõ, & for their ſolace he prepared a coſtly iuſtes, he himſelfe and [figure appears here on page 1503] EEBO page image 1504 twelue other, taking vpon them to iuſt with the Duke of Suffolke, and twelue of hys partakers. There were broken betwene the parties fiue hun|dred and eight ſpeares.

The ſweeting ſickneſſe.The ſweating ſickeneſſe this yeare inuading the people of this lande, brought great numbers to theyr ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many died in the kings Court, as the Lorde Clynton, the Lorde Gray of Wilton, and ma|ny knights, Gentlemen and officers. By reaſon of this contagious ſickneſſe, Michaelmaſſe terme was adiourned: and bycauſe the death continued from Iuly to the myddeſt of December, the king kept himſelfe with a ſmall companie aboute him, willing to haue no reſort to the Court for feare of infection, the ſweate was ſo feruent and infec|tious, that in ſome townes halfe the Inhabitants died thereof, and in ſome a thirde part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


An. reg. 10. The terme be|gon at Oxford and adiourned to Weſtmin|ſter.

In the begynning of this yeare, Trinitie terme was begon at Oxford, where it continued but one day, and was again adiourned to Weſt|minſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare came to Calais from Pope Leo, a Legate de Latere called Laurence Campeius borne in Bologna la Graſſe, commonly called Cardinall Campeius,Cardinal Cam+peius ſent frõ the Pope. Polidor. to require the king of ayde agaynſt the Turke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the requeſt of the King of Englande, and alſo of the French king (which ſought now to be receyued into friendſhip with the King of Eng|land chiefly by Cardinal Wolſeis meanes) Pope Leo conſtituted the ſayd Cardinall Woolſey his Legate in England, ioyning him in commiſſion with the ſayde Campeius,Hall. the whiche ſtayed at Calais till the Bulles were brought from Rome touching that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo an other cauſe that ſtayed Campeius at Calays, and that was a ſuyte whiche Cardinall Woolſey hadde mooued for the obteyning of the Biſhopryke of Bathe, which benefice Cardinall Adrian Caſtalian enioyed by the collation of King Henry the ſeuenth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Cardinall Adrian being fallen in the Popes diſpleaſure, wythdrewe out of the Court of Rome vnto Venice, and in the meane tyme Cardinall Campeius, at the inſtance of Cardi|nall Woolſey, wrote to the Pope, that Cardi|nall Adrian myght be depriued of that Byſhop|rike, to the ende that Cardinall Woolſey myght haue the ſame, which requeſt was accompliſhed, and the Bulles ſent vnto Calays, ſo that then Cardinall Campeius,Cardinal Cam+peius receiued with great pompe. after he had remayned at Calays three Monethes, came ouer into Eng|lande, and was receyued with all pompe and honoure that myghte bee deuiſed: for hys friendſhippe ſhewed in helpyng the Cardinall of Englande to the Biſhoprike of Bathe, hee was conſidered (beſyde other rewards) wyth the By|ſhoprike of Saliſburie, the profites wherof hee receyued tyll the acte was eſtabliſhed, that no forreyner ſhoulde enioy anye ſpirituall benefice within this Realme. But for the chiefeſt errand, yt this Cardinall Campeis came, he coulde haue no towarde aunſwere, whiche was, to haue le|uyed a ſumme of money by waye of tenthes in thys Realme, to the mainteinaunce of the warre in defence of the Chriſtian confines agaynſte the Turke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were at the ſame tyme other Legates ſent into other partes of Chriſtendome aboute the ſame matter, as into Fraunce, Spaine, and Germanie: For Pope Leo, calling to remem|braunce,A craftie ſe [...] that the feare conceyued of the Turkes had brought no ſmall gaynes to dyuerſe of hys Predeceſſours, hee beganne to feare too, but for yt ſuch feare was now too well knowne to bee v|ſed as an ordinarie ſhyfte of the Popes, when they ſtoode in neede of money, this practiſe was at this tyme vſed in vayne, ſo that Campeius hearing that it tooke not place in other partyes, left off his earneſt ſuyte about it, and with great rewardes receyued of the King and Cardinall, returned to Rome, not wythoute hope yet (by reaſon of promiſes made to him by hys friends,) that the Popes requeſt might hereafter be graun|ted according to his motion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There attended him to Rome one Iohn Clearke a Lawyer, as Ambaſſadour from the King, which obteyned for the Cardinall autho|ritie to diſpenſe with al mẽ for offences commit|ted agaynſt the ſpirituall lawes, which parte of his power legantine was verie profitable and gainfull. For then he ſet vp a Court,The court [...] the legate [...]+rected by the Cardinal. and called it the Court of the Legate, in the whiche he pro|ued teſtaments, and hearde cauſes, to the great hynderance of al the Biſhops of this Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He viſited Biſhops, and all the Cleargie ex|empt and not exempt, and vnder colour of refor|mation hee got much treaſure, for through bry|bes and rewards, notorious offendours were diſ|penſed with, ſo that nothing was refourmed but came to more miſchiefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The example of his pride, cauſed Priſte [...] and all ſpirituall perſons to waxe ſo prowde,Example of great ones what it d [...] that they ruffled it out in veluet and ſilles, which they ware both in gownes, iackets, doublets and ſhwes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They vſed open lechery, and bare themſelues ſo ſtoute by reaſon of his authorities and facul|ties, that no man durſt reproue any thing to thẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall himſelfe grew ſo into ſuch ex|ceeding pryde,The exceſs [...] pride of the Cardinal. that hee thought himſelfe egall with the King, and when he ſayde Maſſe (which he did oftner to ſhew his pompe, rather than for any deuotion) he made Dukes and Erles to ſerue him of wine, with a ſay taken, and to hold to him the Baſon at the Lanatorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1505Thus was the pride of the Cardinall and o|ther prieſts ſo paſt the compaſſe of reaſon, that in maner al good perſons abhorred and diſdayned it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It fortuned that the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rie wrote a letter to the Cardinal, an [...] after that he had receyued his power lega [...]tine, the whiche letter after his olde familiar maner, he ſubſcribed thus: Your brother William of Canterburie. With which ſubſcription, bycauſe the Archbiſhop wrote him brother, he was ſo much offended, as though the Archbiſhop had done him great iniu|rie, that he could not temper his mood, but in high diſpleaſure ſayde, that he would ſo worke within a while, that he ſhould well vnderſtand howe he was his ſuperior, and not his brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Archbiſhop (beeing a ſober wiſe man) hearde of the Meſſenger that bare the letter how the Cardinall tooke it not well, but ſo as it might ſeeme there was a great fault in the letter, and reported the tale as one that miſlyked the Cardinals preſumption herein: peace (ſayde the Archbiſhop) knoweſt thou not howe the man is become madde with too muche ioy. And thus the Cardinall forgetting to hold the right path of true lande and prayſe, ſought to be feared rather than beloued of all good men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time the French king great|ly couering to redeeme the Citie of Tourney out of the handes of the king of Englande, & know|ing that he muſt make way thereto through the Cardinals friendſhip, ceaſſed not with high gifts to winne his good will, and moreouer in often wryting to him,The French [...]g writeth [...] Cardinall [...]y. e [...]ted him with titles of honor and ſo magnified him that the Cardinall, as one tickled with vainglorie more than can be yma|gined, thought that he coulde not doe pleaſure y|nough to the Frenche King, that did eſteeme ſo much of him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the French king hoping to compaſſe his deſire, after he peerceyued the Cardinals good will towardes him, ſignified his meaning vnto ye ſayd Cardinall, who founde a [...]eaues to breake thereof to the King, in ſuche wiſe as hee was contented to heare the French Kings Ambaſſa|dours, that ſhoulde be ſent hyther to talke of that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ambaſſadours [...] the French [...]ing.The Frenche king then vnderſtanding the King of Englande his pleaſure, ſent ouer the Lorde Boniuet high Admirall of Fraunce, and the Biſhop of Paris as chiefe Ambaſſadors, ac|companied with a great ſort of luſtie gentlemen of the French kings court, to the number of .lxxx. and aboue, on whome attended ſuch a companie of other of the meaner force, [...] [...]reaſona| [...]le rather for [...]ade. that the whole number amounted to twelue hundred one and other, whiche were thought to be many for an Ambaſſadr.

On Monday the .xxvij. of September, the Earle of Surcy high Admirall of Buglande, with an hundred and threaſcore gentlemen rich|ly apparayled, receyued theſe Ambaſſadours of Fraunce on blacke Heath, and brought them to London, and ſo through the Citie vnto Taylers hall, where the chiefe Ambaſſadors lodged, and the reſidue in marchants houſes about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe Lordes were in theyr lodgings, them the French harder men that came with theſe Ambaſſadors opened their wares, & made Tay|lers hall like the Paunde of a Maite. At whiche doing many an Engliſh man grudged, but it a|uayled not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The laſt of September, the French Ambaſ|ſadors tooke theyr Barge, and came to Greene|wich where the Court then lay. They were brought to the Kings preſence, and there the Bi|ſhop of Paris made a ſolemne oration, which [...]|ded and anſwere made thereto, the king highly enterteyned the Admirall and his companie, and ſo did all the Engliſh Lordes and gentlemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ambaſſadors after this were dayly in counſaile, till at length an agreement was con|cluded vnder pretence of a maryage to be had be|twene the Dolphin of Fraunce, and the Ladie Marie, daughter to the king of Englande, in name of whoſe mariage mony, Tourney ſhould be deliuered to the French king, he paying to the king of England for the Caſtell whiche hee had made in that citie, ſix hundred thouſand crownes,Articles of a|greement for the deliuerie of Tourney. t [...] payed in .xii. yeares ſpace, that is to ſay, any thouſande euery yeare during that terme. And [...] the mariage [...] take effect, then ſhould Torney be againe reſtored to the king of Englande, for performance of which article, ho|ſta [...] ſhould [...]red, that is to wit, Mon|ſieur de Montmora [...], Monſeieur de Montpe| [...], [...] May, Monſieur de Morret.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] French king ſhoulde pay to the [...] of England, [...] and markes [...] yearely penſion or recompence of his reuenues before [...] receyued of the Biſhoprike of Tour|ney, [...] [...]kewiſe to other of the kings counſayle [...] alſo giue certaine ſummes of money as yearely penſions, in lyke maner as his aunce|tours had done to the Counſayle [...] of the kings of Englande afore time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the French king [...] to call backe the duke of Albany out of Scotlande, that the ſuretie of king Iames mighte better be proui|ded for, and leſſe occaſion of [...] miniſtred to the king of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further the French king was contented that the ſaide king Iames ſhould be receyued as a confederate in this peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When al things were concluded, the king and the Ambaſſadors coude to the cathedrall Church of S. Paule in London from Durham place, EEBO page image 1506 where the Cardinal of England ſang the Maſſe in moſte pompous maner: and after that Maſſe was ended, Doctor Pace the kings Secretarye, made an eloquent Oratiõ in praiſe of peace: and that done, the king and his nobles and the Am|baſſadors went to the Biſhops Palace, and ther dined, and after dinner, the king roade againe to Durham place. The eight of October at Grene|wich, was ſong a ſolemne Maſſe by the Biſhop of Durham, and after Maſſe, Doctor Tunſtall, maiſter of the Rolles, made an eloquent propoſi|tiõ in praiſe of the matrimony to be had betwixt the Dolphin and the Ladye Marye. But to bee ſhorte, after that theſe Ambaſſadors had bin fea|ſted, and enterteined, with all paſtime, diſporte, and ſolace, in moſte royall ſorte by the King, the lord Cardinal, & other of the peares of the realme, and alſo of the lord Maior of Londõ, they finally tooke their leaue of the King and Queene, and of the Counſell, and then departed wyth high re|wardes, beſtowed on them of the Kyngs greate and bountifull munificence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Ambaſſadours ſent from king Henrie to the French King.Shortly after their departure, the Earle of Worceſter, L. Chamberlaine, the Byſhop of E|ly, the Lorde of S. Iohans, ſir Nicholas Vaux, ſir Iohn Pechy, ſir Tho. Bulleine, as Ambaſſa|dors from the King of Englande, accompanyed with .70. Knightes, and Gentlemen and yeomẽ, to the number of four hundred and aboue, paſſed the Sea to Calais, and ſo from thence wente to Paris, where they were nobly receiued, and bee|ing broughte to the Frenche kings preſence, the [figure appears here on page 1506] Biſhop of Ely made a ſolemne Oration, tou|ching the mariage and peace concluded. Heere is to be remembred, that immediately after the con|cluſion of the mariage, a rumor was reyſed, that the Dolphin was dead before, and that this ma|riage was but a colourable pretext, deuiſed of the frenchmen for a policie, to come by their pur|poſe: and therefore, after that the Engliſhe Am|baſſadors had bin feaſted and enterteined, with banqueting and Princely paſtime, the B. of E|ly, with ſir Tho, Bulleine, and ſir Rich. Weſt õ, were appointed to goe vnto Conyacke to ſee the Dolphin, where they were honorably receyued, & brought to the preſence of the Dolphin, beeing a goodly yong child, whom they kiſſed and embra|ced in moſt louing wiſe.1520 The Earle of Worce|ſter, and with him ſir Nicholas Vaux, ſir Iohn Pechy, ſir Edw. Belknap, and diuers other at ye ſame time, toke leaue of the french K. and roade to Tourney to ſee the Citie deliuered to ye french men, wherevpon, the eyghth of February, the L. Chatillon came thither with one and twenty C. men, and after ſome controuerſie moued aboue [...] deliuery of his commiſſion, and ſealing an Iu|denture, whiche the Erle had there ready [...]|ſed, conteining the articles of agreement, in con|ſideration wherof it was deliuered, the Captain ſir Richard Iemingham was diſcharged,Tourney de+liuered to t [...] Frenche Ki [...] and the frenchmen ſuffered to enter with drunfleddes and minſtrelſie, but not with ſtanderts nor vanners, which the Engliſhmen cauſed them to rolle vp greatly agaynſt theyr willes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before they came to the gates, they ſealed the Indenture, confeſſing howe they receyued the City as a gyfte, and not as a righte, and deliue|red theyr cõmiſſion, whereby they were authori|zed to receaue it, which at the firſte they refuſed to do, affirmyng, that it was ſufficient for them to ſhewe it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was Tourney deliuered in this tenthe yeare of the Kyngs reigne, on the eighte daye of Februarye, and the Engliſhmen returned into England, ſore diſpleaſed in their mynds, for ther|by many a tall yeoman lacked liuyng, the whi|che would not labour after their retourne,A ſole [...] Iuſtes. but [...]ll to robbyng. The eighte of Marche, ſolemne Iuſtes were holden, the King hymſelfe and eight young Gentlemen, takyng vppon them to aun|ſwere the Duke of Suffolke, and eighte of hys companyons, all of them beeyng gorgeouſlye trymmed, and runnyng exceedingly well, for the which, they wer highly cõmended of ye ſtrangers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ende of Marche,The ſoldi [...] of Tourney rewarded. the Kyng ſente for all the yeomen of the garde that were come from Tourney, and after many good wordes gyuen to them, he graunted to euerye of them foure pence the daye without attendaunce, ex|cept they were ſpecially commaunded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the twelfthe of Februarye,The death of the Emperor Maximilian dyed the Emperor Maximilian, for whome, the King cauſed a ſolemne obſequie to be kept in Paules Churche.

This yeare, the Kyng helde the Feast of S.George at Windesor with all solemnity, An. reg. [...] The K. kep [...] S. Georges [...] feaſt [...] Wi [...] for with g [...] ſolemnitie. where were present all the Knights of the order then beeing within the realme.

The King was solemnelye serued, and the surnappe cast like as at the feast of a coronation. At EEBO page image 1507 At the Masse of Requiem was offered the baner and other hachements of honor, belonging to Maximilian the Emperour lately deceassed.

Shortly after, certaine Gentlemen of the priuie chamber, which through the kings gentle nature & great curtesie in bearing with their lewdnesse, [...]ne of [...] p [...]ie [...]er re| [...]d. forgat themselues and their dutie toward his grace, in being too familiar with him, not hauing due respect to his estate and degree, were remoued by order taken by the Counsayle, vnto whom the king had giuen authoritie to vse theyr discretion in that behalfe, and then were foure sad and auncient knightes put into the kings priuie Chamber, whose names were these, sir Richarde Wingfield, sir Richard Ierningham, sir Richard Weston, and sir William Kingston, and beside these diuerse officers were chaunged in al places.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king fit| [...] [...] the [...] cham| [...] in iudge| [...]. In the moneth of Nouember the king came from Lambeth to Westminster hall, & so to the starre Chamber, & there wer brought before him yt Lorde Ogle, the Lorde Howarde, sir Mathewe Browne, sir William Bulmer, and Iohn Scot of Camberwel, for diuerse riots, misdemeaners, & offences by them committed: but the king specially rebuked sir Wil. Bulmer knight, bicause he being hys seruaunt sworne, refused the kings seruice, and became seruant to ye Duke of Buckingham: yet at length vppon his humble crauing of mercie, still kneeling on his knees before his grace, the king pardoned him his offence, and likewise he pardoned the Lorde Howarde, and Sir Mathewe Browne, theyr offences: but bycause the Lorde Ogles matter concerned murther, he remitted hym to the common law. And then he rose and went to his Barge, and by the way made Iames Yarforde Maior of the Citie of London Knight, and so returned to Lambeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King desirous to continue the friendshippe lately begunne betwixt him and the king of Englande, 1520 made meanes vnto the Cardinall, that they might in some conuenient place come to enteruiew togither, that he myght haue further knowledge of king Henrie, and like wise king Henrie of him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the same went that the Cardinall desired greatly of himselfe, that the two Kings might meete, who measuring by his will what was conuenient, thought it shoulde make much with his glorie, if in Fraunce also at some high assemble of noble men, he shoulde bee seene in his vaine pompe and shew of dignitie: he therefore breaketh with the king of that matter, declaring howe honorable, necessarie, and conuenient it shoulde be for him to gratifie his friende therein, and this with his perswasions the king beganne to conceyue an earnest desire to see the Frenche King, and therevpon appoynted to goe ouer to Calays, and so in the marches of Guisnes to meete wyth the French king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then were ther sent vnto Guisnes, vnder the rule of sir Edward Belknap three M. artificers, Hall. which buylded out of the earth on the playne before the Castell of Guisnes, a most pleasant palayce of tymber, ryght curiously garnished without and within.

[figure appears here on page 1507]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith were letters alſo written to all ſuch Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlewomen, which ſhould giue their attendance on the king, and the Queene, which incontinently put them|ſelues in a readineſſe after the moſt ſumptuous ſort. Alſo it was appointed that the king of Eng|lande, and the French king, in [...]ampe betwene Arde and Guiſnes, with .xviij. aydes, ſhoulde in Iune next enſuing, abide al commers being gen|tlemen, at the [...]l [...], attourney, and at barriers, whereof Proclamation was made by Orleans King of A [...]es of Fraunce here in the Courts EEBO page image 1508 of Englande, and by Clareueca [...] king of ar|mes of Englande, in the Court of Fraunce, and in the Court of Burgongne, and is diuerſe other courts and places in Almaine and Italy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The whole ma+ner of the en|teruiew com|mitted to the Cardinall.Moreouer now that it was concluded, that the kings of England and France ſhould meete (as ye haue hearde, then both the kings committed the order and manner of their me [...]ing, and how manye dayes the ſame ſhoulde continue, and what preheminence eche ſhoulde gyue to other, vnto the Cardinall of Yorke, whiche to ſette all things in a certainetie, made an inſtrument con|teyning an order and direction concerning the premiſſes by him deuiſed and appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Peeres of the Realme receyuing Let|ters to prepare themſelues to attende the Kyng in thys iourney, and no appara [...]t neceſſarie cauſe expreſſed why nor wherefore, ſeemed to grudge that ſuche a coſtly iourney ſhoulde bee taken in hande to theyr importunate charges and expences, withoute conſente of the whole bourde of the Counſaile: but namely the Duke of Buckingham, beeyng a manne of a loftye courage, but not moſt liberall, ſore repyned that he ſhoulde bee at ſo greate charges for his furni|ture forth at thys tyme, ſaying, that hee knewe not for what cauſe ſo muche money ſhoulde bee ſpent about the ſight of a vayne talke to bee had, and communication to be miniſtred of things of no importance. Wherefore he ſticked not to ſay, that it was an intollerable matter to obey ſuch a vile and importunate perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great hatred betweene the Cardinall, and the Duke o [...] Buckingham.The Duke indeede coulde not abyde the Cardinall, and ſpecially he had of late concey|ued an inward malice againſt him, for ſir Wil|liam Bulmers cauſe, whoſe trouble was onely procured by the Cardinall, who firſt cauſed hym to be caſt in priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe ſuche grieuous wordes as the Duke thus vttered agaynſte hym, came to the Cardi|nals care; wherevppon hee caſte afore hande all wayes poſſible how to haue him in a trippe, that he might cauſe him to leape headleſſe. But by|cauſe he doubted his friendes, kinneſmen, and al|lyes, and chiefely the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall, which had maried the Dukes daugh|ter, he thoughte good firſt to ſend him ſome why|ther out of the way, leaſt he might caſt a trumpe in his way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was greate enmitie betwixt the Car|dinall and the Erle, for that on a time, when the Cardinall tooke vppon him to checke the Earle, hee hadde lyke to haue thruſt his Dagger in the Cardinall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length, there was occaſion offered hym to compaſſe his purpoſe, by occaſion of the Earle of Kildare hys commyng out of Irelande. For the Cardinall knowing that he was well proui|ded of money, fought occaſions to [...] him of part thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Kyldare beeyng v [...]a [...], was deſirous to haue [...] Engliſhe [...] to wyfe, and for that he was a ſuytie to a [...]yd [...] countrary to the Cardinalles minde, hee [...] hym to the King, of that he had [...] hym|ſelfe vprightly in his office in Irelande, where he was the kings lieutenant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche accuſations were fr [...]ed agaynſte hym when no brybes woulde come,The Earle of Kildare com+mitted to+warde. that he was committed to priſon, and then by the Cardinals good preferment the Earle of S [...]ry was ſ [...]t into Irelande as the Kings Deputie, in him of the fayde Earle of Kyldare, there to remaine ra|ther as an exile, than as lieutenant to the King, euen at the Cardinals pleaſure, as hee hymſelfe well perceyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo in the beginning of Aprill,Hall. the ſayde Earle paſſed ouer into Irelande, and had with him dyuerſe Gentlemen that hadde beene in the garniſon of Tourney, and one hundred yeo|men of the Kinges Garde, and other,Good ſeruice done by the Erle of S [...]. to the number of a thouſande menne, where he by hys manhoode and policye, brought the Earle of Deſmonde, and diuerſe other Rebelles to good conformitie and order. Hee continued there two yeares, in whyche ſpace, he hadde manye bickerings and ſkirmiſhes wyth the wylde I|riſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There reſted yet the Earle of Northumber|land, whome the Cardinall doubted alſo,Polidor. leaſte hee myght hynder hys purpoſe, when he ſhoulde goe aboute to wreake his malice agaynſte the Duke of Buckingham: and therefore he pike a quarell to hym, for that hee ſeaſed vpon certaine Wardes which the Cardinall ſaide apperteyned of ryghte to the Kyng,The Earle of Northumber+land commit|ted to priſ [...] and bycauſe the Earle woulde not gyue ouer hys title, hee was alſo commytted to priſon, and after tooke it for a greate benefyte at the Cardinalles handes, that hee myghtee be delyuered out of his daun|ger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe in this meane whyle, the Cardinall ceaſſed not to bryng the Duke oute of the kings fauoure, by ſuche forged tales, and contriued ſur|miſes as he dayly put into the kings head.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke comming to London, with hys trayne of men to attende the King into France, went before into Kẽt to a Manour place which hee had there. And whileſt hee ſtayed in that Countrey tyll the Kyng ſet forwarde, grieuous complayntes were exhibited to him by hys Fer|mours and Tenauntes agaynſte Charles Kne|uet his Surueyour, for ſuche brybing as he had vſed there amõgſt thẽ, wherevpon the duke toke ſuche diſpleaſure agaynſt hym, that hee depri|ued hym of his office, not knowing how that in EEBO page image 1509 ſo doing he procured his owne deſtruction, as af|ter it appeared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 12. The king ſer| [...] forward [...]rd FranceThe Kings Maieſtie perſeuering in purpoſe to meete with Fraunces the French King, remo|ued with the Queene, and all his Court the .xxj. day of May being Monday, from his Manour of Greenewiche towards the Sea ſyde, and ſo on the Fryday the .xxv. of May, hee arriued at the Citie of Canterburie, intending there to kepe his Whitſuntide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrow after, the Emperour being on the Sea returning oute of Spaine, arryued wyth all hys nauie of ſhippes royall on the coaſt of Kent, direct to the Porte of Hyeth the ſayde day by Noone, where hee was ſaluted by the Viccadmirall of Englande, ſir William Fitz|william, with ſixe of the Kings greate ſhippes well furniſhed, which lay for the ſafegarde of paſ|ſage betwixte Calays and Douer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Towardes Euening the Emperour depar|ted from his ſhippes, and entred into his Boate, and comming towardes lande was met and re|ceyued of the Lorde Cardinall of Yorke wyth ſuche reuerence as to ſo noble a Prince apper|teyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperor Charles the .v. landeth in England.Thus landed the Emperour Charles the fifth at Douer, vnder his clothe of eſtate of the blacke Eagle, all ſpredde on riche cloth of golde. He had with him many noble men, and many fayre La|dyes of his bloud.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he was come to lande, the Lord Car|dinall conducted him to the Caſtell of Douer, whiche was prepared for him in moſte royall maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the morning, the king rode with all haſt to the Caſtell of Douer to welcome the Emperor, and entring into the Caſtell alighted,The meeting of the Empe|ror and king Henrie at Do|uer Caſtel. of whoſe comming the Emperor hauing knowledge, came out of his chamber, and met him on the ſtayres, where either of them embraced other in moſt lo|uing maner, and then the king brought the Em|peror to his chamber.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperor and K. Henrie keepe Whit| [...]tide at Canterburie.On Whitſunday early in the morning, they tooke theyr horſes, and rode to the Citie of Can|terburie, the more to keepe ſolemne the feaſt of Pentecoſt, but ſpecially to ſee the Q. of England his aunt, was the Emperor his intent, of whõ ye may bee ſure, he was moſt ioyfully receyued and welcomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the Emperour and his retinue both of Lords and Ladies, kept their Whitſuntide with the king and Queene of Englande, in the Citie of Canterburie with all ioy and ſolace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.The Emperor yet himſelf ſeemed not ſo much to delite in paſtime and pleaſure, but that in re|ſpect of his youthfull yeres, there appeared in him a great ſhewe of grauitie: for they coulde by no meanes bring him to daunce amongſt the reſidue of the Princes, but onely was contented to be a looker on. Peraduenture the ſight of the Ladye Marie troubled him, whom he had ſometime lo|ued, and yet through fortunes euill happe might not haue hir to wife.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The chiefe cauſe that moued the Emperour to come thus a lande at this tyme, was to per|ſwade that by worde of mouth, which he had be|fore done moſt earneſtly by letters, whiche was, that the King ſhoulde not meete the French king at anye enteruiew: for hee doubted leaſt if the King of England and the French King ſhoulde growe into ſome greate friendſhippe and fayth|full bonde of ametie,The emperor laboureth to hinder the pur|poſed enter|uiew. it might turne him to diſ|pleaſure. But nowe that he perceyued howe the king was forwarde on his iourney, hee did what he coulde to procure that no truſt ſhould be com|mitted to the fayre wordes of the French men, and that if it were poſſible, the great friendſhippe that was nowe in breeding betwixte the two kings might be diſſolued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And foraſmuch as he knewe the Lorde Car|dinall to be wonne with rewardes, as a fiſh with a bayte, he beſtowed on him greate gyftes, and promyſed him much more, ſo that he woulde be his friende, and helpe to bring hys purpoſe to paſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall not able to ſuſteyne the laſte aſſault, by force of ſuch rewardes as hee preſently receyued, and of ſuche large promiſes as on the Emperours behalfe were made to him, promiſed to the Emperour, that he woulde ſo vſe the mat|ter, as his purpoſe ſhould be ſpedde, onely hee re|quired him not to diſallow the Kings intent for enteruiew to be had, which he deſired in any wiſe to goe forwarde, that hee myght ſhewe hys high magnificence in Fraunce, according to his firſt intention.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperour remayned in Canterburie til the Thurſday, being the laſt of May,Hall. and then taking leaue of the King, and of hys Aunte the Queene, departed to Sandwich, where hee tooke his ſhips and ſayled into Flaunders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame daye the King made ſayle from the Porte of Douer,The king lan|deth at Calais. and landed at Calays a|boute eleuen of the Clocke, and with him the Queene and Ladies and many Nobles of the Realme, his grace was receyued into the checker, and there reſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourth of Iune, the King and Queene with all their trayne remoued from Calays to his princely lodging newly erected beſide the towne of Guiſnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This princely Palayce was buylt quadrant euerie ſquare conteyning three hundred .xxviij. foote long of a ſiſe,The deſcriptiõ of the new pa|lace before Guiſnes. ſo that the compaſſe was .xiij. hundred and .xij. foote about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Palayce was ſet on Stages by EEBO page image 1510 great cunning and ſumptuous worke, moſt gor|geouſly decked, trymmed, and adourned, both within and without, with ſuch ſumptuous and royall furniture of all ſortes neceſſarie for the re|ceyuing of ſuch highe eſtates, that the like might vneth bee ymagined or deuiſed, by the wytte of man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king was likewiſe come to the Towne of Arde, neare to the which his lodgyng was alſo prepared, but not fully finiſhed. And like as diuerſe of the French Nobilitie had viſited the King of Englande whyleſt hee lay in Calays, ſo lykewiſe nowe the Lorde Cardinall as Am|baſſadour to the King, roade wyth a noble re|payre of Lordes, Gentlemen, and Prelates, to the towne of Arde, where hee was of the French king highly enterteyned, with great thankes, for that by his meanes hee had ioyned in friendſhip wyth the King of England, to his high conten|tation and pleaſure, as hauing obteyned the thing which he had long deſired.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The greate pompe of Car|dinal Wolſey.The noble port, ſumptuous ſhew, and great trayne of Gentlemen, Knightes, Lordes, and number of ſeruaunts, in riche apparell and ſuyte of leuereys attendant on the Cardinall, made the Frenchmen greatly to wonder at his triumphant doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande had giuen vnto the ſayde Cardinall full authoritie, power, and li|bertie, to affirme and confirme, binde and vnbind, whatſoeuer ſhoulde be in queſtion betweene him and the Frenche king, and the lyke authoritie, power,Great credite committed to the Cardinall by both the kings. and libertie, did the French king by hys ſufficient letters patent, graunt to the ſame Car|dinall, which was reputed to be a ſigne of great loue, that he ſhoulde commit ſo greate a truſt to the king of Englands ſubiect.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The day of meeting was appoynted to bee on the Thurſday the ſeuenth of Iune,The enterview of the two kings in the vale of An|dren. on whiche day the two kings met in the vale of Andren, accompanied with ſuche a number of the No|bilitie of both the Realmes, ſo richely appoyn|ted in apparayle, and coſtlye Iewelles, as Chaynes, Collors of SS, and other the lyke ornamentes to ſet foorth theyr degrees and eſtates, that a woonder it was to beholde and viewe them in theyr order and rowmethes, which euerie man kept according to his appoynt|ment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two Kinges meeting in the fielde, eyther ſaluted other in moſte louing wyſe, firſt on horſebacke, and after alyghting on foote eftſoones embraced with courteous wordes, to the greate reioyſing of the beholders, and af|ter they had thus ſaluted eche other, they went bothe togither into a riche Tente of clothe of golde, there ſet vp for the purpoſe, in the whiche they paſſed the tyme in pleaſaunt talke, ban|quetting, and louyng deuiſes, till it drewe to|warde the Euening, and then departed for that nyght, the one to Guiſnes, and the other to Arde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Saterday the ninth of Iune,Hall. in a place with|in the Engliſh Pale, were ſet vp in a fielde cal|led the Campe, two trees of muche honour,The deſcrip [...] of the two [...]+tificiall tree [...] figuring H [...] and Frances the one called the Aubeſpine, that is to ſay, the Hau|thorne in Engliſhe, for Henrie, and the other the Frambo [...]ſter, whiche in Engliſhe ſignifieth the Raſpis berie, after the ſignification in French.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe trees were curiouſly wrought, the leaues of greene Damaſke, the braunches, boughes, and wythered leaues, of cloth of golde, and all the bodyes and armes of the ſame clothe of golde layde on tymber: they were in heigth from the foote to the toppe .xxxiiij. foote of aſſiſe, in compaſſe about an C. twentie and nine foote, and from bough to bough .xliij. foote: on theſe trees were flowers and fruites in kyndly wyſe, with ſiluer and Veniſe golde: their beautie ſhe|wed farre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame daye the two kings came to thoſe trees of honour, nobly accompanied, in ſuch royal ſort as was requiſite. The Campe was in lẽgth nine hundred foote, and in bredth three. C. and xx. foot, ditched rounde about (ſauing at the entries) with brode and deepe ditches. Diuerſe ſkaffoldes were reared about this campe for the eaſe of the Nobles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the right ſide of the field ſtood the Queene of England, & the Queene of France, with many Ladies. The campe was ſtrongly rayled and barred on euerie end: in the entrie there were two lodgings prepared for the two kings, wherin they might arme themſelues, and take their eaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in the ſame cõpaſſe there were two great ſellers couched full of wine, which was liberally beſtowed to all men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The two kings as brethren in armes, vnder|tooke to deliuer all perſons at iuſtes, tourney, and barriers, and with them were aſſociate by the or|der of armes, the duke of Vandoſme, the duke of Suffolke: the Counte S. Paule, the Marques Dorcet: M. de Roche, ſir Williã Kingſton M. Brian, ſir Richard Iarningham: M. Canaan, ſir Giles Capell: M. Bukkal, maiſter Nicholas Carew: M. Montaſlion, & ma. Antony Kneuet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mondaye the eleuenth of Iune, the two Queenes of Englande, and of Fraunce,The two Queenes [...] at the ca [...] came to the Campe, where eyther ſaluted other righte honourably, and went into a ſtage for them pre|pared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the houre aſſigned, the two kings armed at all peeces mounted on horſebacke, and with their companyes entred the fielde, preſented themſel|ues to the Quenes, and after reuerence done, toke their places, abiding the anſweres whiche were EEBO page image 1511 deliuered in order as they came in moſt knight|ly wiſe, to the great contentation and pleaſure of all the beholders.

Thoſe iuſtes and martiall feates laſted till Fryday the .xv. of Iune, and on the Saterdaye being the .xvj. of the ſame moneth, the Frenche King with a ſmall number came to the caſtell of Guiſnes, aboute the houre of eyght in the mor|ning.

[...]e French [...] commeth [...]es, [...]e the king [...] land go| [...] Arde.The king hauing thereof knowledge (as then being in his priuie chamber) with all haſt in glad|ſome wiſe went to receyue him. And after he had welcomed him in moſt louing maner, he depar|ted and road to Arde, leauing the Frenche king ſtill at Guiſnes, and ſo comming to Arde was ioyfully receyued of the French Queene and o|ther nobles of the realme of Fraunce, with al ho|nour that might be deuiſed. And thus were theſe two kings, the one at Guiſnes, and the other at Arde, highly enterteined, feaſted, and banquetted, in ſuch royall and princely ſort, that wonder it is to beare, and more meruaile to conſider, of the great plentie of fiue and delicate viandes, the huge ryches of ſiluer and golde in plate and veſ|ſell, and all other furniture of ineſtimable value there preſent, and ſet forth that day, as well in the one place as in the other.

Towarde the Euening at time conuenient, they tooke their leaues and returned, the Frenche King to Arde, and the King of Englande to Guiſnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monday the .xviij. of Iune was ſuch an hide|ous ſtorme of winde and weather, that manye coniectured it did prognoſticate trouble and ha|tred ſhortly after to follow betweene princes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tueſday the .xix. of Iune, the two kings came to the campe againe armed at all peeces, and there abode them that woulde come, ſo that then began the iuſtes a freſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Wedneſday the .xx. of Iune, the two kings began to holde tourneys with all the per|teyners of theyr chalenge armed at all peeces.

[figure appears here on page 1511]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene of Fraunce, and the Queene of Englande, were in the places for them prepared, and there was many a goodly battayle perfo [...]|med, the Kings doing as well as the beſt, ſo that all the beholders ſpake of them honor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thurſday the .xxj. of Iune, the two Kings likewiſe kept the tourneys, ſo that all thoſe noble men that woulde proue their valiancies, were deliuered according to the articles of the tour|neys, which this day tooke ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ers.Fryday the .xxij. of Iune, the two kings with their retinue did battaile on foote at the Barriers, and there deliuered all ſuch as put forth themſel|ues to trie their forces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Cardinall [...]g Ma [...]e [...]re two [...] On Saterday the .xxiij. of Iune the Lorde Cardinall ſang an highe and ſolemne Maſſe by note aloft vpon a pompous ſtage before the two Kings and Queenes, the which being furniſhed, Indulgence was giuen to all the hearers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two kings dyned in one Chamber that day, and the two Queenes in another.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After dinner, the two kings with their bend [...] entred the field on foote before the Bairiers, and ſo began the fight, which continued battaile after battaile, till all the commers were anſwered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were deliuered this day thus at the bar|riers by battaile, an .C. and ſixe perſons: the two laſt battails did the kings. And ſo that Saterday the whole chalenge was performed, and all men deliuered of the articles of iuſtes, tourneys, & bat|tayles on foote at the Barriers, by the ſayde two kings and their aydes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, there folowed royall maſkes,Maſkes. and on the Sunday the .xxiiij. of Iune, the King of Englande with foure companyes, in euerie com|panie ſenne, trymlye appoynted in maſkyng EEBO page image 1500 apparell rode to Arde, and lykewiſe the Frenche king accõpanied with .xxxviij. perſons, as maſ|kers repayred to Guiſnes. They met on the way, and eche company paſſed by other without any countenance making or diſuiſering.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They were honourably receyued, as well at the one place as the other, and when they had ended theyr paſtime, banquetting, and daunces, they returned and met againe on the way home|wardes, and then putting off their viſers, they louingly embraced: and after amiable communi|cation togyther, they tooke leaue either of other, and for a remembraunce gaue giftes eyther to o|ther, verie rich and princely.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry departed from Guiſnes to Ca+leys, and from thence to Gra|ueling to viſite the Emperour.On the Morrow after being Monday, the xxv of Iune, the king with the Queene remoued from Guiſnes to Calays, where hee remayned till the tenth of Iuly, on whiche day he roade to Graueling, and was receyued on the waye by the Emperor, and ſo by hym conueyed to Graue|ling, where not onely the king, but alſo all his traine was cheared and feaſted, with ſo louing maner, that the Engliſhmen highly prayſed the Emperors Court.

This meeting of the Emperour and the king of Englande, was a coroſie to the French king and his people, as by euident tokens afterwardes well appeared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The emperour commeth to Caleys to king Henrye.On Wedneſday the eleuenth of Iuly, the Emperour and his Aunte the Ladie Margaret came wyth the king of Englande to the towne of Calays, and there continued in great ioy and ſolace, wyth feaſting, banquetting, daunſing and maſking till Saterdaye the fourtenth of Iuly, on the whiche day about noone, hee tooke leaue of the Queene of Englande hys Aunte, and departed towarde Graueling, beeing con|ducted on his way by the king of England, to a Village towardes Flanders called Waell, and there they embraced and tooke leaue eyther of o|ther in moſt louing maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They did not altogither ſpend the tyme thus whileſt they were togither, in vayne pleaſures, and ſporting reuels, for the Charters before time concluded, were there read, and all the Articles of the league tripartite, agreed betwixt the Em|perour, the King of Englande, and the French king, were at full declared, to the whiche the French king had fully condeſcended: and for the more proufe thereof, and exemplyfication of the ſame, he ſent Monſieur de Roche with letters of credence to ſignifie to the Emperour, that in the worde of a Prince he woulde obſerue, fulfil, per|forme, and keepe all the ſame articles, for him his realme and ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king re|turneth into England.Shortly after that the Emperour and the King had taken leaue eche of other, and were de|parted, the king ſhipped, and with the Queene and all other the Nobilitie returned ſafely into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King kept hys Chriſtmaſſe at Grene|wiche this yeare, with much nobleneſſe and o|pen Court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the ſame tyme,1521 the King hauing re|garde to the common wealth of his realme,Polidor. con|ſidered how for the ſpace of fiftie yeares paſt and more, the Nobles and Gentlemen of Englande being giuen to graſing of cattell, and keeping of ſheepe, had inuented a meane howe to encreaſe their yearely reuenues to the great decay and vn|doing of the huſbandemen of the lande. For the ſayde Nobles and Gentlemen after the maner of the Numidians, more ſtudying how to encreaſe their paſtures, than to mainteyne tyllage, be|ganne to decay huſbande tackes and tenements, and to conuert errable grounde into Paſture, furniſhing the ſame with beaſtes and ſheepe, and alſo deare, ſo encloſing the fieldes with hedges, dytches, and pales, whiche they helde in theyr owne handes, engroſſing woolles, and ſelling the ſame, and alſo ſheepe and beaſtes at theyr owne pryſes, and as might ſtande moſt to theyr owne pryuate commoditie, whereof a three|folde euill chaunced to the common wealth, (as Polidore noteth:) one, for that thereby the number of huſband men was ſore diminiſhed, the whiche the Prince vſeth chiefely in his ſeruice for the warres: an other, for that many Townes and Vyllages were left deſolate, and became ruynous: the thirde for that both Wooll and Cloth made thereof, and the fleſhe of all ma|ner of beaſtes vſed to bee eaten, was ſolde at farre higher pryces than was accuſtomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe enormityes at the fyrſt beginning beeyng not redreſſed, grewe in ſhorte ſpace to ſuche force and vigour by euyll cuſtome, that afterwarwardes they could not be well taken a|way nor remoued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King therefore cauſing ſuche good ſta|tutes as had beene deuiſed and eſtabliſhed for re|formation in thys behalfe, to be reuyued and cal|led vppon,Commiſs [...] graunted for the mainte|naunce of [...]l|lage and lay|ing open of incloſure. taketh order by directing forth hys Commiſſion vnto the Iuſtices of peace, and other ſuche Magyſtrates, that preſentmente ſhoulde bee hadde and made of all ſuche Inclo|ſures, and decay of huſbandrye as had chaun|ced within the ſpace of fiftie yeares before that preſent tyme. The Iuſtices and other Magi|ſtrates according to their commiſſion executed the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo commaundement was giuen that the decayed, houſes ſhould be buylt vp again, that the huſbandmen ſhould be placed eftſoones in ye ſame, and that incloſed grounds ſhuld be laid open, and ſore puniſhment appointed agaynſte them that diſobeyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1501 [...] Theſe ſo good and wholeſome ordinances, ſhortely after were defeated by meane of bribes giuẽ vnto the Cardinal: for when the nobles and Gentlemen, whiche had for their pleaſures im|parked the common fieldes, were loth to haue the ſame againe diſparked, they redemed their vexa|tion with good ſummes of money, and ſo had licence to keepe their parkes and grounds enclo|ſed as before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the great expectation whiche men had conceiued of a generall redreſſe, proued voyde; howbeit, ſome profite the huſbandmen in ſome partes of the realme gotte by the mouing of this matter, where the incloſures were already layde open, ere miſtreſſe money coulde preuente them, and ſo they enioyed their commons, whiche be|fore had bin taken from them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that thys matter for incloſures was thus diſpatched, the Cardinall boyling in hatred againſt the duke of Buckingham,The Cardinall [...]ſeth the [...]ction of the Duke of Buckingham. and thirſting for hys bloud, deuiſed to make Charles Kneuet, that had bin the Dukes ſurueyour, and put from hym (as yee haue hearde) an inſtrumente to bring the Duke to deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys Kneuet beyng had in examination a|fore the Cardinall, diſcloſed all the Dukes lyfe, and firſte hee vttered, that the Duke was accu|ſtomed by way of talke, to ſay howe he meante ſo to vſe the matter, that hee woulde atteyne to the Crowne, if King Henrye chauced to dye without iſſue, and that hee had talke and confe|rence of that matter one tyme with George Ne|uil, Lord of B [...]guennye, vnto whom hee hadde giuen his daughter in marriage, and alſo that he threatned to puniſh the Cardinall for his [...]i|folde miſdoings beeing without cauſe his m [...]r|tall enimie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall hauing gotten that that hee ſought for encourageth, comforteth, and procu|reth Kneuet with manye comfortable wordes, and greate promiſes, that hee ſhoulde with [...] holde ſpirite and countenance [...]biecte, and laye theſe thyngs to the Dukes charge, with more if he knew it when time required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then K [...]t [...], partely prouoked with deſire to bee reuenged, and partely moued with hope of rewarde, openly confeſſeth that the Duke hadde once fully determined to deuiſe meanes, how to make the Kyng away beeyng broughte into a full hope, that hee ſhoulde bee King, by a vayne propheſie which one Nicholas Hop [...]ius, a Monke of an houſe of the Charm [...] order, beſyde Briſtow called Henton, ſometime h [...] confeſſor had opened vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall [...]eth the [...]ke of Buc| [...]gham to [...] Kyng.The Cardinall hauing thus token the exa|mination of Kneuet, wente to the Kyng, and declared vnto hym that hys perſon, was in daun|ger by ſuche trayterous purpoſe, as the Duke of Buckingham hadde conceyued in his heart, and ſheweth how that nowe there is manifeſt tokens of hys wicked pretence, wherefore, hee exhorteth the Kyng to prouide for hys owne ſuretie with ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King hearing the accuſation, enforced to the vttermoſt by the Cardinall, maketh thys aunſwere, if the Duke haue deſerued to bee pu|niſhed, lette hym haue accordyng to hys de|ſertes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke herevppon is ſente for vp to Lõ|don, and at his comming thither, is ſtraighte|wayes attached,Hall. and brought to the Tower by Sir Henry Marney, Captayne of the garde, the ſixtenth of Aprill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo attached the foreſayde Char|treux Monke, maiſter Iohn de la Kar, alias de la Court, the Dukes confeſſor, and Sir Gilbert Perke prieſt, the Dukes Chancelloure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the apprehenſion of the Duke,An. reg. 13. inquiſi|tions were taken in dyuers Shires of England of hym, ſo that by the Knightes and Gentle|men, he was endited of high treaſon,The Duke of Buckingham indited of tre|ſon. for certaine wordes ſpoken, as before yee haue hearde, by the ſame Duke at Blechingly, to the Lorde of Burguennie, and therwith was the ſame Lorde attached for con [...]lement, and ſo likewiſe was the Lord Montagew, and both led to the To|wer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Edwarde Neuill, brother to the ſayde Lorde of Burguannie, was forbidden the kings preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, in the Eui [...] Hall, within ye Ci|tie of London, before Iohn Brugge Knyghte, then Lorde Maior of the ſame Citie, by a [...] in|queſt whereof one Miles Ierra [...]d was foreman, the ſaid Duke was endited of dyuers poyntes of high treaſon,The effect of the Dukes inditement. as by the ſame Inditemẽt is appea|reth, in [...]ing that the ſayde Duke intendyng to exalt himſelfe, and to vſur [...] the Crowne the royall power and dignitie of the Realme of En|gland, and to depriue the Kings maieſtie there|of, that he the ſayd Duke myght take vpon hym the fame againſte his allegiance, had the tenthe daye of M [...]rche, in the ſecond yeare of the kings maieſties [...]gne,Th Duke is indited of tre|ſon in Londõ. was at [...] other tymes, [...]|fore and after, imagined and compaſſed the Kings death and deſ [...] of London, and at Thornebury, in the he Countie of Monceſter,This Hopkins had ſent one of the Prior of Hẽtõ [...] ſeruãts to the Duke the day afore, to will hym to ſende ouer to hym hys Chauncellour as by an other inditement it appeareth. and for the accompliſhment of his [...]ed intent and purpoſe, (as in the enditement is alledged) the 24. of Aprill, in the fourthe yeare of the Kynges raigne, he ſent one of his Chaplaynes called Io, de la Court, vnto the priorie of Henton in Som|merſetſhire, whiche was an houſe of Chartreu [...] Monkes, thereto vnderſtande of one Nicholas Hopkins, a Monke of the ſame houſe (who was vaynely reputed by way of reuelation, to haue EEBO page image 1514 foreknowledge of things to come) what ſhoulde happen, concerning this matter, whiche hee hadde ymagyned, whiche Monke, cauſing the ſaid de la Courte firſte to ſweare vnto him, not to diſcloſe his words to anye manner of perſon, but only to the Duke his maiſter, therewith de|clared, that his maiſter the ſayde Duke, ſhoulde haue all, willing him for the accompliſhment of his purpoſe, to ſeeke to winne the fauour of the people. De la Court came backe with this aun|ſwere, and tolde it to the Duke at Thorneburye the morrow after, being the .25. of Aprill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, the .22. of Iuly in the ſame fourth yeare, the Duke ſente the ſame de la Court, with let|ters vnto the ſaide Monke, to vnderſtand of him further of ſuch matters, and the Monke tolde to him againe for aunſwer, that the Duke ſhoulde haue all, and being aſked as well now as before, at the firſte time howe hee knewe this to be true, be ſayd, by the grace of God, and with this aun|ſwere, de la Court now alſo returning, declared the ſame vnto the D. the .24. of Iuly at Thorne|bury aforeſaid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the ſaid Duke ſent the ſame de la Court againe vnto the ſayde Monke with hys letters, the ſixe and twentith of Aprill, in the fifth yeare of the Kings raigne, when the Kyng was to take hys iourney into Fraunce, requiring to vnderſtande, what ſhoulde become of theſe warres, and whether the Scottiſh King ſhoulde in the Kings abſence inuade this Realme or not. The Monke among other things for an|ſwere of theſe letters, ſent the Duke worde, that the King ſhould haue no iſſue ma [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Againe, the ſaide Duke the twentith daye of February, in the ſixth yeare of the Kings raigne, beeing at Thornebury, ſpake thoſe wordes vnto Raufe Earle of Weſtmerlande, Well, there are two new Dukes created heere in Englande, but if ought but good come to the King, the Duke of Buckingham ſhould be next in bloud to ſucceed to the Crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 After this, the ſaide D. on the ſixtenth daye of Aprill, in the ſaid ſixth yeare of the kings raigne, went in perſon vnto the priorie of Henton, and there had conference with the foreſaide Monke, Nicholas Hopkins, who tolde him, that he ſhuld be K. wherevnto the D. ſaide, that if it ſo chan|ced, he would ſhew himſelfe a iuſt and righteous prince. The Monke alſo tolde the Duke, that he knew this by reuelation, and willed hym in anye wiſe to procure the loue of the commõs, the bet|ter to atteine his purpoſed intention. The Duke the ſame time, gaue and promiſed to giue yerely vnto the ſaid priorie, ſixe pound, therwith to buy a tun of wine. And further, hee promiſed to giue vnto the ſame Priorie, in ready money twentie pound, whereof ten pounde he gaue in hand, to|wards the conueying of water vnto the houſe by a conduit. And to ye ſaid Monke Nicholas Hop|kins, he gaue at that preſente in reward three lb and at another time, fortie ſhillings, at an other time a marke, and at an other time ſixe ſhillings eight pence. After this, ye twentith day of March, in the tenth yere of the Kings raigne, he came to the ſame Priorie, and eftſoones had conference with the ſaid Monke, to be more fully informed by him in the matters aboue ſpecified, at what time, the Monke alſo told him, that he ſhould be King, and the D. in talke tolde the Monke, that he hadde done very well to binde his Chaplayne Iohn de la Court, vnder the ſeale of confeſſion, to keepe ſecret ſuch matter, for if the king ſhould come to the knowledge thereof, it would be hys deſtruction. Likewiſe, the twentith daye of Oc|tober, in the ſeuẽth yeare of the kings raigne, and at diuers other times as well before as after, the ſaid D. had ſent his Chancellor Robert Gilbert Chaplaine, vnto London, there to buy certayne clothes of golde, ſiluer, and veluets, euery tyme ſo much as amounted to the world of three C. lb to the intent that the ſaid D. might beſtow ye ſame, as wel vpon knightes, eſquiers, Gentlemẽ of the kings houſe, and yeomen of his gard, as vpon other the kings ſubiects, to winne theyr fa|uours and friendſhippes to aſſiſt him in his euill purpoſe, which clothes the ſaid Gilbert did buy, & brought the ſame vnto the ſaid D. who ye twen|tith day of Ianuary, in the ſaid ſeuenth yere, and diuers other dayes and yeares before and after, did diſtribute & giue the ſame vnto certayne of ye kings ſubiects, for the purpoſe afore recited, as by the inditemẽt it was inferred. Furthermore, the ſaid duke, the tenth of Iuly, in ye tenth yere of the kings raigne, & diuers other dayes and times, as wel before as after, did conſtitute more ſeuerall & perticuler officers in his Caſtels, honors, lord|ſhips, & lands than he was accuſtomed to haue, to the ende they might be aſſiſtant to him vnder coulour of ſuch offices, to breng his euill purpoſe to paſſe. Moreouer, the ſame D. ſent to the K. the tenth of May, in the tenth yere of his raigne, for licence to receiue any of the kings ſubiects, whom it ſhould pleaſe him, dwelling within: the ſhires of Hereford, Glouceſter, and Somerſetſhire, and alſo, than he might at his pleaſure, conuey diuers armures, and habiliments for war into Wales, to the intẽt to vſe the ſame againſt the K. as the enditemente imported, for the accompliſhing of his naughtie purpoſe, whiche was to deſtroy the K. and to vſurp the royal gouernement and po|wer to himſelfe, whiche ſute for licence to haue reteiners, & to conuey ſuche armours and habili|ments of war, the ſaid Gilbert, the twentith day of May, in the ſaide ninth yere, and diuers other days before and after, at Lõdon, & Eaſt Greene|wich EEBO page image 1515 did followe, labouring earneſtly, both to ye K. and counſaile, for obteining ye ſame. And the twentith day of Iuly in the ſaid ninth yeare, the ſaid D. ſent the ſaid Gilbert vnto Henton afore|ſaid, to vnderſtãd of the foreſaid Monke Nicho|las Hopkins, what he heard of him: and ye Mõke ſent him word, [...] Earle pro| [...]fying Monke. that before Chriſtmas next, there ſhoulde bee a change, and that the Duke ſhoulde haue the rule and gouernement of all England. And moreouer, the twentith of February, in the eleuenth yere of the kings raigne, at Blechinglee in the countie of Surrey, the ſaid Duke ſaid vn|to the ſaid Robert Gilbert his Chancellor, that he did expect and tarrie for a time more conue|nient to atchieue his purpoſe, and that it myghte eaſily be done, if the nobles of this Realm would declare their mindes togither: but ſome of them miſtruſted, and feared to ſhew their minds togi|ther, and that marred all. He ſaid further ye ſame time vnto the ſaid Gilbert, that what ſoeuer was done by the kings father, was done by wrong: & ſtil the D. murmured againſt all that the Kyng then preſently reigning did. And further he ſaid, that he knew himſelfe to be ſo wicked a ſinner, yt he wanted Gods fauour, and therefore he knew, that whatſoeuer he tooke in hand againſt the K. had the worſe ſucceſſe. And furthermore, yt ſayd D. (to alienate the minds of the kings ſubiects, from their dutiful obeiſance towards the ſaid K. and his heires (the twẽtith day of September, in the firſt yere of his raigne) being then at Londõ, reported vnto ye ſaid Robert Gilbert, that he had a certaine writing ſealed with the Kings greate ſeale, comprehending a certaine acte of Parlia|ment, in the which it was enacted, that the D. of Somerſet, one of the kings progenitors was made legitimate: and further, that the ſaid Duke meante to haue deliuered the ſame writing vnto K. Henry the ſeuenth, but (ſaid he) I woulde not that I had ſo done, for ten thouſand pound. And furthermore, the ſame D. the fourth day of No|uember, in the eleuenth yere of the kings raigne, at Eaſt Grenewich, in ye countie of Kent, ſayde vnto one Charles Kniuet Eſquier, after that the K. had reproued the D. for reteining Wil. Bul|mer Knighte, into his ſeruice, that if hee hadde perceiued that hee ſhould haue bin committed to the tower, as he doubted he ſhould haue bin, hee would haue ſo wrought, that the principal doers therein ſhould not haue had cauſe of great reioi|cing, for he would haue plaid the part which hys father intended to haue put in practiſe againſte K. Richarde the thirde at Saliſburie, who made earneſt ſute to haue come vnto the preſence of the ſame K. Richard, whiche ſuite, if hee might haue obteined, he hauing a knife ſecretely about hym, would haue thruſt it into the body of K. Richard as hee had made ſemblance to kneele downe be|fore him, and in ſpeaking theſe words, he malici|ouſly laid his hand vpon his dagger, and ſayde, that if he were ſo euil vſed, hee would do his beſt to accompliſh his pretenſed purpoſe, ſwearing to confirme his worde by the bloud of our Lorde. And beſide all this, the ſame D. the tenth daye of May, in the twelfth yeare of the kings raigne, at London, in a place called the Roſe, within ye pa|riſh of S. Laurẽce Poultney in Canwike ſtreete ward, demanded of the ſaid Charles Kniuet eſ|quier, what was the talke amõg the Londoners, concerning the kings iourney beyond the ſeas: & the ſaid Charles told him, yt many ſtood in doubt of ye iourney, leaſt the frenchmen meant ſome de|ceit towards ye K. wherevnto the D. anſwered, yt it was to be feared, leaſt it would come to paſſe, according to the words of a certaine holy Mõke. For ther is (ſaith he) a certain Chartreux Mõke, that diuers times hath ſent to me, willing me to ſend vnto him my Chancellor, and I did ſende vnto him Iohn de la Court my Chaplain, vnto whom he would not declare any thing, til De la Courte had ſworne vnto him to keepe al things ſecret, and to tel to no creature liuing, what he ſhould heare of him, except it were to me, and thẽ the ſaide Monke tolde to De la Court, neither yt the K. nor his heires ſhould proſper, and that I ſhoulde endeuour my ſelfe to purchaſe the good willes of the cõmunaltie of England, for I the ſame D. and my bloud ſhould proſper, & haue the rule of the realm of Englãd. Then ſaid Charles Kniuet, the Monke may be deceiued through ye Diuels illuſion, and that it was euil to medle wt ſuch matters. Well ſaide the D. it can not hurte me, and ſo (ſaith the enditement) the D. ſemed to reioyce in the dukes wordes. And further, ye ſame time, the D. told the ſaid Charles, that if the K. had miſcaried now in his laſt ſickneſſe, he would haue chopped off the heads of the Cardinall, of ſir Tho. Louel knight, & of others, and alſo ſaid, that he had rather die for it, than to be ſo vſed as he had bin. Moreouer, the [...]th day of Septem|ber, in the ſaid eleuẽth ye [...] of this kings raigne, at Bl [...]ghe, in the C [...] of Surrey, wal|king in the gallerie therewith George Neuill Knight, K. of Burgauenny, the D. murmuring againſt the kings counſellors and their gouern|ment, ſaid vnto the ſaid George, that if the kyng dyed, hee woulde haue the rule of the Realme in ſpite of who ſo euer ſaid the contrary, and with|al ſaid, that if the ſaid L [...] Burguennie woulde ſay, that the D. had ſpokẽ ſuch words, he would fight with him, and lay his ſword vpon his pate, and this he bound vp with many great othes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Theſe were the ſpeciall articles and poyntes compriſed in the enditemente, and laide to hys charge, but how truely, or in what ſort proued, I haue not further to ſay, eyther in accuſing or ex|cuſing EEBO page image 1516 him, other then as I fynde in Hall and Polidor, whoſe words in effect, I haue thoughte good to impart to ye reader, & without any parcial wreſting of the ſame, eyther too or fro: ſauing yt (I truſt) I may without offence ſay that as ye rumor then went, the Cardinal chiefly procured ye death of this noble man, no leſſe fauoured and beloued of the people of this realme in that ſea|ſon, than the Cardinall himſelfe was hated and enuyed, whiche thing cauſed the Dukes fall the more to be pitied & lamented, ſith he was the mã of all other, that chiefly went about to croſſe the Cardinall in his lordly demeanour, and heady proceedings. But to the purpoſe. Shortly after that the D. had bin endited (as before yee haue hearde) he was arraigned in Weſtminſter Hal,The Duke of Buckingham araigned at Weſtminſter. before the Duke of Norffolke, being made by ye kings letters patents, high ſteward of Englãd, to accompliſh ye high cauſe of appeale of ye peere, or peeres of the realme, and to decerne and iudge the cauſes of the peeres. There were alſo ap|poynted to ſitte as peeres and iudges vpon the ſaide D. of Buckingham, the Duke of Suf|folke,The names of the Dukes peetes for hys triall. the Marques Dorſet, the Erles of Wor|ceſter, Deuonſhire, Eſſex, Shreweſburie, Kent, Oxford, and Derby, the Lord of Saint Iohns, the Lord de la Ware, the lord Fitz Warren, the Lord Willoughby, the Lord Brooke, the Lorde Cobham, the Lord Herbert, and the Lord Mor|ley. There was made within the Hall at Weſt|minſter a Scaffolde for theſe Lords, and a pre|ſence for a Iudge, rayled and counterrayled a|bout, and barred with degrees. When the lordes had taken their place, the Duke was brought to the barre, and vppon his arraignemente pleaded not giltie, and put hymſelfe vpõ his peeres. Thẽ was the enditement read, which the D. denied to be true, and (as he was an cloquent man) alled|ged reaſons to falſifye the enditement,Polidor. Hall. pleadyng the matter for his owne iuſtification very pithe|ly, and earneſtly. The Kings attourney againſt the Dukes reaſons alledged the examinations, confeſſions, and proues of witneſſes. The D. deſired that ye witneſſes might be brought forth, & then came before him Charles Kneuet, Perke, de la Court, & Hopkins the Monke of the Pri|ory of the Charterhouſe beſide Bath, which like a falſe Hypocrite, had enduced the Duke to the treaſon, with his falſe forged propheſies. Diuers preſumptions and accuſations were layd to him by Charles Kneuet, which he would faine haue couered. The depoſitions were redde, and the deponents deliuered as priſoners to the officer [...] of the Tower.

Finally to conclude,The Duke of Buckingham conuict of treaſon. there was he found gil|tie by hys peeres, and hauing iudgemente to ſuf|fer as in caſe of treaſon is vſed, was led agayne to his Barge, and ſo conueyed by water to the Temple, where he was ſet a land, and there Sir Nicholas Vaux, and ſir Wil. Sands Baronc [...]s receiued him, and led him through the ſtreetes of the Citie to the Tower as a caſt man. On Fri|day the ſeuententh of May, he was with a great power deliuered to the Sheriffes of Lõdon, who led him to the Scaffold on Tower hill about a eleuen of the clocke, and there he was beheaded.The Duke of Buckingham beheaded.

[figure appears here on page 1516]

The Auſteyne Friers tooke his head and bo|dy, and buried them.

Great lamentation was made for his death, but ſuch is the ende (ſaid ſome) of ambition, falſe prophecies, euill life, and naughty counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, were the Emperoure and the Frenche King fallen at variance, ſo that the warre was renued betwixt them for the pa|cifying whereof,Cardinall Wolſey ſent ouer to Ca|lais. the Cardinall of Yorke was ſent ouer to Calais, where the Ambaſſadors of both thoſe princes were appoynted to come vnto him. He arriued there the ſecond of Auguſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 EEBO page image 1517There went ouer with him the Erle of Wor|ceſter, then L. Chamberlain, the L. of S. Iohns, the Lord Feerers, the L. Herbert, the B. of Du| [...]eſme, the B. of Ely, the pri [...]te of A [...]ma [...]ca [...], ſir Tho. Bulleigne, ſir Iohn Peche, ſir Io. Huſ|ſey, ſir Rich. Wingflew, ſir Henry Guilford, and many other knightes, eſquiers, Gentlemen, doc|tors, [...]peror [...]e French [...] theyr [...]ors [...] at Ca| [...] [...] neare [...]ace. & learned men. Shortly after his [...]iuall at Calais, thither came the Chancellor of France, and the counte de Palice, with foure C. horſe, as Ambaſſadors from the French K. and likewiſe from the Emperoure came great Ambaſſadors, either partie beeing furniſhed with ſufficient cõ|miſſions, to treate & conclude of peace as ſhould appeare, but yet whẽ it came to the point, as the one partie ſeemed conformable to reaſonable of|fers, ſo the other would not encline that way, in ſo much, that they were neuer at one time agree|able to anye indifferente motion that coulde bee made. Ther were alſo the P [...]pes Ambaſſadors, wherevpon, the Cardinall would haue furthered a league betwixte the Emperour, the K. of En|gland, the King of France, and the Pope: but the Popes Ambaſſadors wanted commiſſion there|to, and therefore were letters ſent to Rome in all haſt, and the frenchmen taried ſtil in Calais, till anſwere came from thence. The Cardinall rode into Flanders to ſpeake with ye Emperour, whi|che as thẽ lay in Bruges: A mile without Bru|ges the Emperoure receiued him, and did to hym as much honour as could be deuiſed. The w [...]re was great which was made to the Engliſhmen, and of euery thing there was ſuche plentie, that there was no wante of things neceſſary.The Emperor [...]eth the Cardinal with [...] honor [...]nges. The Cardinal after he had ſoiouened in Bruges by ye ſpace of thirtene dayes, & concluded diuers mat|ters with the Emperour, & accompliſhed his cõ|miſſion, he tooke leaue of his maieſtie, and by cõ|uenient iourneis, returned to Calais, where the Ambaſſadors of France tarried his comming, & immediately after his returne to Calais, he trea|ted with them of peace, but not ſo earneſtly as he did before. In fine, nothing was concluded, but only that fiſhermen of both the Princes, myght freely fiſhe on the ſeas without diſturbance, till ye ſecond of February next. When no concluſiõ of agreement could be accorded, the Cardinall ſent to the Emperour the Lord of S. Iohns, and ſir Tho. Bullein Knight, to aduertiſe his maieſtie what had bin done, and likewiſe to the Frẽch K. (as then lying in camp with a mightie army in the marches about Cambrey) the Erle of Wor|ceſter, and the B. of Ely were ſente to enforme him of all things that had bin mocioned, exhor|ting him to encline to peace, but hee gaue little tare thereto: and then after they had bin a nyne|tene or twenty dayes in his boſt, they returned. During the cõtinuance of the Cardinall in Ca|lais,Cardinall Wolſey cari|eth the great ſeale with him to Calais, and there ſealeth writtes and patents. all writtes and patents were there by hym ſealed, and no Sheriffes choſen for lacke of hys preſence, hauing there with him the great ſeale, & ful power in things, as if the King had bin there in perſon. Ambaſſadors comming from the K. of Hungary towardes the K. of England, were re|ceiued honorably of the Cardinall during his a|bode in Calais. After the returne of the Engliſh Ambaſſadors, which the Cardinall had ſent to ye Emperour,Polidor. and to the french K. he returned into Englande, hauing (as ſome write) concluded a new league with the Emperour, and ſignified by way of intendment to the french K. in the trea|tie with his Ambaſſadors, that the K of Englãd meane him not ſo muche friendſhip, as of late he had done, for diuers cauſes, but ſpecialy this was vttered, that where it was concluded that the K. of Scottes ſhould be included within the league (as before ye haue heard) contrary to that agree|ment, the ſaide K. refuſed to enter as a confede|rate into the ſame league: and this no doubt pro|ceded through counſell of ye french, by whome he was wholly guided. This quarrell was layd as an occaſion, way to moue the K. of Englande (perceiuing himſelfe to bee diſſembled with) to withdraw his good wil from the French K. who when he vnderſtood the drifts of the Cardinall, & concluſion of the new league con [...]emed betwixt the K. of Englande and the Emperour, he con|demneth the Cardinall of vntroth, accuſeth hym of diſſimulation, abhorreth his practiſes, as by ye whiche he loſt the fruition of the K. of Englande his friendſhip, and might no longer enioy it and heerewith hee determined with himſelfe neuer to put confidence in any Engliſh man after, nor to beſtow any giftes or penſions vpon them, for he vſed yearely to ſende vnto diuers of the Kynges counſaile after the maner of his predeceſſors ſun|dry giftes and ſummes of money: and bicauſe he had imployed more on the Cardinall than on ye reſidue, he was the more offended towarde hym, as the head of all this iniurious doing. Yet bee found not himſelfe ſo muche greeued, as to vtter any bitter words towards the K. but contrarily within a while after, directed his leters vnto him, ſignifying, that he meant to continue the league as his friend: but it may be he did this after a diſ|ſembling ſort, bicauſe he would not be at warres with two ſo mightie Princes at one tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while,Hote warres betweene the Emperor and the french K. the warre was purſued betwixt the Emperour, and the French Kyng, as well on the confynes towards Flanders, as beyond the Mountaynes in the parties of Lom|bardy.Tourney be|ſieged by the Emperor hys men. Tourney was beſieged by the Lorde Hugh de Moncada, a Spanyard, the whyche commyng vppon the ſuddayne, tooke manye a|brode the [...] fields, ere they knew of his approch, & after this, comming afore ye Citie, he enuironed EEBO page image 1518 it with a ſiege, to keepe the Citizens from ſtir|ring forth, and ſẽt part of his army with ye light horſemẽ, to forley the ſtreetes and paſſages, that no ſuccour ſhould come to them within.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Kyng aſſembled an armye, in hope to aide them of Tourney, with men, muni|tions, and vittailes, the whiche armye aſſayed twice or thrice with all indeuour, to haue appro|ched the Citie, but in vayne, for with no ſmall loſſe the Frenche were repulſed by the impe|rials, which neuertheles, felt their part of ſlaugh|ter,Hall. loſing ſundry of their Captaynes, as baſterd Emery, and the Captaine of Gaunt. Finally, the French army brake vp, and was diſperſed in|to fortreſſes,Tourney de|liuered vp to the Emperor. wherevppon, they of Tourney per|ceiuing the ſuccours which they hoped for, to faile them thus at neede, rendred the Citie to the Em|perour the laſt of Nouẽber, in this thirtenth yere of King Henries raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Polidor. Cardinal Wol+ſey maketh meanes to be elected Pope.Pope Leo died this yere, and doctor Richarde Pace was ſent to Rome, to make friends in the behalfe of ye Cardinal of Yorke, who was brou|ght into a vayne hope, through the kings fauour and furtherance, to be elected Pope, but Adrian ye ſixthe of that name was choſen before Doctor Pace could come to Rome, and ſo that ſute was daſhed. Yet Pace kept forthe his iourney accor|ding to his commiſſion. This Pace was a right worthye man,The deſcrip|tion of Doctor Pace. and one that gaue in counſayle faithfull aduice. Learnes he was alſo, & endowed with many excellent good giftes of nature, cour|teous, pleaſant, and delighting in muſicke, high|ly in the kings fauour, and well heard in matters of weight. But the more the Prince fauoured him, the more was he miſliked of the Cardinall, who ſought only to beare all the rule himſelf, and to haue no partner, ſo that he procured that this doctor Pace vnder coulour of Ambaſſades, to be ſent forth of the Realme, that his preſence about the King, ſhould not win him too muche autho|ritie and fauour at the kings hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall. Doctor Tun|ſtall made By|ſhop of Lon|don.This yeare was a great death in London and other places of the Realme. Many men of honor and great worſhip dyed, and amongſt other, the Biſhop of London, doctor Fitz Iames, in whoſe place was doctor Tunſtall elected. The Earle of Surrey returned out of Ireland, and came to the court the fiue and twentith of Ianuary.1523 Ma|ny complaintes were made by the Merchaunts to the King and his counſaile of the Frenchmen, which ſpoyled them by ſea of their goodes, for by reaſon that the warres were open betwixte the Emperour, and the French King, many ſhippes of warre were abroade, [...] on both partes, and nowe and then the Engliſhmen fell into their handes, and were vſed as enimies, namely by the French men, which naturally hated the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Kings Ambaſſadors promiſed [...]ſtitution of euery thing, b [...]eſſe was reſtored.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this moneth of Ianuary therefore, the King commaunded all his Shippes to be rig|ged, and made ready, whiche was done with all diligence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeconde daye of February,The title of defendor of the faith [...] the King England [...] his [...] euer. the King as then being at Gr [...]ewi [...]h, [...] a Bull from the Pope, whereby hee was declared defendor of the Chriſtian faith, and likewiſe his ſucceſſors for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Cardinal of Yorke ſang the high Maſſe that day with all the pompous [...]ſ [...]itie that might be, and gaue cleane remiſſion of ſinnes to all that heard it. In this meane time, grudges and diſpleaſures ſtill grew and increaſed betwixt the King of England and the French King, ſo that their greetes rancled dayly more and more, till at length the Duke of Albany returned into Scotlande, contrary to that whiche was coue|naunted by the league. The french King indeede alledged, that hee was not priuie to his gayng thither, and wrote to the King, that the ſayde Duke was entred Scotland without his aſſent, but it was otherwiſe iudged and knowen, that he had commiſſion of the French K. to goe thy|ther. Heerevpon, the K. was ſore offended, and prepared for warres, muſ [...]ers were made of able men, and a note taken of what ſubſtance men were of. The King alſo ſe [...] ſixe ſhippes to the ſea, wel trimmed, maned, and vitailed.Chriſtopher Coo. The Ad|mirall was one Chriſtopher Coo, an expert ſea man. His commiſſion was, to ſauegard ye mer|chants, & other the kings ſubiects, that were gree|uouſly ſpoyled and robbed on the ſea, by French men, Scottes, and other rouers. The eighth of February, the Lord Dacres, warden of the mar|ches fore ancinſt Scotlande, entred into Scot|land with fiue C. men by the kings commaun|demente, and there proclaimed, that the Scottes ſhould come in, to the kings peace, by the firſte of March following, or elſe to ſtand at their perils, the D. of Albany being then within fiue miles with a mighty power of Scottes.The Lord of Burgey [...]y araigned at Weſtminſter The eleuenth of Februarye, the L. Aburguẽnie was brought from the Tower to Weſtminſter, and there in the kings bench confeſſed his enditement of miſ|priſion. The Lord Montagewe was aboute the ſame time reſtored to the kings fauour. The ſe|cond of Marche, certaine noble men of the Em|pire, ariued in Englande, to paſſe into Spayne, who were honorably receyued, and in honor of them, greate iuſtes and triumphes were made, which beeing finiſhed and done, they tooke theyr leaue and departed on their iourney. A Scottiſh rouer called Duncane Camell, after long fight, was taken on the Sea by Iohn Arundell an eſ|quier of Cornewall, who preſented hym to the K. He was committed to the Tower, and there EEBO page image 1519 remayned priſoner a long ſeaſon. All the Kings: ſhippes were putte in a readineſſe, ſo that by the beginning of Aprill, they were rigged and trim|med ready to make ſaile. This yeare, dyed the L. Broke, ſir Edward Poinings, Knight of the garter. ſir Iohn Pechy, & ſir Edw. Belknap, va|liant Captaines, which were ſuſpected to be poi|ſoned at a banket made at Arde, when the two kings met laſt. [...]e dearthe [...]. Wheate was ſolde this yeare in the Citie of Londõ, for twenty ſhillings a quar|ter, and in other places for .26. ſhillings eyghte pence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare, Gawan Dowglas, Biſhop of Dunkell fled out of Scotland into England, bicauſe the D. of Albany being come thither, had takẽ vpon him the whole gouernement of the K. and Realme there, the ſequeale of whoſe doings, this B. ſore miſtruſted. The K. aſſigned to thys B. an honeſt penſion to liue on. And ſhortly af|ter, [...]caux [...] into Scotlande. was Clarẽceaux ye Herrault ſent into Scot|land, to the D. of Albany, to commaund him to auoid that Realme for diuers conſiderations, & if he would not, then to defie him, ſith contrary to the articles of the league concluded betwixte France and England, he was entred Scotland without his licence. The D. refuſed to accom|pliſh the kings commandement, and was there|fore defyed by the ſaide Clarenceaux. The ſixth of Marche,The Frenche King attacheth the Englishe|men goodes [...] burdeaux. the french K. commanded all Eng|liſhmens goods, being in Burdeaux, to bee atta|ched, and put vnder arreſt, and reteined not only the money due to bee paide for the reſtitution of Tourney, but alſo withheld the french Queenes dower.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]dor.The Cardinall vnderſtanding that he was euill ſpoken of, for vſing his power legantine to ſuche aduantage as he did, in ſelling graces and diſpenſations,The Cardinals [...]rie. he thought to beſtowe ſome parte therof amongſt the people freely, without taking any thing for the ſame: and therevppon, when Lent drew neere, he appointed the Preachers at Paules croſſe, to declare, that it ſhould be lawful to all perſons for that Lent ſeaſon, to eate milke, butter, cheeſe, and egges, and to the ende that no man ſhoulde haue any ſcrupulouſneſſe of conſci|ence in ſo doing, hee by his authoritie graunted remiſſion of ſinnes to all thoſe that did rate ſuch white meates, knowing as it were afore hande, that the people gyuen to the obſeruance of theyr religious faſt, woulde not eaſily bee broughte to breake the ſame, contrarye to the auntiente cu|ſtome vſed in their countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Neyther was he deceiued therein, for ſo farre were the people from receiuing or accompting this as a benefyte, that they tooke it rather for a wicked and curſed dede in thoſe yt receiue it, and fewe or almoſt none coulde he enduce to breake their olde order, and ſcrupulous trade in that behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King vnderſtanding howe his ſubiec|tes were handled at Burdeaux by the Frenche kings commandement in breach of the league,An. reg. 14. the Frenche Ambaſſador was called afore the Counſell,The Frenche Ambaſſador is called be|fore the coun|ſell. and the Cardinall layde ſore to hys charge, that contrarie to his promiſe at all ty|mes made on the Frenche kyng his maſters be|half, affirming that he ment nothing but peace and amitie to be obſerued in all poyntes with the Kyng of England, yet nowe the Engliſh Merchaunts had not onely theyr goods ſtayed at Burdeaux, but alſo they and theyr factors were layde in priſon, in full breach of all peace and amitie aforetime concludad.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The ambaſſador in words ſo wel as he could excuſed his maſter, but in the end he was com|maunded to kepe his houſe, and the French ho|ſtages that were appoynted here to remain for the money to be payde for the deliuerie of Tur|ney were committed to the ſafe keeping of the Lord of Saint Iohns, ſir Thomas Louell,The Frenche|men in Londõ are all areſted and put to their fines. ſir Andrew Windſor, and ſir Thomas Neuill e|uery of them to haue one. Herewith alſo all the Frenchmen in London wee arreſted, cõmitted to priſõ,Polidor. & put to their fines: but they wer more curteouſly vſed than the Engliſhemen were in Frãce, for after they had bin in durãcex days, they wer ſet at libertie, vpon finding ſureties in appere before ye Maior, or elſe afore the coũſel at a certain day, & to pay ye fine vpon thẽ aſſeſſed, which fine the King pardoned to diuers of the pooreſt ſort. But in cõpariſon of the Scottiſhe nation, you would haue ſaide,All the Scottes in Englande apprehended and fined. the Frenchemen were in ſmall diſpleaſure: for not only thoſe that were borne in Scotlande, but alſo diuers Northernmen borne within Engliſh ground, for enuious ſpyte called Scottes, were appre|hended, impriſoned, and grieuouſly fined, al|though ſome of them by ſtrayte enquirie t [...]yed to be Engliſhmen, eſcaped without paying the fyne.The nauy ſet|teth forthe. Ther were ſent to the ſea vnder the con|duite of ſir William fitz William viceadmi|ral .xxviij. goodly ſhips wel manned and trim|med for the warres, and .vij. other ſhips were ſente towardes Scotlande, whiche entred the Forth, and profered to enter the Scottiſh ſhips that laye in the hauens, but the Scots ranne theyr ſhippes a lande, and the Engliſhmenne followed with boates, landed, and ſette the ſhippes on fyre, and at Lith tooke certain priſo|ners, which they brought into Englande: and ſtill the kings great Nauie kepte the narowe ſeas: for then was neither peace betwixt En|gland and France nor opẽ warres. The K. vn|derſtanding yt the emperor wold come to Ca|leis ſo to paſſe into Engl. as he went towards Spayn, appointed the Lord Marques Dorſet EEBO page image 1520 to goe ouer to Calais, there to receiue him, and likewiſe the Lord Cardinall was appoynted to receiue him at Douer.Cardinall Wolſey hys pomp, when he receiued the Emperour at Douer. The Cardinall takyng his iourney forward the twentith of May, rode through Lõdon, accompanied with two Erles, ſixe and thirtie knightes, and an hundred Gẽtle|men, eyght Byſhops, ten Abbots, thittie Chap|laynes, all in veluet and ſattin, and yeomen ſeauen hundred. The Marqueſſe Dorſes was gone ouer before vnto Calais, and the fiue and twenteth of May being Sonday, the ſaid Mar|queſſe,The Marques Dorſet recey|ueth the Em|perour at Graueling. with the Byſhop of Chicheſter, the Lorde de la Ware, & diuers other at yt water of Graue|ling, receiued the Emperoure in the name of the K. of England, and with all honor brought him to Calais, where he was receiued with proceſſi|on, & by the L. Berneis lieutenant of the towne, by the Maior and Merchantes of the Staple in the beſt maner that might be deuiſed. On the Monday hee tooke ſhippe at Calais,The Emperor landeth at Douer. and landed at Douer, where the Cardinall with three hun|dred Lords, Knightes, and Gentlemen of Eng|land, was ready to receiue him, and with al ho|nor that mighte bee, brought him to the Caſtell where he was lodged. On the Wedneſday, bee|ing the Aſcention euen, the king came to Douer, and there with great ioy and gladneſſe, the Em|perour and he met. On the Friday in the after n [...]one, they departed from Douer, and came that night to Canterbury, and ſo from thence by en|ſie iourneys to Greenewiche, where the Queene receiued hir nephew with all the ioy that might be. Heere the Emperour tarried certaine dayes in great ſolace and pleaſure. And the more to ho|nor his preſende, [...]uſtes and Tourneys at Grenewich. royall iuſtes and iourneys were appoynted, the which were furniſhed in moſt tri|umphant maner. The K. and the Earle of De|uonſhire, and ten aydes with them, keeping the place againſte the Duke of Suffolke, the Mar|ques Dorſet, and other tenne aydes vppon theyr part. On Friday the ſixth of Iune, the King and the Emperoure with all their companies, mar|ched towards London, where the City was pre|pared for their entrie, after the maner as is vſed at a coronation, ſo that nothing was forgotten that might ſet forth the honor of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sundry pageants were deuiſed, and ſtages very faire and excellent to behold, with ſuch me|lodie of inſtruments, and other tokẽs of ioy and gladneſſe, that wõder it was to conſider the ma|ner thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperor was lodged at the blacke Fri|ers, and all his nobles in ye new palace of Bride|well.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Whitſonday beeing the eyght of Iune, the Emperour and the King rode to the Cathe|drall Churche of Saint Paule, and there hearde Maſſe, whiche was ſong by the Cardinall,Note the p [...] of Cardinall Wolſ [...]y. that had his trauers, and cupbord.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before Maſſe, two Barons gaue him water, and after the Goſpell, two Earles, and at ye laſt lauatorie, two dukes, which pride, the Spany|ards ſore diſdeyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperoure thus remained with the K. certaine dayes, and rode to diuers places wyth him, beeing ſtil feaſted and banqueſted, and had all the pleaſure ſhewed to him that mighte be i|magined. At Windeſor they carried a whole weeke and more, where on Corpus Chriſtiday, the Emperoure ware his mantell of the ga [...]ter, and ſate in his owne ſtall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day, both the Princes receyued the [figure appears here on page 1520] Sacramente,The Emperor and the King of Englande ſweare each to other to ob|ſerue the league made betwixt them. and after that ſeruice was ended, they tooke their corporall othes to keepe and ob|ſerue the league, which was concluded betwixte them. On the morrow after, they departed from Windeſor, and by ſoft and eaſie iourneys, they came to Wincheſter, the [...] of Iune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1521Before the Emperour was thus come to Wincheſter, the Earle of Surrey being highe Admirall of Englande, was come to Hampton with all the Kings nauie, and with him the L. Fitzwater, the baron Curſon, ſir Nicholas Ca|rewe, ſir Richard Wingfielde, ſir Richard Ier|ningham, Francis Brian, ſir William Ba|rentine, ſir Adrian Foſkew, ſir Edward Done, ſir Edwarde Chamberlaine, ſir Richarde Co [...]n|wall, ſir Anthonie Poynes, ſir Henrie Sh [...]boen, and the Viceadmirall ſir William Fitzwilliam, ſir Edmunde Bray, ſir Gyles Capell, ſir Wil|liã Pirton, Iohn Cornewalles, ſir Iohn Wal|lop, ſir Edward Echingham, ſir William Sid|ney, Anthonie Browne, Gyles Huſey, Thomas More, Iohn Ruſſell, Edwarde Bray, Henrie Owen, George Cobham, Thomas Owdhall, Thomas Louell, Robert Ierningham, Antho|nie Kniuet, ſir Iohn Tremayle, and ſir Willi|am Scauington the Maiſter of the kings ordi|nance, and Iohn Fabian ſergeant at armes, by whome this enterpriſe was chiefly moued, with diuers other, the which in the ende of Iune de|parted from Hampton, noyſing that they ſhould onely ſcoure the ſeas for ſafegarde of the Empe|rour and his nauie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt of Iuly, the Emperours nauie came before Hampton, conteyning Clxxx. goodlye ſhippes.The Emperor departeth out of Englande [...]ds Spain Then the Emperour tooke leaue of the King, of whome he had many great gifts, and notable ſummes of money by way of loane, and ſo the vj. of Iuly, he tooke his ſhyppe, and made ſayle towardes Spayne, where he arriued in ſafetie the x. day after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king borowed of the citie of London xx. M. poundes, and deliuered priuie ſeales for war|rant of the repayment. None were charged but men of good wealth. The lyke loane was prac|tiſed through al the Realme, not without grudge of many perſons, that were called vpon for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Earle of Surrey hauing waſted the Emperour ouer to the coaſt of Biſcay, vpon hys returne finding the wynde fauourable, according to his inſtructions, made to the coaſt of Britain, & landing with his people (in number vij.M.) about v. miles from Morleys, marched thither, and aſſaulting the towne, wan it, for the maiſter gunner Chriſtopher Morreys hauing there cer|taine fawcons,The maner of the winning of Morleys in Britaine by the Earle of S [...]ey. with the ſhorte of one of them, ſtroke the locke of the wicket in the gate, ſo that it flewe open, and then the ſame Chriſtopher & other gentlemen, with their ſouldiers, in the ſmoke of the gunnes preſſed to the gates, and finding the wicket open, entred, and ſo finallye was the towne of Morleys wonne, and put to ſacke. The ſouldiers gayned much by the pil|lage, for the towne was exceeding riche, and ſpe|cially of lynnen cloth. When they had ri [...]ed the towne throughly, and taken their pleaſure of all things therein, the Earle cauſed them by ſ [...]d of trumpet to reſort to their ſtandardes, and after they had ſet fire in ye towne, & burned a great part thereof, the Earle returned with his armie to|wardes his ſhippes, burning the villages by the way, and all that night lay [...] land [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morowe after they tooke their ſhips, and when they were beſtowed on boorde, the Earle commaunded xvj. or xvij. ſhippes ſmall and greate, lying there in the hauen, to bee brent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the L. Admirall had thus wonne the towne of Morleys,Diuers gentle|men knighted by the Earle of Surrey vpon the winning [...] Morleys. he called to him certayne eſ|quires, and made them knights, as ſir Frauncis Brian, ſir Anthony Browne, ſir Richard Corn|wale, ſir Thomas More, ſir Gilas Huſey, ſir Iohn Ruſſell, ſir Iohn Reyufforde, ſir George Cobham, ſir Iohn Cornewalles, ſir Edwarde Rigley, and diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this they continued a whyle on the coaſt of Britaine, and diſquieted the Britons, by en|tring their hauens, and ſometimes landing and doing diuerſe diſpleaſures to the inhabitantes a|bout the coaſt. After that the Earle had lyen a whyle thus on the coaſt of Britaine, hee was countermaunded by the Kings letters, and ther|vpon brought backe his whole fleete to a place called the Cow, vnder the Iſle of Wight, and then went a lande himſelfe, diſcharging the more part of his people, and leauing the reſidue with certayne ſhyppes vnder the gouernaunce of the Veceadmirall ſir William Fitzwilliam,Polidor [...]. to kepe the ſeas againſt the French.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane whyle, diuerſe exploytes were atchieued betwixt them of the garriſons in the marches of Caleys, and the Frenchmenne of Bollongne and Bollongnoys, but ſtill the loſſe ranne for the more part on the French ſide. For the Englyſhe frontiers were well and ſtronglye furniſhed with good numbers of men of warre, and gouerned by right ſage and valiant Cap|taynes which dayly made inuaſions vppon the Frenche confines, and namely Sir Willyam Sandes treaſurer of the towne of Caleys, and ſir Edward Guilforde Marſhall, were two that did the Frenchmen moſt diſpleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The thirde of Iulye, three hundreth Frenche horſemen coming neare to the caſtell of Guines, kept themſelues in couert, appointing viij. or x. of their companie to ſhewe themſelues in ſight to the Engliſhmen within, wherevpon there went forth viij. archers, and fell in ſkirmiſh with thoſe horſemen, til there came three other to the reſkew of the Frenchmen, and ſkirmyſhed wyth the Archers on foote. Herewith iſſued forthe of Guyſnes, twelue Demilances all Welchmen, EEBO page image 1522 [...] of the footemen, and then all the troupe of the Frenchhorſmen brake forth and ſet on the Welchmen, the footemen ſo long as they had a|ny arrowes to beſtowe, ſhot luſtily, and in the moe were driuen to defende themſelues with their ſwordes, the Welchmen keeping togither, entryd into the bende of the Frenchmen, drake their ſpeares, and [...] tought and layde aboute them with their ſwordes, ſo that they made a waye,The valiancie of the Welch|men. and eſcaped from thoſe three hundreth French horſmen: of the French ſide were ſlayne three men and fiue horſes, the Engliſhe archers on foote ſelling their liues dearly, were all ſhine, for the Frenchmen woulde not take any of them priſoners, they were ſo angrie for the loſſe of their fellowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xxv. of Iuly, the Treaſurer and Mar|ſhall of Caleis with fourtene hundred footemen, entred the French pale, and finding not Mon|ſieur de Foynt for whom they ſought, they went to Whitſande bay, ſet the towne on fire, and aſ|ſaulting the Church, into the which the people were withdrawn, want it, & afterwards ſet [...]ce on the ſteeple, bicauſe that diuers hauing ſhut vppe themſelues therein through counſell of a Prieſt that was with them, refuſed to yeelde till the fire cauſed them to leape downe, and to manye of them periſhed, and the reſt were taken priſoners, and led to Caleis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About two days before this, to wit, the xxiij. of Iuly, one Thwaltes a Captaine of an Eng|liſhe ſhip, with vj. ſcoremen, archers and other, tooke lande beſide Bolongne, and paſſing vp in|to the countrie three myles to a towne called New caſtell, forrayed all the partes as he went, and in his returne ſet fire on that towne, and burnt a great part thereof, and came agayne to his ſhippe in ſafetie, notwithſtanding lxxx. hag|butters, and three hundreth other men of warre of the countrie, came forth and purſued the En|gliſhmen very fiercely, but the Engliſhmen put|ting them backe, got to their ſhippe, and loſt not a man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes Roſſe and Da|cres of the north inuade Scotlande, and ſpoyle the countrey.Moreouer, whyleſt the warres were thus followed in Fraunce, the Lorde Roſſe, and the Lorde Dacres of the North, whiche were ap|poynted to keepe the borders againſt Scotland, burnte the towne of Kelfie, and foure ſcore vil|lages, and ouerthrewe eyghtene towers of ſtone, with all their barnekines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the King appointed the earle of Shrewſ|burie to be his Lieutenant generall of the north partes, agaynſt the inuaſion which was inten|ded by the Duke of Albanie, which Earle direc|ted his letters to all the ſhires lying from Trent Northwarde, that all men ſhoulde be in a rea|dyneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Order was taken by the Cardinall, that the [...] value of all [...] [...]ance might be known,The Cardinal will haue eue|ry man ſworn to tell what he is worth. and he woulde haue had euerye man ſworne to haue vntied the true valuation of that they were worth, and required a tenth part thereof to be graunted & towardes the Kings charges nowe in his warres, in lyke caſe as the Spiritualtie had graun [...]ed a fourth part, and were content to liue on the other three partes. This demaunde was thought grieuous to them of the Citie of Lon|don where the Cardinall firſt mooued it, ſo that many reaſons were alledged by them why they iudged themſelues ſore delt with. In the ende they brought in their billes, which were receyued vpon their honeſties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King in this meane tyme,The Earle of Surrey ſent with an armie to inuade Fraunce. being nowe entred into warres with Fraunce, thought not to ſuffer his enimies to reſt in quiet, and there|fore leuied an armie which he ſent oure ſo Ca|leys, appoynting the Earle of Surrey to be ge|nerall of the ſame. When the Earle was come to Caleys, and had taken order in his buſi|neſſe for that iourney, he ſet forwarde with his armie, being deuided into three battayles or wards, of the which, the firſt was led by ſir Ro|bert Rafcliffe, Lord Fitzwater, the middle ward or battayle, the Earle himſelfe guyded, and with him was his brother the Lorde Edmunde Ho|warde. The rerewarde was gouerned by Sir William Sandes, and Sir Richarde Wing|fielde both being knightes of the Garter. Cap|taine of the horſemen was Sir Edward [...]|forde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They entred into the French grounde the ſe|conde of September being Tueſday, and tooke their iourney towarde Heding:The Burgeui|ons ioine with the Engliſhe hoſte. by the way there came vnto them a great power of Burgouions from the Ladie Margaret, as then Regent of Flaunders, according to the Articles of the league.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All the townes, villages, and caſtelles in the countrie through the which they marched, were burned, waſted, and deſtroyed on euerye ſide of their way, as the towne and Caſtell of Selloys, the townes of Brume bridge, Senekerke, Bo|tingham, and Manſtier, the towne and caſtell of Nerbins, the towne of Dauerne, the Caſtels of Columberge, and Rew, the towne and Church fortified of Boardes, Saint Marie de Boys, the towne of Vans, the Towne and Caſtell of Fringes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The xvj. daye of September, the Earle of Surrey with his armie of Engliſhmẽ and Bur|gonions, came before the Caſtell of Heding,The caſtell of Heding beſie|ged by the Engliſhmen. and planted his ſiege before it. The towne was entred, and parte thereof burned by the Bur|gonions. Within the Caſtell was Captayne, Monſieur de Bitz hauing prouided for de|fence of the place, all thynges neceſſarye, EEBO page image 1522 ſo that the Earle of Surrey, & other the captayns of the hoſte, perceyuing they could not within a|ny ſhort time win it, after they had bene before it xj. dayes, they rayſed their ſiege, chiefely by|cauſe they had no great battering peeces to ouer|uerthrow: the walles, for the wether was ſuch, and the wayes waxed ſo deepe towarde the later ende of that Sommer, that they coulde not con|uey with them any great ordinance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 From Heſding they paſſed forwarde, and cõ|ming to Dorlens, burned the towne, and [...] the Caſtell. From thence they came to the town of Darrier, which they burne alſo and ſpoyled. Thus they burned and ſpoyled all the waye as they paſſed, but the weather ſtill waxed w [...]ſe and worſe,The Earle of iourney retur|neth with his armie to Ca|l. ſo that manye fell ſicke through i [...]|temperancie thereof, and the Burgonious and Spanyardes which were in the armie, returnes into Flaunders, and then the Earle of Surrey perceyuing that he coulde no longer keepe the fielde in that ſeaſon of the yeare, turned backe towardes Caleys in good order of battayle, and came thither the xvj. of October. He woulde gladly in deede before the departure of the Bur|gonions and Spanyardes, haue paſſed the wa|ter of Somme: but other captaynes conſidering the time of the yeare to be paſt, and that the whole armie conteyned not aboue xviij.M. men, iudged it more wiſedome to returne, and ſo in the ende their opinions were followed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that the Engliſhe armie was returned to Caleys, the Earle of Surrey ſent forth Sir William Sandes, Sir Morice Barkley, Sir William Fitzwilliam, and with them three thouſande men, which burnt Marguyſon, the towne of Saint Iehans Rhode, and Temple towne, with many villages, and brought a mar|ueylous great bootie of goodes out of the coun|trey,A great booſie [...]ne by the Engliſhmen. which they got at this roade, as xiiij.M. ſheepe, a M.iiij.C. Oxen and Kyne, and other great cattell, a M.iij.C. Hogges, and viij.C. Mares and Horſes, beſide priſoners. When the Earle of Surrey had ſet things in order, and ap|pointed forth ſuch as he woulde haue remaine in the garriſons on that ſide the ſea,The Earle of Surrey retur|neth with his armie into Englande. he returned, and all the reſidue of the armie, ſauing thoſe that were commaunded to tarie, came ouer alſo with the nauie, and arriued in the Thames, and ſo e|uery man into his countrie at his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There remayned alſo behinde a companie of men of warre called aduenturers, which ſerued without wages,Aduenturers. liuing only of that which they coulde catch and winne of the enimies. There were foure hundreth of them that went with the armie now this laſt time into Fraunce, and did much burt to the Frenchmen, for they were by practiſe become expert and ſkilfull in the poynts of warre, and daily exployted one enterprice or other, to their aduauntage, and hinderaunce to the enimie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Albanie being in this meane whyle eſtabliſhed gouernour of Scotland,The D. of Al|banie leuieth an armie of Scots to in|uade Englande. rayſed all armie of lxxx.M. men and aboue, with the which he approched to the Engliſhe borders: but he made no inuaſion. The miſtruſt that he had in the Scottes cauſed him to ſtay,Polidore. and therefore he ſe [...] the French king for ſixe thouſand Al|maynes, the which he daily looking for and that in vaine) droue off time till the ende of Som| [...]e was nowe at hande, and then requiring a truce for certaine monethes,Truce betwixt Englande and Scotlande. obteyned it at the Kings hands. The Earle of Shreweſ [...]e had in a redne [...]ſſe xxviij.M. men to haue reſiſt to him if he had entred vpon the Engliſhe contents.Hall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that an abſtince [...] of warre was taken betwixt Englande and Scotland, & in October following, there came into Englande three per|ſonages of ſmall behauior (as it ſeemed) Am|baſſadors out of Scotlande:A meane am|baſſade out of Scotlande. they were finally regarded, and ſhortly departed. Their Commiſ|ſion was only to vnderſtande whether the King had aſſ [...]med to the truce or not. Wherevpon it was thought that they were ſent rather for a countenante only of fulfilling the promiſe made by the Duke of Alban [...]e at that preſent when the truce was graunted, than for any true meaning to accompliſhe that which was promiſed, that is to witte, to agree vnto ſome vnfeyned and per|fect concluſion of peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king herevpon doubting their old pranks, ordeyned the Earle of Northumberland Henrie Percie the v. of that name, Warden of the whole Marches, which thankfully receyued the honor thereof, & ſo he departed. But whatſoeuer matter it was that moued him, ſhortly after he began to make ſuite to the king, and ceaſed not, til he was of that office diſcharged,1523 and then the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall of England was made general Warden, and the Lord Marques Dor|ſet was made Warden of the Eaſt and middle marches, and the Lord Dacres of the weſt mar|ches. The Earle of Northumberlande was for this refuſall of exerciſing the office of L. warden, greatly blamed of his owne tenants, and accoũ|ted of all men, to be voyde of the loue and deſire that Noblemen ought to haue to honor and chi|ualrie. The L. Marques Dorcet accompanied with ſir William Bulmer, & ſir Arthur Darcie,The Marques Dorcet entreth into Scotland and burneth diuerſe townes there. with many other of the Nobilitie, the ſeconde of April then being Thurſday before Eaſter, entred into Tiuidale, & ſo paſſing forward x. miles into Galoway, drent on euery ſide townes & villages. All ye night he taried within the Scottiſh groũd, & on the morow being Goodfriday, he withdrew back into England with iiij.M. neate, hauing burned Grimſley, Mowehouſe, Doufforde EEBO page image 1524 Mylles, Ackforth, Crowling, Nowes manor, Mydder, Crowling, Marbottell, Lowbog, Se|forth manor, Myddell right, Primſted, Broket, Shawes Harwell, Wyde open haugh, with o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A parliament holden at the blacke Friers in London.The xv. of Aprill beganne the Parliament, which was holden as then at the blacke Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yeare was the Citie and the whole Iſle of the Rhodes conquered by the Turke, and all the chriſtians diſplaced out of the ſame.Cardinall Wolſey made biſhop of Durham. Alſo the Biſhop of Dureſme departed this lyfe, and the king gaue that Biſhopricke to the Cardinall, who, reſigned the Biſhopricke of Bathe to Do|ctor Iohn Clerke maſter of the Rolles, and Sir Henrie Marney that was vicechamberlain was made Lorde priuie ſeale, and ſhortly after was created Lorde Marney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the ende of this yeare, Doctor Blythe bi|ſhop of Cheſter was attached for treaſon, but he acquit himſelfe. And about this ſeaſon, the Car|dinall exerciſed his authoritie (whiche he pre|tended by his power Legantine) very largely, not onely in prouing of Teſtamentes in his Court, calling the Executors and Adminiſtra|tors before him, of what Dioceſſe ſo euer they were, but alſo by prouiſions he gaue al benefices belonging to ſpirituall perſons,Polidor. and ran thereby within danger of the Premunice, as afterwards was layd to his charge: but after that he percei|ued his owne folly, and raſhe doing herein, con|trarie to the lawes, which woulde not permitte that any ſuch things as were moued, within the Prouince of Canterburie, might be concluded without the authoritie of the Archbiſhop, he ſent them agayne to Paules, and ſate himſelfe at Weſtminſter with his Clergie of the prouince of Yorke. And euen as there was much ado a|mongſt them of the Common houſe about their agreement to the ſubſidie, ſo was there as harde holde for a whyle amongſt them of the Clergie in the Conuocation houſe, namelye Richarde Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, and Iohn Byſhoppe of Rocheſter, helde ſore agaynſt it, but moſt of al, Sir Rowlande Philips Vicar of Croydon, and one of the Canons of Paules, being reputed a notable Preacher in thoſe dayes, ſpake moſt againſt that payment. But the Cardinall ta|king him aſide, ſo handled the matter with him, that he came no more into the houſe, willingly abſenting himſelfe, to his great infamie, and loſſe of that eſtimation which men had of his in|nocencie. Thus the Bellweather giuing ouer his holde, the other yeelded, and ſo was graun|ted the halfe of all their ſpirituall reuenues for one yeare, to be payde in fiue yeares following, that the burthen might ye more eaſily be borne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 An. reg. 15. The Parliament being begonne, as ye haue hearde, the Cardinall the xxix. daye of Aprill came into the Common h [...]e, and there ſhew|ing the great charges that the king neceſſarilye was at, and dayly muſt be at, in maintenaunce of his warres againſt the French and Scottes,A great ſubſi|die demanded by the Cardi|nall in the cõ|mon houſe. demaunded the ſumme of eyght hundreth thou|ſande pounde to be raiſed of the fift part of euery mans goodes and landes, that is to wit, iiij. [...] of euery pounde. This demaunde was enforced on the morowe after, by Sir Thomas More then Speaker of the Parliament: but he ſpake not ſo much in perſuading the houſe to graunt it, but other ſpake as earneſtlye againſt it, ſo that the matter was argued to and [...]o, and handled to the vttermoſt. There were that proued howe it was not poſſible to haue it leuied in money,Hard holde a|bout the [...] of the great ſubſidie. for men of landes and great ſubſtance had not the v. part of the ſame in coyne, and fythe the king by the loaue had receyued two ſhillings of the pounde, which by this rate amounted to foure hundred thouſand pound, and now to haue iiij. ſhillings of the pounde, it woulde amount in the whole vnto twelue hundreth thouſande pounde, which is firſt and laſt vj. ſhillings of the pound, being almoſt a third part of euery mans goods, whiche in coyne might not be had within this Realme: for the proofe whereof was alledged, that if there were in England but twentie thou|ſand pariſhes, and euery pariſhe ſhould giue an C. marks, that were but xv. C.M. marks, which is but a C.M. poundes, and there be not verye many pariſhes in Englande one with another,There are not 10000. pari|ſhes in Englãd as Stowe hath truly noted. able to ſpare an hundreth markes, out of cities and townes, & where it is written that in Eng|lande there be xl.M. pariſhe Churches, it was prooued that there were not xiij.M. at this day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Harde holde there was about this demaunde, and certaine wyſe and diſcrete perſons were ſent to the Cardinall,The obſtinate anſwere of the Cardinall to the motion of the common houſe in the parliament. to moue him to be a meane to the king, that a leſſe ſumme might be accepted: but he aunſwered that he woulde rather haue his tongue plucked out of his heade with a payre of pynſons, than to moue the king to take any leſſe ſumme: and ſo with that anſwere they departed, reporting to the houſe the Cardinalles wordes. Then euery daye was reaſoning, but nothing concluded. Wherevpon the Cardinall came a|gayne into the lower houſe, and deſired that hee might reaſon with them that were againſt the demaunde: but he was anſwered, that the order of that houſe was to beare, and not to reaſon, ex|cept among themſelues. Then he began to ſhew arguments of the great wealth of the Realme, ſo that it might be thought that he repyned and diſdayned that any man ſhoulde be welthye but himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he was gone, the Commons debated the matter according to their former maner, & ſo in the ende concluded of ij. s. of the lb, from xx. lb EEBO page image 1525 vpwardes, and from xl. s. to xx. lb of euery xx. s xij. d. and vnder xl. s. of euery head of xvj. yeres and vpwarde .iiij. d. to be payde in two yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this was notified to the Cardinall, be was much therewith offended, ſo that to pleaſe him, at length, the Gentlemen of fiftie pounde lande and vpwarde,Sir Iohn Huſey by the liberall motion of ſir Iohn Huſey a knight of Lincolneſhire, were burthened with xij. d. more of the pounde of the ſame landes, to be payde in three yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall to moue them thereto, bare them in hande that the Lordes had agreed to foure ſhillings of the pound, which was vntrue, for they had graunted nothing, but ſtayed till they might vnderſtande what the Commons would do. The king therfore hauing knowledge of this,Polidore. and ſuch other notable lyes vttered by the Cardinal, reproued him therfore very ſharp|ly,Cardinal Wol+ [...]y reprooued by the king. and ſayde that ere it were long he would looke to things himſelf without any ſubſtitute. A mar+uellous matter to conſider how much the Car|dinall was cooled herewith, and how lowly for a whyle he bare himſelfe, ſo that thereby it well appeared howe the maſters ſharpeneſſe now and then, both much to refrayne the euill nature of the ſeruaunt. But the Cardinall within a fewe dayes after, pacifying the kings diſpleaſure to|wards him, became nothing the better.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the foreſayde graunt was paſſed and accorded, the Parliament was proroged in the x. of Iune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon, the Cardinall by his po [...] Legantine diſſolued th [...] co [...]motation at Paules, called by the Archbiſhop of Canterb [...], [...]ll [...]ng him and all the Clergie to his con [...]c [...]tion [...]a [...] Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Parliament was begonne a|gayne, the Gentlemen that perceyued themſel|ues charged with xij. d. more of ye pound for their landes, did ſo much, that it was graunted, that men of fiftie pounde and vpwarde in goodes, ſhoulde alſo pay xij. pence of euerye pounde in the fourth yeare, which coulde not be brought a|bout, but with great a do, and much grudging of the Burgeſſes and Commons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xxxj. of Iuly the Parliament was ad|iourned to Weſtminſter, and there continued till the xiij. of Auguſt, and that daye at nyne of the chiefe at night diſſolued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Arthur Plan|tage not crea|ted vicount Liſle.During the time of this Parliamẽt the [...]i [...]. of Aprill was ſir Art [...] Plantagene [...] baſtarde ſonne to king Edwarde the fourth at Bride wel created Vicount Liſle in right of his wyfe, which was wyfe to Edmunde D [...]dley bene a|ded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Denmarke ar| [...]eth in Eng|lande.This yeare the xv. of Iune, Chriſte [...]e king of Denmarke, with his wyfe, and a ſmal [...]aine with them, landed at Douer, where he was no|bly receyued by the Earle of Deuonſhire, the bi|ſhoppes of Execter and Rocheſter, and diuerſe Knights and Eſquires whiche brought them to Grenewich, where the King and Queene recei|ued them with all honor, and after he had re|mayned at the Cou [...] certaine dayes, he was brought to London, and [...]odged at Barhe place. He ſa [...]e the watche on S. Peters euen, beyng brought vnto the Kings heade in Cheape, ac|companied with the Duke of Suffolke, the erles of Oxeforde, Eſſex, and Kent, and diuers other Lordes and Ladies. The Citie made to him and to his wyfe a coſtly banket that night,The citie of London ban|ketteth the k. of Denmarke. and after he had paſſed the time a while in London, he reſorted againe to the king, and had of him great giftes, and ſo likewiſe had his wyfe of the Queene hir aunt, and then taking their leaue, departed and were conueyed to Douer. And thus after this king had bene in Englande xxij. days,The king of Denmark de|parteth out of England into Flaunders. he tooke ſhipping, and ſayled againe into Flaũ|ders, where he remayned as a baniſhed man out of his countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, the Earle of Kildare being reſtored to the Cardinals fauour,Polidore. & taking to wife the Lady Elizabeth Grey,The Earle of Kildare reſto|red to his of|fice of Deputie ſhip of Irelãd was ſent ouer again into Ireland, to [...]py his former office, where by the aſſiſtaunce of his faithfull frende Hugh Hinke Archbiſhop of Dublin, and Chan|cellour of that lande, he brought the countrie in|to reaſonable good order ſo farre as the rebellious doings of the wilde Iriſh woulde per [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this meane whyle,Hall. the warre was ear|neſt by purſued betwene England and Fraunce, and Englande and Scotlande, inſomuch that re [...]p [...] did what in them lay to hurt other On the borders toward Scotlande lay the Earle of S [...]rey highe Admi [...] of Englande, and the Marques Dorſet, with his brethren, ſir Williã Compton, and ſir William Kingſton, with di|uerſe other Knights and Eſquires ſent to them by the King, which dayly inuaded the Realme of Scotlande,Scotland ſore ſpoyled. and threwe downe the caſtell of Wederborne the caſtel of Weſt Neſgate, the ca|ſtell of Black [...] the tower of Ma [...]kwalles, ye tower of [...]a [...] [...]ſgate, and manye other, and vn [...] unto the number of xxxvij. villages, and ha|ried the coũtrie from the eaſt marches to ye weſt, and [...] had ſkirmiſh for the Scottes, albeit they [...]w [...] themſelues in p [...]s, wa [...]ting ſome aduauntage, theyr [...]ſt not yet approch to the [...] battaile of the Engliſhmen, ſo that in all this iourney there were but few Engliſhmen loſt When the Lords perceiued that the Scots ment not to make any inuaſion into Englande this yeare they t [...] [...] order for the fortifying of the frontiers, and ſo returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was thought that the Cardinall percey|uing in what fauour Sir William ComptonPolidor. EEBO page image 1526 was with the king, and doubting leaſt the ſame might deminiſhe his authoritie, deuyſed to ſend him thus into the warres agaynſt the Scots, for the ſayde ſir William coulde not well brooke the Cardinals preſumption, in taking vpon him ſo highly to the derogation of the Kings ſupreme gouernement, and therefore the Cardinall in his abſence thought to worke him out of fauour, but it would not be, for ſhortly after was ſir Willi|am Compton called home to the Court againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The French+men meaning to deſtroy Ca|leis hauen are diſapointed by miſsing the chanell.The Frenchmenne burned a ſhippe fraught with ſtone in the hauen of Caleys, vpon hope to haue deſtroyed the hauen, but they miſſed the chanell in bringing in their ſhippe, and ſo after that the ſhippe was conſumed with fire, the ſto|nes were recouered out of the water, & brought into Caleys, which ſerued the Engliſhe to good vſe. Diuers enterpriſes were atchieued betwixt them of the garriſons French and Engliſhe in thoſe marches. In Iuly the Lord Sandes trea|ſurer of Caleys, with other captayns and ſoul|diers,A rode made into the Frẽch grounde. to the number of xij.C. entred into the con|fines of their enimies, and came before Bullein, where they had a great ſkirmiſhe, and put their enimies to the worſe, and after, marching into the countrey, tooke diuers churches & other places which the Frenchmẽ had fortified, as the church of Oderſael, the ſteeple of Odingham, and the caſtel of Hardinghã, & ſo after they had ben with in the enimies countrie almoſt two nightes & two dais, they came back to Caleys, hauing not loſt paſt a dozen of their men. The king of En|glande being aduertiſed that the duke of Albany woulde returne ſhortly into Scotlande by ſea, and bring with him a power of Frenchmen, pre|pared a fleete of tall and ſtrong ſhippes meete to encounter with the ſame Duke and his power, and appoynted for Admirall, ſir William Fitz|willyam, and with him ſir Frauncis Bryan, ſir Anthony Poynes, ſergeant Rot, Iohn Hopton, William Gunſton, Anthony Kneuet, Thomas Weſt, & other, which vſed great diligẽce to haue met with the ſayd Duke of Albanie, and as they lay on the French coaſt, the x [...] of Auguſt be|ing Sunday,The Engliſh fleete landeth in Treyport hauen. at vij. of the clock in the morning, they landed in the hauen of Treyport, and aſ|ſaulted the Frenchmẽ that were in certaine bul|warks on the ſhore, & did what they could to im|peach the Engliſhmens landing: but the Eng|liſhmen encouraged by their Captaines, did ſo valiantly (although they were but an handful of men in compariſon of their enimies, as vij.C. to vj.M.) that in the end they repulſed the French|men, & wan their bulwarks of thẽ, & in the ſame founde diuers peeces of ordinaunce, which they ſeazed, & perceyuing that the Frenchemen fled to the towne of Treyport they followed, and ſhot at them right egrely, ſo that many of the French men were ſlayne and wounded, ere they coulde get to the towne. The Engliſhmen aſſaulted the gates, but coulde not breake them open, but they ſet fire on the ſuburbes, and alſo brent .vij. ſhips which lay in the hauen. The Engliſh cap|tains perceyuing how the people of the countrie came downe in great numbers to the reſcue of the towne, cauſed their men to get togither ſuch ſpoile as they might bring away in that ſodain, and then after they had bene on lande v. houres, with lyke ſpeede as they came,Polidore. they retyred back againe to their ſhips, not without ſome loſſe & domage of men both hurt and ſlayne, as it often happeneth when thoſe be not founde vnprouided which a man vnaduiſedly aſſayleth. In this ſea|ſon the King hauing put an armie of men in a redyneſſe, cauſed the ſame to be tranſported ouer to Caleys, and appointed the D. of Suffolke to haue the leading thereof, and to make a iourney into Fraunce. The duke according to his com|miſſion, came to Caleys the xxiiij. of Auguſt,Polidore. Hall. and there abyding the armie, cauſed all things to be prepared neceſſarie for the ſame, as vittayles, munition, and ſuch lyke. There were appoynted to attend him in this iourney, the Lord Monta|cute, and his brother ſir Arthur Pole,The Duke of Suffolke en|treth into Fraunce with an armie. the Lorde Herbert filſine to the Earle of Worcetter, the L. Ferrers, the L. Marney, the L. Sandes, the L. Barkley, the L. Powes, and the Baron Curſõ, and of Knights, ſir Richard Wingfield chaun|cellor of the duchie of Lancaſter, ſir Iohn Veer, ſir Edwarde Neuile, ſir Willyam Kingſton, ſir Richarde Weſton, ſir Andrewe Winſor, ſir Robert Wingfielde, ſir Anthonie W [...]gfield, ſir Edward Guylford, ſir Edward Greuile, ſir Ed|warde Chamberlaine, ſir Thomas Lucie, ſir E|uerarde Digby, ſir Adrian Foſkew, ſir Richarde Cornewall, ſir Willyam Courtney, ſir Willi|am Sidney, ſir Henry Owen and many other. The whole armye (as appeared by the maſters taken therof) conſiſted in 600. dimilaunces, 200. archers on horſeback, iij.M. archers on foote, and v.M. byl men. To theſe alſo were adioined xvij.C. whiche were taken out of the garriſons and crewes of Hammes, Guyſnes, & Caleys, ſo that in all they were x.M.v.C. well armed and ap|poynted for the warre. Beſide them, there were alſo two thouſand vj.C. labourers and pi [...]ners. When this army was come ouer to Caleys, & all things redy for the iourney, they iſſued out of Caleys, and tooke the fields. The vantgard was led by the L. Sands. Captain of the right wing was ſir Willyam Kingſton, and on the left, ſir Euerarde Digby. The Marſhall of Caleys ſir Edwarde Guilford was captaine of all the horſ|men. The Duke himſelfe gouerned the battaile, and Sir Richarde Wingfielde was Captaine or the Rerewarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1527 [...]ll caſtell a [...]mited.The firſt enterprice that they attempted, was the wynning of a Caſtell called Bell caſtell, to the which the Lorde Sandes and the Lord Fer|rers being ſent, did ſo much by the power of bat|trie, that after the walles were beaten, thoſe that were appointed to giue the aſſaulte, prepared them thereto, [...]ell caſtel yel|ded vp to the Engliſhmen. which when the Frenchmen with|in perceyued, they yeelded the place into the En|gliſhmens hands, and themſelues to the mercye of the Duke, which receyued them as priſoners, and deliuered the Caſtell to ſir William Sca|uington, the which he cauſed to be raced downe to the grounde the xxvij. of September.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 In this ſeaſon was the Duke of Burbon high Conſtable of Fraunce reuolted from the French king to the ſeruice of the Emperour, and the king of Englande. For after it was knowne that this Duke had his mynde alienated from the French king,Sir Iohn Ruſſell. ſir Iohn Ruſſell that was after created Earle of Bedford, was ſent into Fraunce vnto the ſayd Duke, which in diſguyſed apparel orde|red himſelfe ſo wiſely and fortunately in his ior|ney, that in couert maner he came to the Duke, and ſo perſwaded him, that he continued in hys former determination, and auoyded the Realme of Fraunce, as in the French hiſtorie ye maye more at large perceyue. The more to encourage the Engliſhe ſouldiers, there was a proclama|tion made in the hoſte the xxviij. of September, how the ſayde Duke of Burbon was become e|nimie to the French king, & frende to the king of Englande, ſo that hauing in his wages x.M. Almaynes, he was ready to inuade Fraunce in another part, the more to let and diſturbe the French kings purpoſes. For the accompliſhing whereof there was ſent to him money in [...]e litle ſumme. After this proclamation the xxix of Se|ptember the D. of Suffolke remoued to Arde, & ſo forward into Picardie. At Cordes a village betwene Tirwyne and S. Omers,The Spanyar|des ioine with the engliſh ar|mye. there came to him the Lorde of Iſilſteyn, and with him of Spanyardes, Almaynes, Cleueners, and other, iij.M. footemen, and v.C. horſemen. The Duke being thus furniſhed with newe ayde, marched forward in wet weather, and made bridges, and mended the wayes where he paſſed, as wel as he might, ſending out diuers companies of his mẽ of warre, to take townes, and fetch in booties on euery ſide. The Frenchemen were ſo afrayde of the Engliſhmen, that they fled out of their hou|ſes, and left the townes and villages voyde, con|ueying ſuch goodes as they coulde, awaye with them, but oftentimes they left good ſtore behynde them, ſo that the Engliſhmen gayned greatly, & namely at Anker, which was a rich towne, and vpon the Engliſhmens approch, thinhabitants fled out of it, and then the Engliſhmen entred. They tooke alſo the Caſtell of Bonnegarde,The caſtel of Bonnegarde manned by thengliſhmen. and put therein a garriſon, whereof was Captain the Lorde Leonard Grey, brother to the Marques Dorſet, to conduct vittailers to the army, which now was farre from any ſuccors of the Engliſh part. The Duke paſſed forwarde de till he came to the towne of Bray,The towne of Bray beſieged. in the whiche were xvj.C. men of warre, vnder the gouernance of Captain Adrian, and beſide his retinue, there came to the ſuccors of the towne, Monſieur Pontdormie, ye Vicount Lauerdam, the Vicount Tourrayne, Monſieur Applingcourt, & Mõſieur Dampney, with v.C. horſmen, ſo yt in the town beſide ye in|habitants [figure appears here on page 1527] were ij.M. good men of warre. This towne ſtandeth on the riuer of Somme, xxiiij. Engliſh myles from Arras, and xiiij. of the ſame myles aboue Amiens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The xx. of October, the Duke cauſed his or|dinãce to be brought afore it by foure of the clock in the morning, the whiche was ſo well ap|plyed in making batterye to the walles of the EEBO page image 1528 towne that by nine of the clocke the towne was made aſſaultable, and then the Engliſhmenne, Flemmings and Burgonians, made forwarde, and by the good comfort of the Lorde Sandes and other Captaynes, they got the dyches, and after entred vpon the walles. The Frenchmen ſtoode at defence with Pikes, Croſſbowes, Hand gunnes, and Halbards, but they were to weak, for on all partes entred the Engliſhmen, and ſo|dainly the Frenchmen fled, and the Engliſhmen followed.Bray wonne by aſſault. On the further ſide of the towne there was a bulwarke fortified with ordinaunce very ſtrongly to defende the paſſage ouer the water of Somme, which there is deuided into diuerſe braunches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French horſemen being withdrawne to the paſſage, defended it till the footemen were got ouer the bridge, and then they plucked away the plankes of the bridge, ſo that no man ſhould fol|lowe: but the Engliſhmen caſt plankes on the bridge, and got ouer, in which paſſing, diuers were drowned: but ſuch diligence and enforce|ment was vſed, that all men paſſed, both horſe|men and footemen. Then was the Bulwarke fiercely aſſaulted, and finally taken by the Eng|liſhmen, with all the ordinaunce. There was al|ſo taken Captaine Adrian and Captaine Vtter|lieu. The Engliſhe horſemen followed the Frenchmen, and ſlewe and tooke many of them. Sir Robert Ierningham brake a ſpeare on the Lorde Pontdruire. The Lorde Leonarde Grey did valiauntly that day, which was come from the caſtell of Bonne garde, and was here at the winning of Bray, which was taken in maner a|boue rehearſed the xx. of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen when they perceyued that they ſhoulde not be able to defende,A trayne of gunpowder layde. had layde a trayne of gunpowder to ſet it on fire, in hope to haue deſtroyed many of the Engliſhmen as they ſhoulde be occupied in gathering the ſpoyle, but by reaſon that they followed their enimies, and got ouer the paſſage, the fire tooke and ſet the towne on fire ere the Engliſhmen returned. Yet much wyne was ſaued which laye in Sellers, and ſtoode the Ennliſhmen in good ſteade. The xxj. daye of October the armie and all the ordi|nance paſſed ouer the riuer, and came to a towne called Kappe.Kappe taken. All the inhabitants were fled, but they had left good plentie of wine and other ri|ches behinde them. The garriſon that lay at an|ker knowing that the Duke was paſſed the wa|ter of Somme, raced the towne and caſtell there called Bonnegarde, and came to the armie now being lodged at Kappe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Roy yeelded to the Duke of Suffolke.The Duke ſent to them of Roy, requiring to haue the Towne deliuered to him, which they graunted to doe, bicauſe they had no garriſon of ſouldiers within to defende the towne. Thither was ſent ſir Richarde Cornewall, with foure hundreth menne which receyued the towne and kept it in good quiet till the Duke came thither with his whole armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xxv. day of October,Lyhome takẽ the Duke remoued to a village called Lyhome where the ſouldiers had great pillage. The next daye they wente to Dauenker, and the xxvij. day they came before the towne of Montdedier,Montdedier beſieged. in the whiche were a thouſande footemen, and v.C. horſemen vnder the gouernaunce of Monſieur de Roche baron, purpoſing to defende the towne to the vttermoſt, but after that Sir Willyam Scauington had made batterie from foure of the clock in the next morning till eyght in the ſame forenoone, wyth ſuch force that the wals were ouerthrowne and made aſſaultable,Montdedier yeelded. they within yeelded the towne into the Dukes handes, with condicion they might go with bagge and baggage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen made ſuch haſte, and were ſo glad to be gone, that they left much houſholde ſtuffe behinde them, and great plentie of wyne. Thengliſhmen alſo wold not ſuffer thẽ to beare their ſtandardes vnſpredde, but rent the ſame in peeces, wherewith the Lorde Roche baron was highlye diſpleaſed, but he coulde not amende it. The Duke remayning in Montdedier till the laſt of October, and then remoued to Roy, where he reſted a whyle with all his armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 On Alhalowen day, the Duke of Suffolke in the chiefe Churche of Roye made knightes,Knights made by the Duke of Suffolke in Fraunce. the Lord Herbert, the Lord Powes, Oliuer Man|ners, Arthur Pole, Richarde Sandes, Robert Ierningham, Robert Saliſburie, Edmond Be|ningfielde, Richarde Corbet, Thomas Went|worth, Willyam Storton, Walter Mantell, George Warram, Edward Seymor, that was after Duke of Somerſet. The morowe after the armie remoued to a place called Necle. The ſouldiors being thus ledde from place to place, beganne to grudge bicauſe of the winter ſeaſon, being nothing meete for their purpoſe to kepe the fieldes,Mutinie a|mongſt the Engliſh ſoul|diors. it griened them that the Burgonions be|ing prouided of wagons, made ſhift to ſende the ſpoyle and pillage home into their countrie being at hande, and they to want ſuch meane to make the beſt of thoſe things whiche they got, ſo that as they tooke it, they bet the buſhe and other had their byrdes. This grudge was yet by gentle wordes ceaſſed for a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the vj. day of Nouember the whole army came to a village called Veane, and there reſted for that night, and on the morowe after they re|turned againe ouer the water of Somme, and came to a place called Beaufforde. At this paſ|ſage the Duke made Iohn Dudley and Robert Vtreight knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The viij. of Nouember the Duke remoued EEBO page image 1529 to a place called Mont Saint Martine, & from thence was ſent the Lorde Sandes to the king in poſte to aduertiſe him in what caſe the armye ſtoode, and the armie remoued to Permont, and there reſted for a time. The Welchmen ſtill murmured that they might not returne home now that the wynter was thus far entred. But there were a ſort of mẽ of war,Sir Iohn Wal| [...]. to the number of a thouſand perſons vnder the leading of ſir Iohn Wallop, which had little wages or none, liuing only on their aduenture, and were therfore cal|led aduenturers, and of ſome they were called Kreekers, [...]turers [...] krekers. which had as good will to be ſtill a|broade, as the Welchmen had deſire to returne home. For theſe Kreekers by ſpoyling of tow|nes, taking of priſoners, and other ſuch practiſes of warlike exploytes, made their hauntes, and dayly brought to the campe, horſes, mares, vit|tayle, cloth, corne, and other neceſſaries, which might not haue bene miſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A bitter and [...]ping froſt.After great raynes and wyndes which had chaunced in that ſeaſon, there followed a ſore froſt, which was ſo extreme, that many died for colde, and ſome loſt fingers, and ſome loſt [...]es, and many loſt nailes beſide their fingers, ſo was the rigour of that froſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xiij. day of Nouember the Duke remo|ued to a place within two myles of Bowham caſtell, and ſtill it froſe. The Welchmen in the morning ſet out a ſhoute and cryed home, home, & the Kreekers hearing that, cryed hang, hang. Hereof buſineſſe was lyke to haue enſued, but by policie it was ceaſſed. Sir Edwarde Guilforde Captaine of the horſemen viewing the caſtell of Boghan, [...]ogham caſtell [...]ſaulted and yeelded. perceyued that the mariſhes (where|with it was enuironed) were ſo hard froſen that great ordinãce might paſſe ouer the ſame, which he ſignified to the Duke, and therwith the Duke was contented that he ſhoulde trye what ſucceſſe woulde come of giuing the attempt to wynne it. So was the ordinance brought ouer the maryſh grounde, whereof they within being aduertiſed, immediatlye after three ſhottes of Cannon diſ|charged againſt them, they yeelded the Caſtell, and all the artillerie within it, of the which there was good ſtore, as a lxxvj. peeces great & ſmall. The keeping of this Caſtel was deliuered to the Seneſhall of Hennegow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane whyle the Lord Sandes was come to the Court, and enformed the king of the ſtate of the armie. The king had before his com|ming hearde that his people in the ſayde armye were in great miſerie, both by reaſon of the in|temperate weather, the vnſeaſonable time of the yeare, the lacke of vittayles, and ſuch other diſ|commodities, wherfore he cauſed a newe power of ſixe thouſand men to be prepared to be ſent vn|to the Duke of Suffolke for a reliefe. [...]er the leading of the Lorde Mountioy. But ere thys power coulde be put in order to paſſe the ſea,The Duke of Suffolke brea|keth vp the ar|mie and com|meth to Caleis and before the Duke coulde haue knowledge againe from the king of his further pleaſure, he was con|ſtreyned to breake vp his armie, and returned by Valencennes, and ſo through Flaunders vnto Caleys. He left at Valencennes all the great ar|tillerie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king was ſomewhat diſpleaſed with the breaking vp of the armie thus contrarie to hys mynde, but hearing the reaſonable excuſes which the Duke and the Captaines had to al|ledge he was ſhortly after pacified, and ſo after they had remayned in Caleys a certaine tyme, till their friends had aſſwaged the kings diſplea|ſure, they returned, and all things were well ta|ken, and they receyued into as much fauour as before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne to the doings in other partes, as betwixt the Engliſhmen and Scots) which chanced in this meane whyle that the D. of Suffolke was thus in Fraunce. Ye ſhall vn|derſtande that the Scots hearing that the warre was thus turned into Fraunce, thought that no|thing ſhoulde be attempted againſt them, and therefore waxed more bolde, and beganne to rob and ſpoyle on the marches of Englande,The Scottes ſpoyle the Engliſh mar|ches. where|fore the king ſent agayne thither the Earle of Surrey Treaſurer and high Admirall of Eng|lande, the which with all ſpeede comming to the weſt borders,The Earle of Surrey inua|deth Scotland. ſent for an armie of vj. thouſande men, with the which entring into Scotlande by the drie marches, he ouerthrewe certaine caſtels, pyles, and ſmall holdes, till he came through the Dales to Iedworth, wherein lay a great garri|ſon of Scottes which ſkirmiſhed with the Eng|liſhmen right ſharply at their firſt comming,Iedworth brẽt but yet at length the towne, abbey, and caſtell were wonne, ſpoyled, and burnt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this the Earle encamped within the Scottiſhe grounde from the xxij. of September till the xx [...]. of the ſame moneth, and then retur|ned backe againe into England.The caſtle of Fernyherſt wonne by the Lorde Dacre [...] During which time the Lord Dacres wanne the caſtel of Fer|nyherſt. The French king perceyuing that the Scottes did not worke any notable trouble to the Engliſhmen to ſtay them from ye inuading of Fraunce, and the caſe was, as he tooke it, for that they lacked the Duke of Albanie, whome they named their gouernour. He threfore proui|ded a nauie of ſhippes to haue tranſported him ouer into Scotlande, ſo that all things were re|dy for his iourney, but yt the Engliſhmẽ were to ready [...]n the ſea vnder the conduct of Sir Wil|liam Fitzwilliam to ſtoppe his paſſage if he had ſet forwarde, wherefore he cauſed his ſhippes to be brought into Bre [...] [...]uen, and bruited of a|broade, that he woulde not go into Scotlande, EEBO page image 1530 that yeare. The king of Englande being certifi|ed that the Duke meant not to depart out of Fraunce of all that yeare, about the myddeſt of September, commanded that his ſhips ſhould be layde vp in hauens till the next ſpring. The duke of Albanie being thereof aduertiſed, boldly then tooke his ſhippes, and ſayled into Scotlande with all conuenient ſpeede, as in the Scottiſhe hiſtorie ye may reade more at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after his arriuall there, he wrought ſo with the Scottes, that an armie was leuyed, with the which he approched to the borders of Englande, and lodged at Cawde ſtreame, ready to enter into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of England hauing aduertiſement giuen to him from tyme to tyme of the procee|dings of his aduerſaries, with all diligence cau|ſed to be aſſembled the people of the North parts beyonde Trent, in ſuch numbers that there were three thouſande Gentlemen bearing coates of armes with their powers & ſtrength, which were all commaunded to repayre to the Earle of Surrey with ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Barwick chief|ly regarded.The noble Marques Dorſet was appoynted with vj. thouſande men to keepe Barwicke, leaſt the Scots ſhoulde lay ſiege thereto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Albany hearing of the prepa|ration which the Earle of Surrey made againſt him, ſent to him an Herault, promiſing him of his honor to giue him battayle, and if he tooke him priſoner, he woulde put him to courteous raunſome, and his bodie to be ſafe. To whome the Earle aunſwered, that much he thanked the Duke of his offer, promiſing him to abyde bat|tayle if he durſt gyue it, and that if the ſayd duke chaunced to be taken by him or his men, he wold ſtryke off his heade, and ſende it for a preſent to his mayſter the king of Englande, and bade him that he ſhoulde truſt to none other. At this aun|ſwere the Duke and the Scottes tooke great de|ſpite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey being at Alnewicke, there came to him the Earles of Northumber|lande and Weſtmerlande, the Lordes Clifford, Dacres, Lumley, Ogle, and Darcie, with many Knights, Eſquires, Gentlemen, and other ſoul|diers and men of warre, to the number of fortye thouſande. And from the Court ther came the Maiſter of the horſe, ſir Nicholas Carewe, ſir Fraunces Brian, ſir Edwarde Baynton and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The caſtel of Warke aſſaul|ted by the Scots.The laſt of October being Saterday, in the night before the ſame day, the Duke of Albanie ſent two or three thouſand men ouer the water to beſiege the Caſtel of Warke, which comming thither with their great ordinance, bet the caſtell very ſore, and wanne the vttermoſt Warde cal|led the Barnekynnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sunday and Monday being the firſt and ſeconde of Nouember, they continued their bat|terie, and then thinking that the place was faul|table, courageouſly ſet on the Caſtell, and by ſtrength entred the ſeconde Warde. Sir Willi|am Liſle that was Captaine of this Caſtle, per|ceyuing the ennimies to haue wonne the falſe Brayes, and that nothing remayned but onely the inner Warde or Dungeon, encouraged hys men to the beſt of his power, with wordes of great comfort and manhoode, and therwith iſſu|ed forth with thoſe fewe that he had leſſe aboute him (for he had loſt many at other aſſaults) and what with couragious ſhooting and manfull fighting,The Scots and French driues backe from Warke caſtel. the ennimies were driuen out of the place, and of them were ſlayne, and namely of thoſe Frenchmen which the Duke had brought forth of Fraunce, to the number of three hun|dreth, which laye there deade in ſight when the Earle of Surrey came thither, beſide ſuch as dy|ed of woundes, and were drowned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Scottes and Frenchmen remoued their ordinaunce ouer the water in all haſte, and by that time that they were got ouer, the earle of Surrey was come with fiue thouſand horſmen, and all his great armie followed. He was ſorie that his enimies were gone, and much prayſed ſir William Liſle for his valiancie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle woulde gladly haue followed his enemies into their own borders, but his Cõmiſ|ſion was onely to defende the Realme, and not to inuade Scotland, and therfore he ſtayed, not onely to the great diſpleaſure of himſelfe, but al|ſo of many a luſtie Gentleman, that wold glad|ly haue ſeene further proofe of the Scottiſh mens manhoode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, the Queene of Scots, mother to the king, ſent to hir brother the king of Eng|lande, for an abſtinence of warre, till further communication might be had about the conclu|ſion of ſome good agreement betwixt the two Realmes of Englande and Scotlande, whiche requeſt to hir was graunted, and ſo the Engliſh armie brake vp, and the Earle of Surrey retur|ned to the court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt the Earle of Surrey was in the marches of Scotlande, and the Duke of Suffolk in Fraunce, as before ye haue hearde, the Cardi|nall ſent out Commiſſions in the month of Oc|tober, that euery man being worth fortie pound, ſhoulde pay the whole ſubſidie before graunted, out of hande, not tarying till the dayes of pay|ment limitted. This was called an Anticipati|on, that is to meane,An Anticipa|tion. a thing taken before the tyme appoynted, and was a newe terme, not known before thoſe dayes: but they payd ſwete|ly for their learning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In December were taken certayne traytors EEBO page image 1531 in the Citie of Couentrie, one called Frauncis Philip, ſchoolemaſter to the Kings hen [...]men, and one Chriſtopher Pickering Clerke of the Larder, and one Anthonie Mainuyle gentle|man, which by the perſuaſion of the ſayd Fran|cis Philippe, intended to haue taken the Kings treaſure of his ſubſidie, as the Collectors of the ſame came towardes London, and then to haue reyſed menne and taken the Caſtell of K [...]ling|worth, and to haue arreared warre againſt the king. The ſayd Fraunces, Chriſtopher, and An|thonie, were hanged, drawne, and quartered at Tyborne the eleuenth day of Februarie, and the other were ſent to Couentrie, and there execu|ted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare the King ſent the Lord Mor|ley, Sir Willyam Huſey knight, and Doctor Lee his Almener to Don Ferdinando the Arch|duke of Auſtriche,The archduke of Auſtrich made knight of the garter. with the order of the garter, which in the towne of N [...]mberg receyued the ſame, where all the Princes of Germanie were then aſſembled at a Dyet or Counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane whyle, diuers enterpriſes and feates of warre were practiſed and archieued by them of the garriſons in the marches of Caleys, and the Frenchmen of Bulleygne, and the bor|ders thereabouts: but the Frenchmen common|ly were put to the worſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brereton cap|taine of the aduenturers taken and ſlayne.Amongſt other exploytes, it chaunced that one Brereton a gentleman, and Captaine of a number of the Aduenturers, as he went about to ſpoyle the towne of Weſte, was taken by the French horſemen, and ſolde to the Peſauntes of the Countrie, the which vnmercifully ſlew him and xvj. [...]to which were taken with him, after that the men of warre had deliuered them, and were departed. But this murther was reuenged ſhortly by other of the aduenturers, which com|ming to the ſame town of Waſte, tooke xxxvij. priſoners of the inhabitantes, and ſlewe of them xxxvj. and burned the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1524In this yeare through bookes of Ephima|rides, and Prognoſtications, foreſhewing much hurt to come by waters and floudes,Bolton Prior of S. Bartholo|mewes buil|teth a houſe at Harowe on the hill to a|uoyde floudes prognoſtica|ted that yeare. many per|ſons vittayled themſelues, and went to highe groundes for feare of drawning, ſpeciallye one Bolton Prior of Saint Bartholomewes in Smith [...] was builded him an houſe vpon Harow on the hill, only for feare of this floude and thi|ther he went, and made prouiſion of all things neceſſarie for the ſpace of [...] monethes. Thys great rayne and waters ſhoulde haue fallen in Februarie, but no ſuch thing happened, whereby the folly of men was ſhewed. The Aſtronomiers for their excuſe ſayde, that in their computation they had miſcounted in their number an hundred yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An reg. 16. A Legate was ſent from the Pope: to the king to moue him to peace: but the king decla|red to him the whole circumſtance of his tytle,A legate from Rome to treat a peace be|twene king Henry and the French king. for the which he made warres againſt the Frẽch men, and thereof deliuered notes to the ſayd Le|gate, the which departed with the ſame backe to Rome in poſt. He had bene firſt with the French king, and with the Emperor, but coulde not bring them to any good conformitie, as his de|ſyre was to haue done, ſo that his trauayle was without fruite in maner, as it appeared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Many enterpriſes, ſkirmiſhes, forreys, and other feates of warre were attempted and put in vre betwixt the Engliſhmẽ of Caleys, Guiſnes, and other fortreſſes there in thoſe marches, and the Frenchmen of Bulleygne, and other of the garriſons in the frontiers of Picardie, and ſtyll Sir Willyam Fitzwillyam as then Captaine of Guyſnes, Sir Robert Ierningham Captaine of Newnam bridge. Sir Iohn Walloppe, and Sir Iohn Gage were thoſe that did to the Frẽch men moſt dammage. And Monſieur de Bees being Captaine of Bulleygne, did for his parte what he coulde to defende the frontires there, and to annoy his enimies. Yet one day in May, Sir Willam Fitzwilliam, and Sir Robert Ier|ningham, with ſeauen hundreth men (accoun|ting in that number the Kreckers) went to Bul|leygne, and there ſkirmiſhed with the French|men, whileſt Chriſtopher Coo a Captaine of foure Engliſhe ſhippes tooke lande,Chriſtopher Coo. and fought with there of baſe Bulleigne on the one ſide, as the Kreckers aſſayled them on an other. There was a ſharpe bickering, and in the ende the Frenchmen were driuen backe, and diuerſe of them ſlayne and taken,The Kreckers good ſeruitor [...] ſpecially by the Krec|kers, that wanne the barriers of them, and ſo when the tyde turned. Chriſtopher Coo with his men withdrewe to his ſhippes, and the Kre|kers returned to Sir Willyam Fitzwilliam, the which ſtayed for them, and then gathering hys men togither by ſounde of a trumpet, ſent forth ſuch as might fetch the driftes of beaſts and cat|tayle in the countrey neare adioyning, and with the ſame remoued backe in ſafetie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eyght of Auguſt Monſieur de Bres ac|companied with diuers French Lords and men of warre, to the number of eyght hundreth foot|mentie, and as manye horſemen, came verye rarely in conforming to a village called Bore|nings, within the Engliſhe pale, and leading there three hundreth hor [...]emen in embuſhe, made to Kalkewell, and there appoynted to carie with other three hundreth men, and the reſidue of the horſemen and footemen with banner diſplayed, went forth and forrayed all the countrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Robert Ierningham with lxxx. horſe|men iſſued forth of Caleys to vnderſtande the de [...]anor of the Frenchmen, but being not able EEBO page image 1532 to reſiſt the great number of the Frenchmen, he was chaſed, and ſaued himſelfe by ſlight. But this diſpleaſure was ſhortlye after reuenged by the ſayde Robert, the which comming to Mar|guiſon the twelfth of Auguſt with three hun|dreth footemen, and three ſcore horſmen, ſkirmi|ſhed with the Frenchmen that ſtoode at defence, chaſed them into the Church, and fired them out of the ſame, ſo that the Frenchmen leapt out of the Church to their deſtruction, for of thre hun|dreth there was ſaued but three ſcore aliue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xxj. of May being Trinitie Sunday, v. hundreth Scottiſhe men in the morning verye early,The Scots en|ter into Eng|lande and rob the Market folks going to Barwick faire. entred by ſeuerall fourdes into England, and lay couertly by the high ways, in purpoſe to haue ſurpriſed ſuch market men as came to the Fayre that day kept at Barwicke. They tooke diuers, but finally being eſpyed, the alarme roſe, and they were fought with right ſharply, who defended thẽſelues with ſuch manhode in draw|ing backe to their aduauntage, that if the yong Lorde of Fulberie had not come to the ſuccours of the Engliſhmen, the Scottes had gone away with their bootie. Notwithſtanding in the ende they were glad to ſeeke refuge by flight, looſing two hundreth of their number which were ta|ken in the chaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The v. of Iulye next enſuing, Sir Iohn a Fenwike, Leonarde Muſgraue, and baſtarde Heron, with diuerſe other Engliſhe Cap|taynes, hauing with them nine hundreth men of warre, entred the Mers, minding to fetch out of the ſame ſome bootie, and encountring wyth the Scots being in number two thouſande, after ſore and long fight, cauſed them to leaue their grounde, and to flie, ſo that in the chaſe were taken two hundreth Scottes, and many ſlaine, and amongſt them were diuers Gentlemen: but ſir Raufe a Fenwike, Leonarde Muſgraue, and the baſtarde Heron with xxx. other Engliſhmen well horſed, followed ſo farre in the chaſe, that they were paſt reſcues of their companie, wherof the Scottes being aduiſed, ſodainly returned, and ſet on the Engliſhmenne, which oppreſſed with the multitude of their enimies, were ſoone ouercome, and there was taken ſir Raufe a Fen|wike, Leonarde Muſgraue, and ſixe other, and baſtarde Heron, with ſeauen other were ſlayne. The reſidue by chaunce eſcaped. The other En|gliſhmen with their two hundreth priſoners, re|turned ſafely into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeuenth of Iuly, the Engliſhmen fought with like fortune againſt the Scottes that were entred Englande at the Weſt marches, for in the beginning they put the Scots to the worſe, and tooke three hundreth of them priſoners, but afterwardes, bicauſe the Engliſhmen that had taken thoſe priſoners, withdrewe out of the field with the ſame priſoners, the Scots perceyuing the number of the Engliſhmen to be diminiſhed, gaue a newe onſet on the Engliſhmen, and them diſtreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Scots ſued for a truce, and had it graunted to endure till the feaſt of Saint Andrewe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the firſt of September was Do|ctor Thomas Hanniball maiſter of the Rolles receyued into London with Earles,The Popes am+baſſadour pre|ſenteth the K. with the gol|den Roſe. and Bi|ſhoppes, and diuerſe other Nobles and Gentle|mẽ, as Ambaſſadors from pope Clement, which brought with him a Roſe of golde for a token to the King, and on the daye of the Natiuitie of our Ladie, after a ſolemne Maſſe ſong by the Cardinall of Yorke, the ſayde preſent was deli|uered to the King, which was a tree forged of fine golde, and wrought with branches, leaues, and floures reſembling Roſes. This tree was ſet in a pot of golde which had three feete of an|ticke faſhion. The pot was of meaſure halfe a pynte, in the vppermoſt Roſe was afayre Sa|phire loupe pierced, the bigneſſe of an [...]orne, the tree was of eygth halfe an Engliſh yarde, and a foote in bredth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in Iuly the Lorde Archimbalde Douglas Earle of Angus, whiche had maryed the Queene of Scots ſiſter to the king of Eng|lande, eſcaped out of Fraunce (where he had re|mayned for a ſeaſon, in maner as a baniſhed man) and came into Englande to the king, as then being at Grenewich, and was of him cur|teouſly receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert one of the Iuſtiers of the common place, ſir Rauf Egerton knight,Commiſsio|ners ſent into Ireland to re|forme the countrey. and Doctor Denton Deane of Lichfield, being ſent in the beginning of this yeare into Irelande as Commiſſioners, behaued thẽſelues ſo ſagely, that they reformed diuers wrongs, brought ſun|dry of the wylde Iriſhe by fayre meanes vnto obedience, and made by the kings authoritie,The Earle of Kildare [...]e Deputie of Irelande. the earle of Kildare, Deputie of the lande, before whome the great Onele bare the ſworde. And the Lord Piers Butler earle of Ormond, which before was Deputie, was now made high trea|ſurer of Ireland. In September the ſayd Com|miſſioners returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During all this ſeaſon, there were dayly at|temptes made and practiſed by the Engliſhmen in the lowe countrie, namelye the Engliſhe horſemen and the Aduenturers reſted not, but daily made inuaſions vpon the French confines. But the Aduenturers about the beginning of winter made an enterpriſe to fetch ſome bootte from a village lying towarde Muttrell. They were not fully two hundreth men, and of thoſe there were xxv. horſemen. The Frenchmen by chaunce the ſame time were abroade vnder the EEBO page image 1533 conduct of the Earle of Dammartine, whiche was going to S. Omers with xv. hũdred horſ|men, and viij.C. footemen, and perceyuing where the Aduenturers were comming made towardes them, and after long and cruell [...]ght ouercame them, and ſlue moſt part of them, for that in defending themſelues moſt ſtoutly, they had ſlayne and wounded a great number of the Frenchmen ere they coulde be ouercome, keping themſelues cloſe togither, and might not be bro|ken ſo long as they had any arrowes to ſhoore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ende of [...] Kreekers.This was the ende of the Aduenturers o|therwiſe called Kreekers, being as hardie men as euer ſerued Prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In December there came to London diuers Ambaſſadors out of Scotlande about a peace to be had, and a mariage concluded betweene the King of Scottes, and the Ladie Marie daugh|ter to the King of Englande, as in the Scot|tiſhe hiſtorie ye ſhall finde more at large expreſ|ſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before the feaſt of Chriſtmas, the Lorde Leonarde Grey, and the Lorde Iohn Grey, bre|thren to the Marques Dorſet, ſir George Cob|ham, ſonne to the Lorde Cobham, Willyam Cary, ſir Iohn Dudley, Thomas Wyat, Frã|cis Pointz, Francis Sidney, ſir Anthonie Browne, ſir Edwarde Seymor, Oliuer Man|ners, Perciuall Hart, Sebaſtian Nudigate, and Thomas Calen, Eſquires of the Kings houſ|holde, enterpriſed a chalenge of feates of armes againſt the feaſt of Chriſtmas, which was pro|claymed by Winſore the Herault, and perfour|med at the time appointed after the beſt maner, both at Tylt, Turney, Barriers, and aſſault of a Caſtell erected for that purpoſe in the Tilte yarde at Greenewiche, where the King helde a royall Chriſtmas that yeare, with great myrth and Princely paſtime.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1525In the Moneth of Ianuarie, the Cardinall by his power Legantine,The [...]ers ob|ſeruants im| [...]gne the Car+dinals autho| [...]ie. would haue viſited the Friers obſeruants, but they in no wyſe woulde thereto condiſcende, wherefore ninetene of the ſame Religion were accurſed at Paules croſſe, by one of their owne Religion, called Frier Fo|reſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Iokin Stewarde of houſholde to the French kings mother, this yere whyleſt the French king was in Italy, came into Englãd, and was receyued in ſecret maner into the houſe of one Doctor Larke, a Prebendarie of S. Ste|phens, and oftentimes tal [...]ed with the Cardinal about the affayres betwixt the Kings of Eng|lande and Fraunce, motioning ways for a peace to be concluded. When this was known abrode as at the length it was, Monſieur de Prate the Emperors ambaſſador miſliked ſuch couert do|ings, and ſore grudged thereat.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xxiiij. of Ianuarie, the Preſident of Ro|an called Monſieur Brinion, came to London as Ambaſſador from the French king, and was lodged with the ſayde Iohn Iokin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sunday the v. of March,Ambſſadours from the Em|perour and their requeſts. were receyued in|to London Monſieux de Be [...]er Lorde of Cam|pher, Admirall of Flaunders, and maiſter Iohn de la Coos preſident of Malines, & Maſter Iohn de la Gache, as ambaſſadours from the Ladie Margaret in the name of the Emperor. Theſe Ambaſſadors required thre things in their ſuite, Firſt they demaũded the Ladie Marie the kings onely daughter to be deliuered out of hande, and ſhe to be named Empreſſe, and to take poſſeſſi|on of all the lowe countreys, and to be gouernor of the ſame. Alſo that all ſuch ſummes of money as the king ſhoulde giue with hir in mariage for a dower to be made to hir, ſhoulde be payde incontinently. Thirdly, that the king of Englãd himſelfe ſhoulde paſſe the ſea, and make warre in Fraunce the next Summer. T [...] [...] demaunds were not agrees to [...], & as to this laſt, the king ſayde he woulde take aduiſe|ment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thurſday the ix. of March, at vij. of the cloc [...] in the morning, there came a gentleman in poſt from the Ladie Margaret gouerneſſe of Flaun|ders, which brought letters conteining how that the xxiiij. of Februarie, the ſirge of Pania where the French king had lyen long, was rayſed by force of battayle, and the French king himſelfe taken priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day the Preſident of Roan, & Iohn Iokin were going to the Court for they had not yet ſpoken, with the king, & in Holborne in their way hearde theſe tydings, whervpon they retur|ned to their lodging right ſorowfull, and within ſhort ſpace after returned to the Regẽt of Frãce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was thought the king woulde haue agreed with the French king, if this chaunce had not happened, for all the people of England grudged againſt Flaunders, for the euill demeanor of the Flemmings in time of the warre. Alſo the king was diſpleaſed with them for enhauncing hys coyne there, which cauſed much money to be cõ|ueyed out of this Realme dayly ouer into that countrey. Bonefires & great triumph was made in London for the taking of the French king, on Saterday the xj. of March, and on the morowe after being Sunday the xij. of March, the king came to Paules, & there hearde a ſolemne Maſſe, and after the ſame was ended, the Quere ſong Te Deum, & the Minſtrels playde on euery ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall being ſtill moſt highly in the kings fauour, obteyned licence to erect a Col|ledge at Oxeforde, and another at Ipſwich, the towne where he was borne, the which founda|tions he began rather of a vayne deſire of glorie EEBO page image 1534 and worldly prayſe, than vpon the inſtinction of true religion,The Cardinal erecteth twoo new Colleges. & aduauncement of doctrine, and therefore ſithe he was not moued therto in reſpect of true godlyneſſe and bountifull liberalitie, he [figure appears here on page 1534] went about to clothe Peter and rob Paule: for he firſt got licence of the king to ſuppreſſe cer|taine ſmall Monaſteries,Polidor. and after got a confir|mation of the Pope, that he might employ the goodes, landes, and reuenues belonging to thoſe houſes, to the maintenance of thoſe his two col|ledges, whereby not only he, but alſo the Pope were euil ſpoken off through the whole Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall.In March the king ſent Cuthbert Tunſtall biſhop of London, and ſir Richarde Wingfield, Chauncellour of the Duchie of Lancaſter, and Knight of the Garter,Ambaſſadors ſent to the Emperour. into Spaine, to common with the Emperor for great cauſes, concerning the taking of the French king, and for warres to be made into Fraunce on euery ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being determined thus to make warres in Fraunce, & to paſſe the ſea himſelfe in perſon, his Counſell conſidered that aboue all things great treaſure and plentie of money muſt needes be prouided. Wherefore by the Cardinal there were deuiſed ſtraunge Commiſſions, and ſent in the ende of Marche into euery ſhire, and Commiſſioners appoynted, and priuie inſtructi|ons ſent to them howe they ſhoulde proceede in their ſittings, and order the people to bring them to their purpoſe,The ſixt part of euery mans ſubſtance de|maunded. which was, that the ſixt part of euery mans ſubſtance ſhould be payde in money or plate to the King without delay, for the fur|niture of his warre. Herof folowed ſuch curſing, weeping, & exclamation againſt both King and Cardinall, that pitie it was to heare. And to be briefe, not withſtanding all that coulde be ſayd or done, forged or deuiſed by the Commiſſioners to perſuade the people to this contribution, the ſame would not be graunted, & in exenſe of their deni|all it was alledged, that wrong was offered, and the auncient cuſtomes and lawes of the Realme broken, which woulde not any man to be char|ged with ſuch payment, except it were graunted by the eſtates of the Realme in Parliament aſ|ſembled. The like anſwere was made by them of the Spiritualtie, of whom was demaunded the fourth part of their goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monſieur de Prate the Emperors ambaſſa|dor, whether offended for admitting of Iohn Iokin into the Realme, as before ye haue heard, or for ſome other cauſe, the ix. of Aprill he depar|ted out of Englande, not taking leaue of the K. nor of the Cardinall, and ſo much did by ſafe-conduct, that he paſſed through Fraunce in poſt, and came to the Emperour before the Ambaſſa|dors of Englande came thither, and whether it was by his report, or otherwiſe, the accuſtomed fauour that the Emperor and his counſel ſhew|ed to the Engliſhmen, beganne then to decay, as was wel perceiued, whatſoeuer the matter was. This yeare at Whitſontide died Thomas D. of Norfolke, & was honorably buried at Thetford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Cardinall trauailed earneſtlye with the Maior and Aldermen of London,An. reg. 17. about the ayde of money to be graunted, and likewiſe the Commiſſioners appoynted in the ſhires of the Realme, ſate vppon the ſame, but the burthen was ſo grieuous, that it was generally denyed,The Commiſ|ſioners for the taxe reſiſted. & the Commons in euery place ſo moued, that it was lyke to growe to rebellion. In Eſſex the people would not aſſemble before the Commiſ|ſioners in no houſes, but in open places, and in Huntingtonſhire diuerſe reſiſted the Commiſſi|oners, and woulde not ſuffer them to ſit, whiche were apprehended, and ſent to the Fleete. The Duke of Suffolke ſitting in Commiſſion about this ſubſidie in Suffolke, perſuaded by courteous meanes the riche Clothiers to aſſent thereto: but EEBO page image 1535 when they came home, and went about to diſ|charge & put from thẽ their Spinners, Car [...]s, Fullers, [...] rebellion in [...]ke by the grieuouſ|neſſe of the [...]. Weauers, and other artificers, whiche they kept in worke afore time, the people began to aſſemble in companies, whereof when the D. was aduertiſed, he commaunded the Conſtables that euery mans harneſſe ſhoulde be taken from them: but when that was knowne, then the rage of the people entreaſed, ruyling openly on the D. and ſir Robert Drurie, and threatening [...]hem with death, and the Cardinal alſo and herewith there aſſembled togither after the maner of Re|bels, iiij.M. men of Lanam, Sud [...]errie, Habley, and other townes thereabout, which put them|ſelues in harneſſe, and rang the belles alarme, and began ſtill to aſſemble in great number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Suffolke perceyuing this, be|gan to gather ſuch power as he coulde, but that was very ſlender. Yet the Gentlemen that were with the Duke, did ſo much that all the Bridges were broken, ſo that the aſſemble of thoſe rebels was ſomwhat letted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke of Norfolk com|meth with a power againſt the rebels in Suffolke.The Duke of Norfolke being thereof aduer|tiſed, gathered a great power in Norfolke, and came towarde the Commons, and ſending to them to knowe their intent, receyued aunſwere, that they woulde lyue and die in the Kings cau|ſes, and be to him obedient. Herevpon he came himſelf to talke with them, and willing to know who was their Captaine, that he might anſwere for them all: it was tolde him by one Iohn Greene a man of fiftie yeares of age, that Po|uertie was their Captaine, the which with his couſin Neceſſitie, had brought them to that do|ing: for whereas they and a great number of o|ther in that countrey, liued not vpon themſelues, but vpon the ſubſtantiall occupiers, nowe that they through ſuch payments as were demaun|ded of them, were not able to maintaine them in worke, they muſt of neceſſitie periſhe for want of ſuſtenance. The Duke hearing this matter, was ſorie for their caſe, and promiſed thẽ that if they would depart home to their dwellings, he would be a meane for their pardon to the king. Where|vppon they were contented to depart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the D. of Norfolke, and the D. of Suffolke came to Burie, and thither reſorted much people of the countrie in their ſhertes, and halters about their neckes, mekely deſiring par|don for their offences. The Dukes ſo wiſely de|meaned themſelues,The captaynes of the rebels committed to priſon. that the commons were ap|peaſed, and the demaunde of money ceaſed in all the Realme, for well it was perceyued, that the Commons none woulde paye. Then went the two Dukes to London, & brought with them the chief Captaines of the rebellion, which were put in the Fleete.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king then came to Weſtminſter to the Cardinalls place, and aſſembled there a great counſell, in the which, he openly proteſted, that his mynde was neare to aſke any thing of hys Commons which might ſoundes the breach of his lawes, wherefore he willed to know by whoſe meanes the Commiſſions were ſo ſtraitly giuen forth, to demaunde the vj. part of euerye mans goodes. The Cardinall excuſed himſelf, and ſaid that when it was moued in Counſell [...] howe to [...] money to the kings vſe, the kings Counſel, and namely the Iudges, ſaid, that he might law|fully demaund any ſumme by Commiſſion, and that by the conſent of the whole Counſel it was done and tooke God to witneſſe that he neuer deſired the hinderaunce of the Commons, but like a true Counſaylor deuiſed how to enrich the king. The king in deede was much offended that his Commons were thus intreated, and thought it touched his honor, that his Counſell ſhould attempt ſuch a doubtful manner in his name and to be denied both of the Spirituallie and Tem|poralitie. Therefore he woulde no more of that trouble, but cauſed letters to deceit and all ſhires, that the matter ſhoulde no further be aſ|ked off, and he pardoned all them that had denied the demaunde openly or ſecretely.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall to [...] himſelfe of the euill will of the Commons, purchaſed, by procuring and aduauncing of this demaunde, affirmed, and cauſed it to be b [...]ute [...] abrode that through his in|terceſſion the king had pardoned and releaſed all things.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thoſe that were in the Tower and Fleete for the rebellion in Suffolke,The rebels pardoned. and reſiſting the Com|miſſioners aſwell there as in Huntington ſhire, and Kent, were brought before the Lordes in the Star chamber, and there had their offences ope|ned & ſhewed to them, and finally the kings par|don declared, and therevpon they were deliuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon, a great number of men of war lay at Bollongne, and in other places therabout, which diuerſe times attempted to endomage the Engliſhmen, and to ſpoyle the Engliſh pale, but they coulde neuer ſpoyle the mariſhes where the greateſt part of the cattell belonging to the inha|bitants, was kept.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tyndale men with ayde of the Scottes,Tyndale men great robbers. did much hurt in Englande by robberies, which they exerciſed, and therefore were ſent thither, ſir Ri|charde Bulmer, and ſir Chriſtopher Dacres, to reſtraine their doings. Diuerſe came to them, & ſubmitted themſelues, but the greateſt theeues kept them in the mountaines of Che [...]or, and did much hurt, yet at length they ſeuered, and many of them were taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall by his power Legantine ſent one of his Chapleins called Doctor Iohn A [...]en, to viſit the religious houſes of this realme about EEBO page image 1526 this ſeaſon, whiche Doctor practiſed amongſt them greatly to his profite, but more to the flaũ|der both of himſelfe and of his maiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The xviij. day of Iune, at the manor place of Bridewel, the Kings ſonne (which he had begot of Elizabeth Blunt, daughter to ſir Iohn Blunt knight) called Henrie Fitzroy, was created firſt Earle of Notinghã,Creations. and after on the ſelfe ſame day he was created Duke of Richmonde & So|merſet. Alſo the ſame day the L. Henrie Court|ney Earle of Deuonſhire, and coſin germane to the king, was created Marques of Exceter, and the Lord Henrie Brandon ſonne to the Duke of Suffolke and the French Queene, a childe of ij. yeares olde, was created Earle of Lincolne, and ſir Thomas Manuers Lorde Roos was crea|ted Earle of Rutlande, and ſir Henrie Clifforde Earle of Cumberlande, and the L. Fitzwater ſir Robert Ratcliffe was created vicount Fitzwa|ter, and Sir Thomas Bulleyne treaſurer of the kings houſeholde, was created Vicount Roche|fort.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French kings mother as then Regent of Fraunce, procured a ſafeconduct for an ambaſſa|dor to be ſent into Englande to treate of peace,A truce be|twene Englãd and Fraunce for xl. dayes. and therewith ſent Iohn Iokin called Mon|ſieur de Vaux, which as ye haue heard in the laſt yeare was kept ſecret in maſter Larks houſe. By his procurement a truce was graunted to endure from the xiij. of Iuly for xl. days betwene Eng|lande and Fraunce both by ſea and lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the later end of Iuly came into England ye chief priſident of Roan with ſufficient autho|ritie to conclude any agreement that ſhoulde be graunted. At his ſuite the king was contented that a truce ſhoulde be taken to endure from the xiiij. of Auguſt, till the firſt of December.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ambaſſadors ſent into Den|marke.This yere the king ſent Doctor Henry Stan|diſhe biſhop of Saint Aſſe, and Sir Iohn Baker knight into Denmarke, to intreate with the no|bles of that countrie for the reduction of their K. Chriſtierne to his Realme and former dignitie: but the Danes hated him ſo much for his cruel|tie, that they coulde not abyde to heare of anye ſuch matter, and ſo theſe Ambaſſadors returned without ſpeeding of their purpoſe for the which they were ſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the French ambaſſadors did ſo much both by offers and intreaties, that the king condiſcen|ded to a peace,A peace pro|claymed be|tweene Eng|land & France which being concluded, was pro|claymed in London with a Trumpet the viij. of September. By the couenants of this peace the King of Englande ſhoulde receyue at certayne dayes xx.C. thouſande Crownes, which then a|mounted in ſterling money to the ſumme of iiij.C.M. lb ſterling, of the which, one payment of fiftie thouſand pounde was payde in hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In October were ſent into France, ſir Wil|liam Fitzwilliam treaſurer of the Kings [...]on [...], and Doctor Taylor, as ambaſſadors from the king of Englande, to the Ladie Regent,The La [...] [...]|gent ſw [...] to performe the articles of the league. whom they founde at the Citie of Lion, where of hir they were honourably receyued, and in their pre|ſence the ſayde Ladie Regent tooke a corporall othe in ſolemne wiſe, and according to the cu|ſtome in ſuch caſes vſed, to performe all the ar|ticles and couenants paſſed and concluded in the league and treatie of peace by hir Cõmiſſioners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperour was nothing pleaſed, in that the king of Englande had thus concluded peace with the Frenchmen, and therefore the Engliſh merchants were not ſo courteouſly dealt with as they had bene afore time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this winter was great death in London, ſo that the Terme was adiourned, and the king kept his Chriſtmas at Eltham, with a ſmall number,The ſtill Chriſtmas. and therefore it was called the ſtill Chriſtenmas.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Ianuarie was a peace concluded betwixt the Realmes of Englande and Scotland for iij. yeares and ſixe monethes.1526

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall about this time comming to the Court, which then laye (as before ye haue hearde) at Eltham, tooke order for altering the ſtate of the Kings houſe. Many officers and o|ther ſeruaunts were diſcharged, and put to their pencious and annuities. In which number were lxiiij. yeomen of the garde, which before hauing xij.d. the day with checke, were nowe allowed vj.d. the day without checke,The Cardinal altereth the ſtate of the kings houſ|holde. and commaunded to go home into their countries. Diuers ordinã|ces were made at that ſeaſon by the Cardinall touching the gouernãce of the kings houſe, more profitable than honorable, as ſome ſayde,The ſtatutes of Eltham. & were called long after, the ſtatutes of Eltham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Shrouetueſdaye there was a ſolemne iuſtes helde at the manor of Grenewich, the king and xj. other on the one part, and the Marques of Exceter with xj. other on the contrarie parte. At thoſe iuſtes by chaũce of ſhiuering of a ſpeare ſir Frauncis Brian loſt one of his eyes. The xj. of Februarie being Sunday, the Cardinall with great pompe came to the Cathedrall Church of Paules, where he ſate in Pontificalibus vnder his cloth of eſtate of rich cloth of gold, and there D.Doctor Barnes beareth a fa|got. Barnes an Auguſtine frier bare a fagot for cer|taine points of hereſie, alledged againſt him, and two merchants of the Stilyarde bare fagots for eating fleſh on a Friday, and there the Biſhoppe of Rocheſter Doctor Fiſher made a ſermon a|gainſt Martine Luther, which certaine yeares before, that is to witte, about the yeare 1518. had begonne to preach and write againſt the autho|ritie of the Pope.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 All this yeare was continuall ſuite made to the Emperour and his Counſell by the Ladye EEBO page image 1537 Regent of France & other, for the deliueraunce of the French king,A peace con|cluded. and finally vpõ certaine ar|ticles, there was a peace and league cõcluded, & the king of Englande included in the ſame. Amongſt other articles, it was couenãted, and the French king promiſſed to diſcharge [...] Em|peror againſt the king of Englande for the f [...] of .200000. crowns, which the empe [...] [...] then to the king of England, and to [...] the Emperour a ſure acquitance for the foure. The king of England hearing that the French K. ſhuld now be deliuered, ſent to him a knight of his chamber, called ſir Tho. Cheney to ſigni|fie to him the great ioy & gladnes, which he cõ|ceiued for his reſtitution to libertie, & ye conclu|ſion of the generall peace, for which kindnes & curteous remẽbrance, the French king thought himſelfe much bound to the king of Englande, & thanked him greatly therfore. After that this peace was accorded, & the French king deliue|red, ye Emperor maried ye Lady Iſabell daugh|ter to Emanuell king of Portingal, & had wyth hir xj.C.M. ducats. Ye muſt here note, that ye Emperor being at Winſor in the .14. yeare of the kings raigne couenaunted amongeſt other things to take to wife ye Lady Mary daugh|ter to the king of England, but now vpon cõ|ſiderations his minde changed, for the whiche the Engliſhemen ſore murmured againſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 An. reg. 18. The .29. of Aprill being Sundaye ye Cardi|nall ſong a ſolemne Maſſe in the kings Cha|pell at Greenwich, & after the ſame was ended, the king ſware in preſence of the Ambaſſadors of France,Kyng Henry ſvvorn to per| [...] the lea|g [...]e concluded. & of the Ambaſſadors of Rome, of ye Emperor of Venice, & of Florence, to obſerue, & keepe the peace & league concluded beetwixte him, and his louing brother, & perpetuall allie ye Frenche king, during his life & one yeare after. In this mean while, there was a ſecrete league concluded betwixt the Pope, the Venetians, ye Florentins,A ſecret league betvvixte the Pope and cer|tain ſtates of Italye. & Francis Sforza duke of Millan, into the which league the French king alſo en|tred, after he was returned into France. Ther was alſo place lefte to the king of England to enter into the ſame league, and likewiſe to all other kings & princes, & if the King of Englãd wold, he ſhould be admitted as protector of the ſame. But the Emperor might not be admit|ted till he had deliuered the French kings chil|dren (hauing a reaſonable ſum of mony for the ſame) and hadde reſtored the Duke of Millan to his whole Dutchy. It was thought in deede that the Emperor being wrongfully enformed againſt this Duke rather through enuy of ſome of the Emperors Captaines, than for any cauſe miniſtred by the Duke, dealte very ſtraightlye with him, and ment to defeat him of his Du|chie. For redresse whereof, and also to prouide that the Emperour should not grow so strong in Italy to the daunger of other estates, this league was, deuised by force whereof, he might bee brought to reason, if he wold refuse conuenient offers, & indifferent ways of agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This league was concluded the twoo and twentieth of May in this yeare. What followed thereof, yee maye reade more at large in the histories of Italy and Fra(n)ce, where the warres are more large touched, whiche chaunced in that season beetwixte the Emperour, and the Confederates, and how the Imperiall armye tooke the Citie of Rome, and besiegyng the Pope in Castell Sainct Angelo, constrayned him to yeelde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in the [...]te of London a greate grudge was conceiued agaynſt merchãt [...]n|gers, for that they by vertue of licences,Creat grudge againſte ſtraun|gers fer pro|curing licences to ſell vvoad. whiche they hadde purchaſed, to bring woade into the realme contrary to a ſtatute thereof prouided, broughts ouer ſuch plentie thereof, and vttered it aſwell in the citie as abroade in the country, ſo frankely, that Engliſhemennes woade laye vnbought.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length the Maior called a counſal, wherin to b [...]le theſe ſtrangers, it was enacted, that no citizen, nor freeman, ſhould buy or fell, nor exchange, or haue to due wyth certayne ſtran|gers, whoſe names were expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon the angell noble was iuſt the ſixt part of an ounce Troy,Valuation of certain coyne. ſo that .vj. Angels were iuſt an ounce, which was .xl. ſs. ſterling, and the angell was worth two [...]ces of ſiluer, ſo that ſixe Angelles were worth .xij. ounces, which was but .xl. ſs. in ſiluer. By reaſon of the good weight, and lowe valuation of the Eng|liſhe coigne, Merchauntes dayly carryed ouer great ſtore, bicauſe the ſame was much enhaũ|ced there, ſo that to meete with this inconueni|ence, in September proclamation was made through all Englande, that the angell ſhoulde go for .vij. ſs. iiij. d the royall for .xj. ſs. and the crowne for .iiij. ſs. iiij. d and the fift of No|uember following by proclamation againe the angell was enhaunſed to .vij. ſs. vj. d and ſo euery ounce of golde ſhoulde be .xlv. ſs. and an ounce of ſiluer at iij. ſs ix d in value.

The king kepte a ſolempne Chriſtmaſſe at Greenewiche wyth reuelles, maſkes, diſ [...]ui|ſings, and banquets.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourteenthe of Ianuarye came to the court Don Hugo de Mẽdoſa,1527 An Ambaſſa|dour from the Emperour. a man of a noble familye in Spaine: he came as Ambaſſadour from the Emperor to the king, with large com|miſſiõ, for the Emperor put it to ye kings deter|minatiõ whether his demaũds which be requi|red of the French king were reaſonable or not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This noble man tarried here two yeres full.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The ſeconde of Marche were receyued into London the Biſhop of Tarbe, Frauncis Vi|count EEBO page image 1538 of Thurayne, & maſter Anthony Veſey ſecõnde preſident of Paris, as Ambaſſadors frõ the french king.Ambaſſador from the [...]ch a King. They were lodged in Ta [...] Hall. On Shrouetweſday the Kyng and .viij. [figure appears here on page 1538] with him helde Iuſtes againſt the Marques of Execter, & .viij on his parte. There were bro|ken betwixt them .286. ſpeares according to the accompt thereof taken. The French Ambaſſa|dor ſued (as was ſaide) to haue the Ladye Ma|ry daughter to the King of England, giuen in mariage to the Duke of Orleaunce ſecond ſon to their maiſter the French king, but that mat|ter was put in ſuſpence for dyuers conſiderati|ons, & one was for that the Preſident of Paris doubted whether ye mariage betwene the king and hir mother (ſhe beeyng hys brothers wife) was lawfull or not. The .xiiij. of March were conueied from London to Greenewiche by the earle of Rutlande, and other, the Lord Gabri|ell de Salamanca earle of Ottenburg: Iohn Burgraue of Siluenberg: & Iohn Faber a fa|mous clerk after Biſh. of Vienne as Ambaſ|ſadors frõ Don Ferdinando brother to ye Em|peror newly elected king of Hũgary & Bobem, after the death of his brother in lawe king Le|wes,Ambaſſadoures from Fornãdo. whiche was ſlayne by the Turke the laſte Sommer, as in the hiſtorie of Hũgarie, it doth appeare. Maiſter Faber made before the kyng an eloquent Oration touchyng the purpoſe of their comming, which was to deſier the King of aide againſt the Turke. To the which Ora|tion the king by the mouth of Sir Tho. More made anſwere as was thought conuenient for the time. In the Winter ſeaſon of this yere fell great abundaunce of raine, & namely in Septẽ|ber, Nouember, and December. And on the xvj. of Ianuary it rained ſo aboundantly that great floudes thereof enſuing, deſtroied corne, fieldes, paſtures, and drowned many ſheepe, and beaſtes. Then was it drye till the .xij. of Aprill, and from thence it rayned euery day or night till the thirde of Iune, and in Maye it reined .xxx. houres continually without ceaſ|ſing, whiche cauſed greate flouds, & did muche harme, namely in corne, ſo that the nexte yere it failed within this realme, and great darth en|ſued. An. reg. 19. The Frenche Ambaſſado [...] in the name of their Maiſter ſvveare [...] ſerue the lea [...] The French Ambaſſadors at Greenwich on Sunday the .v. of May ſware in the name of their maiſter the French king to obſerue the peace & league concluded betwene thẽ, for term of the .ij. Princes liues. Theſe Ambaſſadours had great cheare, & Iuſtes were enterpriſed for the honor & pleaſure of them at the kings com|maundement by ſir Nicholas Carew, ſir Ro|bert Iernyngham, ſir Anthony Browne, and Nicholas Haruy Eſquier chalengers. Againſt whom ran the Marques of Exceter, and .xiij. with him as defendants. When theſe Ambaſ|ſadors ſhould returne, they had great rewards giuen them of the king, and ſo tooke their leaue and departed. Shortly after the king ſente ſir Thomas Bollongne Vicounte Rocheforde, & ſir Anthony Browne knyght as Ambaſſadors from him into Fraunce,Ambaſſadors into Fraunce. whiche came to Paris to the Biſhoppe of Bathe that lay there, for the king as legier, and then theſe .iij. wente to the Courte, and ſawe the Frenche Kyng in perſon ſweare to keepe the league, & amitie concluded betwene him and the King of Englande. Alſo the king ſent ſir Frauncis Pointz knight Am|baſſador from him to Charles the Emperour,An Ambaſador to the Em|perour. & with him went Clarenceaux kyng of armes to demaunde the one halfe of the treaſure and or|dinaunce, whiche was taken at Pauia, forſo|muche as ye warre was made aſwell at ye kings charge as at the Emperors. Alſo they were cõ|maunded to demaund one of the french kings ſonnes whiche lay in hoſtage wyth the Empe|rour, that is to wit, the duke of Orleance to be deliuered to the king of Englande, and fur|ther EEBO page image 1539 that he ſhoulde call backe his army out of Italy, and if ſo were that hee refuſed theſe ſo reaſonable requeſtes, then ſhoulde they in the kings name denoũce open warre againſt him. The engliſhe marchantes liked the matter no|thing at all, [...]e [...] that there ſhoulde bee any warres betwixte the Emperour, and the king of Eng|lande, and where they wer deſired by the Car|dinal to kepe their mares at Calais, they wold not aſſent thereto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] taken & [...] In this mean time was Rome taken by the Imperio [...]s, and the Pope broughte into capti|uitie, wherwyth the Kyng was ſo intenſed a|gainſt the Emperour by the nauigation of the Cardinall, that he had determined not to ſpare any [...]aſure for the Popes deliuerance. There roſe a ſecret br [...] in London that the kings cõ|feſſor Doctor Longlãd, and diuers other great Clerkes had tolde the King that the marriage betweene hym,The kings marriage brought in quo| [...] and the Ladye Katherine late wife to hys brother Prynce Arthur was not lawfull: wherevpon the king ſhoulde [...] a di|uorſe, and marry the Dutcheſſe of Alan ſon ſi|ſter to the Frenche King at the towne of Ca|lais this Sõmer, and that the Vicount Roche|forte had broughte wyth hym the picture of the ſaide Lady.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng was offended wyth thoſe tales, and ſente for ſir Thomas Seimer maior of the erle of London, ſecretely chardging him to ſee that the people ceaſſed from ſuch a talke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whatſoeuer the commons talked, it was determined that the Cardinall ſhould go ouer into Fraunce as high Ambaſſador for the king, and to take with him .xij. ſcore thouſand pound to be emploied on the warres to be made by the confederates againſt the Emperor, if he would not condiſcende to ſuche demaunds as the Engliſh Ambaſſadors on the kings behalfe ſhoulde exhibite vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The thirde of Iuly this triumphant Car|dinall paſſed throughe London wyth .xij.C. horſe toward the ſea ſide,The Cardinall goeth Ambaſſa|dour into Fraunce. and cõming to Can|terburye reſted there, and declared to the people what hadde chaunted to the Pope, and cauſed the Monkes of Chriſtes Churche to ſing their Letany after this maner.A Proceſſion. A nevve deui|ſed Letany. Sancta Maria ora pro Cl [...]mente Papa. &c. Then he exhorted ye people to faſt & pray for the Popes delyuerãce accor|dingly as he had already ſent commiſſions to [figure appears here on page 1539] al the biſhops within the realme to follow that order, which was to faſt .3. days in the weeke & to vſe in euery pariſh ſolemne proceſſiõs. The xj. of Iuly ye Cardinall tooke ſhipping at Do|ner, & landed the ſame day at Caleis, frõ whence he departed the .22. of Iuly, and with him was the Byſhop of London Cutbert Tunſtall, the Lord Sands Chamberlain to ye king, the earle of Darby, ſir Henry Guilforte, Sir Thomas Moore, with many other knightes & eſquiers, in all to the number of .xij.C horſe, and of car|riages there were .80. wagons, & .60. moiles and ſumpter horſes. He that is deſirous to vn|derſtande wyth what honor this triumphaunt Cardinall was receyued in al places as he paſ|ſed throughe Picardie by order giuen by the French King, may reade thereof at large in the chronicles of maiſter Hall. At Amiẽs he was re|ceyued by the french K. himſelfe, & by his mo|ther with al other the chiefe Peeres of France,The Cardinal is honorablye receiued by the French kyng. There was nothing forgot that might do hym honor or pleaſure. But to the effect of his buſi|nes, after he had ſhewed his cõmiſſion, they fell in counſell, & in the end grew to a full conclu|ſion of a league to be accorded & eſtabliſhed be|twixt the kings of Englãd & France,A league be|tvveene Eng|lande, and Fraunce. the coue|naunts and articles wherof were drawen and written vp in a faire charter which was ſealed EEBO page image 1548 in ſolempne wiſe & deliuered to the Cardinalls by the kings owne hand. After this, it was a|greed,Monſieure de [...]avvtrecke. ye Ode [...] de Fois cõmonly called Mon|ſieur de Lawtrecke ſhould go into Italy with a puiſſaunt army to procure the Popes deliue|raunce, and ex [...]ulſe the Emperours power out of all ye parties of Italy, if he refuſed ſuch reaſo|nable offers and articles of agreement as were drawen, and ſhuld be exhibited to him. In this army went ſir Robert Iernynghã, and Iohn Carew of Ha [...]am & 80. other engliſh gentlemẽ, [...] Robert [...] [...]ringham. whiche were ſent by the Cardinall frõ Amiens.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the armye was aſſembled, the Cardi|nall deliuered ye mony which he had brought out of Englãd with him in barrells, with the whi|ch the armye was paide two Monethes beefore hãd, and ye ſurpluſage was deliuered to ſir Ro|bert Iernyngham, whyche was called Thr [...]a|ſourer of the warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The name of the army ſent [...]to Italy.This armye was called in latine Exercieus Anglia & Gallorum Regumpro Pontifice Roma|no liberando congrega [...]us, that is to ſay, the ar|my of the kings of England and France, ga|thered for the deliueraunce of the Byſhoppe of Rome, and ſo was it reputed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this meane time the Engliſh Ambaſſa|dors Sir Frauncis Pointz and Clarenceaux the herault were come into Spaine, and there to the Emperor in the towne of Vale Doliffe the .vj. of Iuly deliuered the kings letters, and further declared their meſſage as they hadde in commaundemẽt. The Emperor made to them a courteous anſwer for that time, and ſaide hee would take counſell in the matter, & then ſhuld they receiue further aunſwer, and in the meane time they might repoſe them. Within a day or two after, hee called to hym Doctour Lee that was the kings Ambaſſadour legier there wyth hym, and the ſaide Syr Frauncis Pointz, and ſaid to them,

My lordes we haue perceiued the Kyng your Mayſters demaundes, whyche are weightie and of great importaunce. Where|fore we intend with al ſpeed to write to the K. our vncle, and when we haue receiued anſwere frõ him, we ſhall deliuer you of ſuch things as you require, praying you in the meane time to take patience. The Emperour protracted tyme of purpoſe bycauſe he was lothe to anſwer di|rectly to ſuch greuous and moſt irkeſome com|plaints bycauſe he g [...]ſſed by ye courſe of things that the French king would ſhortly be cõſtrai|ned to agree to thoſe conditions of peace, whi|che be at the firſte had offered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Frenche King, and the Cardinall being togither at Amiẽs, amongſt other things determined there betwixt them in counſell, de|uiſed further what articles of offer ſhoulde bee ſente to the Emperor, which if he refuſed, then open defyaunce to he made to hym in name of both the Kings. The articles were theſe in ef|fecte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fyrſt that the French king ſhuld pay for his ranſom 25000. crowns one writer called it .ij. millions. 2. Alſo that hee ſhoulde releaſe all the penſiõ that he had in Naples,Articles propo|ſed to the Em|perour. with all the right of the ſame. 3 Alſo that he ſhoulde neuer claime title to the Dutchie of Mi [...]lane .4. Alſo [...] ſhulde releaſe the ſuperioritie of Flaunders for|euer, and the right whiche hee had to the Citie of Tourney 5. Alſo hee ſhoulde releaſe all the homages of all perſones within thoſe coũtryes 6. Alſo to withdrawe his armye out of Italy, 7. Alſo to forſake the ayde of the Switzers a|gainſte the Emperour. 8. Alſo to take no more parte wyth Ro [...]ert de la Marche agaynſte the Emperour .9. Alſo neuer to aide the Kyng of Nauar [...] ag [...]ſ [...] him, althoughe he had mar|ried the King [...]ſter. 10. Alſo neuer to aide the Duke of Gelder [...]and, nor to chalenge the ſame Dutchie. 11. Alſo to aide the Emperour wyth ſhippes and men to hys Coronation. 12. Alſo to ma [...]y the Lady Elenore Quene of Porti [...]|gale ſiſter to the Emperor. 13. Alſo that the Dolphyne ſhoulde marrye the ſayde Queenes daughter. 14. Alſo that if the Frenche Kyng hadde an [...]e children male by the ſaid Queene, then the Dutchye of Burgongne, to remayne to the ſaide childe being male. 15. Alſo that the Frenche King ſhould be friende to the Empe|rour, and hys friendes, and enemye to hys en|nemies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe with manye other articles, whyche were not openlye knowen, were ſente to the Byſhoppe of Tarbe, and to the Vicounte of Thuraine Ambaſſadours wyth the Emperor from the Frenche Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other articles were alſo ſente to the En|gliſhe Ambaſſadours beyng in Spayne, as to moue the Emperour to ſome reaſonable ende with the Frenche King, and that the Kyng of Englande woulde releaſe to hym all the ſum|mes of money due to hym, aſwell by the Em|perour Maximilian his Grandefather as him|ſelfe, and take the Frenche King as debter for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 If hee woulde not agree to theſe offers, then was it accorded that the Frenche K. ſhuld marrie the Ladie Mary daughter to the kyng of Englande, and they bothe to bee enemyes to the Emperoue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all theſe thynges were concluded,The Cardynal retourne out of Fraunce. the Cardinall tooke hys leaue of the Frenche Kyng and hys mother, and wyth greate re|wardes retourned, commyng to Rychemonts where the Kyng then laye, the laſte of Sep|tember.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1541In October, there came Ambaſſadoures from the French King into England, the lord Annas de Montmorancy, great Maſter of the ſaid French kings houſe, the Biſhoppe of Ba [...]|onne chiefe preſidente of Roan, and Monſieur de Humieres accompanied wyth. [...]. Gentle|men well appointed. Theſe Ambaſſadors were receyued with all honor [...]ght be deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On [...] daye the Kyng commyng to the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule, where the Cardinall [...]ng Maſſe ſware de [...] the high [...] in the preſente of the French Am|baſſadors to keepe and performe the league.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 On Sunday the .x [...]. of Noue [...]ber, the king being [...] knight of the order of Saint Mi|chaell,The K. of En|glande recey| [...] the order of S. Michaell. receiued [...] Grie [...] with the ſaide order by the hands of the greate maiſter of Fra [...], and Monſier Humi [...]res that wer companions of the ſame order, in like caſe as the French K. the ſame day at Paris receiued the order of the Gar [...]r by the hands of the lorde Liſle, Doctor Taltor maiſter of the Rolls, ſir Nicholas Ca|rew knight maiſter of the kings horſes, ſir An|tony Brown knight,The Frenche K. receyueth the order of the garter. & ſir Thomas Wriothe|ſtey Knight, otherwiſe called Garter Kyng of armes, the whiche were ſente thither wyth the whole habite, roller, and other habillements of the order as appertained. After that the French Ambaſſadors had ben highly feaſted, banque|ted, & entertained, with al honor & paſtime con|uenient; the great maiſter and all his company tooke leaue of the king, & wyth great rewardes returned into Fraunce, leauing the Biſhop of Bawnne behind them, who abode ambaſſador legier in Englãd. In this Moneth of Nouẽ|ber Arthur Biluey, [...]ey and o|ther abiured. Geffrey Lome, & one Gar|ret ye ſpake againſt the Popes auctoritie, were abiured by the Cardinall. By reaſõ of the gret weet that fell in the ſowing time of the corne, & in the beginning of the laſte yeare, now in the beginning of this, corne ſo failed, that in the ci|tie of Londõ for a while breade was ſcant, by reaſon that commiſſioners appointed to ſee or|ders taken in ſhires aboute, ordeined that none ſhuld be cõueied out of one ſhire into an other, which order had like to haue bred diſorder, for ye euery cuntry & place was not prouided a like, and namely London, that maketh hir prouiſiõ out of other places, felte great inconuenience hereby,De [...]th of corn. till the marchants of the Stiliarde, and other out of the Theutſch countryes, broughte ſuch piẽtie, yt it was better cheap in London [...] in any other part of England, for the king alſo releeued the citizens in time of their nede with a .M. quarters by way of lone of his own pro|uiſion. The ſcarcetie at the firſt was more than the derth, for in the beginning of their wante, wheate was only at .xv. shillings (ſ.) a quarter, and from thence it roſe to .xx. shillings (ſ.) & after to xxvj. shillings (ſ.) vpence ( d.) the quarter, till remedy by outward prouiſion was procured and had. In this meane while, ye Lorde Lau [...]ter with his army was entred into Italy, where howe he ſped, and what came of that expe [...]ion, ye ſhall finde in the hiſtories of Fraunce and Italy, and therefore in this place I paſſe it ouer. Sir Francis Po [...]nes knighte, in [...] of Duc [...]her returned out of Spain into England leauing Clarenceaux behind him, to [...]ng further anſwer. The Emperor at the re|queſte of this ſir Frauncis Polties, who made ye [...]a [...] in [...]ame of his maiſter the K. of Eng|land, was contended to releaſe. [...]. articles, whi|che we [...] reputed moſt preiudiciall to the French king, only to grati [...]e the king of England but the Cardinall kepte the kyng ſtill in diſpleaſure towarde the Emperor, for the fauor whiche hee dare to the French king whoſe only purpoſes he ſought to aduaunce. The articles whiche were drawẽ at Ami [...]s whẽ the Cardinal was there were exhibited to ye Emperor by the Frẽch Am|baſſadors, bycauſe he refuſed the ſame, worde was ſet to Clarenceaux king of arms, to make deſtaunce to the Emperor. Wherevpon on the Wedneſday the .xxij. of Ianuarie, Guyenne king of arms to the French king and Clarẽce|aux king of arms to the king of England, be|ing in the citie of Bourgues in Spain, came to the Court of Charles the elect Emperor, aboue 9. of the clocke in the morning, and there d [...]d requeſt of his maieſtie, that it wold pleaſe him to appoint thẽ an houre of audſence. The lord de Cha [...]ux by ordinaunce from hys maieſtie, gaue them anſwer that it ſhuld be about x. of ye clocke before noone the ſame daye. And at the ſame houre his Maieſtye came into the greate hall of his Courte, accompanyed wyth diuers Prelats, Dukes, Marquiſes, Erles, Barons, & other great lords and good perſonages, of di|uers nations of his kyngdome & ſeigniories in great number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Emperour ſittyng in a chayre prepa|red accordyng to his dignitye, the twoo kin|ges of armes of Fraunce and Englande, be|ing in the nether end of the hall, holdyng vpon their left arms eche one his coate of armes, did make .3. ſolemne reuerences accuſtomed, wyth knee to the ground. And whẽ they were at the loweſt ſteire before hys Emperiall Maieſtie, Clarenceaux king of armes of Englande, ha|uing the words in bothe their names, ſpake as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Sir, following the three Edictes inuiolably kept and obſerued by your predeceſſours Em|perours of Rome, Kings, Princes, and Cap|taynes, Guyenne Kyng of armes of the moſte Chriſtened Kyng, and alſo Clarenceaux EEBO page image 1542 King of armes to the Kyng of Englande one ſoueraigne and naturall lords, wee preſentyng our ſelues before your ſacred maieſty, for to de|clare certaine things from the ſaide kings our maiſters, beſeching your maieſtie, that hauing regarde vnto the ſaide laws according to your benignitie and mercy, that it would pleaſe you to gyue vs ſure acceſſe and good intreatyng in your countreis, lands and ſeigniories attẽding your aunſwere, with ſure conducts to re [...]oue [...]e vnto the coũtreis, lands, and ſeigniories of our ſaide ſoueraigne Lordes. The Emperour then had them ſaye on whatſoeuer the Kyngs your maiſters haue giuen you in chardge, your pri|uiledges ſhall be kepte, none ſhall do you any diſpleaſure within my kingdomes or terri|tories.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After thys, Guyenne read in writyng that whych followeth, ſigned wyth ye hand of ye ſaid Guienne king of armes:

Sir, the moſt chriſt|ned Kyng my ſoueraigne and naturall Lorde hathe commaunded me to ſaye to you, that hee hath conceyued a maruellous griefe and diſ|pleaſure of that, that in place of amitie, whiche hee ſo muche deſired to haue with you, the for|mer enmytie in full force ſtill remaineth. By the whiche he ſeeth and perceyueth, that the e|uils and inconueniences long ſince begon, ſhal continue and augment, not only vnto you, and vnto him, & your vaſſals & ſubiects, but alſo vn+to all Chriſtendom, and that the forces & youths whyche the one and the other oughte to em|ploy againſt the enimyes of the faith, ſhall bee ſpent to the effuſion of Chriſtian bloud, and in offence vnto God, and that you and he endow|ed with ſo many gracious gifts ſhall not in|ioye the benefits, which it pleaſed the ſonne of God to leaue to vs, by his teſtament, which is peace, whereof all goodnes proceedeth. And in place of the ſame ſhall haue warre: whereof followeth all calamities, daungers, inconue|niences, pouerties, and myſeries. And heere|with, you ſhall ſubmitte your ſelfe vnto them whome you maye commaunde, and ſhall ha|zarde the bloud and ſubſtaunce of your ſubiec|tes in the purſſes of ſtraungers: euery one as for himſelfe ought to haue regarde therto, and for the ſhorte tyme that we haue heere to lyue, not to goe aboute to depriue hymſelfe of that tranquillitie, ioye, good regarde and paſtyme, that the Princes maye haue by peace: And by followyng the warre, to bee in pouertie, heaui|neſſe, and hazarde of loſſe of goodes, honours, and lyues, and that worſte is, after they haue hadde euyll dayes in thys world, to be in dan|ger of eternall payne in the worlde to come, thorough them that haue bene the cauſe ther|of, and that woulde not yeelde vnto reaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The Kyng my ſoueraigne Lorde is ready to put hymſelfe for his parte in all deuoir, and more than ſo, to haue peace and amitie wyth you: and by this meanes peace ſhall be procu|red throughout all Chriſtendom, wherby men myght doe God good ſeruice, in making warre on the Infidelles, whyche will bee ſo thanke|full to hym, that it wyll put off the puniſhe|ment of faultes, whyche haue bene committed heeretofore by reaſon of the warres, whyche haue too long indured betweene you two, and not yet lyke to ceaſſe, conſideryng the termes whyche you holde and ſeeke to mayntayne, ſith on the one parte, certaine adnownyng them ſelues on you, haue aſſailed and taken by force the Citie of Rome, whyche is the place of the holy and Apoſtolike Sea, where they haue cõ|mitted and doone all the myſchiefe that might be deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

The Churches and relikes were prophaned, the Pope holding Saint Peters ſente, as Vi|care of God on earth, taken and put oute of his libertie: By the meanes wherof, they that haue committed and executed the ſaid execrable de|des and wickedneſſe, wyth theyr authours and fantours, be fallen and run in paines of right, & they that hold them captine, heare themſelues on you, and he that dothe keepe them, hath bin and is of the principall capitaynes, of whome you haue bene ſerued in your warres in Italy and other partes: And on the other ſyde, the difference whiche at this time reſteth betweene you and the king my ſoueraine & naturall lord, is principally vpon the raunſome and recouery of the Princes hys ſonnes, whyche you holde for hoſtages of the ſame: hee hathe oftentimes offered, and yet dothe offer to pay to you, and giue to you, not only that whiche may be ſaide to be reaſonable, and in ſuch caſes accuſtomed, but alſo more largely. And you oughte not to ſtand vppon thynges whych by force and con|ſtraint he hath promiſed, the whiche iuſtly and honeſtly he may not performe nor accompliſh: you had a great deale more gained to haue ta|ken the ſaide raunſome which was offered vn|to you, than to continue the war, and to giue occaſion of all the euilles and inconuenien|ces that dayly happen thereby through Chry|ſtendome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

You ſee the king of England, with whom he hath brotherlye amitie for euer, and alſo the Venetians, Florentins, and Duke of Bar, and other Princes and Potentates, following and holding the partie of the ſaid Chriſten king, for that they ſee he yeldeth to reaſon, & by reaſõ you wil not therto encline, ye vniuerſal peace cãnot be cõcluded in Chriſtendom. The enemies of ye faith gain coũtries: Al Italy is in arms, blud & EEBO page image 1543 rapine, and the Apoſtolicall Sea in trouble, ſo that if on your parte, you ſeeke not [...] die, and that things doe thus continue as they haue begonne, it is to bee feared, that God will bee angrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4

And for as muche (ſir) as to the declarations whiche the aboueſaid princes haue offered vnto you, and the preſentations which the ſaid chri|ſtian king hath made vnto you, you haue refu|ſed to giue rare, therby to come to ſome accord with him, and to content your ſelf with a ran|ſome more than reaſonable: alſo for that you will not render vnto his good brother, perpetu|all allie and confederat, the king of England, that whiche is his, ſet the Pope at libertie, and leaue Italie in peace and tranquilitie, he hathe commanded me to declare, ſignify, and notifye vnto you to his greate griefe and diſpleaſure, with his ſaid good brother the king of Englãd, that they will holde & take you for their enemy, declaring al maner of treaties and couenaunts heretofore paſſed betwene them and you, in all that concerneth your profit & vtility to bee no|thing, and that of his parte he will not obſerue nor keepe the ſame: But by all meanes that he may imagine with his good friendes alies and confederates, & wyth all his forces endomage you, your countries, lands, & vaſſals by warre, or otherwiſe, in ſuch ſort as he may deuiſe, vn|till the tyme that you haue reſtored to hym hys children, wyth honeſt meanes and couenaunts touching his raũſome, deliuered the Pope, ren|dred vnto the king of Englande that you hold of hym, and acquitted the ſomme whiche you owe hym, and ſuffer his allies and confede|rates to liue in peace, reſt, and tranquilitie, and proteſteth before god and all the world, that he doth not wiſhe nor deſire the warre, but that it wholly diſpleaſeth hym, and is not therefore the cauſe of the euill that is or maye come thereof, conſidering that he hath put, and will put himſelfe vnto all reaſon, as he hath offered and ſignified vnto you and to all other chriſtiã princes, and yet doth, and of all this he calleth god who knoweth al things to witnes, and for that vnder colour of the publication of the pre|tẽded tre [...]ty of Mad [...] made, he being yee pri|ſoner in Spaine, [...] of your ſubiects, and of [...] of the King of Englande, and of hys haue, [...] their marchãdiſes & others goods into the kingdomes, ſtraights and ſeigniories the one of the other, whereby may en [...]gre as domages, if of them no mention ſhoulde: hee made in this preſent declaration and ſignifica|tion, my ſoueraine Lord and the ſaid King of Englãd he contented that liberty be giuen vn|to all ſubiectes being in the ſaide Kyngdomes, countreis, ſtraightes and ſeigniories, to retire [...] deparſe from thence with all their goods & mar|chandiſes within .xl. days after this intimation made, prouided that you ſhall do the like vnto theſe ſubiects in all and euery their marchandi|ſes giuen the .xj. day of Nouember. Anno 1527.
and ſigned Guienne king of [...]emes. The Em|peror after the diſtance giue by Guienne ſpake in this ſorte:
I do vnderſtand that whiche you haue redde from the King your Mayſter; I do muche maruell why he doth defye me, for he be|ing my priſoner by right war, and I hauyng his faithe by reaſon hee cannot do it: It is vnto me a noueltie to bee defied of hym, ſeeing it is ſix or ſeuen yeares that he hath warred againſte mee, and yet giuen me no defyaunce, and ſithe that by the grace of God I haue defended my ſelfe from hym, as he hath ſeene, and euery one elſe, without that he hathe giuen mee any war|nyng, or conſidering the reaſon and iuſtifica|tion whereon I do reſt my ſelfe, for the whiche I thinke I haue not otherwyſe deſerued to|wards God, I hope that at this time now you aduertiſe me of it, being aduertiſed I ſhall de|fend myſelf the better, in ſuch ſort that the king your maiſter ſhall do mee no hurte, for ſince hee doth defy me, I am halfe aſſured.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

And touchyng that whyche you ſpake of the Pope, none hathe bin more ſorowfull than I of that which was done, and it was without my knowledge or cõmaundement: and that which hathe bene done, was done by vnruly people, without obedience to any of my Captaines. And yet I aduertiſe you, that the Pope long ſince is ſet at libertie: and yeſterdaye I hadde certayne newes of it. And as touchyng the ſonnes of youre Maiſter, hee knoweth that I haue them for pledges, and alſo my Lordes his Ambaſſadours knowe well that the faulte hath not layne in mee that they haue not beene delyuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

And as for that of the Kyng of Englande my good brother and vncle, I beleeue if it hee ſo as you doe ſaye, that hee is not well infour|mes of [...]ynges paſſed, and if hee were, yet could I not ſaye as your writyng conteyneth, I deſire to ſende hym my reaſons for to ad|uertiſe him of all the truthe. And I beleeue when he ſhall knowe it, that hee will bee vnto me as he hathe bene. I neuer denied the money whyche I borrowed of hym, and I am readye to pay it as by reaſon and right I am bound: and thanked [...]e God I haue enoughe to doe it. Neuertheleſſe if he will make warre againſte mee, it will bee to my greate diſpleaſure, and cannot but defend myſelfe. I pray to God that he gyue mee no more occaſion than I thinke I haue giuen vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to the reſte, for that your writyng is

EEBO page image 1544 great, and the paper ſheweth it ſelf to be gentle, ſeing that they haue written what they would: You ſhall giue mee the writing, wherby more particularly I may anſwer in an other paper, wherin ſhall be nothing but truth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This aunſwere being made by his Maieſtie with his own mouth vnto Guyenne K. of ar|mes, the ſayd Guyenne tooke his cote of armes that he had on his lefte arme (as before is ſaid) and put it on, and then Clarenceaux Kyng of armes of England, ſayd vnto his maieſtie not by writing but by mouth, as foloweth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Syr, the king my ſoueraigne Lord hath cõ|maunded me to ſaye vnto you, that ſeyng the neceſſitie of peace in the Chriſtian religion, as wel by reaſon of the enforcement many yeeres paſt, begonne by the great Turke enimie vnto our fayth, whiche by force of armes hath taken away from the Chriſtians the citie and Ile of the Rhodes, one of the principall bulwarkes of Chriſtendom, and in Hungarie the fortreſſe of Belgrade, & part of the coũtrey there, as alſo by hereſies and newe ſectes, of late riſen in di|uers places of Chriſtendome. And likewiſe knowing the greate warres being kindeled in al parts, by meanes of which, al chriſtendome is in trouble, cõfuſion, and maruellous deuiſi|on, and not long ſince by your people and mi|niſters and ſouldiers in your armie, and vnder your captains the holie citie of Rome, hath bin ſacked, and robbed, the perſon of our holy fa|ther ye Pope taken priſoner, & kept by your peo|ple: The Cardinals likewiſe takẽ & put to ran+ſom, ye churches robbed, Biſhops, prieſts & peo|ple of religion put to the ſworde, and ſo many other euils, cruelties, & inhumain facts cõmit|ted by your people, that the ayre & the land are infected therwith. And it is very like, yt God is greatly ſtirred and prouoked vnto ire: & to ſpeak after the maner of men, if by amendment it be not pacified, innumerable euils & inconuenien|ces ſhall happen vnto al Chriſtendom. And for that the roote & encreacement of the ſaid warres proceedeth of the cõtentions & debates betwene you, & the moſt chriſtened K. his good brother & perpetuall allie: to make an end of which deba|tes, the K. my ſoueraine lord hath ſent his am|baſſadors & others, vnto the moſt chriſtened K. his good brother, with whom hee hath done ſo much, that for the loue that he hath borne him, he hath made vnto you ſo great offers, and ſo reſonable, that you can not, nor ought not rea|ſonably to refuſe thẽ, as conditions & offers for his raunſome exceeding the raunſom accuſto|med of all kings. And if in this, the conſidera|tion of peace had not bin, an euil exãple might therof growe for other kings & chriſtened prin|ces ſubiecte vnto the like fortune: Of whiche offers and conditions he hath lykewiſe aduer|tiſed you by his Embaſſadors, prayed and be|ſought you for the honor of God, and the welth of all chriſtendome, for the benefits & pleaſures that he hath done vnto you diuers wayes, and that in tyme of your great neede, that it would pleaſe you to accept the ſayde offers, and make an ende of the ſayd warres, that haue too long endured. Lykewyſe as a Chriſtened Prince bounde to the protection of the Pope, and Sea Apoſtolike, and conſequentely, to the deliue|rance of his holyneſſe, (which you can not, nor ought to kepe priſoner, without great offence) that you woulde reſtore his holyneſſe vnto a full and entier libertie. Alſo hee hath oftenty|mes ſhewed by diuers obligations and other meanes howe you are indebted vnto him in di|uers great ſummes of money, that he hath gi|uen and lent you in your neceſſitie, requiring you to make payment: of all whiche thinges you haue made no accompte from tyme to tyme, but deferred it, and helde in ſuſpence the embaſſadours of the king my ſoueraine, with|out hauing regard to gods honor, and the ne|ceſſitie of all chriſtendome, and the reuerence that you ought to haue vnto the holy ſeate and perſon of our holy father the Pope, the vicare of God on earthe, or vnto the pleaſures that you haue receyued of hym, or vnto your faithe and promiſe, that you ſo oftẽtimes haue made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And for this cauſe the King my ſaide ſoue|raigne by honeſt reaſon and iuſtice, conſtray|ned by great and ripe deliberation of his coun|ſell, hopyng for a finall concluſion, hathe cau|ſed agayne to bee preſented offers more larger and to greater aduauntage than the others be|fore, to put you in deuoir, and to auoyde and take away all occaſion to deferre and diſſimule to come to reaſon, whych offers and the aug|mentyng of the ſame, haue bene made and made agayne with all remonſtrances and ho|neſt reaſons, that hathe bin poſſible, and in the end there haihe bin made vnto you inſtance for the deliuerie of our ſaid holy father, whoſe ho|lyneſſe you haue reſtrayned, or cauſed to be re|ſtrayned in place of deliuerye, whyche is verye ſtraunge, and againſte the tene eſtate and du|tye of a chriſtian Prince. So that the king my ſoueraign and the moſt chriſtian king his bro|ther and perpetual allie, cannot no l [...]nger in|dure it wyth theyr honours and duty towards God and the Churche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 And ſeing you wil not condeſcend to reaſon, nor accept the ſaid offers being more thã reſo|nable, nor ſatiſfie the king my ſaid ſouerain of the debts by you due, as you are bound, he hath concluded with the ſaide moſte chriſtened king his good brother and perpetuall allie, and other EEBO page image 1545 of hys confederates, to doe his endeuor to con|ſtraine you by force and might of armes to de|lyuer our holy father, & lykewiſe the children of Fraunce, whiche you hold, in paying you a re|ſonable raunſome, & to ſatiſfie him of that you owe hym. Therefore the King my ſoueraigne Lorde, as a true and conſtant prince, willing to keepe inuiolable his faithe, whiche he hathe promiſſed vnto the ſaid chriſtian prince, and o|ther his allies, & not willing to leaue the perſon of our ſaide holy father the Pope in captiuitie, as alſo wil not the ſaid chriſtian king, they two do ſommon you this tyme for all, to accepte theſe laſte offers, for the deliueraunce of the ſaid children of France, and for the wealth of an v|niuerſall peace, and to deliuer the perſon of our ſaide holy father, and alſo to paye ſpeedely and without any more delay, the debts by you due vnto the King my ſoueraigne, and if you doe refuſe theſe finall offers, & alſo to delyuer the perſon of our ſaide holy father, and pay the ſaid debtes, as a good Chriſtian Prince and louer of peace is bound to do, the King my ſoueraigne, and the ſaid chriſtian king his good brother, not without great ſorrowe and diſpleaſure, do de|clare to be your enemyes, and ſo hereafter do holde and repute you for ſuche one, denoun|cyng vnto you warre by ſea and lande, defy|ing you with all their forces. Neuertheles, cõ|ſidering that there is diuers of your ſubiects, & great quantitie of their goodes in the realmes of Englande and Fraunce, and other landes and lordſhips of the ſaid princes: likewiſe ther be diuers of the ſubiectes of the kings of Eng|lande and France, and of their goods in your kingdomes, countreis, landes, and lordſhips, the whiche may receiue aſwell of the one parte as on the other, great and vnrecouerable hurts and domages, if wythout aduertiſements and monition they ſhould be taken and deteyned, the kings Maieſtie my ſoueraigne, & the moſte chriſtian K. of Frãce his good brother be wil|lyng that libertye be giuen vnto your ſubiectes being in their kingdomes, countries, and lord|ſhips, for to retire & depart with all their goods & marchandiſe, within 40. days after this inti|mation, ſo that the like libertie and permiſſion, be in like ſorte graunted to their ſubiectes. To this defiaunce of the king at armes of Englãd the Emperors Maieſtie did aunſwere in theſe words: I haue vnderſtood that which you haue declared, and I cannot thinke that if the kyng of Englãd were throughly aduertiſed of thin|gs as they haue paſſed, & of the reaſon to which I haue yeelded, he would not ſaye that which you haue ſaide, and therfore my intentyon is to aduertiſe hym. As to that which you ſpeake of the Pope, I was neuer cõſenting to his deſtru|ction, which was neuer done by my commaũ|dement, & I giue you to vnderſtãd, that he is deliuered, and I am ſorie for the harmes that wer done at the time when he was taken, of ye which I take my ſelfe not to be in fault, as I haue told the king of armes of Frãce. And as to the deliueraunce of the French kings ſons, wher meanes hathe bin made for their deliue|raunce, I haue bin ready to giue eare therto, & the fault reſteth not in me, for that the peace hathe not bin concluded, but nowe that ye tell me that the king your maiſter will force me to deliuer thẽ, I will anſwer therto in other ſorte than hitherto I haue done, and I truſt to kepe thẽ in ſuch wiſe, that by force I ſhall not neede to deliuer thẽ: for I am not accuſtomed to bee forced in things which I do. As to ye debt whi|the King of Englande hath lent me, I haue neuer denied it, neither do I deny it, but am re|dy to pay it as right requireth, as I haue cau|ſed it to be declared vnto hym, and I my ſelfe haue ſhewed no leſſe to his Ambaſſadors, and deliuered my ſaying by writing, & I cannot beleeue, that for ſuch thing (which I refuſe not to accompliſhe) he will make warre againſte me, and if he will ſo do, it will greeue me, but yet I muſte defende my ſelfe: and I pray god that the king your maſter giue me not greater occaſion to make him warre, than I haue giuẽ to him. You ſhall deliuer me in writyng, that which you haue ſaide, to the which I will alſo anſwer by writyng particularly. This anſwer made by the Emperor to the K. of armes Cla|renceaux, the ſaid Clarenceaux tooke his coate of armes which hee had lying on his lefte arms (as before is ſayd) and put it vpon hym. The Emperor herwith commaunded him to deliuer by witing into the hands of the Lord of Bou|clans all that he had vttered by word of mouth as is aboue expreſſed, which Clarenceaux pro|miſſed to do, and ſo he did afterwards, ſigned with his owne hand, word for word. Claren|ceaux hauing thus done his duty, incontinent|ly wythdrewe: but before hys departure, the L. of Bouclans ſaid to him & alſo to Guyene, theſe words inſuing.

Behold here this writing in my hand. This is the copy of the capitula|tiõ, made touching ye deliuerance of the Pope, and howe hee is deliuered, and departed from Caſtell ſaint Angelo, the .x. of December laſte paſte: put it in your relatiõ.
The ſaide king of armes anſwered,
we will ſo do,
& at the ſame inſtãt the Emperor called before hym the ſayd Guienne king of armes of France, and ſaid to him as followeth:
Sith it is [...]ea [...]d that you en|ioye your Priuiledges, you ought alſo to do your dutie, and therefore I pray you declare to your maiſter, yea euen to hys owne perſon EEBO page image 1546 that which I ſhall tell you, which is this: that ſith the treatie of Madril cõtrarie to the ſame, diuers of my ſubiects haue bin taken going a|bout their buſineſſes, & other alſo going to ſerue me in Italy, which haue bẽ deteined priſoners euill intreated, and by force thruſt into the gal|leis: & bycauſe I haue of his ſubiects the why|che I might likewiſe take, yee ſhall aduertiſe hym, that if hee deliuer vnto me mine, I will deliuer his, if not, as he ſhall intreate mine, I will intreate his, and that hee ſende me aun|ſwer hereof within .xl. days: if not, I will take the refuſall for an anſwer. The king of armes Guienne aſked if his maieſtie ment this, con|cerning the marchantes: whervnto the Empe|ror anſwered: This is beſide that which is con|teyned in your writyng, touchyng the Mar|chants, to which point (ſaid he) I will anſwer by writyng: and herewith Guyenne makyng iij. obeiſances, ſaide, ſir I will gladly doe it. Then ſaide the Emperor, Tell the King your maiſter further, that I beleeue that he hathe not bene aduertiſed of that whyche I tolde to hys Ambaſſador in Granado, which toucheth him neare, for I holde him in ſuche a caſe ſo noble a Prince, that if he had vnderſtood the ſame, he woulde haue made me an anſwere, he ſhall do well to know it of his Ambaſſador, for by that he ſhall vnderſtande that I haue kepte better faith to him in that I haue promiſed at Ma|dril than he to me and I pray you ſo tell hym, and faile not hereof:
Guienne anſwered,
with|out doubt ſir I will do it,
and ſo making his obeyſance he departed. The Emperor appoin|ted Iohn [...] Alemãt the barõ of Bouchans to ſee that no diſpleaſure nor euill ſpeache were vſed to the ſaid kings of armes, but that they ſhuld bee well vſed, whiche was done to their good contentation. After this, the .xxvij. of Ianu|ary the ſaide kings of armes came to the ſaide lord of Bouclaus, who by the emperors apoint|ment deliuered an anſwer vnto eyther of them in writyng accordingly as the Emperor hadde promiſed, the copies whereof are ſette forth at large in the Annales of Aquitaine, & for breef|neſſe heere omitted. To conclude, the French king tooke ſuch diſpleaſure with the Emperors anſwers made vnto his king of arms Guyẽne, wherby he was chardged to do otherwiſe than by his faithe giuẽ he ought to haue done, that the .xxviij. day of Marche being in the citie of Paris accompanyed wyth a greate number of the princes of his bloude, Cardinalles and o|ther Prelats and nobles of his realme, and al|ſo the Ambaſſadors of diuers princes and Po|tentates, he called before hym Nicholas Pere|not lorde of Granuelle, vnto whom he ſaid in effect as followeth.
My Lorde Ambaſſadors, it hathe greeued me and dothe greeue me, that I haue bin cõſtrained to handle you not ſo cour|teouſly and gratiouſly as for the good and ho|norable behauiour, which you haue ſhewed in dooing your duty being here with me, you haue deſerued at my hands, ſith I muſt needes ſay, ye haue acquite yourſelfe in euery behalfe, aſwell to the honor of your mayſter, as good contenta|tiõ of eche man elſe, ſo that I am aſſured ye fault reſteth not in you, why thynges haue not come to better and & purpoſe than they haue done, for the good zeale and affection, whiche I haue euer proued in you to the aduaũcement of peace and quietyng of things, wherein I doubte not but you haue done your duetie to the full: but being enformed what your maſter the elect Emperor, againſt all [...]ght and law, aſwell diuine as hu|main, had cõmaunded to be done vnto my Am|baſſadors, and likewiſe to the other of the league remayning wyth hym, for the furtheraunce of things towards a peace, and cõtrary to all good cuſtomes, which hitherto haue bin obſerued be|twixt princes not only Chriſtians, but alſo In|fidels, me thought I coulde not otherwiſe doe, for the behoof of my owne Ambaſſadors, areſted and againſt reaſon kept in warde, but to do the ſame to you, althoughe I had no minde to vſe you euill, for the reaſons aboue ſaid, for ye whi|ch, & for ye duty you haue ſhewed in doing that appertained, I aſſure you my lorde Ambaſſa|dor, that beſide that I doubt not but your mai|ſter will recompence you for the ſame, yee may be aſſured that wher particularly in any thing I may pleaſure you, I wil do it with as good a will as you can require me. And to make an|ſwer to that whiche your Maiſter by worde of mouth hath ſaid vnto Guyenne and Clarence|aux kings of arms of the king my good brother and perpetuall and beſt allie, and of me vpõ the intimation of the warre whiche hath bin made by vs, conſiſting in viij. points, I will that ech one vnderſtande it. Firſt as to yt which he ſaith be meruaileth of that he hauyng mee a priſoner by iuſte warre & hauing alſo my faith, I ſhulde defie hym, & that in reaſon I neyther may nor ought to do it. I anſwer therto, that if I were his priſoner here, & that hee hadde my faith, he had ſpoken true: but I knowe not that the Emperor hath euer at any time had my faithe, yt may in any wiſe auaile him: for firſt in what warde ſoeuer I haue bene, I know not that I haue either ſeene him or encountred with him: whẽ I was priſoner garded with .iiij. or .v.C. harquebuſiers ſick in my bedde, and in danger of death, it was an eaſy matter to cõſtreine me, but not very honorable to him that ſhuld do it, and after that I returned into Frãce, I knowe not any that hath had power to compell me to EEBO page image 1547 it, and to do it willingly without cõſtraint, it is a thing whiche I way more than ſo lightly to bind my ſelfe therto. And bicauſe I will not that my honor come in diſputation, althoughe I know well that euery manne of warre kno|weth ſufficiently, that a priſoner garded is not bound to any faith, nor can bind himſelf therto in any thing. I do neuertheleſſe ſende to your Mayſter this writing ſigned with mine owne hande; the which my lord Ambaſſador, I pray you reade, and afterwards to promyſe mee to deliuer it vnto your maiſter, and not to any o|ther,
and herewith the king cauſed it to be deli|uered to the ſaid Ambaſſador by Maiſter Iohn Roberter one of the Secretaries of the eſtate, & of his chamber. The Ambaſſador tooke ye wri|ting in his hande, and after excuſed himſelfe to ye king, ſaying, ye as to him, by the letter whiche his maiſter and ſouerain lorde had written vn|to him now laſtly, his commiſſion was alrea|dy expired, & that he had no further commaun|dement nor inſtructions from his maieſtie, but to take leaue of the king wyth as muche ſpeed as he might, & to returne home, whych he moſt hũbly beſought him to permit him to do wyth|out further charge or commiſſion, althoughe he knew that hee was at hys commaundement, & that he might at his pleaſure conſtraine him, as ſeemed to him good. Herevnto the king anſwe|red: my lord Ambaſſador, ſith you will not take vpon you to reade this writing, I will cauſe it to be re [...] in this company, to the end that euery one may vnderſtand, and know that I am clee|red in that whereof againſt truthe hee goeth a|bout to accuſe me, and if you afterwardes will not beare it, and deliuer it to him, I will ſend one of my heraults there preſẽt to go in compa|ny with you, for whom you ſhal procure a good & auailable ſafeconduct, that he may paſſe vnto your maiſter, & preſent vnto him the ſame wri|ting, proteſting and demaundyng that an acte may be regiſtred before this company, that if he will not that it ſhuld come to his knowledge, that I am diſcharged, in that I do my beſt to cauſe him to vnderſtande it accordinglye as I ought to do, & in ſuche ſorte as hee can not pre|tende cauſe of ignoraunce. After he had made an end of theſe words, he called to him the ſaid Robertet, and with loud voice he commanded him to reade the ſaid writing, which was done worde for worde, in maner as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


WE Frauncis, by the grace of God, king of Fraunce, Lorde of Genes &c.

to you Charles by the ſame grace, choſen Em|peror of Rome, & King of Spaine:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 we do you to wit, that being aduertiſed, that in al the an|ſwers that you haue made to our Ambaſſadors and heraults, ſent to you for the eſtabliſhing of peace, in excuſing your ſelf, wtout al reaſon you haue accuſed vs, ſaying yt wee haue might you our faith, and that therevpon (beſides our pro|miſe) we departed out of your hands & power. In defence of our honor, whiche hereby might be burthened to muche againſte all truthe, wee thought good to ſend you this writing, by whi|che we giue you to vnderſtand, (that notwith|ſtanding that no man being in ward is bound to keepe faith, & that the ſame might be a ſuffi|cient excuſe for vs: yet for the ſatiffiyng of all men, and our ſaid honor (which we mynde to keepe, and will keepe, if it pleaſe God, vnto the death) that if ye haue charged, or will chardge vs, not only with our ſaid faith, & deliueraũce, but that euer wee did anye thyng, that became not a Gentleman that had reſpect to his honor, that yee lye falſly in your throte, and as ofte as yee ſay it, ye lye, and do determine to defende our honor, to the vttermoſt drop of our bloude. Wherefore ſeeing ye haue charged vs agaynſt all truth, write no more to vs hereafter, but ap|point vs the fielde, and wee will bring you the weapons, proteſting that if after thys declara|tion ye write into any place, or vſe any words againſt our honor, that the ſhame of the delay of the combate ſhall light on you, ſeeing that ye offering of combat is the ende of all writyng.

Thus ſigned. Frauncis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 After that Robertet had redde this writing there in preſence of the Emperors Ambaſſador, the king made further replie vnto the poynts conteyned in the Emperors anſwers to the de|fiance, and withall to conclude, tolde the ſaid Ambaſſador, that his maiſter the Emperor had conſtreined him by ſuch meſſage as he had ſent to him, to make ye anſwer in truth, which he had made, and further willed him to deliuer vnto ye Emperor yt writing which he had ſigned with his hand, and to ſay to him, that hee tooke him for ſo honorable a prince, that cõſidering ye mat|ter wherewith he chardged him, & the anſwere that he made, he wold not faile but to anſwer him like a Gentleman, and not by writing like an aduocate, for if he otherwiſe do (ſaid the K.) I will anſwer his Chaũcellor by an aduocate, and a man of his eſtate, and a more honeſt man than he. Shortly after the Emperors Ambaſſa|dors returned home into Spaine in ſafetie, and well entreated, and vpõ their returne the Am|baſſadors of France were ſet at libertie, & deli|uered beyõd Fonterabie, & ſo came ſafely home into Frãce, & a French herault appointed to ac|cõpanie the Ambaſſador Grandeuell, brought the writing of the combat, vnto the Emperor, bicauſe Granduelle refuſed to medle with it, to the which the Emperor v. months after, or ther|abouts, ſent an anſwer by one of his Heraulds, EEBO page image 1548 who being ariued at Paris, mẽt vpon ye ſodain to preſent his letters vnto ye frẽch K. but the K. getting intelligẽce therof, the .x. of September, ſitting wtin his great hall of his palace at Pa|ris aforſaid: before ye table of marble in a royal ſeat adreſſed & ſet vp for him . [...]. ſteps in heigth appointed to giue audiẽce to ye ſaid herald: On his right hand ſat in chaires ye K. of Nauarre, the duke of Alanſon & Berry, the erle of Foire Arminack, & on ye ſame ſide ſat alſo vpon a bẽch the D. of Vandoſme a pere of Frãce, lieutenãt general & gouernor of Picardie, Don Hercules d'Eſte eldeſt ſon to ye duke of Ferrare duke of Chartres & Montarges, who lately before had maried ye lady Renee, a daughter of Frãce, the D. of Albanie regent & gouernor of Scotlãd, the duke of Longueuille great chamberlain of France, & nere to thẽ vpon an other bench ſat ye preſidents & coũſellors of ye court of Parliamẽt, & behind them many gentlemẽ, doctors & lerned men: on the left hand wer ſet in chaires prepa|red for thẽ, the Cardinal Saluarie ye Popes [...]|gate, the Cardinal of Bourbõ & duke of Laon, a peere of Frãce, the Cardinall of Sens Chan|cellour of France, the Cardinal of Lorrain, the Archb. of Narbõne, ye ambaſſadors of ye kings of England & Scotlãd, of the ſeigniorie of Ve|nice, of Milan, of the cantons of ye Suyſſes, & of Florẽce: on an other bench ſat ye biſh. of Trã+ſiluania, ambaſſador for the K. of Hũgarie, the Biſhop & duke of Langres, one of the peeres of Frãce, the biſh. & erle of Noyon, an other of the peeres of Frãce, the Archb. of Lyon, primate of al France, the Archbiſh. of Bourges primate of Aquitain, ye archbiſhops of Aux & Rouen, ye bi|ſhops of Paris, Meaux, Lizeux, Maſcon, Li|moges, Vabres, Cõſerãs & Terbe, & behind thẽ ſat the maſters of the requeſts & the coũſelors of the great counſel. On either ſide the kings ſeat ſtode the erle of Beaumont great maiſter and Marſhal of France, the L. de Brion admirall of Frãce lieutenãt general, & gouernor of Bur|gogne, & behind ye ſame ſeat wer many knights of the order, ye is to wit, the erle of Laual, lieu|tenant general & gouernor of Britayn, the lord of Montmorancy, ye L. Daubigny captain of on .C. launces, and of the Scottiſh garde, the erle of Bryenne, Ligny & Rouſſy, the Lord of Fleuranges marſhal of France, the L. of Ruf|foy, the L. of Genoillyac great eſquier & maſter of the artillerie of France, Loys monſier d'Ele|nes, the L. of Humieres, & the erle of Carpy, & behind thẽ was the Erle of Eſtãpes prouoſt of Paris, & with him many gentlemen of ye kings chãber, among the which was the erle of Tan|caruille, the L. of Guyenne, the ſon of the erle of Rouſſy, the ſon of the lord of Fleuranges, ye L. de la Rochepot, the lord Douarty great ma+ſter of the waters & foreſts, ye L. of Lude, ye lord of Aauly, the L. de Villebonne, baily of Rouẽ, the baron of Chaſtean Morãt, ye L. de la Loue the vicoũt de la Mothe an groing, & the L. of Vertes, & beſides theſe, the maſters & officers of the houſhold & gentlemen waiters, wt the more part of ye ij.C. gentlemen, or penſioners as we terme thẽ. At the entrie into the ſaide throne or tribunall ſeat, were the captains of the gards, & the prouoſt of ye houſhold, & before the K. kneled ye Vſhers of the chãber vpon ye one knee, & at the foot of the ſtep ye wentvp to the kings ſeat were the prouoſts of the merchãts & Eſcheuins of the town of Paris. Beneath in the hall (the gates wherof were ſtil open) ther was an infinit nũ|ber of people of al natiõs, & in preſence of them al, ye K. made this declaratiõ. The cauſe wher|fore I haue made this aſſẽbly, is for ye the em|peror elect hath ſent to me an herault of armes, who as I cõiecture, & as the ſame herault hath ſaid, & as his ſafeconduit importeth, hath brou|ght me letters patents & autentike cõcerning ye ſuertie of the field for the combat yt ſhuld be be|twixt the ſaid elected Emperor and me: And foraſmuche as the ſaid Herauld, vnder color to bring the ſuretie of ye field, may vſe certain fic|tions, diſſimulatiõs or hipoccriſies to ſhift off ye matter, wher as I deſire expeditiõ, & to haue it diſpatched out of hand, ſo yt by the ſame an end of the warres which haue ſo lõg cõtinued, may be had, to ye eaſe & cõfort of all Chriſtendom, to auoyd the effuſion of bloud & other miſchieues which come thereof, I haue wiſhed it knowne to al Chriſtendom, to the end yt euery one may vnderſtand the truth, from whence procedeth ye miſchief & the long continuance therof, I haue alſo cauſed this aſſẽblie to be made, to ſhewe yt I haue not wtout great cauſe enterpriſed ſuche an act: for the right is on my ſide: & if I ſhould otherwiſe haue don, mine honor had bẽ greatly blemiſhed: A thing, which my lords yt ar of my bloud, & other my ſubiects, wold haue takẽ in e|uil part: And knowing ye cauſe of ye cõbat and my right, they will beare wt it, as good & loyall ſubiects ought to do, truſting by Gods helpe to proceed in ſuch ſort therin, yt it ſhal plainly ap|pere if ye right be on my ſide or not, and how a|gainſt truth I haue bin accuſed for a breaker of my faith, which I wold be loth to do, nor at a|ny time haue ment ſo to do. The kings my pre+deceſſors & anceſtors whoſe pictures ar engrauẽ & ſet here in order wt in this hall, which in their days haue ſucceſſiuely atchieued glorious acts & greatly augmented ye realm of France, wold think me vnworthy & not capable to be their ſuc+ceſſor, if againſt myne honor I ſhuld ſuffer my ſelf to be charged wt ſuch a note by ye emperor, & ſhuld not defẽd my perſon & honor in ye maner and form acuſtomed. And herwith he declared the whole caſe as it ſtode: firſt how being taken EEBO page image 1272 at Paris by fortune of warre he neuer gaue his faith to any of his enimies, & conſenting to be led into Spayne, cauſed his owne galeys to be made redie to conuey him thither where at his arriual he was comitted to ward [...] caſtell of Madrill garden wt a great nũber of hauing buſiers and others, which vncurteous dealing found in the emperor ſo muche greued him, yt he fel ſick, & lay in danger of death. V [...]õ the Emperor cõming to viſite him after his recoue|rie of helth an ward was made betwixt wt de|puties of the Emperor & the ambaſſadors of the Lady his mother then regent of France, which accord was ſo vnreaſon able, that no prince be|ing in libertie wold haue conſented that to dor for his deliuerate haue promiſed ſo great [...] ſome: Which treatie yee they conſtrained here (as he ſaid) to ſweat to perform, being priſoner, againſt ye proteſtation, whiche heauens times had made, yea as yet being ſicke, & in danger of recidination, & ſo conſequently of death. After this, he was cõueyd foorth on his iorney home|wards, ſtil garded & not ſet at libertie, & it was told him, ye after he came into Frãce, it was cõ|uenient yt he ſhould giue his faith, for yt it was known wel enough, yt what he did or promiſed in Spain it nothing auailed, and further he re|membred not yt the Emperor had tolde him at any time yt if he performed not the contents of the treatie, he wold hold him for a breker of his faith, & though he had, he was not in his libertie to make any anſwer: Two things therfore ſaid he, in this caſe ar to be cõſidered, one, yt the trea|tie was violẽtly wroong out frõ them, yt coulde not bind his perſon, and yt which (as to ye reſi|due) had bin accõpliſhed by his mother, deliue|ring his ſons in hoſtage: The other thing was his pretẽded faith, on whiche they can make no groũd, ſith he was not ſet at libertie. And here|to he ſhewed many reaſons to proue yt his eni|mies could not pretende in right yt they had his faith.The fielde [...] is a place vvhere they may ſafely com to ſight in liſtes before ind [...]e| [...] Iudges. Further he ſaid, that in matter of combat there was the aſſailant whiche oughte to giue ſuretie of ye field, & the defendant the weapons. Herwith alſo he cauſed a letter to beced, which the Emperor had written to Maiſter I [...]han de Calnymont preſidẽt of Burdeaux, ye ſaid kings ambaſſador in the courſe of the ſaid Emperor: The tenor of which better imported, that ye em|peror put the ſaid ambaſſador in remẽbrance of ſpeech which he had vttered to ye ſayd ambaſſa|dor in Granado, repeting the ſame in ſubſtance as followeth, that the Kyng his maiſter hadde done naughtily in not keping his faith, which he had of him, acording to the treatie of Madril, and if the K. wold ſay the contrary, I wil (ſaid the Emperor) maintein the quarel with my bo|die againſt his: and these bee the same wordes that I spake to ye king your master in Madril, that I wold hold him for a lewd and naughtye ma(n) if he brake the faith which I had of him &c. Then after the said letter had bin red, he caused also his answer made by way of a cartel to be red, the tenor wherof ye haue heard before, & ye don, he continued his tale in declaring what order he had obserued to procure the emperor to the combat, without all shifting delays: so as if the Herald now come fro(m) the Emperor wold vse any talk other than to deliuer him an aute(n)tike writing for surtie of the field, & not obserue the contents of his safeconduct, he ment not to giue him an audience: and herevpon was ye herald called to come in, and declare his message: who apparelled in his coat of armes, made his apeara(n)ce before the king there sitting, accompanied as ye haue heard, vnto whom the King sayde:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herauld, doest thou bring the suertie of the field, suche one as thy master being the assayla(n)t ought to deliuer vnto the defenda(n)t, being such a personage as I am. The Heraulde herevnto said: Sir, may it please you to giue me licence to do myne office: Then said the K. Giue me ye pate(n)t of ye field, & say what thou wilt. The Herauld beginning his tale: The sacred: Tushe (said the K.) shewe me the pate(n)t of the field: for I hold thy master for so noble a Prince, that he hath not sent thee without the suertie of ye field, sith I haue demaunded it, and thou knowest yt thy safeconducte concerneth no lesse but yt thou shuldest bring it.The Herauld anſwered, yt he truſted he had brought yt which might contente, his maieſtie. The K. rep [...] & ſayde: Heraulde giue me the patent of ye field, giue it one: & if it he ſufficient. I will receiue it, & after ſay what thou wilt. The herauld ſaid that he had incõ|mandemẽt not to deliuer it except he might of clare yt which he had firſt to ſay. The king ſaide Thy maſter can not giue laws to vs in Frãce. To conclude he told the Herald, yt he [...]enaduẽ|ture might ſpeake things yt his maiſter would not anouch, and that he had not to deale with him, but with his maſter. The Herald then re| [...]uiced yt he might haue licence to depart, which the K. granted, and withall the K. cõmanded yt it might be regiſtred what had paſſed in thys behalf, for at eſti [...]ie that the fault [...]ſted not in him, in that he receiued out the patent. The herauld likewiſe for his diſcharge, required a copie in writing of that which had paſſed, and the ſame was graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thus for haue I outepaſſed the cõmon boũ|des of my purpoſe, in ſpeking ſo largely of this matter of combat, bicauſe of the [...]areneſſe ther|of, chauncing betwixt two ſo mighty princes, although it came not to the effect of triall. And now to returne vnto that which followed far|ther vpon the defiance, denoũced to the emperor by the two Kings of armes, Emperour & C [...]|renceaux, EEBO page image 1273 ye ſhal [...]erſtand that the lords and nobilitie,


The Empe|rour defied by the kinges of Englande and France.

to the nũber of vij.C. in whoſe pro|fence [...] was giuen, toke it ſo offenſiuely, ye dra|wing foorth their ſwords, they [...] yt the ſame ſhuld be reuenged, for otherwiſe they protected, that the infamie wold redoune to them & that heires for euer. Herewith the warre was pro|claimed through al Spayn wt baners diſplayed to which wer painted a red ſword, with a [...]|ning ra [...]ſſer againſt ye Frenche K. & his parta|kers, but not mentioning the K. of Englãd by expreſſe name, but it was recited in the procla|mation yt the king of England had me [...] [...] defyed ye Emperor in the French kings quarel. Then were ye engliſh merchants in Spayn a [...]| [...]acded,Englishe mar|chants ſtaied in Spayne. & their goods put in ſafetie, til it might or known how the Emperors ſubiects wer or|dred in Englande. Then likewiſe were all the ſhips of the Emperors ſubiects here arreſted: & in ſembiable maner all the Engliſhmen & theſe goods & ſhips were areſted by the Lady it gent in [...] low countreys. The common people in England much lamented that warre ſhuld a|riſe betwene the emperor & the K. of England ſpecially bicauſe the Emperors dominions had holpen and [...]elieued them wt grain in tyme of their neceſſitie & want. But chiefly this matter touched the merchants, which haunted the em|perors dominions. At length yet were thoſe of the low countreys ſet at libertie, & their goodes to thẽ deliuered, in fauor of entercourſe of mer|chandiſe: but foraſmuch as ye Spanyards were ſtil deteined, the lady Regent alſo deteyned the ſhips & goods of the engliſh merchants though the ſet their perſons at libertie. By this means the trade of merchandiſe was in maner forle [...] here in England,The incommo|ditie ryſing of lacke of enter|courſe for traf|ficke. & namely the clothẽs ſaye on their handes, wherby the cõmon welth ſuffered great decay, and great numbers of Spinners, carders, ruckers, and ſuche other that liued by clothworking, remained ydle to their great im+poueriſhment. And as this warre was diſplea|ſant to the Engliſhmen, ſo was it as muche or more diſpleaſant to the townes & people of the low cuntreis, & in eſpecial to ye towns of And|werpe and Barrow, where the marts at kept, ſo that at length ther came Ambaſſadors from the Lady Regent, the which aſſociating them|ſelfe with Don Hugo de Mendoſa ambaſſador for the Emperor, came to the king to Richmõt the .29. of March, and there moued their ſuite ſo effectually, that an abſtinence of warre was graunted, til time that a further cõmunication might be had: and vpon this point letters wer ſent into Spayn, Fraunce, and Flanders, and ſo this matter cõtinued til anſwers wer brou|ght from thence again. The emperors ambaſ|ſadors entreated not ſo earneſtly to moue the King to haue peace with their maiſter, but the Frenche ambaſſadors ſoll [...] the K. as ear|neſtly to enter into the warre againſt him, and ſurely they had the Cardinal on their ſide but yet the king wiſely conſidering with order of his counſell what damage ſhoulde enter ther|by to [...] ſubiects, & ſpecially to the merchaunt and the [...]s, wold not conſent ſo eaſily to the purpoſe of the Frenchmẽ, though he had .xx.M. pound ſterling out of Frãce, of yerely ye [...], to co [...]unt [...] frende & allye to the French K. but he proteſted [...] that he wold ſee the realme of France defended to his power, & ſtudy no [...] to haue a peace concluded, whiche might [...] a [...] honorable to the French king as to himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The .xxij. of Februarye the king [...] at Windſore ſir Piers Butler of Ireland erle of Oſſerey.


Creation of the Earle of Oſſerie.

Alſo a Dutche Crayre of Armew cha|ſed a French Crayre vp the Thames from Mat+gate to the Toure wharf,Sir Edmunde VValſingham. & ther as they fought ſir Edmund Walſinghã lieutenant of ye coure perceiuing them, called his men togither, & en|tring the ſhips toke both the captains. The kin|ges counſell toke vp the maner betwixt them,An. reg. 2 [...]. far the Flemyng chalenged the Frencheman as a lawfull priſe. An abſtinence of the warre was takẽ in ye beginning of this yere betwixte Flanders, & the countryes of Picardie on this ſide the riuer of Some, to begin ye firſt of May, to endure til the laſt of February. By meanes of this truce all Engliſhemen might lawfully paſſe into the low coũtreys, but not into Spain whiche ſore greued the merchants that haunted thoſe parties. It was further agreed, that if no generall peace could be had during the time of this truce, then all merchants ſhould haue reſ|pite .ij. moneths after to paſſe into their owne countreis wt their wares & merchãdiſes in ſafe|tie.The tvve [...] ticke [...] In the end of May began in ye citie of Lõ|don ye diſeaſe called ye ſweating ſicknes, which afterwards infected al places of the realm, and ſlew many wtin .v. or .vi. hours after they ſick|ned. By reaſon of this ſickneſſe, the term was adiorned, & the circuit of the aſſiſes alſo. There died diuers in the court of this ſickeneſſe, as ſir Francis Pointz, which had bin ambaſſador in Spayn, & diuers other. The K. for a ſpace re|moued almoſt euery day till he came to Tyn|tynhangar, a place of the Abbot of S. Albous, and there he with the Quene, & a ſmall compa|nie about them, remained til the ſickneſſe was paſſe. In this great mortalitie died ſir Williã Comptõ knight, & Williã Cary eſquier,Sir VVilliam Compton. which were of the kings priuie chãber. Ye haue heard how the people talked a little before the Cardi|nals goyng ouer into Fraunce the laſte yeare,Doctor Long|lande Bishopp of Lincolne. that the king was tolde by Doctor Longland Biſhop of Lincolne & other, that his marriage with Queene Katherine coulde not bee good nor lawfull: the trouth is, that wheather, this EEBO page image 1551 doubt was firſt moued by the Cardinall, or by the ſayd Longland, being the kings confeſſor the king was not only brought in doubt, whe|ther it was a lawfull marriage or no, but alſo determined to haue the caſe examined, clered, & adiudged by lerning,VV [...]y the Car|dinal vvas ſuſ| [...]ed to be a| [...] the mar| [...]. lawe, and ſufficient au|thoritie. The Cardinall veryly was put moſte in blame for this ſcruple now caſt into ye kings conſcience, for the hate he bare to the Emperor, bycauſe he would not graunt to him the Arch|byſhoprike of Toledo, for the whiche hee was a ſuiter, and therefore he did not onely procur [...] the Kyng of Englande to ioygne in friend|ſhippe with the Frenche king, but alſo ſoughte a diuorſe betwixte the Kyng and the Queene, that the king mighte haue had in mariage the Ducheſſe of Alanſon, ſiſter to the French king, and as ſome haue thought, [...]lider. he trauailed in that matter with the Frenche king at Amiens, but the Ducheſſe wold not giue care therto.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]d.But howe ſoeuer it came about, that ye king was thus troubled in conſcience concernyng his mariage, this folowed, that like a wiſe pru|dent Prince, to haue the doubt clearely remo|ued, he called together the beſte learned of the realme, which were of ſeueral opinions, wher|fore he thought to know the trouth by indiffe|rent iudges, leaſt peraduenture the Spanyar|des, and other alſo in fauor of the Quene, wold ſay, that his owne ſubiects were not indifferent Iudges in this behalfe, and therefore he wrote his cauſe to Rome: and alſo ſente to all the Vniuerſities of Italy and France, and to the greate Clerkes of all Chriſtendome, to knowe their opinions, and deſired the Court of Rome to ſende into his realme a Legate, which ſhuld bee indifferente, and of a greate and profounde iudgement to heare the cauſe debated.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At whoſe requeſte, the whole Conſiſtorie of the College of Rome, ſente thither Laurence Camprius,Cardynall Camprius ſente [...] Englande. a prieſt Cardinall, a man of great wit and experience, whiche was ſent hither be|fore in the tenth yeare of this King, as ye haue heard, and with him was ioyned in cõmiſſion the Cardinall of York, and legate of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Cardinall came to London in Octo|ber, & did intimate bothe to the king & Queene the cauſe of his cõming, which being knowne, great talke was had therof.The matter [...]chyng the Kings marriage [...]bated. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury ſent for ye famous doctors of both the vniuerſities to Lambeth, and there were euery daye diſputations and commonings of this matter: and bicauſe the king ment nothing but vprightly therein, and knewe well that the Queene was ſomewhat wedded to hir owne opinion, and wiſhed that ſhe ſhoulde doe no|thyng without counſell, he had hir chooſe the beſte clearkes of his realme to be of hir coun|ſell, and licenced them to do the beſt on hir part that they coulde, according to the truth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſhe elected William Warham Arch|biſhop of Canterbury,The Quene choſeth lavv: [...] for hir part and Nicholas Weaſt Biſhop of Ely, doctors of the laws, and Iohn Fiſher Biſhop of Rocheſter, and Henry Stan|diſhe biſhop of Saint Aſſaph, doctors of Di|uinitie, and many other doctors and well ſer|ned men, which for a ſuretie lyke men of great learnyng, defended hir cauſe as farre as lear|nyng might maynteyne and hold it vp.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere was ſir Iames Spencer Maior of London,Polidor. in whoſe time the watche in Lon|don on Midſomer night was layd downe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this time the king receiued into fa|uor Doctor Stephen Gardiner,

Doctor Ste|phen Gardner.


whoſe ſeruice he vſed in matters of great ſ [...]crecie & weighte, admitting him in the roomth of Doctor Paco,Doctor Paco. the which being continually abrode in ambaſ|ſades, and the ſame oftentymes not muche ne|ceſſarie, by the Cardinalles appointements, at length he toke ſuch greefe therwith, that he fell out of his right wittes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The place where the Cardinals ſhould ſit to heare the cauſe of Matrimonie betwixt the king and the Quene,An. reg. 2 [...]. Hall. was ordeined to be at the blacke Friers in London, where in the greate Hall was preparation made of ſeates, tables, & other furniture, accordyng to ſuche a ſolemne Seſſion and apparãce.The King and Quene aſcited. The king & the Queene were aſcited by Doctor Sampſon to appeare before the Argates at the forenamed place, the xxviij. of May being the morrow after ye feaſt of Corpus Chriſti.

The King at the day aſſigned,Polidore. came fyrſt to the court, and there ſtanding vnder his cloath of eſtate, had theſe wordes to the Legates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye reuerend fathers,The Kinges vvordes to the legates. I haue in marriage a wyfe to me moſt deare & entierly beloued, both for hir ſingular vertues of mynde, and alſo for hir nobilitie of birth: but ſith I am the king of a mightie kingdome, I muſte prouide that it may be lawfull for me to lyue with hir duely, lawfully, iuſtly, and godly, and to haue childrẽ by hir, vnto the whiche the inheritance of the kingdome may by righte moſte iuſtly deſcende, which two things ſhall followe, if you by iuſte iudgement approue our mariage lawful. But if there be any doubte in it, I ſhall deſyre you by your authoritie to declare the ſame, or ſo to take it awaye, that in this thing, both my con|ſcience & the mynds of the people may be quie|ted for euer. After this, cõmeth in the Quene, the which there in preſence of the whole courte moſte greuouſly accuſeth the Cardinall of vn|trouth, deceyt, wickedneſſe, and malice,The Queene accuſeth Car|dinall VVolſy which had ſowen diſſention betwixt hir and the king hir huſband, and therfore openly proteſted, that EEBO page image 1552 ſhe did vtterly abhorre, refuſe, and forſake ſuche a iudge, as was not onely a moſt malicious e|nimie to hir, but alſo a manifeſt aduerſarie to all right and Iuſtice,She appealeth to the Pope. and therwith did ſhe ap|peale vnto the Pope, committyng hir whole cauſe to bee iudged of him: and thus for that day the matter reſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But notwithſtanding this appeale, the Le|gates ſate weekely, and euery day were argu|mentes brought in on bothe partes, and proues alledged for the vnderſtanding of the caſe, and ſtill they aſſayed if they coulde by any meanes procure the Queene to call backe hir Appeale, whiche ſhe vtterly refuſed to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king my|ſtruſteth the le|gates of ſeking delayes.The King woulde gladly haue had an ende in the matter, but when the Legates droue tyme, and determined vpon no certaine point, be conceyued a ſuſpition, that this was done of purpoſe, that their doings might draw to none effect or concluſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt theſe thinges were thus in hande, the Cardinall of Yorke was aduiſed that the King had ſet his affection vpon a yong Gen|tlewoman named Anne, the daughter of Syr Thomas Bulleyn, vicount Rochfort, whiche did wayt vpon the Queene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was a great grief vnto the Cardinal, as he that perceyued aforehande, that the king woulde marie the ſayd Gentlewoman if the diuorce tooke place, wherefore he began wyth all diligence to diſappoynt that matche, which by reaſon of the myſlyking that he had to the woman, he iudged ought to be ad [...]eyded more than preſent death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whyleſt the matter ſtoode in this ſtate, and that the cauſe of the Queene was to be hearde and iudged at Rome,The ſecrete vvorking and diſsimulation of Cardinal VVoſley. by reaſon of the appeale which by hir was put in: the Cardinall requi|red the Pope by letters and ſecrete meſſengers that in any wiſe he ſhuld deferre the iudgemẽt of the diuorce, till hee might frame the Kinges minde to his purpoſe: but he went aboute no|thing ſo ſecretly,The king con|ceyuet a diſplea|ſure againſt the Cardinall. but that the ſame came to the kings knowledge, who toke ſo highe diſplea|ſure with ſuche his cloaked diſſimulation, that he determined to abaſe his degree, ſith as an vnthankfull perſon, he forgotte himſelfe and his dutie towardes him, that had ſo highly aduan|ced him to all honor and dignitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hall.When the nobles of the realme perceyued the Cardinall to bee in diſpleaſure, they began to accuſe him of ſuche offences, as they knewe myght be proued againſt him,Articles exhi|bited againſte the Cardinall. and therof they made a booke conteyning certayne articles, to whyche diuers of the kings counſell ſet their handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king vnderſtanding more playnly by thoſe articles, the great pride, preſumption and couetouſneſſe of the Cardinall [...] [...]|ued againſt him, but yet kepte his purpoſe ſe|crete for a whyle, and firſt permitted Cardinal Campeius to departe backe agayne to Rome, not vnrewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, a Parliament was called to beginne at Weſtminſter the third of Nouem|ber next enſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme the King being infour|med, that all thoſe thyngs that the Cardinall had done by his power Legantine within th [...] realme were in the caſe of the Pr [...]ite and prouiſion, cauſed his atturney Chriſtofer Ha|les,The Cardinall fued in a Pre| [...]nire. to ſue out a [...]te of Premu [...]re againſte hym, in the whiche he licenced him to make his attourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further the .xvij. of Nouẽber the King ſent the two Dukes of Norfolke and Suf|folke to the Cardinalles place at Weſtminſter,The great ſeale taken from the Cardinall. to fetche away the greate Seale of Englande, Sir William Fitz William knighte of the Garter and Treaſorer of his houſe, and doctor Stephen Gardiner newely made Secretarie, were alſo ſent to ſee that no goodes ſhoulde be conueyed out of his houſe. The Cardinall him ſelfe was appointed to remoue vnto Aſhere, beſyde Kingſton, there to tary the kings plea|ſure, and had things neceſſarie deliuered vnto hym for his vſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, in the Kings benche his matter for the Premunice, beyng called vpon,Iohn Sents, K. Edm [...]nd [...]e [...] two at|turneys whiche he had authoriſed by hys war|rant ſigned with his owne hande,The Cardinall condemned in 2 Premunire. confeſſed the action, and ſo had iudgement to forfeit all hys landes, tenementes, goodes, and cattelles, and to be out of the Kings protection: but the king of hys clemencie ſente to hym a ſufficient pro|tection, and lefte to hym the Byſhoprickes of Yorke and Wincheſter, wyth place and ſtuffe conuenient for his degree.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhoppricke of Dureſme was gyuen to Doctor Tunſtall Biſhoppe of London, and the Abbey of Sainct Albons to the Priour of Norwiche. Alſo the Biſhopricke of London being nowe voyde, was beſtowed on Doctor S [...]okeſley, then Ambaſſadoure to the Vni|uerſities beyonde the Sea for the Kyngs mar|ryage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ladye Margaret ducheſſe of Sauoye aunte to the Emperour, and the Ladye Loyſe Ducheſſe of Angoleſme, mother to the French Kyng, mette at Cambreye in the beginnyng of the Moneth of Iune, to treate of a peace, where were preſente Doctour Tunſtall Bi|ſhoppe of London, and Sir Thomas Moore then Chancellour of the Duchie of Lancaſter, cõmiſſioners for the K. of Englãd. At length through diligence of the ſayde Ladies a peace EEBO page image 1553 was cõcluded betwixt the Emperour, the Pope, the Kings of Englande and France. This was called ye womans peace, & proclaimed by Heralts with ſound of trumpets, in ye City of London, to ye great reioycing of the Merchauntes, who du|ring the warres, had ſuſteyned much hinderance.

The frenche King was bound by one article among other, to acquite the Emperour of foure|ſcore and ten thouſand crownes, which he ought to the King of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The four and twentith of Nouember, was Sir Thomas More made Lorde Chancellor, and the nexte day led into the Chancerie by the Dukes of Norffolke & Suffolke, & ther ſworne.

The Parlia|ment begin| [...].At the day appointed, the Parliament began, and Tho. Audeley Eſquier attorney of the Du|chie of Lancaſter, was choſen ſpeaker for the cõ|mons of the lower houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In this Parliament, the commons of the ne|ther houſe beganne to common of their greefes, wherwith the ſpiritualtie had ſore oppreſſed thẽ, and namely ſixe great cauſes wer ſhewed, wher|in the Cleargie greatly abuſed the temporaltie. The firſt in the exceſſiue fines,The commõs of the lower [...] com|payne againſt the Cleargie. whiche the ordi|naries tooke for probate of Teſtamentes. The ſecond in the extreame exactions vſed for takyng of corps preſentes, or mortuaries. The thyrde, that Prieſts, contrary to their order, vſed the oc|cupying of Fermes, graunges, and paſtures, for graſing of Catell. &c. The fourth, that Abbots, Priors, and other of the Cle [...]gie, kepte tanne houſes, and bought and ſolde wolle, cloth, and o|ther merchandiſes, as other common merchants of the temporaltie did. The fifth cauſe was, the lacke of reſidence, whereby both the poore wanted neceſſary refreſhing for ſuſtenance of their bo|dyes, and all the pariſhoners, true inſtructions, needefull to the health of their ſoules. The ſixth was the pluralitie of benefices, and the inſuffici|encie of the incumbents, where diuers well lear|ned ſchollers in the Vniuerſities, had neyther be|nefice nor exhibition. Herewith were three hilles deuiſed for a reformation to be had in ſuch caſes of great enormities, as firſte one bill for the pro|bate of teſtaments, alſo an other for mortuaries, and the third for none reſidence, pluralities, and taking of Fermes by ſpirituall men.

There was ſore hold about theſe billes, before they might paſſe the vpper houſe,The Biſhops [...]cte hard a| [...]c [...]ſte the [...]es. for ye Biſhops replyed ſore againſte them, yet after the ſame were qualified after an indifferent and reaſonable ſorte, they paſſed and were eſtabliſhed for actes.

Alſo there was a bill agreed vnto, touchyng the releaſſe of all the ſummes of money whyche the King hadde receyued by way of loue, in the fiftenth yeare of his raigne, as before yee haue hearde.

There was alſo a Booke ſente downe to the commons,Articles exhi|bited againſte the Cardinall. conteyning articles which the Lords had put to the King againſt the Cardinall, whi|che Booke was redde in the common houſe, and was ſigned by the Cardinals owne hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo there was a writing ſhewed, which was ſealed with his ſeale, by the which he gaue to the King all his mouables and vnmouables.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the daye of the conception of our Lady, the King lying at Yorke place at Weſtminſter,Creations. in the Parliamente time, created the Vicounte Rochfort, Earle of Wilſhire, and the Vicounte Fitz Water, Earle of Suffex, and the Lord Ha|ſtings Earle of Huntington.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeuententh of December, the King gaue his royall aſſent to all things done by the Lords and commõs, and ſo proroged his court of Par|liament, till the next yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The K. whiche all this while ſith the doubte was moued touching his marriage, abſteyned frõ the Queenes bedde, was nowe aduertiſed by his Ambaſſadors, which he hadde ſent to dyuers Vniuerſities, for the abſoluing of his doubt, that the ſayde Vniuerſities were agreed, and cleerely concluded, that the one brother mighte not by Gods lawe marrie the other brothers wiſe, ear|nally knowen by the firſt mariage, and that nei|ther the Pope nor ye court of Rome, could many wiſe diſpenſe with the ſame. For ye muſt vnder|ſtand, that amõgſt other things, alledged for diſ|profe of the mariage to be lawfull, euidence was giuen of certaine wordes, whiche Prince Arthur ſpake the morrowe after he was firſt married to the Queene, whereby it was gathered, that hee knew hir carnally ye night the pa [...]ed. The wor|des were theſe, as we finde them ye Chronicle of maſter Edward Hall. In the morning after, he was riſen from the bedde, in which he had ſayde with his all night, he called for drinke, whych hee before time was not accuſtomed to doe. At whi|che thing, one of his Chamberlaynes maruel|ling, required the cauſe of his brought. To whome hee aunſwered merily, ſaying, I haue this nighte bene in the middeſt of Spayne, whi|che is a hote region, and that iourney maketh me ſo drie, and if thou haddeſt bene vnder that hote climate, thou wouldeſt haue bin drier than I.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Agayne, it was alledged, that after the deathe of Prince Arthur, the King was deferred from the title and creatiõ of Prince of Wales, almoſt halfe a yeare, whiche thing could not haue bene doubted, if ſhe had not bin carnally knowen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, ſhe hir ſelfe cauſed a Bull to be purcha|ſed, in the which were theſe words vel forſan co|guitam, that is, and peraduenture carnally kno|wen, whiche wordes were not in the firſt Bull graunted by Pope Iuly at hir ſeconde in [...] to the King, which ſecond Bull with that [...]auſe EEBO page image 1554 was only purchaſed to diſpenſe with the ſeconde matrimony, although there were carnall copu|lation before, which Bull needed not to haue bin purchaſed, if there had bin no carnall copulation, for then the firſt Bull had bin ſufficient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To conclude, when theſe and other matters were layd forth to proue that which ſhe denyed, the carnall copulation betwixte hir and Prince Arthur, hir Counſellers left that matter, and fell to perſwaſions of naturall reaſon, and laſtly, when nothing elſe would ſerue, they ſtoode ſtiffe in the appeale to the Pope, and in the diſpenſati|on purchaſed from the Court of Rome, ſo that the matter was thus ſhifted off, and no end like|ly to be had therein. The King therefore vnder|ſtanding now that the Emperour and the Pope were appointed to meete at the Citie of Bonony alias Bologna, where the Emperour ſhoulde be crowned,Ambaſſadors ſent to Italy. ſente thither in Ambaſſade from hym the Earle of Wilſhire, Doctor Stokeſtey, elec|ted Byſhop of London, and his Almoner, Doc|tor Edward Lee, to declare both vnto the Pope and Emperour, the law of God, the determina|tions of Vniuerſities in the caſe of his mariage, and to require the Pope to do iuſtice accordyng to trueth, and alſo to ſhewe to the Emperoure, that the King did moue this matter, onely for diſcharge of his conſcience, and not for anye o|ther reſpect of pleaſure, or diſpleaſure earthe|lye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe Ambaſſadors comming to Bonony, were honorably receyued, and firſt doyng theyr meſſage to the Pope, had aunſwere of him, that he would heare the matter diſputed whẽ he came to Rome, and according to right he woulde do iuſtice.The Emperors aunſwere to the Ambaſsa|dors. The Emperour aunſwered that he in no wiſe woulde be againſte the lawes of God, and if the Court of Rome would iudge that the matrimony was not good, he could be content: but he ſolicited both the Pope and Cardinals, to ſtand by the diſpenſation, whiche he thought to be of force ynough to proue the mariage law|full. With theſe aunſweres, the Ambaſſadors departed, and returned homewardes, till they came on this ſide the Mountaynes, and then re|ceyued letters from the King, which appoynted the Earle of Wilſhire, to goe in ambaſſade to the French King, which then lay at Burdeaux, making ſhift for money for redeeming of hys children: and the Byſhop of London, was ap|poynted to goe to Padoa, and other Vniuerſi|ties in Italy, to know their full reſolutions and determinate opinions in the Kings caſe of ma|trimony: and the Kinges Almoner was com|maunded to returne home into England, and ſo he did.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Lente ſeaſon of this yeare,


The Cardina [...] licenſed to re+paire into Yorkeſhire.

the Kyng licenced the Cardinall to repaire into his dioceſe of Yorke, commanding him after his comming thither, not to returne Southward, without the Kings ſpeciall licence in writing.

Aboute the ſame time, Thomas Cromwell,Thomas Cromwell. that had ſerued the Cardinall, was admitted to the kings ſeruice.

The Cardinall comming to Southwell, which is within the dioces of Yorke, lay there all this yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lands which he had giuen to his colled|ges in Oxford and Ipſwich, were now come to the Kings hands by the Cardinals attainder in the premunire,The kings colledge in Oxford, other wiſe called Chriſt Church and yet the King in fauoure of learning, erected againe the Colledge in Ox|forde, and where it had bin called the Cardinals Colledge, he cauſed it to be called the Kings col|ledge, [figure appears here on page 1554] and endowed it with faire poſſeſſions.

This yeare, the Iſle of Maite was aſſigned to the Lord, maiſter of Saint Iohns of Ieruſa|lem, and to his breethrẽ the knights hoſpitalers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1555 An. reg. 22. In the beginning of this yeare was the ha|uing and reading of the new Teſtament in En|gliſhe tranſlated by Tyndall, Ioy, and others, forbidden by the King,The new Te| [...]tament Tran| [...]ated into Engliſhe. with the aduice of hys counſell, and namely the Byſhoppes, which af|firmed, that the ſame was not truely tranſlated, and that therein were prolognes and prefaces, ſounding to hereſie, with vncharitable ray [...]ing againſt Biſhops and the Cleargie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King therefore commaunded the By|ſhops, that they calling to them the b [...]ſt learned men of the Vniuerſities ſhould cauſe a new trã|ſlation to be made, that the people without dan|ger might reade the ſame for their better inſtru|ction in the lawes of God, and his holy worde, Diuers perſons that were detected to vſe reading of the new Teſtament and other Bookes in En|gliſh, ſet forth by Tindale, and ſuch other as wer fled the Realme, were puniſhed by order taken againſt them by Sir Thomas More, then Lord Chancellor, who helde greatly agaynſte ſuche Bookes, but ſtill the number of them dayly en|creaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]roclama| [...] The ninetenth of September, in the Citie of London, a Proclamation was made, that no perſon, of what eſtate or degree ſo euer hee was, ſhould purchaſe or attempt to purchaſe, from the court of Rome, or elſe where, nor vſe and put in execution, diuulgue or publiſh any thing within that yeare paſſed, purchaſed, or to bee purchaſed heereafter, conteyning matter preiudiciall to the high authoritie, iuriſdictiõ, and prerogatiue roy|all of this Realme, or to the hinderance and im|peachmente of the King his maieſties noble and vertuous intended purpoſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some iudged, that this Proclamation was made, bycauſe the Queene (as was ſayde) hadde purchaſed a new Bul for ratification of hir ma|riage, other thought, that it was made, bycauſe the Cardinall had purchaſed a Bull to curſe the King, if he would not reſtore him to his old dig|nities, and ſuffer hym to correct the ſpiritualtie, the King not to meddle with the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In deede many coniectured, that the Cardi|nall grudging at his fall from ſo high dignities, ſticked not to write things ſounding to ye kings reproche, both to the Pope, and other princes, for that many opprobrious wordes were ſpoken to Doctor Edwarde Keerne the kings Orator at Rome, and that it was ſaide to hym, that for the Cardinals ſake, the King ſhoulde haue ye worſe ſpeede in the ſute of his matrimony.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the King diſſembled the matter all thys yeare, till that the Cardinall made his prepa|ration to be inſtalled at Yorke, after ſuch a pom|pous manner, as the lyke hadde not bin ſeene in that Countrey, whereby hee did but procure to himſelfe new [...]y, whoſe late fall, mercy began to relieue, and had ſet him againe in good ſtate, if hee could haue ruled hys lofte pride, but hee to ſhewe hymſelfe what hee was, wanting nowe ſuch [...]che and pretious ornamentes and furni|ture, as might aduance hys honor, and [...]tte him oute in ſo ſolemne a doyng, was not abaſhed to ſende to the Kyng, requiring him to [...]nd hym the Mytre and Pale whiche hee was wonte to weare, when he ſang Maſſe in any ſolemne aſ|ſembly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King vpon ſight of hys ſette [...] coulde not but maruel at the proude preſumptuouſneſſe of the man, ſaying, what a thing is this,The Kings words of the Cardinall. that Pride ſhoulde thus reigne in a perſon that is quite vnderfoote. But euen as there was greate preparation made in that Countrey of them that were required of hym to attende hym to Yorke at the daye appoynted of that ſolemne feaſt and intronization, the King not able to bears with his high preſumption anye longer,The Earle of Northum|berland ap|poynted to apprehend the Cardinall. directed hys letters to the Earle of Northum|berlande, commaundyng hym with all dili|gence, to arreſt the Cardinall, and to delyuer him vnto the Earle of Shreweſbury, high Ste|ward of his houſe.

The Earle according to that commaunde|mente, c [...]e with a conuenient number vnto the manor of Cawood, where the Cardinall as then lay, and arreſted hym there in his owne chamber the fourth of Nouember, and from thence conueyd hym the ſixth of Nouember vn|to Shefield Caſtell,

The Cardinall deliuered to the Earle of Northumber|lande.

Sir William Kingſton.

and there delyuered hym vnto the Earle of Shreweſbury, who kept him, till Sir William Kingſton, Captayne of the gard, and Conneſtable of the Tower, came downe with a certayne companye of yeomen of the gard, to fetche hym to the Tower, who re|ceyuing hym at the handes of the Earle of Shreweſbury, diſeaſed as hee was in his bo|dy, occaſioned through ſorrowe and griefe of mynde, brought hym forwarde with ſoft and eaſie iourneys, til hee came to the Abbey of Lei|ceſter the ſeauen and twentith of Nouember, where through verye feobleneſſe of nature, cau|ſed by a vehemente laſ [...]e, hee dyed the ſeconde nyghte after, and in the Churche of the ſame Abbey was buryed.

Suche is the ſuretie of mans brittle ſtate, vncertayne in birthe, and no leſſe feoble in lyfe.

Thys Cardinall, when hee beganne wyth the buſineſſe of the Kynges marriage, was in hygh degree of honor & worldly felicitie, and ſo that whyche hee hoped ſhoulde haue made for hys aduauncemente, thened to hys confu|ſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1556 The deſcrip|tion of Car|dinal Wolſey.This Cardinall, as Edmonde Campion in his hiſtorie of Ireland deſcribeth him, was a mã vndoubtedly borne to honor: I thinke (ſayth he) ſome Princes baſterd no Butchers ſonne, excee|ding wiſe, faire ſpoken, high minded, full of re|uenge, vicious of his body, loftie to his enimies, were they neuer ſo bigge, to thoſe that accepted and fought his friendſhip wonderfull courteous, a ripe ſcholeman, thrall to affections, brought a bedde with flatterie, inſactable to gette, and more princely in beſtowing, as appeareth by hys two Colledges at Ipſwich and Oxeford, the one o|uerthrowen with his fall, the other vnfiniſhed, and yet as it lyeth for an houſe of Studences, conſidering all the appurtenances incomparable through Chriſtendome, wherof Henry the eigth is now called founder, bycauſe he let it ſtand. He helde and enioyed at once the Biſhoprickes of Yorke, Dureſme, and Wincheſter, the dignities of Lord Cardinal, Legate, and Chancellor, the Abbey of Saint Albous, diuers Priories, ſundry fatte benefices in commendum, a greate preferrer of his ſeruauntes, and aduauncer of learning, ſtout in euery quarrell, neuer happy till this hys ouerthrow. Therein he ſhewed ſuch moderatiõ, and ended ſo perfectly, that the houre of his death did him more honour, than all the pomp of hys life paſſed.The Cleargie in daunger of a premunire. Thus farre Campiõ. After his death, the whole Cleargie of England was in danger to haue bin atteinted in the ſtatute of premunire for that they had mainteyned his power legan|tine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſpirituall Lordes were called by pro|ceſſe into the Kings bench to aunſwere, but be|fore their day of appearance, they in their con|uocation concluded an humble ſubmiſſion in writing,The offer of the Cleargie to the Kyng. and offered an hundred thouſand poũds to be graunted by acte of Parliament to the K. to ſtand their good Lord, and to pardon them of all offences, touching the premunire, the whiche offer with much labour was accepted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The King no|minated ſu|preme head of the Church.


In this ſubmiſſion, the Cleargie called the King ſupreme head of the Church of England, which thing they neuer before confeſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Parliament was begun the ſixth of Ianuary, the pardon of the Spirituall per|ſons was ſigned with the Kings hand, and ſent to the Lords, which in time conuenient aſſented to the bill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then went it downe to the commons, where it coulde not paſſe, bycauſe diuers froward per|ſons woulde needes that the King ſhoulde alſo pardon the laytie, as well as the ſpiritualtie, ſay|ing, that all men which had delt with the Car|dinall, were in the ſame danger.

This their ſtay and bold demand, was thou|ght more than reaſon would beare, for that they dyd not only ſeeme to enuy other mens wealthe, but alſo to reſtreine the King of his libertie, and to enforce him to ſhew mercie at their appoyn [...]|ment.

They ſeemed yet at length to be ſorowfull, in that they hadde [...]e ſo vnaduſſedly, and then the King ſente them their pardon alſo, for the which they humbly thanked him.

The thirtith day of March, the Lord Chan|cellor, and diuers other Lords, both of the ſpiri|tualtie and temporaltie, came into the common houſe, and there the Lorde Chancellor declared what the King had done, touching the doubt of his marriage, to knowe the opinions of dyuers Vniuerſities in the [...]dome, and of great lear|ned man beſide.

And there were ſhewed and redde the deter|minations of the ſame Vniuerſities,Determi [...]+ons of di [...] Vn [...]es faires touching th [...] vnl [...] of the kings marriage. which they has publiſhed, written and ſealed, for ſufficient proofe of the ſame, concluding by their ſaide de|terminations, that the kings mariage could not be lawfull: and therewith were ſhewed aboue [...]n hundred Bookes drawen by Doctors of force [...]e regions, whiche agreed vppon the inualiditie of the ſame mariage, but were not redde, for that the day was ſpent.

Theſe were the Vniuerſities, which had ſh [...] determined of the vnlawfulneſſe of this mari|age, Orleans, Paris, Aniou, Bourges in Berry, Bononie, Padua, and Tholouſe.

When Eaſter beganne to drawe neere, the Parliamẽt for that time brake vp, and was pro|roged till the laſt of Marche in the nexte yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng wylling to gyue the Queene to vnderſtande,An reg. 2 [...] what the vniuerſities and learned men of foreyn parties had determined of the ma|riage betwixte them two, ſente vnto hir dyuers Lordes of the counſell, the laſt of May being the Wedneſdaye in Whitſon weeke, the whiche Lordes in hir Chamber at Greenewiche, decla|red to hir all the determinations aforeſaide, and aſked hir whether ſhe woulde for the quietneſſe of the Kyngs conſcience, put the matter to foure Prelates, and foure temporall Lordes of thys Realme, or abyde by hir appeale.

The Queene alledged many arguments of preſumption, that the marriage ſhould bee law|full, as the wiſedome and circumſpection of both their fathers, the licence of Pope Iuly graunted at the ſuite of hir father at the time of the ſame mariage: and to be briefe, ſhe affirmed, that ſhee was his lawfull wife, as ſhe verily beleeued, and would therefore abide in that poynt, til ye Court of Rome (whiche was priuie to the beginning) had made a finall end therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For ſo muche as Merchant ſtrangers brin|ging their wares into the Realme, did receyue ready money for them, and euer deliuered the ſame money to other merchants by exchange, EEBO page image 1557 not e [...]ploying it vppon the commodities of the Realme, [...]amatiõ [...]rch [...] [...]ers. a Proclamation was ſet for the made, that no perſon ſhould make any exchange, con|trary to the meaning of a ſtatute ordeyned in the time of King Richarde the ſecond, by reaſon whereof, clo [...]hes and other commodities of thy [...] Realme ſhortly after were wi [...] ſo [...], till they fell to exchange, agayne, and that this Procla|mation was forgotten.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After Whi [...]ſontide, the King and ye Queene remoued to Windefore, and there continu [...] tyll the fourtenth of Iuly, on the whiche day, the K. remoued to Wodſtocke, and left the Queene [...] Windeſore, where ſhe remayned awhile, and af|ter remoued to the Mor [...], and from thence to Eſta [...]e, whither the King foure to hir dy|uers Lordes, [...] Queene [...]h ſtiffe [...] opinion [...]ning [...]ouer| [...] o [...] his [...]iage. [...] aduiſe hir to bee conformable to the laide of God, ſhewing diuers reaſons to per|ſwade hir to their purpoſe, but ſhee ſtoode ſ [...]ly in hir firſte opinion, that ſhee was his true and lawfull wife, and from the ſame woulde not by any meanes be remoued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Prieſtes of London beeing called afore the Byſhoppe that would haue hadde them con|tributaries to the payment of the hundred thou|ſande pounde graunted to the Kyng for his par|don of the premunire, kept ſuche a ſtirre in brea|king into the Chapiter houſe (where the Byſhop ſate) all at once, and ſtriking and buffering the Byſhoppes ſeruauntes whiche gaue them euill language, that the Byſhoppe was fayne to gyue them his bleſſing, and ſuffer them to de|part in quiet for that time. But after, vpõ com|plainte made to the Lorde Chancellor, diuers of them and of their partakers were areſted, and committed to priſon, to the number of fifteene Prieſtes, and fiue lay men, ſome to the Tower, and ſome to the Fleete, and to other places, where they remayned long after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Thomas Bilney, Bacheler of law, was brẽt at Norwicke the ninetenth of Auguſt, and the fourth of December, Sir Rees Griffin was be|headed at the Tower hill, and his man named Iohn Hewes, was drawen to Tiborne, and there hanged and quartered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fiue and twentith of May, betweene London and Grenewich, were taken two greate fiſhes called Horſe pooles, male and female.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon, there was in the Realm much preaching, one learned man holding agaynſt an other, namely in the matter of the Kyngs ma|riage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1532After Chriſtmas, the Parliament began to ſitte agayne, in the which, the commons founde themſelues ſore greeued with the crueltie of ordi|naries, [...]eltie of [...]aries. that called menne afore them Ex of|ficio.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length, a Booke was drawen of all the griefes of the commons, for the cruell demea|nour of the Cleargie, and the ſame deliuered to the King by the ſpeaker, humbly beſieching [...] in name of all the commons, to take ſuch [...]ter|tion therein, as to his high wiſedome myghte ſeeme moſt expedient.

The King and f [...]d, that he woulde take aduice, and he [...] the partie accuſed ſpeake.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was not ſo ready to gratifie the commons in their requeſts as ſome thought that he would haue him, it they had not [...]icked and refuſed to paſſe a ſ [...]te, whiche hee had ſent to them tou|ching wordes and primer ſeaſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this was the Parliament proroged tyll the tenth of Aprill.The Parlia|ment proro|ged. Annates for|bidden to bee paide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliament was [...] acte made, that Byſhops ſhoulde pay no more [...]ates or mo|ney for their Bu [...]les to the Pope, for it was pro|ued that there had bin pa [...] for Bulles of By|ſhoppes, ſith the fourth yeare of Henry the ſea|uenth, 160. thouſand pound ſterling, beſide other diſpenſations and pardons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the Parliamente was begun agayne after Eaſter, there was [...] motion made to helpe, the King with money towarde his charges a|bout the edifying of houſes, piles, and other for|tifications, vpon ye bordures fore a [...]ynſt Scot|lande, both for better habitation to be had there, and alſo for the reſtreint of the Scottes that v|ſed to make inuaſions.A fifteenthe graunted. There was therefore a fiftenth graunted, but not enacted at this ſeſſion, bycauſe that ſuddenly begã a peſtilẽce in Weſt|minſter, wherefore the Parliament was proro|ged as ye ſhall heare in the next yeare.A rolle de|maunded in the lowe countrey. In thys yeare, was an old tolle demaunded in Flanders of Engliſhmen called the toll of the hound, whi|che is a riuer and a paſſage. The toll is twelue pence of a fardell. It had ben often demaunded, but neuer paid, in ſo much that K. Henry the ſe|uenth for the demaund of that toll, prohibited all his ſubiects to keepe any marte at Andwerp or Barrow, till it was promiſed, that vpon theyr returne, the ſayd tolle ſhoulde neuer be demaun|ded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. ſent doctor knight, and other to Ca|lais, whither came the Emperoures commiſſio|ners, and there vpon talke, the matter was put in ſuſpenſion for a time. The K. hauing purchaſed of the Cardinall after his attendure in the pre|munire his houſe at Weſtminſter,Yorke place or white Hall nowe the Pa|laice of Weſtminſter. called Yorke place, and gote a confirmation of the Cardinals feoffement thereof made of the Chapitre of the Cathedrall Churche of Yorke, purchaſed thys yeare alſo all the medowes about Saint Iames,Saint Iames. and there made a faire manſion and a Parke for his greater commoditie and pleaſure, and by|cauſe hee hadde a greate affection to the ſayde houſe at Weſtminſter, hee beſtowed greate EEBO page image 1558 coſt in going forwarde with the building there|of, and changed the name, ſo that it was after called the Kings Palaice of Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 24. The Parlia|ment proro|ged.The fouretenth day of May, the Parliament was proroged till the fourth of February nexte comming. After which prorogation, Sir Tho|mas More, Chancellor of Englande, after long ſutes made to the King to hee diſcharged thys office,Sir Thomas More deliue|reth vp the great ſeale. the ſixtenth of May he deliuered to the K. at Weſtminſter the greate Scale of Englande, and was with the Kinges fauour diſcharged, which Seale, the Kyng kepte till Monday in Whitſon weeke, on which day, he [...] Tho|mas Audeley,Sir Thomas Audley lorde keeper of the great Seale. ſpeaker of the Parliamẽt, might, and made him Lord keeper of the greate Seale, alſo ſo he was called.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King being enformed, that the Pope and the French King ſhould meete in the beginnyng of the next ſpring at Marſ [...]es, he thought good for diuers conſideratiõs, to ſpeake with ye frenche K. in his owne perſon, before the Pope and hee came togither: whervpon it was concluded, that in October following, both the Princes ſhoulde meete betwixte Calais and Bulleigne. Where|fore, the King of England ſent out his letters to his nobles, Prelates, and ſeruauntes, comman|ding them to bee ready at Caunterbury the ſixe and twentith of September, to paſſe the Seas with him, for the accompliſhmente of the enter|uiew betwixt him and the French Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt of September beeing Sonday, the King being come to Windeſor,The Ladye Anne Bolleign created Mar|c [...]ioneſse of Penbrooke created the La|dy Anne Bulleigne Marchioneſſe of Pembroke, and gaue to hir one thouſand pound land by the yeare, and that ſolemnitie finiſhed, he rode to the Colledge, where after that ſeruice was ended, a new league was concluded and ſworne betwene the King, and the french King. Meſſire Pomo|ray the french Ambaſſador then being preſente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The tenth of October, the Kyng came to Douer,The kyng paſ|ſeth ouer to Calais. and on the eleuenth day in the morning at three of the clocke, he tooke ſhipping at Douer Rode, and before tenne of the ſame day, he with the Lady Marchiones of Pembroke, landed at Calais, where he was receyued with all honour, and lodged at the Exchecker.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came to hym whileſt hee lay in Ca|lais, diuers Lords from the French Court, and amongſt other, the Lord great maſter of France, and the Archbiſhop of Roan, whiche were hono|rably of him receiued, and with them hee tooke a daye and place of meeting with the King theyr maiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon, the one and twentith of Octo|ber, hee marched out of Calais, accompanyed with the Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke, the Marqueſſes of Dorſet and Exeter, the Earles of Arundell, Oxforde, Surrey, Essex, Derby, Rutland, Huntington, and Sussex, with dyuers Vicountes, Barons, Knightes of the Garter, and other of the nobilitie and Gentlemen freshly apparelled, and richly trimmed, and comming to the place apointed, he there met with ye french King, who was come to receiue him with all honour that might be, and after salutations and embrasings vsed in most louing maner, The co [...]|uiewe betwyxt the kings of England and Fraunce. the K. of England went with the Frenche K. to Buleigne, and by the way, was encountred by the Frenche Kinges three sonnes, and other greate Lords that attended them, which welcomming the K. of England, he them gently receiued, and so all this noble company came to Bulleigne, where the K. of England and his nobles were so nobly enterteyned, feasted, banqueted, and cheared, that wonder it was to consider the greate plentie of viaundes, spices, wines, and all other prouision, necessary for man and horse, so that there was no more but aske and haue, and no man durst take any money, for the french Kyng payd for all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fiue and twentith of October, whileſt ye K. lay thus in Bulleigne, the Frenche King cal|led a chapiter of the companions of his order cal|led S. Michell, of whome the K. of Englande was one,The Dukes of Norffolke [...] Suffolke, elected into the order of S. Michaell. and ſo ther elected the Dukes of Norf|folke and Suffolke, to be companions of ye ſame order, and being broughte to the chapit [...], hadde their collers deliuered to them, and were, ſwor [...]e to the ſtatutes of the order, their obeyſance to their ſoueraigne Lord alwayes reſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus the two kings lay in Bulleigne, Mon|day, Tewſday, Wedneſday, & Thurſeday, and on Friday the .25. of October, they departed out of Bulleigne to Calais. Without the Towne of Calais, about the diſtance of two miles, the D. of Richmond the Kinges baſe ſonne,The duke of Rychmonde with a great company of noble men, which had not bin at Bulleigne, met them, & ſaluting the frẽch K. embraſed him in moſt honorable and courteous maner. Thus they paſſed forwarde, and came to Newnham bridge, and ſo to Calais, where was ſuche prouiſion made for the receiuing of them, as well for lodgings, place, and all ſuche other furniture of houſholde, as alſo [...] all ſortes of viands, wines, and other neceſſaries, that it ſeemed wonderful, in ſo much as the proportion aſſigned to the French Lords, oftentimes was ſo abundante, that they refuſed a greate parte thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French Kings trayne was twelue hun|dred horſes, or rather aboue. But there was lod|ging ynough in Calais, not onely for them, but alſo for manye other, ſo that there were aboue eight thouſand perſons lodged within the towne in that ſeaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The french K. comming thither on ye Friday, EEBO page image 1559 taried there till Tewſday the thirtith of Octo|ber, and then departed the Kyng of Englande accompanying hym out of the Towne, till hee came to enter into the French ground, and there eyther tooke leaue of other, with right prince|ly countenaunce, louing behauiour, and ſo hartie wordes, that all men reioyced that ſawe them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the two kings lay in Calais, the L. Annas de Montmorancie Earle of Beaumont, great maiſter of the french kings houſe, and Phi|lip de Chabot Earle of Newblanke, greate Ad|mirall of Fraunce, were admitted into the order of the Garter,The great [...]ſter, and Admirall of France made knights of the [...]. the K. calling a chapitre for that purpoſe of the knightes of that order, as the whi|che, the Frenche King was preſente, and ware a blew mantel, bycauſe he was one of the ſame or|der.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 While the King was in the French Kyngs dominion, hee hadde the vpper hand, and likewiſe had the French King in his dominion, and as the French King payd all the Engliſhmens charges at Bulleigne, ſo did the King of Englande at Calais.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There roſe aboute the ſame ſeaſon, ſuche ſore weather, ſtormes and rigorous windes, continu|ing for the more part at North and Northweſt, that the King ſtayed at Calais for a conuenient winde,The king re| [...]eth into Englande. till Tewſday the thirtenth of Nouem|ber at midnight, and then taking his Ship, lan|ded at Douer the nexte daye aboute fiue of the clocke in the morning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He marrieth the Lady Anne Bul|leigne.And herewith, vpon his returne, hee married priuily the Lady Anne Bulleigne the ſame day, being the fouretenth of Nouember, and the feaſt day of Saint Erkenwald, which marriage was kept ſo ſecrete, that very few knewe it till Eaſter next enſuing, whẽ it was perceiued that ſhe was with childe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the King ſhould paſſe ouer the ſea, he conſidered that the Scottes woulde happely at|tempt ſomewhat, to the preiudice of his ſubiectes in his abſence, which ſticked not, he being within the Realme, to robbe both by ſea and land, wher|fore to reſiſt their malice, he appointed ſir Arthur Darcy with three hundred mẽ, to goe vnto Ber|wike to defend the borders from inuaſions of the Scottes, the whiche ſhortly after by the middle marches entred the Realme, and came to a place called Fowbery, and fyering certaine villages in their way, returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Angus as then was at Ber|wike as a baniſhed man, and the ſaide Sir Ar|thur determined to reuenge this diſpleaſure, and therevpon with four hundred men, made a roade into Scotland, and ſet a village on fire. Then immediately aſſembled togither eight hundred Scottes, and began to approch neere to the En|gliſh menne, who perceyuing them, cauſed their Trumpette to blowe the retreat, and the Earle and twentie with him, ſhewed hym ſelfe on an hyll, euen in the face of the Scottes, and the Trumpette blewe at theyr backes, ſo that the Scottes thought that there hadde bin two com|panyes, whyche cauſed the Scottes to flee,Scots diſcom|fited by the Engliſhemen. and the Engliſhmenne followed and ſlewe a greate number of them, and tooke many of them priſo|ners.

[figure appears here on page 1559]

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Sir Thomas Audley Lord Chancellor.

After Chriſtmas, Sir Thomas Audeley, Lord keeper of the greate ſeale, was made hygh Chancelloure of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And when the Parliamente began, bycauſe the office of the ſpeaker was voyde, Humfrey Wingfielde of Greis Inne, was choſen ſpea|ker.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliamente was an acte made, that no perſon ſhoulde appeale for anye cauſe out of this Realme, to the Courte of Rome, but from the commiſſarie to the Byſhop, and from the Byſhoppe to the Archebyſhoppe, and from the Archbyſhoppe to the Kyng, and all cauſes of the King, to bee tryed in the vpper houſe of the conuocation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo enacted the ſame tyme,Queene Ka|therine to be named Prin|ceſſe Dowa|ger. that Queene Katherine ſhoulde no more bee called Queene, but Princes Dowager, as the widow of Prince Arthur.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſeaſon of the laſt Sommer, dyed Wil|liam Warham, Archebyſhoppe of Caunterbu|rie, and then was named to that ſea Thomas Cranmer the Kings Chaplayne, a man of good learning, and of a vertuous life, whiche lately EEBO page image 1560 before hadde bin Ambaſſador from the King to the Pope.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the King perceyued his newe wife to be with childe, he cauſed all officers neceſſary to be appointed to hir,Queene Anne. and ſo on Eaſter euen, ſhe went to hir cloſet openly as Queene, and then the King appoynted the day of hir coronation to be kept on Whitſonday nexte following, & wri|tings were ſente to all Sheriffes, to certifie the names of men of fortie pound, to receiue the or|der of knighthood, or elſe to make fine. The aſ|ſiſement of the fine was appointed to Thomas Cromwell, maiſter of the kings iewel houſe, and counſellor to the Kyng, and newly receiued into hygh fauour. He ſo vſed the matter, that a great ſumme of money was reyſed to the Kings vſe by thoſe fynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The matter of the Queenes appeale where|vnto ſhe ſtill ſticked, and by no meanes could be remoued from it, was communed of both in the Parliamente houſe, and alſo in the conuocation houſe, where it was ſo handled, that many were of opinion, that not only hir appeale, but alſo all other appeales made to Rome, were voyde, and of none effect, for that in auncient counſelles it had bin determined, that a cauſe riſing in one prouince, ſhould be determined in the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 25. This matter was opened with all the cir|cumſtance to the Lady Katherin Dowager (for ſo was ſhe then called) the which perſiſted ſtill in hir former opinion, and woulde reuoke by no meanes hir appeale to ye Couet of Rome: where|vpon, the Archbyſhop of Caunterbury, accom|panyed with the Byſhops of London, Winche|ſter, Bathe, Lincolne, and diuers other learned men in great number, rode to Dunſtable, which is ſixe mile from Ampthill, where the Princes Dowager lay, and there by one Doctor Lee, ſhe was aſcited to appeare before the ſayde Archby|ſhop in cauſe of Matrimony in the ſayde towne of Dunſtable, and at the day of appearance, ſhee appeared not,The Lady Katherine Dowager cal|led peremp|toryly. but made default, and ſo ſhee was called peremptorie euery daye fifteene dayes to|gither, and at the laſt, for lacke of appearance, by the aſſent of all the learned men there preſent, ſhe was diuorſed from the King, and the mariage declared to be voyde and of none effect.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this diuorſe, and of the Kinges mariage with the Lady Anne Bulleine, menne ſpake dy|uerſly, ſome ſayd the King had done wiſely, and ſo as became him to doe in diſcharge of his con|ſcience.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other otherwiſe iudged, and ſpake theyr fanſies as they thoughte good: but when euerye man had talked ynough, then were they quiet, and all reſted in good peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In May, Pope Clemente ſente an orator to the King, requiring hym to appeare perſonally at the generall counſell, which he had appoynted to be kept the yere following: but when his com|miſſion was ſhewed, at the earneſt requeſt of the King, there was neyther place nor time ſpecifi|ed for the keeping of that councell, and ſo with an vncertayne aunſwere to an vncertaine de|maund he departed, but not vnrewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King vnderſtanding that the Pope, the Emperour, and the Frenche King ſhould meete at Nice in Iune following,Ambaſſadors to the Frenche King. hee appoynted the Duke of Norffolke, the Lord Rochfoat brother to Queene Anne, ſir William Paulet Comp|troller of his houſe, Sir Anthony Browne, and ſir Francis Brian Knightes, to goe in ambaſ|ſade to the French King, and both to accompa|ny him to Nice, and alſo to commune with the Pope there concerning his ſtay in the kyngs di|uorſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe worthy perſonages made their pro|uiſion readye, and ſo with the number of eyghte ſcore horſes, they wente to Douer, and paſſing ouer to Calais, tooke their way through France, to accompliſhe their ambaſſage as they hadde in commaundement.

The .29. of May, being Thurſeday, Queene Anne was conueyed by water frõ Greenewiche to the Tower, with all honor that might be de|uiſed, and there of the King ſhe was receyued, and ſo lodged there till Saturday, on the which daye, were made Knightes of the Bath by the King, according to the ceremonies thereto be|longing, the Marques Dorſet,Knightes of the Bath. the Erle of Der|by, the Lorde Clifforde, the Lorde Fitz Water, the Lord Haſtings, the L. Mont egle, Sir Iohn Mordant, the Lord Vaux, Sir Henry Parker, Sir William Winſor, Sir Francis Weſton, Sir Thomas Arondell, Sir Iohn Huddleſton, Sir Thomas Poynings, Sir Henrye Sauell, Sir George Fitz William, Sir Iohn Tindall, Sir Thomas Iermey.

The ſame daye, the Queene paſſed through London to Weſtminſter, in ſuche ſolemne wiſe as is vſed, the Citie beeing prepared, and the ſtreetes garniſhed with Pageants in places ac|cuſtomed, the houſes on euerye ſide richely han|ged, with clothes of great value, and great me|lodie made with inſtruments, appoynted in pla|ces conuenient.

On the morrowe after beeing Whitſonday,Queene Anne crowned. and the firſt of Iune, ſhe was crowned at Weſt|minſter, with all ſuche ceremonies, ſolemnitie, and honour, as in ſuche a caſe apperteyned, no|thing was lette paſſe or forgotten that mighte aduaunce the eſtimation of that high and royall feaſt, euerye man clayming to exerciſe ſuche office and ſeruice, as by way of anye tenure, graunte, or preſcription hee coulde proue to be belongyng vnto hym at ſuch a coronation.

EEBO page image 1561On Monday were the Iuſtes holden at the Tylt, but there were but fewe ſlaues broken, by|cauſe theyr horſes would not cope.

On Mydſommer day after, dyed the French Queene, then wife to the duke of Suffolke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Queene Eliza| [...]eth [...]ne.The ſeuenth of September being Sunday, betweene three and foure of the clocke in the after noone, the Queene was deliuered of a fayre yong Ladie, on which day the Duke of Norffolk came home to the Chriſtening, which was appoynted on the Wedneſday next following, and was ac|cordingly accompliſhed on the ſame day, with all ſuch ſolemne ceremonies as were thought con|uenient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Godfather at the Font, was the Lorde Archbiſhop of Canterburie, the Godmothers, the olde Duches of Norffolke, and the olde Mar|chioneſſe Dorcet wydow: at the confyrmation the Marcioneſſe of Exceter was Godmother: The childe was named Elizabeth, whiche after with great felicitie and ioy of all Engliſh heartes atteyned to the Crowne of this Realme, and now reigneth ouer the ſame, whoſe heart the lord direct in his wayes, and long preſerue hir in lyfe, to his godly will and pleaſure, and the comfort of all hir true and faythfull ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Elizabeth Barton.About this ſeaſon, the craftie practiſes of one Elizabeth Barton, named the holy Mayde of Kent, came to light and were diſcouered, ſo that ſhee and hir adherentes in Nouember following were brought to the Starre Chamber, and there before the Kings Counſayle confeſſed their fey|ned hypocriſie and diſſimuled holineſſe, traiterous purpoſes and intents.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The names of thoſe hir adherents, whiche were preſented with hir before the Lordes in the Starre Chamber, were as followeth: Richarde Maſter prieſt, parſon of Aldington in Kent: Ed|warde Bocking doctor in Diuinitie, a Monke of Canterburie, Richarde Dering Monke alſo of Canterburie, Edwarde Twayres Gentleman, Thomas Laurence, regyſter to ye Archdeacon of Canterburie: Henrie Golde parſon of Aldermary, Batchler of Diuinitie: Hugh Rich Frier Obſer|uant, Richarde Riſby, and Thomas Gold gen|tleman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They were adiudged vpon their confeſſion a|foreſayde, to ſtande at Poules Croſſe in the ſer|mon time, where they with their owne handes ſhoulde ſeuerally deliuer eche of them to the prea|cher that ſhoulde be appoynted, a Byll, declaring theyr ſubtile, craftie and ſuperſtitious doings. Which thing they did the Sunday nexte follo|wing, ſtanding vpon a ſtage at the croſſe erected for that purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But for their treaſons committed, the order was reſpited till the Parliament next following, in the which they were atteynted, and ſuffred (as after ye ſhall heare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time the Scottes were not quiet,The Scottes moue warre. but ſtill robbed the kings ſubiectes both by ſea and lande, wherevpon the king cauſed them to be requited, not onely by the borderers and o|ther to them aſſociate, which entring by the mar|ches, burnt many of their ſtrong piles, but alſo he ſet forth certaine ſhippes which entred into theyr ſtreames, and fetched out many of thoſe pryſes, whiche they had taken out of theyr hauens and creekes, mawgre of their heades. Yet was there no warre proclaymed, and ſtill Commiſſioners ſet and comuned of agreement, and aniendes to be made on either part. But in the ende when the Scottes had much demaunded, and little or no|thing granted, they for that time being wearie of war, deſired peace, which was cõcluded to endure both the kings liues. And ſo the .xx. day of May in the yeare next following, it was openly pro|claymed, to the comfort of all them that delyted in peace and godly quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſuyte of the Ladie Katherin Dowa|ger, a curſſe was ſent from the Pope,A curſe pro|cured from the Pope. which ac|curſed both the King and the Realme. This curſſe was ſet vp in the towne of Dunkyrke in Flaunders (for the bringer thereof durſt no nea|rer approche) where it was taken downe by one William Locke a Mercer of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe it was knowne that the Ladie Ka|therin Dowager had procured this curſe of the Pope, all the order of hir Court was broken, for the Duke of Suffolke beeing ſent to hir as then lying at Bugden beſide Huntingdon, according to that he had in commaundement, diſcharged a great ſort of hir houſeholde ſeruants, and yet left a conueniẽt number to ſerue hir like a Princeſſe, which were ſworne to ſerue hir not as Queene, but as Princeſſe Dowager. Such as toke that othe ſhe vtterly refuſed, and would none of theyr ſeruice, ſo that ſhe remayned with the leſſe num|ber of ſeruants about hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Chriſtmaſſe the Parliament beganne,


Elizabeth Bar|ton attaynted.

wherein the forenamed Elizabeth Barton, and other hir complices were attaynted of treaſon for ſundry practized deuiſes & tales by them aduan|ced, put in vre, and told, ſounding to the vtter re|proch, perill, and deſtruction of the kings perſon, his honor, fame, and dignitie: for they had of a di|ueliſh intent, put in the heades of manye of the kings ſubiects, that to the ſayde Elizabeth Bar|ton was giuen knowledge by reuelation from God and his Saints, that if the King proceeded to the diuorſe, and maried another, he ſhould not be king of this Realme one Moneth after, and in the reputation of God not one daye nor houre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Elizabeth, firſt through ſickneſſe, being oftentymes brought as it were into a traunce, EEBO page image 1562 whereby hir viſage and countenaunce became maruellouſly altered at thoſe times whẽ ſhe was ſo vexed, at length, by the encouraging, procure|ment and information of ye forenamed Richard Maſter perſon of Aldington, ſhe learned to coun|terfaite ſuch maner of traunſes (after ſhe came to perfect health) as in hir ſickeneſſe by force of the diſeaſe ſhe hadde bin aquainted with, ſo that ſhee practiſed, vſed, and ſhewed vnto the people, diuers maruellous and ſundry alterations of the ſenſible partes of hir body, craftely vttering in hir ſayde feygned and falſe traunces, diuers & many coun|terfaite vertuous and holy words, tending to the rebuke of ſinne, and improuing of ſuche new opi|nions as then began to riſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And to bring the people the more in beliefe with hir hypocriticall doings, ſhe was counſelled to ſay in thoſe hir traunſes, that ſhe ſhould neuer be perfectly whole, till ſhee had viſited an Image of our Lady, at a place called Court at Streete, within the pariſh of Aldington aforeſaid.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thither was ſhe brought, and by the meanes of the ſayd Richard Maſter, and Edward Boc|king, that was now made of counſel in the mat|ter, there aſſembled a two thouſand perſons at the day appointed of hir thither comming, to ſee the miracle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At which day, ſhee being thither brought a|fore all that aſſemble and multitude of people, ſhe falſely feigned and ſhewed vnto the people in the Chappel of our Lady there at Court at Streete,A forged mi|racle. many alteracions of hir face, and other outwarde ſenſible partes of hir body, and in thoſe traunces, ſhe vttered wonderous words, as ſhe was before ſubtilly and craftely induced and taughte by the ſaid Edward Bocking and Richard Maſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And amongſt other things ſhe vttered, that it was the pleaſure of God, that the ſayde Bocking ſhould be hir ghoſtly father, and that ſhe ſhould be a religious woman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And within a while after ſuche feigned and counterfeite traunſes, ſhee appeared to the people to be ſuddaynely relieued from hir ſickneſſe and afflictions, by the interceſſion and meane of the Image of our Lady, being in the ſame Chappel. By reaſon of whiche hipocriticall diſſimulation, the ſaid Elizabeth was broughte into a maruel|lous fame, credite, and good opinion of a greate multitude of the people of this Realme, and to encreaſe the ſame,Elizabeth Barron be|commeth a Nunne. by the counſell of the ſaid Ed|ward Bocking ſhe became a Nunne in the pri|orie of S. Sepulchres at Canterbury, to whome the ſaid Edwarde Bocking had commonly hys reſorte, not withoute ſuſpition of incontinencie, pretending to be hir ghoſtly father by Gods ap|poyntment. And by conſpiracie betwene hir and him, ſhe ſtill continued in practiſing hir diſſimu|led trannſes, alledging, that in the ſame ſhe had reuelations from almightie God & his Saincts, and amõgſt other, that which as before we haue mentioned, touching the Kinges mariage as yee haue heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This mater proceeded ſo farre, that ther was a booke writtẽ by hir complices, and namely, by Thomas Laurence, regiſter to the Archbyſhop of Caunterbury, of hir feigned and counterfaite miracles, reuelations, and hipocriticall holyneſſe. All things were handled ſo craftely, that not only the ſimple, but alſo the wiſe and learned were de|ceiued by the ſame, in ſo muche,The Archby+ſhop of Can+terbury, and the Byſhop [...] Rocheſter, giue credi [...] to hir hypo|criticall pra [...]+tiſes. that William Warham the late Archbyſhop of Caunterbury, and Iohn Fiſher Byſhop of Rocheſter, and dy|uers other, beeing enformed thereof, gaue credite thereto. All whiche matters and many other, had bin traiterouſly practiſed and imagined amongſt the parties many yeares, chiefly, to interrupt the diuorſe, and to deſtroy the King, and to depriue him from the Crowne and dignitie royall of this Realme, as in the acte of their atteinder made, more at large it may appeare, and likewiſe in ye Chronicles of maiſter Edward Hall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore to conclude with hir and hir adhe|rents, the one and twentith of Aprill nexte follo|wing, ſhee with diuers of them before condem|ned, was drawen to Tiborne,Elizabeth Barton exe|cuted. and there execu|ted, as iuſtly they had deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the very time of hir deathe ſhee confeſſed howe ſhe had abuſed the world, and ſo was not only the cauſe of hir own death, but alſo of theirs that there ſuffred with hir, and yet they could not (as ſhee then alledged) bee worthy of leſſe blame than ſhe, conſidering that they being learned and wiſe enoughe, myght eaſily haue perceyued, that thoſe things which ſhe did were but fained. Ne|uertheleſſe bycauſe the ſame were profitable to them, they therefore bare hir in hand, that it was the holy Ghoſt that did them, and not ſhe, ſo that puffed vp wyth their praiſes, ſhee fell into a cer|tayne pryde and fooliſhe fantaſie, ſuppoſing ſhee might faine what ſhe would, whiche thyng had brought hir to that ende, for the whiche hir miſ|dooings ſhe cried God and the Kyng mercy, and deſired the people to praye for hir, and all them that there ſuffred with hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliament alſo was made the acte of ſucceſſion, for the eſtabliſhing of the Crowne,The acte of the eſtabli|ſhing of the Crowne. to the whiche euery perſon beyng of lawfull age ſhoulde be ſworne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Monday the three & twentith of Marche in the Parliament time,Ambaſsadors forth of Scot|land. were ſolemnely recey|ued into London Ambaſſadors from Iames the fifth King of Scottes, the Byſhop of Aberdine, the Abbot of Kynlos, and Adam Otterborne the Kings attourney, with diuers Gentlemen on them attendaunte, whiche were broughte to the Taylers Hall, and there lodged. And on the day EEBO page image 1563 of the Innunciation they were brought to the kings Pala [...]ce at Weſtminſter, where they ſhe|wed their commiſſion and meſſage forthe which the king appoynted them dayes to counſayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the Parliament time, euery Sun|day at Paules Croſſe preached a Biſhop, decla|ring the Pope not to bee ſupreeme heade of the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxx. day of March was the Parliament proroged, [...]e Lordes [...] to the [...]ion. and there euerie Lorde, knight, and burges, and all other were ſworne to the Acte of ſucceſſion, and ſubſcribed the inhandes to a parc [...]|ment fired to the ſ [...]e. The Parliament was proroged till the thirde of Nouember next.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this were Commiſſioners ſent into all parts of the realme, to take the othe of al men and women to the act of ſucceſſion. Doctor Iohn Fi|ſher, and ſir Thomas Moore knight and doctor Nicholas Wilſon Parſon of Saint Thomas Apoſtles in London, expreſſely denied at Lãbeth before the Archbiſhop of Canterb. to receyue that oth. The two firſt ſtood in their opinion to the ve|rie death (as after ye ſhall heare) but doctor Wil|ſon was better aduiſed at length, & ſo diſſembling the matter eſcaped out of further daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .ix. of Iuly was the Lord Dacres of the North arraigned at Weſtminſter of high trea|ſon,An. reg. 26. where the Duke of Norffolke ſat as Iudge, and high ſteward of England. The ſayd Lorde Dacres being brought to the hares, with the Axe of the Tower before him, after his Inditement read, ſo improued the ſame, anſwering euery part and matter therein conteyned, and ſo plainly and directly confuted his accuſers, whiche were there readie to a [...]ouch their accuſations, that to theyr great ſhames, and his high honor, he was founde that day by his Peeres not guiltie, whereof the Commons not a little rei [...]ſed, as by their ſhawt and crie made at thoſe wordes, not guiltie, they freely teſtified.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxix. of Iuly was Iohn Frith burned in Smitfield, for the opinion of the Sacrament: and with him the ſame time, & at the ſame ſtake, [figure appears here on page 1563] ſuffred alſo our Andrew Hewet, youngman, by his occupations Tayler.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The [...] of Auguſt were all the places of the obſeruant Friers ſuppreſſed, as Greenwich,Stow. Can|terburie, Richmont, Newarke, and Newcaſtell, and in their places were ſet Auguſt in Friers, and the obſeruant Friers were placed in the towne [...] of the gray Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxi. of September Doctor Taylor maiſter of the Rolles was diſcharged of that of|fice, and Thomas Cromwell [...] in hys place the .ix. of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer the thirde of Nouember,The Parlia|ment againe beginneth. the Par|liament began againe in the which was conclu|ded the Act of Supremacie, which authorized the kings highneſſe to be ſupreme head of the church of England, and the authoritie of the Pope cha|liſhed out of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame Parliament alſo was gyuen to the king, the firſt fruites and tenthes of all ſpiri|tuall dignities and promotions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare came the great Admiral of France into Englãd, Ambaſſador from the French king,

The Admirall of France cõ|meth in Am|baſsade into England.


and was honorably receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this [...]medyed the Earle of Kildare, pri|ſoner in the Tower, and his ſon Thomas Fitz-Garet begon to rebell, and tooke all the kings or|dinance and ſent to the Emperor, requiring him to take his part. Alſo he fiue the biſhop of Dub|lyn, and robbed all ſuche as woulde not obey him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of this yeare,An. reg. 27. the Duke of Norffolke, and the Biſhop of Elie went to Ca|lays, and thither came the Admirall of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxij. of Aprill the Prior of the Charte|reux at London, the Prior of Beuall,Stow. the Prior of Exham, Reynalds a brother of Sion, & Iohn Vicar of Thiſleworth, were arraigned and con|demned of treaſon, and thervpon drawne, hanged and quartered at Tiburne, the fourth of May. Their heades & quarters were ſet ouer the bridge and gates of the citie, one quarter excepted, which was ſet vp at the Chartereux at London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eight of May, the king commaunded that all belonging to the Court ſhould poll theyr heades, and to giue enſample, cauſed his owne heade to be polled, and his heard from thenceforth was cut round, but not ſhauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xix. of Iune were three Monkes of the Charterhouſe hanged, drawne,Monkes of the Charterhouſe executed. and quartered at Tyburne, and their heades and quarters ſet vp about London, for denying the king to bee ſu|preme heade of the Church. Their names were, Exmew, Middlemoore, and Nudigate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the .xxj. of the ſame Moneth,The Biſhop of Rocheſter be|headed. and for the ſame cauſe, doctor Iohn Fiſher Biſhop of Ro|cheſter was beheaded, and his heade ſet vppon London bridge. This Biſhop was of many ſore EEBO page image 1564 lamented, for hee was reported to bee a man of great learning, and of a verie good life. The Pope had elected him a Cardinall, and ſent hys hatte as farre as Calais, but his head was off be|fore his flat could come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Moore behea|ded.The ſixt of Iuly was ſir Thomas Moore be|headed for the like crime, that is to wit, for deny|ing the king to be ſupreme head. This man was both learned and wiſe, but giues much to a cer|taine pleaſure in merye tauntes and le [...]ſting in moſte of his communication, whiche manner hee forgatte not at the verye houre of hys death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in the tyme that the king went his progreſſe to Glouceſter, and to other places Weſtwarde,The king of Scots knight of the garter. the king of Scottes was inſtalled knight of the Garter at Windſore by his procu|rator the Lorde Erſkyn: and in October fol|lowing,The Biſhop of Wincheſter Ambaſſador into France. Stephen Gardiner (whiche after the Cardinalles death was made Byſhoppe of Wyncheſter) was ſente Ambaſſadoure into Fraunce, where hee remayned three yeares after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Stow.In Auguſt the Lorde Thomas Fitzgerarde, ſonne to the Erle of Kyldare, was taken in Ire|land, and ſent to the tower of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Moneth of October, Doctor Lee and other were ſent to viſite the Abbayes, Priories, and Nunries in Englande, who ſet all thoſe re|ligious perſons at liberty that would forſake their habite, and all that were vnder the age of .xxiiij. yeres, and the reſidue were cloſed vp that would remaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further, they tooke order that no men ſhoulde haue acceſſe to the houſes of women, nor wo|men to the houſes of men, except it ſhould bee to heare theyr ſeruice. The Abbot or Prior of the houſe where any of the brethren was willing to depart, was appoynted to giue to euerie of them a prieſtes gowne for his habit, & .xl.ſs. in mony, the Nunnes, to haue ſuch apparell as ſecular women ware, and to go whither them liked beſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xj. of Nouember was a great Proceſſi|on at London for ioy of the French kings reco|uerie of health from a daungerous ſickneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In December a ſuruey was taken of al Chã|teryes, and the names of them that had the gyft of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The Lady Ka|therin dowa|ger deceaſeth.

The Princes Dowager lying at Kimbalton, fell into hir laſt ſickneſſe, whereof the King being aduertiſed, appoynted the Emperours Ambaſſa|dour that was leger here with him, named Eu|ſtachius Caputius, to go to viſite hir, and to doe his commendations to hir, and will hir to bee of good comfort. The Ambaſſadour with all dili|gence doth his dutie therein, comforting hir the beſt hee myght: but ſhee within ſixe dayes after, perceyuing hir ſelfe to waxe verie weake and feeble, and to feele death approching at hande, cauſed one of hir Gentlewomen to write a let|ter to the King, commending to him hir daugh|ter and his, beſeeching him to ſtande good father vnto hir, and further deſired him to haue ſome conſideration of hir Gentlewomen that had ſer|ued hir, and to ſee them beſtowed in maryage. Further that it woulde pleaſe him to appoynted that hir ſer [...] might [...] their [...]e wages, and a yeares wages beſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This in effect was all that ſhee requeſt [...], and ſo immediately herevpon ſhee departed thys life the .viij. of Ianuarie at Kimbaltors aforeſaid, and was buried at Peterborow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourth of Februarie the Parliamente beganne,Religious houſes gi [...] to the king. in the whiche amongſt other things in|acted, all Religious houſes of the value of three hundred Markes and vnder, were gyuen to the King, with all the landes and goodes to them belonging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nũber of theſe houſes were .376. the value of their lãds yerely aboue .32000..ſs. their mouable goodes one hundred thouſand.St [...]w. The religious per|ſons put out of the ſame houſes, amounted to the number of aboue ten thouſand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare was William Tindall burned at a towne betwixt Bruyſſels and Maclyn called Villefort.William Tin+dall burne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Tyndal otherwiſe called Hichyus, was borne in the Marches of Wales, and hauing a deſire to tranſlate and publiſhe to his Countrey dyuerſe bookes of the Byble in Engliſh, & doub|ting to come in trouble for the ſame, if he ſhoulde remaine here in Englande, got him ouer into the parties of beyond the ſea, where he tranſlated not onely the newe Teſtament into the Engliſhe tongue, but alſo the fiue bookes of Moſes, Ioſua, Iudicum, Ruth, the bookes of the kings, & Para|lip [...]menon, Nehemias, or the firſt of Eſdras, & the Prophet Ionas. Beſide theſe tranſlations, he made certain treatiſes, and publiſhed the ſame, which were brought ouer into Englande, & read with great deſire of diuerſe, and of many ſore de|ſpiſed and abhorred, ſo that Proclamations were procured forth for the condemnation and prohi|biting of his bookes (as before you haue hearde.) Finally, hee was apprehended at Andwarpe by meanes of one Philips an Engliſhman, and then ſcholer at Louaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After hee had remayned in priſon a long time, and was almoſt forgotten, the Lorde Cromwel wrote for his deliuerance, but then in all haſte bycauſe hee woulde not recant any part of hys doctrine, hee was burned (as before you haue heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On May day were ſolemne iuſtes kept at Greenwich,An. reg. [...] and ſodainly from the iuſtes the king departed, not hauing aboue ſix perſons with him, EEBO page image 1565 and in the Euening come to Weſtminſter. Of this ſodaine departing many men muſed, but moſt chiefely the Queene, who the next day was apprehended, [...] Anne [...]ued to Tower. and brought from Grenewich to the Tower of London, where ſhee was arraigned of high treaſon, and condemned.

Alſo at the ſame tyme were apprehended the Lorde Rochford, brother to the ſayde Queene, and Henrie Norrice, Marke Smeton, William Brereton, and ſir Francis Weſton, all beeing of the kings priuie Chamber. Theſe were likewiſe committed to the tower, and after arraigned and condemned of high treaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All the Gentlemen were beheaded on the ſkaffold at the Tower hill, [...] Anne beheaded. but the Queene with in ſworde was beheaded within the Tower. And theſe were the wordes whiche ſhee ſpake at the houre of hir death the .xix. of May. 1536. Good chriſtian people, I am come hither to die, for ac|cording to the law, and by the lawe I am iud|ged to die, and therefore I will ſpeake nothing a|gainſt it. I am come hither to accuſe no man, nor to ſpeake any thing of yt whereof I am accuſed & condemned to die, but I pray God ſaue the king and ſend him long to reigne ouer you, for a gent|ler, nor a more mercifull prince was there neuer, and to me he was euer a good, a gentle, and a ſo|ueraigne Lorde. And if any perſon will meddle of my cauſe, I require them to iudge the beſt. And thus I take my leaue of the worlde, and of you all, and I heartily deſire you all to pray for me, Oh Lorde haue mercie on me, to God I cõ|mende my ſoule, Ieſu receyue my ſoule, diuerſe tymes repeting thoſe wordes, till that hir heade was ſtriken off with the ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe I might rather ſay much than ſuffi|ciently ynough in prayſe of this noble Queene, as well for hir ſingular witte and other excellent qualities of mynde, as alſo for hir fauouring of learned men, zeale of religion, and liberalitie in diſtributing almes in reliefe of the poore, I wyll referre the reader vnto that which maſter Foxe in his ſeconde volume of Actes and Monumentes, doth write of hir, where he ſpeaketh of hir mary|age. Pag. 1198. and .1199. and alſo where hee ma|keth mention of hir death. Pag. 1233. and .1234. of the impreſſion .1570.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after hir death, in the weeke be|fore Whitſuntide,The king ma|ryed Ladie Iane Seymer. the King maryed the Ladie Iane Seymer, daughter to ſir Iohn Seymer knight, whiche at Whitſuntide was openly ſhe|wed as Queene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And on the Tueſday in Whitſunweeke, hir brother ſir Edwarde Seymer was created Vi|cont Beauchampe, and ſir Water Hungerforde, Lorde Hungerford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Parliament.The .viij. of Iune beganne the Parliament, during the which the Lorde Thomas Howarde, without the kings aſſent, affled the Ladie Mar|garet Dowglas daughter to the Queene of Scottes, and Nece to the King,The Lord Th. Howard at|tainted of treaſon. for which acte he was attainted of treaſon, and an acte made for like offenders, and ſo he dyed in the Tower, and ſhe remayned long there as priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the time of this Parliament, the Biſhops and all the Cleargie of the Realme helde a ſo|lemne conuocation at Paules Church in Lon|don, where after much diſputation and debating of matters, they publiſhed a booke of religion,A booke pub|liſhed concer|ning religion by the king. in|tituled Articles deuiſed by the kings highneſſe .&c. In this booke is ſpeciallye mentioned but three Sacraments.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo beſide this booke, certaine Iniunctions were giuen forth, whereby a number of their holy dayes were abrogated, and ſpecially thoſe that fell in harueſt time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Cromwel Secretarie to the king, and maiſter of the Rolles, was made Lorde kee|per of the priuie Seale, and the ninth of Iuly the Lorde Fitzwaren was created Earle of Bath, and the morrow after the ſayd Lorde priuie ſeale Thomas Cromwell, was created Lorde Crom|well. The .xviij. of Iuly he was made knight, and Vicar generall vnder the King ouer the ſpi|ritualtie, and ſat dyuerſe times in the conuocation amongeſt the Byſhoppes as head ouer them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxij. of Iuly, Henrie duke of Richmont and Somerſet, erle of Northampton, baſe ſonne to the King, begot of the Ladie Tailebois, de|parted this life at Saint Iames, and was buryed at Thetford in Norffolke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In September, Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie ſeale and Vicegerent, ſent abroade vnder the kings ſpirituall priuie Seale, certayne In|iunctions, commanding that the Parſons & Eu|rates ſhoulde teach theyr Pariſhioners the Peter Noſter, the Aue and Creede, with the ten Com|maundements, and Articles of the fayth in Eng|liſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Articles and Iniunctions being eſtabli|ſhed by authoritie of Parliament, and now to the people deliuered, bred a greate miſlyking in the heartes of the common people, whiche had beene euer brought vp and trayned in contrary doc|trine, and herewith diuerſe of the Cleargie as Monkes, Prieſtes, and other, tooke occaſion here|by to ſpeake euill of the late proceedings of the King, touching matters of Religion, affyrming that if ſpeedie remedie were not in tyme proui|ded, the fayth would ſhortly be vtterly deſtroyed, and all prayer and diuine ſeruice bee quite aboly|ſhed and taken away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many ſiniſter reportes, ſlaunderous tales, and feigned fables were blowne abroade, and put in|to the peoples eares, and diuerſe of the Nobilitie did alſo what they could to ſtyrre the commons EEBO page image 1566 to rebellion, faythfully promiſing both ayde and ſuccor agaynſt the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The people thus prouoked to miſchiefe, and deceyued through ouer light credence, inconti|nently as it were to mainteyne that Religion, whiche hadde ſo manye yeares continued, and beene eſteemed, they ſtiffely and ſtoutly con|ſpired togither,A trayterous conſpiracie. and in a part of Lincolnſhyre they firſt aſſembled, and ſhortly after ioyned into an armie, being (as it was ſuppoſed) of men apt for the warres, in number about twentie thouſande. Agaynſt theſe rebels with all the haſt that might be, the king in proper perſon vppon intelligence thereof had marched towardes them, being furni|ſhed with a warlike armie,The Lincoln|ſhire men in armes agaynſt the king. perfectly appoynted of all things that to ſuche a companie ſhoulde ap|perteyne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The rebels hearing that his perſon was pre|ſent with his power to come thus agaynſt them, began to feare what woulde follow of theyr do|ings: and ſuche nobles and gentlemen as at the firſte fauoured theyr cauſe, fell from them, and withdrew, ſo that they beeing deſtitute of Cap|taynes, at length put certaine petitions in wry|ting, which they exhibited to the King, profeſſing that they neuer intended hurt towardes his royal perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king receiued theyr peticions, which con|ſiſted in choyſe of Counſaylers, ſuppreſſion of re|ligious houſes, maintenance of the ſeruice of Al|mightie God, the ſtatute of vſes, the releaſe of the fiftenth, and receiuing of the firſt fruites, with ſuche other matters as nothing apperteyned to them: wherevpon he made them anſwere in py|thie ſentence, reprouing them of theyr preſump|tuous folly and rebellious attempt, to meddle in any ſuch matters and weightie affayres, the di|rection whereof onelye belonged to him, and to ſuch noble men and counſaylers as his pleaſure ſhoulde be to elect and chooſe to haue the ordring of the ſame. And therefore he aduiſed them to re|member theyr raſh and inconſiderate doings, and that now in any wiſe they ſhould reſort home to their houſes, and no more to aſſemble contrary to his lawes, and their owne allegiances, and al|ſo to cauſe the prouokers to this miſchiefe to bee deliuered to the handes of his Lieutenant, & fur|ther to ſubmit themſelues wholy to ſuch puniſh|ment as hee and his nobles ſhoulde thinke them worthie to receyue: for otherwiſe he woulde not ſuffer that iniurie at theyr handes to goe vnre|uenged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Lyncolnſhire men had receyued the kings anſwere thus made to theyr petitions, eche miſtruſting other,The Lincoln|ſhiremen gaue ouer their re|bellious en|terprice. who ſhoulde be noted the grea|teſt medler, ſodainly they beganne to ſhrinke, and got them home to their houſes withoute longer abode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith the Duke of Suffolke the Kings Lieutenant, was appoynted to goe with the ar|mye to ſee the Countrey ſet in quiet, accompa|nied with the Lord Admirall, ſir Frances Brian, and ſir Iohn Ruſſell, that were ioyned with him alſo in ye cõmiſſiõ for the ordring of things there within the Countie of Lincolne. The Duke entred into the Citie of Lincolne the ſeuententh of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the .xix. al the Inhabitants of Louth (ac|cording to order giuen by the duke) came to Lin|colne, and there in the Caſtell made theyr ſub|miſſion, holding vp their handes, and crying for the kings mercie. And herewith were choſen forth Nicholas Melcon, Captaine Coblet, and .xiij. mo, which were commaunded to warde, and all the reſidue were newe ſworne to the king, renon|cing their former othe receyued in tyme of theyr rebellion, and then departed home to their houſes in the kings peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this were Proclamations made abrode in the Countrey in euery Market towne by the Heraulds at armes, Somerſet, and Wynſore, that the Captaines and Souldiers of the Dukes armie ſhuld not take any mans goodes, catailes, or vitayles, except they payed or agreed with the owners for the ſame. And further commaunde|ment was giuen, that al Inhabitants and dwel|lers within the townes and villages about, ſhould repayre to the Citie of Lyncolne, with all maner of vytaile as well for men as horſes, where they ſhould receyue payment at reaſonable pryſes for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, there was likewiſe Proclamation made, for the apprehending of all ſuch lewde per|ſons, as had ſowne any falſe rumors abroade in the Countrey, the chiefe occaſion of this rebelliõ,Falſe rumors the occaſion rebellious. bruting that the king pretended to haue the golde in the handes of his ſubiectes brought into the Tower to be touched, and all their cattaile vn|marked, the Chalices goodes and ornamentes of pariſh Churches, fines for chriſtnings, weddings, and buryings, for licences to eate white meate, bread, pigge, gooſe, or Capon, with many other ſlaunderous, falſe, and deteſtable tales and lyes, forged of diueliſh purpoſe to encourage the peo|ple to rebellion. If therefore any man could ap|prehende ſuch as had bene the ſetters forth & ſow|ers of ſuche ſeditions reportes, they that brought them in ſhoulde bee ſo rewarded, as they ſhoulde thinke their labor well beſtowed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, if there were any aſſemblies made in any part of the realme without the Kings li|cence, by any vnruly perſons, and would not de|parte to theyr houſes vpõ warning by his graces Proclamations, they ſhould not looke for further mercie at the kings hande, but to bee perſecuted with fire and ſword to the vttermoſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1567To cõclude, by the wiſe & ſage directiõ takẽ in appeaſing the Countrey by that noble Duke, all things were quieted in thoſe parties. Diuerſe of ye principal offenders were ſent vnto London. He that tooke vpon him as chief Chapt in of the rowte, was the ſame that called himſelfe Cap|taine Cobler, but he was in deede a Monke na|med Doctor Makarell, which afterwardes wyth diuerſe other was executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe in the meane tyme whyleſt the Duke was ſente forwarde into Lincolneſhyre, wythin ſixe dayes after the King was truely in|formed, [...]motion [...] [...]orth [...]. that there was a newe ſturre begonne in the North partyes by the people there, whiche had aſſembled themſelues into an huge army of warlike men and well appoynted, both with cap|taynes, horſe, armor, and artillarie to the number of fortie thouſand men, which had encamped thẽ|ſelues in Yorkſhire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe men declared by their Proclamati|ons ſolemnely made, that this theyr ryſing and commotion ſhoulde extende no further, but one|ly to the maintenaunce and defence of the fayth of Chriſt and delyueraunce of holy Church, ſore decayed and oppreſſed, and alſo for the furthe|raunce as well of priuate as publike matters in the Realme, touching the wealth of all the kings poore ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They named this theyr ſeditious voyage, an holy and bleſſed Pylgrimage: They had al|ſo certayne Banners in the fielde, [...] holy pyl| [...]age. in which was paynted Chriſte hanging on the Croſſe on the one ſide, and a Chalice with a paynted Cake in it on the other ſide, with diuerſe other Banners of like hypocryſie and feigned holineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Souldiers had alſo embrodered on the ſleeues of theyr coates in ſteade of a Badge, the ſimilitude of the fiue woundes of our Sauiour, and in the myddeſt therof was written the name of our Lord.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus had the Rebelles hoſt of Sathan with falſe and counterfeyte ſignes of holyneſſe ſet out themſelues onely to deceyue the ſimple people in that theyr wicked and rebellious enterpryce a|gaynſte theyr liege. Lorde and naturall Prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The faythfull [...]ence of [...] Earle of Shreweſburie.The ſpeedie diligence and loyall duetie which was founde at ye preſent in ye worthie Counſay|lour George Earle of Shreweſburie, is not to bee forgotten, who immediately after hee vn|derſtoode howe the Northern menne were thus vppe in armes, conſidering howe muche it im|ported to ſtoppe them of theyr paſſage before they ſhoulde aduaunce to farre forwardes, where|by they might both encreaſe in power, and put all other partes of the Realmẽ in hazard through feare or hope to enclyne to theyr wicked purpo|ſes, hee ſent abroade with all ſpeede poſſible to rayſe ſuche power of his Seruauntes, Tenants, and friendes, as by any meanes he myght make, and withall diſpatched one of hys ſeruauntes to the King, both to aduertiſe hym what hee hadde done, and alſo to purchaſe his pardon, for ma|king ſuche leuie of a power, before hee hadde re|ceyued his Maieſties Commiſſion ſo to do.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 I haue hearde by relation of men of good cre|dite that were preſent, that when ſuch Knightes and Gentlemen as were of his Counſayle, and other of his eſpeciall friendes were come vnto him, hee put forth thys queſtion vnto them, whether his facte in rayſing a power of armed menne withoute the Kinges Commiſſion (al|though hee had done it to reſyſt the Rebelles) were treaſon or not, wherevnto when aunſwere was made by ſome that were knowne to haue ſkill in the lawes of the Realme, howe that by no meanes it coulde bee intended treaſon, ſithe his intent was good, and no euell thereby ment, but contrarily the aduauncement of the Kings ſeruice duetifully ſought. Ye are fooles (quoth the Earle) I knowe it in ſubſtaunce to bee treaſon, and I woulde thinke my ſelfe in an hard caſe, if I thought I hadde not my pardon com|ming.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche a reuerende regarde had this noble Earle vnto his bounded allegiance towardes his Prince, that whatſoeuer ſeemed but as it were to ſounde in any behalfe to the breache thereof, it ſo troubled his loyall mynde, that he coulde not be ſatiſfyed, till as it were in confeſſing his faulte, where according to the truth there was none at all, hee hadde ſignifyed his aſſured fidelitie in cra|ning pardon, where otherwiſe hee might haue looked for thankes, which indeed he receyued with his pardon, according to his petition, and a com|miſſion to proceed as he had begon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Moreouer, where as there were dyuerſe ſpea|ches amongeſt the Souldiours in the armie vt|tered, by ſome not altogyther happily well dyſ|poſed, that the ſayde Earle had ſo good lyking of the Northern mennes cauſe, that when it came to the poynt of tryall, hee woulde ſurelye ioyne with them agaynſt that part, whiche he yet pre|tended to maintayne: to put that matter oute of doubt, he cauſed the multitude of hys Souldi|ours to come before him, and there declared to them, that hee vnderſtoode what lewde talke hadde beene rayſed of hys meanyng amongeſt them in the Campe, as if he had fauoured the part of the Rebelles: but (ſayeth hee) whatſoeuer theyr colourable pretence may be, true it is, that Traitours they are in this their wicked attempt, and where as my aunceſters haue bene euer true to the crowne, I meane not to ſtaine my bloud now in ioyning wt ſuch a ſort of traytors, but to liue & die in defence of ye crown, if it ſtood but vpõ EEBO page image 1568 a ſtake, and therefore thoſe that will take my part in this quarell, I haue to thanke them, and if there be any that be otherwiſe mynded, I woulde wiſh them hence. And herewith hee cauſed hys Chaplaine to miniſter an othe to him, whiche hee receyued to the effect aforeſayde, in preſence of them all. And verily this was thought to be done not without great cauſe that moued him thereto: for where, as the more part of his ſouldiors con|ſiſted of the Countrey people, and with forged tales, and wicked ſurmiſes were eaſily ledde to beleeue, whatſoeuer was reported in fauour of the rebelles, and diſfauour of ſuche as were then chiefe Counſaylours to the King, againſt whom they pretended to ryſe (although there was no reaſonable occaſion leading them therevnto) it was greatly to bee ſuſpected, leaſt they myghte through ſome trayterous practiſe haue beene in|duced to forget theyr dutifull allegiance to theyr ſoueraigne, and ſouldierlyke obedience to theyr leaders, inſomuche that the Captaynes of the Rebelles, were perſwaded (and ſome of them reported no leſſe) that they myghte haue foughte wyth the Duke of Norffolke, and the Earle of Shreweſburie, on this hither ſyde of the Riuer of Dun, euen with theyr owne men, not nee|ding to haue brought a man of theyr army with them. Therefore it was thought, that the othe whiche the Earle of Shrewſburie in that ſort re|ceyued before all hys people there openly in field, ſerued to great purpoſe, to put out of hys Soul|diers wauering heades, all ſuche lewde expecta|tion that he woulde turne to the enimyes, ſtay|ing thereby theyr fickle myndes, ſithe they were now aſſured, that he being theyr Chieftaine ment no diſſimulation, a matter truly of no ſmall im|portaunce, conſidering the fauour whiche the Commons bare towardes him, and the opinion they had conceyued of hys highe prowes, ſo that whiche way he inclyned, it was thought verilye the game were likely to go.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe after the King was aduertiſed of that perilous commotion of the Northern men, he appoynted not only the ſaid Erle of Shrewſ|burie to rayſe a power to reſyſt them, but alſo ordeyned the Duke of Norffolke his Lieutenant generall,The Duke of Norffolke the kings Lieute|nant. with the Marques of Exceter, and the ſayde Earle of Shreweſburie, the Earles of Huntingdon and Rutlande, accompanied wyth a mightie power to go againſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Lordes rayſing ſuch retinues of ſoul|diours and men of warre as were to them aſſig|ned, made forwarde to the place where the ar|mye of the Rebelles was then encamped, whiche was beyonde the Towne of Doncaſter, in the high way towards Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But fyrſt the ſayde Earle of Shreweſbury, with the Earles of Huntington, and Rutlande, and ſuch other that were next adioyning to thoſe parties, with theyr powers aſſembled oute of the Shires of Salop, Stafforde, Leyceſter, Rut|lande, Notingham and Darby, came to a place in Notinghamſhire called Blithlowe, and there taking the muſters of their people, ſtreightwayes paſſed forth to Dancaſter, and appoynted cer|taine bandes of theyr men, to lie in places where anye fourdes or paſſages laye ouer the Ryuer of Dun, that runneth by the Northſyde of Dan|caſter, to ſtay the enimies if they ſhoulde attempt to come ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after came the Duke of Norffolke, and finally the Marques of Exceter with a ioy|ly company of Weſterne men, well and perfectly appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe Captaynes and ſage Counſay|lers being here aſſembled, vnderſtoode the maner of the Northern men, theyr number, and ready|neſſe to battayle, they firſt practiſed with greate policie, to haue pacified the matter withoute bloudſhedding: but the Northern men were ſo bent to maynteyne theyr wylfull enterpryſe, that there was no hope to take vp the matter without battayle:The euen of Simon and Iude. therfore a day was ſet on the which they ſhould trie the quarell betwixt them with di [...]t of ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſee the chaunce, the night before the day aſſigned for this blouddye and vnnaturall bat|tayle, to haue beene fought betwyxt men of the Nation, and ſubiectes to one King, there fell a raine not great to ſpeake of,A [...]ond. but yet as if were by myracle, the Riuer of Dun roſe ſodainely [...] ſuch a height, that ſeldome had beene ſeene th [...] the like hugeneſſe of water,Gods provi|dence ſtayed them from battaile. ſo that the day when the houre of battayle ſhoulde come, it was not poſſible for the one armie to come at the other, and ſo the appoyntment made betweene both the armyes for tryall of the matter by force of armes, was by Gods good prouidence diſap|poynted, and many an innocent mans life pre|ſerued, that ſhould haue died, if their purpoſes had taken place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, by the great wiſedome and poli|cie of the Nobles and Captaynes, a communi|cation was had, and an agreement made vppon the Kings pardon, obteyned for all the Capi|taynes and chiefe doers in this inſurrection, and promiſe made that they ſhoulde bee gentlye heard, to declare ſuch things as they found them|ſelues agreeued with, and that vppon theyr Ar|ticles preſented to the King,The [...] taken vp. theyr reaſonable pe|titions ſhoulde be graunted, as by hym and hys Counſaile it ſhoulde be thought expedient, wher|by all troubles might bee quieted, and eche thing brought to a good concluſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith euerye man departed, and thoſe whiche before bent as hote as fire to fight, le [...]d EEBO page image 1569 of theyr deſperate purpoſe, by Gods mercifull prouidence, went now peaceably to their houſes without any more buſineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſelfe ſame time that theſe Northern men were lodged neare to Dancaſter, and the Kings power readie to ſtoppe them of theyr paſſage (as before ye haue hearde) there was an other army readie to haue marched Southwardes through Lancaſhyre, but by the faythfull diligence of the Earle of [...], who with the forces of Lan|caſhyre and Cheſhyre was appoynted to reſyſt them, they were lykewiſe kept backe and brought to quiet. Notwithſtanding they were a verie great number aſſembled togyther of the Com|mons oute of Cumberland, Weſtmerland, and of the north partes of Lancaſhire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Suſſex was ſente towne by the King, to ioyne in aſſyſtaunce wyſh the Earle of Darbie, who cauſing dyuerſe of the chiefe procurers of that Rebellion in thoſe par|ties to be apprehended and arraigned, they being founde guiltie had iudgement, and were execu|ted, as the Abbottes of Walley, Saulley, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: