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1.12. King Richard the Å¿econde.

EEBO page image 1004

King Richard the Å¿econde.

[figure appears here on page 1004]

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Rich. the Å¿e|conde.

An. reg. 1.


_RIchard, the ſecond of that name, and ſon to Prince Edward, cal|led the blacke Prince, the ſonne of K. Edward ye third, a child of the age of eleuen yeares, beganne to raigne ouer the realme of England, the .22. day of Iune, in the yere of the world .5344. of our Lord 1377. after the conqueſt .310. about the .32. yere of ye Emperour Charles the fourth, and in the foure|tenth yere of Charles the fifth K. of France, and about the ſeuenth yere of ye raigne of Roberte the ſecond K. of Scotland:Fabian. he was named Richarde of Burdeaux, bycauſe hee was borne at Burde|aux in Gaſcoigne,Tho. VValſ. whileſt his father ruled there. The day before it was vnderſtod, that his grand|father K. Edward was departed this life, beeing the .21. of Iune (on which day neuertheleſſe he de|ceaſſed) the Citizens of London hauing certayne knowledge that he could not eſcape his ſickneſſe, ſente certayne Aldermen vnto Kingſton,The Londo|ners ſent to K. Richard, com|mẽding them+ſelues to his fauour, before the [...]eath of king Edward. where the Prince with his mother the Princeſſe then lay, to declare vnto the ſaide Prince, their readye good willes, to accept him for their lawfull kyng and gouernour, immediately after it ſhould pleaſe God to call to his mercy his grandfather, beeyng now paſt hope of recouerye to healthe: wherefore they beſought him, to haue their Citie recommẽ|ded vnto his good grace, and that it would pleaſe him to viſit ye ſame wt his preſence, ſith they were ready in all ſorts to honor & obey hym, & to ſpend both liues & goodes in his cauſe, if neede required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Moreouer, they beſought him, that it myghte pleaſe his grace to make an ende of the diſcorde betwixt the Citizẽs, and the Duke of Lancaſter, which through the malice of ſome, had bin ray|ſed,Iohn Philpot. to the commoditie of none, but to the diſcom|moditie of diuers. When Iohn Philpot, one of ye foreſaid Aldermen, that had the words in al their names, had ended his oration, he was aunſwered by the Prince and his counſell, that he would en|deuours hymſelfe in all things, to ſatiſfie their re|queſts, and ſo were they ſent home to bring a ioy|full anſwere of their meſſage to the Citie. The morrow after, there were ſent to London frõ the K. ye Lord Latimer, ſir Nicholas Bond, ſir Si|mon Burley, & ſir Richard Adderbury knightes, to bring thẽ ſorowful newes of the aſſured death of K. Edwarde, who as we haue ſaid, deceaſſed ye day before, but comfortable newes again [...], [...] gret towardlineſſe & good meaning of ye y [...] [...] who promiſed to loue them and their C [...], [...] come to the ſame citie, as they had deſi [...] him [...] doe. And further, that he had ſpoken to ye Duke of Lãcaſter in their behalfe, and yt the Duke h [...] ſubmitted himſelfe to him in all things [...]ouc [...] ye cauſe,The Duke [...] Lancaſter [...] the L [...] ſubmit [...] qu [...]els [...] kings [...] wherevpõ the kings pleaſure was yt they ſhuld likewiſe ſubmitte thẽſelues, & he would doe his endeuour, that an agreemẽt might be had to ye honor of ye Citizens, and profite of the Citie. The Citizens liked not of this forme of proceeding in the Dukes matter, bycauſe the K. was yong, and coulde not giue order therein, but by ſubſtitutes, yet at lẽgth, with muche adoe, they were cõten|ted to ſubmit themſelues, as the Duke had done before, though not, til yt the knights had vnderta|kẽ vpon their oth of fidelitie and knighthood, that their ſubmiſſiõ ſhuld not redound to ye tẽporall or bodily harme of any of thẽ, cõſenting to the [...] will in this pointe. And ſo with this caution they toke their iourney towardes Shene, where they found ye new K. with his mother, ye duke of Lan|caſter, & his breethren, vncles to ye K. and [...] biſhops, about ye body of the deceſſed K. When it was knowen that ye Londoners were come, they were called before ye K. by whom the matter [...] ſo handled, yt the duke and they were made [...]. After this, when ye K. ſhuld ride through the Ci|tie towards the coronation, the ſaid Duke and ye L. Percy riding on greate horſes before him, [...] by vertue of their offices appointed to make [...] before, vſed thẽſelues ſo courteouſly, m [...]y, & pleaſantly, that where before they two wer great|ly ſuſpected to ye cõmon people, by reaſon of their great puiſſance in the Realm, & huge route of re|teiners, they ordred the matter ſo, that neither this day, nor ye morrow after, being ye day of the kings coronatiõ, they offended any maner of perſon [...] rather by gentle & ſweete demeanor, they [...]|med ye harts of many, to whom before they [...] greatly had in ſuſpition, & thought euill of [...] now ſith we are entred into ye ma [...]r of this [...] coronatiõ, we haue thought good dre [...]ly to [...] ſome perticular point thereof as in Tho. W [...]. we find it, though nothing ſo largely heer [...], [...] author himſelfe ſetteth it forth, bycauſe ye [...] of this worke wil not ſo permit. The K. in [...]ng through ye citie towards Weſtminſter on the [...] of Iuly bring Wedneſday,The [...]er [...] order of the kings co [...]|tion. was accõpa [...] [...] ſuch a traine of ye nobilitie & [...]hers, as in ſuch [...] was requiſite: ſir Simon Burley haue the [...]orde before him, and Sir Nicholas Bonde [...] the Kings horſe by the bridle on foote. The noiſe of trumpets & other inſtrumẽts was maruellous, ſo that this ſeemed a day of ioy & mirth, a day yt had bin long loked for, bycauſe it was hoped, yt now ye quiet orders & good lawes of the land, which tho|rough ye ſlouthfulnes of ye aged K. deceaſſed, & co| [...]ouſneſſe EEBO page image 1005 of thoſe ye ruled about him had bin lõg baniſhed, ſhould now be renued, & brought againe in vſe. The Citie was adorned in all ſortes moſt richly. The water conduites ran wt wine, for the ſpace of three houres togither. In the vpper end of Cheape, was a certain Caſtell made with foure towers, out of ye which Caſtel, on two ſides of it, there ran forth wine abundantly. In the towers wer placed four beautiful virgins, of ſtature & age like to ye K. apparelled in white veſtures, in euery tower one, yt which blew in ye kings face, at his a|proching nere to thẽ, leaues of gold, and as he ap|proched alſo, they threwe on him and his horſe florens of golde counterfeit. When he was come before ye Caſtell, they toke cuppes of gold, & filling thẽ with wine at ye ſpoutes of the Caſtel, preſen|ted the ſame to the K. & to his nobles. On the top of ye Caſtel, betwixt the four towers, ſtoode a gol|dẽ Angel, holding a crowne in his hands, whych was ſo cõtriued, that whẽ the K. came, he bowed downe, & offered to him ye Crowne. But to ſpeake of al ye Pageants & ſhewes which ye Citizens had cauſed to be made and ſet forth in honor of their newe K. it were ſuperfluous, euery one in theyr quarters ſtriuing to ſurmounte other, & ſo with great triumphing of Citizẽs, & ioy of ye lords and noble menne, hee was conueyed vnto his palace at Weſtminſter, where he reſted for ye night. The morowe after, being Thurſday, & the 16. of Iuly, he was fetched to ye Church with proceſſion of ye biſhops and Monkes, & comming before the high [...]ter, where the pauemẽt was couered with rich clothes of Tapiſtrie, he there kneeled downe, and made his pra [...]s, whileſt two biſhops ſong ye Le| [...], which being finiſhed, the K. was brought to his feare, ye queare ſinging an Autheme, begin|ning Firmetur manus tua. That done, there was a ſermon preached by a B. touching the dutie of a K. how he ought to behaue himſelfe towards the people, & how ye people ought to be obedient vnto him. The ſermon being ended, the K. receiued his othe before ye Archb. and Nobles: which done, the Archb. hauing the L. Henry Percy L. Marſhall going before him, turneth him to euery quarter of ye church, declaring to ye people ye kings othe, and demanding of thẽ, if they would ſubmit thẽſelues to ſuch a prince & gouernour, & obey his commã|demẽts: & whẽ the people with a loude voice had anſwered, yt they would obey him, ye Archb. vſing certain prayers, bleſſed ye K. which ended, ye Arch. cõmeth vnto him, & tearing his garmẽts from the higheſt part to ye loweſt, ſtrippeth him to his ſhirt Then was brought by Erles, a certain couerture of cloth of gold, vnder yt which, he remained, whi|leſt he was anointed. The Arch. as we haue ſaid, hauing ſtripped him, firſt anointed his hãds, after his head, breſt, ſhoulders, & the ioints of his armes with ye ſacred oile, ſaying certain prayers, & in the meane time, did the quier ſing ye antheme, begin|ning Vnxerũt regem Salamone &c. And ye Arch. added another praice Deus dei filius &c. which en+ded, he with the other byſhops ſong the H [...]pne, Veni creator ſpiritus, the K. k [...]ng in a lõg ve|ſture, ye Archb. with his Suffraganes about him. Whẽ ye Himne was ended, he was lift vp by the Archb. and clad firſt with ye coa [...] of S. Edward, and after with his mantel [...] a ſtoale being caſt a|bout his necke, ye Archb. in ye meane time, ſaying certain praiers apointed for ye purpoſe. After this, the Archb. and biſhops deliuered to him ye ſword, ſaying Accipe gladium &c. And when ye prayer was ended, two Erles girded him to the ſword, whiche done, the Archb. gaue to him bracelletes ſaying, Accipe armill [...]. &c. After this, ye Archb. putteth vpon him an vppermoſt veſture, called a Palle ſaying, Accipe Palium &c. In the meane time, whileſt ye Archb. bleſſeth the Kings crowne, he to whoſe office it apper [...]d, did put [...] on his heeles. After the Crowne was bleſſed the Archbyſhop ſet it on his head, ſaying Co [...] [...]e [figure appears here on page 1005] EEBO page image 1006 deus. &c. then did the Archb. deliuer to hym a ring, with theſe wordes, A ccipe annulum. &c. Immediately herewith, came the Lord Furniual by vertue of his ofice, offering to him a red gloue, which the Archb. bleſſed, & putting it on his hand, gaue to him the ſcepter, with theſe words, Acci|pe ſceptrum. &c. then did the Archb. deliuer to him in his other hand a rodde, in the top wherof ſtoode a doue, with theſe words, A ccipe vi [...]gam virtu|cu. &c. after this, the Archb. bleſſed the K. ſaying, Benedicat de deus. &c. Theſe things done, the K. kiſſed the biſhops and Abbots, by whome he was led afterwards vnto his ſeate, the biſhops begin|ning to ſing (Te deum,) which ended, the Archbi|ſhop ſaid to him,

Sta et retine amodo locum. &c.
Whẽ theſe things wer finiſhed, they begã Maſſe, the biſhop of Worceter redde the Epiſtle, and the B. of Elie the Goſpel. At the offertorie, the King roſe from his ſeate, and was brought to offer. He therfore offered firſt his ſword, and after ſo much golde as he would, but not leſſe than a marke, by reaſon of the cuſtome, for more he might offer to God, and S. Peter, but leſſe he could not. After this, he offered bread and wine, with which, he & the Archb. did after cõmunicate. This done, the Erle, to whom it apperteined to beare the ſworde before the K. redeemed the ſword which the kyng had offered with money, & receyuing ye ſame, bare it afore the K. When the Maſſe ſhould be ſong, the K. was brought againe to the Altare, & there kneeling down, and ſaying Confite [...] to the Arch|biſhop, did communicate, & ſo was brought backe to his ſeate. The Wardens of the fiue portes by their office, as well in time of the proceſſion; as when he was annointed alſo at Maſſe time, and as he returned from the Churche to the palace to dinner, held ouer him a large canapie of blew vel|uet; faſtned vnto four ſtaues at the foure corners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In the meane time, ſir Iohn Dimocke that claimed to be the kings champion, had bin at the kings armory and ſtable, where he had choſen ac|cording to his tenure, the beſt armour ſaue one, & the beſt Steed ſaue one. Albe [...]t, ſir Balwin Fre| [...]ill claimed the ſame office, but could not obteine it, ſo that the ſaide ſir Iohn Dimmocke hauyng armed himſelf, and being mounted on horſeback, came to the Abbey gates, with two riding before him, the one carrying his ſpeare, and the other his ſhield, ſtaying there til Maſſe ſhould be ended but the Lord Henry Percy L. Marſhall, appoynted to make way before the K. with the Duke of Lã|caſter, L. Stewarde, the L. Thomas of Wood|ſtocke, L. Conſtable, and the Lorde Marſhals brother, ſir Thomas Percy, beeing all mounted on great horſes, came to the knight, and told him, that he ought not come at that time, but whẽ the K. was at dinner, and therefore it ſhould be good for him to vnarme himſelfe for a while, and take his eaſe, till the appointed time were come. The knight did as the Lord Marſhall willed him [...] ſo after his departure, the K. hauing thoſe L [...] riding afore him, was borne on knightes ſhoul|ders vnto his palace, and ſo had to his chamber, where he reſted a while, beeing ſomewhat fay [...] with trauell, and toke a ſmall refectiõ. After this,Fo [...] I [...] co [...]. cõming into the halle, he created four new Erles, before he ſate downe to meate, to witte, his vncle the L. Thomas de Wodſtocke, Earle of Buc|kingham, to whom he gaue a thouſand markes a yere out of his treaſure, til he prouided him of lãds to the like value, the Lorde Guiſchard de Eng|leſme, that had bin his tutor, was created E [...]le of Huntington, to whome hee gaue likewiſe a thouſand markes annuitie, till he were prouided of lands of the ſame valewe. The Lorde M [...]|bray was created Earle of Nottingham, and the L. Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland. He made alſo nine knightes the ſame day. To ſhewe what royall ſeruice was at this feaſt, it paſſeth our vnderſtanding to diſcriue, but to conclude, ye fare was exceeding ſumptuous, and the furniture princely in all things, that if the ſame ſhoulde bee rehearſed, the reader would perhappes doubt of ye trueth thereof. In the middes of the Kinges p [...]|lace was a marble piller reyſed hollowe vppon ſteppes on the toppe whereof was a greate gifte Egle placed, vnder whoſe feete in the Chapiter of the piller, diuers kindes of wine came guſhing forth at four ſeuerall places, all the day long, nei|ther was any forbidden to receiue the ſame, were he neuer ſo poore or abiect. The morrow after the Coronation, there was a generall proceſſion of ye Archb. Biſhop, and Abbots, then preſent, with ye lords, and a great multitude of people, to pray [...] the K. and the peace of the kingdome; At the go|ing forth of which proceſſion, the Biſhop of Ro|cheſter preached, exhorting them, that the [...]+tions and diſcords which had long continued be|twixt the people and their ſuperiours, [...]g [...] bee appeaſed and forgotten, prouing by many argu|ments, that the ſame highly diſpleaſe [...] hee admoniſhed the Lords, not to be ſo extreame and hard towards the people. On the other [...] hee exhorted the people in neceſſary cauſed for ye [...]yde of the K. and Realme, cheerfully, & they without g [...]udging to put too their helping [...] accor|ding to their bounden duetice: he fi [...]he exhorted thoſe in generall that were appointed to be about the King, that they ſhould forſake vice, and [...]udy to liue in cleanneſſe of life and vertue. F [...] by their example, the K. were trayned to go [...]ſſe, all ſhould be well, but if he declined through their ſufferance from the right way, the people & kyng|dome were like to fallen daunger to periſhe. After that the ſermon and proceſſion [...]ere ended, the Lords and Prelates went to their lodging [...]: but EEBO page image 1007 now bycauſe the Engliſhmen ſhould haue theyr ioyes mingled with ſome ſorrowes, it chaunced that the Frenchmen (whiche about the ſame time that the kings grandfather departed this life, wer wafting on the Seas) within a ſixe or ſeauen dayes after his deceſſe,


[...]ye brent by [...]e Frenchmẽ

brent the Towne of Rye, wherevpon immediately after the Coronation, the Earles of Cambridge & Buckingham, were ſent with a power vnto Douer, and the Earle of Saliſbury, vnto Southhamptõ: but in the meane time, to wit, the .21. of Auguſt, the Frenchmẽ en|tring the Ile of Wight, brente diuers townes in the ſame, Tho. VValſ. The Frenche|men ſpoyle [...]he Iſle of Wyght. [...]ye Hughe Tyrrell. and although they were repulſed from the Caſtell, by the valiante manhood of ſir Hugh Tirrell Captaine thereof, who laid no ſmall nũ|ber of them on the ground, yet they conſtreyned ye men of the Ile to giue them a thouſand markes of ſiluer to ſaue the reſidue of their houſes & goods, and ſo they departed from thence, ſayling ſtill a|longſt the coſtes, and where they ſawe aduaun|tage ſet a lande, brenning ſundry townes neere to the ſhore,

Froiſſart. Tho. VValſ.

[...]rtmouth. [...]mouth, & [...]ymmouth, [...]ence by the Frenche.

as Porteſmouth, Dartmouth, and Plimmouth: they made countenance alſo to haue ſet vppon Southhampton, if ſir Iohn Arundell, brother to the Earle of Arundell had not bin rea|dy there, with a number of men of armes & ar|chers, by whom the towne was defended, and the enimies chaſed to their Shippes. From thence ye Frenchmen departed, and ſayling towards Do|uer, [...]tings brẽt. brent Haſtings, but Winchelſey they could not winne, being valiantly defended by the Ab|bot of Batell and others. After this, they landed one day not farre from the Abbey of Lewes, at a place called Rottington,An ouerthrow [...]iuen by the French to the [...]ngliſhmen. where the Prior of Le|wes, and two Knightes, the one named Sir Thomas Cheynye, and the other Sir Iohn Falleſley, hauing aſſembled a number of ye coun|trey people, encountred the frenchmen, but were ouerthrowen, ſo that there were ſlayne about an hundred Engliſhmenne, and the Prior with the two knightes, and an Eſquier called Iohn Bro|kas, were taken priſoners, but yet the Frenchmen loſt a greate number of their owne men at thys conflict, and ſo with theyr priſoners retired to their Shippes and galleys, and after returned in|to Fraunce. [...]lidore. But now touching the doings about the new King. You ſhal vnderſtand, that by rea|ſon of his yong yeres, as yet hee was not able to gouerne himſelfe,The duke of Lancaſter and [...] Earle of Cambridge appointed pro [...]rs. and therefore Iohn Duke of Lancaſter, and Edmond Earle of Cambridge, with other peeres of the Realme, were appointed to haue the adminiſtratiõ. He was of good diſpo|ſition and towardneſſe, but his age being redy to encline which way ſoeuer a mã ſhuld bẽd it, thoſe that were appointed to haue the gouernemente of his perſon, did what lay in them now at the firſt, to keepe him from all maner of lighte demeanor. But afterwards, when euery one began to ſtudy more for his owne priuate commoditie, than for the aduauncement of the common wealthe, they ſet open the gates to other, which being ready to corrupt his good nature, by little and little grewe familiar with him, and dimming the brightneſſe of true honor, with the counterfeite ſhine of the contrary, ſo maſkered his vnderſtanding, that in the ende, they brought him to tract the ſteppes of lewde demeanor, and ſo were cauſers, both of hys and their owne deſtruction. The Frenchmen not ignoraunte of ſuche miſchiefes as were like to growe in Englande, ſuffered no time to paſſe, but tooke occaſiõs of aduantage when they were offered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Among other enterpriſes I finde,Froiſſart. that ſhortly after the deceſſe of King Edwarde, the Duke of Burgoigne wanne Arde, and two or three other fortreſſes in thoſe marches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes this yeare alſo wanne the Ca|ſtell of Barwike by ſtelthe one morning,


Barwik caſtell won by the Scottes.

but ſhortly vpon knowledge had, the Earles of Nor|thumberland and Notingham, the Lordes Ne|uile, Lucy, Grayſtocke, and Stafford, with other Lords, Knightes, and Eſquiers, came with their powers in all haſt thither, and entring ye towne, beſieged the Caſtell, and finally, aſſaulting them that kept it, wanne it of them by force,Barvvik caſtell recouered by the Engliſh|men. and ſlewe all thoſe Scottiſhmen whych they found with|in it, excepte Alexander Raniſcy theyr Capi|tayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 When the Engliſhmen had thus recouered the Caſtell, they entred into Scotland, in hope to find the Scottes, and to fight with thẽ whome they knew to be aſſembled. The Engliſhe hoſt was three thouſande men of armes, and ſeauen thouſand archers, but they ſent forth Sir Tho|mas Muſgraue, with three hundred Speares, and three hundred archers, to Meuros, to trie if he might vnderſtand any thing of the Scottes in thoſe parties, with whome the Earle Douglas,An ouerthrow giuen by the Scots to the engliſhmen. hauing with him ſeauen hundred Speares, and two thouſand of other called yomẽ, with glaiues and other weapons, encountred by chance, and diſtreſſed him, and his company. Sir Thomas Muſgraue himſelfe, and ſixe ſcore other, were ta|ken priſoners, beſides thoſe that were ſlayne, the reſidue eſcaped by flighte, making the beſt ſhifte they coulde for them ſelues. The L. Neuill, Sir Thomas Triuet, ſir Wil. Scrope, and dyuers o|ther valiant Captaines of Englande, were ſente into Gaſcoigne this yeare, whiche firſt landed at Burdeaux, on the euen of the Natiuitie of oure Lady, where after they had reſted them a while,The ſiege of Mortaigne rayſed. they went and reyſed the ſiege, which the french|men hadde held before Mortaigne in Poictowe a long time before. Gouernour of thys ſiege at the firſte, was Yuan or Owen of Wales, but hee was murthered one morning as hee ſate alone EEBO page image 1008 viewing the Caſtell, and combing his head, by one of his owne Contreymen, which vnder cou|lour to ſerue hym, was become with him very familiar. This Owen or Yuan whether ye wil, (for all is one) was ſonne to a noble man of Wales, whome King Edward had put to death for ſome offence by him committed, where thys Yuan got him into Fraunce, being as then very yong, and was brought vp in the French Court, and proued an expert mã of warre, ſo that great lamentation was made for his deathe by the Frenchmen. But the Engliſhmenne, although they miſliked ye maner of his death, yet they were not greatly ſorowfull for the chaunce, ſith they were ridde thereby of an extreame enimy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Engliſhmenne hadde reyſed the Frenchmen from the ſiege of Mortagne, they re|turned to Burdeaux, and after recouered ſundry Caſtels and fortreſſes in the marches of Burde|loys, and about Bayone. Alſo they ayded the K. of Nauarre, againſt the King of Caſtille, & made a roade into the confynes of Caſtille, but ſhortly after, a peace was concluded betwixte thoſe two Kings, ſo that the Lorde Charles of Nauarre ſhould marrie the daughter of the King of Ca|ſtille, vpon certain conditions: and ſo the Eng|liſhmen had their wages truely paide them, and therevpon returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Parliamẽt. Tho. VValſ. About Michaelmas began a Parliamẽt that was ſummoned at Weſtminſter, whiche conti|nued til the feaſt of Saint Andrew. In this par|liament the foreſayde Sir Peter de la Mere and other the Knightes that hadde bin ſo earneſt a|gainſt Dame Alice Perers in the faſt Parliamẽt holden by King Edward the third, ſo proſecuted the ſame cauſe now in this Parliament, that the ſayde Dame Ali [...] Perers was baniſhed the Realme, and all hir goodes moueable and vn|moueable, forfeyted to the King, bycauſe cõtrary to that ſhee had promiſed by oth in the ſaide laſt Parliament, ſhe hadde preſumed to come within the Courte, and to obteyne of the King what ſo euer was to hir liking.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was two tenthes graunted by the Cleargie to the King in this Parliament, & two fifteenes of the temporaltie, to bee paide the ſame yeare,Two Citizens of London appointed to keepe the ſubſedie grã|ted by Par|liament. and two Citizens of London, William Walworth, and Iohn Philpot were appoynted to haue the keeping of that money, to the ende it might be employed to the Kings neceſſary vſes, for defence of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Hugh Caluerley a valiant Cap|tayne.Sir Hugh Caluerley beeing deputie of Ca|lais, comming one morning to Bulloigne, brent certaine Shippes which lay there in the hauen, to the number of ſixe and twentie, beſides two pro|per barkes, beeing veſſels of no ſmall accompte: And hauing ſpoiled and brẽt the moſt part of the baſe Towne, he returned to Calais, with a great rich booty of goodes and Cattell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, where the Caſtell of Marke in abſence of the Captain, ſir Robert de Salle, that was g [...] ouer into England, was loſt through negligince of them that were left in charge within it, the ſame ſir Hugh Caluerley made ſuch ſpeede in the matter,Ma [...]e [...] [...]erley, [...] ſame day [...] was l [...]. that he recouered it againe the ſame daye it was, loſt by force of aſſault, taking the F [...] men priſoners that were gotten into it, and [...]+ging certaine picardes ſtipendary Souldiers [...] the ſaide Caſtell, vnder the ſaide. Sir Roberte de Salle, for that whileſt the Engliſhmen were g [...] foorth, to ſee the ſhooting of a match which they had made amongſt themſelues, a little off [...] the Caſtell, thoſe Picards being left within, that the gates againſte them, and rece [...] in the Frenchmen, with whome they had pre [...] treaſon, keeping the Engliſhmen forth, to whom the ſafekeeping of that Caſtell was dominion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, was a Bulle ſente from the Pope vnto the Vniuerſitie of Oxforde,117 [...] to apprehende Iohn Wicliffe,Iohn W [...] Parſon of Lutterworth in L [...]|ceſterſhire, within the dioceſſe of Lincolne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, there were other Bulles to the ſame ef|fect, ſent to the Archbiſhop of Caunterbury, and to the Biſhop of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewiſe to the King were letters directed ſed the Pope, to require his fauour againſt the ſayde Wiclife, ſo greeuouſly was the Pope incenſed againſte him, and not withoute cauſe, for if hys concluſions in doctrine toke effect, he well percey|ued his papiſticall authoritie woulde ſhortly de|caye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There went forth this yeare a greate nauie of Shippes to the Sea, vnder the guiding of the Earle of Buckingham, the Duke of Britayne, the Lord Latimer, the Lorde Fitz Water, Sir Robert Knolles, and other valyant Captaines,The [...]ie ſetteth f [...] and is bea [...] backe by [...]+peſt. meaning to haue intercepted the Spaniſh fleet [...] that was gone to Sluſe in Flaunders, but tho|rough rage of tempeſt, and contrary windes, they were driuen home, although twice they attemp|ted their fortune: But ſir Hugh Caluceley dep [...]|tie of Calice, ſlept not his buſineſſe, doing ſtill what diſpleaſures he could to the Frenchmenne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after Chriſtmas,Expl [...] done by Sir Hugh Ca [...]|uerley. he ſpoyled ye towne of Eſtaples the ſame daye the faire was kepte there, to the which, a great number of Mecch [...]s of Bulleigne were come to make their mark [...] but the ſellers had quicke vtterance for that, that might eaſily be carried away, the Engliſhmenne layde hands on, and cauſed the owners to re [...]e the reſidue, with great ſummes of money, which they vndertooke to pay, or elſe ſir Hugh threatned to haue brent all that was left, togither with the houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue hearde, how at the firſt, the Duke of Lancaſter was one of the chiefe about the yong EEBO page image 1009 King in gouernement of his perſon and Realm, who prudently conſidering, that ſith there muſt needes be an alteration in the ſtate, and doubting leaſt if any thing chaunced otherwiſe than well,The Duke of Lancaſter mi| [...]taking the [...]ders of the [...], getteth himſelf home to the Caſtell of Keling|worth. the fault and blame might bee chiefly imputed to hym, and thankes (howſoeuer things wente) he looked for none, he gaue therefore the ſlip, obtey|ning licence of the Kyng to departe, and ſo gote hym home vnto his Caſtell of Kelingworth, per|mitting other to haue the whole ſway: for before his departure from the Courte, there were with his conſent ordeyned ſuch as ſhould be attending on the Kings perſon, and haue the rule and orde|ring of matters perteyning to the ſtate, as Wil|liam Courtney, then Biſhop of London (though ſhortly after remoued to the Archbyſhoppes Sea of Caunterbury) Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche, and diuers other, of whome the people had conceiued a good opinion, but yet bycauſe the Byſhoppe of Saliſbury, and the Lorde La [...]ner were admitted amongſt the reſidue, the com [...]s murmured greatly agaynſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Northumberland reſigned hys office of Lorde Marſhall, in whoſe place ſuccee|ded Sir Iohn Arundell, brother to the Earle of Arundell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter, although retired frõ the Court, yet deſirous to haue the money in his handes that was graunted the laſt Parliamente, at length obteyned it, vpon promiſe to defend the Realme from inuaſion of all enimies, for one yeares ſpace: hee therefore prouided a greate na| [...] to goe to the Sea, hyring nine Shippes of Bayone, to aſſiſt his enterpriſe herein, the whych in making ſayle hitherwardes, encountred with the Spaniſh fleete, and tooke fourteene veſſels la|den with wines and other merchandiſe: but in the meane time, one Mercer, a Scottiſhmã, with certayne ſaile of Scottes, Frenchmen, and Spa|niardes, came to Scarburgh, and there tooke cer|tayne Shippes, and led them away to the Sea, as it were in reuenge of his fathers empriſon|ment, [...]ed Iohn Mercer, who before beeyng ca [...] by certayne Shippes of the Northparts, and deliuered to the Earle of Northumberland, was committed to priſon within the Caſtell of Sca [...]brough.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Iohn Philpot that worſhipfull Citizen of London,Iohn Philpot Alderman of London, ſet|teth foorth a fleete at his owne charges, to recouer certaine Eng|liſh Shippes taken by the Scottes. lamenting the negligence of them that ſhould haue prouided againſt ſuch inconuenien|ces, made foorthe a fleete at his owne charges, ſtrongly furniſhed with men of warre and mu|nition neceſſary: the men of warre meeting with the ſame Mercer, accompanyed with hys owne ſhippes, and fifteene other Spanyards that were newly ioyned with hym, ſet vppon them, and ſo valiantly behaued themſelues, that they tooke the ſayd Mercer, with all them that were then in [figure appears here on page 1009] his company, ſo recouering agayne the Shippes that were taken from Scarbourgh, beſides great riches which were founde aboorde, as well in the fifteene Spaniſh Shippes, as the other that were of the olde retinue, belonging to the ſayd Mercer. Iohn Philpot was afterwardes blamed of the Lords, for preſuming thus farre, as to ſet foorthe a nauie of men of warre, withoute the aduice of the Kings counſell: but he made his aunſwere in ſuche wiſe vnto the Earle of Stafford, and other that layde the faulte to his charge, that hee was permitted to departe, without further trouble for that matter. Before all ſuche prouiſion as the Duke of Lancaſter prepared for his iourney to the Sea coulde be ready, the Earles of Saliſbu|rie and Arundeil ſayled ouer into Normandye, where by ſuche compoſition as was taken be|twixt the Kyng of Englande,Chierburg de|liuered to the Engliſh|man. and the King of Nauarre, who of new was become enimie to the French King, the Towne of Chierburg was de|liuered EEBO page image 1010 vnto the ſayd Erles, who ſending know|ledge therof backe into England, there were ſent ouer ſuch, as ſhould haue in charge the keepyng of that towne: and ſo the two Earles returned. We finde,Additions to Merimouth. that the Kyng of Nauarre hauing bin heere in Englande, with the King and his coun|ſell, hadde agreed with the King for a certayne yeerely rent to demiſe vnto him the ſayd fortreſſe of Chierburg, whereby the Engliſhmen myghte haue free entrie into Normandye, when they would as well to ayde the King of Nauarre in his neceſſitie, as to worke anye enterprice, that ſhould be thought expediente, to the aduauntage of the Kyng of England as occaſion ſerued, but the obteyning of the poſſeſſiõ of Chierburg brou|ght not ſo much ioy to the engliſh nation, as the unſhappe that happened at the going foorth of the ſaide Earles did cauſe lamentation and heaui|neſſe. For vpon the firſt entring into the Sea, it fortuned, that Sir Phillip, and ſir Peter Court|ney,The Engliſhe nauie is o|uermatched and ouercome by the Spaniſh fleete. diſcouered a certayne number of Shippes that were enimies, and vndiſcretely entring a|mongſt them, there ſuddaynely came vpon them the Spaniſh fleete, ſo that the Engliſhe Shippes that were in company with the ſayd Phillip, and ſir Peter, were not able to make their partie good, in ſo much, that finally, after that ſir Phillip had loſt diuers of his men that were there ſlayne, hee gote away by flight himſelfe, though greeuouſly wounded, but ſir Peter was taken priſoner, with a fewe other Knightes that were with him, and the moſt part of al the valiant Eſquiers of Som|merſetſhire and Deuonſhire, being there abroade with him, wer ſlain & drowned, which was eſtee|med no ſmall loſſe, to ye whole common wealth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were the Engliſhmen occupyed in thys firſte yeare of Kyng Richarde, with troubles of warre, and not onely againſt the Frenchmenne, but alſo againſte the Scottes, for euen in the be|ginning of the ſame yeare, the Scottes brente Rockeſbourgh,Rockesburgh brent by the Scottes. in reuenge whereof, the newe Earle of Northumberlande entred Scotlande with tenne thouſande men, and fore ſpoyled the landes of the Earle of Marche, for the ſpace of three dayes togither, bycauſe the ſayde Earle of Marche was the chiefe author of the brenning of Rockeſburgh, and ſo for that time, the Engliſh|men were well reuenged of thoſe enimies. But at an other time, when the Northren men woulde needes make a roade into Scotlande, entring by the Weſt bordures, they were encountred by the Scottes, and putte to flight, ſo that many of thẽ being ſlayne, the Scottes tooke the more courage to inuade the bordures, till at length, Edmonde Mortimer Earle of Marche came at the daye of truce, and tooke an abſtinence of warre betwixte both nations for the time, though the ſame con|tinued not long.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Andue after Midſomer, An. reg. [...] The Duke of Lanca [...] [...] the Duke of [...] [...]er with a ſtrong power tooke the Sea, and [...]+ding in Britaine, beſieged the Towne of [...] Mal [...] de Liſte, a fortreſſe of greate [...] There wẽt ouer with him ye Erles of Bucking|ham, Warwike, Stafforde, and dyue [...]s [...] the Engliſhe nobilitie, the whiche made [...]p|proches, and fiercely aſſayles the Towne, [...] was ſo valiantly defended, that in the ende, the Duke with his army rayſed from the [...], and re|turned without atchieuing his purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 About the ſame time, there was a notable and haynous murther committed within S [...]e Peters Churche at Weſtminſter by dec [...] of variance betweene the Lorde La [...] and Sir Raufe Ferrers on the one partie,Hall and [...]+ke [...]ley h [...]e C [...]on. and two Eſquiers, the one called Roberte Hall and the other Iohn Shakell on the other partie, a|boute a priſoner whiche was taken at the baſtell of Nazers in Spayne, called the Erle of Deane, who as ſome write,Polidore. was taken by one ſir F [...]e de Hall at the ſayde battell, and bycauſe hee re|mayned in his handes at the deathe of the ſayde Sir Franke, hee bequeathed him vnto his ſonne the ſayde Roberte Hall Eſquier. But as othir write, the ſayde Earle was taken by the ſayde Roberte Hall hymſelfe,Tho. VV [...] and Iohn Shakell ioyntly, and iudged to bee theyr lawfull priſo|ner, by the ſentence of the Prince of Wales, and Sir Iohn Shandos, that was maſter to the ſaid Eſquiers: wherevpon afterwards, the ſaid Earle obteyned ſo muche fauour, that by leauing hys ſonne and heire in guage for his raunſome, he re|turned into Spayne, to prouide for money to diſ|charge it, but he was ſo ſlow in that matter, after he was at libertie, that he departed this lift, before he made anye paymente, and ſo his lands fell to his ſonne, that remayned in guage for the mo|ney, with the two Eſquiers: wherevpon hap|pened afterwardes, that the Duke of Lancaſter, deſirous to haue the yong Earle in his hands (in hope through hys meanes the better to accom|pliſhe his enterprice whiche hee meant to take in hande agaynſte the kyng of Caſt ille, for the right of that Kingdome) procured hys nephew Kyng Richard to require the ſayde Earle of Deane, at the hands of the ſayd Eſquiers, but they refuſed to deliuer him, keeping their priſoner foorthe of the way, ſo that none wiſt where hee was be|come: the Eſquiers therefore were committed to the Tower, out of the whiche they eſcaped vnto Weſtminſter, and there regiſtred them|ſelues for ſanctuarie men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter was heerewith ſore offended, and their enimies the ſayde Lorde La|timer, and Sir Raufe Ferrers tooke counſell togither, with Sir Allene Boxhull and o|thers, howe they myghte bee reuenged of thys EEBO page image 1011 deſpite: This ſir Alane Boxhull, was Conne|ſtable of the Tower, and therefore it greued him not alitle, that the Eſquiers had broken frõ him, and kept themſelues thus at Weſtminſter, vnder protection of that priuiledged place. Heerevpon it was concluded, that Sir Raufe Ferrers, and the ſayd Alane Boxhull, taking with them certayne men in armour, to the number of a fiftie perſons, ſhoulde goe and fetch them by force from Weſt|minſter, vnto the Tower agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The morrow therefore after Saint Laurence day, being ye eleuẽth of Auguſt, theſe two knights accompanyed with certayne of the Kyngs ſer|uauntes and other, to the number afore mentio|ned, came into the Church at Weſtminſter, whi|leſt the ſayde Eſquiers were there hearing of the high Maſſe, which was then in celebrating, and firſt laying hands vppon Iohn Shakell, vſed the matter ſo with him, that they drewe him foorthe of the Church, and ledde him ſtraight to the To|wer, but when they came to Roberte Hall, and fell in reaſoning with him, hee woulde not ſuffer them to come within his reache, and perceyuing they meante to take him by force, he drew out a falcheõ or ſhort ſword which he had girt to him, and therewith layde ſo freely about him, trauer|ſing twice round about the Monkes quier, that til they had beſet him on eache ſyde, they coulde doe him no hurt, but at length, when they hadde got him at that aduauntage,A cruell mur|ther in Weſt|minſter chur|che. one of them cloue hys head to the very braynes, and an other thruſt him through the body behinde, with a ſworde, and ſo they murthered him amongſt them. They ſlewe alſo one of the Monkes that woulde haue hadde them to haue ſaued the Eſquiers life. Much adoe was made aboute this matter, for the breakyng thus of the Sainctuarie, in ſo muche, that the Archbyſh. of Canterbury, and fiue other Biſhops his ſuffraganes openly pronounced all them that were preſente at this murder accurſed, and lykewiſe all ſuch as ayded or counſelled them to it chiefly, and namely ſir Alane Boxhull, and ſir Raufe Ferreis, Captaynes and leaders of them. The king, the Queene, and the Duke of Lanca|ſter were yet excepted by ſpeciall names. The Biſhop of London a long time after euery Sun|day, Wedneſday, and Friday, pronounced thys excommunication in the Church of Saint Paul at London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter (though excepted in the ſame,) yet in behalfe of his friends, was not a little offended with the Byſhops doings, in ſo muche, that in a Counſell holden at Windeſore (to the which the Byſhop of London was called, but would not come, nor yet ceaſſe the pronoun|cing of the curſe, notwithſtanding the Kyng had requeſted him by his letters) the Duke ſayd open|ly, that the Biſhops froward dealings were not to be borne with, but (ſaith he) if the King would commaund me, I ſhould gladly goe to London, and fetch that diſobediente Prelate, in deſpite of thoſe rybauldes (for ſo he termed them) the Lon|doners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe wordes procured the Duke muche e|uill will, as well of the Londoners, as of other: for it was commonly ſayde, that whatſoeuer had bin done at Weſtminſter concerning the mur|ther there committed in the Churche, was done by his commaundement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Saint Luke,A Parliamente at Glouceſter. was a Parli|amente holden at Glouceſter, for the diſpleaſure as was thought, which ſome of the Counſell had conceyued againſte the Londoners, or rather as ſome tooke it, for feare of them, leaſt if any thyng were done contrary to their myndes, they ſhould be about to hinder it, if the Parliament had bene kept neere to them, for many things (as ſome iud|ged) were meant to haue bin put foorthe and con|cluded in thys Parliamente, albeit fewe in ef|fect came to paſſe of thoſe matters that were ſur|miſed, ſauing that it was enacted, that the Kyng ſhoulde haue a marke of the Merchauntes, for e|uery ſacke of theyr woolles, for thys preſente yeare, and for euery poundes worth of wares that was broughte in from beyonde the Seas, and heere ſolde, ſixe pence of the byers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, certayne priuiledges were graunted in thys Parliamente, to Merchaunte ſtraungers, that they myghte buye and ſell in groſſe, or by retayle within thys Realme, as in the Printed booke of Statutes it appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare came meſſengers from the newe elected Pope Vrbane, with letters,The Pope ſendeth to the King for ayd. to require the Kynges aſſiſtaunce and ayde agaynſte ſuche Cardinals as hee named Sciſmatickes, that hadde elected an other Pope, whome they na|med Clemente, whyche Cardinalles ſente lykewiſe theyr meſſengers with letters, to be|ſieche the Kyng to ayde them with hys fauou|rable aſſiſtaunce, but through perſwaſion of the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, Vrbanes requeſt was graunted, and Clementes reie|cted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, to witte,Barwike Ca|ſtel wonne by the Scottes. on Thurſe|day before the feaſt of Saint Andrewe the Apo|ſtle, the Scottes by ſtealth entred by nyght into the Caſtell of Barwike, and ſlewe Sir Ro|bert Boynton, a ryghte valiant Knighte, that was Conneſtable thereof, permitting his wife, Children, and ſeruauntes, to departe, with con|dition, that within three weekes next enſuing, they ſhoulde eyther paye them three thouſande markes, or elſe yeelde theyr bodyes agayne to priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The morrowe after, the ſame Scottes fetched a great bootie of Cattell out of the countreys next EEBO page image 1012 adidyning, but immediately after the Earle of Northumberland was aduertiſed hereof, he ha|ſted thither with foure hundred armed men, and aſſaulting the Caſtell on eache ſide, after two houres defence,Alexander Ramſey was only ſaued, as Froyſ. hath. wanne it, ſlaying of the defen|dauntes about eight and fortie, referning onely one of the whole number aliue, that he might en|forme the Engliſhmen thoroughly of ye Scottiſh mens purpoſes.Barwike Ca|ſtell recoue|red by the Earle o [...] Nor|thumberland. At this enterprice, was the Earle of Northumberlãds eldeſt ſonne, ſpreading there firſt his banner, & doing ſo valiantly, that hee de|ſerued ſingular commendation, as likewiſe dyd Sir Alane de Heton, and Sir Thomas de Ilder|ron, with thoſe of the ſurname of the Herons, e|uery of theſe hauing their quarters aſſigned to aſ|ſault: thus was the Caſtell recouered the ninth day after the Scottes had entred the ſame, ſo that they enioyed not long that victorious exployte. Bycauſe this enterprice was taken in hande a|gainſte the couenaunte of the truce, the Earle of Northumberlande before he attempted to reco|uer the Caſtell, ſente to the Earle of Marche in Scotlande, to vnderſtand if he would anow that which his countreymen had done, touching the winning of that Caſtell, who ſente him know|ledge agayne, that he neyther vnderſtoode of their enterpriſe, nor woulde bee partakers with them therein, but if it ſo pleaſed the Erle of Northum|berland, he would come himſelfe, and help to re|couer it to the King of Englãds vſe, out of thoſe Scottiſhmens hands, whiche withoute publyke authoritie,Sir Roberte Rous a valiãt Captayne. 1379 had made that exployte. This yere, ſir Roberte Rous, Captayne of Chierburgh, was called home, after hee hadde taken Sir Oliuer de Cliſſon, and atchieued manye other worthy ad|uentures againſt the kings enimies. In his place was ſent ſir Iohn Herleſton, to remayne vppon the garde of that Caſtel. Alſo, ſir Hugh Caluer|ley, deputy of Calais, that had ſo valiantly borne himſelfe againſt the Frenchmenne, was likewiſe diſcharged, and comming home, was made Ad|mirall, being ioyned in commiſſion in that office, with ſir Thomas Percy. Sir William Moun|tague Earle of Saliſbury, was ſent ouer to Ca|lais, to bee the Kinges Lieutenaunte there, who ſhortly after his comming thither, fetched a great bootie of cattell out of the enimies countrey ad|ioyning, ſo that Calais was furniſhed with no ſmall number of the ſame. Sir Hugh Caluerley, and ſir Thomas Percy, going to Sea, tooke ſea|uen Shippes laden with merchandiſe, and one Shippe of warre. The Archbiſhop of Caſſils in Irelande, returning from Rome, broughte with him large authoritie, of binding and looſing, grã|ted to him by Pope Vrbane, in fauour of whome at his comming to London in a Sermon which he preached, he declared to the people, howe the Frenche King, holding with the Antipape Cle|mente, was denounced accurſed, and ſh [...] now was the time for Engliſhmen to make war in France, hauing ſuch occaſion, as greater c [...] not bee offered, ſpecially, ſith it was like that the excommunicated King ſhould haue no courage to make reſiſtance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In a Parliamẽt holden at Weſtminſter thys yeare after Eaſter, it was ordeyned,The Sa [...]+ry a [...] Weſt|minſter con|firmed by Parliaments that the pri|uiledges and immunities of the Abbey of Weſt|minſter ſhould remaine whole and inuiolate, but yet there was a prouiſo, againſt thoſe that tooke Sainctuarie, with purpoſe to defraude their cre|ditours, that their landes and goodes ſhoulde bee aunſwerable to the diſcharging of their debtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In ye ſame Parliament, was granted to the K. a ſubſedie, to be leuied of the great men of ye land.A ſubſed [...] [...] be payd by the greate men, and the comm [...] [...]. To the ende the commons might be ſpared, the Dukes of Lancaſter and Britaine paide twentie markes, euery Earle ſixe markes, Biſhoppes and Abbots with miters aſmuch, and for euery Mõke three ſhillings foure pence: alſo, euery Iuſtice, Sherife, Knighte, Eſquier, Parſon, Vicar, and Chapleyne, were charged after a certayne rate, but not any of the commons that were of the laytie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Ye haue hearde how ſir Iohn Harleſton was ſent to Chierburg, as Captayne of that fortreſſe, An. reg. [...]. A notable [...]+ploy [...] done by ſir Iohn Harlaſton. who iſſuing abroade one day, with ſuch power as he might take foorth, leauing the fortreſſe furni|ſhed, came to a place, where within a Church and in a mille, the frenchmẽ had layde vp, as in ſtore|houſes, a great quantitie of vittailes, for prouiſi|on, which Church and Mille the Engliſhmenne aſſaulted ſo vigorouſly, that notwithſtandyng there were within a good number of the enimies, that did their beſt to defende themſelues, yet at length they were taken, and ſir Iohn Harleſton with his company, returned with the vittayles towarde Chierburg, but by the way they were encountred by one Sir William de Boundes, whome the Frenche King had appoynted to bee in Mont Burg, with a ſtrong power of men of warre, to countergariſon Chierburg: here c [...]d a ſore cõflict, and many an hardy man was bea|tẽ to the ground. And although at the firſt it ſee|med that the Engliſhmen were ouermatched in number, yet they ſtucke to it manfully. Theyr Captayne ſir Iohn Harleſton, fighting in the foremoſt preſſe, was felled, and lay on the g [...] at his enimies feete, in great hazard of death. The Engliſhmen neuertheleſſe continue the fyghte, till at length, ſir Geffrey Worſley, with a wing of armed footemen, with axes, came to the reſ|cue (for to that ende hee was left behinde, of pur|poſe to come to their ayde, if neede required) with whoſe comming, the Frenchmen were ſo hardly handled, that to conclude, they were broken in ſunder, beaten downe, and wholly vanquiſhed: EEBO page image 1019 there were of them ſlayne aboue ſixe ſcore, and as many taken priſoners, among whiche number, was their chiefe Capitayne Sir William de Bourdes taken, and brought to Chierburg, with the reſidue, and there put in ſafekeeping. Thys exployt was archieued by the Engliſhmenne, on S. Martins day in winter, in this third yeare of King Richard his raigne: but leaſt any ioy ſhuld come to the Engliſh people in that ſeaſon, with|out ſome mixture of grief,Sir Iohn Clearke a valiant Cap|tayne. one ſir Iohn Clearke, a righte valiaunt Knighte, and fellow in armes with ſir Hugh Caluerley, chaunced this yeare to lye in garriſon in a Caſtell in Britaine, where was an hauen, and diuers Engliſhe Shippes ly|ing in the ſame, whereof the frenche galeys bee|ing aduertiſed, came thither, to ſet thoſe Shippes on fyre, appoynting one of their galleys firſte to attempt the feate, and if fortune ſo woulde, to trayne the Engliſhmen foorthe,A Policie. till they ſhoulde fall into the lappes of foure other galleys whyche they layde as it had bin in ambuſhe: and as the e|nimies wiſhed, ſo it came to paſſe, for the Eng|liſhmen perceyning their veſſels in daunger to be brent of the enimies, ranne euery man aboorde to ſaue the Shippes and goodes within them, and amongſt the reſt, Sir Iohn Clearke their Cap|tayne, meaning to take ſuch part as his men did, got aboorde alſo, and ſtreight falling in purſute of the galley that withdrewe for the purpoſe a|foreſayd, the Engliſhmen were ſhortly encloſed with the other galleys, before they were aware, not knowing what ſhift to make to auoyde the preſent daunger. Sir Iohn Clearke perceyuing howe the caſe ſtoode, layde about him like a Gy|ant, cauſing his company ſtill to drawe backe a|gayne, whileſt he reſiſting the enimies, did ſhewe ſuch proofe of his valiancie, that they were much aſtoniſhed therewith. To be ſhort, he ſo manfully behaued himſelfe, that the moſt parte of his com|pany had time to recouer land, but when hee that had thus preſerued others ſhoulde leape forthe of the Shippe to ſaue him ſelfe, he was ſtriken in the thigh with an axe, that down he fell, and ſo came into the enimies hands, being not able to recouer that hurt, for his thigh was almoſt quite cut off from the body, ſo that hee dyed of that and other hurtes preſently, leauing a remembrance behinde him, of many worthy actes through his valian|cie atchieued, to his high prayſe and great com|mendation. The Barke of Yorke was alſo loſt the ſame time, beeing a proper veſſell, and nowe taken ſuddaynely, ſanke with all that were a|boorde in hir, both Engliſhmen, and the enimies alſo that were entred into hir, thinking to carrie hir away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Aboute the ſame time, the Duke of Britayne returning into his countrey, vnder the conduit of Sir Thomas Percy, and Sir Hugh Caluerley, landed at a Hauen not farre from Saint Malo, the fourth daye of Auguſt, beeing receyued with vnſpeakeable ioy of the Britaynes, as wel lords as commons, ſo that the louing harts which they bare towards him, might well appeare, although the loue which he bare to the Kyng of England, had cauſed his ſubiects in fauoure of Fraunce, to keepe him many yeares forth of his Dukedome,The Duke of Britayne re|ſtored to his Dukedome. as a baniſhed Prince, but at length, they beeyng ouercome with irkeſomneſſe of his long abſence, with generall conſents, ſent for him home, ſo that there were but fewe of the Brittiſhe nobilitie that withdrew their dutifull obedience from him, and thoſe were only ſuche, as firmely linked in ſeruice with the French King, were loth to forgoe ſuche roomthes and dignities as vnder him they enioy|ed, namely, the Conſtable of Fraunce, ſir Ber|thram de Cleaquin, the Lord Cliſſon, the Lorde de Rohen, and the Lord Rochfort, and certayne others: The Lord de la Vall amõgſt other, came to him as we finde in Thomas Walſ. offering him his ſeruice as well as the reſidue. At his lan|ding, he was likely to haue loſt all ſuch furniture, as well of vittailes, apparell, hangings, bedding, armour, and other things, which either he or hys trayne had broughte with them, for the Frenche galleys eſpying their time, immediately as hee and his company were ſet a land, before ye Ships in which the ſayd furniture was fraughte, coulde enter the hauen, whiche was ſomewhat ſtraighte and narrow, came vppon them,Sir Hugh Caluerly. and had them at ſuch aduantage, that if ſir Hugh Caluerley with his Archers hadde not cauſed the maſter of hys Shippe euen againſt his will to returne agayne to the reſcue, the Galleys had taken and gone a|way with the other Shippes, but through the manfull proweſſe of ſir Hugh, the Galleys were repulſed, and the Shippes ſaued: for according to his wonted valiancy, hee would not returne, till hee ſawe all other in ſauetie, and then defendyng himſelfe ſo well as he might, withdrewe into the hauen, & landed ſafely with the reſidue. About the ſame time, was an haynous murther committed in London, of a Merchant Genewes,An heynous murther of a merchante ſtranger. whom cer|tayne Engliſh Merchants vpon a ſpite and en|uie which they bare towards him, cauſed to bee ſlayne one euening in the ſtreete, before his owne gates. The cauſe that moued the merchaunts ſo to procure his death was, for that hee vndertooke to furniſhe this lande, hauing the ſtaple allowed hym at Southhamptõ, of all ſuch wares as came foorth of Leuant ſo plentifully as was to be had in any place in all theſe weſt partes of Chriſten|dome. In the Sommer of this yeare,Great death in the North Countrey. a greeuous mortalitie afflicted the Northe partes of this land, ſo that the Countrey became almoſt de|ſolate, and to the increaſe of that miſerie, the Scottes thynkyng the tyme to ſerue theyr EEBO page image 1014 turne,Great ſpoyle by the Scottes in the death time. inuaded the bordures, and moſt cruelly, harried, robbed, and ſpoyled the ſame, not letting paſſe any parte, of moſt cruell murthering of the people that were left aliue, and not made away by that ſore contagious ſickneſſe. The number of Cattell was infinite which they droue out of the lande with them, not ſparing heardes of Swine which they tooke at this time, where they neuer medled with that kind of Cattell before that pre|ſente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before the Scottes made this iourney into Englande, whileſt the mortalitie was moſt in force, they calling vnto certayne of the Engliſhe bordurers, aſked of thẽ how it came to paſſe, that ſo great a death raigned amõgſt thẽ. The Eng|liſhmen, as good, playne, and ſimple meanyng men, tolde them, that truely they knewe not the cauſe, for Gods iudgements were hid from them in ſuch behalfe: but one thing they knewe, that all calamitie, deathe, and aduerſitie that chaunced vnto them, came by the ſpeciall grace of God, to the ende, that beeing puniſhed for theyr ſynnes, they myghte learne to repent and amende theyr wicked liues. The Scottes hearing this, when they ſhoulde enter this lande, vnderſtandyng lewdely what the Engliſhmen hadde tolde them concerning the diſeaſe, and the grace of God, de|uiſed a bleſſing forſooth to bee ſayd euery mor|ning, of the moſt antient perſon in euery family, as thus, Benedicite (ſaide hee,) dominus ſayde the reſidue: then began hee agayne, ſaying, God and Saint Mango, Saint Romayne and Sainct Andrewe, ſhielde vs thys daye fra Goddes grace, and the foule deathe that Engliſhmenne dyen vpon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the ſenſeleſſe men miſconſtruing thys worde the grace of God, prayed for their owne deſtruction, whiche if not in this worlde, yet for theyr brutiſhe crueltie vſed at that preſente, a|gaynſte the miſerable creatures, which the hand of God had ſpared, in time of that grenous mor|talitie, it is to be feared, leaſt in another worlde it came to them, as the very words of their prayers imported.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, Iohn Schakell Eſquier was ſet at libertie, ye K. cõpounded with him for his priſoner, giuing fiue C. markes in ready mo|ney, & lands to the valew of a C. markes by yere. When he ſhould bring foorth his priſoner, and de|liuer him to the Kyng, this is to bee noted, as a thing very ſtrange and wonderfull, for when hee ſhoulde appeare, it was knowen to bee the very grome that had ſerued him in all the time of hys trouble, and would neuer vtter himſelfe what hee was,A notable ex|ample of a faythfull pri|ſoner. before that time, hauing ſerued hym as an hyred ſeruaunte all that while in priſon, and out of priſon, in daunger of life, when his other mai|ſter was murthered, where, if he would haue vt|tered himſelfe, hee might haue bin enterteyned [...] ſuche honorable ſtate, as for a priſoner of his di|gree hadde bin requiſite, ſo that the faithfull [...] and aſſured conſtancie in this noble Gentle [...], was highly commended, and no leſſe ma [...]ed at of all men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Sainte Nicholas, in thys third yeare of King Richards raigne, there went to Sea an army of men, that ſhoulde haue paſſed ouer into Britaigne, to the ayde of the Duke there, vnder the conduit of Sir Iohn Arundell, ſir Hughe Caluerley, Sir Thomas Percye, Sir William Elmham, ſir Thomas Morews, Sir Thomas Baneſter, and many other Knightes and Eſquiers, too long to rehearſe, a ſufficiente power vndoubtedly, to haue done a greate enter|priſe: but they were no ſooner on the Sea, but ſuddainely there aroſe ſuch an hideous tempeſt of winde and ſtormes,The engliſh [...]e ſc [...]|red by a [...]|ble tempeſt. that they looked preſently to be all caſt away, they were ſcattered heere and there, and driuen they wiſt not whether. The Shippe wherein Sir Iohn Arundell was a|boord, chaunced to be caſt on the coaſt of Irelãd, and there driuen to forſake his Shippe, that was ready to be broken in peeces, by rage of waues, beating it there againſt the rockes: he was drow|ned before hee coulde winne to lande, in an Ile. neere to the whiche they had thruſt in, the [figure appears here on page 1014] Shippe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To the like ende came ſir Thomas Baneſter, ſir Nicholas Trumpington, and Sir Thomas Dale, impeaching each others, as they leapt forth of the Shippe: alſo an Eſquier one Mufarde, a moſt ſeemely perſonage and a bolde, and ano|ther Eſquier, named Denyoke, being almoſt out of daunger, were fetched away by the ſurges of the ſea, and ſo periſhed, with many other. Robert Ruſt a cunning ſea man, belonging to Black|ney in Northfolke, and maſter of the Shippe wherein ſir Iohn Arundell was embarqued, was the firſt that got to lande, giuing enſample to o|thers, how to ſhift for themſelues: but when hee EEBO page image 1015 ſaw his chiefe Captayne, the ſayd Sir Iohn A|rundell g [...] foorth to the ſands, and as one thin|king himſelfe paſt all daunger, to ſhake his wette garments about him, the ſayd Ruſt waying the daungerous ſtate wherein the ſayd Sir Iohn A|rundell yet ſtoode, came downe, and raught to hym his hand, enforſing hymſelfe to plucke hym to the ſhore: but whileſt hee tooke care for an o|ther mans ſafetie, and neglected his owne, hee loſt his life, and ſo they both periſhed togither, for through a mighty billowe of the raging Seas, they were both ouerthrowen, and with returning of the waues back, drawen into the deepe, ſo that they coulde neuer recouer footeholde agayne, but were drowned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayd Ruſt was much lamented, bycauſe he was not onely knowen to be a ſkilfull maſter, but alſo counſelled the ſayd Sir Iohn Arundell in no wiſe to goe to ſea, at what time he woulde needes ſet forward, forcing the ſaid Ruſt and the Marriners to hoiſt vp ſailes, and make waye. They that eſcaped to land in that Ile, founde no|thing there to relieue their miſeries, but bare ground, ſo that diuers ſtarued through cold, wã|ting fier and other ſuccour: the reſidue that were luſtie and wiſe withall, ranne vp and downe, and ſometime wraſtling, and otherwiſe chaſing thẽ|ſelues, remayned there in greate miſerie, from the Thurſday, till Sunday at noone next enſuing. At what time, when the Sea was appeaſed and waxen calme, the Iriſhmen that dwelled ouer a|gainſt this Ile on the maine, came and fetched them thence, and relieued them the beſt they coulde, being almoſt dead, through trauell, hun|ger and colde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſaide Sir Iohn Arundell loſt not onely his life,The exceſſe and ſ [...]mptu|ous apparell, of ſir Iohn Arundell. but all his furniture and apparell for hys body, which was very ſumptuous, ſo that it was thought to ſurmount the apparell of any King. For he had two and fiftie new ſutes of apparell of cloth of golde, or Tiſſewe, as was reported, all the which, togither with his horſes and geldings, amounting to ye valew of ten thouſand markes, was loſt in the Sea.There were drowned a|boue a thou|ſand men in one place and other, as the additions to Me [...]mouth [...] teſtifie. And beſides this, there were loſt the ſame time, a fyue and twentie Shippes, with menne, Horſes, and other riches, whiche attended him in that voyage. Sir Thomas Per|cy yet, and ſir Hugh Caluerley, with Sir Wil|liam Elmham, and certayne others, eſcaped, but cruelly tormented with vnmercifull tempeſt: and before Sir Thomas Percy could get to land af|ter the Sea was quieted, hee was aſſaulted by a Spanyards againſt whom he ſo defẽded hymſelf, yt in the end he toke the Spaniſh veſſel, & brought hir, with all that he found aboorde in hir, vnto the nexte ſhore, and ſolde the ſame for an hundred poundes, and without long delay, tooke the Sea, and paſſed ouer to Breſt, of whiche fortreſſe hee was Captaine ioyntly with Sir Hugh Caluer|ley, and therefore doubting leaſt ſome incõueni|ence mighte thereto nowe in both their abſence chaunce, hee made the more haſt, not taking reſt till hee came thither, notwithſtanding his paſſed paynefull trauells.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Hugh Caluerley was neuer in his lyfe in more daunger of deathe, than at that time: for all that were in his Shippe (as Froyſſarte writeth) were drowned, except hymſelfe, and ſeauen mar|riners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We fynde, that there were drowned in one place and other, aboue a thouſand Engliſh men, in that vnlucky voyage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some writers impute this calamitie to lyghte on the ſaide Sir Iohn Arundell and his compa|ny, for the laſciuious and filthy rule, whiche they kept before their ſetting foorthe, in places where they laye till theyr prouiſion was ready, and not contented with that whiche they did before they tooke Shippe, in rauiſhing mens wiues,Outragious wickedneſſe iuſtly puni|ſhed. maydes and daughters, they caried them aboord, that they might haue the vſe of them whileſt they were on the Sea: and yet when the tempeſt roſe like cru|ell and vnmercifull perſons, they threw them in|to the Sea: eyther for that they woulde not bee troubled with their lamentable noyſe and cry|ing, or for that they thought ſo long as they had ſuch women aboorde with them (whom they had abuſed ſo long) God would not ceaſſe the rage of the tempeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But it ſhoulde appeare this tempeſt was ge|nerall, for where the Spaniſh and Frenche fleetes were abroade the ſame time, being aſſembled to|gither to annoy the coaſtes of this lande, theyr Shippes were likewiſe toſſed and turm [...]yled, ſo as no ſmal number of them were loſt, in ſomuch, that the domage which they ſuſteyned, was thou|ght farre to paſſe that which happened to ye eng|liſh nauie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare about Chriſtmas, Sir William de Montacute Earle of Saliſburie,1380 after he had remayned a twelue monethes ſpace at Calaice, the Kyngs Lieutenante there, was called home, and Sir Iohn Deueroux,Sir Iohn De|ueroux made deputie of Calais. a ryghte valiaunte Knighte, and an olde man of warre, was ſente thither in his place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, Sir Iohn Harleſton was called home from Chierburgh, and ſir William Windeſhore a noble Knight, was ſent thither, to be Captaine of that fortreſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Epiphanie, was a Parliament cal|led at London, whiche continued till the begyn|ning of the Calendes of Marche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whereas the yeare before, there had bene cer|taine, Byſhoppes, Earles, Barons, and Iuſtices appointed, to haue ye gouernemẽt and ru [...]e about the Kyng, now at the requeſt of the Lordes and EEBO page image 1016 commons in this Parliament aſſembled, ye Lord Thomas Beauchampe Erle of Warwike,The Earle of Warwike ele|cted protector was choſen to remayne continually with the Kyng, as chief gouernour, both of his perſon, and to giue aunſwere to all ſtraungers that ſhould come hy|ther about any buſineſſe whatſoeuer, and further to haue the rule and order of all things, in lieu of thoſe that were choſen thereto before: it was per|ceyued that they had ſought to enrich thẽſelues, & had done little, to the aduancemẽt of the kings honor, or ſtate of the common wealth, but rather emptied the Kings cofers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliamente alſo, the Lord Richarde Scrope gaue ouer the office of Chancellor, and Simon Sudbury Archbyſhop of Caunte [...] tooke it vpon him.The Archbi|ſhop of Ca [...]| [...]ry [...] Chaun|cellour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliament was graunted a te [...] the Cleargie, and a fiftenth by the laytie, with [...]|dition that from henceforth, to witte, from ye [...]|lends of Marche, vnto the feaſt of Saint Micha|ell, which then ſhoulde be in the yeare .1381. there ſhoulde be no more Parliamentes, but thys con|dition was not performed, as after it appea|red.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Octaues of Eaſter,The kings [...] ſiſter [...] the Erle of [...] Paule. the Lord Val [...] Earle of Saint Paule, married the Kings ha [...] ſiſter, the Lady Ioane de Courtney: the ſolem [...]|zation of this mariage, was holden at Windſor, [figure appears here on page 1016] with great triumphing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Princeſſe that was mother to the bride, was greatly againſt the marriage, but the bryde hir ſelfe had ſuche a liking to the Earle, that the King was contented that they ſhould match to|gither, and ſet him free of his raunſome, whyche he ſhould haue paide, for that hee hadde bin taken priſoner in the marches of Caleis, and further, gaue with his ſiſter by way of endowmente, the Towneſhip and manor of Byfleete.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A combat be|twixt ſir Iohn Anſleye and Thomas Ka|trington.The ſeuenth of Iune, a combate was foughte before the Kings palace at Weſtminſter, on the pauement there, betwixte one ſir Iohn Anneſley knight, and one Thomas Katrington Eſquier.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The occaſion of this ſtraunge and notable triall roſe hereof. The knight accuſed the Eſquier of treaſon, for that where the fortreſſe of Sainte Sauiour within the Iſle of Cõſtantine in Nor|mandie, belonging ſometime to Sir Iohn Chã|dos, had bin committed to the ſaid Katrington, as Captayne thereof, to keepe it againſte the e|nimies, he hadde for money ſolde and deliuered it ouer to the Frenchmen, where he was ſufficient|ly prouided, of men, munition and vittayles, to haue defended it againſt them: And ſith the inhe|ritaunce of that fortreſſe and land [...]s [...] thereto, had apperteyned to the ſaide Anneſley in righte of his, wife, as neereſt couſin by [...]itie vnto Sir Iohn Chandos, if by the falſe co [...]|ance of the ſaid Katrington, it had not hi [...] ma [...] away, and alienated into the enimies hands, hee offered therefore to trie the quarrell by [...] againſt the ſaide Katrington; wherevpon was the ſame Katrington apprehended, and [...] priſon, but ſhortly after ſet at libertie againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Duke of Lancaſter during the time that his father King Edward lay in hys laſt ſickneſſe, did in al things what liked [...] and ſo at the contemplation of the Lord Latimer as was thought, hee releaſſed Katrington for the time, ſo that Sir Iohn Anneſley could not come to the effect of his ſute in all the meane time, [...] nowe. Such as feared to be charged with the like offences, ſtayed the matter, till at length, by the opinion of true and auntiente Knightes, [...]t was defyned,Triall by [...] in [...] caſe la [...]. that for ſuch a foraine controuerſie that hadde not riſen within the limmit [...] [...] the Realme, but touched poſſeſſion of thynges on EEBO page image 1017 the further ſide the ſea, it was lawfull to haue it tryed by battayle, if the cauſe were firſte noti|fied to the Conneſtable and Marſhall of the realme, and that the combate was accepted by the parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon was the day and place appoynted, and all things prouided readie, with lyſtes rayled and made ſo ſubſtantially, as if the ſame ſhoulde haue endured for euer. The concourſe of people that came to Lõdon to ſee this tried, was thought to exceede that of the kings coronation, ſo deſy|rous men were to beholde a ſight ſo ſtraunge and vnaccuſtomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King and his Nobles, and all the peo|ple beeing come togyther in the morning of the day appoynted, to the place where the lyſtes were ſet vp,The order of the Combate. the knight beeing armed and mounted on a fayre courſer ſeemely trapped, entereth firſt as appellant, ſtaying till his aduerſarie the defendant ſhould come. And ſhortly after was the Eſquier called to defende his cauſe, in this fourme: Tho|mas Katrington defendant, come and appeare to ſaue the action, for whiche ſir Iohn Anneſley Knight and appellant hath publiquely & by wry|ting appelled thee: He being thus called thriſe [...]y an Herault at armes, at the thirde call hee com|meth armed likewiſe, and ryding on a Courſer trapped with Trappes embrodered with his armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his approching to the lyſtes he alyght from his horſe, leaſt according to the lawe of armes the Coneſtable ſhoulde haue chalenged the horſe if he had entered within the lyſtes, but his ſhifting no|thing auayled him, for the horſe after hys maiſter was alyght beſide him, ranne vp and downe by the rayles,The Erle of Buckingham day meth the horſe. nowe thruſting his heade ouer, and nowe both heade and breaſt, to that the Earle of Buckingham, bycauſe he was highe Coneſtable of Englande, claymed the Horſe afterwardes, ſwearing that hee woulde haue ſo much of hym as had appeared ouer the ray [...]s, and ſo the horſe was adiudged vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the matter of the combate (for this chalenge of the Horſe was made after) as ſoone as the Eſquier was come wythin the lyſts the Indenture was brought forth by the Mar|ſhall and Coneſtable, which had [...]eene made and ſealed before them, with conſent of the partyes, in which were conteyned the Articles exhibited by the knight agaynſt the Eſquier, and there the ſame was read afore all the aſſemble.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Eſquier whoſe conſcience was thought not to be cleare, but rather guiltie, went about to make exceptions, that his cauſe by ſome meanes might haue ſeemed the ſound [...]e. But the Duke of Lancaſter hearing him ſo ſtaye at the mat [...]er, [...]ware, that except according to the conditions of the combate, and the lawe of armes, hee woulde admit all things in the Indentures compryſed, that were not made without his owne conſent, he ſhoulde as guiltie of the treaſon forthwith be had forth to execution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke with thoſe wordes wanne greate commendation, and auoyded no ſmall ſuſpition that had beene conceyued of him, as partiall in the Eſquires cauſe. The Eſquier hearing this, ſayd, that he durſt fight with the knight, not onely in thoſe poyntes, but in all other in the worlde what ſoeuer the ſame might be: For he truſted more to his ſtrength of bodie, and fauour of his friendes, than in the cauſe whiche he had taken vpon hym to defende. Hee was in deede a mightie man of ſtature, where the knight among thoſe that were of a meane ſtature was one of the leaſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Friendes to the Eſquier in whom he had great affyance to be borne out through their aſſyſtance, were the Lordes Latimer, and Baſſet, wyth o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before they entred battaile, they tooke an othe, as well the knight as the Eſquier, that the cauſe in which they were to fight, was true, and that they delt with no witche craft, nor arte Magicke whereby they [...]ughe obteyne the victorie of their aduerſarie, for had about the any herb or ſtone or other kind of experiment with which Magicians vſe, to triumph ouer theyr enimies. This othe re|ceyued of eyther of them, and there with ha [...]g made their prayers deuoutly, they begin the bat|tayle, firſt with ſpeares, after with ſwordes, and laſtly with daggers.

[figure appears here on page 1017]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They [...]ght long, [...] the knight had bereft the eſquier of all his weapons,The Eſquire is ouerthrowne. [...] length [...] Eſquier [...] ouerthrowne by the knight: but as the knight woulde haue fallen vp|pon the Eſquier, through [...] downe by his helmet, his ſighte was H [...]d, ſo that thinking to fall vpon the Eſquires, hee fell downe ſide [...]ing himſelfe, not comming more to the Eſ|quier, wh [...] [...]y [...]g what had happened, al|though he [...] come with long figh|ting, EEBO page image 1018 made to the knight, and threw himſelfe vp|on him, ſo that many thought the knight ſhoulde haue beene ouercome: other doubted not but that the knight woulde recouer his feete againe, and get the victorie of his aduerſarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king in the meane tyme cauſed it to bee proclaymed that they ſhoulde ſtay, and that the knight ſhoulde be rayſed vp from the ground, and ſo ment to take vp the matter betwixt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To be ſhort, ſuch were ſent as ſhould take vp the Eſquier, but comming to the knight, hee be|ſought them, that it might pleaſe the king to per|mit them to lie ſtill, for he thanked God hee was well, and miſtruſted not to obteyne the victorie, if the Eſquier might be layde vpon him, in maner as he was earſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, when it woulde not bee ſo graun|ted, hee was contented to be rayſed vp, and was no ſooner ſet on his feete, but hee cheerefully went to the King, without any mans helpe, where the Eſquier coulde neyther ſtand nor go without the helpe of two men to holde him vp, and therefore was ſet in his Chaire to take his eaſe, to ſee if hee might recouer his ſtrength.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The knight at his comming before the king, beſought him and his nobles, to graunt him ſo much, that hee might bee eftſoones layde on the ground as before, and the Eſquier to be layd aloft vpõ him, for the knight perceyued that the eſquire through exceſſiue heate, and the weight of his ar|mor, did maruellouſly faint, ſo as his ſpirits were in maner taken from him. The king and the no|bles perceyuing the knight ſo couragiouſly to de|maund to trie the battel forth to the vtterance, of|fring great ſummes of money, that ſo it might be done, decreed that they ſhould be reſtored again to the ſame plight in which they lay whẽ they were raiſed vp: but in the meane time the eſquier fain|ting,The Eſquier fainteth. and falling down in a ſwoune, fel out of his chaire as one yt was like to yeeld vp his laſt breth preſently among thẽ. Thoſe that ſtood about him caſt wine and water vpõ him, ſeeking ſo to bring him againe, but all would not ſerue, till they had plucked off his armor, & his whole apparel, which thing proued the knight to be vanquiſher,The Knight is iud [...]ed the vã|quiſhed. and the eſquier to be vanquiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After a little time the eſquire began to come to himſelf, and lifting vp his eyes, began to holde vp his hed, & to caſt a gaſtly looke on euery one about him: which when it was reported to the knight, he commeth to him armed as he was (for he had put off no peece ſince the beginning of the fight) and ſpeaking to him, called him traitor, and falſe per|iured man, aſking of him if he durſt trie the battel with him againe: but the Eſquier hauing neither ſenſe nor ſpirite whereby to make anſwere, Pro|clamation was made that the battell was ended, and euery one might go to his lodging.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eſquier immediately after he was brought to his lodging, and layde in bed, beganne to [...]+raging woode, and ſo continuing ſtill out of hys wittes, about nine of the clocke the next day hee yeelded vp the ghoſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This combate was fought (as before ye haue heard) the vij. of Iune, to the great reioyſing of the cõmon people, and diſcoragement of traytours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, or rather ſomewhat be|fore, the Lorde Oliuer de Cliſſon with a number of ſhippes and gallies of Fraunce and Spayne, tooke the Sea, and comming on the coaſt of Englande, landed in dyuerſe places of the w [...]ſt Countrey, and alſo in the South parts, ſpoyling and burning ſundrie townes, taking ſuch ſhippes and veſſelles as they myght lay holde vpon,The French [...] ſpoyle [...] diuers [...] in the weſt countrey. and ſo continued to endomage the Engliſhe people that inhabited neare to the ſea ſide, all that Som|mer following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of the fourth yeare of thys king,An. reg. [...]. Thomas of Woodſtocke Erle of Bucking|ham, vncle to the king, with an armie of .vij. or viij.M. men of armes, and archers, was ſent ouer to Calais, that he might inuade France, and paſſe through the ſame to come into Britaine vnto the ayde of the Duke there. Froiſſort. The Erle of Buckingham ſent [...] i [...] [...] tak [...] to and the Duke a|gainſt the French king. You haue heard how the French king had ſeaſed into his handes the more part of the Duchie of Brytaine, bycauſe that the Duke hadde ioyned himſelfe in league with the king of Englande: but yet there were dyuerſe of the good townes, and alſo many of the Barons and Nobles of the Countrey whiche kept them|ſelues as neuters a long ſeaſon, but at length, longing to ſee the returne of theyr naturall Lord and duke, ſent vnto him into England, requiring him to repaire home, and to ſee to the quieting of the troubled ſtate of his Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke beeing thus earneſtly deſyred to returne home, by the aduice of the king of Eng|land and his counſaile graunted to theyr requeſt, that had ſo inſtantly required him, both by letters and ſufficient Meſſengers: whervpon he tooke the Sea, and ſayling forth, arryued in Brytaine, ha|uing with him ſir Robert Knolles, and a certaine number of Engliſhmen, both armed men and ar|chers (as before ye haue heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. alſo promiſed to ſend him a new ſup|ply very ſhortly, whiche was not forgotten: but fortune was ſo contrarie, that ſir Iohn Arundell generall of thoſe that were ſent, and many of hys companie, were drowned by force of tempeſt, and the other driuen backe againe into England (as before ye haue heard.) In the meane time, though the Duke of Brytaine with ayde of his ſubiectes, did manfully defend his townes & coũtry againſt the Frenchmen, yet he was in doubt to be oppreſ|ſed by the great puiſſaunce of the Frenchmen, of ayde came not the ſooner. Which being ſignif [...]d EEBO page image 1019 ouer into Englande, moued the king and hys counſaile to appoynt the Earle of Buckingham to take vpon him this voyage. He landed at Ca|lais three dayes before the feaſt of Marie Mag|dalene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There went ouer with him in that armie, the Earles of Scafford, and Deuonſhire, the Lorde Spencer Coneſtable of the hoſte, the Lorde Fitz Water Marſhall, the Lorde Baſſet, the Lorde Bourchier, the Lorde Farreis the Lorde Mor|ley, the Lorde Darcie, ſir William Windſore, ſir Hugh Caluerley, ſir Hugh Haſtings ſir Hugh de la Sente, Sir Thomas Percye, Sir Tho|mas Triuet, ſir Hugh Tirell, ſir William Fee|rington, ſir Iohn, & ſir Nicolas Daubriticourt, Thomas Cantois, Raufe Neuill, ſonne to the Lord Neuill, ſir Henrie baſterd Ferrers, ſir Hugh Broe, ſir Geffrey Wourſley, ſir William Clin|ton, ſir I [...]on Fitz Warren, and diuerſe other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had reſted them at Calais two dayes, they remoued the thirde day oute of the towne, and came to Marqueignes, where they remayned three dayes, till all their companie, ca|riages, and prouiſions, were come to them oute of Calais: From thence they remoued and came before Arde,Knights made by the erle of Buckingham at his entry to [...] Fr [...]. where the Earle of Buckingham made knightes, theſe that follow: the Earle of Deuonſhire, the Lorde Morley, the ſonne of the Lord Fitz Water, ſir Roger Straunge, ſir Iohn Iyre, ſir Iohn Colle, ſir Iames Tyrell, ſir Tho|mas Ramſton, ſir Iohn Neuill, and ſir Tho|mas Ros, or Roſley, as ſome copies haue. Theſe perſons were made knightes bycauſe they went in the [...]owarde, which was ſent to win a ſtrong houſe called Follant, which the owner had forti|fied againſt them. But though he defended him|ſelfe manfully for a time, yet in the ende both hee and all his companie were taken priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Duke paſſed by Saint Omers, ſhewing himſelfe afore it like a mile off, with hys hoſt in order of battail, aloft vpon a Mountaine. Some of the Engliſh men rode to the barriers, requiring that ſome of them within would come forth, and break ſlaues with them, but they could not be anſwered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Knights again [...] The ſame day that the Engliſh menne thus came before Saint Omers, the Earle of Buc|kingham made again newe knights, as ſir Rauf Neuill, ſir Bartilmew Bourchier, ſir Thomas Camois, ſir Foulke Corbet, ſir Thomas Dang|lure, ſir Rauf Petipas, ſir Lewes Saint Albine, and ſir Iohn Pauley, or rather Paulet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Engliſhmen rode through the Coun|trey, demaunding iuſtes and deedes of armes, but they coulde not bee anſwered.T [...] iourney of the Engliſh ar|my through France. In deede the townes of the frontiers were wel repleniſhed and ſtuffed with men of warre, and ſtill were the Engliſhmen coaſted, but they kept themſelues ſo cloſe togither, withoute breaking theyr order, that theyr enimies coulde finde them at none ad|uauntage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They paſſed by Tyrwine, and by Betwyn, where they lodged one day. They made but eaſy iourneis, and ſeemed to requyre nothing but bat|taile. They paſſed by Arras, by Myramont, and ſo to Clerye on the water of Some, and taried there three dayes, and in other places aboute in that Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fourth day they diſlodged, and drew to|wardes Cambray, and ſo to Saint Quintines, and after vp towardes Reimes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They founde little riches, and ſmall ſtore of vitayles abrode in the Countrey, for the French king had abandoned al to his men of warre, who eyther waſted or conueyed all things of any va|lue into the fortreſſes and walled townes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Engliſhe men therefore ſent to them of Reymes, requiring to haue ſome vyttaile ſent to the hoſt, for the which they would ſpare the coũ|trey from waſting: but they of Reymes woulde not conſent herevnto. Whervpõ the Engliſhmen began to light them ſuch Candels, as their eyes within the Citie ached to behold the ſame a farre of. Moreouer the Engliſhmen approched ſo nere to the walles & ditches of the citie, yt they brought away .xx. thouſand head of cattell, which the Ci|tizens had gotten within the compaſſe of theyr ditches, and further ſent to thẽ within,The Citizens of Reimes ſaue their corne fieldes from deſtroying by ſending vic|tailes to the Engliſh hoſt. that if they would not ſend bread and wine forth to vyttaile the hoſt, in that behalfe they would burne al their corne, for doubt wherof, the Citizens ſent forth to the hoſt ſix Charets, laden with as much breade and wine as they might carie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was their corne ſaued from deſtruction, and the Engliſh men by ſoft and eaſie iourneys drewe towardes the Citie of Trois, in the which was the Duke of Burgoine, with the Dukes of Burbon and Bar, the Earle of Ewe, the Lorde Coucie, ſir Iohn de Vienne high Admyrall of Fraunce, and a great nũber of other of the French nobilitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They had made a Baſtide without the town able to receyue a thouſand men of armes: b [...] vp|pon the Engliſh mens approche to aſſault it, they did forſake that ſtrength,Sir Thomas Triuet created a Baronet. and withdrewe to the towne. Sir Thomas Triuet was here made a Banaret. Alſo there were certaine new knights made, as Sir Peter Berton, ſir Iohn, and Sir Thomas Pauley, or Paulet,Knightes crea|ted. ſir Iohn Stingu|ley, ſir Thomas Dortingues, ſir Iohn Vaſſeco [...], ſir Thomas Brayſey. Sir Iohn Brauin, Sir Henrie Vernier, Sir Iohn Coleuile, Sir Wil|liam Euerat, Sir Nicholas Stinguley,Verne or Ver|non. and ſir Hugh Lunie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh hoſt perceiuing the Frenchmen to withdraw into the towne, drew togither, and EEBO page image 1013 ſtoode in order of battayle, for the ſpace of two houres, and then returned to their lodgings. The next day they remoued to Mailleroies le Vicount nere to Sens, and there they remained two dayes and after drew into Gaſtinois, & ſo into Bcauſe. They were coaſted all the way by a great power of men of warre, as many or more in number, as they were themſelues, but the French king being a politique prince, wiſely conſidered what loſſes the realme of Fraunce had ſuſteyned afore tyme, by giuing battaile to the Engliſhmen, & therefore was fully reſolued,The pollicie of the Frẽch king that in no wiſe he would giue licence to his people to fight with the Earle of Buckingham, but thought better (as he had ler|ned by good experience) to keepe his townes cloſe agaynſt his enimies, and ſo in the ende to wea|rie them, than by giuing battaile to put things in hazard, whereas hee knewe they coulde not take from him his Countreys by this kinde of warre, though they ſore endomaged the ſame for a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There chaunced many ſmall ſkirmiſhed a|mongeſt thoſe that made forth to diſcouer the countrey, but no notable encounter at all. For the Engliſhmen in thoſe dayes were cattes, not to be catched without Myttens, as Iacob Meir is one place ſayth, and againe the French men were as ware howe they aduentured to come neere them. Onely they ſought how to encloſe them vp in the Countrey, and to famiſhe them that they might then fight wth them at ſome great aduan|tage, but ſtill the Engliſhe hoſt paſſed forwarde, holding on theyr voyage towardes Brytaine by Vandoſme, Pont Volayne, and ſo ouer the ri|uer of Sartre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while the French king Charles the fifth was taken with a ſore ſickneſſe,The [...] Charles the French king whereof he departed this life the ſame day that the Eng|liſh army paſſed ouer the riuer of Sartre, whiche was on the .xxvj. of September, his brethren the dukes of Anion, Berry, Burbon, and Burgoine [figure appears here on page 1013] were at Paris with him at the houre of his death where as a little before they had bin abrode in the Countrey with their powers, to defend the cities and townes of importance againſt the Engliſhe men, and ment indeede if they could haue eſpyed their aduauntage, and gotten licence thereto of the king, to haue giuen their enimyes battaile. But nowe they were otherwiſe occupied. How|beit they had left their men abrode in the countrey to coaſt the Engliſhmen as they had done before. All the French power was aſſembled in the Citie of Mans, vnder the leading of the duke of Bar, ye Lord Coucie, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thom. VValſ.In this meane while that the Earle of Buc|kingham was paſſing through the Realme of Fraunce, the French and Spaniſhe gallies did much miſchief on the coaſt of England: but about the latter ende of Iune, by a fleete of Engliſhmen of the weſt countreyes, part of them were forced to retyre, and take herbrough in an hauen in Ire|lande called Kingſale,The French [...] Spaniſh ga [...] chaſed frõ the coaſt of Engl [...] to Kingſale in Ireland and there van|quiſhed. where beeing aſſayled of the Engliſhe menne and Iriſh menne, they were vanquiſhed, ſo that to the number of foure hun|dred of them were ſlaine, and their chiefe Cap|taynes taken, as Gonſalue de Verſe, and hys brother Iohn Martyn de Motrigo, Turgo Lorde of Morants. Alſo the Lorde of Reyth, Peers Martyn of Vermewe, Iohn Modite of Vermew the Seneſhal of Wargarie, the Sene|ſhal of S. Andrew, Cornelius of S. Sebaſtians, Paſcale de Biſkey, Iohn Martinis, Sopogorge of S. Sebaſtiano, and diuerſe other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken foure of their Barges, with a Ballenger, and .xxj. Engliſh veſſels recouered, which they had robbed and taken away from the owners. There eſcaped yet foure of their notable captains frõ the hãds of our mẽ, Martin Grantz, Iohn Perys Montago, Iohn Huſce de Gitario, EEBO page image 1021 and one Garcias of S. Sebaſtiano, ſo that the malice of thoſe robbers ceaſſed not. For they with the French Gallyes ſtill lying on the Seas, when they eſpyed any aduauntage woulde lande theyr people, and doe what myſchiefe they coulde in ta|king prayes,Diuers townes on the engliſh coaſtes deſtroy+ed and brent. and burning townes and villages, although nowe and then they came ſhort to their veſſels againe, loſing ſomtimes an hundred, ſom|tymes .lxxx. that were ouertaken by the Engliſhe men that came forth againſt them: but among o|ther inuaſions which they made this ſommer on the coaſtes, we finde that they burnt the towne of Winchelſey,The Abbot of battel in reſen|ing Wynchel|ſey is put to [...]ghe. & put the Abbot of battall to flight with his people, comming to ſuccor that towne, and tooke one of his Monks that was there in ar|mor with the Abbot.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write alſo, that they burnt Rie, Haſtings,, and Porteſmouth. Finally, their bold|neſſe ſo farre encreaſed, that in Auguſt they en|tring with their gallies into ye riuer of Thames, came vp to Graueſend, where they burnt the moſt part of the towne,Graueſende burnt. and on the other ſide of the ry|uer, aſwell in Eſſex as Kent, they burnt & ſpoyled diuerſe places, and with their priſoners & booties returned withoute receyuing any hurt, bringyng with them into Fraunce, both riche ſpoyles and good priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to returne to the Erle of Buckingham where we left. The Engliſh army drew ſtil to|wards Brytaine, but with ſo ſmall doubt of their aduerſaries, yt they lay three or foure days ſome|times ſtill in one place. At their approching to the marches of Brytain,The Engliſhe [...] coueth into Britaine. they came to Vytry a town ſituate at the firſt entring into that Countrey, and from thence went to Chateau Briant, and there reſted, whither came to thẽ certaine knights ſent from the Duke of Brytayne, whiche ſigni|fied to the Earle of Buckingham, what the Dukes meaning was. In deede by the death of the French king, the Dukes malice was great|ly abated towarde the Frenchmen, ſo that hee had not much paſſed if the Engliſhmen had beene at home againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer his townes were not determined to receyue the Engliſhe men, as enimies to the crowne of Fraunce: ſo that he was in a perplexity how to order his buſineſſe. At lẽgth to ſhew him|ſelfe a ſtedfaſt friend to the Engliſhmẽ, & one that was no chaungeling, he determined by their ſup|port, to force all thoſe to allow the league whiche he had eſtabliſhed with the Engliſhmen, whiche had denyed to beare armour agaynſt the crowne of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And fyrſt bycauſe they of Nauntes were the ringleaders of that rebellious demeanour, he ap|poynted fyrſt to beſiege theyr Citie. [...]anets beſie|ged by the Engliſhmen. They ha|uing knowledge thereof, ſente into Fraunce for ayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dukes of Anion, Berry, Burgoigne, and Burbon, brethren to the late King, and vn|cle to his ſonne the yong king, hauing the gouer|naunce of the Realme vnder him, ſent ſixe hun|dred Speares with all ſpeede to ſtrengthen them of Nauntes, whiche defended the Citie in ſuche wiſe from the puyſſaunce of the Engliſhe men which enuironed the ſame wyth a ſtrong ſiege, that in the ende bycauſe the Duke came not to them (according to his promiſe) the ſiege was rayſed, the morrowe after New yeares day,The ſiege at Naunts bro|ken vp. two Monethes and foure dayes after the ſame was firſt layde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke of Brytayne woulde gladly haue come to the ſiege of Nauntes, in ſtrengthning of the Engliſh hoſt, but he could not perſwade hys Lordes to ayde hym in any ſuch enterpriſe. And therefore now that the Erle of Buckingham, had broken vp his ſiege, he cauſed him to be lodged in the Citie of Vannes, and his men abrode in the Countrey, ſome here, and ſome there, acquiting himſelfe as well towardes them as he might: but ſurely the hearts of the Britains were wõderful|ly changed, & in no wiſe would cõſent to haue a|ny warre with the Frenchmen, if any reaſonable peace might be cõcluded. For many that hated ye father, bare good will & heartie loue towardes the ſonne, whoſe yong yeares and great towardneſſe, allured the heartes of manye to wiſhe him well. Herevpon was mean made for a peace,A peace be|twixt the French king the Duke of Britaine. which by the duke of Aniou his conſent, who bare the grea|teſt rule in Fraunce in that ſeaſon a final accord was made, betwixt the yong king and the Duke of Brytaine, ſo that the Duke ſhoulde come and do his homage vnto the French king,The Articles of the peace. and ſweare to be true and faythfull vnto him. Alſo that hee ſhould rid the Engliſhmen out of his Countrey, and helpe them with ſhippes and veſſels to tranſ|port them home into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Buckingham when he vnder|ſtood of this peace, was not a little diſpleaſed in his minde, conſidering that the Duke of Bry|taine had delt ſo vniuſtly with him, and hys ne|phew the king of Englande. But the duke ſtyll excuſed him by his ſubiects, as though if hee had not thus agreed, he ſhoulde haue bene in daunger to haue loſte his heritage of that Countrey. Fi|nally, the Earle after he had ſhippes prouided for his paſſage, the .xj. of Aprill departed out of Van|nes, and went to the hauen where hys Shippes lay, and ſo went abourde in lyke maner as other of his men did from other Hanens, and ſhortly after (when the wind ſerued) tooke the ſea,The Erle of Buckingham returned into Englande. and re|turned into Englande, ſore diſpleaſed with the duke of Britaine, for his great vntruth & diſſimu|lation (as he tooke it) notwithſtanding all excuſes to cloke the matter by him alledged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Engliſhmen were thus occupied EEBO page image 1022 in warres agaynſt the Frenchmen (as before ye haue heard) the Scots could not reſt in quiet, but in reuenge for a ſhip, which the towneſmẽ of new Caſtell and Hull had taken on the ſea, knowing them to be pyrates, determined to doe what miſ|chiefe they coulde vnto the Engliſh borders: for the loſſe of that ſhip grieued them, bycauſe it was eſteemed to be very rich, the goods that [...] being valued to .vij. thouſand Marks. [...] the Scottes entring by the weſt borders, [...]e and ſpoyle the Countreys of Weſtmerland and Cumberlande, and comming into the forreſt of Inglewood, they take away with them [...] number of beaſtes and cattel, that they were we|kened [figure appears here on page 1022] to .xl.M. heades of one and other:The Scots in|vade the Eng|liſh borders & ſpoyle whole countrye [...] carrying away great booties. beſides this, they cruelly ſlue all ſuch as they coulde lay handes vpon, and burnt vp all the townes, villa|ges, and houſes as they paſſed: and not content herewith, they ſtale vpon the towne of Penreth, when the fayre was kept there, ſleaing, taking, & chaſing away the people, and after gathering to|gyther all the goodes and ryches there found, toke it away with them, whereof there was ſuch plen|tie, as might haue ſatiſfied the couetous deſire of a moſt greedie armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They returned by Carleil, but bearing that there were gotten into it a great number of men out of the Countreyes adioyning, they durſte not ſtaye to make anye attempt agaynſte that towne, but compaſſed theyr way to eſcape with theyr booties home into theyr Countrey, whiche they did, although they loſt ſome of theyr compa|nie as they paſſed by an embuſhment of certaine archers of Weſtmerlande and Cumberland, that were layd for them, of purpoſe. When the Earle of Northumberland woulde haue gone forth to reuenge thoſe iniuries done to the Countrey by the Scots, he was written to from the king and his counſaile, to forbeare till the day of truce, at what time it might be known what was further to be done in the matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 An army lyn|gring in the North partes greatly enpo|ueriſheth the country.About Michaelmas, the Duke of Lancaſter, the Erles of Warwike, and Stafforde, with o|ther Lordes and men of honour, hauing with thẽ a great power of Souldiers and men of warre, went into the North parties, and cõming to the borders, they lay there till they had conſumed no ſmall ſummes of money, & endomaged the coun|try as much as if the Scottiſh army had inuaded the ſame. The good they did, was that after long treatie with the Scottiſh Cõmiſſioners a [...]ruce was agreed vpon till Eaſter folowing, which be|ing concluded, they returned home without any more adoe. For the ſpace of halfe a ſcore yeares togither nowe laſt paſt,Adit [...] Adam Me [...]. the Engliſhe men euerie yere had one or two ſuch treaties with the Scots about the incurſions and roades which they yere|ly made into the Engliſh borders, ſore endoma|ging the inhabitants of thoſe north partes of the realme, notwithſtanding any truce or abſtinence of warre that might be cõcluded. Whileſt the ar|mie (as ye haue heard) lay idle in the north partes, there were certaine letters founde by a poore man about London, who deliuered them vnto ye wor|thy Citizen Iohn Philpot,Treaſon in letters [...] by Sir Raufe Ferrers [...]|taine French Lordes. who calling vnto him certain other worſhipfull Citizens, opened one of thẽ, in which was conteyned matter of high trea|ſon: and perceyuing by the ſeale that it belonged vnto ſir Raufe Ferrers knight, one of the kings priuie counſail, deliuered that letter with foure o|ther letters cloſed with the ſame ſeale, firſt to the Lord Chancellor, and after to the king, the which being read, and the ſeale knowne to be the ſayd ſir Rauf Ferrers his ſeale, many greatly maruelled that ſo auncient a knight, & one in whom ſo great truſt was put, ſhould go about any ſuch treaſons. One of the letters was directed to ſir Bertram de Claikin, an other to the lord de la Riuer, & cham|berlaine EEBO page image 1023 of France, an other to the Lord [...] and another to the patrone of the gallies, and to the captaine of the armie of Frenchmen & Span|yardes, which at the ſame time wafting alongſt the coaſtes, did much hurt in diuerſe places of the lande. Forthwith the ſayde Philpot and others were ſent in poſt frou [...] the king to the Duke of Lancaſter, that forſomuch as the ſayd ſir Raufe Ferrers was then in the north partes with hym, intreating with the Scottes, he ſhould arreſt him and put him in ſafe keeping, which commaunde|ment the Duke did accompliſh, and committed him to be ſafely kept in the Caſtell, of D [...], but ſhortly after in the ne [...] Parliament he was ſet at libertie, foure Barons being bound for hys forth comming, till time that he might more eui|dently declare his innocence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A parlament at NorthamtõAbout the feaſt of S. Martyn, was a Parlia|ment holden at Northampton to the more trou|ble of them that came to it bycauſe in that ſeaſon of the yere they were conſtrayned to come, where there was no ſtore of fewell to make them fiers: and beſide that, lodgings were very ſtraite for [...]o great a multitude. But the cauſe that moued the Counſaile to appoynte this Parliament there, was to the ende that they might the more ſurely proceede to the tryall of Iohn Kirkeby a Citizen of London,Iohn Kerkby executed for [...]ing a merchant ſtranger. that had murthered the Genewais (as before ye haue heard) which Kirkby was condem|ned at this Parliament, and drawne and hanged in ſight of the Lõdoners that were come thither, which execution if it ſhoulde haue bene done at London, the Lordes doubted leaſt ſome tumult might haue beene rayſed by the Citizens, who were reckened in thoſe dayes verie raſhe and pre|ſumptuous in their doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]s [...]ty.But nowe to the effect of this Parliament. There was a new and ſtraunge ſubſidie or taſke graunted to be leuyed to the kings vſe, and to|wardes the charges of this armie that went ouer into Fraunce with the Earle of Buckingham, to witte of euerie prieſt ſecular or regular ſixe ſhil|lings .viij. pens and as much of euery Nunne, and of euery man & woman maried, or not ma|ried,Twelue pens as [...]e haue. beeing .xvj. yeares of age (beggers certainly knowne onely excepted) foure pens for euery one. Great grudging and many a bitter curſe follo|wed about the leuying of this money, and muche miſchief roſe thereof, as after it appeared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


T [...]. VValſ. In this fourth yere of king Richards raigne, immediately after Chriſtmaſſe. Thomas Bran|tingham Biſhop of Exeter and Lord Treaſorer, was diſcharged of hys office of Treaſorerſhippe, and Sir Robert Hales, Lord of S. Iohns was aduaunced in his place, a right noble and manly knight, but not beloued of the Commons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]us op [...]iõAbout this time, did Iohn Wiclife chiefly ſet forth his opinion touching the Sacrament of the [...]ulta [...], denying the doctrine of tranſubſtantia|tion, and that it ought not in any wiſe to be wor|ſhipped in ſuch ſort as the Church of Rome then did teach.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were Aufl [...]don [...]s ſent into Ger|manie, ma [...], to [...]te with the Emperour for a mary|age to be as, betwixt the king of Englande, and the Emperors ſiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the beginning of March they returned, bringing with them the Cardinall, intituled of Saint P [...]a [...]d [...], and the duke of Ta [...]ia, & other nobles that came frõ the Emperor, to [...]eat with the king & his counſaile about the ſame mariage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Cardinal whithe [...] he paſſed the bounds of his commiſſion and authoritie to him graun|ted by the Pope (as ſou [...] write) or whether hee was furniſhed with ſuch [...],The Cardinall of S. Praxede. he was verye liberall in beſtowing of [...]drdde, to all ſuche as would come wit [...] [...] Indulgeners which the Pope had vſed only [...] for himſelfe to beſt [...] this man graunted the ſame liberally, both Bic [...]nals, and Triemals.Tryennals. He gaue alſo let|ters co [...]foſ [...]ionall, to all thoſe that would pay for them, admitting aſwell [...]ced men as other, to [...] Popes chaplaines.Al for money. He made notaries for money, and denied not Au [...]ers por [...]anu [...] to any that woulde pay for them. Hee receyued fortie poundes beſides other giftes of the Monkes of the Eiſteaux order, to graunt to them a generall ly|ce [...] to eate fleſh indifferently, as well abrode, as they had bene accuſtomed to doe at home within their Monaſteries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To thoſe that were excommunicate he gaue abſolution: thoſe that had vowed to goe in Pyl|grimage to Rome, to the holy lande, or to Saint Iames, he would not firſt releaſe them, till he had receyued ſo muche money, according to the true valuation, as they ſhould haue ſpent in their ior|neyes: and to be briefe, nothing coulde be aſked, but for money he was readie to graunt it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And when he was requeſted to ſhew by what power hee did all theſe things, wyth great indig|nation hee anſwered, that hee woulde let them vnderſtande at Rome, if they woulde needes knowe the authoritie which hee had. At length, his Males were ſo filled with ſyluer, that his ſer|uants diſdeyned to make them any anſwere, ex|cept they brought golde, ſaying bring vs golde, for we are full of your ſiluer: but at his departure he tooke all away with him, both golde and ſiluer in ſuch abundance as was marueylous.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to other matters concer|ning the ſtate of the realme. After the returne of the Erle of Buckingham, it was ordeined by ad|uice of coũſail, that the duke of Lancaſter ſhoulde eftſoones go as ambaſſador frõ K. R [...] into Scot|lãd, to ſee if he might renue the truce (which ſhort|ly would haue bin expired) for three yeres longer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1024Alſo whereas there was variaunce and open warre mainteyned, betwixt Iohn king of Ca|ſtille, and Iohn king of Portingale, the Earle of Cambridge,An army ſent into Portin|gale to aide the k. there againſt the king of Caſtile. the Lord William de Beauchamp, the Lorde Botreux, and ſir Mathew Gourney, were ſent into Portingale with fiue .C. armed men, and fiue hundred archers to ayd the king of Portingale againſt ye K. of Caſtille, which was ſonne to the baſterde Henrie: for the Duke of Lancaſter reioyced greatly that hee might haue ſuch a friende as the king of Portingale to ioyne with him in ayde agaynſt the king of Caſtille, meaning as ſoone as oportunity woulde ſerue, to goe ouer with an armie to chalenge his right, and purſue his clayme to the crowne of Caſtille and Leon, agaynſt the vſurper, in ryght of hys wyfe Queene Conſtance, eldeſt daughter to the late lawfull king Peter, whome Henrie the ba|ſtarde (as before ye haue heard) did ſtill perſecute, till he had bereft from him both his life and king|dome. It was ment therefore that if the Duke of Lancaſter coulde compaſſe his purpoſe, for the whiche he went at that tyme into Scotlande, to the honour of the king and Realme, then ſhoulde be ſhortly after follow his brother of Cambridge with a greate power, to trie what chaunce God woulde ſende vnto him, agaynſt his aduerſarie the King of Caſtile. But in the meane tyme o|ther incidents fell within the realme in the fourth yeare of king Richarde, ſore to the diſquieting of the ſame, and vtter diſappoynting for that tyme of the duke of Lancaſters intent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The commons of the realme ſore repining, not onely for the pole grotes that were demaunded of them, by reaſon of the graunt made in Parlia|ment (as ye haue heard) but alſo (as ſome write) for that they were ſore oppreſſed as they tooke the matter,The comm [...]s by reaſon of the great ſub+ſidie and other oppreſsiõs uſe in diuers parts of the realme. by theyr land Lordes, that demaunded of them theyr auncient cuſtomes and ſeruices, ſet on by ſome diueliſhe inſtinct and perſwaſion of theyr owne beaſtly intentions, as men not con|tent with the ſtate wherevnto they were called, roſe in diuerſe parts of this realm, and aſſembled togither in companies, purpoſing to enforce the Prince to make them free, and to releaſe them of all ſeruitude,Villaines. whereby they ſtoode as bondmen to their Lordes and ſuperiors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where this rebellion of the Co(m)mons first began diuerse haue written dyuersly. One Author writeth, that as he learned by one that was not farre fro(m) the place at that time, The begin|ning of the re|bellion at Der|ford in Kent. the first beginning shoulde be at Dertford in Kent: For when those pole shillings, or rather as other haue, pole grotes, were to bee collected, no small murmuring, cursing, and repyning among the common people, rose aboute the same, and the more in deede, through the lewde demeanour of some vndiscreete officers, that were assigned to the gathering thereof, insomuch that one of those officers being appoynted to gather vppe that money in Dertford aforesayd, came to ye house of one Iohn Tyler, that had both seruants in his house, and a faire yong mayde to his daughter. The officer therefore demaunding money for the sayde Tyler, and for his wife, his seruantes, and daughter, the wife being at home, & hir husband abrode at worke in the towne, made annswere that hys daughter was not of an age, and therefore she denied to pay for hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now here is to be notes, that this mony was in common speech said, to be due for all those that were vndergrowne, bicause that yong persons as well of the man as of the woman kinde, co(m)ming to the age of .xiiij. of .xv. yeares, haue commonly heare growing forth aboute those priuie partes, which for honesties sake nature hath taught vs to couer & kepe secrete. The officer therfore not satisfied with the mothers excuse, said he would feele whither hir daughter were of lawfull age or not, and therewith began to misuse the mayd, & search further than honestie would haue permitted. The mother streight wayes made an outcri, so that hir husbande being in the towne at worke, & hearing of this ado at his house, came running home with his latthing staffe in his hand, and beganne to question with the officer, asking who made him so bolde to keepe such a rule in his house: the officer beeing somewhat presumtuous, and highe minded, woulde forthwith haue flowen vpon this Tyler, but the Tyler’s auoyding the officers blowe, raught him such a rappe on the pate, that his braynes flew out, & so presently he died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Greate noyſe roſe aboute this matter in the ſtreetes, and the poore folks being glad, euery man arrayed himſelfe to ſupporte Iohn Tyler, and thus the commons drew togyther, and went to Maydſtone, and from thence to blacke Heathe, where their number ſo encreaſed, that they were reckened to be .xxx. thouſand. And the ſayd Iohn Tyler tooke vpon him to be their chiefe captaine, naming himſelfe Iacke Strawe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other write, yt one Thomas Baker of Fob|hinges was the firſt that procured ye people thus to aſſemble togither: and that one of the kings ſeruants named Iohn Leg, with three of his fel|lowes, practiſed to feele yong Maydes whe|ther they were vndergrowne (as ye haue heard the officer did at Dertford) which diſhoneſt and vn|ſeemely kinde of dealing did ſet the people ſtreight in ſuch a rage & vprore, that they cared not what they did to be reuenged of ſuch iniuries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But Thomas Walſingham affyrmeth, that the firſt ſparkes of this rebellion kindled in Eſſex,The com [...] of Eſſex be [...] the oc [...] as Walſing|ham [...]. where the inhabitants of two townes only at the firſt that were the authors and firſt ſtirrers of all this miſchief, did ſend vnto euery litle town about EEBO page image 1025 that all maner of men, as well thoſe that were a|ged, as others that were in their luſtieſt time, and youthfull yeres, ſhoulde come to them with ſpeed, ſetting all excuſes apart, in their beſt array and furniture for warre, threatning to ſuche as came not, that their goodes ſhould be ſpoyled, their hou|ſes burnt or caſt downe, and they to loſe theyr heades when they were taken. The terror of this threatning, cauſed the ignorant people to flock to them by heapes, leauing of al their buſineſſe, let|ting plough and cart ſtand, forſaking wife, chil|dren, & houſes, ſo that in a ſhort time there was a fiue .M. gotten togither of thoſe commons & huſ|bandmen,The armor of the Eſſex rebels of which number many were weapo|ned onely with ſtaues, ſome with ruſtie ſwordes and billes, & other with ſmokie bowes, more rud|die than old Iuerie, not hauing paſt two or three arrowes, & the ſame happely with one feather a|peece. Among a thouſand of thoſe kinde of per|ſons, ye ſhould not haue ſeene one well armed: & yet by reaſon of their multitude, when they were once got togither, they thought the whole realme had not bin able to reſiſt thẽ: & to make their part the ſtronger, thoſe Eſſex mẽ ſent ouer into Kent, aduertiſing the people ther of their enterprice, and therfore willed them to make them ready to ioine with them for their obteyning of libertie and re|forming of the euil cuſtoms of the realme. Whe|ther the Kentiſhmen through perſwaſions of their neighbors of Eſſex, by occaſion of that which had chaunced at Dertford (as before ye haue heard) or as it may be, the ſame chancing at that ſelf time, they being moued as wel by the one as the other, vp they got (as ye haue heard) and gathering their power out of the next quarters adioyning, by the like pollicie which had bin practiſed by the Eſſex men, they ſtirre vp the moſte part of the country to ioyne with them, and forthwith ſtopping the way, that led to Canterburie, and arreſting all ſuch as paſſed by the ſame, they cauſed them to ſweare that they ſhould be true to king Richarde,The oth mini|ſtred by the re+bels to all paſ|ſengers. and to the commons, and neuer to receyue anye king that ſhuld be called Iohn. And this was for the enuie which they bare to the duke of Lancaſter Iohn of Gaunt, who in right of his wife Con|ſtance, that was daughter to king Peter of Ca|ſtille, did name hymſelfe King of Caſtille.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo they cauſed them to ſweare that they ſhould be readie to come to them whenſoeuer they ſent for them, and induce all their neighbours to take part with them. And further that they ſhould neuer yeeld to any taxe to be leuied in the realm, except a fiftenth only. Thus it came to paſſe, that after it was ſpredde abrode what flurre theſe Eſ|ſex and Kentiſh men kept. The Commons alſo in the counties of Suſſex, Hertford, Cambridge,The commons of other ſhires hearing of the ſturre in Kent and Eſſex, riſe in like maner. Suffolke, and Norffolke, and other ſhires about buſtled vp and ranne togither on heanes, ſo that the number of thoſe vnruly people maruellouſly encreaſed, in ſuche wiſe as nowe they feare no re|ſiſtance,Lawiers iuſti|ces and Iurors brought to blockam feaſte by the rebels. and therefore began to ſhewe pronſe of thoſe things which they had before conceyued in their mindes, beheading all ſuch men of law, Iu|ſtices, and Iurors, as they might catche, and lay [figure appears here on page 1025] handes vppon, without all reſpect, pitie, or re|morſe of conſcience, alledging that the lande coulde neuer enioy hir natiue and true libertie, till al thoſe ſortes of people wer diſpatched out of the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next way [...] extinguiſh [...]ight.This talke liked well the eares of the cõmon vplãdiſh people, & by the leſſe cõueying the more, they purpoſed to burne and deſtroy all Recordes, euidences, Courtrolles, & other minuments, that the remẽbrance of auncient matters being remo|ued out of mind, their Landlords might not haue wherby to chalẽge any right at their hãds. Their number ſtil encreaſed: for all ſuch as were in debt or danger of law, for their miſdemeaners and of|fences, EEBO page image 1026 came out of all coaſtes vnto them, ſo that when the Eſſex men, and other of the hither ſide the Thames, were paſſed ouer and ioyned wyth the Kentiſhmẽ,An huge num|ber of the rebls and thoſe that were aſſembled on that ſide the riuer vpon Blackheath, they were eſteemed to be an hundred thouſande,


Captaines of the Eſſex and Kentiſh rebels

hauing dy|uerſe captaines beſides the ſayde Iacke Strawe, as William Wraw, Wat Tyler, Iack Sheep|hearde, Thom Miller, and Hob Carter. Why|leſt they were lodged on Blackheath, the king ſent to them certaine knightes, to vnderſtande of them the cauſe of their gathering thus togither, to whom anſwere was made, that they were come togither to ſpeake with the king, about certaine cauſes and buſineſſe,The rebels ſend to the k. to come ſpeake with them. and therefore they had the Meſſengers returne, and declare to the king that there was no remedie but that hee muſte needes come and ſpeake with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When this tale was told to the king, there were ſome that thought it beſt that he ſhould go to them,Il counſayle. and know what their meaning was: but Simõ de Sudburie the Archbiſhop of Cant. that was L. Chancellor, and alſo ſir Robert Hales Lord of S. Iohns, & as then L. Treaforer, ſpake earneſtly agaynſt that aduiſe, and woulde not by any meanes that the king ſhuld go to ſuch a ſort of barelegged ribalds, but rather they wiſhed that he ſhoulde take ſome order to abate the pride of ſuch vile raſcals. After that the commons vnder|ſtoode that the king would not come to them, by reaſon of the contrarie aduice giuen to him by thoſe two perſons, the L. Chancellor, and the L. Treaſorer they were maruelouſly moued againſt thẽ, and ſware that they woulde not reſt till they had got thẽ, & chopped off their heades, calling thẽ traitors to the king & realme. There be that write neuertheleſſe that the king to cut off the branches of ſuch miſchief now in the firſt budding therof, to ſatiſfie in part the deſire of thoſe rude people,Froiſſart. went downe the riuer in his Barge to Rethereth, and there neare the ſhore keeping himſelfe ſtil on the water, talked with a great number of them that came downe to the riuer ſide. But forſomuch as he would not come forth of his barge to them on land, which they ſeemed moſt to deſire, they were in a great rage, & ſo for that they coulde not haue him amongeſt them (as they wyſhed) in furious wiſe they runne to the Citie, and at the fyrſt ap|proch,The rebels ſpoyle South|warke, and ſet al priſoners at large. they ſpoyle the Bourough of Southwark, breake vppe the pryſons of the Marſhalſea, and the Kings Bench, ſet the priſoners at liberty, and admitte them into their companie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This was on Corpus Chriſti day, as the ſame Authours write, that the King ſhould thus talke with them: but their firſte entring into Southwarke, was on Corpus Chriſti euen, as Thomas Walſingham hath, paſſing at theyr pleaſure to and fro ouer the bridge all that night: for although the Lorde Maior, and other of the beſt Citizens woulde gladly haue cloſed the ga [...] agaynſt them, yet they durſt not doe it,The co [...] of London [...]+ers of the [...]+belles. for [...]eare of the Commons of the Citie, that ſeemed to fa|uour the cauſe of the rebels, ſo apparauntly, that they threatned to kill both the Lorde Maior, and all other that woulde take vpon them to ſhut the gates againſt the cõmons. The Londoners ly|ked better of the commons,All rebels [...] but i [...] purpoſe diſ+truction ha [...] of K. [...] for that they proteſted the cauſe of their aſſembling togither, was not but to ſeeke out the traytors of the realme, and when they had founde them forth, and puniſhed them according to that they had deſerued, they ment to be quiet. And to giue the more credite to their ſayings, they ſuffred none of their compa [...] to rob or ſpoile, but cauſed them to pay for th [...] they toke. On the morow being Corpus Chriſti day, on the which day it is reported, that the king ſhould talke with them at Rethereth (as before ye haue heard) after that they ſawe that they coulde not haue him to come and talke with thẽ on land as they wiſhed, and that now they had filled their heades full with the fume of ſuch Wines as they dranke in euerie mans Seller that was ſet ape [...] for them, enter who would: they fel in talke with the Londoners of many lewde deuiſes, as of the apprehending of traytors, and ſpecially concer|ning ſuch miſlyking as they had of the Duke of Lancaſter, whom they hated aboue all other per|ſons. And herevpon agreeing in one minde, after diuerſe other of their outragious doings, they run the ſame day to the ſayd dukes houſe of the Sa|uoy,The Sauoy [...] Duke of Lan|caſter houſe brent by the Rebels. to the whiche in beautie and ſtatelineſſe of buylding, with all maner of princely furniture, there was not any other in the realme compara|ble, which in deſpite of the Duke, whõ they called traytour, they ſet on fire, and by all wayes and meanes endeuoured vtterly to deſtroy it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſhamefull ſpoyle which they there made was wõderful, & yet the zeale of iuſtice, truth, and vpright dealing whiche they woulde ſeeme to ſhewe, was as nice and ſtraunge on the other parte, ſpecially in ſuche kinde of miſgouerned people: for in that ſpoyling of the Dukes houſe, all the Iewels, Plate, and other riche and ſump|tuous furniture which they there found in great plentie, they would not that any man ſhould fare the better by it of a mite, but threw al into ye fire,Stra [...] dea|ling of the re|bels. ſo to be cõſumed, & ſuch things as ye fire could not altogither deſtroy, as plate & iewels, they brake & punned in pieces, throwing the ſame into the Thames. One of them hauing thruſt a fayre ſiluer peece into his boſome, meaning to con|uey it away, was eſpied of his fellowes, who toke him, and caſt both him and the peece into the fire, ſaying they might not ſuffer any ſuch thing,The iuſtice of the rebels. ſ [...]he they profeſſed themſelues to bee zealous of truth and iuſtice, and not theeues nor robbers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1027There were .xxxij. of them that being gotten into the Seller of the Sauoy, where the Dukes Wines lay, dranke ſo muche of ſuch ſweete wine as they founde there, that they were not able to come forth, but with ſtones and woodde that fell downe as the houſe burned, they were mured in, ſo that oute they coulde not gette. They lay there ſhowting and crying ſeuen dayes togy|ther, and were hearde of manye, but none came to helpe them, and ſo finally they periſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now after that theſe wicked people had thus deſtroyed the duke of Lancaſters houſe, and done what they coulde deuiſe to his reproch,The lawiers lodgings in the temple [...]nt by the rebels. they went to the Temple, and burnt the men of lawes lod|gings, with their bookes, writings, and all that they might lay hande vpon. Alſo the houſe of S. Iohns by Smithfielde they ſet on fire, ſo that it burned for the ſpace of ſeuen dayes togither. On Friday a great number of them, eſteemed to .xx. thouſande, went to the Manour of Heyburie, that belonged alſo to the Lorde of Saint Iohns, and ſetting fire on it, ſought vtterly to deſtroy all the whole buildings about it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They were nowe deuided into three partes, one vnder the leading of Iacke Strawe tooke in hande to ruinate that houſe, and an other number of them lay on Mile ende greene, and the thirde companie kept vpon the Tower hill, and woulde not ſuffer anye vittayles to be conueyed into the Tower, where the king at that tyme was lodged and was put in ſuche feare by thoſe rude people, that hee ſuffered them to enter into the Tower, where they ſoughte ſo narrowly for the Lorde Chauncellour,The L. Chan| [...]elor and the L. Treaſurer [...]wne out of [...]ẽ Tower & [...] to death [...]y the rebels. that fynding him in the Chapell, they drewe him forth togyther with the Lorde Treaſorer, and on the Tower hill without reue|rence of theyr eſtates and degrees, with greate noyſe and fell cryes, they ſtroke off theyr heades.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo beheaded the ſame tyme by thoſe rude people, one of the kings ſeruaunts that was a Sergeant at armes called Iohn Legge, who had vſed himſelfe ſomewhat extreemely in gathering vp of the pole money, as by one writer it appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]h. VValſ.Alſo to make vp the meſſe, they beheaded a Franciſcan Frier, whom thee had taken there the ſame time, for malice of the Duke of Lancaſter, bycauſe he was verie familiar with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that this Frier was Confeſſor, and other ſay that he was Phiſition to the King, but whatſoeuer he was, the Commons chopped off his head, to beare the other companie, not ſpa|ring for any reſpect that might be alledged in any of their behalfes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame day alſo they beheaded manye o|thers, as well Engliſh men as Flemings, for no cauſe in the worlde, but onely to ſatiſfie the cru|eltie of the Commons, that then were in theyr kingdome, for it was a ſport to them, when they gat any one amongſt them, that was not ſworne to them, and ſeemed to myſlike of their doings,The raging re+bels make a paſ+time to kil mẽ. or if they bare but neuer ſo little hatred to him, ſtreyghtwayes to plucke off his Hoode, with ſuch a yelling noyſe as they tooke vp amongſt them, and immediatelye to come thronging into the ſtreetes, and ſtryke off hys heade. Neither had they any regarde to ſacred places, for breaking into the Churche of the Auguſtine Friers, they drew forth thirtene Flemings,No reſpect of place with the rebels. and beheaded them in the open ſtreetes, and out of the pariſhe Chur|ches in the Citie, they tooke forth .xvij. and lyke|wyſe ſtroke of theyr heades, wythout reuerence eyther of the Churche, or feare of God. But they continuing in theyr miſchieuous purpoſe, ſhewed their malice ſpecially againſt ſtraungers, ſo that entring into euery ſtreete, lane, and place, where they might finde them, they brake vp their houſes, murthered them whiche they founde wythin, and ſpoyled theyr goodes, in moſt outra|gious maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewiſe they entred into Churches (as be|fore yee haue heard) into Abbeyes, Monaſteries,The outragi|ous dealings of the rebels. and other houſes, namely of men of law, whiche in ſemblable ſorte they ranſacked. They alſo brake vp the priſons of Newgate, and of both the Counters, deſtroyed the bookes, and ſet priſoners at libertie, and likewiſe the Sanctuarie men of Saint Martyne le grand. And ſo likewiſe dyd they at Weſtminſter, where they brake open the Eſchequer, and deſtroyed the ancient bookes and other Recordes there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They that entred the Tower, vſed themſelues moſt preſumptuouſly, and no leſſe vnreuerently agaynſt the princeſſe of Wales, mother to the K. for thruſting into hir Chãber, they offred to kiſſe hir, and ſwaſht themſelues downe vpon hir bed, putting hir into ſuche feare, that ſhee fell into a ſowne, and being taken vp and recouered, was had to the water ſide, and put into a Barge, and cõueyed to the place called the Queenes Ward|robe, or the tower Ryall, where ſhe remayned all that day and night following, as a woman halfe deade, till the King came to recomfort hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 It was ſtraunge to conſider, in what feare the Lordes, knightes, and gentlemen ſtoode of the cruell proceedings of thoſe rude baſe people. For where there were ſix hũdred armed men, and as many archers in the tower a [...] that preſent, there was not one that durſt gainſay theyr doings. Fi|nally, when they hadde caſed theyr ſtomackes, wyth the ſpoyling, burning, and defacing of ſundrye places, they became more quiet, and the king by the aduice of ſuch as were thẽ about him,The K. offreth the rebels pardõ. vpon good deliberation of counſaile, offred to thẽ pardon, and his peace, with condition that they EEBO page image 1028 ſhould ceaſe from burning and ruinating of hou|ſes, from killing and murthering of men, and de|part euerie man to his home without more adoe, and there to tarrie for the kings Charters confir|matorie of the ſame pardon,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The Eſſex men were content with this offer, as they that were deſirous to ſee their wiues and children, being waxen wearie of continuall tra|uaile and paynes which they were conſtrayned to take.Froiſſart. The king went forth vnto Mile ende, and there declared vnto the cõmons that they ſhoulde haue charters made to them of his graũt, to make them all free. And further that euery ſhire, towne, lordſhip and libertie ſhould haue banners of his armes deliuered vnto them, for a confirmation of his graunt. Herevpon they ſeemed well appeaſed, and the king rode to the Queenes Wardrobe, o|therwiſe called the Tower ryall, to viſit his mo|ther, and ſo did comfort hir ſo well as he coulde, and taried with hir there all night. The Eſſex men ſatiſfied with the kings promiſes, immedi|ately departed homewarde. They appoynted yet certaine of their companie to remayne ſtill and tarie for the kings Charters. The Kentiſh men alſo remayned, and were as buſie in maner the next day being Saterday, in all kinde of miſchie|uous dealings, as they had bene before, to wit in murthering of men, ouerthrowing and burning of houſes. The king therfore ſent vnto them ſuch as declared in what ſort their fellowes were gone home well ſatiſfied, and from thenceforth to liue in quiet, and the ſame forme of peace he was con|tented to graunt vnto them, if it lyked them to accept the ſame. Herevpon their chiefe captaine Wat Tyler, a verie craftie fellow, and indued with much witte, if he had well applied it, ſayde, that peace indeed he wiſhed, but ſo yet as the con|ditions might be indited to his purpoſe. He was determined to feede forth the king and his coun|ſaile (bycauſe he was of greater force than they) with cauils and ſhiftes till the next day, that in the night following hee might the more eaſilye haue compaſſed his reſolution,The wicked purpoſe of the rebels. whiche was, ha|uing all the poorer ſort of the Citie on his ſide, to haue ſpoiled the Citie, and to ſet fire in foure cor|ners of it, killing firſt the king and the Lordes that were aboute him: but hee that reſiſteth the prowd, and giueth his grace to the humble, would not permit the vngracious deuiſes of the naugh|tie lewde patrone to take place, but ſodainly diſ|appoynted his miſchieuous drift: for where|as diuerſe fourmes of Charters hadde beene drawne according to the effecte of the agree|ment with the Eſſex menne, and none of them might pleaſe this Lordelye fellowe, at length the king ſent to him one of his knightes called ſir Iohn Newton, to requeſte him to come to the king, that they might talke of the articles whiche he ſtoode vpon, to haue inſerted in the Ch [...], of the which one was to haue had a commiſſion [...] put to death all Lawyers, Eſcheaters,The rebel [...] [...] law ab [...] and o [...] which by any office had any thing to do with the lawe, for his meaning was that hauing made all thoſe away that vnderſtoode the lawes, all things ſhould then be ordered according to the will and diſpoſition of the common people. It was re|ported in deede, that he ſhoulde ſay with greate pride the day before theſe things chaunced, put|ting his handes to his lippes, that within foure dayes all the lawes of Englande ſhoulde come forth of his mouth.Arrogant a [...] pr [...]e w [...] of a vylla [...]. When therefore the ſayde de Iohn Newton called vpon him to come away to the king, he anſwered as it were with indigna|tion: If thou (ſayth he) haſt ſo much haſte to re|turne to the king, thou mayſt depart, I wil c [...]e at my pleaſure. When the knight therefore [...] come from him, he followed indeed, but [...] ſlowly. And when hee was come neare to the place in Smithfields where the king then was, with certaine Lordes and knightes, and other companie about him, the ſayde Sir Iohn New|ton was ſent to him againe, to vnderſtande what he ment. And bycauſe the knight came to him on horſeback, and did not alight from his horſe, Wat Tyler was offended, and ſayde in his f [...]rie that it became him rather a foote than horſebacke to ap|proche into his preſence. The knight not able to abide ſuch preſumptuous demeaner in that pro [...] and arrogant perſon, ſhaped him this an [...]er: It is not amiſſe that I being on horſebacke, ſhoulde come to thee ſitting on horſebacke, with whiche wordes Wat Tyler taking indignation, dr [...]we out his dagger, menacing to ſtrike ye knight, cal|ling him therewith trayter: the knight diſ [...]yning to be miſuſed at the handes of ſuch a ry [...]a [...]d w [...] him that hee lyed falſely, and with that pl [...]d forth his dagger. Wat Tyler being among hys men, ſhewed that he woulde not beare that iniu|rie, and forthwith made towardes the knight to runne vpon him. The king perceyuing the knight in daunger, bad him alight from his horſe, [...] deliuer his dagger to Wat Tyler: but when that woulde not pacifie his prowde and high [...]de, but that hee woulde [...]des flie vpon [...],William [...] worth [...] of Lo [...] a [...] co [...]|glo [...]. the Maior of London William Wa [...]h, and o|ther knightes and Eſquieres that [...] the king, tolde him that it ſhoulde [...] ſhame [...] them all, if they permitted the knight in theyr preſence before the eyes of their Prince ſo to [...] murthered: wherefore they gaue counſaile to ſuc|cor him forthwith, & to apprehend ye v [...]e naughty ribauld. The king though he was [...] yeares, yet taking courage to him, commaunded the Maior to arreſt him. The Maior being a mã of incomparable boldneſſe, forthwith ri [...]eſh to him and arreſted him, in reaching him ſuch a [...]low on EEBO page image 1029 the head, yt he ſore aſtonied him therwt: & ſtreight wayes other that were aboute the king,The death of War T [...]let [...]e of the [...]ls. as Iohn Standiſh an Eſquier, & diuerſe more of the kings ſeruants drew their ſwords, & thruſt him through in diuerſe parts of his bodie, ſo that he fell preſent|ly from his horſe downe to the earth, & died there in the place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the commons behelde this, they cryed out, our captain is traiterouſly ſlain, let vs ſtande togither, and die with him: let vs ſhoote & reuenge his death manfully: and ſo bending their bowes, made them redy to ſhoot. The king ſhewing both hardineſſe & wiſedome at that inſtant, more than his age required, ſet his ſpurres to his horſe, & rode to them, ſaying, what is the matter my mẽ, what meane you?The K. perſwa|deth the rebels. will you ſhoote at your king? be not troubled nor offended at the death of a traytor & rybauld, I will be your king, captaine and leader, follow me into the fieldes, and you ſhall haue all things that you can deſire. This did the king, to the ende he might appeaſe them, leaſt they ſhould haue ſet fire on the houſes there in Smithfield, & haue attempted ſome further miſchief, in reuenge of the diſpleaſure which they tooke for the death of their chiefe leader. They moued with theſe the kings words, followed him and the knights that were with him, into the open fields, not yet reſol|ued whether they ſhould ſet vpõ the king and ſlea him, or elſe to be quiet, and to returne home with the kings charter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the Lord Maior of Lon|don was returned into the Citie, with one man onely attending vpon him, and cryed to the Ci|tizens,Vehement words of the Maior of Lon|don to the Ci|tizens crying [...] [...]de againſt the rebels. Oh ye good and vertuous Citizens, come forth out of hand, & helpe your king readie to bee ſlaine, and helpe me your Maior ſtanding in the ſame perill, or if yee will not helpe mee for ſome faults committed by me againſt you, yet forſake not your king, but helpe and ſuccour him in thys preſent daunger. When the worſhipfull Citizens and other that in their loial hearts loued the king, had hearde theſe wordes, incontinently they put themſelues in ſtrong and ſure armor, to the num|ber of a thouſand men,An army with [...] a captain. and gathering themſelues togither into the ſtreetes, taried but for ſome lord or knight that might conduct them to the King: and by chaunce there came vnto them ſir Robert Knolles, whom all of them requeſted yt he would be their leader, leaſt comming out of array & or|der, they might the ſooner be brokẽ, who willing|ly led one part of them, and certaine other knights led other of them, clad in faire bright armor vnto the kings preſence: the king with ye lords, knights & eſquiers, not a little reioyſed at the comming of thoſe armed men, and ſtreightwayes cõpaſſed the commons about, as they had bin a flock of ſheepe that ſhould haue bin cloſed within ſome folde, till it pleaſed the ſheepheard to appoynt forth, whiche ſhould be thruſt into paſture, & which taken to go to the ſhambels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There was to be ſeene a maruellous chaunge of the right hand of the lord to beholde how they throwing downe ſtanes, billes, axes, ſwordes,The rebels quite diſcora|ged threw downe their weapons at th [...] comming of the Londoner [...] in ayde of the King. bowes & arrowes, humbly began to ſue for par|don, which a little before gloried to haue the lyfe of the king, and his ſeruaunts wholy and altogi|ther in their handes, power, and diſpoſition. The poore wretches ſought to hide themſelues in the corne that grew in the fields, in ditches, hedges, and dennes, and whereſoeuer they might get out of the way, ſo to ſafegard their liues. The knights that were with the king would gladly haue beene doing with them, and requeſted licence of him to ſtrike off the heades of ſome one or two hundred of them, that it might bee a witneſſe in time to come, that the force of the order of knighthoode, was able to do ſomewhat agaynſt the Carters & ploughmen: but the king woulde not ſuffer them, alledging that many of them were come thither by compulſion, and not of their owne accord, and therefore it might come to paſſe that thoſe ſhould die for it, that had nothing offended: but he com|maũded that there ſhould be proclamation made in Lõdon, that the Citizens ſhould haue no dea|lings with them, nor ſuffer any of them to come within the Citie that night, but to cauſe them to lie without doores: but yet the charter which they had requeſted, faire written and ſealed, to auoyd a greater miſchiefe, he commaunded for a time to deliuer vnto them, knowing that Eſſex & Kent,The forme of the kings Char+ter of Manu|miſsion. were not ſo pacified, but that if they were not the ſooner cõtented, and that partly after their minds, they would vp againe. The tenor of the charter which was got thus by force of the K. was this.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


RIchardus dei gratia rex Angliae & Franciae,The like there was graunted to them of o|ther Countries aſwel to theſe of Herfordſhire in the ſame forme the names of the counties chan|ged. & dominus Hiberniae:

omnibus balliuis & fi|delibus ſuis, ad quos praeſentes litterae peruenerint, ſalutẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sciatis quod de gratia noſtra ſpeciali manu|miſimus vniuerſos ligeos & ſingulos ſubditos no|ſtros et alios comitatus Hertfordiae, & ipſos et eorũ quẽlibet ab omni bondagio, exuimus & quietos fa|cimus per praeſentes ac etiã perdonamus eiſde ligeis ac ſubditis noſtris omnimodas felonias, proditiones, trãſgreſsiones, & extortiones, per ipſos vel aliquem eorũ qualitercũ, factas ſiue perpetratas, ac etiã vt|lagariam & vtlagarias, ſi qua vel quae in ipſos vel aliquẽ ipſorum fuerint vel fuerint hijs occaſionibus promulgata vel promulgatae, & ſummã pacem no|ſtram eis & eorũ cuilibit inde concedimus. In cuius rei teſtimonium, hac litteras noſtras fieri fecimus pa|tentes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The commons hauing obteyned this charter departed home, but ceaſſed not from their riotous demeanour in ſundrie partes of the realme,The towneſ|mẽ of S. Albõs not yet quieted & eſpe|cially at S. Albons, where after the towneſmen were returned home, they kept ſuch a coile againſt the Abbot and Monkes, to haue certaine auncient EEBO page image 1030 Charters deliuered them that concerned theyr ly|berties, & to haue ſuch newe made & deliuered to them as might ſerue theyr purpoſe, that bycauſe ſuch olde Charters as they requeſted were not to be had, the Abbot and Monkes looked euery houre when their houſes ſhoulde be ſet on fire and burnt ouer their heades.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Prior and certaine other as well Monks as lay men that were ſeruantes to the Abbot, fled for feare of the rage of thoſe miſgouerned people, knowing that they hated them deadly, and there|fore loked for no courteſey at their handes. They had obteyned the kings letters vnto the Abbot, commaunding him to deliuer vnto them ſuche Charters as they had gyuen information to be remayning in his hands, ſo that vnder color ther|of, they called for thoſe wrytings in moſt impor|tunate wiſe, threatning ſore if they were not brought to lyght, vtterly to deſtroy the houſe by ſetting it on fire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to ſpeake of all the vnrulye partes of thoſe vnruly people, it were to long a proceſſe: yet at length after they vnderſtoode howe theyr grande Captaine and cheife ringleader Watte Tyler was ſlaine, they began ſomewhat to aſ|ſwage theyr preſumptuous attemptes, the rather for that there came a knight with the kings letter of protection in behalf of the Abbot and his houſe, and yet they were not ſo calmed, but that they continued in requyring to haue charters made to them by the Abbot of the like forme and effect to that which the king had made, cõcerning the in|franchiſing them frõ bondage, whereby they that obteyned ſuch charters tooke themſelues to be diſ|charged of all ſeruices and accuſtomed labors, ſo that they ment not to do any further workes, nor yeeld ſuche cuſtomes as before time they vſually had bin accuſtomed to doe and yeelde vnto their Landlordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Neither did the towneſmen of S. Albones, and the tenants of other townes & villages theral out that belonged to the Abbey of S. Albones, thus outragiouſly miſdemeane themſelues, but euery where elſe the cõmons kept ſuch like ſtur, ſo that it was rightly called the hurling time,The hurling tyme. there were ſuch hurly burlyes kept in euery place, to ye great daunger of ouerthrowing the whole ſtate of all good gouernmẽt in this land: for euen the ſelfſame Saterday after corpus Chriſti day, in Suffolke there were got togither to the number of fiftie M. men, by the ſetting on of Iohn Wraw, a naugh|tie lewd prieſt, that had bene firſt among the Eſ|ſex men at London,The outragi|ous dealings of the ſuffolke rebels. and was ſent downe in all poſt haſt from Wat Tyler, to ſtirre the cõmons in thoſe partes to commit the like miſchiefe as he had ſeene begon about London. Theſe fellowes therefore after they were aſſembled togither, fell to yt deſtroying of the manors & houſes of mẽ of law, & ſuch lawyers as they caught, they ſlue,Sir Iohn Cauen|diſh l. chief iuſtice [...]ded. & beheaded ſir Iohn Cauendiſh lord chief Iuſtice of England, and ſet his head vpon the pillorie in the Market place, in S. Edmõdſburie. Alſo ſir Iohn of Cambridge the Prior of S. Edmondſbury,The prior of S. Edmond [...] [...]|ry ſlayne. as he would haue fled from them, was taken not far from Mildenhale, and likewiſe beheadded, his bo|die being left naked in the open field, and no man preſuming to burie it, during the ſpace of fiue dayes, for feare of the cruell commons. His heade was ſet vpon a pole, & caried before Iohn Wraw and other of thoſe wicked people, the which com|ming to Burie, and entring the towne in maner of a Proceſſion: when they came into the Market place where the Pillorie ſtood, as it were in a ta|ken of the olde friendſhip betwixt the Lord chiefe Iuſtice, and the ſayd Prior, they made ſport with their heades, making them ſomtime as it were to kiſſe, otherwhiles to ſounde in either others eare. After they had taken their paſtime ynough here|with, they ſet both the heads againe aloft vpon the Pillorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, they beheaded an other Monke called Dan Iohn de Lakinghuyth, whoſe head was likewiſe ſet by the other two vpon the Pillorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, they cauſed the Monkes to come forth and bring vnto them all ſuche obligations in which the towneſmen ſtoode bounde vnto the Monaſterie for their good abearing, likewiſe ſuch charters of liberties of the towne of Burie, which king Knute the founder of the ſayde Monaſterie, and his ſucceſſors had graunted vnto the ſame, which writings whẽ they had brought forth, and proteſted that they knew of no more, the cõmons would ſcarcely beleue them, & therefore called the towneſmen forth, & bad them ſee if yt there were al ſuch writings as they thought ſtood with their aduãtage to haue brought to light. The towneſ|men feigned as though they had beene ſorie to ſee ſuch rule kept againſt the Monkes, where in deed they had ſet the commons in hande with al theſe things.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, the Commons tooke thys or|der with the Monkes, that if the towneſmen might not obteyne their auncient liberties, by the hauing of thoſe writings, they ſhoulde declare what the ſame liberties were, which they were wont to enioy, and the Abbot of Burie,This Edmond Brounfield commi [...] [...] priſõ by the [...] for his pe [...]|tuous in [...] into the [...]|ba [...]ye of [...] Edmond Brounfield being then in priſon at Notingham whom they purpoſed to deliuer (ſo that he ſhould celebrat diuine ſeruice in his Monaſtery on Mid|ſommer day next) within .xl. dayes after his com|ming home, ſhould confirme with his ſeale ſuch Charter as was to be deuiſed and made concer|ning the ſame liberties of the ſaide towneſmen, & the Couent ſhould likewiſe put thervnto their cõ|mon ſeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1031They conſtreyned the Monkes further to delyuer vnto the towneſmen, a Croſſe and a Chalice of fine golde, and other Iewels that be|lõged to the Abbey, being in value aboue ye worth of a thouſand pounds in mony, the which was to remaine in the handes of the towneſmen, vpon this condition, that if Edmonde Brounfield be|ing deliuered out of priſon enioyed the dignitie of Abbot there, and with all put his ſeale togither with the Couent ſeale within the tyme limitted, vnto a wryting that ſhould conteine the liberties of the towne, that then the ſame Croſſe, Chalice, and other Iewels ſhoulde bee reſtored vnto the Monaſterie, or elſe the ſame to remaine for euer to the Towneſmen as forfeyted: ſuche were the doings of thoſe Rebels in and about the towne of Burie, and the like diſorders and breach of peace followed by the Commotions of the Commons in Cambridgeſhire, and in the Ile of Elie, reſem|bling the others in ſlaughters of men, deſtroying of houſes, and all other ſortes of miſchiefe. In like maner in Norffolke there was aſſembled an huge number of thoſe vnruly Countrey people, whiche vnder the guiding of a dier of cloth,Iohn Lytteſter certaine of the Norfolk re|bels. cõmonly cal|led Iohn Litteſter, that had dwelt in Norwiche, attempted and did all ſuch vngracious ſeates, as they had heard that other did in other parts of the realme, yea and greater alſo, putting forth their handes vnto rapine & robbery. And whereas they were wholy conſpired togither, and bent to com|mit all kind of miſchiefe, yet eſteeming their own authoritie to bee ſmall, they purpoſed to haue brought William Vfford Erle of Suffolke into their felowſhip,The Early of Suffolke eſca|peth from the rebels. yt if afterwards they might happi|ly be impeached hereafter, for ſuch their naughty & moſt wicked doings, they might haue had ſome ſhadow or color, as if were throgh him, why they had delt in ſuch vnruly ſort. But the Erle aduer|tiſed of their intention ſodenly, roſe from ſupper, and got him away by vnknowne wayes, ſtil flee|ing from the Commons, till at length hee got to Saint Albones, and ſo from thence to the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The commons miſſing of their purpoſe for the hauing of him,The Norffolk rebels compel the noblemen and gentlemen to be ſworne to them. layd hold vpon al ſuch knights and other gentlemen as came in their way, and and were found at home in their houſes, compel|ling them to be ſworne to them, and to ride with them through the Country, as the Lord Scales, William Lord Morley, ſir Iohn Brewes, ſir Stephen Hales,ſir Robert Sa [...] ſlayne by [...] of his own villeyn. and ſir Robert Salle, which ſir Robert continued not long aliue among them, for he could not diſſemble as the reſidue, but begã to reproue openly their naughty doings, for the which he had his braynes daſht out by a Coũtrey Clowne, one that was his bondman, and ſo hee ended his life, who if he might haue come to haue tryed his manhoode and ſtrength with them in plaine battaile, had bene able to haue put a thou|ſande of thoſe villaynes in feare, his valiancie and prowes was ſuch.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The reſidue taught by hys example that they muſt either diſſemble or die for it, were glad to curry fauor, prayſing or diſprayſing all things as they ſawe the Commons affected,The captaine of the Nor|folke rebels forceth the no|ble men and gentlemen to ſerue him as the table. and ſo comming into credite with their chieftaine Iohn Litteſter, that named himſelf king of the cõmõs, they were preferred to ſerue him at the table in taking the aſſay of his meates and drinkes, and doing other ſeruice, with kneling humbly before him as hee ſate at meate, as ſir Stephen Ha|les who was appoynted his carner, & others had other offices aſſigned them. At length when thoſe Commons beganne to waxe wearie of taking paynes in euill doings, they tooke counſaile togi|ther, and agreed to ſende two knights, to wit, the lord Morley, and ſir Iohn Brewes, & three of the Commons in whom they put great confidence, vnto the king, to obtaine theyr charter of manu|miſſiõ & enfranchiſing, & to haue the ſame charter more larger thã thoſe that were granted to other coũtreys: they deliuered great ſummes of money vnto thoſe whõ they ſent, to beſtow the ſame for the obteining of pardon, and ſuch graunts as they ſued for, which money they had gotte by force of the Citizens of Norwich, to ſaue the Citie from fire and ſacking.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe knights as they were on their iourney,A warlike Bi|ſhop. at Ichingham not farre diſtant from Newmar|ket, not looking for any ſuch thing mette with ſir Henrie Spencer Biſhoppe of Norwich, a man more fitte for the field than the Church, and bet|ter ſkilled as may appere in armes than in diui|nitie. This biſhop had aduertiſemẽts at his Ma|nor of Burley neare to Okam in the partyes a|bout Stanford, of the ſturre which the Commõs in Norffolk kept, and thervpon reſolued ſtreight|wayes to ſee what rule there was holden: He had in his companie at that time, not paſt an eight launces, and a ſmall number of Archers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop meeting thus with the knights, examined them ſtreight wayes if there were any of the traitours there with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The knights at the firſt were doubtfull to be|wray theyr aſſociates: but at length enboldned by the Biſhops wordes, declared that two of the chiefe doers in the Rebellion were there preſent, and the thirde was gone to prouide for their din|ner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop ſtreight wayes commaunded thoſe two to be made ſhorter by the head, and the thirde hee hymſelfe went to ſeeke, as one of his Sheepe that was loſt, not to bring hym home to the folde, but to the ſlaughter houſe, as he had well deſerued in the Biſhops opinion, ſith he had ſo miſchieuouſlye gone aſtraye and alienated EEBO page image 1032 himſelfe from his dutifull allegiance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Theſe perſons being executed, and their heads pight on the endes of polles, & ſo ſet vp at New|market, the Biſhop with the knightes tooke their way with all ſpeede towards Northwalſham in Norffolk, [...]pncer biſhop [...]t Norwich [...]oeth as cap| [...]ine againſt [...]he Rebels. where the Commons were purpoſed to ſtay for anſwere from the king: and as hee paſſed through the Countrey, his number encreaſed, for the knights and gentlemen of the Countrey, hea|ring how their biſhop had taken his ſpeare in hãd, and was come into the fielde armed, they ioyne themſelues with him. When therefore the biſhop was come into the place where the cõmons were encãped,The fortefying [...]f the Rebels [...]ampe. he perceyued that they had fortified their campe verie ſtrongly with ditches, and ſuch other ſtuffe as they could make ſhift of, as doores, win|dowes, boords, and tables, and behinde them were all their cariages placed, ſo that it ſeemed they ment not to flee. Herewith the biſhop being cha|fed with the preſumptuous boldnes of ſuch a ſort of diſordered perſons, commaunded his trumpets to ſound to the battaile, and with the ſpeare in the arreſt,The Biſhop is [...]he firſt man that chargeth [...]he rebels in their campe. he chargeth them with ſuch violence, that he goeth ouer the ditch, and layeth ſo about hym, that through his manful doings, all his company found meanes to paſſe the ditch likewiſe, and ſo therewith followed a right ſore and terrible fight, both partes doing their beſt to vanquiſh the other: but finally the cõmons were ouercom, and driuen to ſeeke their ſafegarde by flight,The Norffolk rebels vanqui|ſhed. which was ſore hindered by their cariages that ſtood behind them, ouer the which they were forced to clime & leape ſo well as they might. Iohn Litteſter and other chiefe captaines were taken aliue. The Biſhop therefore cauſed the ſayd Litteſter to be arreigned of his treaſon, and condemned, and ſo hee was drawne, hanged, and headed according to the iudgement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop heard his confeſſion, and by ver|tue of his office aſſoyled him, and to ſhewe ſome parcell of ſorowing for the mans miſchaunce, hee went with him to the gallowes. But it ſeemed that pitie wrought not with the biſhop, to quench the zeale of iuſtice: for he cauſed not Litteſter on|ly to be executed, but ſought for al other that were the chiefe doers in that rebellion, cauſing them to be put vnto death, and ſo by that meanes quieted the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 To recite what was done in euery part of the realme in time of thoſe helliſhe troubles, it is not poſſible: but this is to be conſidered, that the rage of the cõmons was vniuerſally ſuch, as it might ſeeme they had generally conſpired togither, to do what miſchiefe they could deuiſe, as among ſun|drie other, what wickedneſſe was to compell tea|chers of children in grammer ſchooles to ſweare neuer to inſtruct any in their arte? Againe could they haue a more miſchieuous meaning, than to burne and deſtroy al olde & auncient monumẽts, and to murther & diſpatch out of the way al ſuche as were able to cõmit to memorie, either any new or old records: for it was dangerous among thẽ to be knowne for one that was lerned, & more dã|gerous, if any man were found with a penner & ynkhorne at his ſide: for ſuch ſeldom or neuer eſ|caped from them with life.An. Reg. 5. But to returne to ſay ſomwhat more concerning the end of their rebel|lious enterpriſes, you muſt vnderſtand,The captain once ſlaine the ſouldier [...]. that after that Watte Tyler was ſlaine at London in the preſence of the king (as before ye haue heard) the hope and confidence of the rebels greatly dec [...]ied: and yet neuertheleſſe, the king and his counſaile being not wel aſſured, granted to the cõmons (as ye haue heard) charters of Manumiſſion, & enfrã|chiſement from all bondage, & ſo ſent them away home to their coũtries: & forthwith herevpon hee aſſembled an army of the Lõdoners, & of al others in the countreys abrode that bare him good will, apointing none to come, but ſuch as were armed & had horſes, for he would haue no footemen with him. This it came to paſſe,An army of forty thouſand horſemen. that within three days he had about him .xl. thouſand horſemen, as was eſtemed, ſo that in Englande had not bene heard of the like army aſſembled togither at one tyme. And herewith was the king aduertiſed, that the Kentiſh men beganne eftſoones to ſtyrre,The Kẽti [...] eftſoones [...] where|with the king & the whole army were ſo grieuouſ|ly offended, that they ment ſtreyght to haue ſette vpon that Country, and to haue wholy deſtroyed that rebellious generation, but through in|terceſſion made by the Lordes and Gentlemen of that Countrey, the King pacified his moode, and ſo reſolued to proceede agaynſt them by or|der of law and iuſtice, cauſing Iudges to ſit & to make inquiſition of the Malefactors, & eſpecially of ſuch as were authors of the miſchiefes. And a|bout the ſame time did the Maior of London ſit in iudgement as well vppon the offenders that were Citizens, as of other that were of Kent, Eſ|ſex, Southſex, Norffolk, Suffolk, and other coũ|ties, being found within the liberties of the citie, and ſuch as were founde culpable he cauſed them to loſe their heades, as Iack Straw, Iohn Kirk|by, Alane Tredera, and Iohn Sterling,Iacke S [...] and his [...]|tents ex [...] that glo|ryed of himſelf, for that he was the man that had ſlaine the Archbiſhop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This fellow (as it is written by ſome Au|thors) ſtreight wayes after he had done that wic|ked deed, fell out of his wittes, and cõming home into Eſſex where he dwelt, tied a naked ſword a|bout his neck, that hung down before on his breſt and likewiſe a dagger naked, that hanged downe behind on his backe, & ſo went vp and downe the lanes and ſtreetes about home, crying out, & pro|teſting, that with thoſe weapõs he had diſpatched ye Archb. & after he had remained a while at home, EEBO page image 1033 hee came to London againe, for that hee ſhoulde receyue as hee ſaide, the reward there, of the acte whiche he had committed: and ſo indeede, when he came thither, and boldly confeſſed that he was the man that had beheaded the Archbyſhoppe, he loſt his head in ſtead of a recompence: & diuers o|ther both of Eſſex and Kent that had layd violẽt hãds vpõ the Archb. came to the like end at Lon|don, where they did the deede, being bewrayed by their owne cõfeſſions. Heere is to be remembred, that the K. after the Citie of London was dely|uered from the daunger of the Rebels (as before ye haue heard) in reſpect of the greate manhoode, & aſſured loyaltie which had appeared in the May|or, and other of the Aldermen, for ſome parte of recompence of their faithfull aſſiſtance in that dangerous ſeaſon,The Maior and [...] Al| [...]nne Knighted. made the ſayd Mayor Williã Walworth Knighte, with fiue other Aldermen, his brethren, to witte, Nicholas Bramble, Iohn Philpot, Nicholas Twyford, Robert Laundre, and Robert Gayton, alſo Iohn Standiſhe, that as ye haue heard, holp to ſlay Wat Tyler.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The armes of [...] aug|mented, by addition of [...]e dagger.Moreouer, the K. granted, that there ſhoulde be a dagger added to the armes of the citie of Lõ|don, in the right quarter of the ſhield, for an aug|mentation of the ſame armes, and for a remem|brance of this Maior, his valiãt acte, as doth ap|peare vnto this daye, for till that time, the Citie bare only the Croſſe, without the dagger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Although the kings authoritie thus began to ſhew it ſelf,The commõs of Eſſex rebel [...]fre [...]he. to the terror of rebels, yet the cõmons of Eſſex eftſoones aſſembled themſelues togither, not farre from Hatfield Peuerell, and ſente to the Kyng to knowe of him if his pleaſure was, that they ſhoulde enioy their promiſed liberties: and further, that they might be as free, as their Lords, and not to come to any Court, except it were to the great Leete, twice in the yere. When the king hearde ſuche preſumptuous requeſts, he was in a great chafe, and diſpatched the meſſengers away, with a ſore threatning anſwer, ſaying, ye bondmẽ they were, & bondmen they ſhould be, and that in more vile maner than before, to the terrible exam|ple of all other that ſhoulde attempt any the lyke diſorders: and forthwith, the Earle of Bucking|ham, and the Lorde Thomas Percy, brother to the Earle of Northumberlande, were ſente with an army, to repreſſe thoſe Rebels,The Rebels of Eſſex are ſeat|tered & ſlaine whome they founde fortifyed within woddes, hedges and dit|ches very ſtrongly: but with ſmall adoe they were put to flighte, and a fiue hundred of them ſlayne, the reſidue ſaued thẽſelues as well as they might, by ſuccour of the woddes. There were an eyghte hundred horſes alſo taken, whiche thoſe Rebels had there with them, to drawe and carrie theyr baggage. Thoſe of the Rebels that eſcaped, were not yet ſo tamed by that ouerthrowe, but that aſ|ſembling themſelues togither, they made to|wards Colcheſter: and comming thither, would haue perſwaded the Towneſmen to haue ioyned with them in a new Rebellion. But when they coulde not bring their purpoſe to paſſe, they mar|ched towards Sudbury. The Lord Fitz Water, and Sir Iohn Harleſton, vnderſtanding whyche way they tooke, followed them, with a company of armed men, and ſuddaynely ſetting vpon them as they were making their proclamations, ſlewe of them ſo many as it liked them, and the other they ſaued, and ſuffered to departe, or elſe com|mitted them to priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the King came to Hauering at the bowre, and from thence to Chelmfford, where he appoynted ſir Robert Triſilian to ſit in Iudge|ment of the offendors, and Rebelles of that coũ|trey, wherevppon, an inqueſt beeing choſen, a greate number were indicted, arraigned, and founde giltie, ſo that vppon ſome one gallowes, there were nyne or tenne hanged togither.Fabian.

[figure appears here on page 1033]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1034 The Rebels executed in euery lord|ſhip.In euerie countrie were like enquiries made, and the chiefe offendors apprehended and put to deathe in euery Lordſhip through the Realme, where any of them were detected by tenne, by twelue, twẽtie, thirtie, yea and in ſome places by fortie at once, ſo that the whole number grew to fifteene hundred and aboue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Froiſſart.At the firſte, when the Kings Iuſtices began to ſitte in Eſſex, Kent, and at London, by reaſon of the multitude that were to bee executed, they onely chopped off their heads, but afterwardes when that kinde of death ſeemed too cloſe and ſe|crete for ſo open offences, they proceeded accor|ding to the accuſtomed lawe of the Realme, by condemning them to be drawen and hanged, and according therevnto, they were executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King calleth in hys letters of en|franchiſing graunted to the bondmen.In the meane time, the King by the aduice of his counſell, directed his letters reuocatory into euery Countie there, to bee proclaymed in euery Citie, borrow towne, and place, as well within the liberties as without, by the whiche letters hee reuoked, made voyde, and fruſtrate his former letters, of enfranchiſing the bond menne of hys Realme, and commaunded that ſuch as had the ſame letters, ſhoulde withoute delay bring them in, and reſtore them to him and his counſell to be cancelled, as they woulde aunſwere vppon theyr faith and allegiance whiche they ought to hym, and vppon payne of forfeiting all that they had. The date of whiche letters reuocatorie, was at Chelmefforde, the ſecond day of Iuly, in the fifth yere of his raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King re|moueth to S. Albons.When the King had quieted the countrey of Eſſex, and puniſhed ſuche as were the chiefe ſturrers of that wicked commotion in thoſe par|ties, he went to Saint Albons to ſee iuſtice done vpon ſuche as hadde demeaned themſelues moſt preſumptuouſly againſte the Kinges peace in that towne, namely againſte the Abbot and hys houſe, and ſought to defende themſelues, vnder a couloure of friendſhip, that they truſted to fynde in ſome perſons about the King: but that truſt deceyued them, and procured the more diſpleaſure againſt them, for that they woulde not ſu [...] for fa|uoure at the Abbots handes in time, by ſubmit|ting themſelues vnto his will and pleaſure. To bee briefe, the King came thither with a greate number of armed men and archers, and cauſed his Iuſtice ſir Robert Triſilian to ſitte in iudge|ment vpon the malefactors, that were broughte thither from Hertford Iayle.Iohn Ball. Thither was brou|ght alſo to the King from Couentrie, Iohn Ball Prieſt, whome the Citizens of Couentrie hadde taken, and now heere at Saint Albons they pre|ſented him to the Kings preſence, wherevpon, he was arreigned and condemned, to bee drawen, hanged and headed for ſuche notable treaſons as hee was there conuicted of. He receyued iudge|mente vpon the Saterday the firſte day that the ſayde Sir Robert Triſilian ſate in Iudgement, but he was not executed till the Monday follo|wing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This man hadde bin a Preacher the ſpace of twentie yeres, and bycauſe his doctrine was not according to the religion then by the Biſhoppes mainteined, he was firſte prohibited to preache in any churche or chappell, and when he ceaſſed not for all that, but ſet forth his doctrine in the ſtreets and fieldes where he mighte haue audience, at length hee was committed to priſon,Iohn Ball his prophecie. out of the whiche he prophecied, that he ſhoulde be deliuered with the force of twentie thouſand men, and euen ſo it came to paſſe in time of the rebellion of the commons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When all the priſons were broken vppe, and the priſoners ſette at libertie, hee beeing therefore ſo deliuered, followed them, and at Blacke heath when the greateſt multitude was there got togi|ther as ſome write, he made a ſermõ, taking this ſaying or commõ prouerbe for his theme,Iohn Ball his ſermon to the Rebels. VVhen Adam de [...]fe, and Eue ſpanne, who was then a gentleman: and ſo continuing his ſermon, wente [figure appears here on page 1034] aboute to proue by the wordes of that prouerbe, that from the beginning, all men by nature were created alike, and that bõdage or ſeruitude came in by iniuſt oppreſſion of naughtie men: for if God would haue had any bondmen from the be|ginning, he would haue appointed who ſhould be bonde and who free. And therefore hee exhorted them to conſider, that nowe the time was come appointed to them by God, in whiche they might if they woulde, caſt off the yoke of bondage, and recouer libertie. Hee counſelled them there|fore to remember themſelues, and to take good hearts vnto them, that after the maner of a good huſbandman that tilled hys grounde, and ridde out thereof ſuche euill weedes as choked and deſtroyed the good corne, they mighte deſtroye firſte the greate Lordes of the Realme, and after the Iudges and Lawyers, Queſtmongers and EEBO page image 1035 all other whome they vndertooke to be againſte the commons, for ſo mighte they procure peace and ſuretie to them ſelues in time to come, if diſpatching out of the way the greate men, there ſhoulde bee an equalitie in libertie, no difference in degrees of nobilitie, but a like dignitie and equall authoritie in all things brought in among them. When he had preached and ſet foorth ſuch kynde of doctrine, and other the like fonde and fooliſhe toyes vnto the people, they extolled hym to the Starres, affirming that hee ought to bee Archbiſhop and Lord Chancellor, where he that then enioyed thoſe roomthes, meaning Sir Si|mon de Sudburie that then was aliue, was a Traytor to the King and Realme, and worthy to loſe his head, whereſoeuer he mighte be appre|hended. Many other things are reported by wri|ters of this Iohn Ball, as the letter, which vnder a kinde of darke ryddelles he wrote to the Cap|tayne of the Eſſex Rebels, the copie wherof was founde in one of theyr purſes that was executed at London, the tenor whereof was as follo|weth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 IOhn Scheepe Saint Marie Prieſt of Yorke, and nowe of Colcheſter, greeteth well Iohn nameleſſe, and Iohn the Miller, and Iohn Car|ter, and biddeth them that they beware of guyle in Bourrough, and ſtande togither in Goddes name, and biddeth Piers Plowman goe to hys worke, and chaſtiſe well Hob the robber, and take with you Iohn Trewman, and all his fel|lowes, and no moe. Iohn the Miller y ground ſmall, ſmall, ſmall, the Kyngs ſonne of heauen ſhall pay for all. Beware or yee bee woe, knowe your friend from youre foe, haue ynough, and ſay whoe, and do well and better, flee ſynne and ſeeke peace, and holde you therein, and ſo biddeth Iohn Trewman, and all his fellowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This letter he confeſſed himſelf to haue writ|ten, as Thomas Walſ. affirmeth, with many o|ther things which he had done and committed, to the diſquieting of the Realme, for the whiche hee was drawen,Iohn Ball ex|cuted at S. Albons. hanged, and beheaded at Saincte Albons, the fifteenth of Iuly, being Monday, in this fifth yeare of King Richards raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day, the Kings Iuſtice, ſir Roberte Triſilian, ſate vpon the Rebels of Saint Albõs, and other of the Countrey of Hertforde, afore whome, by ſuche policie as he vſed, there were a great number endited, and diuers being arreig|ned, were found giltie, as William Grindecobbe, William Cadindon, Iohn Barbor, and cer|taine others, which were hanged and drawen, to the number of fifteene perſons in all, diuers chiefe men of the Towne were committed to priſon, as Richard Wallingforde, Iohn Garleeke, Willi|am Berewill, Thomas Putor, and others of the Countrey about. There were committed to priſon to the number of foureſcore perſons, the which neuertheleſſe, by the Kyngs pardon, were releaſſed, and diſmiſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The hatred which the Towneſmen had con|ceyued againſte the Abbot and couent of Saincte Albons, was ſurely greate, and manye deuiſes they had to haue ſaued thoſe that were executed. And where as well the Towneſmen, as other of the Abbots and conuẽts tenauntes, both of Hert|fordſhire, and Buckinghamſhire, had gotten of the Abbot and Conuent letters of diſcharge, from doing any bound ſeruice, the King directed hys letters vnto certaine Commiſſioners, as to Iohn Ludowicke, Iohn Weſtwicombe, Iohn Ken|ting, Richarde Perers, Walter Saunforde, Ri|chard Gifforde, Thomas Eydon,The Kyng calleth in by proclamation all ſuch let|ters of manu|miſsion, as the Abbot of ſaint Albons had graunted to his bondmen. and to Willi|am Eccleſhal, commaunding them to cauſe pro|clamation to bee made in all ſuche townes and places as were thought neceſſarie, through the whole countreys of Buckingham and Hertford, that all and euery perſon and perſons that ought and hadde bin accuſtomed to doe or yeelde anye maner of ſeruices, cuſtomes, or dueties, whether they were bound men or free, vnto the ſayde Ab|bot and Couente of Saint Albons, ſhoulde doe and yeelde the ſame ſeruices, cuſtomes and due|ties, in ſuche like forme and manner, as they had bin vſed to doe, before the time of the late trou|bles, and not to chalenge or clayme any libertie or priuiledge whiche they enioyed not before the ſame troubles, vpon their faith and allegiance in whiche they ſtoode bound to him, and vpõ payne to forfaite all that they might forfait: and in caſe any were founde to doe contrary therevnto, the ſame commiſſioners hadde authoritie, and were commaunded to arreſt and empriſon them, till for their further puniſhment, order mighte be ta|ken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Saint Margarets day, the Kyng beyng ready to take his iourney to Berkhamſteede in the greate Court of the Abbey of Saint Albons,The commõs of Hertford|ſhire ſworne to the Kyng. had all the commons of the countie of Hertforde before him, that had ſummons there to appeare, all that were betwixt fifteene and threeſcore yeres of age, where they tooke an othe togither from thenceforth, to be faithfull ſubiects vnto him, and neuer to riſe or make any commotion, to the di|ſturbance of his peace, and rather to die, than to conſente vnto anye rebellious perſons, whome they ſhoulde to the vttermoſt of their powers doe their beſt, to apprehende and deliuer them to the Kings priſon, that they mighte he foorthe com|ming.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After they had receyued this othe, they were li|cenced to depart, and the King rode to Berkham|ſteede, where hee remained for a time, and after went to Eſthamſteede to recreate himſelfe with hunting, where hee was enformed, that thoſe EEBO page image 1036 whiche were hanged at Saint Albons, were ta|ken from the gallowes and remoued a good way from the ſame: with whiche preſamption he was ſo ſtirred, that he ſent forthwith his letters to the Baylifes of the Towne of Saint Albons, com|maunding them vppon the ſighte of the ſame, to cauſe cheynes to be made, and to bring the ſayde bodyes backe vnto the gallowes, and to hang them in thoſe chaynes vpon the ſame gallowes, there to remayne, ſo long as one peece myghte ſticke to an other, according to the forme of the iudgement giuen. The teſte of this writ thus di|rected to the Baylifes of Saint Albons, was at Eſthamſteede the thirde of Auguſt, in the fifth yeare of this kings raigne. The Towneſmen of S. Albons durſt not diſobey the kings comman|dement, and ſo hanged vp againe in cheynes the dead bodies of their neighbours, greatly to theyr ſhame and reproch, when they could get none o|ther for anye wages, to come neere the ſtincking carcaſſes, but that they were conſtreyned them|ſelues to take in hande ſo vile an office. And ſuch was the ende of the tumultes at Saint Albons, where as well as in other places, the vnruly cõ|mons had played their partes. To conclude and make an ende of theſe diueliſh troubles, to ye ende it may appeare, in what daunger as well the K. as whole ſtate of the Realme ſtoode, by the miſ|cheuous attemptes of the vnruly people, I haue thoughte good to declare the confeſſion of Iacke Strawe one of their chiefe Captaynes (and next in reputation amongſt them vnto Watte Ty|ler) when he came to be executed in London.The confeſsiõ of Iacke Straw at the time of his death. The ſame time (ſaid he) that we were aſſembled vpon Blackeheath, and hadde ſente to the king to come vnto vs, our purpoſe was to haue ſlayne al ſuche Knightes, Eſquiers, and Gentlemen as ſhould haue giuen their attendance thither vppon hym: and as for the King, we woulde haue kepte hym amongſt vs, to the ende that the people myghte more boldly haue repaired to vs, ſith they ſhoulde haue thought, that whatſoeuer we did, the ſame had bin done by his authoritie. Finally when we had got power ynough, that we needed not to feare any force that might be made forth againſt vs, we would haue ſlayne all ſuch noble men, as mighte either haue giuen counſell, or made anye reſiſtance againſte vs, ſpecially, the Knightes of the Rhodes, and laſtly, wee woulde haue kylled the Kyng and all menne of poſſeſſions, with Byſhoppes, Monkes, Chanons, and parſons of Churches, onely Friers Mendicants we would haue ſpared, that myghte haue ſuffiſed for the miniſtration of the Sacramentes, and when we hadde made a riddance of all thoſe, wee woulde haue deuiſed lawes, according to the whych, the ſubiectes of thys Realme ſhoulde haue liued, for we woulde haue created Kyngs, as Watte [...]|ler in Kente, and other in other Countreys: [...] bycauſe thys oure purpoſe was diſappoynted by the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, that wo [...]e not permitte the King to come vnto vs, we ſought by all meanes to diſpatch hym out of the way, as at length we did.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the ſame euening that Watte Ti|ler was kylled, wee were determined, hauyng the greateſt parte of the commons of the Citie bent to ioyne with vs, to haue ſette fyre in foure corners of the Citie, and ſo to haue deuided a|mongſt vs the ſpoyle of the chiefeſt ryches that myghte haue beene founde at oure pleaſure, and thys (ſayde hee) was oure purpoſe, as God maye help me now at my laſt ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus maye you ſee, after what ſorte they were conſpired, to the deſtruction of the Realme. And leaſt this one mans confeſſion might ſeeme inſufficiente, diuers other of them confeſſed the ſame, or muchwhat the lyke in effect, when they ſawe no remedie, but preſente deathe before their eyes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To declare the occaſion why ſuche miſchiefes happened thus in the Realme, wee leaue to the iudgemente of thoſe that maye coniecture a troth thereof, by conferring the manners of that age and behauior of all ſtates then, ſith they that wrote in thoſe dayes, maye happely in that behalfe miſſe the trueth, in conſtruing things, ac|cording to theyr affections: but truely it is to bee thoughte, that the faultes, as well in one degree, as other, ſpecially the ſynnes of the whole na|tion, procured ſuche vengeaunce to riſe,The c [...]e of the late [...]|multes. whereby they myghte bee warned of theyr euill doings, and ſeeke to reforme the ſame in tyme conue|nient. But as it commeth ſtill to paſſe, when the daunger is once ouerſhotte, repentaunce lykewiſe is putte ouer, and is no more regar|ded, till an other ſcourge commeth eftſoones to putte menne in remembraunce of theyr duetie, ſo in lyke manner as ſeemeth, it chaunced in this Kynges dayes, as by that whiche followeth it may more playnely appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In thys meane tyme that theſe troubles were at the hotteſt in Englande, the Duke of Lan|caſter beeyng in Scotlande, ſo behaued hym|ſelfe (in the treatie whyche hee hadde in hande with the Scottes,) diſſembling the matter ſo, as if he had not vnderſtoode of any trouble in Eng|lande at all,A truce [...] Scotlande. Tho. VVal [...] Froiſſart. that finallye before the Scottes hadde knowledge thereof, a truce was conclu|ded to endure (for two yeares) or as other haue, for three yeares. When hee hadde made an ende there, and that all thyngs were agreed vppon and paſſed, for the confirmation of that accorde, hee returned to Berwike, but at EEBO page image 1037 his comming thither, the Captayne ſir Mathew Redmã would not ſuffer him to enter ye towne,The captain of Berwyke will not ſuffer the duke of Lan|caſter to enter into the town bycauſe of a commaundement giuen to him frõ the Earle of Northumberlande, Lord Warden of the marches: wherefore the Duke was glad to returne into Scotlande agayne, obteyning li|cence of the Scottes to remayne amongſt them, till the Realme of England was reduced to bet|ter quiet. Herevpon, the Commons in England that fauored hym not, tooke occaſion to reporte the worſt of hym that myghte bee deuiſed, cal|ling him nowe in tyme of their rebellious com|motions, a traytor to the Realme, declaring that hee hadde ioyned hymſelfe to the Scottes, and meant to take part with them, againſt his owne natiue countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng indeede hadde ſente commaunde|mente during the time of the rebellious troubles, vnto the Earle of Northumberlande, that hee ſhoulde haue good regard to the ſafekeeping of all the Townes and Caſtels vnder his rule, and not to ſuffer anye perſon to enter the ſame, hauing forgot to except the Duke of Lancaſter beeyng then in Scotlande: wherevppon the Duke tooke no ſmall diſpleaſure with the Earle of Nor|thumberlande, as after hee well ſhewed at hys cõming home. But before hee returned foorth of Scotlande, he wrote to the Kyng, to vnderſtãd his pleaſure, in what ſort he ſhould returne, hum|bling hymſelfe in ſuch wiſe, as hee made offer to come with one Knight, one Eſquier, & a grome, if it ſhould pleaſe the Kyng ſo to appoynt him, or if it ſo were that by his preſence it was thoughte the Realme was like to fall in anye trouble, hee was ready to departe into exile, neuer to returne into his Countrey agayne, if ſo bee that through his abſence the King and Realme mighte enioy peace and quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng hearing ſuch offers, wrote to him, that his pleaſure was to haue hym to returne home, with all hys whole trayne, and if the ſame were not thoughte ſufficiente to guarde him, hee ſhould take of euery Towne by the which he paſ|ſed, a certayne nũber of men to attend hym vnto the next Towne for hys ſafegarde, and ſo it was done, the Kyng ſending him commiſſion to that effect, and thus cõming to the Courte, he was of the Kyng right honorably receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within a few dayes after his commyng, hee exhibited a greeuous complaynte agaynſt ye Erle of Northumberland, for abuſing hym in dyuers ſortes,The Duke of Lancaſter that [...] the earle of Northum| [...] ioyth [...]alty crimes in time of the late troubles, ſo as his ho|nor was greatly thereby touched, for whych the Earle was ſente for, and commaunded to come vnto Barkhamſteede, where all the Lordes in manner of the land were aſſembled in Counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere, after the Duke had la [...]de dyuers things ſo the Earles charge, for his diſobedience, vn|faithfulneſſe, and ingratitude, the Earle after the manner of his Countrey, not able to forbeare, brake out into reprochfull wordes againſte the Duke, although hee was commaunded by the Kyng to ceaſſe, where the Duke kept ſilence in humble manner, at the firſt word, when the king commaunded hym to holde his peace, ſo that by reaſon of the Earles diſobedience in that behalfe, he was arreſted. But yet the Erles of Warwike and Suffolke vndertaking for his appearance at the nexte Parliament, he was ſuffered to depart, and ſo the Counſell brake vp.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of all Sainctes,The duke of Lancaſter and the Earle of Northumber|land come to the parliamẽt with greate troupes of ar|med men. the Parlia|mente beganne, to the whiche the Duke of Lan|caſter came, bringing with him an exceedyng number of armed men, and lykewiſe the Earle of Northumberlande, with no leſſe company came likewiſe to London, and was lodged within the Citie, hauing great friendſhip ſhewed towardes hym of the Citizens,The Londo|ners, frends to the Earle of Northumber|lande. who promiſed to aſſiſt hym at all tymes, when neceſſitie required, ſo that hys parte ſeemed to bee ouerſtrong for the Duke, if they ſhoulde haue come to any triall of their for|ces at that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke laye with his people in the ſub|urbes,The Lords ſi [...] in armour in the parliamẽ [...] houſe. and euery day when they went to the Par|liament houſe at Weſtminſter, both partes went thither in armour, to the great terror of thoſe that were wiſe and graue perſonages, fearing ſome miſchiefe to fall foorth of that vnaccuſtomed ma|ner of theyr goyng armed to the Parliamente houſe, contrary to the auntient vſage of ye realme. At length, to quiet the parties,The K. ma|keth an agree|mẽt betweene the duke of Lancaſter an [...] the Earle of Northum|berland. and to auoyde ſuche inconuenientes as mighte haue growen of theyr diſſention, the Kyng tooke the matter into hys handes, and ſo they were made friendes, to the ende that ſome good myghte bee done in that Parliamente, for reformation of things touching the ſtate of the Realme, for whiche cauſe, it was eſpecially called: but nowe after it had continued a long tyme, and fewe things at all concluded, newes came, that the Lady Anne, ſiſter to the Emperoure Wenſlaus, and fyanced wife to the Kyng of England, was come to Caleis, where|vppon, the Parliamente was proroged till after Chriſtmas, that in the meane time, the marri|age myght bee ſolemniſed, whyche was appoyn|ted after the Epiphanie: and foorthwith, grea [...] preparation was made to receyue the Bryde, that ſhee myghte bee conueyed with all honor vnto the Kyngs preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche as ſhoulde receyue hir at Douer,The Empe|rours ſiſter a [...]|fy [...] [...]o kyng Richard, is re+ceyued at Douer. A waterſhak [...] re|payred thither, where at hir landing a maruel|lous, and righte ſtraunge wonder happened, for ſhee was no ſooner out of hir Shippe, and g [...] to lande in ſafetie with all hir company, [...]t that forthwith the water was ſo troubled and ſhaken, as the like thing had not to any mans remem|braunce EEBO page image 1038 euer bin hearde of: ſo that the Shippe in which the appoynted Queene came ouer, was terribly rent into peeces, and the reſidue ſo beaten one againſte an other, that they were ſcattered heere and there, after a wonderfull manner. Be|fore hir comming to the Citie of London, ſhee was met on Blackheath, by the Maior, and Ci|tizens of London,1382 in moſt honorable wiſe, and ſo with greate triumph conueyd to Weſtminſter, where at the time appoynted, all the Nobilitie of the Realme being aſſembled,The Kings marriage with the Em|perors ſiſter. ſhee was ioyned in marriage to the King, and Crownes Queene, by the Archbyſhop of Caunterbury, with all the glory and honor that might be deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo holden for the more honor of the ſame marriage, ſolemne Iuſtes for certayne dayes togither, in which, as well the Engliſhmen as ye new Queenes Countreymen, ſhewed proofe of their manhoode and valiancie, whereby prayſe and commendation of Knightly prowes was atchieued, not withoute domage of both the par|ties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the ſolemnitie of the marriage was finiſhed, the Parliamente eftſoones beganne, in the whiche, many things were enacted, for the behoofe of the common wealthe. And amongſt o|ther things it was ordeyned, that all maner ma|numiſſions, obligations, releaſſes, and other bondes made by compulſion, dures, and menace, in time of this laſt tumulte and ryot agaynſte the lawes of the lande, and good fayth, ſhould bee vtterly voyde and adnihillate. And further, that if the Kynges faythfull liege people did perceyue any gathering of the Commons in ſuſpect wiſe, to the number of ſixe or ſeauen, holding conuen|ticles togither, they ſhoulde not ſtay for ye Kings writte in that behalfe, for theyr warrante, but forthwith it ſhoulde bee lawfull for them to apprehende ſuche people, aſſembling togither, and to lay them in priſon, till they mighte aunſwere their doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and many other things were eſtabli|ſhed in this Parliamente, of the whiche, the moſt part are ſet foorthe in the Printed Booke of Sta|tutes, where yee maye reade the ſame more at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In tyme of thys Parliamente, the Earle of Suffolke, William Vfforde, beeyng choſen by the Knyghtes of the Shires, to pronounce in be|halfe of the common wealthe, certayne matters concerning the ſame: The very day and houre in whyche hee ſhoulde haue ſerued that turne, as hee wente vp the ſtaires,The ſuddayne [...]eath of the Earle of Suf|folke. towardes the vpper houſe, he ſuddaynely fell downe, and dyed in the handes of hys ſeruauntes, buſie about to take hym vp, whereas hee felte no griefe of ſickneſſe when hee came into Weſtminſter, beeyng then and before merrie and pleaſante ynough, to all mens ſights.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of hys ſuddayne death, many were grea [...] abaſſhed, for that in hys lyfe tyme, hee [...] ſhewed hymſelfe courteous and amiable to all men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Parliamente ſhortly therevppon tooke ende, after that the Merchauntes had graunted to the Kyng for a ſubſedie certayne cuſtomes of theyr woolles, whiche they bought and ſolde, cal|led a Maletot, to endure for four yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Richard Scrope was made Lord Chancellor, and the Lorde Hugh Segraue Lord Treaſorer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the Å¿ame time,The Earle of Marche, his good Å¿eruice, whil [...]Å¿t he [...] dep [...]ie of Irelande. the Lorde Edmonde Mortimer Earle of Marche, the Kings Lieute|naunt in Irelande departed this life, after hee had brought in manner all that lande to peace and quiete, by his noble and prudente gouerne|mente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon,Wiclif [...] doctrine. Wiclife ſet foorthe dyuers Ar|ticles and concluſions of hys doctrine, whiche the newe Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, Wil|liam Courtney, lately remoued from the Sea of London, vnto the higher dignitie, dyd what hee coulde by all ſhiftes to ſuppreſſe, and to force ſuche as were the ſetters foorthe, and mayn|teyners thereof, to recante, and vtterly to re|nounce. What hee brought to paſſe, in the Booke of Actes and monumentes ſet foorthe by maiſter Foxe, ye may finde at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Tweſday next after the feaſt of Sain [...]t Iohn Port latine, an other Parliament began, in whiche at the earneſt ſute and requeſt of the Knyghtes of the ſhires, Iohn Wrawe Prieſt,Iohn Wrawe that was the chiefe doer among the commons in Suffolke, at Bury, and Mildenhale, was ad|iudged to be drawen, and hanged, although ma|ny beleeued, that hys lyfe ſhould haue bin redee|med for ſome great portion of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A lewde fellowe that tooke vppon hym to bee ſkilfull in Phiſicke and Aſtronomy, cauſed it to bee publiſhed thorough the Citie of London, that vppon the Aſcention euen, there would riſe ſuche a peſtilente Planet, that all thoſe whyche came abroade foorthe of theyr chambers, before they hadde ſayde fyue tymes the Lordes prayer, then cõmonly called the Pater noſter, & dyd not eate ſomewhat that morning, before theyr go|ing foorthe, ſhoulde bee taken with ſickneſſe, and ſuddaynely dye therof. Many fooles beleeued him, and obſerued hys order, but the nexte daye, when hys preſumptuous lying coulde be no longer fa|ced out, hee was ſet on Horſebacke, with his face towardes the tayle, whyche hee was compelled to holde in hys hande in ſtead of a bridell,A Col [...] [...]|phet [...] aright. and ſo was ledde about the Citie, with two Iorden pottes about hys necke, and a whetſtone, in to|ken that hee had well deſerued it, for the notable lye which he had made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1039 [...]ips of Rye [...]ce a god [...].Aboute the ſame time, certayne Engliſhe Shippes of Rye, and other places, wente to the Sea, and meeting with certayne Pirats, fought with them, and ouercame them, raking a ſea|uen [figure appears here on page 1039] Shippes, with a three hundred men in thẽ. One of thoſe Shippes had bin taken from the Engliſhe men afore tyme, and was called the Fawcon, belongyng to the Lorde William La|timer. They were al richly ladẽ with wine, wax, and other good merchandiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the Maior of London, Iohn de Northhampton, otherwiſe called Iohn de Cõ|berton, [...]ohn de Nor| [...]ampton Ma| [...] of London, [...]raite puni| [...] of adul| [...]rie in hys [...]e. did puniſhe ſuche as were taken in Adul|tery, very extreamely: for fyrſte, hee putte them in the priſon, called the Tonne, that then ſtoode in Cornehill, and after cauſed the women to haue theyr heare cutte, as theeues in thoſe dayes were ſerued, that were appeachers of others, and ſo were they ledde about the ſtreetes, with trumpettes and pipes goyng before them. Ney|ther were the menne ſpared more than the wo|men, beeyng putte to manye open ſhames and reproches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But bycauſe the puniſhmente of ſuche offen|ces, was thoughte rather to apperteyne vnto the ſpirituall iuriſdiction, than to the temporall, the Byſhoppe of London, and other of the Clear|gie, tooke it in very euill parte, but the Ma|ior beeyng a ſtoute man, woulde not forbeare, but vſed hys authoritie heerein, to the vtter|moſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme alſo, when the Arche|byſhoppe of Caunterbury ſate in iudgemente vppon a proceſſe that was framed agaynſt one Iohn Aſton,The Londo| [...]ers fauourers [...] Wicliffes [...]octrine. a maiſter of arte, that was an ear|neſt follower of Wicliffes doctrine, the Londo|ners brake open the dores, where the Archbyſhop with hys Diuines ſate, and cauſed them to gyue ouer, ſo that they durſt proceede no further in that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, were the Fiſhmongers of London ſore diſquieted by the foreſayde Maior,The Fiſhmon+gers ſore trou+bled by the Maior. who ſoughte to infringe theyr liberties, graun|ting licence to forreyners, to come and ſell all manner of fyſhe, as freely, and more freely, than anye of the companye of Fiſhmongers: for they mighte not buy it at the forreyners handes to ſell it agayne, by anye meanes, and ſo that com|panye, whyche before hadde beene accompted one of the chiefeſt in the Citie, was nowe ſo broughte downe, as it ſeeemed to bee one of the meaneſt, beeyng compelled to confeſſe, that theyr occupation was no craft, nor worthy ſo to bee accompted amongſt other the craftes of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare, the one and twentith of Maye beeyng Wedneſday, a greate earthquake chaun|ced about one of the clocke in the after noone,A great earth|quake. Churches o|uerthrown by the earth|quake. it was ſo vehemente, and namely in Kent, that the Churches were ſhaken therewith in ſuche wiſe, that ſome of them were ouerthrowen to the grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Saterday after, beeing the foure and twentith daye of May, earely in the morning, chaunced an other earthquake, or as ſome write, a waterſhake, beeyng ſo vehemente, that it made the Shippes in the hauens to beare one againſte an other, by reaſon whereof,A waterquake. they were ſore bruyſed by ſuche knocking togyther, to the great wonder of the people, who being amaſed at ſuche ſtraunge tokens, ſtoode a long time after in more awe of Gods wrath and diſpleaſure, than before, for theſe ſo vnketh and dreadfull wonders thus ſhewed amongſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1040 An. reg. 6. About this ſeaſon, the Lord Richard Scrope, Lord Chãcellor, was depoſed from that roomth, and the King receiuing the greate ſeale at hys handes, kept it a certaine time, and ſealed there|with ſuche grauntes and writings as it pleaſed him at length,The biſhop of London made L. Chancellour in the Lorde Scrope his roome. it was deliuered to Robert Brai|bro [...] Biſhop of London, who was made Lorde Chancellor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe why the Lord Scrope was remo|ued from that dignitie, was this, when the Kyng vpon certayne reſpects hadde graunted vnto cer|taine Gentlemen, the lands and poſſeſſions that belonged to the late Earle of Marche, and other that were deceaſſed, (which he during the time of their heires minorities, oughte to enioy by the lawes of the Realme) the ſayd Lord Chancellor refuſed to ſeale ſuche grauntes, alledging that the King being greatly in debt, which he was to diſ|change, ſtoode in neede of ſuche profites hymſelfe, and therefore as hee ſayde, he tooke not them for faithfull ſeruauntes, nor dutifull ſubiectes to hys grace, that reſpecting their owne priuate com|moditie more than his or the Realmes, did ſue for ſuch grauntes at his hands, aduiſing them to holde themſelues cõtented with ſuch other things a [...] it had pleaſed or mighte pleaſe the King to be|ſtowe vppon them, for ſurely hee would not con|ſent, that they ſhoulde enioy ſuche giftes as thoſe were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They that were thus reiected, made theyr complaynte in ſuche ſort to the King, that he ta|kyng diſpleaſure with the ſayd Lord Scrope, de|poſed hym from hys office, to the greate offence, both of the Nobles, and commons, by whoſe conſente, hee was preferred vnto that digni|tie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A new rebel|lion intended in Norffolke, is bewrayed by one of the conſpiracie be+fore it burſte out.About Michaelmas this yere, certayn naugh|tie diſpoſed perſons in Northfolke, not warned by the ſucceſſe of the late Rebellion, went aboute a newe commotion, intending to murther the Byſhoppe of Norwiche, and all the Nobles and Gentlemen of that Countrey: and to bring theyr wicked purpoſe the better to paſſe, they determi|ned to haue aſſembled togither at Saint Faithes fayre, and to haue compelled all thoſe that ſhould haue bin preſente at the ſame faire, to haue taken parte with them, or elſe to haue loſt their liues: and this beeing done, they woulde haue taken Sainct Benettes Abbey at Holme, whyche they woulde haue kepte for a fortreſſe, to haue with|drawen into vpon any force that had bin againſt them. But ere they could bring their purpoſe to paſſe, one of the conſpiracie bewraying the mat|ter, they were apprehended, and loſt their heads at Norwich, for theyr malitious deuiſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, a Parliament was cal|led, to the whiche, certayne commiſſioners from the Countrey of Flaunders came, to treate of cer|tayne agreementes betwixt the King and [...], and the eſtates of theyr Countrey:The [...]. but [...] thoſe that came ouer at this time, ſeemed not ſuf|ficient to conclude ſuche treaties, as then was in hande, they were ſente backe to fetche other more ſufficiente, as from euery Towne in Flaunders ſome ſuche as myghte haue full authoritie to goe through, and confirme the agreementes, then in hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Parliamente, the Maior of London, with a great part of the commoners of the Citie, vpon ſuggeſtion by them made againſt the fiſhe|mongers,An act [...] the Fiſh [...]|gers within the citie of London. for vſing greate deceyt in v [...]ng of their fiſhes, obteyned to haue it enacted, that from thenceforth, none of that company, nor [...]ye of the Vintners, Butchers, Groſſers, or other that ſolde any prouiſion of vittailes, ſhould be comit|ted Maior of the Citie, and ſo by this ſhifts they ſought to cut off all meanes from the Fi [...]mon|gers, to recouer againe their olde forfiter [...]gree. And bycauſe it was knowen well ynough of what authoritie ſir Iohn Philpot Knight was within the Citie, and that hee fauoured thoſe whome the Lord Maior, yt ſaid Iohn de North|hampton fauoured not, hee was put off from the benche, and myght not ſitte with them that were of the ſecrete counſell in ye Cities affayres, wher|as neuertheleſſe he had trauelled more for the pre|ſeruation of the Cities liberties, than all the re|ſidue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Henry Spencer Biſhop of Norwiche, re|ceyued a little before this preſente, Builes from Pope Vrbane, to ſigne all ſuch with the Croſſe, that woulde take vpon them to goe ouer ye Seas with hym to warre agaynſt thoſe that held with the Antipape Clemente, that tooke himſelfe for Pope, and to ſuche as woulde receyue the Croſſe in that quarrell, ſuche lyke beneficiall pardons were graunted by Pope Vrbane,Remiſion [...] of ſins gra [...]+ted to as [...] as would ſig [...] againſt Cle|ment the An|tipape. as were accu|ſtomarily granted vnto ſuch as went to fighte againſt the Infidels, the Turkes, and Saraſins, to witte free remiſſion of ſinnes, and many other graces.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Byſhop of Norwiche that had the diſ|poſing of the benefites graunted by thoſe Bulles, to all ſuche as eyther woulde goe themſelues in perſon, or elſe giue any thing towardes the fur|therance of that voyage, and mayntenance of thẽ that went in the ſame, ſhewed thoſe Bulles now in open Parliamente, and cauſed copies to bee written foorth, and ſente into euery quarter, that his authoritie and power Legantine, mighte be notifyed to all menne, for the better bringing to paſſe, of that hee hadde in charge: and truely it ſhoulde appeare, there wanted no diligence in the man to accompliſhe the Popes purpoſe: and on the other parte yee muſt note, that the priuiled|ges which he hadde from the Pope, were paſſing EEBO page image 1041 large, ſo that as the matter was handled, there were d [...]s Lords, Knights, eſquiers, and other men of warre in good numbers, that o [...]red them ſelues to go in that voyage, and to follow the ſtã|d [...]rdes of the church with the Biſhop, & no ſ [...]all ſu [...]s of [...]ncy were lented and gathered a|mongeſt the people, for the [...]iſhyng [...] the of that armie,The Earle of Cambridge re|turneth out of Portingale. as afor [...] ye ſhall heare. In this meane tyme the erle of Cambridge returned home from Portingale; whether as ye haue hearde, he [...] was ſent the laſte yeare, and promiſe made, that: the duke of Lancaſter ſhould haue folowed him, but by reaſon of the late rebellion, and alſo for other conſiderations, as the warres in Flaunders: be|twixt the Erle and them of Gaunt, it was not thought couentent that any men of warre ſhuld go foorth of the realme: and ſo the K. of Portin|gale not able of himſelfe to go through with his enterpriſe againſt ye K. of Spain, after ſom ſmal exploits atcheued by ye Engliſhmẽ, & other of the Erle of Cambridge his companie, as the wyn|ning of certain fortreſſes belonging to the King of Caſtille, and that the two kings had layne in field, the one againſt the other by the ſpace of .xv. days without battayle, the matter was taken vp, and a peace concluded betwixt them, ſore againſt the mynde of the Erle of Cambridge, who did what in him lay, to haue brought them to a ſette field: but when there was no remedie, he bare it ſo paciently as hee mighte, and returned home with his people, ſore offended (thoughe he ſayde little) againſt the king of Portingale, for that he delt otherwiſe in this mater than was looked for.The Earle of Cambridge his ſonne aff [...]ed to the K. of Portin+gales daughter. He had fianced his ſonne whiche hee had by the daughter of Peter ſometime king K. of Caſtille, vnto the king of Portingales daughter nowe in the time of his being there but although he was earneſtly requeſted of the ſaid king, he would not leaue his ſon behind him, but brought him backe with him again into England (together with his mother) doubting the ſlipper faith of thoſe people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 1383.In the Lent ſeaſon of this ſixt yere of K. Ri|chards raigne an other parliament was called at London, in the which there was hard holde about the bulles ſente to the biſhop of Norwiche from Pope Vrbane,Clementines. Vrbaniſtes. concerning his iourneye that he ſhould take in hand againſt the Clementines as we may call thẽ for yt they held with Pope Cle|ment, whom the Vrbaniſts, that is, ſuch as held with pope Vrbane, tooke for Sciſmatiks. Diuers ther were, that thought it not good that ſuch ſum|mes of mony ſhuld be leuied of the kings ſubiects and the ſame togither with an armie of mẽ to be committed vnto the guiding of a Prelate vnſkil|full in warrelike affaires: other there were that would needes haue hym to goe, that the enimies of the churche (as they tooke them) might be ſub|dued. And although the more parte of the lordes of the vpper houſe, and likewiſe the Knightes and Burgeſſes of the lower houſe were earneſtly bent againſt this iorney, yet at length thoſe that were of the contrary minde, preuailed,A fifteenth aſſi|gned to the Bis+shop of Nor|vvich tovvards the vvarres ta|ken in hande a|gainſt the Anti|pape. and ſo it was decreede, that it ſhould forwarde, and that the, ſaide biſhoppe of Norwiche ſhoulde haue the [...] the graunted to the king in the laſte parlia|ment, to pay the wages of ſuche men of warre as ſhoulde goe [...]er with hym: for ſouldiors wyth|out m [...]ey paſſed not [...] of pardones, no not [...] thoſe dayes excepte at the very point of death, if they were not aſſ [...]ed howe to be aunſwered of their wages, [...] of ſome other cõſideration wher|by they myghte gay [...]e. The tenthe that was graunted afore by the Biſhops at Oxforde, is nowe in this ſame Parliament appoynted to re|mayne to the king for the keepyng of the ſeas, whileſt the Biſhop [...] be forme of the realme in folowing thoſe warres. Thoſe things being thus appointed the biſhop ſendeth forth his letters ſ [...]|med with his ſeale into euery prouince & coũtrey of this lãd, giuing to al perſons, vicars, & curates through this realme power & authoritie to [...]re the confeſſions of their pariſhoners,The Croſſed Souldiours. & to graunte vnto thoſe that wold beſtow any parcel of theyr goods which God had lent [...] [...]dwards the ad|uauncing of the iorney to be made by the croſſed ſouldiors againſt Pope. Vrbans enimies, the ob|ſolutions & remiſſion of al their ſinnes by ye Popes authoritie, according to the forme of the Bul, be|fore mencioned. The people vnderſtanding of ſo great & gracious a benefite, as they tooke it, thus offred to the engliſh natiõ, at home in their own houſes, were deſirous to be partakers therof, and thoſe yt were warlike men, prepared thẽſelues to go forth in that iorney with al ſpeed poſſible: the reſidue that were not fit to be warryours, accor|dyng to that they were exhorted by theyr con|feſſours, beſtowed liberally of theyr goods to the furtheraunce of thoſe that wente: and ſo, fewe there were within the whole kingdome, but that eyther they went, or gaue ſomewhat to the ad|uauncing foorth of the Biſhop of Norwiche his voyage. Which Biſhop choſe diuers to be aſſo|ciate with him,The captaines that vvẽt vvith the Bishop of againſt the An-Norvviche a|tipape. as Captains that were expert in warlike enterpriſes. The firſt & principal was ſir Hugh Caluerley an old mã of warre, & one that in all places had borne himſelf both valiantly & politikely: Next vnto him was ſir Williã Farin+gton, who ſtoutely ſpake in the Biſhops cauſe, when the matter came in queſtion in the parlia|ment houſe, touching his going ouer with thys Croyſey. Beſide theſe, ther wẽt diuers noble mẽ and knightes of high renoune, as the lord Henry Beaumount, ſir Williã Elmham, and ſir Tho|mas Triuet, ſir Iohn Ferrers, ſir Hugh Spẽcer,Froiſſart. the biſhops nephue by his brother ſir Mathewe Redman captain of Barwicke, Sir Nicholas EEBO page image 1042 Tarenſon or Traicton, ſir William Farington and manye other of the Engliſhe nation: and of Gaſcongne there wente le ſire de Chaſteauneuf, and his brother ſir Iohn de Chaſteauneuf, Ray|mund de Marſen, Guillonet de Paux, Gariot Vighier, Iohn de Cachitan, and diuers other: Sir Iohn Beauchamp was appointed Marſhal of the field, but bicauſe he was at that preſent in the marches of the realme towards Scotland, he was not readie to paſſe ouer when the Biſhoppe did. The Duke of Lancaſter liked not wel of the Biſhops iorney, for that hee ſawe howe hys voyage that he meant to make into Spayn was hereby for the tyme diſappoynted, and he coulde haue bin better contented, as appeareth by wri|ters, to haue had the money imployed vpon the wartes agaynſt the king of Caſtille, that was a Clementine, than to haue it beſtowed vpon this voyage, which the Biſhop was to take in hande againſt the French king, and other in this neerer parties. Herevpon there were not many of the Nobilitie that offered to go with the Biſhop.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to ſaye ſomewhat of other thyngs that were concluded in this laſt parliament, we fynd, that the Fiſhmongers,The ſtatute a|gainſte Fishe|mongers re|pealed, they reſtored to their liberties. whiche through meanes of the late Lorde Maior Iohn of Northamp|ton and his complices were put from theyr aun|cient cuſtomes and liberties, whiche they enioyed aforetyme within the Citie, were nowe reſtored to the ſame agayne, ſauing that they myght not keepe Courtes among themſelues, as in tymes paſt they vſed, but that after the maner of other craftes and companies, all tranſgreſſions, offen|ces and breaches of lawes and cuſtoms by them committed, ſhould be heard, tryed, and reformed in the Mayres Courte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All thys winter the matter touching the ga|thering of mony towards the Croyſey, was ear|neſtly applyed, ſo that there was leuied what of the diſme, and by the deuotion of the people for obteyning of the pardon, ſo muche as drewe to the ſumme of .xxv. thouſand frankes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the Biſhop therefore had ſet things in good forwardneſſe for his iourney, he drewe to|wardes the ſea ſide, and was ſo deſirous to paſſe ouer,The Byshoppe of Norvviche ſetteth for|vvard vvith hys armye. & to inuade his aduerſaries, that althoughe the king ſent to him an expreſſe cõmaundement by letters to returne to the Court, that he might conferre with him before he toke the ſeas, yet he excuſing himſelfe, that the tyme would not then permit him to ſtaye longer, paſſed ouer to Ca|leys, where he landed the .xxiij. of Aprill in thys vj. yeare of King Richards reigne.Polidor. The armye appoynted to attende him in this iourney, roſe to the number of .ij.M. horſmen, and fifteene thou|ſand footmen, Froiſſart. v. C. ſpeares & xv.C. other. as ſome write, though other ſpeak of a farre leſſer number: but it ſhould ſeeme that they went not ouer all at one time, but by parts, as ſome before the Biſhop, ſome with him, [...] ſome after him. And when he and the [...] [...] before named, were come ouer to [...] tooke counſel togither into what place they [...] make their firſt i [...]aſion, and bicauſe [...] miſſion was to make warre onely againſt [...] that held with Pope Clement, the [...] [...] were of this mynde, tha [...] it ſhould be moſt ex|pedient for them to enter into Fraunce, and to [...]ake warre againſt the Frenchemen, wh [...] men knewe to be chiefe maynteyners of the ſayd Clemente. But the Biſhop of Norwiche [...] of this opinion, that they coulde not doe [...] than to inuade the countreye of Flaunders, by|cauſe that a little before, Earle Lewes hauyng intelligence that king Richard had made a con|federacie with them of Gaunt, had in the [...] part, expulſed all Engliſhmen out of hi [...] [...]|nions and countreyes, ſo that the [...] whiche hadde their goodes at Bruges, and [...] places in Flaunders, ſuſteyned great loſſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Though there were that replyed againſt the Bi|ſhops purpoſe herein,The By [...] of Norvvi [...] in [...]deth Flaunders. as ſir Hugh Cal [...]rley and others, yet at length they yelded thereto, and ſo by his commaundement, they wente ſ [...]ght to Grauelyn, the .xxj. day of May, and immedi [...] wan it by aſſault.Ia. Me [...]. Whervpon Bruckburg was yelded vnto them, the lyues and goodes of them within ſaued. Then went they to Dunkirk,Dũkir [...] vv [...] and ſ [...]ed by the engliſhmẽ. and without any great reſiſtance entred the Towne and wanne there exceeding much by the ſpoyle, for it was full of riches, whiche the Engliſhmen pylfered at their pleaſure. The Earle of Flaun|ders lying at Liſle was aduertiſed how the en|gliſhmen were thus entred his countrey,The Earle of Flaunders [...]+deth to the Byshoppe of Norvvic [...] to knovve the cauſe of his in|uaſion of Flaũ|ders. where|vpon he ſent ambaſſadors vnto the Engliſh hoſt to vnderſtande why they made him warre that was a right Vrbaniſt. The biſhop of Norwich for aunſwere, declared to them that were ſente, that hee tooke the countrey to appertayne to the French king, as he that had of late conquered it, whom all the whole world knewe to be a Cle|mentine, or at the leaſt he was aſſured, that the countrey therabouts was of the inheritãce of the lady of Bar, which likewiſe was a Clementin, & therfore except the people of that countrey wold come and ioyne with hym to goe againſt ſuch as were knowne to be enimies to Pope Vrban, he would ſurely ſeeke to deſtroy them. And where as the Earles ambaſſadoures required a ſafeconduct, to go into Englande by Caleys to vnderſtand the kings pleaſure in this matter, the biſhop would grant them none at all, wherefore they went back againe to the Erle their maiſter, with that aunſwere. The Engliſhemen after the taking and ſpoyling of Dunkirke retourned to Grauelyn and Bruckburg, whyche places they fortifyed, and then leauyng garnyſons in EEBO page image 1043 them, they went to Mar [...], and [...] for it was not cloſed. In the meane time, the co [...]ey men of Weſt Flaunders roſe in armour, [...] to Dunkirke, meaning to reſiſt the Engliſhmen wherof when the biſhoppes, was certified, with [...]l ſpeede he marched thither, and commyng to the place, where the Flemmings, to the number of more tha [...], thouſand, were aranged withoute the towre,An [...]lde of [...]ts ſente to the Fleminges by the Bishop of Norvviche [...] ſ [...]. he ſent an herauld vnto them to know the truthe of whether Pope they helde, but the rude people, not vnderſtãding what appertained to the law of armes, ranne vpon the heraulde at his approching to them, and ſlewe him befor [...] [...]e could beginne to tell his tale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The engliſhmen herewith enflamed, determi|ned either to reuenge the death of their heraulde or to dye for it, and therwith ordered their bat|tailes ready to fight, and being not aboue .v. M. fighting men in all,T [...] VVal. the biſhoppe placed hymſelfe ammongeſt the horſemen, and ſ [...]t the footmen in a battaile marſhalled wedge wyſe, broade behind, and ſharpe before,The order of the Bishoppe of Norvviche [...] battaile a|gainſte the Fle [...]ges, hauing wyth them a h [...]nner wherin the croſſe was beaten. The archers were raunged on eyther ſide: The ſtande [...]de of the church went before, the fielde gewles, and two keys ſiluer, ſignifying that they were ſouldiours of Pope Vrbane. Moreouer, the Biſhop had his penon there Siluer and azure quarterly, [...] fre [...]t gold on the azure, a bend gules on the ſiluer and bicauſe he was yongeſt of the Spẽcers, he bare a border g [...]les for a difference. At the approching of the battayles togither, the trumpets blew vp and the archers beganne to ſhoot againſt the bat|tayle of the Flemmings, the which valiantly de|fẽded themſelues, and fought egrely a long time but at length they were ſo galled with arrowes, which the archers ſhot at them a flanke, that they were not able to endure, but were compelled to giue back. They were deuided into two battails, a vaward, & a rerewarde. When the vaward be|gan to ſhrinke, the rerewarde alſo brake, order, and fled, but the Engliſhmen purſued them ſo faſt,The Flemings [...]icorized by the englishmen. that they could not eſcape, but were ouerta|ken and ſlaine in great numbers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some ſay, there dyed of them in the battayle & chaſe v. thouſand, ſome .vj. thouſand: and other write, [...]. Meir. that there were .ix. thouſand of them ſlain: and Tho. Walſ. affirmeth .xij.M. Many of thẽ fled into the Towne of Dunkirke for f [...]re coure,Froiſſart. but the Engliſhmen purſued them ſo egerly, that they entred the town with thẽ, & ſlew thẽ downe in the ſtreetes. The Flemmings in diuers places gathered themſelues togither againe as they fled, and ſhewed countenance of defence, but ſtil, they were driuen out of order, and brought to confu|ſion.Tho. VValſ. Prieſts & reli| [...]o [...] men har| [...] [...]. The Prieſtes and religious men th [...] were with the Biſhoppe fought moſt egrely, ſome one of them ſlaying .xvj. of the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There dyed of Englishmen at this battayle about .iiij.C. The Flemmings had no horsemen amongst them, Iames Meir. nor any number of Gentlemen for they stood in such dreade of the English bows, that they durst not come to any battayle with the, but keping themselues out of danger, set the co(m)mons of the countrey in hande to trye what they against the Englishmen were able to do without them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This battaile was fought vpon a Mondaye being the .xv. of May. The countrey was put in a wonderfull feare by this ouerthrow, so that the townes and fortresses were in great doubte, and some yelded themselues to the Englishmen, as Berghen and others: Some were won by force: as the castel of Drinchan, & the town of S.Vinant. The Englishmẽ ſubdue diuers tovvns in Flã|ders, & ſpoyle the countrey. The tovvne of Ipre beſieged. So be shorte, the Englishmenne became maisters of all the countrey alongest the sea side, euen from Grauelyn to Sluys, and got such riches by pillage and spoile, as they could not wish for greater. They did so muche, that they wan in maner all the close towns within the Baylifwickes of Cassell, of Popring, Messynes, and Furneys, with the townes of Newport, Blankberke, and dyuers other. Also entryng into the woods of Nepse and Rutholt, they found a great bootie of sheepe and beastes, and tooke a greate sorte of prisoners of the countrey people, whiche were fledde into those woods for feare of the enemies: but the Englishmen, playing the parte of good bloudhounds, found them out, and sent all their booties and pray vnto Grauelin and Brucburge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The eigthe daye of Iune they came before the towns of Ipre, and layde siege thereto, The maner of fortifying [...] tovvnes in old tyme. wherat they continued the space of .ix. weekes. Thyther came to their ayde .xx. M Gauntiners vnder the leadyng of Frauncis Akreman, Peter Wood, and Peter Wynter: so that they within Ipre, were straightely besieged, but there were within it in garrison diuers valiaunt knyghtes and Capitains, which defended the towne right manfully: It was fenced with a mightie rampire, and the thicke hedge, trimly plashed & wound wyth thornes, as the manner of fortifying townes was in auncient time amongst them in that countrey (as Strabo witnesseth.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Duryng the tyme that the slege laye before Ipre, the Englishmen swarmed abroade in the cou(n)trey, for when it was once known what good sucesse the first companie that wente ouer had found, ther came dayly forth of England greate nu(m)bers to be partakers of the gain: & sir Io. Philpot yt fauored the bishops iorney, Hope of gayne encourageth [...]. prouided them of vesselles for theyr passage, till the Bishop vnderstandyng that the more parte of those that came this ouer were vnarmed, and broughte nothyng wyth them from home, but onely EEBO page image 1044 ſwordes, bowes and arrowes, did write vnto the ſayde ſir Iohn Philpot that he ſhoulde ſuffer none to paſſe the ſeas, but ſuch as were men able and likely to do ſeruice, where a great number of thoſe that were come to hym, were fitte for no|thing but to conſume victuals.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The multitude of Engliſhemen and Galiti|ners at this ſiege was great, ſo that diuers ſkir|miſhes chanced betwixt them, and ſuch as were appointed by the Earle to lie in garniſons about in the country againſt them: but ſtill the victorie aboade on the Engliſhe ſide. Alſo there was an Engliſh prieſt,Iac. Meir. one ſir Iohn Boring that wente to Gaunt, with .v.C. Engliſh Archers, by whoſe ayde, Arnold Hans, one of the captains of Gaũt ouercame his enimies in battail, which were laid in a caſtel nere to the hauen of Alloſte, and ſtop|ped that no victuals mighte ſafely come oute of Holland or Zeland to be conueyd vnto Gaunt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Erle of Flaunders was not wel conten|ted in his mynd,An. reg. 7. that the Engliſhmen were thus entred into his countrey, and therfore he earneſt|ly laboured to the Duke of Burgogne (that had maryed his daughter, and ſhoulde be heire of all his dominions and ſeigniories after his deceaſſe) to find ſome remedie in the matter. The Duke whome the matter touched ſo neere,The french K. cõmeth dovvn vvith a [...]nigh|tie armie to raiſe the ſiege at Ipre. did ſo much with his nephue the Frenche king, that eftſoones he rayſed his whole puiſſance, and came downe into Flanders, ſo that the Engliſhmẽ perceiuing themſelues not of power to encounter with this huge and mightie armie, were conſtrayned after a great aſſault, whiche they gaue the .viij. of Au|guſt,The ſiege at Ipre brokẽ vp. to reyſe their ſiege from Ipre the Monday after, being. S. Laurence day, and to withdrawe into Bruckburg, Berghen, Dixmew, Newport, Caſſell, Dunkirke, Grauelyn, and other places which they had wonne. But at Newporte the towneſmen ſet vp the Erles banner, and aſſay|ling thoſe that were come into the towne, ſlewe diuers of them. The Engliſhmen being ſore of|fended therwith,Nevvport ſac|ked and brente by the Engli [...]h men and Ga [...]|tyners. came running thither with cer|tain Gauntiners, and made greate ſlaughter of them that had ſo murthered their fellowes. The town was ſacked, & al the goods aſwell Churche iewels, as other, wer ſent away, partly by ſea in|to England, & partly by waggons vnto Berge. After this, they ſette fire in more than .xxx. places of the towne, ſo that there remained nothing vn|brent. The Engliſhmen and Gantiners yt were withdrawn into Berg, got togither al the wag|gons in the country about, placing the ſame vp|on the ditches and rampiers, to fortifye the ſame againſt their enimies.Thom. VVal. Some write, that after the breaking vp of the ſiege at Ipres, the Biſhop of Norwich wold gladly haue perſwaded the lords and knightes that were there with him,A couragious and vvarlik bi|shoppe. to haue entred into Picardie, and there to haue offred the French K. bataille; before his whole [...] [...]|bin aſſembled but ſir Tho. Triuet & ſir [...] Elmhã with other, wold in no wiſe [...] vnto, ſo that ye biſhop taking with him [...] Caluerley, that did the life forſake him, [...] [...]|ther farewell, and fliſt making a [...] and [...]|cardie, he after withdrew into Grauelyn, [...]|les the other went to Bruckburg: [...] Froſ|ſart, and other writers, it appereth, that [...] was certainly at Berge, with other that [...]|tired thither, in purpoſe to defende [...] the frenche king, who ſtill folowed them and [...]|red dyuers places out of theyr hands by [...] Mont Caſſell, the caſtell of Drinth [...] [...] Alſo at his cõming to Berghen, y [...] ſa [...]e ſir Hugh Caluerley, and other that were within [...] [...]|uing that they were not able to defend it [...] ſuche a puiſſa [...]ce as the french K. had there with him, being greater than euer ſir Hugh [...]|ley that auncient captaine would haue thought that Fraũce had bin able to haue ſet wyth, [...]|ted, & left the town to be ſpoyled of the Bryto [...] and other french ſouldiors, which exe [...] there all kinds of cruelty. The more part of ye engliſh|men went to Bruckburgh, but ſir Hugh C [...]|ley went to Grauelin, & ſo to Caleis, [...] diſpleaſed in his minde, for that his [...] could not be regarded in all this voiage, which if it had bin followed, wold haue brought it to a better iſ|ſue than now it was, as was ſuppoſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Kyng followyng the [...] of good fortune, that guided his ſtern,The Frẽche K [...] vvith his huge army [...] the Engliſh [...] out of F [...] marched forth to Bruckburghe, ſo that the vaward of his army came before that towne on the Holyrood day, in September, vnder the leading of ye erle of Flaũ|ders, the duke of Britaine, the Lorde Oliuer de Cliſſon hygh Conſtable of Fraunce,Bruckburgh yelded to the French. and the L. Valeran erle of S. Paule, the whiche demeaned themſelues in ſuch ſorte that althought the eng|liſhemen within, valiantly defended the frenche|mens aſſaulte, yet the iij. day after the frenche|mens cõming thither, the engliſhmẽ by compoſi|tion that they might depart with bag & bagage, yelded vp the towne, which on the .xix. of Septẽ|ber being Satterday, as that yere came aboute, was abandoned to the frenche ſouldiors, to rifle and ſpoile at their pleaſure, in the whiche feate the Britons bare ye bell away, dooing more miſ|chiefe vnto the poore inhabitants, than with to [...]g can be recited.The duke of Britain a [...] to the Engliſh|men. The duke of Britaine holpe great|ly to make the compoſition, that the engliſhmen might departe in ſafetie: for the which doing he was in greate hatred and obloquy of the ſouldi|ers, the which affirmed that he was not onely a friende to the engliſhemen, but an enimy to hys countrey and a traytor to the commen wealthe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen cõming to Grauelyn, ſet it on fire, and departed ſtreight to Caleys, leauing EEBO page image 1045 the countrey of Flanders to the Frenchmen, and ſo returned into Englande, where they were not greatly commended for their ſeruice, but were put ſo farre in blame, that ſir Thomas Tri [...], and ſir William El [...] wer cõmitted [...] pri|ſon, within the Tower of London, as men ſuſ|pected of euill dealing in the deliuerie of Bruck|burg and Grauelin to the French mens handes: for immediatly after that they had lefte Graue|lyn,Grauelyn for| [...] by the Frenchemen [...] counter| [...] to Ca| [...] Tho. VValſ. the Frenchmen came thither, and fortifyed it for a countergariſon to Caleys. There be that write how the French king offred to giue the bi|ſhop of Norwich .xv.M. marks to raſe the town of Grauelyn, & ſo to leaue it vnto him, the biſhop hauing libertie with all his people and goodes to depart in ſafetie. The biſhop required to haue li|bertie for certain days, to make herevnto a full & deliberate anſwere, which was graunted, and in the meane tyme he ſent into England to aduer|tiſe the king in what ſtate he ſtood, and how the Frenche king lay before him with a mightie ar|mye: & therfore if he meant euer to trie battayle with the Frenchemen, nowe was the tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame ſommer, the King wt the Queene wẽt abrode in progreſſe, viſiting in their way the riche abbeys of the realme,The Kyng and Queene in pro| [...]. as Bury, Thetforde, Norwich & others going about a great part of yt realme: and when theſe newes came to him frõ the biſhop of Norwich, he was at Dauentrie in Northamtonſhire, and beeing the ſame time at ſupper, he put the table from him, & riſing with al haſt, got him to horſeback, and rode in poſt that night, changing horſe diuers tymes, with ſuche ſpeed that he came to S. Albons about midnight & making no ſtay there longer than he had boro|wed the Abbots gelding, haſted forth til he came to Weſtminſter: ſo that it appered he wold neuer haue reſted til he had paſſed the ſea, & giuẽ battail to the Frenchmẽ. But after his cõming to Weſt minſter, aweried with that haſtic iorney, he got him to bed, & liked ſo wel of eaſe, that he thought good to ſend a lieutenant in his ſtead to paſſe the ſeas, to deliuer ye biſh. frõ danger of his enimies. Herevpon was the duke of Lacaſter ſent for, [...] heate [...]one cooled. that he might with ſuche power as was redy to paſſe the ſeas, goe ouer with the ſame, and giue bat|tayle to the French king: but he protracted time till the reſpite graunted to the Biſhoppe to make anſwer, was expired, and ſo the Biſhop when he ſawe no ſuccour come forth of Englande, raſed the towne, as the couenant was: but money he would not or did not receiue, bicauſe he thought in ſo doing, he ſhould offend the counſaile. At his co(m)ming back to England, he found the duke of Lancaster at the sea syde with a great power of menne readye to haue come ouer, The bishop of [...] where [...] into [...]lande out [...]ders. althoughe some thought that he deferred tyme of purpose, for that he myslyked of the Bishops whole enterprise: and now bycause it hadde thus quayled, he blamed the Bishop for his euill gouernement therein: but sir Hugh Caluerley he reteyned with hym a tyme, doing him all honour, by reason of the olde approued valiancie, that had bin euer founde in him. And this was the end of the Bishop of Norwiche his iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scots in the meane whyle sate not still, but made roades into England, toke & brent the castel of Wark. Moreouer, VVarke caſtell brent by the Scottes. whilest the siege laye before Ypres, the Frenchmen armed certain vessels, and sent them to the sea, namely fiue balengers, as wel to intercept such as should passe betwene Englande and Flaunders, as also to stop such as were apointed to go ouer into Gascoyn, that were souldiors also of the Croysey, appointed thither vnder the leading of the Lorde Britrigale de la Brette, and certain others. When they of Portesmouth vnderstode that these fiue ships were abroade, they made forth to the Sea, and meeting with their aduersaries, fought wyth them a sore cruel battaile, and in the end slew all the enimies, nine excepted, and toke all of their vessels. Dyuers French shippes taken by the En|glishmen. An other fleet of English men took viij. fre(n)ch ships, which had aboord .1500. tonnes of good wines, that comforted the Englishmen greatly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the feaſt of al Saint [...] was a parliamẽt holden at London,A parliament at London. in which was granted to the K. one moytie of a fifteenth by ye laytie, & ſhortly after, a maytie of a tenth by the clergie.The temporal|ties of the bi|shoprike of Norvvich ſey|ſed into the kings handes for the bishops diſobedience. Moreo|uer the K. toke into his hands the temporalties yt belonged to the Biſhop of Norwich, bicauſe he obeyed not the kings cõmendemẽt when he was ſent for at the time when he toke the ſeas to paſſe into Flanders. The knights alſo ye had not ſhe|wed ſuch obedience to the biſhop as was requi|ſite in that iorney, were cõnulted to priſon, but ſhortly after they were ſet at libertie vpon ſure|ties, that vndertooke for them: it was alſo de|creed in this parliament, that the Erle of Buc|kingã the kings vncle ſhoulde goe to the borders againſt Scotland with a thouſand launces, and ij.M. Archers, to repreſſe the preſumptuous at|tempts of the Scots, who aduertiſed therof, ſent embaſſadors to treat of peace, but they were diſ|patched home againe, withoute obteyning that which they came to ſue for. At the motion & in|ſtance of the duke of Britain, immediatly vpon the returne of the Engliſh armie out of Flaun|ders, there was a meeting of certain commiſſio|ners in the marches of Caleys,A treatie of peace betvven Englande and Fraunce. at a place called Lelleghen, for the treatie of a peace to be con|cluded betwixte the two Realmes of Englande and Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There appeared for king Richard, the duke of Lancaſter, and his brother ye Erle of Bucking|ham, ſir Iohn Hollande brother to the Kyng, Sir Thomas Percye, and a Biſhop. For the EEBO page image 1046 Frenche king, thither came the Dukes of Be [...]y and B [...]gongne, the Biſhop of Laon, and the Chauncellor of Fraunce. There were alſo the duke of Britain, & the erle of Flanders. Alſo there came a biſhop with other cõmiſſioners from the king of Spayne: for the Frenchmen would no|thing doe except the K. of Spayne might be alſo compriſed in the treatie and concluſion. They were .iij. wekes in cõmoning of an agreemente: but when nothing elſe coulde be brought to paſſe they concluded a truce to endure till the feaſte of S. Michaell,A truce taken [...] betvvene En| [...]glande and [...] Fraunce. which ſhoulde be in the yeare .1384. The erle of Flãders was iudged moſt in blame, for yt no peace could be accorded, bicauſe he wold not that the Gantiners ſhould be compriſed ther|in, but the Engliſhmen would not agree either to truce or peace, except regard might be had of the Gantiners, as their frends and alies. The kings of Spayn and Scotland were compriſed in this truce as confederates to the Frenchmen, whiche ſhuld haue ſignified the ſame into Scotlande, but did not, til great harme folowed through negli|gẽce vſed in that matter, as after ye ſhal perceiue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.The ſame yere in the nighte of the feaſt of the Purification of our Lady, great lightenings and thunders chaunced, which put many in no ſmall feare, ſo huge and hideous was that tempeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after, there roſe no ſmall adde in the citie of London about the electiõ of their Maior: for ſuch as fauored the late Maior Io.Great conten|tion aboute the election of the Maior of Lon|don. de Nor|thamton, otherwiſe called Iohn de Comberton, ſtood againſt ſir Nicholas Brambre knight that was choſen to ſucceede the ſayde Iohn de Nor|thampton, inſomuch that a ſhoemaker that was one of the ſame Iohn de Northamptons parta|ke [...]s, profuine through a number of wy [...] were ready to fauor ha [...],Sir Robert Knolles. to take vppon [...] May [...] but through the counſell of ſir [...] K [...]tſis knyght, he was ſodeinly vpp [...] [...] drawne, and be handed as [...]ell, an [...] [...] the kings peace. In the Lent ſeaſon, the [...] of Lancaſter with his brother the Erle de B [...]|kingham wẽt towards the borders,The duke of Lancaſter [...]| [...]adeth Scot [...] vvith [...] hauing [...] him a mightie power of knights, eſquiers, & Ar|chers, and after he had remained a certain tyme vpon the borders,Ed [...] [...]+de [...]e. about Eaſter he entred Scot|land, and cõming within three myles of [...]+burghe, he ſtayed there a three dayes, [...] meane tyme the Scottes conueyed all thilt goo|des out of the towne ouer the water of [...] ſo that when the armie came thither, they [...] nothing but bare walles, which grieued [...] [...]|diours not a little. The Scots would not [...] forth to giue any battaile to the Engliſhmẽ, but got them into woods and mountains, or elſe paſ|ſed ouer the riuer of Firth, ſuffering the Engliſh|men to fight with the vehemẽt cold wether, that then ſore anoyed thoſe parts, in ſo much that [...]n Eaſter daye at nighte thorough ſnowe that fell, and ſuche extreme colde and boyſterous ſtormes as ſore afflicted the Armye, beeing encamped within the cõpaſſe of a mareis grounde for their more ſuertie: there died aboue .v. hundred horſſes,Great death of horſes and [...] in the Englishe [...]oſte, by rea|ſon of extreme colde. to let paſſe the loſſe of men that periſhed the ſame time, of whom we make no mẽtion. To cõclude after the duke & his brother the Erle had remai|ned a tyme thus in Scotlande, and brent certain townes, they returned into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, to witte,A parliament at Salisburie. in the Quin|dene of Eaſter, a parliament of the nobles was [figure appears here on page 1046] holden at Saliſbury, during the which, an Iriſh fryer of the order of the Carmelites,An Irish fryer appeacheth the duke of Lanca|ſter of treaſon. being a ba|cheler in diuinitie, exhibited to the king a bill a|gainſte the Duke of Lancaſter, charging hym wyth heynous treaſons: as that he ment vpon a ſodayne to deſtroye the Kyng, and to vſurpe the Crowne, ſhewyng the tyme, place and circum|ſtaunces of the whole contryued matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1047The king being yong both in yeares and diſ|cretion, when he had heard the Fryers informa|tion, called two of his Chaplaynes vnto hym, one ſir Nicholas Slake, and an other, and aſked their aduiſe what they thoughte good to be done in ſuch a weighty cauſe: And as they were buſye in talk about ye ſame, the duke of Lãcaſter came into the kings chamber after his wonted maner, not vnderſtanding any thing of the mater wher|of they were in talk. The king with a ſtern coũ|tenance beheld the duke, not doing him the honor that he was accuſtomed. The Duke ſuſpecting that the king had ſomwhat in his head ye touched his perſon, withdrew: In the mean time thoſe ij. that were thus in coũſel wt the king, fearing hap|ly the Dukes power, or els vpon good will they bare towards him, perſwaded the king that in a|ny wiſe he ſhould call him to ſee and heare what was laid to his charge. The duke after he had red the bill of his accuſation, made ſuch anſwere, & ſo excuſed himſelf in declaring his innocencie, that the king gaue credite to his words, and receiued his excuſe: herewith the duke beſought the king, that the Frier might be kept in ſafegarde, till the time came that he might purge himſelfe of that he had charged him with, & that the Lorde Iohn Holland the Kings halfe brother might haue the cuſtodie of hym till the day appointed, that the Duke ſhould come to his full triall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The night before whiche day, the ſayd Lord Holland, and ſir Henry Greene, knight, came to this Fryer, and putting a corde about his necke, tied the other end about his priuie members, and after hanging hym vp from the grounde,A [...]rable & [...]l [...]ure. layde a ſtone vpon his bely, with the weight wherof, and peyſe of his body withall, he was ſtrangled and tormented, ſo as his very back bone burſt in ſun|der therewith, beſides the ſtrayning of his priuie members: and thus with three kind of tormen|tings, be ended his wretched lyfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morow after, they cauſed his dead corps to be drawne about the town, to the end it might appeare, he had ſuffered worthily for his greate falſehoode and treaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the Parliament. At length when the K. had obteined of the laytie a graunt of an halfe .xv. the ſame parliament was diſſolued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſommer folowing the borderers of En|gãld & Scotlãd,A reade into [...]. made rodes ech into others coũ|tries, to the great diſquieting of both the realms.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongs other roades that the Engliſhmenne made ſhortely after Eaſter (as Froiſſarte hath) the Earles of Northumberlande and Not|tingham, reyſing an armye of two thouſande ſpeares, and ſix thouſande Archers, entred Scot|lande by Rockeſburgh, brente the countreye e|uen to Edenburgh, and ſo returned without da|mage. In the meane time came meſſengers frõ from the Frenche king to aduertiſe the Scottes of the concluſion of the truce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Scots prouoked with this laſt inua|ſion made by the Engliſhemen into theyr coun|trey, wold not heare of any truce, till they had in parte reuenged their diſpleaſure vpon the En|gliſhemen:One miſchiefe aske the ano|ther. And ſo wyth certaine men of armes of Fraunce, that lately before were come thy|ther, not yet vnderſtandyng of any truce, they roaded into Northumberland, doing what miſ|chief they might: ſo that for the Sommer ſeaſon of this yeare, eyther part ſought to endomage o|ther, as Walſingham hath: although Froiſſart write, yt through the earneſt trauaile of the meſ|ſengers that came to intimate the abſtinence of warre takẽ, the parties now that their ſtomacks were wel eaſed with the enterchange of endoma|ging either others confines, agreed to bee quiet, and ſo the truce was proclaimed in both realms, and accordingly obſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the beginning of Auguſt in the eighte yeare of this kings reigne, An. reg. 8. The Duke of Lancaſter ſente into Fraunce to treate of a peace. the duke of Lancaſter went ouer agayn into France, to treate of peace, but after he had remained there a long time, and ſpent no ſmal ſtore of treaſure, he returned with a truce, to endure only till the firſt day of Maye then next enſuyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whilſt the duke o [...] Lancaſter was thus forth of the realme, Iohn [...]f Northampton,Iohn de Nor|thampton late Maior of Lon|dõ cõdemned to perpetuall pri|ſon and all his goodes confiſ|cate. that had borne ſuche rule in the Citie of London, why|leſt hee was Mayre, and alſo after, (as partely ye haue heard) was accuſed by a Chaplain (that he had in his houſe) of ſeditious ſturres, whiche he went about, ſo that being arraigned therof, he was in the ende condemned to perpetual priſon, and the ſame not to be within the ſpace of one hundred miles at the leaſt of the citie of London. All his goodes were confiſcated, and ſo hee was ſent to the Caſtell of Tyntagill, in Cornewall, and the Kyngs officers ſeyſed vppon his goodes and cattels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the feaſt of Saint Martine, a parlia|ment was called at London, in whiche money was demaunded of the clergie and temporaltie, towards the mayntenance of the kings warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 During this parliamente alſo,A Combate. a combat was fought within liſts betwixt an engliſh Eſquier, named Io. Walſhe, & an Eſquier of Nauarre, that accuſed the ſaid Walche of treaſon, though not iuſtly, but moued through diſpleſure, concei|ued of an iniury don to him by the ſame Walch whileſt he was vnder captain or vice deputie, as we may cal him of Chierburgh,The Appeltane being vanqui|shed is adiud|ged, to be han|ged. in abuſing the Nauarrois wife. Whervppon when the Na|uarrois was vãquiſht, & confeſt ye trouth, he was adiudged by the K. to be drawne to the place of execution, and hanged, notwithſtãding that the Quene & diuers other made erneſt ſute for him. EEBO page image 1048 Alſo before that this parliament was diſſolued, newes came foorth of the North partes, that the Scots had won the caſtel of Berwike:Barvvike ca|ſtel vvonne by the Scottes. for which the Erle of Northumberland that was captaine thereof, was put in high blame, for that he hadde not committed the keeping thereof to more cir|cumſpect perſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter that bare no good will to the ſaide Earle, was well apayde that he had ſo good mater to charge his aduerſarie with|al, ſo that through his meanes the Erle of Nor|thumberlande, was ſore accuſed, and had muche adoe to eſcape the daunger of beeyng reputed a traytour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon great occaſion of malice and diſ|pleaſure grew betwixt thoſe two noble perſona|ges as after it well appered. But howſoeuer the matter was handled, the Earle was licenced by the king to go into his coũtrey, & ſeke to recouer agayne poſſeſſion of the caſtell thus lately loſte. Wherevpon he reyſing an armie,Bervvike ca|ſtel recouered by the Earle of Northumber|lande. and beſiegyng the Scots that were within ye caſtel, ſo conſtray|ned them, that for the ſumme of .2000. markes they ſurrendred the fortreſſe into his hands, their liues and goodes ſaued: and ſo the Erle of Nor|thumberlande recouered the Caſtell againe out of the Scottiſhmennes handes, beeing taughte to committe it to more warie kepers than the o|ther before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being incenſed againſt the duke of Lancaſter,1385 meant that he ſhuld haue bin arreſted and arraigned of certain points of treaſon before ſir Robert Tryſſyllyan chiefe Iuſtice (as Tho. Walſing ſayth) and peraduenture there might be ſome ſuche reporte, that ſuche was the Kings meaning: But yet how this may ſtand, conſide|ring he was to be tried by his peeres, in caſe that any the like matter had bin pretended, I ſee not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter get|teth him to hys caſtell of Pont|faet, and forti|fyeth it.But how ſoeuer it was, he being warned ther|of by ſome of the counſell, got him to his caſtell of Pont [...]ret, which he fortified, and banded him ſelf ſo with his frendes, that it appeared he wold defend his cauſe with force of armes, rather than to come to his tryall by order of lawe afore ſuch a Iudge: and by reaſon hereof, it was greately doubted, leaſt ſome ciuile warre wold haue bro|ken foorth.The Princeſſe of VVales ma|keth an attone|ment betvvene the kyng & the duke of Lan|caſter. But through the earneſt labor of the kings mother that notwithſtanding hir indiſpo|ſition of bodie to trauaile, by reaſon of hir corpu|lencie) riding to and fro betwixt them, made an agreement betwixt the Kyng hir ſonne, and the Duke, to hir greate comforte and contentation of mynde, and no leſſe ſuretie of quietneſſe to the whole realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme the Frenche kyng had a great fleete of Shippes in Flaunders, ſo that it was doubted leaſte he meant ſome inuaſyon in|to Englande. Wherevppon there was ſente to the ſea the Lorde of Saincte Iohnes, and [...] Thomas Percye wyth a ſtrong Nauyes [...] they didde no good, ſufferyng the Frenche [...] dyuers tymes to paſſe by them, and not [...] offered to ſette vpon them: But the Shippes [...] Porteſmouth and Dertemouth, beſtirred th [...]+ſelues better: for entirng into the riuer of Say [...],The [...] P [...] [...] be [...] [...] they drowned foure of theyr enimyes ſhyppes, and tooke other foure, wyth a Barque of the Lorde Cliſſons, one of the fayreſt that was to be founde eyther in Fraunce or Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In theſe veſſelles the Engliſhemenne h [...] a ryche praye of Wynes, and other Merch [...]+dyſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng vppon ſome occaſion tooke great diſpleaſure agaynſt William Courteney Arch|biſhoppe of Canterburye, ſtormyng againſt him ſo, as fewe durſte ſpeake any thyng in hys ex|cuſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord Chancellour Michael de la [...]le ſeemyng to fauour his cauſe, was lykely to haue runne in hygh diſpleaſure. Syr Thomas Tri|uet, and Syr Iohn Deuereux intreatyng for hym, were ſore rebuked at hys handes. Yet at length after that the Archebyſhoppe was wyth|drawne & had kept hym cloſe for a tyme, he was thorough mediation of ſome freendes, recounci|led to the kinges fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme the Frenche kyng [...] into Scotlande the Admyrall of Fraunce, Ia. M [...]r. Froiſſart. The Frenche king [...] the [...] with a thouſande men of armes, knyghtes, and Eſ|quiers, beſides Croſſebowes and other to ioyne with the Scots, and to make warres in Englãd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes encouraged wyth thys newe ayde, ſente to them out of Fraunce, leuyed a po|wer, and ſo together wyth the Frenchemenne,The Sco [...] made the [...]+tion of [...] enter into the Englyſhe confynes, and beginne to rob and ſpoyle, and further tooke certain Ca|ſtels and houſes of defence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King of Englande aduertiſed hereof,An. reg. 9. aſ|ſembled an huge power of menne of warre, and fyrſte ſente before hym the Duke of Lancaſter wyth parte of the Armye,The K. goeth vvith an anye agaynſt the Scottes. and afterward follo|wed hymſelfe, wyth all conuenyent ſpeed [...] myght bee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At hys commyng into the parties aboute Yorke, he was enformed that the Scottes and Frenchemen were withdrawne vppon the duke of Lancaſters approche towardes them, but the kyng thought to kepe on his iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whyleſt hee was lodged in thoſe parties a greate myſchaunce happened by reaſon of vari|aunce that fell betwixte certayne perſones of the retinewe of Sir Iohn Hollande brother vnto the Earle of Kente,Variaunce [...]+tvvene ſ [...] Holland [...]+uants [...] Richard Stafforde [...]. and halfe brother to the Kyng, and other of the retinue of the Lorde Rycharde Stafforde, ſonne to the Earle of Stafforde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1022The cauſe of their falling out was aboute a knight of Boheme, called ſir Miles, that was come to ſee the Queene. This Knight kepte companie moſte an end with the L. Richarde Stafforde, and chauncing to be at words with twoo of Sir Iohn Hollandes ſeruantes, there came twoo Archers perteynyng to the Lorde Stafford, which blamed them, that were ſo a|boute to myſuſe the ſtranger in words, as they tooke it: the ſtrife hereby grewe to that point in the ende,The Lord Ri|chard Stafford [...]layne by Sir Iohn Holland. that one of the archers ſhotte at one of ſir Iohn Hollandes ſeruantes, and ſlewe him. This miſhap being reported to ſir Iohn Hol|land, ſette him in ſuche a furie (by reaſon of the loue which he had to his ſeruant) that immedi|atly he ruſhed foorth of his lodging, to reuenge his deathe, and throughe miſfortune meeting with the Lorde Stafforde ſlewe hym, & doub|ting in what ſorte his deede myghte be taken, fled ſtraight vnto Beuerley, & there tooke San|ctuarie. The Erle of Stafford tooke this miſ|aduenture right heuily, as reaſon was, yet by|cauſe he would not trouble the hoſte nor diſap|point the iourney whiche they had in hand, vp|pon the kings promiſe that he would doe vp|right iuſtice in the mater, as ſhould be thought meete and conuenient, he bare his griefe ſo pa|tiently as he might, ſo that he wanne himſelfe muche praiſe for his wiſdome therin ſhewed. The King aduauncing forwards with his ar|my, H [...]. Boetius. K. Richard en| [...] [...] Scot|land, and ſpoy| [...] dyuers [...]s and [...]aces. came to yt borders, & entring into Scotlãd, paſſed thorough Mers and Louthian, waſting & ſpoiling all the towns, houſes and villages in his way. The abbeis of Melros, Dryburgh, & Newebottell were brente, and thoſe Monkes and other prople that were founde in the ſame were ſlaine.Edenborough [...] by king Richarde. At his comming to Edenburghe, he founde all the people fled out of the towne, but the houſes & buildings hee conſumed with fier togither with the Churche of ſaint Giles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At the humble ſute of his vncle the Duke of Lãcaſter, Holyrood houſe was preſerued from hurt, for that the ſame Duke in tyme of the re|bellion of the commons here in England, was lodged in that houſe, and found muche gentle|neſſe and frendſhippe in the Abbot & Conuent. Thus when the King had reuenged the diſ|pleſure afore receyued at the Scots & frenchmẽs hands (& remained in Edenburgh a fiue dayes) he retourned without proffer of battell, or any notable encounter. The Admirall of Fraunce was earneſtly in hande with the Scottiſh lords to perſwade them to haue gyuen battell to the Engliſhe army,The Frenche admirall per|ſwadeth the Scottes to [...] vvith the English h [...]e. till he & diuers other Knights of Fraunce were brought to the top of a moũ|taine, from whence they might beholde all the Engliſhe army, as the ſame paſſed vnderneath them, by a paſſage that laye by the foote of that mountaine: for after that they had viewed the puiſſaunce of the Engliſhmen, and as neare as they could, numbred thẽ, they had no ſuch care mindes to fight with them as before, for they eſtemed them to be a ſixe .M. men of armes & a .lx.M. archers, & other men of warre, where the Scots and Frenchmen were not paſte a .M. ſpeares and .xxx.M. of all other ſortes, and the moſte parke of thoſe but euill armed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Therefore they determined vpon an other point, which was, to inuade England in an o|ther quarter, whileſt the engliſhmen brente vp their country, and ſo they ſet forwards toward the weſt borders,The Scotts in+vade England vvhilsſt King Richarde is a ſpoiling Scot|lande. Cumberlande ſore ſpoiled by the Scottes. & paſſing ouer the mo [...]tains that deuide Northumberland from Scotland, they entred into Cumberlande, doing muche hurte in ye landes that belonged to the Lorde Mowbray, to the Earles of Nottingham, and Stafford, to the baron of Grayſtock, and to the Muſgraues. Laſtly, they came to Careleill, and boldly aſſaulted the Citie:Carlell aſſaul|ted by the Scottes. but ſir Lewes Clifforde, and ſir Thomas Muſgraue Dauye Holgraue, and diuers other worthie capitaines being within it, ſo defended the walles & gates, that their enimies g [...] ſmall aduantage: and fi|nally hearing that the engliſhe army was re|turning homewardes, the Scots and frenche|men drewe backe into Scotlande, doubting to be encloſed by the Engliſhmen, as they had bin in deed, if the Duke of Lancaſter and his bre|thrẽ, vncles to the king, might haue bin beleued,Good counſell neglected. who counſelled the king to purſue the enimies, and ſtop the paſſages through which they muſt needs paſſe in their comming backe. But the Earle of Oxforde being moſte in fauour and credit with the king, in thoſe dayes, as one that ruled all things at his pleaſure, did aduiſe him to the contrarie, by putting him in beliefe (as was ſaide) that his vncles went about to being him in daunger to be loſte and ſurpriſed of his enimies, wherevppon hee tooke the nexte way home, and ſo brake vp his iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Scottes and Frenchemen were returned into Scotlande,Polidor. the Scottiſhe Kyng hauing conceyued a iuſt diſpleaſure towardes the frenche Admirall, for that by his meanes the realme of Scotland had ſuſteined ſuch damage in that ſeaſon,A noble re|uenge. cauſed him and his frenchemen to bee diſpoiled of the moſt part of their goods, and ſente them ſo away out of hys countrey, that the Scottes might receiue ſome euen ſorte by thoſe warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare was the battell of Alg [...]ta in Portingale,There vvere 600. English|mẽ vvho vvith their bovves did greate ſer|uice as b [...] [...] and [...]or is ap+peareth. where Iohn king of Portingal diſcomfyted a great hoſt of Spaniards & frẽch|men by the helpe & policie of certain engliſhmẽ which he had there with him vnder the leading of two Eſquiers Norbery and Hartelle. The [...] EEBO page image 1050 were ſlaine diuers Erles and greate Lordes of Spaniardes, but for that our writers doe not note rightly the Spaniſh names, but write thẽ corruptly as ſtrangers vſe to doe, wee here o|mit them.The King of Portingale ſen|deth ſixe Caleis to King Ri|chardes [...]de, The king of Portingale (after this victorie obteined againſte his enimies) ſent ſixe Galleis vnto the king of England to aide him agaynſte his aduerſaries, the whiche were well receyued and highlye made of by the Londo|ners and other, ſo that the Portingales had no cauſe to repent of their comming hither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenche king this yeare beſieged and wanne the towne of Dam, after he had bin at greate charges aboute it. Whileſt his Nauie returned from Scluis, wher the ſame had laine at Ancre a long time, the ſhips by tempeſt were ſcatered and wederdriuen, ſo that in the feaſt day of the Exaltation of the croſſe, two of their galleis, a great ſhip a barge and .vij. balengers were caſte a ſhore aboute Callais, and the Ca|liſians tooke .v. C. frenchemen and Normans that eſcaped to land. An other day .lxxij. french ſhips (as they were comming from Scluis, to paſſe by Calleis,A good victory of them of Cal|lais againſte the Frenche fleete were mette wyth by them of Callais, who behaued themſeues ſo manfully that they tooke .xviij. of thoſe frenche ſhips and a great Barke, in whiche three ſcore armed mẽ were ſlaine before it coulde be taken. Within three dayes after this the Caliſians mette .xlv. other frenche ſhips, and after .vj. houres fight obteyned the victorie, taking three of the moſte principall veſſels, wherof one being a Hulke of Eaſtlande was hired by the Normans, to gard the reſidue. The other .ij. that were taken were of ſuche molde, that they coulde not enter into the Hauen at Callais, and therefore were ſente to Sandwiche, the one of them beeing a newe ſhippe, the lord Cliſſon had bought at Scluis, paying for hir three thouſand frankes. On S. Denis day the ſouldiors of Callais and other Engliſh fortreſſes there abouts,The Caliſians & others make a roade into Fraunce and vvinne greate booties. made a ſecrete iourney into Fraunce, and got a bootie of foure M. ſheepe, and three hundreth heade of greate cattell whiche they droue towards theyr holdes, and as ye lord de Rambures gouernor of Bol|longne wold haue recouered ye pray, he was vn+horſed with the rencounter of an engliſh ſpeare & being releued by his companie, and mounted againe, withdrewe himſelf, not attempting to trie any further maſtries, and ſo the engliſhmẽ ſafely paſſed forthe with their bootie of cattell, and aboue a hundreth good priſoners which they had taken at this roade. In this .ix yeare a|boute the feaſt of ſaint Martin,Fabian. the king called his highe Courte of parliament at Weſtmin|ſter,Creation of Dukes and Earles at the parliament, in the whiche amongſt other thinges there concluded, he created two Dukes, a Marques, and .v. Earles. Firſt Edmund Langley erle of of Cambridge the Kinges vncle, was [...] Duke of Yorke, Thomas of Woodſto [...] other vncle, Erle of Buckingham, was [...] Duke of Glouceſter, Robert Vere erle of Ox|forde was made Marques of Deuelin: Henry of Bollingbrooke, ſonne and heire to Iohn de Gaunt duke of Lancaſter,Henry of [...] Earle of D [...] [...] King. was created Earle of Darbie: Edwarde Plantagenet ſonne and heire to the Duke of Yorke, was made erle of Rutlande: Michaell lorde de la Poole chaun|cellor of England was created erle of Suffolk and ſir Thomas Moubray erle of Notingham was made earle Marſhall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo by auctoritie of this parliament, Ro|ger lorde Mortimer earle of March,The Lorde M [...] [...] of Marche [...] appeare in the [...] ſonne and heire of Edmund Mortimer Earle of Marche and of the Lady Phillippe eldeſt daughter and heire vnto Lionell Duke of Clarence, thirde ſonne to king Edwarde the third, was eſtabli|ſhed heire aparant to the crown of this realme and ſhortlye after ſo proclaimed. The whiche erle of Marche anone after the end of the ſame parliament, ſailed into Ireland to his lordſhip of Vlſter, wherof he was owner by right of his ſaide mother: but whileſt he remained there to pacifie the rebellions of the wild Iriſhe,The Earle of Marche [...] by the vv [...] Iriſhe. a great number of them togither aſſembled, came vpon him and ſlew him, togither with the moſte part of his companie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Roger erle of Marche had iſſue Ed|munde and Roger, Anne, Ales and Eleanore,The [...] of the [...] of Marche. whiche Eleanor was made a Nunne. The .ij. ſonnes died without iſſue, and Anne the eldeſt of the daughters was married to Richarde erle of Cambridge, ſon vnto Edmunde of Lang|lie before remembred: The which Richard had iſſue by the ſaide Anne, a ſonne called Richard, that was after Duke of Yorke, and father to king Edwarde the fourth: alſo a daughter na|med Iſabell, afterwardes married to the lorde Bourcher. This Richard Erle of Cambridge was put to deathe by Henry the fifth, as after ye ſhall heare. Moreouer, in this yeare Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Darbie married a daughter & heir of Hũfrey Bohun, erle of Here+ford, in whoſe right he was after made duke of Herford, & by hir he had iſſue Henry, that after hym was K. of this realme, the Ladie Blãche Duches of Bar, and the Ladie Phillip mar|ried to the king of Denmarke: alſo Thomas Duke of Clarence, Iohn Duke of Bedforde & Humfrey duke of Glouceſter. The Gauntiners ſtill mainteined warre againſte the Earle of Flaũders during his life, and after his deceaſſe againſt Phillip duke of Burgoin, by ſuch aide and comfort as they had from time to time of the king of Englande, till finally this yeare a|boute the eighteenth day of December, a peace EEBO page image 1051 was concluded betwixt the ſaide duke, and the towne of Gaont: [...] and ſir Iohn Bourchier that had laine a long ſeaſon there, as Captain vnder Kyng of Englande, and P [...]ter de Boys one of the chiefe captaines of the Gauntiners before the concluding of this peace were ſafely con|ducted to Caleis by vertue of the duke of Bu [...]|goigne his ſafe conduit, and ſo they came ouer into Englande, and the king gaue vnto Peter de Bois a pencion of an hundreth markes ſter|lyng, yearely to be paide to him out of the ſta|ples of the woolles in London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Ar+ [...] commeth [...] Englande [...] againſt [...]e Turkes.This yere K. Richarde holding his Chriſt|maſſe at Eltham, thither came to him Leo king of Armeny, whoſe countrey and realm be|yng in daunger to be conquered of the Turkes, he was come into thoſe Weſte partes of Chri|ſtendome for aide and ſuccour at the handes of the chriſtian princes here. The king honourably receiued him, and after he had takẽ counſell tou|ching his requeſt, he gaue to him great ſu [...] of money and other riche giftes, with a ſtipende as ſome write of a .M. poundes yerely to be paide to him during his life.Tho. VValſ. After he had remained here a twoo Moneths ſpace, he tooke leaue of the king and departed. The chiefeſt point of his er|rand was, to haue procured a peace betwixt the two kings of England and Fraunce, but deſti|ny woulde not permit ſo good a purpoſe to take effect: for the hatred which either nation bare to other, woulde not ſuffer theyr loftye myndes to yeld in any one point further than ſemed good in their owne opinions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

T [...] VVal. Froiſſart. I [...]. Me [...].

1 [...]86

The duke of Lancaſter goth [...] Spayne vvith an armie.

In this nynthe yeare of Kyng Richarde, (though by other writers it ſhoulde ſeeme to bee rather in the yere folowing,) the Duke of Lan|caſter with a greate power of men of warre wente into Spain, and ledde with hym thither his wife the Ladye Conſtance, and a daughter whiche he had by hir named Katherin, and two other daughters whiche hee hadde by hys former wife: He hadde bene aboute the preparing of an armye, and all furniture neceſſarie for thys iourneye a twoo or three yeares before, and therefore hauing nowe a ſeuen galleis and eigh|teene ſhippes, ſente to hym out of Portingale, (whiche arriued at Briſtowe) he cauſed all ſuch veſſelles as be hadde prouided to reſorte likewiſe thither, where making his generall aſſemble, when all his men of warre were come togyther he beſtowed them aboorde, wyth all their horſes and purueyaunces, and cauſing ſailes to bee hoiſted vp, ſet foreward on his long wiſhed ior|ney. This was in the Moneth of Maye, when the ſeas were calme, the ayre ſwete & the winds pleſant and agreeable to his purpoſe. He apoin|ted for Admirall of his whole fleet ſir Thomas Percie, & ſir Iohn Holland that was after crea|ted erle of Huntington, and had maried one of his daughters, was ordeined Conſtable of the hoſte, and Sir Thomas Moreaux hauing mar|ried his baſtard daughter, was one of his Mar|ſhalles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were that attended him in [...] iour|ney many other Lordes and Knights of honor, as the Lorde Lucie, the Lord Val [...]at, the lord Baſſet, the Lorde Willonghby, the Lorde Fitz Walter, the lord Poinings, the lord Bradſton, ye L. of Pommiers a Gaſcoigne the L. Y [...]e Fitz Warien, Henry Lorde Beaumont. Wil|liam Lorde Beauchampe, Sir Richard Bur|ley that was another of the Marſhalles of the armye, Sir Hughe Spenſer, Sir Wyllyam Windeſor ſir Iohn Daubreticourte, ſir Hugh Haſtings, ſir Wyllyam Fartington, ſir Tho|mas Worceter, ſir Thomas Treſhã, ſir Mau|burin de [...]i [...]iers, ſir Thomas Worceter, Syr Iohn Sowtrey, ſir Roberte Clinton, ſir Phil|lippe Tirell, ſir Lewes Rocheſter, Huguelin Caluerley, Dauid Holg [...]ue, Thomas Alerie, Hobequin Beauceſter, and diuers other: they were in all to the number of fifteene hundreth men of armes, whereof a thouſande at the leaſt were Knightes and Eſquiers, beſides a foure thouſande Archers, and other men of warre, ſo perfectly appointed and arrayed, as coulde bee thought meete and conuenient. Tho. VValſ. The duke of Lancaſter lan|deth at Breſte and vvinnethe tvvo Baſtides frõ the frenche|menne. As they paſſed by Britaine, they landed at Breſte, the captaine whereof, at that time named Sir Iohn Roche, finding himſelfe greatly annoyed by the french|men that were lodged in two Baſtides erected before the Caſtell declared to the Duke in what ſtate he ſtoode. Wherevppon he cauſed the ſaide Baſtides to be aſſailed, which was done by the lorde Fitz Walter, & others, who bare thẽſelues ſo manfully, that the Baſtides were won, bro|ken downe, & a great praye with priſoners ob|teyned, although not without loſſe of diuers valiant perſonages. And thus were they within Breſt caſtell deliuered of their vnfrendly neigh|boures by the duke of Lancaſter and his people. An. reg. 10. The Duke of Lancaſter lan|deth at Groigne. Froiſſart. Le Groigne [...] Coron [...]. Who hauing done their feat tooke the ſeas, and ſailed forth till they came on the coaſtes of Gal|lice, where on S. Laurence euen, they arriued in the hauẽ of Groigne, otherwiſe called Corun, and there they vnſhipped al their prouiſions, de|termining to inuade the country on that ſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the duke had remained the [...] a moneth, he went to Copoſtella, and there ſo iorned for a ſea|ſon, during the which, his Conſtable Sir Iohn Hollande, wanne dyuers Townes and for|treſſes whiche the enimies kepte: Diuers yel|ded to the duke with better will, for that the da|cheſſe hys wyfe was there wyth him, whome they knewe to bee ryghte inherytoure to the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1052At Mouſon a towne on the confines bee|twixte Spaine and Portingale, the King of Portingal and the duke of Lãcaſter met, where they communed and tooke counſell togyther for the more ſpeedy proceding in their enterpriſe a|gainſt their aduerſaries of Caſtille.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Phillippe the Duke of Lanca|ſters daughter married to the Kyng of Portin|gale.Alſo ther was a mariage concluded betwixt the ſaide K. of Portingale, and the Lady Phil|lip daughter to the ſaide duke, whiche mariage ſhortly after was wholy conſummated, the ſaid Lady being firſt maried by procuration at Cõ|poſtella, and after ſente into Portingale righte honorably accompanied. The duke continued at Compoſtella all the Winter ſeaſon, till to|wards Marche, and then according to appoint|ment taken betwixte him, and the king of Por|tingale, at theyr beeyng togither at Mouſon, for theyr iourney to bee made into Caſtille, the ſaide King aſſembled an armye of a thouſande menne of armes, and tenne thouſande other ſouldiours,The Kyng of Portingale and the Duke of Lancaſter ioy|ning theyr ar|mies togither inuade Caſtell. wyth the whyche, entring the con|fines of Caſtille, hee firſte tooke the Towne of Feroule, and after ioyning with the Duke, who hadde in the meane whiles by his Marſhall ta|kẽ the towns of Ruelles, Ville Lopes, Poũce|voide, Dighos, Baionne in la Maroll, Ribadã, Maures, Beſanſes, and Orens, wyth others in the countrey of Gallice, they marched foorthe wyth their whole powers bothe togyther, and paſſing ouer the Riuer of Dure, entred into the countrey de Campo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Here the Engliſhe writers make mention of a batail, which ye Conſtable of Caſtille ſhuld giue to the duke, and that the victorie remained on the Dukes ſide, and the Spaniardes chaſed out of the fielde.Variaunce a|mongeſt vv [...]i|cers. But Froiſſart who liued in thoſe dayes, and learned that whiche hee wrote of thoſe that were with the Duke in his iorney, maketh no remembraunce of any ſuche thing, but that contrarily the King of Caſtille folow|ing the aduiſe of ſuche Frenchemenne as were ſente into Spaine to aide hym, cauſed all the riches of the countrey to bee brought into the walled Townes and fortreſſes, whiche he ſtuf|fed wyth men of warre, to defende them from the Engliſhemenne and Portingales, and fur|ther to cutte off their victualles, and to keepe them from hauing ſorrage abroade in the coun|trey, vnleſſe ſuche as were ſente, were garded wyth the greater Troupes for theyr ſuretie and defence. And thus beſtowing the moſte parte of all ſuche menne of warre, bothe Frenche|menne and Spanyardes, as hee coulde make in places moſte conuenient for that purpoſe, he fully determened not to giue battaile till hys enimies hadde wearied themſelues in keeping of the fields, and that a newe power was come to his aide out of Fraunce, which hee dayly loo|ked for, by whiche meanes it came to paſſe, [...] [...] the Engliſhemenne not vſed to ſuche [...] as they founde in thoſe parties in that [...] of the yeare (for it w [...] aboute) M [...] [...] fell daily into many perillous di [...], [...] no ſmall number died, and other [...] that they were not able to helpe th [...] [...] to conſider the my [...]rie in whiche they were, [...] woulde haue rued the hartes of th [...] [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Herevppon, was the duke [...] fall to a communication for a peace, which [...] the ende was accorded, thoughe [...] at th [...] in|ſtant: howbeit a truce was graunted, [...] ſuche wiſe as it might be at the Engliſhemen [...] [...] to retourne into theyr countrey, eyther by [...] or by lande, through Fraunce. Suche as paſſed through Spayne into Fraunce, hadde ſafe con|ducts ſealed and ſigned by the King of Spaine, but vnneth the halfe of thoſe that came out of Englande with the Duke, retourned thither a|gai [...]e, they died ſo faſt, aſwell after the breaking vp of their Campe, as before. Amongſt other, Froiſſart. The Lorde Fitz VV [...] there died before the breaking vp of the Campe, one of the greateſt Batous of all the companie, named the Lorde Fitz Walter, and afterwards within the Towne of Ville Arpent:I thinke that none of th [...]ſe three vv [...] Barons [...] lye the Lorde Poininges. there dy|ed (as Froiſſarte hath) three greate Barons of Englande, and menne of great poſſeſſions: ſir Rycharde Burley, a Knyghte of the Garter, who hadde bene as it were highe Marſhall of the armye: the Lorde Poyninges: and Syr Henry Percie couſin Germaine to the Earle of Northumberlande. In the Towne of Noye deceaſſed Sir Mauburin de Liniers, a Poicto|uin, and in the Towne of Ruelles dyed the Lord Talbot, and ſo here and there ſaithe Froi|ſarte, there dyed in all twelue greate Lordes,The Duke of Lancaſter [...]|turneth [...] Portingale [...] Gaſcoigne. foure ſcore Knightes, twoo hundreth Eſquiers, and of the meaner ſorte of Souldioures aboue fiue hundreth. After that the Armie was bro|ken vp, the Duke of Lancaſter and the Ducheſſe his wife went into Portingal, & there remained a ſeaſon, and then taking the ſea, ſailed to Bay|onne in the Marches of Gaſcoigne, where hee reſted a long time after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, there was communi|cation and offers made for a marriage to bee hadde beetwixte the Duke of Berry, vncle to the frenche Kyng, and the Ladye Katherine daughter to the Duke of Lancaſter, and of the Ducheſſe vys wife the Ladye Conſtance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Kyng of Spaine vnderſtoode of that treatie, he beganne to doubt, leaſte if that marriage tooke place it might tourne to hys diſaduantage, and therefore to bee at quietnes wyth the Duke of Lancaſter, whoſe puiſſance hee doubted, and whoſe wiſedome hee perfect|lye vnderſtoode, by pollitike meanes and earneſt EEBO page image 1053 ſu [...]te, at lengthe hee concluded a peace wyth hym on this wiſe,A [...]ge con|cluded betvven the Prince of Spay [...], and the [...] of Lanca|ſters daughter. that his eldeſt ſonne Henrye ſhoulde haue in marriage the Lady Katherin daughter to the Duke of Lancaſter, begotte on hys wife the Ducheſſe Conſtance, and be enti|tuled prince of Auſturgus. In conſideration of whiche marriage to bee had, and all claymes to craſte, whiche the Duke in right of hys wife might chalendge or pretende, it was agreed that the ſaide Duke ſhoulde receyue yerely the ſumme of tenne thouſande markes, to be payde to him,R. Fabian. or to his aſſigns in the citie of Baionne in Gaſcoigne, during the terme of the liues of the ſaide Duke and Ducheſſe, and further to haue in hand the ſumme of two hundreth thou|ſande nobles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This agreemente and marriage was not concluded, till aboute the thirteenth yeare of King Richardes raigne, ſo that in the meane while many incidentes chaunced in Englande and in other Regions, which in their time and places ſhall bee touched, as to purpoſe ſerueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ia. Me [...].And firſte it is not to bee forgotten, that the Frenchemenne neuer ſhewed more vanitie than they did this yeare,Froiſſart. ſith the Linage of the Ca|petes beganne firſte to rule in Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 All the ſhippes that they could prouide from the confines of Spaine, vnto the mouth of the Rhine, all alongeſt the coaſte, they aſſembled at Sluiſe, and therabout, and made ſo great pre|parations for the warre, that the like hadde not bene hearde of, (meaning as they boaſted, and made their auauntes) to paſſe ouer into Eng|lande, and to deuoure the whole countrey, in doyng ſacrifice to the ſoules of their elders with the bloude of the engliſhe people. But accor|ding to the prouerbe, The Mountaines trauell, wyth childe, and forth commeth a little mouſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 A [...]ghty great [...] of french [...]hips at Scluys [...]ng to in+ [...] England.There were numbred in the Monethe of September aboute Sluiſe, Dam, and Blank|berke .1287. ſhips, beſide thoſe whiche were rig|ged in Britain by the Conſtable, who had cau|ſed an encloſure of a field to be made of timber, like rayles or barriers, [...] [...]docere of [...] to com| [...] the frẽch [...] for the [...]. that when they were once a lande in Englande, they might therwith encloſe their field, and ſo lodge more at ſuertie, and when they remoued, it was ſo made wyth ioynts,The deſcripti| [...] of the [...]ncl| [...]. yt they might take it vp in peeces & caſt|ly cõuey it with them. This cloſure or wall of woode, was .20. foote in heigth, and conteined in lengthe or in compaſſe when it was ſette vp lij.M. paces, and at the end of euery .xij. paces ſtood a Turret able to receiue .x. men, that was higher than the reſt of the wall by .x. foote at the leaſte.Tho. VValſ. There were appointed to haue paſſed o|uer in thoſe ſhippes .xx.M. men of armes .xx.M. Croſbowes. & .xx.M. other men of warre To haue ſeene the great apparrel, furniture and prouiſiõ, the ſhiping, traſſing, bearing, and car|rying to and fro of things needeful for this ior|ney, a man might haue meruelled,Tho. VValſ. for ſurely the like hath ſeldome bin remembred. All that was done there on that ſide the ſea by the frenchmen, was notified into Englande, ſo that the frẽch|mẽ were not more occupied to prepare thẽſelues to inuade Englande, than the engliſhemẽ were to make themſelues redy to defẽd theyr countrey from all daunger of enimies,The prouiſion of the English men to reſiſte great povver oft Frẽchmen. ſo that euery hauẽ towne, eſpecially alongſt the Weſt, South and Eaſtcoaſtes, were kepte and warded wyth no|table numbers of armed men and archers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were redy wythin the realme at that ſeaſon, in one part & other an .100000. archers, & x.M. men of armes, beſide thoſe that were gon into Spaine with the duke of Lãcaſter. All this preparation laſted for the more part of the ſom|mer, euen till the beginning of winter: and ſtill the french K. that was come downe into Flaũ|ders, ſtayed for the cõming of his vncle the duke of Berry: the whiche at length in the moneth of Nouember came to Sluiſe, hauing protracted time, of purpoſe, that he might by the excuſe of Winter, cauſe this iorney to be put off till ano|ther ſeaſon. Wherin he ſhewed more wit thã all ye coũſelors which ye french king had about him: for if he had not politikely ſhifted off the matter, the K. had landed here in England, to the great daunger of his perſone and loſſe of hys people. And yet if we ſhall beleue writers that liued in thoſe days, by reaſon of the bruit that was ſpred throughe the realme, of that huge preparation which the french king made to inuade this land, no ſmall feare entred into the hartes of many,The Londo|ners eſpecially afrayd of the French forces namely of the Londoners, who as if the enimies had bin alreadie landed, beſturred them, in ma|king what prouiſiõ they might for their defẽce, thoughe it ſeemed by their manner of doings, they ſtoode in doubt leaſte the whole realme had not bin able to make ſufficient reſiſtance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In deede diuers were the more afraide, for that they perceiued,Diſſention a|mong the no|ble men. howe the barons and great lordes agreed not in many pointes among thẽ|ſelues, and ſo being not of one minde, the wiſer ſorte doubted leaſt throughe their diſagreeing in that troubleſome time, ſome daunger mighte growe to the ſtate of the whole reealme.Froiſſart. Not|withſtanding no ſmal number of others, wiſhed nothing more than that the french king in go|ing forward with his purpoſe, might haue come ouer, not doubting but that be ſhold haue foũd ſuch a welcom, as wold haue bẽ litle to his eaſe. About the feaſte of ſaint Michaell, a parliamẽt was called and holden at London, Tho. VValſ. A parliament at London, and wyth|all greate numbers of menne of armes and Archers were appoynted to come and lye a|boute London, that they might be ready to EEBO page image 1054 marche forthwith agaynſt the enimies whenſo|euer it chaunced them to lande. Thus all the townes and villages twenty miles in compaſſe round about Londõ, were ful of men of armes and archers, lying as it had bin in campe, and wanting both victuals and money, they were driuen to ſpoile, and to take by violence what they might get. At lengthe after they had layne thus to ſmall purpoſe along ſeaſon, they were licenced to departe home, with commaundemẽt to bee readie to retourne againe vppon the firſte ſummonaunce: Many of them were conſtrey|ned throughe neceſſitie, to ſell their horſes, and armour, and ſome to ſpoyling and robbing as they wente homewarde, not ſparing what they might laye their handes vppon. Althoughe the menne of warre were diſmiſſed home, the par|liamẽt yet continued, & the lordes ſtill remained at London, hearening ſtill for the french kings comming.Roberte Veer Marques of Dub [...]n created Duke of Irelãd. The Lorde Roberte Veer Earle of Oxford, whom the king in the laſt parliament hadde made Marques of Dubeline,A bill exhibi|ted by the lo|vver houſe in this parliament againſt the erle of Suffolke lord Chauncello [...]r. A vvicked purpoſe pre|uented. was nowe in this parliament created duke of Ireland: the other lordes ſore enuying ſo high preferremente in a man that ſo little deſerued, as they tooke it: for by reaſon of the kings immoderate affection whiche he bare not onely to this noble man, but alſo to the lorde Michaell de la Poole, whome he had lately created Erle of Suffolke, and af|ter aduaunced him to the office of lorde Chaun|cellor, as before yee haue hearde, not onely the lords, but alſo the cõmons ſore grudged at ſuche their high preferrement, in ſo muche that in this preſent parliament, the knightes and burgeſſes of the lower houſe, exhibited a bill agaynſte the lorde Chauncellor, of diuers crimes whiche they laide to his chardge, and ſo vſed the matter, with the helpe of the Lordes, that in the ende in ſome reſpect they had their willes agaynſte hym, con|trarie to the kings mind, as after may appeare. And where the King had demaunded a relief of money towards the mainteinãce of his eſtate, & chardges of the warres, it was aunſwered, that he needed not any ta [...]lage of his ſubiectes, ſith he might furniſhe hymſelfe wyth ſuche a ſumme at the handes of the ſaid Earle, that was iuſtely indebted vnto hym therein, as they were able well to proue. But the kyng was nothyng here|with contented, conceyuyng no ſmall diſplea|ſure, aſwell agaynſt them of the lower houſe, as againſte the Lordes in the vpper, for fauouring them in the lower, in matters that went ſo ſore againſte his minde. Herevppon as was ſaide, (whether trulye or otherwiſe, the Lorde know|eth) by a conſpiracye begon betwixte the kyng and ſuche as were moſte in fauour wyth hym, it was deuiſed,Richarde [...]x|ton iuſtly con|tended. that the Duke of Glouceſter (as principall) and ſuche other Lordes as fauoured the knights and burgeſſes in their ſuite [...] the Earle of Suffolke, [...] and were [...] [...]+gainſte the Kyng in his demaunde of [...] ſhoulde hee willed to a ſupper in [...] to bee murthered. But the Duke [...] ſome meanes to vnderſtande of th [...]s [...] practiſe, hadde no deſire to take parte of [...] ſupper where ſuche ſharpe ſ [...]ce was [...] and with all gaue warning to the reſidue, [...] they likewiſe ſhould not come there, but to con|tent thẽſelues wyth their owne ſuppers at their lodginges. It was ſaid, that ſir Nicholas [...]|ber, who had bin Maior the yeare before, [...] promiſed his aſſiſtaunce in the execution of the horrible facte: but throughe the commendable conſtancie of Richard Exton that was Maior this yeare, being moued by the king for his fur|theraunce therein, and denying flatly to conſent to the deathe of ſuche innocent perſones, that heynous practiſe was omitted. Thys matter being broughte to lighte, the hatred and ma|lice whiche men bare to ſuche counſellors of the king greatly increaſed and the Duke of Glou|ceſter and ſuche as withſtoode the King, daylye grewe more and more into the peoples fauour At length yet throughe the earneſt ſuite of ſome of the greate lordes,A [...] [...]+ted & appoin|ted to be [...] according to the [...] the nobilitie. there was graunted to the king halfe a tenthe and halfe a fifteenthe, whiche ſhould not be ſpent at the pleaſure of the prince, but by the order and appoyntment of the ſayde lordes, and ſo at lengthe the Earle of Arundell was apointed to receyue it,Gr [...] and Henry of Lei+ceſter. to furniſh him with a Nauie to the ſeas. But beefore this payment might be graunted, there was muche a doe, and harde holde ye may be ſure: for where the ſaide Earle of Suffolke then lorde Chauncellour, at the firſt had demaunded of the commons in the kinges name foure fifteenes, for with leſſe (ſaid he,) the king could not mainteine his eſtate and the warres which he had in hande. The whole body of the parliament made aunſwer therein, that without the king were preſent (for hee was then at Eltham) they coulde make therein no aunſwere at all: and heerewith they tooke occa|ſion at lengthe to ſaye further, that excepte the ſaid Earle of Suffolke were remoued from the office of Chauncellorſhip, they would medle no further with any acte in this parliament, were it neuer of ſo ſmall importance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The king being aduertiſed heereof,Diſcent [...] [...]+tvveene the King and the parliament houſe. ſente a|gaine to the commons, that they ſhoulde ſende vnto Eltham (where he lay) fortie of the wiſeſt and beſt lerned of the cõmon houſe, the whiche in the name of the whole houſe ſhoulde declare vnto him their mindes: and then the houſe was in no ſmall feare, by reaſon of a brute that was raiſed, howe the Kyng ſought meanes to en|trappe and deſtroye them that followed not his EEBO page image 1055 purpoſe Herevppon aſwell the lordes of the vp|per houſe as the commons of the lower, aſſem|bled togither, and agreed with one conſẽt, that the duke of Glouceſter,The Duke of Glouceſter and the Biſhoppe of [...] to the [...] vvhole bodie of the parliament. and Thomas Arundell biſhop of Elie ſhould in the name of the whole parliament be ſente to the king vnto Eitham: which was done, and the king was well con|tented that they ſhould come. When they came before his preſence, with humble reuerence they declared their meſſage, which conſiſted in theſe points:Their requeſtes [...] the King. That the lords and commons aſſembled at that preſente in parliament, be ſought him of his lawful fauor, that they might liue in peace & tranquilitie vnder him. They further declared, that one olde ſtatute and laudable cuſtome was approued,And oftner if [...]eede require. whiche no man could deny, that the Kyng once in the yeare might lawfully ſom|mon his highe Courte of parliament, and call the Lordes and commons therevnto, as to the higheſt Courte of his realme, in which Courte all right and equitie ought to ſhine as the Sun being at the higheſt, whereof poore & riche may take refreſhing,The cauſes and [...]ions of a [...]ment. where alſo reformation ought to be had of al oppreſſions, wrongs, extortions and enormities within the realme, and there the king ought to take counſell with the wiſe men of his realme, for the maintenance of his eſtate, and conſeruation of the ſame. And if it mighte be knowen that any perſons within the realme or without, intended the contrarie, there muſte alſo be deuiſed howe ſuche euill weedes maye be deſtroyed. There muſte alſo be ſtudied and foreſeene, that if any chardge doe come vppon the King and realme, how it may be honorably borne and diſcharged. Further, they declared that til that preſẽt his ſubiects, as was thought, had louingly demeaned themſelues towardes him, in aiding him with their ſubſtaunce to the beſte of their powers, and that their deſire was to vnderſtande howe thoſe goodes were ſpente. And further they ſaid, they had one thing to de+clare vnto hym, how that by an olde ordinance it was enacted, [...] of the [...] from the [...] for ſpace of al [...] [...]es. that if the king ſhoulde abſente himſelfe fortye dayes, not being ſicke, and re|fuſe to come to the Parliament, withoute re|garde to the chardges of his people, and their greate paines, they then may lawfully returne home to their houſes: and therefore ſith he had bin abſent a long time, and yet refuſed to come among them, [...]he Kynges [...]vvere. it was greately to their diſcom|fort. To this the Kyng as we find, made this aunſwere: Well, we doe perceiue that our peo|ple and commons, goe aboute to riſe againſt vs: wherfore wee thinke wee cannot doe bet|ter than to aſke aide of our couſin the french K. & rather ſubmit vs vnto hym, than to our owne ſubiects. The lordes aunſwered, that it ſhoulde not be good for him ſo to doe, but a way rather to bring him into extreme daunger, ſith it was plaine enough, that the frenche Kyng was hys auncient enimie and greateſt aduerſarie, who if he might once ſ [...]t foote in the realme of Eng|lande, he would rather diſpoile, and diſpoſſeſſe the Kyng of hys kingdome, than to put hys helping hande to relieue hym: hee might (they ſaide) call to rememberaunce, howe hys noble progenito [...]re Kyng Edwarde the thirde, hys Grandfather and Prince Edward hys father, hadde trauailed in heate and colde wyth great anguiſhe and troubles inceſſantly, to make a conqueſt of Fraunce, that rightfully appertey|ned vnto them, and nowe to hy [...] in whiche warres he might likewiſe remember how ma|ny Lordes, noble men, and good commons of bothe Realmes had loſte their liues and what chardges bothe the Realmes likewiſe bare in mainteining thoſe warres and nowe (the [...]|pitie) greater burthens were laide vppon the neckes of the engliſhe ſubiect [...] for the ſupporta|tion of his charges by reaſon wherof, they wer ſo lowe brought (ſaid they) that they haue not to pay their rents, & ſo by ſuch meanes was his power decaied, his lords brought behind hãd,VVealthe of the people in the glorye of the Prince and ſuretie of his raigne. & al his people ſore enpoueriſhed & as that Kyng cannot be poore that hath riche people, ſo cannot he be rich that hath poore cõmons: & as he tooke hurte by ſuch inconueniences [...]haũcing through euill counſellours that were aboute hym, ſo the lords and noblemen ſuſteined no leſſe hurt eche one after his eſtate and calling. And if remedie were not in time prouided through his helping hand, the realme muſt needes fall in ruine, and the default ſhould be imputed to hym & to thoſe his euill counſellors. By theſe & the like perſua|ſions, the K. was induced to come to the parlia|ment, & according to his appointment, he came indeede.Change of offi|cers by the parliament. Soone after his comming was Iohn Fortham byſhop of Durham diſchardged of his office of Lord Treaſorer, and in his place was appoynted one Iohn Gilberte, Byſhoppe of Hereforde, that was a Frier of the order of preachers, a man more eloquent than faithfull, as ſome reported of hym. Alſo the Earle of Suffolke was diſchardged of hys office of Lorde Chauncellour, and Thomas Arundell Byſhoppe of Elye placed in hys roomthe, by whole conſent of the Parliament. The ſame Earle of Suffolke was chardged wyth ma|ny and right great enormious crimes, fraudes, falſeties, and treaſons, whiche hee hadde prac|tized, to the great preiudice of the Kyng and Realme,The Earle of Suffolke gre|uouſly ned by the Parliament houſe for ſun|dry his off [...]ces. and thervpon was cõmitted to warde in the Caſtell of Windſor. Notwythſtanding they adiudged him not to death, as ſome write, nor diſgraded him of ye honor of knighthood, but condemned him to pay a fine of .xx.M. marks, EEBO page image 1056 and alſo to forfeit .j. M. poũds of yerely rentes which hee had purchaſed. But other write, that notwithſtanding the K. was ſore offended for the accuſations brought againſt the ſaid erle of Suffolke and others, whom he loued, and was lothe to heare any euill of, yet he was conſtrei|ned at length after he had ſhifted off the matter by ſundry deuiſes, to appoint certaine perſones with full power and auctoritie to heare, and in iudgement to determine thoſe matters. The duke of Glouceſter therefore, and the Earle of Arũdell were apointed as iudges, (which whi|leſt the King as yet was abſent, who got hym forth of the way of purpoſe, bycauſe he woulde not be preſent at the condẽnatiõ of thoſe whome hee moſte entirely [...]oned and fauoured) wente earneſtly in hande with their buſines, and ſo at length (as Walſinghã hath) the earle of Suf|folke was conuict, & found giltie of ſundry cri|mes, treſpaſſes, & naughtie partes: for which it was thought, that he deſeened to loſe his life & goods, but he was yet ſuffred (as ye ſame Wal|ſinghã ſai [...]th) to goe abroade vnder fuerty, cer|taine great men being bounde for him in great ſums of mony. But what order ſo euer was ta|ken for the puniſhmẽt of him, ſure it is, hee was diſplaced frõ his office of chaũcellorſhip, as be|fore ye haue heard: and further the lords, & other eſtates in this parliamẽt, cõſidering yt through couetouſneſſe of the newe depoſed officers, the kings treſure had bin imbeſelde, leudly waſted, & prodigally ſpent,XIII. lordes appointed by Parliament to haue the g [...]+uernement of the realme vnder the king. nothing to his profit, there wer in this parliamẽt .xiij. lords choſen, to haue ouerſight vnder the K. of ye whole gouernment of the realme, as by their cõmiſſiõ in the ſtatuts of the .x. yere of this king it dothe in ye booke of ſtatutes at large apeare. Of theſe .xiij. ther wer iij. of the new officers named, as the biſhop of Elie L. chaũcellor, ye biſhop of Herford L. trea|ſorer, & Nich. Abbot of Waltham L. keeper of the priuy ſeale, ye other .x. were theſe, Wil. arch|biſhop of Canterbury: Alexãder archebiſhop of Yorke: Edmũd Langly duke of Yorke: Tho. Duke of Glouceſter: Wil. biſhop of Winche|ſter: Tho. biſhop of Exceſter: Rich. erle of A|rũdel: Rich. L. Scrope, & Iohn L. Deberoux

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Moreouer, at yt kings inſtance and earneſt ſute it was graũted, ye Rob. de Veer late Mar|ques of Dublin, & nowe newly created Duke of Ireland, ſhuld haue & receiue to his own vſe xix.M. markes, that ye frenchmen were to giue for ye heires of the L. Charles de Blois, that re|mained here in England, which Charles in ti|mes paſt, chalenged as his rightfull inheritance, the duchie of Britain, againſt the erle of Mõt|fort. This grant was made to the duke of Irela(n)d, with conditio(n), that beeing furnished wyth this mony, he shuld passe ouer into Irela(n)d, before ye next Easter, there to recouer such landes as the K. had giue(n) to him: for aswell as the lords as ye co(m)mons, wer so desirous to haue him gon yt they wished ye realm rather to spare so much treasure, [...] a(n) to haue his presence aboute ye king, to allure him to folly. The same time ye king of Armony sued for a safe conduit to come againe ouer into his lande, to speake with ye K. as it had bin about ye mouing of some peace betwixt ye .ij. realmes of Engla(n)d & Frau(n)ce: but sith his meaning was suspected to be to no good ende, but to benefit himself by receuing of som great gifts at the kings bou(n)tiful hands, his suite was not grau(n)ted. In this meane time alſo [...] the frẽch K. with ſuch a cõpanie of [...] & other lords, as had not bin hearde of ſtill [...]|tinued in Flanders, ſtaying aſwel f [...] conue|nient winde, as for ye comming of the duke of Berry, it chaunced ye certaine engliſh ſhippes they wafred the ſeas,Tvvo of the french king ships take vvith a g [...]t price in [...] met with .ij. of the french ſhips, yt were ſailing towards S [...]uiſe, & figh|ting with thẽ, tooke thẽ, & brought them to theſe Sandwich. In theſe ſhips party of ye cloſ [...] wall of wood (wherof ye haue heath) was ſold, the maſter carpenter yt was the chiefe deuiſer to frame [...]t, being an engliſh mã borne, but baniſh|ed his caũtry afore yt time, for ſome office. Alſo there was foũd aboorde the ſame ſhips, a maſter gunner, that ſometime had ſerued ye engliſhmẽ at Callais, whẽ ſir Hughe Caluerley was [...]|tenaunt there. Alſo diuers greate gunnes and engins to beate downe walles were foũd & ta|ken in the ſame ſhips, with a greate quãtity of powder yt was more worthe thã all the reſt.G [...]es vvas inuented [...] more than [...] ye [...]es being this time, to vvit, An. [...] A|bout the ſame time, or rather ſomwhat before, the engliſhmẽ alſo tooke certaine hulks and .vj. cariks of the Genewes, ladẽ with great riches, but bicauſe they were marchãts, they foũd ſuch fauor at the kings hãds through means of Mi|chael de la Poole thẽ L. Chancellor (whom they had made their friend) yt they had their veſſells,Reſtition of man chan [...] goodes taken [...] & all their goods reſtored, & ſtreighte wayes they paſſed with the ſame vnto Sluiſe where ye eni|mies laye, to make ſale of their wares there. Wherevpon much murmuring roſe among the kings ſubiectes, taking it in euill parte yt they ſhuld be ſuffred ſo to goe their wayes to releue the enimies of the realme, with ſuch goodes as were once brought into the engliſhmẽs poſſeſ|ſion, & ſpeciallie the L. Chaũcellor was very e|uill thought of, for ſhewing ſo much fauor vn|to thoſe ſtrangers. The frẽch K. ſtill remaining in Flaunders tarying for the comming of the duke of Berrie & alſo for a conueniẽt winde, at length on the euen of All ſaintes,The french [...]e [...]te [...]ering forvvarde to|vvardes Eng|lande is [...] backe by com| [...]ly vv [...] the wind came about very fauorably for the frenchemens pur|poſe: wherevppon they weyed Ancres, and lanched from the hauẽ of Sluſe, but they were EEBO page image 1057 not paſt twentie miles forwarde on theyr way,The French [...]leete letting forward to|wards Eng|land, is driuen [...]ande by con|trary windes. when the winde ſuddaynely turned contrary to their courſe againe, and brought them back with ſuch violence, that diuers of them, as they ſhould enter the Hauen, were broken and bruiſed, and ſo by this occaſion, and the Counſell of the Duke of Berry togither, the French King brake vp his iourney for that yeare, and returned into France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yee haue hearde what was done by the ſtates aſſembled in Parliamente againſte the Earle of Suffolke, whome the moſt parte of the Realme ſo greatly hated, but yet neuertheleſſe, the Kyng had ſuch an affection towardes him, that imme|diately after the Parliamente was diſſolued, hee vndid all that had bin enacted againſte him, re|ceyuing him into more familiaritie than before, and cauſed him to cõtinue with the Duke of Ire|lande,The kings in| [...]te af| [...] [...], to|wardes the Duke of Ire|land and the Earle of Suf|f [...]lke. and Alexander Neuill Archbyſhoppe of Yorke, which two lords, trauelled moſt earneſt|ly to moue the K. againſt the other Lords, and to diſadnull all that had bin done in the laſt Parli|ament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There encreaſed therefore in the King an in|ward hatred, whyche hee conceyued agaynſt the Lordes, theſe men putting it into his eare, that hee was lyke no King, but rather reſembled a ſhadowe of a King, ſaying, it woulde come to paſſe, that hee ſhoulde bee able to doe nothing of hymſelfe, if the Lordes myght enioy the authori|tie which they had taken vpon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King gaue credite to theſe tales, and therefore had the Lordes in greate iealoſie, not|withſtanding they were thought to bee his moſt true and faithfull ſubiectes, and the other craftie, deceitfull, and vntruſtie, but ſuch an affection had the King to them, that no informations, nor ac|cuſations, though neuer ſo manifeſtly proued, could bring them out of his fauoure, in ſo muche, as at the feaſt of Chriſtmas nexte following,1387 he cauſed the Earle of Suffolke to ſitte with hym of his own table, in robes accuſtomarily appoin|ted for Kings to weare, and not for meaner e|ſtates, which was much noted, and no little en|creaſed the enuie againſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the beginning of Marche, in this tenth yeare, Richarde Erle of Arundell, being appoin|ted Lorde Admirall, and Thomas Mowbray Earle of Nottingham, the Earle of Deuonſhire, and the Biſhop of Norwiche as Froiſſart hathe,The Earle of [...]undell go| [...] in the Sea. [...] C. [...]e of armes [...]nd a thou| [...]and archers [...]roiſſart [...]eth. went to the Sea with a warlike power of men of armes and archers, ſo well trimmed and appoin|ted as was poſſible, for the Lorde Admirall vn|derſtanding that the Duke of Glouceſter, and many other noble men woulde ſee the muſters of his menne, vſed all diligence, and ſpared for no coſtes, to haue the moſt choyſeſt and pikeſt fel|lowes that mighte be gotten, not following the euill example of others in times paſt, whiche re|ceyued tagge and ragge to fill vp their numbers,A greate abuſe in choyſe of Souldiers. whome they hired for ſmall wages, and reſer|ued the reſidue to their purſes, and when to the aduauncement of the Realmes commoditie they ſhoulde haue encountred the enimies, they ſhifted off all occaſions thereto, and onely prolonged time, withoute atchieuing anye enterprice auay|lable, to the ende they mighte receyue the whole wages, and keepe themſelues from daunger, whi|che they ſhoulde hardly haue auoyded, when they had not about them ſuche able men as were lyke to matche the enimies: but the Earle of Arundell contrarily gote the ableſt menne hee mighte, not ſparing his owne purſe, to the ende that by theyr ſeruice, hee mighte atchieue ſome worthy enter|price, to redounde vnto the commoditie of hys Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After the Duke of Glouceſter had behelde ſo faire and choſen a power of men of warre, they were ſtraight wayes appoynted to gette them a Shippebourd, and ſo beeing embarqued, ye whole nauie paſſed foorth to the Thames mouth, where they ſtayed to watch for the fleete of Flaunders, that was ready to come from Rochelle with wines. At length, vpon a Sunday being the euen of the Annuntiation of oure Lady, the Flemiſhe fleete was diſcouered a good way off, by one that was mounted into one of the [...]oppes of a Shippe of the Engliſhe fleete. The Earle of Arundell greatly reioycing at thoſe newes, forthwith with his whole fleete, made to the Sea. When ye Fle|mings approched neere to our Nauie, they made ſayle, as if they woulde ſette vpon the ſame,A good po|lici [...]. and our menne of purpoſe made countenaunce, as if they woulde haue retired, as miſtruſting them|ſelues to be able to match their aduerſaries, who coueting rather a ſafe paſſage than battayle,A great victo|rie of the Engliſh nauie againſt the Flemiſh fleete Ia. Meir. Tho. VValſ. paſ|ſed by, but the Engliſhmen hauing once gote the winde fitte for their purpoſe, ſuddaynely ſet vp|pon the Flemiſh Shippes, and fought with them right fiereely: at length, after a ſore conflict whi|che endured foure houres, the victorye fell to the Engliſhemen. There were taken foureſcore Shippes, with diuers Captaynes, and menne of armes, namely theyr chiefe Admirall, named Iohn Euyche, a perfect good Seaman, and one that had aforetime done much hurt to the Eng|liſh nation Diuers of their Shippes were, boug|th and ſome eſcaped yet from the battell, but the Earle of Arundell pur [...]ed them ſo agrely for the ſpace of two dayes togither, that at length hee tooke them and broughte them [...] to his [...]|uie, ſo that what in the battell and in the ch [...]ſ [...] there were to [...]n of great and ſmall, to the num|ber of an hundred veſſels, all fraught, with win [...] ſo that the [...] was [...]unde [...] the ſame [...] nine thouſand [...] or rather as other haue,I [...]. [...] Tho. VValf. nyne|teene thouſand, which togither with the veſſelles EEBO page image 1058 were ſtraight ſente vnto Orwell hauen, and to other hauens abroade in the Realme, beſide that whiche fell to the Kings ſhare, as due to hym by his prerogatiue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Citizens of Middlebourgh came to the Earle, and requeſted him that they mighte buy thoſe wines of him, and pay for the ſame after the rate of an hundred ſhillings the tunne, alled|ging how they were the kings friends, and ſtoode in neede of wines: but the Earle of Arundell, thinking it more reaſon, that thoſe whiche hadde borne the charges of his iourney, to witte the cõ|mons of the Realme of England ſhould haue the commoditie thereof than anye other, hee denyed their ſute,The liberali|tie of the Erle of Arundell. but yet to ſhewe them ſome pleaſure as his friendes, hee gaue to them twentie tunnes to make merrie with: As for that whiche fell to the Earles ſhare, he vſed ſuche bountifulneſſe in be|ſtowing it among his friends, that he left not to himſelfe ſo much as one tunne, hee wanne there|fore no ſmall prayſe, that forbearing his owne commoditie which hee might haue reaped in ſel|ling thoſe wines to ſtraungers, hee had more re|gard to the profit of the commons, whereby they might vnderſtand, that that which they had layd forthe towardes the ſetting forward of this iour|ney, was not altogither loſt nor caſt away. Part of the Flemiſh fleete eſcaping as before yee haue heard, was purſued vnto the hauen of Sluſe, and Blankerke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuers roades made into Flaunders by the Engliſh|men, & greate ſpoyle done.All the Countrey of Flaunders, neere to the Sea coaſtes, was in great feare, for the Engliſh|men landed, and euery daye wente abroade into the Countrey, brenning diuers townes and vil|lages, as Mude, Oſtburg, Houckam, Monacha|redam, and others. And at length, after they had taken their pleaſure in the Countrey, for the ſpace of tenne dayes togither, they hoiſted vp ſailes, and returned with all their pray and booties, whiche beeing ſolde, and vttered abroade in the Realme,Wine ſolde for thirteene ſhillings four pence the tun. made wine ſo plentifull heere in Eng|lande, that it was ſolde for thirteene ſhillings foure pence the tunne, and twentie ſhillings the beſt and choiſeſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Earle of Arundel not ſatiſfyed with this happie archieued enterprice, but minding to doe more ſeruice to the benefite of hys Countreye, gathered his Shippes togither, and hyring newe Souldiers to ſupplye the roomthes of them that were hurte, maimed, or ſlayne, turned his ſayles towards the Caſtell of Breſt, whiche ſeemed to be a keye to the leſſe Britaine, and being (as yee haue heard) in the Engliſhmens poſſeſſion, the French menne were about to reyſe vp and build farre greater and ſtronger baſtillions,The Earle of Arundell ſay|leth into Bri|tayne, with a great power. than thoſe were that the Duke of Lancaſter had taken and deſtroyed as he ſailed forward on his iourney to|ward Spayne: one of theſe two new Baſtilles ye Earle of Arundell wanne by force from them that kept it, and bycauſe it ſeemed neceſſary to be kepte for a defence to the Caſtell, if it were in the Engliſhmens hands, hee committed it to the cu|ſtodie of certaine Engliſhmen. The other beyng not yet finiſhed, but begunne in ſumptuous wiſe to be builded, he ſet on fyre and brent. This done, furniſhing the garriſon with ſufficient vittalles, and munition to ſerue them for one whole yere, hee returned home into Englande, with greate prayſe and commendations of the [...] his doings: but the Duke of Irelande, the Earle of Suffolke, ſir Simon de Burley, and Sir Ri|charde Sturrie, that ſtill continued aboute the Kyng, ſeemed rather to enuie the Earle of A|rundels good name, than otherwiſe, [...] the fol|lower of ve [...]|tue [...] to commend hym and others to the King, that hadde beene foorthe in that iourney, in ſo muche, that when the Earle of Nottingham, otherwiſe called Earle Marſhall, that had beene euer the Kyngs pleyfellowe, and of equall age to hym, came nowe to the Courte, hoping to bee righte wel|come, and to receyue great thankes at the kings handes, he hadde no good countenaunce ſhewed hym, neyther of the King, nor of the Duke of Irelande, who diſdeyning once to talke with hym, ſeemed to enuie the worthy prowes in o|ther, whiche he knewe wanted in hymſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, by the counſell of thoſe Lordes and Knightes that remayned aboute the Kyng,The Lorde Percy ſent to the Seas. the Lorde Henry Percy, ſonne to the Earle of Northumberlande, was ſente to the Seas, to beate backe the attemptes of the enimies, but hee was ſlenderly appoynted to atchieue anye greate enterpriſe: and this was done of ſome en|uious purpoſe, bycauſe hee had got a name amõg the common people, to be a right hardie and va|liant Gentleman, as well among Engliſhmen as Scottes. But he eyther ignorant, or not much waying of that whiche they craftely had imagi|ned againſte him, boldly and valiantly executed the buſineſſe enioyned hym, and hauing remay|ned abroade, during the whole time of hys ap|poynted ſeruice, returned ſafely home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, a Frier Carmelite, na|med Walter Diſſe, that had bene confeſſor to the Duke of Lancaſter, obteyned in fauoure of the ſame Duke, at Pope Vrbanes hands, certayne faculties, to be diſtributed to ſuch as would pray and pay for them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Among other of thoſe faculties, one was, in make al thoſe whome he thought good, the Popes Chaplaynes, according to forme of law, and the cuſtome vſed in the Court of Rome. Nowe by|cauſe ſuch as obteyned this fauour, enioyed great liberties, many were glad to beſtowe largely, to be ſo preferred, the Frier being ready to admitte thoſe that offered moſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 EEBO page image 1059 F [...]ier Pateſhul for taking his profeſsion, preacheth in o| [...] agaynſt [...]own order.Among other, one Peeter Pateſhull, a Frier of the Auguſtines order, was made by hym the Popes Chaplayne, a man not vnlearned and one that fauoured Wiclifes doctrine, and there|vpon forſaking his priuate profeſſion, gaue him|ſelfe to a publique trade of life whiche myghte ſeeme to him more holy, commaundable, and ſure. Herevpon, he tooke vpon him to preache a|gainſte his owne order, namely, in a Sermon whiche hee made in S. Chriſtofers, Ch [...] in [figure appears here on page 1059] London, hee mueyed ſo earneſtly againſte the a|buſes and heynous crimes which ye Friers, ſome|times his breethren, vſed to put in practiſe, that it was an horror to heare.Wickleniſtes. There were preſente an hundred at the leaſt of Wiclifes opinion at his ſermon, and in the meane while, that hee ſo layde forth what he knewe againſte his late bree|thren, ſome perſons there were that ranne to the Auguſtine Friers, and declared the whole mat|ter, wherevpon, a dozen of the hardieſt and luſti|eſt fellowes among them came to the Churche where this Pati [...]hull was preaching, and hea|ring what was ſayde, they began to be ſore mo|ued, in ſo muche, that one of them, more zealous for his Religion than the other, ſtepped foorthe, and agayne ſayd thoſe things which the preacher proponed, which thing, when the Wickleuiſts perceyued, they ſette vpon him that ſo diſquieted the congregation, and laying handes on hym, threwe hym downe, trode him vnder their feete, and lent him many a good buffet, and chaſing all the other Friers away, they were fully bente to haue killed them, and ſette their houſe a fyre, cry|ing out with loude voyces, Let vs deſtroy theſe murtherers, let vs breune theſe Sodomites, and hand vp ſuch traytors of the King and Realme, and running thus with ſuch a furious noyſe and outrage, they purpoſed verily to haue ſette fyre on the Friers lodgings, but that through the humble prayer of Frier Thomas Aſhborne, and one that was his fellow, being reputed for two good men, and doctors of diuinitie, they were ſtayed. The comming alſo of one of the Sherifes of London, holpe muche to appeaſe them, ſo that by his per|ſwaſion, they returned home to their houſes, but No [...]tr Pateſhul, being mainteined among them, was counſelled, ſith hee was interrupted in hys ſermon, to ſet downe in writing all ſuch matters as he was about to intreat of, and what he [...]ew further, he therefore deuiſed a lybell,A Lybell by Frier Pateſhul againſt his breethren. in whych the accuſed diuers of his breethren, of mu [...]thering ſundry of their fellowes. And for more proofe to bee giuen to his ſayings, hee reade the names of them that were made away, and the names [...] of the murtherers, and ſhewes where [...] that were murthered were buryed & hee affirmed [...] that, that the ſayde Fyires his breethren of late, were S [...]ites and [...]tay [...]rs, both to the king and realme, and many other things hee declared, too hadde to ſpeake of, in that his writing or ly|bell which he faſtned vppon the Churche dor [...] of S. Paule in London, that the more confuſion might thereby redounde vnto his late breethren, the Friers aforeſaid. In the beginning of ye ſame Lybell hee proteſted, that hee was got foorthe of the Diuels dungeon, and through the grace of God, eſcaped from amongſt wicked and filthy perſons, by reaſon whereof, and for that hee was an auoucher of the veritie, he ſaide, he was ſure to ſuffer great aduerſities at the Friers hands, if they might lay hold on him, but he thanked Pope Vr|bane, for that through his graunte, he had obtey|ned ſuche libertie, that by helpe of his friends, hee might lawfully withdraw himſelfe from ye hãds of his enimies. There were diuers men of good worſhip, that mainteyned this Pateſhull, and cauſed a tranſcript of this Lybell, to bee written forth, affirming all to bee true that was therein mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other that thus fauoured this cauſe,The fauou|rers of Frier Pateſhull. were diuers Knightes, as Sir William Neuill, Sir Lewis Clifford, Sir Iohn Clanbowe, Sir Richard Sturry, and ſir Thomas Latimer, and the chiefeſt of all, was one ſir Iohn Montague, who cauſed all the Images to bee taken downe, and ſet aſide in corners, which Iohn Aubrey, and his ſucceſſor ſir Alane Buxhull, or any their an|ceſtors had ſet vp in their Chappell of Chenelcy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, the Duke of Irelande ſoughte to bee diuorſed from his lawfull wife, a trimme yong Lady, daughter to the Lady Iſa|bell, that was one of King Edwarde the thyrde his daughters, and tooke to wife one Lancegrone a Bohemer, one of the Queenes maydes, by rea|ſon whereof, greate occaſion of ſlaunder and re|proch grewe, and diuers Lords, ſpecially ye Duke of Glouceſter, that was vncle to the Ladye that was forſaken, tooke greate diſpleaſure heere|with. But ſith the King allowed of all the Duke of Irelandes doyngs, the Duke of Glouceſter EEBO page image 1060 diſſembled ſuch iniuries done to his neece for the time, till oportunitie mighte ſerue to reuenge the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Irelande vnderſtoode all theſe things, and therefore was the more circumſpect for his owne ſafetie, and ſtudyed howe by ſome meanes he mighte diſpatche the Duke of Glou|ceſter out of the way, as the man whome he moſt feared, leaſt his life ſhoulde be his deſtruction, by one meanes or other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Eaſter was nowe paſt, the tyme (as yee haue hearde appoynted) before the which the Duke of Irelande ſhould haue tranſported ouer into Ire|lande, and yet was hee not ſet forward, but leaſt ſomewhat myght be thought in the matter, and for feare of ſome ſturre to be rayſed by the Lords of the Realme, that wiſhed him gone, accordyng to the order preſcribed at the laſt Parliament,Diſſention betwixt the Kyng, and the nobles. the King as it were to bring hym to the water ſide, wente with him into Wales, where beeyng out of the way, they myghte deuiſe how to diſpatche the Duke of Glouceſter, the Earles of Arundell, Warwike, Darbye, and Nottingham, with o|thers of that faction There were with the King, beſyde the Duke of Ireland, Michael de la Pole Earle of Suffolke, Roberte Triſilian Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, and diuers other, whiche doubtfull of theyr owne ſafegardes, dyd what they coulde as writers reporte, to moue the King forwarde to the deſtruction of thoſe noble men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Kyng had remayned in thoſe par|ties a good while, hee returned,An. reg. [...]. and broughte the Duke of Irelande backe with him agayne, ſo that it ſemed hys boyage into Ireland was now quite forgotten.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the ſame tyme,Grafton. Robert Triſilian Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Englande came to Cou [...]e, and in [...]ited there two thouſand perſons. The King and the Queene came to Groby, and thither came by hys commaundement the Iuſti|ces of the Realme. There were alſo with hym the ſame tyme, Alexander Archbiſhop of Yorke, Roberte Vere Duke of Ireland, Michael de la Pole Earle of Suffolke, Robert Triſilian,C [...]tayne queſtion in law [...]|ded of the iuſtices. and his fellowes, of whome it was demaunded, if by the lawes of the Realme, the King myghte re|uoke the ordinances made in the laſt Parlia|ment, to the whiche he had giuen his conſente in [...]an [...]er by conſtraint, and they made aunſwere that he might. Then were the Iuſtices com|maunded to come vnto Nothingham, where the King appoynted to meete them, and thither hee came, according to his appoyntment,A Co [...]ll holden at Not [...]ingham. and helde a ſolemne Counſell in the Caſtell of Notting|ham, [figure appears here on page 1060] the morrowe after Saint Bartholmewes day. In whiche Counſell, were the aforeſayde Archbyſhop of Yorke, the Duke of Irelande, the Earle of Suffolke, Roberte Triſilian Iuſtice, Roberte Bramble Iuſtice, and ſundry other, all which Iuſtices were commaunded to ſette theyr handes vnto the queſtions vnder written, that by meanes thereof, thoſe perſons that were about the Kyng, thought they might haue good occa|ſion, to putte the Duke of Glouceſter, and other Lords that were his complices vnto death, whi|che in the laſt Parliament were ordeyned to haue the gouernaunce of the Realme, and all ſuche as were conſenting to the ſame. Diuers of the Iu|ſtices refuſed to ſubſcribe, but yet they were con|ſtreyned to doe as the reſt did, among the whych was Iohn Bel [...]nappe, who vtterly refuſed,Iuſtice Bel [...]|nap o [...]opell [...] to ſubſcri [...] tyll the Duke of Ireland, and the Earle of Suffolke compelled hym thereto, for if hee had perſiſted in the refuſall, hee had not eſcaped their handes, and yet when he hadde ſet too hys ſeale, he burſt out into theſe wordes:Iuſtice Bel [...]|nap [...] wordes. Nowe (ſayde hee) heere lac|keth nothing but a rope, that I mighte receyue a rewarde worthy for my deſert, and I know, if I EEBO page image 1061 had not done this, I mighte not haue eſcaped your handes, ſo that for youre pleaſures and the Kings I haue done it, and deſerued therby death at the handes of the Lordes: whyche indeede ſhortly followed, for in the next Parliamente hee was condemned and executed. But nowe that thys myghte remayne in recorde, an Acte of Counſell was made thereof, in manner as follo|weth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Addition to Pa [...] Memorand. that the fiue and twentith daye of Auguſt, in the eleuenth yeare of the raigne of King Richard the ſecond, at the Caſtell of Not|tingham aforeſayde, Roberte Triſilian, Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande, Roberte Belknap Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the common pleas, Iohn Holte, Roger Fulthorp, and Williã Borough, Knightes and aſſociates of the ſayde Roberte Belknap, and Iohn Lockton, one of the Kyngs ſergeants at the lawe, beeing perſonally required in preſence of the Lordes and other witneſſes vnder written by our ſayd ſoueraigne Lorde the Kyng, in that faith and allegiance in whiche to him they were bounden, that they ſhoulde truely aunſwere to certayne queſtions vnderwritten, and vpon the ſame by their diſcretions, to ſay the lawe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſte it was aſked of them, whether the newe ſtatute,Queſtion in laws demided [...] the Iuſtice. ordinaunce, and commiſſion made in the laſt Parliament holden at Weſtminſter, bee hurtfull to the kings prerogatiue. Wherevnto all of one minde aunſwered, that they were hurt|full, and ſpecially bycauſe they bee agaynſte the kings will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired of them, howe they oughte to bee puniſhed, that procured the ſayde Statute, ordinance and Comiſſion to be made. Wherevnto with one aſſent they anſwered, that they deſerued death, except the King of his grace would pardon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired, how they ought to be puniſhed, whiche moued the King to conſente to the making of the ſaid ſtatute, ordinance, and cõ|miſſion. Wherevnto they aunſwered, that vnleſſe the King woulde giue them his pardon, they ought to loſe their liues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired of them what puniſh|ment they deſerued, that compelled the Kyng to the making of that ſtatute, ordinance, and com|miſſion. Wherevnto they gaue aunſwere, that they ought to ſuffer as Traytors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was demaunded of them howe they ought to bee puniſhed that interrupted the Kyng ſo, that hee myghte not exerciſe thoſe things that apperteyned to his regaltie and prerogatiue. Wherevnto aunſwere was made, that they ought to be puniſhed as Traytors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired of them, whether that after the affayres of the Realme, and the cauſe of the callyng togither the ſtates to the Parlia|mente, were once by the Kyngs commaunde|mente declared and opened, and other articles on the Kyngs behalfe limitted, vppon whyche the Lordes and commons of the Realme ought to intreate and proceede, if the Lordes neuer|theleſſe woulde proceede vpon other articles, and not meddle with thoſe articles which the Kyng hadde limited, till time the King hadde aunſwe|red the Articles proponed by them, notwithſtan|ding the Kyng enioyned them to the contrarie: Whether in this caſe the Kyng myghte rule the Parliament, and cauſe them to proceede vp|pon the Articles by hym limited, before they pro|ceede any further. To whyche queſtion, it was aunſwered, that the Kyng ſhoulde haue in thys parte the rule, for order of all ſuche articles to be proſecuted, vntill the ende of the Parliamente. And if any preſumed to goe contrary to this rule, he was to be puniſhed as a traytor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was aſked, whether the King when ſo euer it pleaſed hym myghte not diſſolue the Parliamente, and commaunde the Lordes and commons to depart from thence or not. Where|vnto it was aunſwered that hee might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was inquired, that for aſmuche as it was in the Kyng to remoue ſuche Iuſtices and officers as offende, and to puniſhe them for theyr offences: Whether the Lordes and com|mons myghte without the Kings wil, impeache the ſame officers and Iuſtices, vpõ their offences in Parliament or not. To this aunſwere was made, that they myghte not, and hee that at|tempted contrarye, was to ſuffer as a Tray|tor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired, howe hee is to bee pu|niſhed, that moued in the Parliamente, that the ſtatute wherein Edwarde, the ſonne of Kyng Edwarde, greate grandfather to the Kyng that nowe is, was endited in Parliamente, myght be ſente for, by inſpection of whyche Statute, the ſayde newe ſtatute or ordinaunce and commiſ|ſion were conceyued, and deuiſed in the Parlia|ment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To whiche queſtion, with one accorde, as in all the reſidue they aunſwered, that as well hee that ſo ſummoned, as the other, whyche by force of the ſame motion, broughte the ſayde Statute into the Parliamente houſe, be as pub|lique offendors and Traytors to bee puni|ſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, it was enquired of them, whether the Iudgemente giuen in the Parliament agaynſte Michael de la Pole Earle of Suffolke, were er|ronious and reuocable, or not:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To which queſtion likewiſe with one aſſente EEBO page image 1062 they ſayd, that if the ſame iudgement were nowe to bee giuen, the Iuſtices and Sergeaunte a|foreſayde woulde not gyue the ſame, bycauſe it ſeemed to them, that the ſayde iudgemente is re|uocable and erronious in euery part. In wit|neſſe whereof, the Iuſtices and Sergeaunte a|foreſayde, to theſe preſentes, haue ſet there ſeales, theſe beeing witneſſes, Alexander Archbyſhop of Yorke, Roberte Archbyſhoppe of Dublin, Iohn Byſhop of Durham, Thomas Byſhop of Che|ſter, Iohn Byſhoppe of Bangor, Robert Duke of Irelande, Mighell Earle of Suffolke, Iohn Rypon Clearke, and Iohn Blake.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tho. VValſ.Now beſide theſe Iuſtices and Sergeaunte, there were called at that preſente vnto Noting|ham, all other Iuſtices of the Realme, and the Sherifes. Alſo, diuers of the Citie of London, which the King knewe would encline to his will the rather, for that ſome of them, hauing afore|time confeſſed treaſon againſt the King by them imagined, and obteyning pardon for the ſame, were ready at his commaundemente, to recom|pence ſuche fauoure, in the accompliſhmente of what ſoeuer they knewe myghte ſtand with hys pleaſure. Heerevppon, they beeing enpanelled to enquire of certayne treaſons that were ſuppoſed to be committed by the Lordes, which in the laſt Parliament hadde ſo cauſed things to paſſe, con|trary to the Kyngs pleaſure,The Lordes [...]ed of di|uers offences. endited the ſame Lordes of many crimes enformed againſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Londoners indeede are euill reported of in thoſe dayes, by ſome writers, for their vn|ſtableneſſe, one whyle holding on the Kinges part, and with ſuche as were chiefe in counſell a|bout hym, and an other whyle on the Lordes ſyde that were of a contrary faction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Why the She|rifes of all ſhires were ſent for to the Courte.But nowe as concerning the cauſe why the Sherifes were called hither, it was chiefly to vn|derſtande what power of men they might aſſure the Kyng of, to ſerue hym agaynſte the Lordes and Barons, whome hee tooke to be his enimies: and further, that where he meane to call a Parli|ament very ſhortly, they ſhoulde ſo vſe the mat|ter that no Knyght might be choſen, but ſuch as the Kyng and his Counſell ſhoulde name. But aunſwere was made heerevnto by the Sherifes, that the Lordes were ſo highly beloued of ye com|mons, that it lay not in their powers to aſſemble any great forces againſte the Lords, and as for choſing the Knightes of the Shires, they ſayde, that the commons would vndoubtedly vſe theyr auntiente liberties, and priuiledges, in chooſing ſuche as they thoughte meeteſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But yet after that the indictments were found, according to the deſire of the kyng and hys coun|ſellors, and that thoſe whiche hadde beene called aboute this matter, were licenced to depart home, the Kyng and the Duke of Irelande ſent meſ|ſengers into euerye parte of the Realme,Souldiers [...]ined on all ſides by the K. agaynſte the Lordes. to [...]|teyne men of warre to aſſiſte them in the [...]|rell againſte the Lordes if neede were. [...] made aunſwere, that ſith they knew the [...] [...] to be f [...]ythfull and loyall to the King, ſuch [...] the bottome of theyr heartes, and were ready to ſtudy, to deuiſe, and to do all thyngs that [...]ght tende to his honor, and wealthe of the Realme, they myghte not by anye meanes beare armoure againſte them. But a great number of other that tooke it that they were reteyned for a good and neceſſary purpoſe, promiſed to be ready whenſo|euer it ſhoulde pleaſe the King to ſende for them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes beeing in this meane while ad|uertiſed of theſe doyngs, were ſtriken with great he aumeſſe, for that not knowing themſelues (as they tooke it) giltie of anye offence, the Kyng ſhoulde thus ſeeke theyr deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerewith, the Duke of Glouceſter, meaning to mitigate the Kinges diſpleaſure, reteyned a ſolemne othe before the Byſhop of London,The Duke of Glouceſter proteſting vpon his oth [...]. and diuers other Lords, proteſting by the ſame oth [...], that hee neuer imagined, nor wente aboute anye thing, to the Kings hinderance, but to his power, hadde alwayes done what hee myghte, to ad|uaunce the Kings honor, proſperous ſtate, and good liking, except onely that hee hadde gyuen no good countenaunce to the Duke of Irelande, whome the Kyng ſo muche loued: and ſurely for that the ſayd Duke had diſhonored his kinſ [...]d|man, and the Kings alſo, hee was firmely deter|mined to reuenge that iniurie vppon him, and heerewith, hee beſoughte the Byſhoppe of Lon|don to declare what hys wordes were vnto the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhoppe commyng to the King, made reporte of the Duke of Glouceſters proteſtation, cõfirmed with his othe, in ſuch wiſe, as the king beganne ſomewhat to bee perſwaded, that it was true. But when the Earle of Suffolke perceyued that, fearing leaſt the reconciliation of the King and the Duke his vncle ſhoulde turne to his vn|doing, hee beganne to ſpeake againſt the Duke, tyll the Byſhoppe [...]ad hym holde hys peace, and tolde hym, that it nothing became hym to ſpeake at all, and when the Earle aſked why ſo,Stou [...]e wor [...] of the Biſhop of London. by|cauſe (ſaid the Byſhoppe) thou waſt in the laſt Parliamente condemned for an euill perſon, and one not worthy to lyue, but onely it pleaſeth the King to ſhew thee fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng beeyng offended with the By|ſhoppes preſumptuous wordes, commaunded hym to departe and get hym home to his Chur|che, who forthwith departed, and declared to the Duke of Glouceſter what he had heard and ſene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevpon, the great miſliking that had bin afore time betwixte the Kyng and the Lordes, was nowe more vehemently increaſed, the Duke EEBO page image 1063 of Ireland, the Earle of Suffolke the Archbiſhop of Yorke, the Lord chiefe Iuſtice Robert Triſi|lian and others ſtill procuring, ſtirring, and con|firming the Kyngs heauie diſpleaſure againſt the Lordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter conſidering to what concluſion theſe things tended, came ſecretely to a conference with the Earles of Arundell, War|wike,The Lordes con [...]e howe to preuent the perils preten|ded againſt them. and Derby, who were in lyke daunger, if they prouided not more ſpeedelie for their ſafetie, wherevppon, hee diſcouereth to them the perill wherein they all ſtoode in commune, ſo that whẽ they wayed what was the moſte expedient meane to ſauegarde theyr lyues, they gathered their po|wers togither, determining to talke with the Kyng, with their armour vpon their backes, for their more ſuretie, as well concerning his pre|tence, to bring them to their deathes, as for the fauour which he haue to thoſe whome they repu|ted to be traytors, both to him, and to the whole ſtate of the Realme, whereby the ſame coulde not auoyde ſpeedie remedie, if ruine were not the ſooner prouided.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng on the other parte tooke aduice, how he mighte apprehende theſe Lordes (whome he tooke to bee playne traytors) eche one a parte, before they mighte gather their ſtrengthes about them, and firſte, hee ſent the Earle of Northum|berlande and others,The Earle of Northumber|land ſent to apprehend the Earle of A|rundell. vnto the Caſtell of Reigate to take the Earle of Arundell, who laye there at that preſent. But howſoeuer it fortuned the Erle of Northumberlande came backe, and fayled to accompliſhe that which hee had in commaunde|mente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, a greate number were ſente by nyghte, to haue layde handes on hym, and to haue broughte hym to the Kyngs preſence, or in caſe hee reſiſted, to haue ſlayne hym, if by anye meanes they myghte: but hee beeyng warned by a meſſenger, that came to him from the Duke of Glouceſter, conueyed hymſelfe away, and with ſuche bandes as hee hadde gote togither, rode all that nyghte,The Earle of Ar [...]ll ioy| [...] with the [...]er Lordes. ſo that in the morning hauing paſ|ſed a thirtie myles, not without greate trauayle, and all ſpeede poſſible, hee was in the morning aduaunced vnto Haringey Parke, where hee founde the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Earle of Warwike, with a greate power of menne about them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The ſame tyme, the Kyng was aboute to ſette forwardes towardes Caunterbury, there to performe ſome vowe of pilgrimage, whiche hee hadde vndertaken to make, vnto the ſhrine of Thomas Becket, but a brute was reyſed, and a ſlaunder (belyke) contriued, to bryng hym in further hatred of his ſubiectes, that hee meante to ſteale ouer into Fraunce, vnto the French King, hauyng promiſed to deliuer vp into hys handes the Towne of Calais, with the Caſtell of Guy|nes, and all the fortreſſes, whyche hys predeceſ|ſors had poſſeſſed in thoſe parties, eyther by right from their aunceſtors, or by warlike conqueſt, but his iourney to Caunterbury was ſuddayne|ly ſtayed, vppon knowledge had of the gathering togither of the Lords in Haringey Parke, wher|with the Kyng beeyng ſore amaſed, called togy|ther ſuch as he truſted, to vnderſtande what their opinion was of the matter, and vnderſtandyng that the purpoſed intention of the Lordes, for whiche they were ſo aſſembled, was to this ende as they pretended, to bring hym vnto a better trade of life and more profitable order of gouern|ment, hee was ſtraighte ſtriken with no ſmall feare, demaunding of them their aduice,Counſell ta|ken how to deale againſte the Lordes. what was beſt for hym to doe in ſuche troubleſome ſtate of things. Some were of this minde, that it ſhoulde bee beſt to ſeeke to appeaſe the Lordes with faire promiſes, aſſuring them, that they ſhould haue their deſires. Other thought it bet|ter, to aſſemble the Kings friendes, and ioyning them with the Londoners, to goe foorth and trie the hazard of battayle with the Lordes. Among them that were of thys mynde, the Archbyſhop of Yorke was the chiefeſt. But other that were thought to vnderſtande more of the worlde than he did, iudged it not wiſedome ſo to doe, conſide|ring that if the Kyng loſt the fielde, then ſhoulde great harme and diſhonor followe, and if the vi|ctory fell to his ſyde, yet could he gaine naughte, but loſe a great number of his ſubiectes. Thys was in Nouember, at what time the King vp|pon his returning from Caunterbury, meante to haue holden a Parliamente, but through thoſe ſturres, neyther hys iourney to Caunterbury, nor the Parliamente wente forwarde: hee cauſed yet order to be giuen, that no Citizen of London ſhoulde fell to the Duke of Glouceſter, the Earle of Arundell, or anye other of the Lordes, anye armour, bowes, arrowes, or other munition or matter, that myghte tende to the furniture of warre vpon a great payne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But notwithſtanding the Lordes went for|warde with their buſineſſe,The Lordes ſend meſſen|gers to the King. and before they ap|proched the Citie of London, they ſente to the Kyng the Archbyſhop of Caunterburie, the lord Iohn Louell, the Lorde Cobham, and the Lorde Iohn Deuerour, requiring to haue deliuered vn|to them ſuche as were aboute hym, that were Traytors and ſeducers both of hym, and the Realme, that ſought nothing elſe, but to trouble both poore and riche, and to ſowe diſcorde and variance betwixte the Kyng and his Nobles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And further, they declared that theyr com|myng was, for the honor and wealthe, both of the King and Realme. But the, Kyng beeyng ruled altogither by the Duke of Irelãd, the Erle EEBO page image 1064 of Suffolke, and two or three other, was fully perſwaded, that the Lordes intended to bryng him vnder their gouernement, and therefore hee was counſelled, to make the Frenche Kyng hys ſure friend, in all vrgent neceſſities, and to be aſ|ſured of him, it was reported, that thoſe E [...]in| [...]ors aduiſed him to render vp into the Frenche Kynges handes, the Towne of Caleis, [...] all that hee hadde elſe in poſſeſſion, on the further ſyde the Sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But howſoeuer this matter went, troth it is, that the Kyng ſente for the Maior of London, requiring to know of hym how many able men they thoughte the Citie coulde make,A raſhe anſwer of the Maior of London. the Maior aunſwered, that hee thought verily the Citizens might make in time of neede, fiftie thouſand mẽ, within an houres reſpit: well ſayd the King, then I beſiech you goe and prooue what will be done: but when the Maior began to attempt the mat|ter,The Lõdoners refuſe to fight agaynſt the Lordes. he was anſwered generally, that they would neuer fight agaynſt the Kyngs friendes, and de|fendours of the Realme, as indeede they tooke the Lordes to be, but againſt the enimies of the king and Realme, they woulde alwayes be ready to fyghte, and ſhewe what reſiſtaunce they were able. This aunſwere the Maior reported to the Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, there was about the Kyng the Lorde Raufe Baſſet, who ſayde thus to the King flatly and playnely, Sir, I haue bin, and euer will bee youre true liege man, and my body and goodes ſhall euer be at your graces commã|dement,The Earle of Northumber|lands and the L. Baſſets wor|des to the K. in the behalfe of the lordes. in all iuſtice and trueth. But neuerthe|leſſe, heereof I aſſure you, that if my happe bee to come into the field, I will without fayle alwayes followe the true parte, and it is not I that will aduenture to haue my head broken, for the Duke of Irelandes pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Likewiſe, the Earle of Northumberland, be|ing at that time in the Court, ſpake theſe wordes to the K. Sir, there is no doubt, but theſe Lordes whiche nowe be in the field, alwayes haue beene youre true and faithfull ſubiects, and yet are, not intending to attempte anye thing againſt youre ſtate, wealth, and honor. Neuertheleſſe, they feele themſelues fore moleſted and diſquieted, by the wicked deuiſes of certaine perſons about you, that ſeeke to oppreſſe them: and verily without fayle, all your Realm is ſore greeued therewith, both great and ſmall, as well Lords as cõmons, and I ſee not the contrary, but they mind to ad|uenture their liues with the Lords that are thus in armes, ſpecially in this caſe, which they recon to be yours and your realmes: and ſir, now ye bee in the chiefe place of your Realme, and in ye place of your coronation, order your ſelfe now therfore wiſely, and like a King, ſend to them ſo come be|fore your preſence in ſome publique place, where they maye declare vnto you the intente and purpose of theyr commyng, [...] accompanyed with so greate a number of people into these parties, and I beleeue it verily, they will shewe suche reasons, that you will holde them executed. The Archbyshoppe of Caunterbury, and the Lord Chancellor Byshoppe of Elie, and other of the Byshoppes also there presente, affirmed the Earles aduice to bee good, [...] and the Kyng considering wisely the case as it stoode, beganne to bee appeased, and accorded to follow theyr aduice, desiring the Archebyshop of Caunterbury, and the Byshoppe of Elie, to aduertise them of his pleasure, which was, that hee willed them to come vnto hym to Westminster, on Sonday then nexte following, and so they repayring to the Lords, made reporte to them of the Kyngs mynde and purpose. But the Duke of Gloucester, [...] and the other Lordes, were so fully bente in theyr opinion, that they swore all whole togither, that they woulde neuer giue ouer their enterprise, so long as they hadde a penny to spende, in maynetenaunce of theyr cause: and if it chanced anye of them to departe thys lyfe, the ouerlyuers shoulde persist therein, vntill the time that they hadde brought theyr purpose to some good effect. And bycause they doubted at least the Kyng myghte stirre the Cittie of London against them, [...] they determined fyrste to aduertise the Maior and Citizens, besieching them of their fauoure and counsell therein: thys done, they determined yet to keepe their daye on the Sonday following, to appeare before the Kyngs presence, but this was not got of them, till that the Lorde Chancellor, Tho. VV [...] with dyuers other noble menne of good credite hadde vndertaken vppon theyr othes for the Kings behalfe, that no fraude nor decept, no perill nor euill pretence shoulde be put in practise agaynst the Lordes, whereby they myghte come to losse eyther of lyfe, limme, or goodes, or otherwise, through the kings meanes, but that if he should goe about any such things, the sayd Lorde Chancellor, and other the mediators shoulde warne the Lordes aforehande thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When therefore the Lordes were ready, ac|cording to couenaunte, to come vnto Weſtmin|ſter, they were ſecretely aduertiſed,An a [...] at Mewes. that there was an ambuſh layd in a place called ye Mewes, and ſo they ſtayed, and came not at the appoin|ted houre. Wherevppon, when the King de|maunded, howe it fortuned that the Lordes kept not promiſe, the Byſhoppe of Ely Lorde Chauncellor made hym this aunſwere, bycauſe ſaith hee, there is an ambuſhe of a thouſande EEBO page image 1065 armed men or more layd in ſuch a place, (and na|med it) contraite to couenant, and therefore they neyther come nor holde you for faythfull of your worde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hearing this, was aſtonied, and a [...]| [...]med with an othe, that hee knewe of no ſuche thing and withal he ſent to the Sherifes of Lon|don cõmaunding them to repaire to the Mewes, and vpon ſearch made, if they founde any force of men there aſſembled, to take and kill all ſuche as they coulde lay handes vppon. But ſir Thomas [...], and ſir Nicholas Bramble, knightes, that had in deed aſſembled ſuch a number of men, [...] they vnderſtoode what order the king had gain therein, they ſent theyr men backe vnto London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lords after this, receyuing a ſafe conduct from the king, and perceyuing all to bee ſafe and cleare, came vnto Weſtminſter with a ſtrong power of men about them.The Lordes come before the kings pre|ſence in Weſt|minſter hal. The king when hee heard they were come, apparelled himſelfe in his kingly robes, and with his Scepter in hand com|meth into the great hall at Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lords as ſoone as they had ſight of him, made vnto him theyr humble obeyſaunce, and ſo went forth vntil they came to the nether ſteps, going vp to the kings ſeate of eſtate, where they made their ſeconde obeyſaunce, and then the king gaue them a countenaunce to come nearer vnto him, & they ſo did, kneeling down before him, and [figure appears here on page 1065] forthwith hee roſe from his place, and louingly welcomming them, tooke eche of thẽ by the hand, and that done ſate him downe againe. Herewith the Biſhop of Elie Lord Chauncellor, as mouth to the king, declared vnto theſe Lordes in effect as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The [...] Chã| [...] ſpeaketh [...] the king to [...] lordes.My Lordes (ſayde he) our ſoueraigne Lorde the king, hearing that you were aſſembled in Ha|ringey Parke, in other maner than was conueni|ent, would not forthwith runne vpon you wyth force to deſtroy you, as he might eaſily haue don, if he had not wiſhed your ſafetie, for no mã doub|teth but if his pleaſure had bin to gather an army, he might haue had more people than you coulde haue got to haue taken part with you, agaynſte him, and ſo happily muche bloud myght haue bene ſpylt, which thing certainly our ſoueraigne Lord the king vtterly abhorreth, and therefore v|ſing pacience and mildeneſſe, he hath rather cho|ſen to talke with you in peaceable wiſe, that hee may vnderſtãd the cauſe why ye haue aſſembled ſo great a number of people togither.The anſwere [...] the lordes. [...] theire [...]es.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes for anſwere herevnto ſayd, that they aſſembled theyr forces togither, for the profit both of the king and realme, and eſpecially to take away from him ſuch traytors as remayned con|tinually about him, to wit, Robert de Vere duke of Ireland, Alexander Neuil Archbiſhop of York, Michaell de la Pole Earle of Suffolke, Robert Triſſlian that falſe Iuſtice, and ſir Nicholas Brambre that diſloyall knight of London, for to they tearmed them. And to proue their accuſati|ons true, they threwe downe their gloues, prote|ſting by their othes to proſecute it by battaile. Nay (ſayth the king) not ſo, but in the next Par|liament which we do appoynt before hand [...]o be|gin the morow after the Purification of our La|die, both they and you appearing, ſhall receyue according to lawe, all that, whiche reaſon ſhall appoynt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And nowe to you my Lordes I ſpeake,The k. repro|ueth the lords doings. by what meane, or by what reaſon durſt you ſo pre|ſumptuouſly take vpon you within this my land to riſe thus againſt me? Did you thinke to feare me with ſuch your preſumptuous boldneſſe? haue I not armed mere ſufficient to haue beaten you downe, compaſſed about like a ſort of Deere in a ioyle? if I would: Truly in this behalf I make EEBO page image 1066 no more account of you, than of the vyleſt ſkul|lions in my kitchen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he had ſayd theſe wordes, with much more, he lyft vp the Duke of Glouceſter, that all this while kneeled afore him, and commaunded the reſidue to riſe alſo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, he led them curteouſly to his cham|ber, where they ſate and dranke togither. And finally it was concluded,The king ta|keth both par|ties into his protection. that they ſhould al meet togither againe at the next Parliament, and eche one to receyue according to iuſtice: and in the meane time the king toke aſwel the duke of Glo|ceſter, as the duke of Ireland into his protection, ſo that neither part in the meane time ſhould hurt the other, nor preſume to make any gathering of people vnto the time prefixed: and ſo this counſail brake vp, and the Lordes departed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things yet were done in abſence of the forenamed perſons whom the Lordes accuſed,Grafton. for they durſt not appeare in preſence of the lords, for if they had bin eſpied they had ſmarted for it, as was thought, without any reſpect that would haue bene had of the kings preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And nowe foraſmuch as it ſhoulde bee well knowne through all the Citie, that theſe Lordes had nothing offended him with their comming, the king cauſed a Proclamation to be made, the tenour whereof was as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


A proclamatiõ clearing the lordes of any treaſon.Richard by the grace of God. &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We wil that it bee knowne to all our liege people throughoute our realme of England, that whereas Thomas duke of Glouceſter, Richard Earle of Arundell, and Thomas Earle of Warwike, haue bene de|famed of treaſon by certain of our coũſailors we as it apperteineth, diligently ſearching ye ground & cauſe of this defamation, finde no ſuch thing in them, nor any ſuſpition thereof, wherefore we de|clare the ſame diffamatiõ to be falſe, and vntrue, and do receyue the ſame duke and erles into our ſpeciall protection. And bycauſe theſe accuſers ſhall be notoriouſly knowne, their names are A|lexander Archb. of Yorke, ſir Robert Veere duke of Irelande, Michael de la Pole Erle of Suffolk, Robert Triſilian L. chiefe Iuſtice, and ſir Ni|cholas Brambre of London knight, who in like caſe ſhal remaine till the next Parliament, & there ſhall ſtand to their anſwere: but in the mean time we likewiſe take them into our protection, ſtreyt|ly charging and cõmaunding that no maner of perſon, charge any of the forenamed, either priui|ly or apertly in word or deed to hurt thẽ, or cauſe any hurt to be done to them, but all quarels and demaundes agaynſt them to be remitted, vnto the next Parliament prefixed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And to haue all things in more perfect readi|neſſe and remembrance when the eſtates ſhoulde be aſſembled, certain of the Lords were appointed to ſit in the meane time to deuiſe how they might proceed orderly in redreſſe of ſuch matters, [...] to require ſome ſpeedie reformation, [...] did they think it good to depart in ſunder, for [...] to be entrapped through the malicious practiſe of their aduerſaries: which their doubt [...] After|ward to ſtand them in ſteed of great wiſedome for immediately after, their ſayd aduerſaries c [...]me to the king, and declared howe they were dayly [...] dãger of their liues, by reaſon of ye malice which the Lords had conceyued againſt them onely [...] the kings ſake, & not for any matter of their [...]. And where the king had promiſed that the [...] [...] appeare at the next Parliament, whiche [...] hãd, they told him plainly that they neither durſt nor would put their bodies in ſuch manifeſt da [...]+ger. The king conſidering hereof, withdrew him|ſelfe from the companie of the Lordes that were aſſigned to ſit at London, to deliberate of matte [...]s that were to bee talked of & ordred in the Parlia|ment: and ſo that counſaile was deferred, & layde aſide, and the kings counſailors that ſtood in dan|ger of their liues through the malice of the Lords confederated with the duke of Glouceſter, got thẽ from the Court, & withdrew ſome into this place and ſome into that. Among other the erle of S [...]f|folke fied ouer vnto Calais in ſecrete wiſe,The erle [...] [...]+folk [...] o|uer to Ca [...] by the helpe of a knight called ſir William Hoo, who holpe to conuey him thither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He had chaunged his apparell, and ſhauen [...]s hearde, and ſo diſguiſed, counterfeyted himſelfe to be a Poulter, and to ſell certaine foule whiche hee had gotten, by whiche meanes hee was not knowne, till at length comming to the gates of the Caſtell whereof hys brother ſir Edmonde de la Poole was Captaine, hee diſcouered to hym (ſcarcely knowing who he was, by reaſõ he was ſo diſguiſed) the whole occaſion of his repayring thyther, requyring him to keepe his counſayle, and that hee mighte remayne with him in priuie maner for a tyme, tyll hee myght heare more howe things wente in Englande, from whence hee was thus fled to auoyde the bloudie handes of his enimies, that ſought his life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His brother doubting what might be layde to his charge if he ſhoulde conceale this matter from the Lorde William Beauchampe Lord Depu|tie of the towne, ſtreyghtwayes aduertiſed hym thereof, who tooke order that the Earle ſhoulde foorthwith bee ſ [...]nt backe agayne into Englande to the King,Graft [...]. who receyued hym wyth ſmall thanks to them that brought him ouer, inſomuch (as ſome write) his brother being one, was com|mitted to Pryſon for diſcloſing him. But yet bycauſe it ſhoulde not ſeeme that hee impryſo|ned hym for that cauſe, hee was ſhortlye after ſet at libertie, and returned againe to his charge at Calais.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle was alſo permytted to go whither EEBO page image 1067 he woulde, although the king had vndertaken to preſent him and others at the [...]ext Parliament, to anſwere theyr offences, as the ſame might bee layde to theyr charge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But here it may be doubted by the vncerten|tie of writtes, whether the Erle of Suffolke thus fled ouer to Calais, before the iourney at Ra [...]|c [...]te bridge, or after: but whether it chaunced ey|ther after or before, it is certain that [...] the time that the Lordes had enforced the King to pro|miſe to exhibite him and others at the [...]xt Par|liament to abide their trials, he durſt not openly remaine in the Court, but taking leaue of the king, departed from him. Wherevpon the King being oute of quiet for the abſence of him and o|ther his beſt beloued counſaylers, whome hee ſo much eſteemed, and namely of the Duke of Ire|lande, and the ſayd Erle of Suffolke, he appoyn|ted one Thomas Molineux Coneſtable of the Caſtell of Cheſter, a man of high valiauncie, and great power in the parties of Cheſſhire and Lancaſhire,A commiſsion to the Sherif of Ch [...]ſhire to ſ [...]onduct [...] Duke of [...]land to the kings preſẽce. to rayſe an armie of men, with the aſſiſtance of the Sherife of Cheſſhire, to whome his commiſſion of authoritie in that behalfe, vn|der the great ſcale was directed, to the ende that they might conuey the duke of Irelande in all ſafetie vnto the kings preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sherife hauing receyued this commiſ|ſion, togither with the ſayd Thomas Molineux, rayſed a power, and ſuch as refuſed to ſerue, in re|ſpect of ſuch good will as they bare to the Lordes, he committed to priſon, commaunding the Iay|lers to keepe them ſtreyte in Irons wyth bread and water, till his returne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the king ſent to ſir Raufe Ver|non, and ſir Richarde Ra [...]cliffe, willing them to aſſiſt the other. And ſo thus they ſet forwarde with the number of fiue thouſande men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord [...] ſeke to ſtop the paſſage of the Irelande.When the Lordes vnderſtoode that the duke of Irelande was marching towardes London with ſuch a power of menne, meaning to ioyne with the Londoners, and ſo to make as it had bin an inuin [...]ble armie, they beſturred themſelues, and fell in hand to arme theyr men, and to exhort one another, that nowe they ſhoulde not bee neg|ligent in their owne defence, but to make haſt for the diſpatching of thoſe that craftily had gone a|bout to conſpire their deathes. And ſo theſe lords, to wit, the duke of Glouceſter, the Erles of War|di [...], Arundell, Warwike, and Notingham, aſſẽ|bled their powers oute of all quarters, to encoun|ter with the Duke of Irelande, and when they had got their companies togither, they forelayde al the wayes by which hee was thought to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Duke of Irelande hauing wyth him Molineux, Vernon, and Ratcliſe, roade for|warde in ſtately and glorious arraye, with an armie as yee haue hearde) of fiue thouſande men, ſuppoſing that none durſt come forth to wyth|ſtande him. Neuertheleſſe when he came to Rat| [...]o [...]e bridge, not paſſe foure miles from Cheping Norton which bridge the coulde haue paſſed, he had beene out of the daunger of an enimies) hee ſodainely eſpied where the armie of the Lordes lay not farre diſtant from him, readie in the midſt of a [...]alley to [...] his comming. Some of the Erle of Dar [...]es company had broken the bridge, and ſo ſtopped his paſſage. He therefore percey|uing his enimies intention, ſtayed, and [...] the kings banner to be ſpred, and began to [...] a good countenance of the matter, and to exhort his people to ſhew themſelues valiant, and herewith cauſe [...] the trumpets is to founde. But when it ap|peared that as ſome were readie to fight in his quarel, ſo there were other that quite forſooke him,The Duke of Ireland his ſol+diers reuolt from him. and ſayde [...]atly they woulde not fight agaynſt to many noble men, into vniuſt a cauſe, hee beeing thereof aduertiſed, began to waxe ſame hearted, and to prepare himſelf to eſcape by flight and de|claring no leſſe openly vnto them, ſayde: before we come to ioyne, I w [...] ſeeke to withdraw my ſelfe out of the way, and ſaue my ſelf [...] I can, for me they onely ſeeke, agaynſte you they haue no quarell, ſo that I being ſhifted away, ye ſhall eaſily be preſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herewith one of the knightes ſayde to him, you haue brought vs forth of our Countrey, you haue procured vs to giue you out promiſe, you haue cauſed vs to take this iourney in hand: here therefore are wee readie to fight and winne the victorie with you, if our happe be ſuche, or if for|tune will nor ſo fauour [...]s, we are readie to ſpend our liues with you. No ſayd he, ye ſhall not ſo doe,The Duke of Ireland flieth from his army and forthwith [...]king his Horſe with the ſpurres, he fled from them. Wherevpon many that were with him, curſing thys his demea|nour, prepared to yeeld themſelues to the Lords. But Thomas Molment determined to fighte it out, ſithe the Lordes were not yet all come togy|ther to that place, but onely the Earle of Darbie and certaine other. Neuertheleſſe, after hee had fought a while, and perceyued it would not auail him to tarie lõger, as one diſpairing of the victo|rie, tooke him likewiſe to flight, as the Duke of Irelande had led him the way, and plunging in|to the riuer which was at hande, it chaunced that ſir Thomas Mortimer being preſent amongeſt other at the ſame place, willed him to come forth of the water vnto him, for if he woulde not, bee threatned to ſhoote him through with arrowes in the riuer where he ſtoode. If I come (ſayd Moth|neux) will yee ſaue my life: I will make you no ſuche promiſe (ſaide ſir Thomas Mortimer) but notwithſtanding, eyther come vp, or thou ſhalt preſently die for it: well then (ſayde Mollineux) if there be no other remedie, ſuffer me to come vp, EEBO page image 1268 and let me trie with hande blowes, eyther wyth you or ſome other, and ſo die like a man; but as he came vp, the knight caught him by the helmet, plucked it off his heade, and ſtreightwayes draw|ing forth his dagger,Thomas Mo|lyneux ſlayne. ſtroke him into the braynes, and ſo diſpatched him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the duke of Ireland (as ye haue heard) ſeeking to eſcape by flight, came to the riuers ſide, but finding the bridge broken, he gal|loped till he found an other bridge, where he found a number of archers readie to ſtoppe his paſſage. When he ſaw that he was thus encloſed with his enimies on the one ſide, and the riuer of Thames on the other, he thought to put all in aduenture, and caſting away his gantlets, and ſworde, to be the more nymble, gaue his horſe the ſpurres, & lept into the riuer, but miſſing the fourd, and not able to lande with his horſe on the further ſide, he forſooke him, and ſwimming ouer ſo well as hee might, got to the banke, and ſo eſcaped. It was now night, and therfore his enimies hauing no knowledge of the countrey, folowed him not, but his horſe, helmet, cuiraſſes, gantlet, & ſword being founde, it was thought verily that hee had beene drowned. The next newes heard of him, was yt he had paſſed the ſeas,The Duke of Ireland flyeth into Holland. and was got into Hollãd, where he had no great friendly welcome, by rea|ſon that Albert duke of Bauiere, that was Lorde of that countrey, bare ſuch good will to his coſins of England, the Dukes of Lancaſter, Yorke, and Glouceſter, that bee commaunded this Duke of Ireland to depart forth of his country, as imme|diately therevpon he did, from thence reſorting to the Biſhoprike of V [...]ic [...], & after into other coun|treys, till finally be ended the courſe of his life, as after in place conuenient it ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to the armies where wee left them. After the Duke was fledde, and Tho|mas Molineux ſlaine (as before yee haue hearde) the armie of the Lordes ſet vpon the people that were come with the Duke of Irelande (as hathe beene ſayde) forth of Cheſſhyre, Lancaſhire, and Wales, and taking them as enimyes, ſpoyled them of their horſe, armour, bowes and arrowes. The knights and eſquiers had their armour and horſes againe to them reſtored, and were reteined with the Lordes to ſerue them: but the commons without either armor or weapon, were ſent home and had no other harme done vnto them. The Duke of Irelandes cariage being taken, letters were founde in his trunkes or males,Letters found in the Duke of Irelands trunkes. whiche the king had written to him exhorting him with all ſpeede to repayre vnto London, with what power he might make, and there he ſhould find him rea|die to liue and die with him. Such was the con|cluſion of this battaile, which happened neare vn|to Burfoued,Burforde. faſt by Bablake, to the great reioy|ſing of many through the realm, for that the eni|mies thereof (as they tooke the matter) [...] ouerthrowne. But yet the eſcaping away of the duke of Ireland did ſomwhat [...]ttigate th [...], for what was become of him it was [...] After this the duke of Glouceſter, and the [...]ther Lordes went to Oxforde, beeing ſ [...]y that theyr fortune was not to haue takẽ the dukes of Irelãd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, or rather before, the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke, and the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, ſir Robert Triſilian, fearing the indignation of the lordes, withdrew out of the way, and durſt not [...] ſeene.Tho. VV [...] But now the Lordes who after the [...]+ney at Radcote bridge, were come (as yee [...] heard) to Oxford. We find that the ſame tyme a bruyte was rayſed, whether of truth or not,A brake [...]|ſed that king Richard [...] to yelde [...] [...] leys was the French kings h [...]ds. w [...] haue neither to affirme nor denie, how there w [...] a meſſenger taken being ſent from the French [...]. with letters, in which was conteyned a licence or ſafeconduct, for the king of England, the duke of Ireland and others, to come vnto Bolloughe [...] a certaine nũber limitted, where they ſhould [...] the French K. come down thither redie to receiue them, to ye end that for a certaine ſumme of m [...]|ney, which the Frenche king ſhoulde giue is the king of Englande, the Towne of Calays, [...] all the other fortreſſes in thoſe parts, which were in the Engliſh mens handes, ſhould be deliuered to the Frenchmen, & further yt the K. of England ſhould do his homage to the French king for the lands which he held in Gaſcoigne, and ſo where acknowledged himſelfe his liegeman. The Lords as it was reported, hauing got theſe lettes, and taken counſaile togythers, howe to proceede in their buſineſſe, to bring the ſame to good end, re|moue frõ Oxford, & on Chriſtmas euẽ they come to S. Albons, & there ſtayed that day & the next.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Saint Stephens day they tooke their way to London with an army of .xl. thouſande me [...] as ſome write, and comming into the fieldes,The lords co [...]e [...]o [...] with a g [...] army. be|ſide Clerkenwell, muſtred their men, being deui|ded into three ſeueral battails very wel appointed with Armour and weapon, that it was a beauti|full ſight to behold them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king kept his Chriſtmaſſe,King Richard kepeth Chriſt+maſſe [...] the town of Lon|don. not at Weſt|mynſter, but in the tower, not doubting but there to be defended what chaunce ſoeuer ſhoulde hap|pen. The Lordes miſtruſting the Londoners, lodged them with their people in the Suburbes. They ſent yet two knightes, and two eſquiers,The lordes [...]d the [...] and citi [...] London [...]+ſtand their m [...]ning. vnto the Maior and Aldermen of the Citie, to vn|derſtande whether they were minded to take part with them, or with the duke of Irelande, and hys a [...]h [...]rents, traytors as they termed them, both to the king and realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Londoners were now in no ſmall feare and perplexitie, not knowing wel what way was beſt for them to take, weying diuers perils, as [...] the Kinges diſpleaſure, if they opened theyr EEBO page image 1037 gates vnto [...] Lordes, and if they ſhutte them forth, they [...]d the indignation and wrath of the Commons that were come thither with the Lordes, [...]e [...]o [...]ers [...]gue per| [...]e which [...] [...]ke. and were readie to breake downe theyr walles and gates, if they were neuer ſo lyttle prouoked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſides this, they ſtoode moſte in doubt, leaſt if the wealthieſt Citizens ſhoulde not giue theyr conſent to receyue the Lordes into the Citie, the meaner ſort, and ſuch as wiſhed rather to ſee ſom burle than to continue in peace, woulde ſecke by force to ſet [...]pon the gates, and make way for the Lordes and their people to enter, that they might make [...]cke, and ſpoyle whatſoeuer might bee founde of value in the rich mens houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe doubtes with all the circumſtaunces being well weyed and conſidered, [...]e Lõdoners [...] to the [...] the Maior Ni|cholas Exton and certain of the chiefe men in the Citie, went forth to the Lordes and offred them to lodge in the Citie at their pleaſure, wyth all things neceſſarie as they ſhould deuiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior cauſed alſo wine, ale, breade, and cheeſe, to be diſtributed amongſt the armie, ſo as eche one had parte, which courteſie turned greatlye afterwardes to the commoditie of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes vpon ſearche made, perceyuing that there was no guile mẽt by laying of men in ambuſhes within the Citie to entrappe them, [...] lordes en| [...] [...] Londõ or otherwiſe, but that all was ſure ynough & cleare without any ſuch euill meaning, they entred the Citie and there abode quietly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then went the Archbiſhop of Canterbury and other, betwixt the King and the Lordes to make peace betwixt them. But the king at the firſt ſee|med little to eſteeme the matter, ſaying to the Archbiſhop,The kings [...] touch| [...] the lords [...]ngs. well let them lie here with their great multitude of people hardely, till they haue ſpent all they haue, and then I truſt they will returne poore ynough and needie, and then I doubt not but I ſhall talke with them, and vſe the matter ſo as iuſtice may require.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes beeing enformed hereof, were maruellouſly mooued, and ſware that they would not depart till they had ſpoke with him face to face, and forthwith they ſent parte of their com|panies to watche the Thames, for feare the king ſhoulde eſcape theyr handes, and then laugh them to ſcorne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the king then perceyued himſelfe to be encloſed on eche ſide, he talked eftſoones with the Archbiſhop and his aſſociates that were Meſſen|gers betwixt him and the Lordes, willing them to declare to the Lordes that he would be conten|ted to treate with them in reaſonable order, wher|vpon they required that he ſhould on the morow next enſuing come vnto Weſtminſter, where he ſhould vnderſtand their demaundes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 When the king heard that he refuſed to come vnto Weſtminſter, but willed that they ſhoulde come to him there in the Tower.The lords re|fuſe to come-into the tower but after ſearch made they com+thither to the kings preſence The Lordes ſent him worde againe, that the Tower was a place to be ſuſpected, for that they might there be ſurpriſed by ſome guilefull practiſe deuiſed to in|trappe them. The king herevnto made anſwere, that they might ſend ſome two hundred men, or ſo many as they ſhoulde thinke good, to make a through ſearch, whether they needed to feare any ſuch thing, and this accordingly was done, they hauing the keyes of the gates and of al the ſtrong chambers, turrets, and places within the tower, ſent vnto them, and ſo on the Fryday,Grafton. the Duke of Glouceſter, the Earles of Darbie, and No|tingham, came to the king,Tho. VValſ. where he was ſet in a pauelion richely arrayed,The lords op [...]+their greefes to the king. and after theyr humble ſalutations done, and ſome talke had betwixte them, they wente at the kings requeſt with him, into his chãber, where they recited vnto him the conſpiracie of their aduerſaries through whiche they had bene indited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They alſo ſhewed forth the letters which hee had ſent to the Duke of Irelande, to leuie an ar|mie vnto theyr deſtruction. Likewiſe the letters which the Frenche king had written to him con|teyning a ſafeconducte for him to come into Fraunce, there to confyrme things to the dimi|niſhment of his honor, to the decay of his power, and loſſe of his fame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the time of this communication alſo, the Earle of Darbie deſired the king to beholde the people that were aſſembled in ſight before the Tower, for the preſeruation of him & his realme: which he did, and marueyling to ſee ſuch a good|ly armie and ſtrength, as he declared to them no leſſe, the Duke of Glouceſter ſayde vnto him, ſir this is not the tenth part of your willing ſubiects that haue ryſen to deſtroy thoſe falſe traytours, that haue miſled you with their wicked & naugh|tie counſaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being brought to his wittes ende, aſwell with thoſe things whiche the Lordes had charged him with, as otherwiſe with the ſight of that great multitude of people, ſeemed greatly a|mazed. Wherevpon the Lordes, vnder condition that the next day hee ſhoulde come to Weſtmin|ſter to heare more of theyr myndes, and to con|clude further for the behoofe of the common wealth of the Realme,Grafton. beganne to take leaue of him, meaning ſo to depart: but the King deſired them to tarie all nyght with him & the Queene. The Duke thinking to make all ſure, made ex|cuſe that he durſt not be abſent frõ al thoſe folks, which they had brought with them, for feare that ſome diſorder might ariſe, eyther in the armie, or in the Citie: yet at the kings inſtance, the Earles of Notingham and Darbie taried there all night.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1070 Tho. VValſ.The king before his going to bed, was quite turned cõcerning his determination and promiſe made to go the next day vnto Weſtmin. through ſuch whiſpering tales as was put into his [...]ares,The inconſtã|cie of the king by ſome that were about him, telling him that it ſtood neither with his ſafetie, nor honor, ſo lightly to agree to depart frõ the tower, vnto ſuch place as the Lordes had thus appoynted him, to ſerue more for their purpoſe thã for ſuretie of his perſon

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Lords therefore vnderſtood that he would not keepe promiſe with them, they were greatly offended, inſomuch as they ſent him flat word, that if he woulde not come (according to promiſe) they would ſurely chooſe an other king, that would and ought to obey the faythful coun|ſaile of his Lordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king with this meſſage being touched to the quicke,The K. is com|pelled to con|diſcend to the lords requeſts. to ſatiſfie their mindes, and to auoyde further perill, remoued the nexte morning vnto Weſtminſter, where the Lords comming before his preſence, after a little other talke, they decla|red vnto him, that aſwel in reſpect of his own ho|nour, as the commoditie and wealth of his king|dome, it was behouefull that ſuch traytors, moſt wicked and ſlanderous perſons, as were nothing profitable, but hurtful to him, and his louing ſub|iects, ſhould be remoued out of his court, and that other that both could, and would ſerue him more honorably and faythfully were placed in theyr rowmthes. The king although ſore agaynſt his minde, when he ſawe how the Lordes were bent, and that he wanted power to withſtande theyr pleaſures, condiſcended to doe what they woulde haue him. And ſo when he had graunted thereto, they iudged that Alexander Neuill Archbiſhop of Yorke, Iohn Fourdham Biſhop of Durham, Lord Treaſorer, Thomas Ruſhoke a Frier of the order of the Preachers, Biſhop of Chicheſter, and confeſſor to the king, were worthie to bee a|uoyded the Court. But the Archbiſhop [...] and the Bi. of Chicheſter would [...] [...]|nings, but got them out of the way, [...] was not knowne whither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes expulsed also out of the Court Lord Zouche of Haringworth, C [...] [...] the [...] the L. Burnell, the Lord Beaumont, Albrey de Vcer, Baldwin de Bereford, Richard Aderburie, Iohn Worth, Thomas Clyfford, and Iohn Louell knightes. These were dismissed out of the Court, and remoued from the king, but not discharged, for they were constreyned to be put in sureties to appeare at the next Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were also certaine Ladies expulsed the Court, C [...] [...] expulſed the Court. as those that were thought to doe muche harme about the K. to wit the Lady Poynings, wife to Iohn Worth of Mowen, and the Ladie Moulinge, with others, which also found sureties to answere at the next Parliament, to all suche things as might be obiected agaynst them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer there were arrested & co(m)mitted to seuerall prisons, sir Simon Burley, The [...] thoſe that [...] c [...]m [...]ed [...] priſon by the Lords. Wil. Elmham, Iohn Beauchampe of Holt steward of the kings house, sir Iohn Salisburie, sir Thom. Trinet, sir Iames Barneis, sir Nichol. Dagworth, & sir Nicolas Brambre knights. Also Richarde Clifford, Iohn Lincolne, Ric. Mitford the king chaplains, & Nic. Selake deane of the kings chapel, whose worde might doe much in the Court. There was also apprehe(n)ded Iohn Blake an apprentice of the law: al which persons were kept in strait ward till the next Parliame(n)t, in which they were appointed to sta(n)d vnto their trial and answers

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, to witte, the morrow after the Purification of our lady, the Parliament beg [...]n,The par [...] that wrought wonders. the which was named the Parliamẽt yt wrought wonders. The king would gladly haue proro|ged the time of this Parliamẽt if by any meanes he might.Grafton.

[figure appears here on page 1070]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1071 Grafton. Tho. VVal.The Lordes came to the ſame Parliament, with a ſufficiẽt armie for their owne ſafeties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt day of this Parliament, were areſted as they ſate in their places,Grafton. all the Iuſtices (except ſir William Skipworth) as ſir Roger Fulthrop, ſir Robert Belknap,The Iuſtices a [...]ed and ſent to the tower. ſir Iohn Carey, ſir Iohn Holt, ſir William Brooke, & Iohn Alocton the kings Sergeant at law, all the whiche were ſent to the Tower, and there kept in ſeuerall places: The cauſe why they were thus apprehẽded, was for that where in the laſt Parliament, diuerſe Lordes were made gouerners of the realme, both by the aſſent of the ſame Parliament,Why the Iuſti+ces were appre|hended. and alſo by the aduiſe & coũſail of all the Iuſtices then being, and Indentuces tripertite thereof made, of the which one part remayned with the king, an other with the Lordes ſo choſen to gouerne the realme, and the thirde part with the Iuſtices: and yet notwithſtanding, the ſayde Iuſtices at a Coun|cell holden at Notingham (as ye haue heard be|fore) didde goe contrarie to that agreement. Wherevpon it was nowe determyned, that they ſhoulde make anſwere to theyr doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer in the beginning of this Parlia|ment,The Duke of [...] and his [...]ates at|tayned of trea+ſon by this par+liament. were openly called Robert Veer Duke of Ireland, Alexander Neuill Archbiſhop of York, Michaell de la Poole Earle of Suffolke, ſir Ro|bert Triſilian Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande, to anſwere Thomas of Woodſtocke Duke of Glouceſter, Rycharde Earle of Arundell, Henrie Earle of Darbie, and Thomas Earle of No|tingham vpon certaine articles of high treaſon, which theſe Lordes did charge them with, and foraſmuche as none of theſe appeared, it was or|deyned by the whole aſſent of the Parliament, that they ſhoulde be baniſhed for euer, and theyr landes and goodes moueable and vnmoueable to be forfeyt and ſeyſed into the kings handes, theyr landes entayled onely excepted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after was the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, Robert Treſilian founde founde in a Potheca|ries houſe at Weſtminſter, lurking there,Treſilian chief iuſtice diſcried by his own mã is executed at Tiburn. to vn|derſtande by ſpyes dayly what was done in the Parliament: he was diſcried by one of his owne men, and ſo taken and brought to the Duke of Glouceſter, who cauſed him forthwith the ſame day to be had to the Tower, and from thence drawne to Tyburne and there hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morrow after, Å¿ir Nicholas Brambre that Å¿ometime had beene Maior of London, was brought forth to iudgement and condemned, al|though he had many friendes that made Å¿uyte to Å¿aue his life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This man had done many oppreſſions with|in the Citie of London (as was reported.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his Mayraltie, he cauſed great and mon|ſtruous Stoks to be made to impriſon men ther|in, and alſo a common Axe, to ſtrike off the hea|des of them whiche ſhoulde reſiſt hys wyll and pleaſure, for hee was ſo highly in the kings fa|uour, that he might doe what he woulde. And the report went, that hee had cauſed eight thou|ſande or more to be indited, which before had ta|ken part with the Lordes, intending to haue put thẽ all to death, if God had not ſhortned his days.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many other euill fauoured reportes went a|brode of him, as that hee ment to haue chaunged the name of London, and to haue named it little Troy, of which citie baptiſed with ye new name, he purpoſed to bee intituled Duke. But theſe were forged rumors deuiſed and ſpred abrode in thoſe dayes, as many other were, partly by the vaine imagination of the people, and partly of purpoſe, to bring thoſe whome the king fauoured further out of the peoples lyking.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now touching ſir Nicholas Brambre.Sir Nicholas Brambre exe|cuted with an Axe of his owne deuiſe. In the ende beeing thus called to aunſwere hys tranſgreſſions, hee was founde guiltie, and had [figure appears here on page 1071] EEBO page image 1072 iudgement, neither to bee hanged, nor drawne, but to bee beheaded with his owne are which be|fore he had deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuers that ſtode agenſt the lords executedAfter this ſir Iohn Saliſburie, and ſir Iames Berneis, both knights and luſtie yong men, were by iudgement of Parliament drawne & hanged. Thẽ followed Iohn Beauchampe of ye Holt, L. Steward of the kings houſe, that had ſerued king Edward the third, and his ſonne Lionel Duke of Clarence: who likewiſe by decree of this Parlia|ment was drawne and hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Iohn Blake Eſquier, that in an vnfortu|nate houre ſtood againſt the Lords in the Coun|cell at Notingham, was now drawne and han|ged, and ſo was one Thomas Vſke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Laſt of all (or as ſome holde, firſt of all) was ſir Simon Burley beheaded, although the Earle of Darbie did what he coulde to ſaue his life, by reaſon whereof, great diſſention roſe betwixt the fayde Earle, and the Duke of Glouceſter: for the Duke beeing a ſore,The Duke of Glouceſter a ſeuere man. and a right ſeuere manne, myght not by any meanes be remoued from hys opinion and purpoſe, if he once reſolued vpon any matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Some ſpite he bare (as was thought) towards the ſayde ſir Simon Burley, both as well for the faythfull friẽdſhip,Sir Simon Burley. whiche was growne betwixte the Duke of Irelande, and the ſayde ſir Simon, as alſo for that he looked to haue had ſuch offices and rowmeths which ſir Sir Simon enioyed, by the kings gracious fauour and grauntes thereof to him made, as the Wardenſhippe of the cinque portes, and Coneſtableſhip of the Caſtel of Do|uer, and the office of high Chãberlain. But now bycauſe of all theſe which were condemned and executed at this Parliamẽt, in our cõmon Chro|nicles there is leaſt written, and in Froiſſart, and diuerſe priuate Phamphlets I haue read moſt of this Sir Simon, I haue thought good to ſette downe ſome parte of his lyfe, ſo largely as thys Volume maye well beare, although a greate deale more briefe than where I founde it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This ſir Simon, was the ſonne of ſir Iohn Burley, knight of the Garter, and brought vp in his youth vnder his kinneſman doctor Walter Burley, who (as in the latter ende of king Ed|warde the thirde you haue heard) was one of the chiefe that had charge in the bringing vppe of the blacke Prince, eldeſt ſonne to the ſayde king Ed|warde. By this occaſion he grewe into ſuche fa|uour with the Prince, that afterwardes the ſayde Prince committed vnto him the gouernaunce of his ſonne Richarde of Burdeaux, who as he was of a gentle and courteous nature, began then to conceyue ſo great loue and liking towards hym, that when he came to the crowne, and was king, he aduaunced him highly to great honours and promotions, inſomuch that at one time hee was made knight of the Garter, Coneſtable of the ca|ſtell of Douer, Lord warden of the cinque por [...], Lorde Chamberlaine, and alſo one of the pr [...]ye counſaile to the king. Neyther was there anye thing done concerning the affayres apperteyning to the ſtate, without his counſaile, appoyntment, and direction, wherein he ſo much fauoured and leaned to the partie of the Duke of Irelande, that he was ſore enuied, and greatly hated of dyuerſe of the reſt of the nobilitie, eſpecially of the kings vncle the Duke of Glouceſter, who vpon malice that he bare to the man, not ſomuch for his owne demeanour, as for his allies, and peraduenture for deſire of his rowmeths, more than of his life, cauſed him to bee accuſed of diuerſe offences a|gainſt the Crowne, Realme, and church, namely for that he had (as they ſurmiſed agaynſte hym) ſpoyled and waſted the Kings treaſure, & with|holden the pay of the ſouldiers and men of warre. wherevpon he was areſted, called to account, and hauing no clearke allowed him to make vppe the ſame, was founde in arrerages .250000. frankes. And although for one part therof he demaunded allowance of money, whiche he had defreyd and and layde out in Almaine, and in Boheme, about the kings mariage, and for the reſidue deſired dais of payment, yet he could obteyne neyther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further, he was accuſed that the duke of Ire|lande, and he, had gathered great ſummes of mo|ney, conueyed the ſame to Douer, and frõ thence ſent it in the night by ſea into Germanie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Laſtly, the Archbiſhop forſooth, & the Montes of Canterburie, charged him that hee ſoughte the meanes to remoue the Shrine of the Archb. Thomas, otherwiſe called Thomas Becket, from Canterburie vnto Douer, vnder a colour of feare, leaſt the Frenchmen being aſſembled in Flaunders to inuade Englande, ſhould lande in Kent, and take Canterburie, and ſpoyle it where in deede (as they ſurmiſed agaynſt him) he ment to ſende it ouer the Seas vnto the King of Bo|heme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon he was firſt cõmitted to the tower,Froiſſart. and before the King or his other friendes coulde procure his deliuerance, he was without lawe or Iuſtice before anye of the reſidue (as ſome holde) brought forth and beheaded on the Tower hill, by cõmaundement of the duke of Glouceſter, & other of his faction, quite contrarie to the kings will or knowledge, inſomuch that when hee vnderſtoode it, he ſpake many ſore wordes agaynſt the Duke, affirming that hee was a wicked man, and wor|thie to be kept ſhorter, ſithe vnder a colour of do|ing iuſtice, hee went aboute to deſtroy euery good and honeſt man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king was alſo offended with the Duke of Yorke, for his brothers preſumptuous doings, though the ſayde Duke of Yorke beeing [...]ly a EEBO page image 1073 man of a gentle nature, wiſhed that the ſtate of the common wealth might haue beene returned without loſſe of any mans lyfe, or other cruell dealing: but the Duke of Glouceſter, and diuerſe other of the nobilitie, the leſſe that they paſſed for the Kings threatning ſpeache, ſo muche more were they readie to puniſh all thoſe whome they tooke to bee theyr enimies.Th [...]. VValſ. In deede the ſayde Sir Symon Burley, was thought to beare himſelfe more loftie, by reaſon of the Kings fa|uour, than was requiſite, whiche procured hym enuye of them, that coulde not abyde others to bee in anye condition theyr equalles in autho|ritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſhoulde appeare by Froiſſart, that hee was firſte of all in the beginning of theſe ſturres be|twixt the king and the Lords, committed to the Tower, and notwithſtanding all the ſhift that eyther the King, or the Duke of Irelande, or any other of his friendes coulde make for him, by the duke of Glouceſters commaundement bee was cruelly beheaded, ſo greatly to the offence of the king, and thoſe that were his truſtie counſailers, that therevpon the king cauſed the Duke of Ire|lande the ſooner to aſſemble an armie againſt the ſaid duke and his complices, thereby to reſtraine their preſumptuous proceedings, but whether he was thus at the firſt or laſt executed, to pleaſe the king the better, now at this Parliament amongſt others that were cõdemned in the ſame: his lands were giuen to the king, a great part whereof he afterwards diſpoſed to diuers men as be thought expedient: but yet in the Parliament holdẽ in the xxj. yere of this kings raigne, the act of atteynder of the ſayd ſir Simon was repealed, and at an o|ther Parliament holden in the ſeconde yeare of king Henrie the fourth, all his landes which then remayned vngraunted and vnſold, were reſtored to ſir Iohn Burley knight, ſon & heyre of ſir Ro|ger Burley, brother to the ſayd Simon, of whom lineally is diſcended Thomas Eyns Eſquier, now Secretarie to the Queenes Mai. counſaile in the north parts. And thus far touching ſir Si|mon Burley, of whom many reports went of his diſloyall dealings towardes the ſtate, as partly ye haue heard, but how truely the Lorde knoweth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Among other ſlaunderous tales that were ſpredde abrode of him, one was that he conſented to the deliuering of Douer Caſtell by the kings appoyntment vnto the Frenchmen for money. But as this was a thing not like to be true, ſo no doubt, many things that the perſons aforeſayde which were executed had bin charged with, at the leaſt by common report among the people, were nothing true at al, although happely the ſubſtãce of thoſe things for which they died, might be true in ſome reſpect. Sir William Elmham that was charged alſo for the withdrawing the ſoul|diers wages, diſcharged himſelfe thereof, and of all other thinges that mighte bee layde to hys charge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As touching the Iuſtices,Graften. they were all con|demned to death by the Parliament, but ſuche meanes was made for them vnto the Queene,The iuſtices condemned to perpetual exile that the obteined pardon for their liues. But they forfeyted theyr landes and goodes, and were ap|poynted to remayne in perpetuall exile, with a certaine portion of Money to them aſſigned for theyr dayly ſuſtentation: the names of whiche Iuſtices ſo condemned to exile were theſe, Robert Belknap, Iohn Holt, Iohn Cray, Roger Fulthorpe, William Burgh, and Iohn Lokton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, in this Parliament was an othe re|quired and obteyned of the king, that hee ſhoulde ſtand vnto and abide ſuch rule and order as the Lordes ſhoulde take:The K. taketh an oth to per|forme the lords orders. and this othe was not re|quyred onely of the king, but alſo of all the Inha|bitantes of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In theſe troubles was the realme of England in theſe dayes, and the king brought into that caſe, that hee [...]ed not, but was ruled by hys vncles, and other, to the [...] aſſociate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the latter ende of this eleuenth yeare was the Erle of Arundell ſent to the ſea with a greate nauie of ſhips and men of war.The erle of A|rundel ſent to the ſea with a great Nauie [...] ayde of the Duke of Bri|taine. There went with him in this iorney, of noble men, the Erle of No|tingham, and Deuonſhire, ſir Thomas Percy, the Lorde Clifford, the L. Camois, ſir William Elmhã, ſir Thomas Morieux, ſir Iohn Dan|breticourt, ſir William Shelley, ſir Iohn War|wike, or Barwike, ſir Stephen de Libery, ſir Ro|bert Sere, ſir Peter Montberie,Peraduenter Maluere it may be Mon|gomery. ſir Lewes Clan|bow, ſir Thomas Coq or Cooke, ſir William Pauley or Paulet, and diuerſe others. They wer a thouſande men of armes, and three thouſande archers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The purpoſe for which they were ſent, was to haue ayded the duke of Brytaine (if he woulde haue receyued them) being then eftſoones run into the French kings diſpleaſure; for the impriſoning of the Lord Cliſſon Coneſtable of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after that (contrary to expectation,An. reg. 12. ) the duke of Brytain was come to an agreemẽt with the French king, the Erle of Arundell drew with his nauie alongſt the coaſtes of Poictou, & Xain|tonge, till at length hee arriued in the hauen that goeth vp to Rochell, and landed with his men at Marraunt foure leagues from Rochelle, and beganne to pilfre, ſpoyle, and fetche booties abrode in the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French menne within Rochelle, iſſued forth to ſkirmiſh with the Engliſh men, but they were eaſily put to flight, and followed euen to the barriers of the gates of Rochel. Perot le Bernois a captaine of Gaſcoine, that made warre for the king of England in Lymoſin, and lay in the for|treſſe EEBO page image 1074 of Galuſet, came forth the ſame time, and made a road into Berry with foure .C. ſpeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of A|rundel retur|neth out of Fraunce.The Earle of Arundell after hee had layne at Marrant .xv. dayes, returned to his ſhippes, and finally came backe into Englande, and Perot le Bernois likewiſe returned to his fortreſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time was a truce taken be|twixte the parties Engliſhe and Frenche on the marches, of Aquitaine to beginne the firſt day of Auguſt, and to endure till the firſt of May nexte enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An ouerthrow giuen to the Engliſhemen by to Scots at Otterborne.This yeare in Auguſt, the Scots inuaded the Countrey of Northumberlande, and at Otter|burne ouerthrew a power of Engliſhmen, which the Earle of Northumberlande and his ſonnes had leuied againſt them. In this battaile the Erle Dowglas chiefe of that armie of Scottes was ſlaine, and the Lord Henrie Percy, & his brother ſir Raufe, ſonnes to the ſayd Erle of Northum|berland, were taken priſoners, as in the Scottiſh Chronicles ye may read more at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fabian.After the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Ladie, a Parliament was holden at Cambridge, Caxton. A parliament at Cambridge in the which diuerſe new ſtatutes were ordeyned, as for the limiting of ſeruants wages: of puniſhment of vagarant perſons: for the inhibiting of certain perſons to weare weapon: for the debarring of vnlawfull games: for maintenaunce of ſhooting in the long bow: for remoouing of the Staple of woolles from Middleburgh vnto Calays: for la|bourers not to be receyued, but where they are in|habiting, except with licence vnder Seale of the hundred where they dwell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo an act made, that none ſhould goe forth of the realme, to purchaſe any benefice with cure or without cure, except by licence ob|teyned of the king, and if they did contrarie here|vnto, they were to be excluded out of the Kings protection.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was graunted to the king in this Par|liament, a tenth to be leuied of the Clergie, and a fiftenth of the laitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, during the time of this Parlia|mẽt,Sir Thomas Triuet ſlayne with th [...] fall of his horſe. as ſir Thomas Triuet was ryding towards Barnewel with the king, where the king lodged, by forcing his horſe too muche with the ſpurres, the horſe fell with him ſo rudely to the grounde, that his intrailes within him were ſo burſt and periſhed, that he dyed the next day after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many reioyced at this mans death, as well for that menne iudged him to be exceeding baw|tie and prowde, as alſo for that he was ſuſpected not to haue dealt iuſtly with the Biſhop of Nor|wiche, in the iourney whiche the Biſhoppe made, into Flaunders: but ſpecially men hadde an euil opinion of him, for that hee ſtoode with the king agaynſte the Lordes, counſayling him in the yeare laſt paſte, to diſpatche them oute of the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn Hollande, the kings brother [...] mothers ſyde, that was lately returned to [...] Spaine, where hee hadde beene wyth the [...] of Lancaſter, was nowe made Earle of [...]|tingdon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in this .xij. yeare, were commiſſi [...] appoynted to meete at Balingham,1389 betwixt [...]|lais and Bollongne, to treate a truce to bee had betwixt the realmes of England, Fraunce,Comi [...] ſent to [...] truce betwixt Englande, Fraunce, and Scotlande. and Scotlande. Walter Skitlow Biſhop of Dur|ham, that had beene lately before remoued [...] Bathe vnto Durham, from whence Iohn Ford|ham had beene tranſlated vnto Elie, was ſent as head commiſſionce for the king of England, and with him were ioyned ſir Iohn Clanbow, and ſir Nicholas Dagworth, knightes, and Richarde Rowhale Clearke, a doctor of law.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By Froiſſart it appeareth that the Earle of Saliſburie was one,Froiſſart. & ſir William Beauchamp Lorde Deputie of Calais poynted likewiſe as an aſſiſtant with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Bayen [...], the Lorde Vale [...] Earle of Saint Poule, ſir Guillam de Melin, ſir Nicholas Bracque, & ſir Iohn le Mercier, came thither for the French king. And for the king of Scottes there appeared, the Biſhop of Aberdyne, ſir Iames, and ſir Dauid Lindſey, and ſir Wal|ter Sanckler, knights.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After long treatie, and muche adoe, at length a truce was concluded to begin at Midſommer next, and to endure for the ſpace of three yeares next enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the Commiſſioners were occupied in the Marches betwixt Calais and Bollongne about this truce,The Scots in the time of treatie ſpoyle the [...]try of Northu [...] the Scottes entring into Nor|thumberland, did much miſchiefe, leading away many priſoners, of men and women, beſide other great booties & prayes which they got abroade in the countrey. The Lord Thomas Mowbray erle of Notingham was ſent with fiue .C. ſpeares to reuẽge thoſe attempts of the enimies: but for that his power was ſmall in compariſon to theirs, he preuayled litle or nothing againſt them ſir Iohn Clanbow, and ſir Richard Rouale Clerke tooke the French kings othe, and the Erle of S. Paule that had maried the Ladie Mawde Courtency with other noble men, came into Englande, and receiued the kings othe here for the confirming of this laſt mentioned truce.The Scots hauing pro|uided as a [...]|my to [...] england ha [...]|ly perſwaded to accept the truce. The Scots might not without muche adoe be perſwaded to accept this truce, being ready the ſame time with an army to enter into England, but yet through the diligẽce of ſuche Frenchmen as went thither for that pur|poſe, at length they agreed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the King by counſayle of ſome that were aboute hym, called the Nobles and greate menne of the Realme togyther, and as EEBO page image 1075 they were ſet in the Counſaile Chamber ſtaying till hee came: at length he entring into the ſame Chamber,The kings queſtion to his lords & others in the counſel chamber. and taking his place to ſit among thẽ, demaunded of them, of what age he was nowe? Wherevnto anſwere was made that he was full twentie yeares olde: then (ſayde hee) I am of yeres ſufficient to gouerne mine owne houſe and family, and alſo myne Kingdome: for it ſeemeth agaynſt reaſon that the eſtate of the meaneſt per|ſon within my kingdome ſhoulde be better than myne. Euerie heyre that is once come to the age of .xx. yeares, is permitted, if his father be not lyuing, to order his buſineſſe himſelfe: then that thing whiche is permitted to euery other perſon of meane degree by lawe, why is the ſame denied vnto me?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Barons herewith aſtonied made anſwere, that there ſhoulde bee no right abridged from him, but that he might take vpon hym the gouernment as of reaſon was due: Well ſayde hee, ye knowe that I haue beene a long time ru|led by tutors, ſo as it hath not beene lawfull to mee to doe any thing, were it of neuer ſo ſmall importance, without their conſents. Now there|fore I will, that they meddle no further with mat|ters perteyning to my gouernment, and after the maner of an heyre come to lawfull age, I wil call to my counſaile ſuch as pleaſeth mee,The K. taking vppon him the gouernement of al things diſplaceth di| [...]ers officers and ſetteth o|thers in their roomes. and I will deale in mine owne buſineſſe my ſelfe. And therefore I will firſt that the Chauncellor reſigne to me his ſeale. When the Archbiſhop of Yorke (who in the yeare laſt paſt had bin remoued from Ely vnto Yorke, and Alexander Neuill diſpla|ced,) had delyuered to him the ſeale, the King re|ceyuing it of him, put it in his boſome, and ſo|dainly ryſing, departed forth of the Chamber, and after a little while returning, ſate downe a|gaine,Wickham Bi+ſhop of Win|cheſter made [...]ouncelor. and delyuered the Seale to the Biſhop of Wyncheſter, William Wickham, and ſo made him Chancellor, although ſore agaynſt the ſame Biſhops will: he made alſo many other new of|ficers, remouing the olde, and vſed in all things his owne diſcretion and authoritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter, the Earle of War|wicke, and other honourable and worthie men, were diſcharged and put from the Counſaile, and others placed in theyr rowmethes, ſuch as plea|ſed the king to appoynt. The ſame time he made fiue new Iuſtices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 14. [...]erl [...]iſts [...]eaſe.In this ſeaſon, the followers of Wicklifes doctrine maruellouſly increaſed, ſpecially in the Dioceſſe of Sarum, where they had many that tooke vpon them as Miniſters, both to preach the worde, and to diſpence the Sacraments.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This they did in ſecrete: but they were diſ|couered by one that had beene of theyr fellow|ſhip, who declared to the Biſhoppe of Saliſburie at his Manour of Sonning, all the whole cir|cumſtaunces therof, as he knewe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were of them that preached in thoſe dayes earneſtly agaynſt pylgrimages, callyng ſuch Images as ye people had in moſt veneratiõ, as that at Walſingham, and the Roode of the North doore at Paules in London, rotten ſtocks, and worme eaten blocks, through which the vnſkilfull people being mocked and deceyued, were compelled moſt manifeſtly to commit ido|latrie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhops (ſayth Thomas Walſingham) hearing, beholding & knowing theſe things with much more to be true, did little or nothing to re|dreſſe the ſame, ſaue only the biſhop of Norwich who ſtirred coales, ſwearing and ſtoring, that if any of that ſect preſumed to preache any peruerſe doctrine within his dioceſſe, he would cauſe them either to hop headleſſe, or to frie a fagot for it: he was therefore not a little prayſed and extolled by the Monks and other religious men, as ſhould appeare for that his zeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Nouember,The Duke of Lancaſter re|turneth into England forth of Gaſcoigne. the Duke of Lancaſter came forth of Gaſcoigne into England after he had re|mayned firſt in Spaine, and after in Gaſcoigne, three yeares togither. Of his ſucceſſe in Spaine is ſpoken before, and likewyſe of the agreement betwixte the King of Caſtille, and the ſayde Duke, whiche was not in all poyntes con|fyrmed, till a little before his returne nowe into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time the King had called a counſaile of his Nobilitie at Reading,A counſel hol+den at Reding where the D. of Lanca. recõ|cileth the king and the lords. to the whiche the Duke of Lancaſter made the more haſte to come, bycauſe hee knewe that the King woulde ſhewe no good countenaunce to ſome of the noble men, and therefore he doubted leaſt ma|licious offences might ariſe betwixt them, whiche to appeaſe he ment the beſt he coulde, and his tra|uaile came to good effect: for he did ſo much, that as well the king as the Lordes departed from the Counſaile as friendes, the Lordes taking theyr leaues of him in louing maner, and he curteouſly bidding them farewell: and ſo eche of them reſor|ted to their homes well pleaſed and ſatiſfied for that preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king helde his Chriſtmaſſe this yeare at Woodſtocke, and the Duke of Lancaſter lay at his Caſtell of Hertford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Å¿ame tyme the Lorde Iohn de Ha|Å¿tings erle of Pembroke,


The Erle of Pembrok ſlain as he was lear|ning to iuſt wounded to death.

as he was practiſing to learne to iuſt, through miſhap was ſtriken about the priuie partes, by a knight called ſir Iohn S. Iohn, that ran againſt him, ſo as his inner parts being periſhed, death preſently followed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The loſſe of this erle was greatly bemoned by men of al degrees, for he was liberal, gẽtle, hum|ble, and curteous to eche one, aboue all the other yong Lordes in the land of his time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1076Of this Earles aunceſtours thys is repor|ted for a thing ſtraunge and marueylous, that from the dayes of Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke, that was one amongeſt other that ſate in iudgement of Thomas Earle of Lanca|ſter, there was not any Earle of Pembrooke ſuc|ceeding the ſame Aymer de Valence, vnto the dayes of this yong Earle by miſfortune thus ſlaine, that euer ſaw his father, nor yet anye of their fathers might reioyce in the ſight of anye of their ſonnes, being ſtill called hence, ere the time came for them ſo to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the ſame Thomas Erle of Lan|caſter, for the opinion which had bene conceyued of him,The earle of Lancaſter ca|noniſed for a Saint. by reaſon of myracles and other reſpects, was canonized for a Saint.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Monday next after the feaſt of Saint Hillarie,A bil againſt wearing of badges. a Parliament was begonne at Weſt|minſter, in which there was a Byll exhibited by the commons, that the Lordes and great men of the realme, ſhoulde not giue to theyr men Bad|ges to weare as their cognizances, by reaſon that through the abuſe thereof, many great oppreſſi|ons, imbraſeries, vnlawfull maintenances, and wrongs were practiſed, to the hinderaunce of all good orders, lawes and iuſtice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes woulde not conſent altogither to lay down their badges,No reteyners to wear badges but yee they agreed that none ſhoulde weare any ſuch cognizaunce except their ſeruaunts of houſholde, and ſuch as were in ordinarie wages by the yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame Parliament, certaine perſons that had gone about ſome new rebellion in Kent being apprehended, were condemned, and ſo were drawne and hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo an act made againſt ſuche as ſhould paſſe the Seas, to purchaſe prouiſions (as they tearmed them) in any Church or Churches. And if any from thenceforth attempted ſo to doe, he ſhould be reputed and taken as a rebell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ad act againſt mediators for wilful murde|rers.Alſo there was an act prouided againſt thoſe that committed any wilfull murder, that none ſhould preſume to ſue for their pardon. A duke or an Archb. that ſo ſued, ſhould forfeyt to the king an hundred poundes. Likewiſe an Erle or a Bi|ſhop, an hundred markes. &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in this Parliament it was gran|ted, that the King ſhould haue of euery ſacke of wooll fortie ſhillings, of the which ten ſhillings ſhould be applyed preſently to the kings vſes, and xxx. ſs. reſidue of the .xl. ſs. ſhoulde remaine in the hãds of the Treaſorers, towards ye bearing forth of the charges of warres when any chaunced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo there was a ſubſidie graunted of ſixe pens in the pound, foure pens to the vſe laſt men|tioned, and two pens to be imployed at the kings pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame Parliament, Iohn duke of Lan|caſter was created Duke of Aquitaine,The Duke of Lãcaſter [...] Duke of [...]|tayne. receyuing at the kings hand the rodde and cappe, as [...]|ſtures of that dignitie. Alſo the duke of Yorke his ſonne and heire was created Erle of Rutland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fifth of March,Great [...] a ſore and terrible winde roſe, with the violence whereof, muche hurt was done, houſes ouerthrowne, cattell deſtroyed, and trees ouerturned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this enſued great mortalitie by peſtilence ſo that much youth died euery where,Great pla [...] in cities and townes, in paſſing great numbers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith followed a great dearth of corne,Great death. ſo that a buſhell of wheate in ſome places was ſolde at .xiij. pens, which then was thought to bee at a great price.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this .xiij. yeare of king Richardes raigne,A iourney a|gainſt the S [...]|raſy [...]. the Chriſtians tooke in hande a iourney agaynſte the Sarazens of Barbarie, through ſute of the Geneways, ſo that there went a great number of Lordes, knights, and gentlemen of Fraunce, and Englande, the duke of Burbon being theyr ge|nerall. Out of Englande there went one Iohn de Beaufort baſtarde ſonne to the Duke of Lan|caſter (as Froiſſart hath noted) alſo ſir Iohn Ruſ|ſell, ſir Iohn Butler and others. They ſet for|warde in the latter ende of this .xiij. yeare, and came to Genoa, where they remayned not long, but that the gallyes and other veſſels of the Ge|newayes were readie to paſſe them ouer into Barbarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo about Mydſommer in the beginning of the fourtenth yeare of thys Kings reigne,An. Reg. [...] the whole armie beeing embarked, ſayled forth to the coaſtes of Barbarie,The Engliſh arche is good ſeruice. where neare to the Citie of Afrike they landed, at which inſtant the Engliſh Archers as ſome write) ſtoode all the companie in good ſteade, with theyr long Bowes, heating backe the enimies from the ſhore, whiche came downe to reſyſt theyr landing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had got to land, they enuyroned the Citie of Affrike (called by the Moorts Maheme|dia) with a ſtrong ſiege: but at length conſtrained wyth the intemperancie of the ſealding ayre in that hote countrey, breeding in the armie ſundrie diſeaſes, they fell to a compoſition vpon certaine articles to be perfourmed in the behalfe of the Sa|razens, and ſo .lxj. dayes after theyr fyrſt arriuall there, they tooke the Seas againe, and returned home, as in the hiſtories of Fraunce and Italy is likewiſe expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where by Polidore Virgile it may ſe [...]e, that the Lorde Henrie of Lancaſter Earle of Derbie, ſhoulde bee Captaine of the Engliſhe menne, that (as before ye haue hearde) went into Barbarie wyth the French men, & Genewayes, it ſhoulde otherwiſe appeare by other Wryters,Tho. VValſ. who affyrme that the ſayde Earle made a iour|ney in deede the ſame tyme agaynſte the myſ|creantes, EEBO page image 1077 not into Barbarie,The earle of Derby his ex| [...]es in hys [...]rney againſt the infidels of Prutzaland. but into Prutzen|lande, where he ſhewed good proufe of his noble and valiant courage: for ioyning with the mai|ſters and knightes of the Teutſch order there, the armie of the Lithuanians that came agaynſt the ſayd order was vanquiſhed, and foure chiefe lea|ders of the Lithuanians were taken priſoners, three other being ſlain, with three hũdred of their chiefeſt and beſt approued ſouldiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Through the policie alſo and worthie man|hood of the Erle of Darbie, there was a certaine Citie taken, where the ſaid Erle and his men firſt entring vpon the walles, did ſet vp his banner: o|ther being ſlouthfull, or at the leaſt vnſkilful how to deale in ſuch exploytes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken & ſlaine foure .M. of the cõ|mon people, and amongſt them that were founde dead, the king of Poloignes brother was one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of the ſame Citie was beſieged fiue weekes ſpace: but by reaſon of ſickneſſe & ſuch infirmities as chanced in the army, the maſters of Prutzen, & Liefland would not tarie any longer, but brake vp their ſiege and returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maſter of Leifland led with him into his countrey three thouſand priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, whileſt the Chriſtians were thus occupied, as well agaynſt the infidels in Barbarie, as in the Eaſte partes towardes Lyttawe, a royall Iuſtes and Martiall turna|ment was proclaymed to bee holden wythin Smithfielde in London,A [...]al iuſtes [...]ellẽ in Smith+field at Londõ. to beginne on Sunday next after the feaſt of Saint Michaell. And by|cauſe this triumphaunt paſtime was publiſhed, not onely in Englande, but alſo in Scotlande, in Almaigne, in Flaunders, in Brabant, in Hey|nault, and in Fraunce, many ſtraungers came hyther forth of diuerſe Countreys, namely Va|leran Earle of Saint Paule, that had maryed King Richardes ſiſter the Ladie Mawde de Courteney, and William the yong Erle of O|ſternant,Some copies haue Oſternãt ſon to Albert de Baniere Erle of Hol|lande and Heynalt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the day appoynted, when all things were prepared, there iſſued forth of the Tower about three of the clocke in the after noone lx. Courſers apparelled for the Iuſtes, and vpon euerie one an Eſquier of honour, riding a ſoft pace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then came forth .xxiiij. Ladies of honour (lx. ſayth Froiſſart) mounted on Palfreys,The man n [...] of the iuſts in Smithfield. ryding on the one ſide richly apparelled, and euery Ladie led a knight with a chaine of golde. Thoſe knightes being on the kings part, had their armor and ap|parell garniſhed with white heartes and crownes of golde about theyr neckes,Siluer ſayth Froſart. and ſo they came ry|ding through the ſtreets of Lõdon vnto Smith|field, with a great number of Trumpets and o|ther Inſtruments before them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King and the Queene, with many other great eſtates were readie placed in Chambers richly adorned to ſee the Iuſtes: and when the Ladies that led the knightes, were come to the place, they were taken downe from their Pal|freys, and went vp into Chambers readie prepa|red for them. Their alighted the eſquiers of honor from their courſers, and the knights in good order mounted vpon them. And ſo when their helmets were ſet on their heades, and that they were rea|die in all poyntes, after Proclamations made by the Heraults, the iuſtes began, and many com|mendable courſes were runne, to the great plea|ſure, comfort, and recreation of the King, the Queene, and all other the beholders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The price that day on the anſwerers part was giuen to the Earle of Saint Paule, and on the Chalengers ſide, to the Earle of Huntington.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Monday, the King himſelfe, wyth Dukes, Erles, Lordes, and knights, came to the iuſtes, he being chiefe of the inner part.

[figure appears here on page 1077]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1078That day the price was giuen to the Erle of Oſteruant for the beſt doer, of the vtter part: and of the inner part, to a knight of Englande called ſir Hugh Spencer. On the Tueſday, all maner of Eſquiers iuſted, and likewiſe on the Wedneſday al maner of knights and eſquiers that woulde, on which day was a ſore and rude iuſtes, enduring till night. And ſo many a noble courſe and other martiall feates were atchieued in thoſe four days, to the great contentation and pleaſure of many a yong batchler deſirous to win fame, & alſo highly to the kings honor,The King kept open hou+ſhold in the Biſhop of Lon|don his palaice by Paules church. who by all that ſeaſon helde his Court in the Biſhops Palayce by Paules church, keeping open houſhold for all honeſt per|ſones that thither reſorted, eſpecially euery night after the iuſtes were ended, a right ſumptuous & princely ſupper was prepared for the ſtrangers & other, and after ſupper, the time was ſpent in dan|cing & reuelling, after the moſt courtlike maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. feſteth the ſtraungersThe Thurſday, the king made a ſupper to al the Lords, knights and gentlemen ſtrangers, and the Queene to all the ladies and gentlewomen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Fryday the duke of Lancaſter feaſted at dinner al the ſayd Lords,The Duke of Lancaſter feaſ|teth the ſtran|gers. knights, & gentlemẽ ſtrangers, in moſt ſumptuous & plentiful maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Saterday, the king and all the whole companie departed from Lõdon vnto Winſore, where newe feaſting beganne, and ſpecially the king did all the honour that might be deuiſed vn|to the Erles of S. Paule and Oſteruant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Oſteruant, at the erneſt requeſt of the king, receyued of him the order of the Gar|ter, for the whiche hee was euill thought of after|wardes by his friendes, namely the French king and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, after that the king had thus feaſted the ſtrangers and other at Windſore, eche man tooke leaue of the king, the Queene, and the kings vn|cles, and other Lords and Ladies, and ſo depar|ted the ſtrangers into their own coũtreys, & other home to their houſes, or whither they thoght beſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1391Ambaſſadours were ſent from the Frenche [figure appears here on page 1078] king, vnto the king of Englande, [...] Froiſſart. to [...] [...]|uerture of peace to be had, and to endure [...] betwixt the two realmes of England & [...] ſith that by warre it was apparant ynough [...] neyther realme could greatly benefite it ſelfe, but rather ſore endomage eyther other, as before [...] it had come apparantly to paſſe. Therefore the matter beeing well conſidered, both partes ar|med well affected towardes ſome good confu|ſion by treatie to bee hadde of a full and perfect peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, by the king with the aduice of his counſaile, proclamation was made and publiſhed at London, that all beneficed and abyding in the Court of Rome,A p [...] that a [...] eng [...] beneficed [...] in Rome [...] returne into Englande. being Engliſhe men borne, ſhould returne home into Englande before the feaſt of Saint Nicholas, vnder p [...]e to forfeyte all theyr benefices, and ſuch as were not beneficed, vnder a paine likewiſe lymitted. The Engliſh men hearing ſuch a thunder clap a farre off, fearing the blowe, left the Popes Court, and returned to their natiue ſoyle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope troubled with ſuch a rũbling noiſe,The Pope ſen|deth [...] Nun|cio to king Richard. ſent in all haſt an Abbot as his nuncio vnto the king of Englande, aſwell to vnderſtand the cau|ſes of this proclamation, as of ſtatutes deuiſed & made lately in Parliament, agaynſt thoſe that prouided themſelues of benefices in the Court of Rome by the Popes Bulles, which ſeemed not a little preiudiciall to the Church of Rome: in con|ſideration whereof the ſayd nuncio, required that the ſame ſtatutes might be repealed & aboliſhed, ſo farre as they tended to the derogation of ye church liberties: but if ye ſame ſtatuts were not aboliſhed, the Pope might not (ſayd his nuncio) with a ſafe conſcience otherwiſe do than proceede againſt thẽ that made thoſe ſtatuts, in ſuch order as the Ca|nons did appoint. Moreouer the ſaid nuncio de|clared to the king, certaine daungerous practiſes betwixt the Antipape and the French king as to make the duke of Touraine the Frẽch kings bro|ther king of Tuſkaine and Lombardie, and to eſtabliſh the Duke of Aniou in the kingdome of Sicille.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, he gaue the king to vnderſtande,The Pope N [...]| [...]io open [...] the king the French king p [...]y pract [...] that if the Frenche king might compaſſe by the Antipapes meane to bee choſen Emperour, hee woulde ſeeke to vſurpe vpon ech mans right, and therefore it ſtoode the king of England chiefly in hande to prouyde agaynſt ſuch practiſes in time. And as for the treatie of peace which the Frenche men ſeemed ſo much to fauour, it was to none other ende, but that vpon agreement once hadde, they might more conueniently compaſſe theyr purpoſe in the premiſſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore,Nuncio. the nuncio erneſtly beſought the king of ayd in the Popes behalf againſt the Frẽch king, if (as he threatned to do) he ſhoulde inuade EEBO page image 1079 him in Italie with open force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king ſeemed to giue fauourable eare vnto the nuncio, and after aduice taken, appoynted to ſtay till after Michaelmaſſe, at what time a par|liament was appoynted to be aſſembled, wherein ſuch things as he had proponed ſhoulde be weyed and cõſidered of, & ſome concluſion taken therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter his iourney into Prutzen land.About the ſame time, the Duke of Glouceſter went into Prutzen land, to the great griefe of the people, that made account by his departure, as if the ſunne had beene taken from the earth, doub|ting ſome miſhappe to followe to the common welth by his abſẽce,The Duke of Glouceſter in great fauor with the com|mons. whoſe preſence they thought ſufficient to ſtay all detriments yt might chaunce, for in hym the hope of the Commons onelye reſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In his returne home, he was ſore formented with rough weather & tẽpeſtuous ſeas. At length yet he arriued in Northumberlande, and came to the Caſtell of Tinmouth, as to a Sanctuarie knowne to him of olde, where after hee had refre|ſhed him certaine dayes, he tooke his iourney homewardes to Plaſchy in Eſſex, bringyng no ſmall ioy for his ſafe returne to all the King|dome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 15. The ninth of Iuly the Sunne ſeemed dark|ned, wyth certaine groſſe and euill fauoured cloudes comming betwixt it and the earth, ſo as it appeared ruddie, but gaue no light from noone, till the ſetting thereof. And afterwardes conti|nually for the ſpace of ſixe Weekes, aboute the midſt of the day, clowds cuſtomarily roſe, & ſom|times they continued both day and nighte, not vaniſhing away at all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame tyme, ſuche a mortalitie and death of peope increaſed in Norffolke, and in many o|ther Countrees of England, that it ſeemed not vnlike the ſeaſon of the great peſtilence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A great death in York & ſun dry other places.In the Citie of Yorke there died .xj. thouſande within a ſhort ſpace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henrie Percy Erle of Northumberland lieu|tenaunt of Calais, was called home from that charge, and created warden of the Marches a|gaynſt Scotland, & Robert Mowbray was ſent to Calays to be the kings lieutenant there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A parliament at London.On Fryday next after all ſoules day, the Par|liament began at London, in which the knightes would in no wiſe agree that the ſtatute made a|gaynſt ſpirituall men, for the prouiding themſel|ues of benefices in the Court of Rome, ſhould be repelled: but yet they agreed thus much, that it ſhould be tollerated, ſo as with the kings lycence ſuch ſpirituall men might purchaſe to themſelues ſuch benefices till the next Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Halfe a tenth, and halfe a fiftenth were gran|ted to the King in thys Parliament, to the furniſhing of the treatie of peace whiche the Duke of Lancaſter was appoynted to proſecute. Alſo conditionally a whole tenth, and a whole fiftenth were graunted to him, if it chaunced that hee made anye iourney that yeare agaynſt the Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The price of corne that had continued at an high rate, almoſt for the ſpace of two yeres,The flix gottẽ by exceſsiue feeding on fruites. began to fall immediately after the harueſt got in, to the great reliefe of the poore, which before throughe immoderate eating of Nuttes, and Aples, fell in|to the diſeaſe called the Flixe, whereof manye dyed, and ſurely (as was thought) the death and dearth had beene greater, if the commendable di|ligence of the Lorde Maior of London had not beene,The L. Maior of London cõ|mended for his careful proui|ſion of corne from beyonde the ſeas in the time of dearth in relieuing the Commons by ſuche pro|uiſion as hee made for corne to bee brought vnto London, from the partyes of beyonde the Seas, where otherwiſe neyther had the Countrey beene able in any thing to haue ſufficed the Citie, nor the Citie the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Chriſtmaſſe day, a Dolphin that came forth of the Sea vp the Thames vnto London bridge, was eſpyed of the Citizens as he played in the water, and being followed and purſued,A Dolphyn ta|ken at Lon|don bridge, wyth much ado was taken. He was ten foote long, and a monſtrous growne fiſhe, ſo as the ſight of him was ſtraunge to many that behelde him. He was thought by his cõming ſo far into the landward, to foreſhew ſuch tempeſts as within a weeke af|ter did follow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue heard how the matter for a treatie of peace had beene firſt broched by the French king by ſending Ambaſſadours to the king of Eng|lande, to moue the ſame.1392 Which motion beeyng throughly conſidered of the eſtates aſſembled in this laſt Parliament, it was decreed, that it ſhuld goe forwarde (as before ye haue heard) and ſo a|bout Candlemaſſe, the Lorde Thomas Percy,Embaſſadors ſent to the French king to trea [...]e of peace ſir Lewes Clifford, and ſir Robert Briquet, with diuerſe other in their companie, were ſent ouer to the French king, and comming to Paris, founde him lodged in his houſe of Louvre, where they de|clared to him the good affection of the king theyr maiſter towardes peace: and the better to bryng it to paſſe, they ſhewed that king Richardes de|ſire was to haue ſome place and time appoynted for Commiſſioners to meete, with authoritie to treate and conclude vpon articles, as ſhoulde bee thought expedient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French king greatly honored theſe Am|baſſadors, in feaſting and banquetting them for the ſpace of ſixe dayes togither, and for anſwere, concluded with them, that he himſelfe, with hys vncles and other of his counſaile would bee at A|miens by the midſt of Marche neſt enſuing, there to abide the king of Englãds comming, and his vncles, if it ſhould pleaſe them thither to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh Ambaſſadors ſaid there was no doubt, but that either the K. himſelf or his vncles EEBO page image 1080 ſhould be there at the day aſſigned, with full au|thoritie to conclude any agreement that ſhoulde ſeeme reaſonable,Sir Robert Bri+quet [...] French|man of king Richard his pri|uie chamber The Dukes of Lancaſter and Yorke, the erls of Darby and Huntington, the lord Tho|mas Percy the Biſhops of dur+ham and Lon|don were ſente ouer as Froi [...]. hath. and ſo thoſe Ambaſſadors re|turned with great giftes preſented on the kings behalfe to eche of them, excepted ſir Robert Bri|quet, vnto whom it ſeemed the French king bare no great good will, for that being a French man borne, he had euer ſerued the Nauarrois or Eng|liſh men, and was nowe one of king Richardes priuie Chamber.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande (as ſome write) was once minded to haue paſſed the ſeas himſelfe, to haue met the French king at Amiens, at the time appointed, but finally the Duke of Lancaſter, the B. of Durhã, and others, were ſent thither with a traine neare hand of a thouſande horſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A royal Am|baſſade.At their comming into Fraunce they were royally receyued: for the French king had made no leſſe preparation for the Duke of Lancaſters comming, than if he had bene Emperour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lanca. a Prince of great re|noume.The Duke of Lancaſter verily was eſteemed to be a right mightie Prince, and one of the wy|ſeſt and ſage [...] Princes in all Chriſtendome in thoſe dayes, ſo that it ſeemed the French king re|ioyced greatly, that he might come to haue con|ference with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were with the French king here at A|miens, his brother ye duke of Thouraigne, his vn|cles, the dukes of Berry, Burbon, & Burgoigne, and a great number of Erles, Lordes, and other nobles of the realme of France. Before the Eng|liſh mens cõming for auoyding of ſtrife and de|baſe that mighte ariſe betwixt the Engliſhe and French, a Proclamation was ſet forth cõteining certain articles, for the demeanor which ye French men ſhould obſerue towards the Engliſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt they there remayned all the Engliſh mens charges were borne by the French king, from theyr ſetting forth from Calais, till they came backe thither againe. As touching theyr treatie, many things were proponed, diuerſe de|maundes made, and ſome offers, though to ſmal purpoſe, for they toke not effect, inſomuch as they departed without concluding any thing, further than that the truce whiche was to ende at Myd|ſommer next,The truce pro|longed for a yeare. was prolonged to continue one yere more, that in the meane time, the Lords and eſtates of the realme of Englande might aſſem|ble,Tho. VValſ. and with good aduice deliberate, whether it were more expedient to agree vnto a determinate peace, or to purſue the doubtfull chaunces of warre. And ſuch was the ende of that royall am|baſſage, to the furniſhing forth whereof, the king demaunded an ayde aſwell of the Abbottes and Priors, as of the cities and good townes through the whole realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Anon after the returne of the duke of Lanca|ſter, and other the Ambaſſadors that had bene at Amiens, a Councell of the Lordes and chiefe [...] ſtates of the realme was called at Stamford,A counſel at Stamford. the which as if it had bin to a Parliamẽt, there come forth of euery good town certain perſons [...]|ted to deliberate and take aduice in ſo weighte [...] matter, as eyther to conclude vpon peace, or elſe vpon warre. But in the ende they brought little or nothing to paſſe, ſauing that they agreed to haue the truce to endure for a twelue month [...]|ger: both the kings ſware to obſerue the ſ [...]me, afore ſuche as were appoynted to ſee theyr othes receyued,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time came the Duke of G [...]|derland into this realme,The Duke of Gelderland commeth [...] Englande. being the kings co [...] right valiant and hardie gentlemã he was hono|rably receyued & welcomed of the king, and of his vncles, the dukes of Lancaſter and Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This duke of Guelderland counſailed the king not to conclude peace,The Duke of Gelderland [...] ſwadeth the king from peace with the French and Scottes. eyther with the Frenchmẽ or Scots, except vpon ſuch conditions as might be knowne to be both profitable and honourable to him and his realme, promiſing that if hee had occaſion to make war againſt either of thoſe two nations, he woulde be readie to ſerue hym wyth a cõuenient power of men at armes of his country.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he had bin here a time, and highly truſted, and banquetted, aſwell by the king as other great eſtates of the realme, he returned home not with|out diuerſe riche giftes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King about this ſeaſon ſent to the Lon|doners,The Lo [...]don [...] refuſe to l [...]nd the K [...] thou|ſand pound [...]. requeſting to borrow of them the ſumme of one thouſande poundes, which they vncourte|ouſly refuſed to lende: and moreouer they fell vpon an Italian or Lumbarde (as they tea [...]ed him) whom they beate, and neare hande fiue: by|cauſe hee offered to lende the King that money. Whereof when the king was aduertiſed, hee was ſore moued agaynſt them, and calling togither the moſt part of the Peeres and noble men of hys Realme, declared vnto them the frowarde dea|lings of the Londoners, complayning ſore of ſuch their preſumption.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes and great menne, ſeeming not greatly to fauor the Londoners, gaue counſayle that the inſolent pride of thoſe preſumtuous per|ſons might with ſpeed be repreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Citizens of London in thoſe dayes (as ſhould appeare) vſing their authoritie to the vtter|moſt, had deuiſed & ſet forth diuerſe orders & con|ſtitutiõs to abridge the libertie of Foreyners that came to the Citie to vtter their cõmodities: religi|ous men that wrote the doings of that age, ſee|med alſo to find fault with them, for that they fa|uored Wiclifes opinions, and therfore charge thẽ with infidelitie, & mainteyning I know not how of lollards and heretiks: but howſoeuer the matter went they fell at this preſent into the kings heauie diſpleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1081Some there be that write, how the King pi| [...]ed the firſt, quarrell againſt the Maior & She|rifes, for a ryot committed by the vnruly Citi|zens, againſte the ſeruauntes of the Biſhoppe of Saliſbury:A greate fire [...](led about [...]ttle ſparke. for that where one of the ſame By|ſhops ſeruauntes had taken a horſe lofe from a a bakers mã, as he paſſed by in Fleete ſtreete with his baſket to ſerue his maſters cuſtomers, and would not deliuer it againe, but brake the bakers mans head, when hee was earneſt to haue reco|uered the lofe, the inhabitants of the ſtreetes roſe, and would haue had the Biſhops man to priſon, for breaking the kings peace: but he was reſcued by his fellowes, & eſcaped into Saliſburie houſe, that ſtoode there within the alley, and as then belonged to his maiſter the Byſhop of Saliſbu|rie, beeing at that time high Treaſorer of Eng|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ryot by the Londoners vp|on the Byſhop of Salisburies men.The people beeing ſet in a rage for the reſcue ſo made, gathered togither in great multitude a|bout the Biſhops palace gate, and woulde haue fetched out the offendor by force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, ſuch a hurling was in the ſtrete, that the Maior, with the Sherifes, and dyuers Aldermen came thither with all ſpeede, to take order in the matter, and ſee the peace kepte, but after the comming thither of the Maior, the com|mons of the Citie reſorted to the place in farre greater numbers than before, and the more they were, the worſe they were to rule, and would not bee perſwaded to quiet themſelues, excepte the Biſhops ſeruaunte, whoſe name was Walter Romane,Walter Ro|mane. might bee had out of the houſe, & com|mitted to priſon: but at length, after manye aſ|ſaultes, liftes, and other indeuours made to haue broken vp the gates of the houſe, the Maior and Aldermen, with other the diſcrete commoners appealed the people ſo, as they brought them to quiet, and ſent euery man to his houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhop was then at Windeſor, where the Courte lay, and being enformed of this mat|ter, by a greeuous reporte, and happely in worſe manner than the thing had happened indede, toke ſuche indignation therewith, that taking with him Thomas Arundell,The biſhop of Salisbury ma|keth agree| [...] c [...]pla [...]nt [...] the Londo|ners to the K. Archbiſhoppe of Yorke, then Lord Chancellor of England, he wente to the King, and made an heynous complaynte a|gainſte the Citizens, for their miſdemeanor, ſo that his diſpleaſure was ye more kindled againſt the Citizens, in ſo muche, that whether in reſpect of this laſt remembred complainte, or rather for their vncourteous deniall to lende him the thou|ſande poundes,The Maior & [...] of Lon+don ſent for to Windſore to the king, and [...] impri| [...]ned. and miſuſing the Lombarde that offered to lend the ſame. I cannot say, but sure it is, that the Maior and Sherife, and a great sorte more of the Citizens, were sent for to come to the Courte, where diuers misdemeanours were obiected and layde to their charge, and notwithstanding, what excuse they pretended, the Maior and Sherifes, with diuers other of the most substanciall Citizens, were arrested. The Maior was committed to the Castell of Windefor, and the other, vnto other Castels and holdes, to be safely kept, till the King, by the aduice of his Counsell, shoulde determine further, what shoule bee done with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The liberties of the Citie were seised into the Kings handes, The liberties of London ſeyſed. and the authoritie of the Maior vtterly ceassed, the King appoynting a warden to gouerne the Citie, named sir Edwarde Darlingrugge Knight, A Gardian ap|pointed to go|uerne the citie of London. that shoulde both rule the Citie, and see that euery man had iustice ministred, as the case required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This [...] Edwarde Darlingrugge beganne to gouerne, An. reg. 16. Sir Edw. Dar|lingrugge L. warden of London. the Citie of [...] the name of Lorde Warden, the one and [...]entith of Iune, on whiche day, the King entred into the ſixte [...]th yeare of his raigne: by [...] thoughte, that the ſaide Sir Edwarde Darlingrugge was ouer fauourable to the Citizens, hee continued in his office but till the firſt of Iuly, and being then diſcharged, one Sir Baldwine Radington,Darlingrugge remoued, and ſir Baldwyne Radyngton made Lorde warden of London. a right [...]cumſpect and biſcret Knight, was [...] in that roomth, that knewe how both to con [...]fe the Kings, minde, and to comforte the Citizens, and put them in hope of the kings fauour in a [...]e to be obteyned, to the reliefe of their ſorowe and heauineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At length, the King, through ſute and in|ſtant labour made by certaine noble men, ſpeci|ally the Duke of Glouceſter, began ſomewhat to relent, and pacifie himſelfe, as touching his rigo|rous diſpleaſure againſt ye Londoners, calling to mind ye great honor he had diuers ways receyued at their hãds, with ye great giftes which they had likewiſe beſtowed vpon him, wherevpon, he pur|poſeth to deale the more mildly with them, and ſo ſendeth for diuers of the chiefe Citizens to come vnto Windeſor, where hee then kepte hys Court, there to ſhewe forth the priuiledges, liber|ties, and lawes of their Citie, as well the newe as olde, that with the aduice of his counſell, hee might determine which ſhould remayne in force, and which ſhould be aboliſhed. Herevpon, when the ſayde priuiledges, lawes,The liberties of London in part confirmed in parte con| [...]emned. and liberties were layd forth, to the view of ſuche perſons as hadde to conſider of them, ſome were ratified, ſome per|mitted by tolleration, and ſome vtterly condem|ned and abrogated. Neyther might they recouer at that preſente, either the perſon or dignitie of their Maior, nor obteine the kings entier fauour, till they had ſatiſfyed the King of the domages and iniuries by them done, either to him or hys people. And where he had bin at great charges, in preparing forces to chaſtice them, as he was de|termined, if they had not ſubmitted themſelues EEBO page image 1082 vnto him, they were ſure that their purſes muſt aunſwere all that he hadde laid foorth about that matter, they therefore with humble ſubmiſſion, in recompence and ſatiſfaction of their treſpaſſes, offered to giue him tenne thouſand poundes, but they were for this time ſent home, and appoyn|ted to returne againe at a certaine daye, not vn|derſtanding what they muſt pay, till the Kyng, with the aduice of his Counſell, had taken fur|ther order for them. At length, through ſuch day|ly ſute as was made for the quieting of the kings whole diſpleaſure towardes the Londoners, hee was contented to pardon all offences paſt, but firſt, the Citizẽs were tolde, that the King meant to come from his manor at Sheue, to the Citie of London, and then vndoubtedly, vppon know|ledge hadde of their good meanings, heereafter to beare themſelues like louing ſubiects, they ſhould obteyne his fauoure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 e [...]ſa.The Citizens aduertiſed heereof, did not onely prepare themſelues to meete him, and to preſente him with giftes in moſt liberall manner, but alſo to adorne, decke, and trimme their Citie with ſumptuous pageants, riche hangings, and other gorgeous furniture, in all poyntes like as is vſed at any Coronation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the day appoynted, there met him beſide o|ther, foure hundred of the Citizens on horſebacke, cladde in one liuerie, preſenting themſelues in that order,He was mette with proceſsi|on of the biſh. and clergie at S. Georges Churche in Southwarke. vppon the heath on this ſide Shene, and in moſt humble wiſe, crauing pardon for their offences paſt, beſought him to take his way to his palaice of Weſtminſter, through the Ci|tie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſute made by the Recorder, in name of all the Citizens, hee graciouſly graunted, and ſo helde on his iourney, till hee came to London bridge,Gifts preſẽted the K. by the Londoners to pacifie his diſ|pleaſure con|ceyued againſt them. where vnto him was preſented a paſſing faire ſteede, white, ſaddled, brideled, and trapped in riche cloth of golde, parted with redde & white.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And likewiſe to the Queene was gyuen a milke white palfrey, ſaddled, brideled, and trapped in the ſame ſort, as the other was. Theſe preſents were thankfully accepted, and ſo both the Kyng and the Queene paſſing forward, entred the Ci|tie,K. Richarde royally recey|ued into Lon|don. prepared and hanged with rich clothes (as be|fore ye haue heard) the Citizens ſtanding on each ſide the ſtreetes in their liueries, crying Kyng Richard, King Richard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the Stãdert in Cheape, was a right ſump|tuous ſtage ordeyned, on whiche were ſet dyuers perſonages, and an Angell, that ſet a rich crowne of golde, garniſhed with ſtone and pearle vppon the Kings head, as hee paſſed by, and likewiſe an other on the Queenes head.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the King rode to Poules, & there offered, and ſo tooke his horſe againe, and rode to Weſtminſter, where the Maior and his compa|nie taking their leaue, returned to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrow, the Maior and his breethren went againe to Weſtminſter,More gi [...]es by the Londo [...] to the king. and there pre [...]en|ted the King with two baſens gilte, and in [...] two thouſand nobles of golde, beſ [...]eching [...] be good and gracious Lord to the Citie: he recey|ued their preſent in courteous manner, and gifte them many comfortable words. Tho. VVa [...] The liberties of London [...]|tified by King to Richard. The thirde daye after, they receyued a newe confirmation of all their olde liberties (at the leaſt ſuche as might he an aide to the Citie, and no detriment to Forrey|ners) wherefore, by counſell of their friends, they ordeined a table for an auiter of ſiluer and gi [...], engrauen with imagerie, and enameled in moſt curious wiſe, conteyning the ſtory of Saint Ed|warde, it was valued to be worth a M. markes. This was preſented to the King, the whiche hee ſhortly after offered to the ſhrine of Saint Ed|ward within the Abbey. The Londoners belee|ued, that by theſe gifts they had bin quite ridde of all danger, but yet they were cõpelled to giue the K. after this, tenne thouſand pounds, which was collected of the commons in the citie, not without great offence and grudging in their mindes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, the Duke of Glouceſter, ha|uing receyued money to leauie an army whiche hee ſhoulde haue conueyed ouer into Ireland,The duke of Glouceſter made Duke of Irelande. of which countrey, a good while before that preſent, the king had made him Duke, was nowe readye ſet forward, when ſuddainely, through ye malice of ſome priuie detractours about the King,His iourney into Irelande vnluckely ſtayed. hee was contermaunded, and ſo hys iourney was ſtayed, to the great hinderance and preiudice, of both the Countreys of Englande and Irelande: for euen vppon the fame that was bruted of hys comming into Irelande, in manner all the I|riſh Lords determined to ſubmit themſelues vn|to him, ſo greatly was his name both loued, re|uerẽced, and feared, euen among thoſe wilde and ſauage people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere Robert Veere,Veere, a [...]te Duke of Ire|land, [...]ieth a Louayne. late Earle of Ox|ford, & Duke of Ireland, departed this life at L [...]|uaigne in Brabant, in great anguiſhe of mind, & miſerable neceſſitie: which yong gẽtleman doubt|leſſe, was apt to al cõmendable exerciſes & partes fitte for a noble mã, if in his youth he had bin wel trained and brought vp in neceſſarie diſcipline.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare after Chriſtmas,


Tho. VVa [...] A Parliament at Wincheſter

a Parliamente was called at Wincheſter, in which only a grant was made by the Cleargie, of halfe a tenth, for the expẽces of the Duke of Lancaſter and Glou|ceſter, that wer appointed to goe ouer into Frãce to treate of peace, betwixte the two kingdomes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Courtes of the kings bench and Chaun|cerie,The Chauncerie and Kings bench [...]e [...]e at Yorke, and from thence remoued to London. whiche hadde bene remoued from Weſt|minſter to Yorke, either in diſfauour only of the Londoners, or in fauoure of the Citizens of Yorke, for that the Archbiſhoppe of that Citie, EEBO page image 1083 being Lorde Chancellor, wiſhed to aduaunce (ſo farre as in him lay) the commoditie and wealthe therof, were neuertheleſſe about this ſeaſon brou|ght backe againe to Weſtminſter, after they had remayned a ſmall time at Yorke, to the diſplea|ſure of many.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere, the Lord Aubrey de Veere, Vncle to the late Duke of Ireland, was made Earle of Oxford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two and twentith of Februarie, Iohn Eures,Eures. Conneſtable of Douer Caſtel, and Lord Steward of the Kings houſe, departed this life, in whoſe roomth, the Lord Thomas Percy, that before was Vicechamberlayne, was created Lord Steward, and the Lord Thomas Beau|mont, was made Conneſtable of Douer, & Lord Warden of the cinque Portes: and the Lorde William Scrope was made Vicechamber|laine, who aboute the ſame time, bought of the Lorde William Montagewe the Ile of Man,The Ile of Man. with the regalitie thereof, for it is a Kingdome as Thomas Walſ. affirmeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dukes of Lancaſter and Glouceſter [...]cisco Frãce to [...]ents of a [...]e [...]e.The Dukes of Lancaſter and Glouceſter, went ouer vnto Calais, and down to Bulloigne came ye Dukes of Berry and Burgoigne. Theſe noble men were ſufficiently furniſhed with au|ctoritie, to conclude a perfect peace, both by Sea and land, betweene the two Realmes of Fraunce and England, and all their Alies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The place appoynted for thẽ to treate in, was at Balingham, where tentes and pauilions were pight vp, for the eaſe of both parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They mette there twice or thrice a weeke, in a fayre tent prepared for the purpoſe, about nyne of the clocke in the forenoone. This was aboute the beginning of May.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they entred firſt into communication, and had ſeene eache others authoritie, one of the firſt demaundes that the Frenchmen made,The Frenche [...]ſsioners would haue Caleys raſed [...] the ground. was to haue Calais raſed in ſuch wiſe, as there ſhould neuer bee anye habitation there after that tyme. The Dukes of Lancaſter and Glouceſter aun|ſwered heerevnto, howe they had no authoritie to conclude ſo farre, but that England ſhoulde hold Calais ſtill, as in demeyne, and true inheritãce, and therefore, if they purpoſed to enter anye fur|ther in the treatie of peace, they ſhould ceaſſe from that demaund, and ſpeake no more thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Dukes of Berrie and Burgoigne heard their two Couſins of Englande aunſwere ſo roundly, they ſpake no more of that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The demands [...] the Engliſh commiſsio|ners.Then the Dukes of Lancaſter and Glouce|ſter demaunded to haue reſtitution of all ſuche lands as hadde bin deliuered, either to King Ri|chard, or to King Edward the thirde, or to anye their deputies or commiſſioners, and alſo to haue fully payde the ſumme of Florens that was lefte vnpaid, at the time when the warre renued, be|twixt England and Fraunce: and this the Eng|liſh Lawyers proued to ſtande with equitie and reaſon, but neuertheleſſe, the Lords and Chaun|cellor of Fraunce, argued to the contrary, and ſo agree they could not, in ſo much, as the Frenche men required, that if the Engliſhmen meant to haue any concluſion of peace, they ſhould drawe to ſome neerer paynts.Order taken, that the de|maundes on eyther ſide ſhould be ſette downe in wri|ting, the bet|ter to be con|ſidered of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length, the four Dukes tooke order, that all their demaundes on eyther ſide ſhoulde bee ſette downe in writing, and deliuered to eyther partie interchangeably, that they might be regarded at length, and ſuche as ſhoulde bee founde vnreaſo|nable, to be raſed or reformed.

[figure appears here on page 1083]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had communed togithers dyuers times, and remayned there a fifteene dayes, they appointed to aduertiſe the two Kings of theyr whole doyngs, and after nine dayes ſpace to meete againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenche Dukes rode to Abbeuile, where the Frenche King then laye: and the Engliſhe Dukes returning to Calais, wrote to the King of England, of all the whole matter. The Duke of Glouceſter was harder to deale with in eache behalfe, concerning the concluſion of peace, than was the Duke of Lancaſter, for he rather deſired to haue had warre than any peace, excepte ſuch a one as ſhoulde bee greatly to the aduantage and honor of the Realme of Englande: and therefore the commons of Englande vnderſtanding hys diſpoſition, agreed that hee ſhould be ſent, rather than any other. For where in times paſt ye Eng|liſhmenne hadde greatly gayned by the warres of Fraunce, as well the commons,The Engliſhe Gentlemen maynteyned by the French warres. as the Knightes and Eſquiers, who had by the ſame, mainteyned their eſtate, they could not giue their willing con|ſents, to haue any peace at all with the French|men, in hope by reaſon of the warres, to profyte themſelues, as in times paſt they had done. The Frenche King and the nobles of Fraunce were greately enclined to peace, and ſo likewiſe was the King of England, & the Duke of Lancaſter. EEBO page image 1084 But the Frenchmen were ſo ſubtile,The ſubtiltie of the French|men and vſed ſo many darke and coloured words, that the Eng|liſhmen had much adoe to vnderſtãd them, whi|che offended much the Duke of Glouceſter. But neuertheleſſe, at the daye prefixed, theſe foure Dukes met againe at Balingham, and with the French Lords came the King of Armony; new|ly retorned into France foorth of Grecia, for into his owne countey [...]e durſt not come,The commiſ|ſioners meete agayne. the Turkes hauing conquered it, except the ſtrong Towne of Coniche,The King of Armony. which the Genewayes held. The K. of Armonye woulde gladly that peace mighte haue bin eſtabliſhed bitwixt Fraunce and Eng|lande, in hope to procure the ſooner ſome ayde of the Kings, to recouer his kingdome. But to cõ|clude, after that the Dukes, and other with them aſſociate as aſſiſtants, had diligently peruſed and examined the articles of their treatie, they would not paſſe nor ſeale to anye,Obſcure and doutfull words to be opened. till all darke and ob|ſcure words were cleerely declared, opened, and made perfect, ſo that no generall peace mighte be concluded.A truce for .4. yeres betwene Englande and Fraunce. Notwithſtanding yet as Froyſſarte hath, a truce for four yeares, vppon certayne ar|ticles was agreed to be kept, as well by ſea as by lande. It was thought, that when they were at poynt to haue growen to agreement concerning many articles, if the French King had not new|ly fallen into his former diſeaſe of frenſie, there had better effect followed of this treatie, but by occaſion of his ſickneſſe, eache man departed, be|fore that anye principall articles coulde be fully ordered and made perfect. The ſame time, Sir Thomas Percy the yonger, was made Lorde Warden of Burdeaux and Aquitaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 17. Great tem|peſtes.In September, muche hurte was done, tho|rough exceeding greate thunder, lightning, and tempeſtes, whiche chaunced in many partes of Englande, but ſpeciallye in Cambridge ſhire, where manye houſes were brente, with no ſmall quantitie of corne. Greate inundations and flouds of water followed ſhortly after in Octo|ber,Muche hurte done by great flouds in Suf|folke. whiche did muche hurt at Bury, and New-market in Suffolke, where it ouerthrew walles of houſes, and putte men and women in greate daunger of drowning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A great plage in Eſſex.In Eſſex alſo in September, greate mortali|tie fell by peſtilence amongſt the people, whereof many died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Towne of Chierburg was reſtored a|gaine to the King of Nauarre, who had enga|ged it to the King of England, for two thouſand markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1394A Parliamente was holden at Weſtminſter, whiche began in the Octaues of Saint Hillarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King purpoſing to goe ouer into Ire|land, required a ſubſedie, the Cleargie graunted to him a whole tẽth, toward the furniſhing forth of that iourney, if he wente himſelfe, if he wente not, yet they agreed to giue to him the mo [...] of a tenth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In time of this Parliamente, there appeares great euill will to remayne, betwixt the Duke of Lancaſter, and the Earle of Arundell, for the Duke impoſed to the Earle, that about the exal|tation of the Croſſe,Varl [...] [...] duke of Lan|caſter and the Erle of [...]| [...]ell. hee lay wyth a company of armed men in the caſtell of Holte by Cheſter, the ſame time that the country there roſe againſt the Duke, with their Capitaine Nicholas Clifton, and his complices, whome he ment, as the Duke alledged, to haue aided againſt him: but the Erle this flatly denyed, and with probable reaſons ſo excuſed himſelfe, as the quarrell at length was taken vp, and the parties for the time well qui|eted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare on Whitſonday beeing the ſea|uenth of Iune, Queene Anne departed this life,The death of Queene Anne. to the great griefe of hir huſband King Richard, who loued hir entierly. She deceaſſed at She [...]e, and was buried at Weſtminſter, vpon ye South ſide of Saint Edwards Shrine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King tooke ſuche a conceyte with the houſe of Shene, where ſhe departed this life,The K. defi|ceth the houſe of Shene by|cauſe the queene dyed there. that hee cauſed the buildings to bee throwen downe and defaced, whereas the former Kings of this lande, beeing weery of the Citie, vſed cuſto|marilye thither to reſorte, as to a place of pleaſure, and ſeruing highly to theyr recu [...]|tion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the King, the Duke of Lancaſter, and his ſonne the Earle of Derby, were widdowers, all in one ſeaſon: for the Lady Conſtance Du|ches of Lancaſter, daughter to Peter Kyng of Spaine, deceaſſed the laſt yeare, whileſt hir huſ|bande the Duke of Lancaſter was at the treatie in Fraunce: and the ſame tyme alſo deceaſſed the Counteſſe of Derby, wife to the Lorde Henry Earle of Derby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer in this yeare .1394. Iſabell Du|cheſſe of Yorke departed this life, that was halfe ſiſter to the Ducheſſe of Lancaſter, beeing borne of one mother. She was buried at La [...]g|ley.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in Auguſt, An. reg. [...] A proclama|tion that [...] re [...] [...] their [...] was a proclamation ſette foorthe, that all Iriſhmenne ſhoulde auoyde this lande, and returne home into their owne Countrey, before the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Lady, on payne of life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The occaſion of whiche proclamation was, for that ſuch multitudes of Iriſhmen were come ouer into this region, in hope of gaine, that the Countreys in Ireland, ſubiect to England,The Engliſh [...] almoſt [...] were in manner lefte voyde of people, ſo that the eni|mies ſpoyled and waſted thoſe Countreys at theyr pleaſure, finding fewe or none to with|ſtande them. And where King Edwarde the third had placed in Ireland his benche and Iud|ges, EEBO page image 1085 with his Eſchecker, for the good adminiſtra|tion of Iuſtice, and politike gouernemente to bee vſed there, hee receiued from thence yeerely in re|uenewes and profites, comming to his owne co|fers,The yerely [...] of Ireland in K. Edward the [...] his days. the ſumme of thirtie thouſande poundes: the King nowe layde forthe no leſſe a ſumme to re|pulſe the enimies, whiche by abſence of thoſe that were come ouer hither, could not otherwiſe be re|ſiſted, ſith the power of the Rebels was ſo increa|ſed, and the force of the Countreys ſubiect, tho|rough lacke of the former inhabitantes ſo demi|niſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of the Natiuitie of oure Lady, the King ſet forward to paſſe into Irelande, ha|uing made ſuch preparation for that iourney, as the like for Ireland had not bin heard of, at anye time before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There wẽt ouer with him the Duke of Glou|ceſter, the Earles of Marche, Nottingham, and Rutland, the Lord Thomas Percy Lord Ste|warde, and diuers other of the Engliſhe Nobi|litie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter, that in the thirtenth yeare of King Richards raigne had bin created by authority of Parliament, Duke of Aquitaine, was about this preſente time ſent thither, with a fiue hundred men of armes,The Duke of Lancaſter ſay| [...] into A| [...]yne with [...] [...]ay. and a thouſande ar|chers, to take poſſeſſion of that Duchie, accor|ding to the Kings graunt, by his letters patents thereof, had, made and confirmed with his ſeale, in preſence of the moſt part of all the Nobles and great Lords of England, to hold all that Coun|trey to the ſaide Duke and his heires for euer, in as large manner and forme, as his father Kyng Edwarde the third, or any other Kings of Eng|lande, or Dukes of Aquitaine before time hadde holden, and as King Richard at that ſeaſon had and held the ſame, the homage alwayes yet reſer|ued to the Kings of Englande for euer. But all this notwithſtanding, at his comming thither, ſo farre were the Gaſcoignes,The Gaſcoines flatly refuſe to accept the Duke of Lan|caſter for their ſoueraigne. and other people of thoſe marches from receiuing him with ioy and triumph, that they plainely tolde him, they would not at turne to him, nor be vnder his iuriſdiction at any hande, although he had brought ouer with him commiſſioners ſufficiently authoriſed, both to diſcharge them of their former allegiaunce to the King, and to inueſt him in poſſeſſion of that Duchie, in manner and forme as before is ſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to King Richard, ye ſhal vnderſtand, that when all his prouiſion and roy|all army was ready, about Michaelmas,King Richard paſſeth ouer into Irelande with a migh|ty armye. he tooke the Sea, and landed at Waterford the ſecond of October, and ſo remayned in Irelande all that Winter: his people were lodged abroade in the Countrey, and lay ſo warely as they myght, for although the Iriſhmen durſt not attempte anye exployte openly againſt the Engliſhmen, after the kings arriuall with ſo puiſſante an army, yet they woulde ſteale ſometimes vpon them, where they eſpyed any aduantage, and diſquiet them in their lodgings: but when the Engliſhmen ſtill preuailed, diuers of the greateſt Princes amongſt them came in, and ſubmitted themſelues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other, foure Kings are mentioned, Froiſſart. Foure Iriſh Kings ſubmit themſelues to K. Richarde. as the greate Oncle King of Methe, Bryne of Thomounde King of Thowounde, Arthur Mack [...] King of Lineyſter, and Cõbur K. of Cheueno and Darpe: thoſe Kings were courte|ouſly [figure appears here on page 1085] entertayned, and muche made of, by Kyng Richard,1 [...]95 who kepte his Chriſtmas this yeare at Dublin. [...]amente [...] in [...]de. And after that feaſt was ended, he helde a Parliament there, to the which, all his ſubiectes of Ireland, to whome it apperteyned, [...] well thoſe that had contiunce vnder the Engliſh gouernement afortime, as thoſe that were lately yeelded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 1086Alſo the ſame time, after the Octaues of the Epiphanie, the Duke of Yorke, Lord Warden of England, now in the Kings abſence, cauſed a Parliament to be called at Weſtminſter,A Parliament at Weſtmin|ſter, King Ri|chard being in Ireland. to the whiche was ſente forthe of Ireland the Duke of Glouceſter, that he might declare to the cõmons the Kings neceſſitie, to haue ſome graunte of money to ſupply his want, hauing ſpent no ſmal quantitie of treaſure in that iourney made into Irelande. The Dukes words were ſo wel heard and beleeued, that a whole Tenth was graun|ted by the Cleargie, and a fiftenth by the Laitie, but not without proteſtation, that thoſe paimẽts were graunted of a meere free will, for the loue they bare to the King, and to haue his buſineſſe goe forwards.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, thoſe that followed Wick|lifes opinions,The Wickle|uiſts wrote againſt the Cleargie. ſet vp publiquely on the Churche dore of Paules in London, and the Church dores of Weſtminſter, certayne writings, conteyning accuſations of the Cleargie, and concluſiõs ſuch as had not commonly bin heard againſt Eccle|ſiaſticall perſons, and the vſe of the Sacraments, as the Churche then maynteyned: they were en|couraged thus to doe, as it was ſayde, by ſome noble men and Knightes of great worſhip, as ſir Richard Sturrie, Sir Lewes Clifford, ſir Tho|mas Latimer, Sir Iohn Montagew, and others, who comforted and pricked forwarde thoſe kinde of men, then called Heretikes, and Lollardes, to the confounding of Monkes, Friers, and other Religious perſons, by all wayes they myghte. Heerevpon, the Archbiſhop of Yorke, the Biſhop of London, and certaine other as meſſengers frõ the whole ſtate of the Cleargie, paſſed ouer into Irelande,The Cleargie complaine to the king of the Wickle|uiſts, and their fauorers. where to the King they made a gree|uous complaint, as well againſte thoſe that had framed and ſet forth ſuche writings, as agaynſte them that mainteyned them in their doings, and therefore beſoughte him with ſpeede to returne home into England, there to take ſuch order, for the reſtreining of thoſe miſordered perſons, as to the reliefe of the Church might be thought expe|dient, beeing then in great daunger of ſuſteyning irrecouerable loſſe and domage, if good reforma|tion were not the ſooner had. King Richard hea|ring theſe things, vppon good deliberation had in the matter, determined to returne home, but firſt vpon the day of the annuntiation of our Lady, he made the four aboue remembred Kings,King Richard Knighteth the four Iriſhe Kings, and o|thers. to wit, O Nele, Brine of Thomond, Arthur Mack|mur, and Conhu [...], Knightes, in the Cathedrall Churche of Dublin, and likewiſe one Sir Tho|mas Orphen,Froiſſart. Sir Ioatas Pado, and his couſin ſir Iohn Pado.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, and nowe after that they were ſet in quiet in that Countrey (the Rebels not beyng ſo hardy as to ſtirre, whileſt ſuche a mighty army was there ready at hande to aſſayle them,K. Richard [...]+turneth [...] Ireland.) the K. about Eaſter, came backe into Englande, with|out any more adoe ſo that the gain was thought nothing to coũteruayle the charges, whiche were very greate: for the King had ouer with hym in that iourney, foure thouſand men of armes, and thirtie thouſande archers, as Froiſſart ſaith hee was enformed) by an Engliſh Eſquier, that had bin in that iourney. The King at his comming ouer, did not forget what complaint the Archby|ſhop of Yorke, and the Biſhop of London hadde exhibited to him, againſte thoſe that were called Lollards, and Heretikes,K. Richard [...]s dealinges a|gainſte the fa|uours of the Wicleuiſts. wherevpon immediate|ly, hee called afore him certaine of the noble men, that were thoughte and knowen to fauour ſuche kinde of men, threatning terribly, if from thence|forth they ſhoulde in anye wiſe comforte, and re|leeue them. Hee cauſed Sir Richard Sturry to receyue an oth, that he ſhould not maynteyne frõ that day forward anye ſuch erronious opinions, menacing him, and as it were, couenaunting with him by an interchangeable othe, that if e|uer he might vnderſtand, that he did violate and breake that oth, he ſhould die for it a moſt ſhame|full death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the Danes that lay rouing on the Seas, did much hurt to the Engliſh Merchants, taking and robbing many Engliſh Shippes, & when the hauen townes alongſt the Coaſtes of Northfolke, made forth a number of Shippes,The Danes robbe the En+gliſh march [...] on the ſeas. & ventured to fighte with thoſe Pirats, they were vanquiſhed by the Danes, ſo that manye were ſlayne, and manye taken priſoners, whiche were conſtreined to pay great ranſomes. The enimies alſo found in ranſacking the Engliſhe Shippes,Great priſes wonne by th [...] Da [...]l [...]h [...]pe [...] [...] of the engliſh men. twentie M. poundes, which the Engliſhe Mer|chants had aboorde with thẽ to buy wares with, in place whither they were bound to goe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſame yere, Wil. Courtney Archb. of Canterbury, hauing more regard to his own pri|uate cõmodity, thã to the diſcõmodity of others, purchaſed a Bull of the Pope, whereby hee was authoriſed, to leauie through his whole prouince four pence of the pound of all Eccleſiaſtical pro|motions, as well in places exempt, as not exẽpt, no true nor lawfull cauſe being ſhewed or pre|tended, why he ought ſo to doe: and to ſee ye exe|cution of this Bull put in practiſe, the Archby|ſhop of York, & the Biſhop of London, were na|med & appoynted: many that feared yt cenſures of ſuche high executioners, choſe rather to paye the money forthwith, than to goe to the lawe, and be compelled happely, maugre their good willes. Some there were, that appealed to the Sea of Rome, meaning to defende their cauſe, and to procure, that ſo vnlawfull an exaction myghte be reuoked. Specially, the prebendaries of Lin|colne ſtoode moſt ſtiffely againſte thoſe By|ſhops, EEBO page image 1087 but the death of the Archbyſhop that chan|ced ſhortly after, made an ende of thoſe ſo paſſing great troubles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, Iohn Waltham, Byſhoppe of Saliſburie,Waltham bi|ſhop of Salis|bury buried at Weſtminſter amongſt the kings. and Lorde Treaſorer of Englande, departed this life, and by King Richarde hys appoyntmente, hadde the honor to haue his bodye enterred at Weſtminſter among the Kings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After his deceaſſe, Roger Walden, that before was Secretarie to the Kyng, and Treaſorer of Calais, was now made Lord Treaſorer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 19. Ye haue hearde, that in the yeare .1392. Robert Veer Duke of Ireland departed this life in Lo|name in Brabant. King Richarde therefore thys yeare in Nouember, cauſed his corps being em|baulmed, to be conueyed into Englande, and ſo to the Priorie of Colney in Eſſex,The Duke of Irelandes corps [...]eyed frõ I [...]yn into Englande, and [...] royally [...]red. appoynting him to bee layde in a Coffine of Cypres, and to be adorned with princely garmentes, hauyng a chayne of golde about his necke, and riche ryngs on his fingers. And to ſhew what loue and aſſer|tion hee bare vnto him in his life time, the Kyng cauſed the Coffine to bee opened, that hee mighte beholde his face bared, and touche him with hys hands: he honored his funerall exequies, with hys preſence, accompanyed with the Counteſſe of Oxforde, mother to the ſayde Duke, the Archby|ſhop of Canterburie, and many other Byſhops, Abbots, and Priors, but of noble men there were very few, for they had not yet diſgeſted the enuie and hatred whiche they hadde conceyued againſt hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Froiſart.In this meane whyle, the Duke of Lancaſter was in Gaſcoigne, treating with the Lordes of the Countrey, and the inhabitantes of the good Townes, whiche vtterly refuſed to receyue hym otherwiſe than as a Lieutenaunte or ſubſtitute to the Kyng of England, and in the ende addreſ|ſed meſſengers into Englande, to ſignifie to the Kyng, that they hadde bin accuſtomed to be go|uerned by Kings,The Gaſcoyns [...]de vnto K. Rich ſignify [...] vnto hym, [...] ought [...] to be de| [...]ed from [...] [...]wne. and meant not now to become ſubiectes to any other, contrary to all reaſon, ſith the King could not (ſauing his othe) alyene them from the Crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke of Lancaſter vſed all wayes hee mighte deuiſe, howe to winne theyr good willes, and hadde ſente alſo certayne of his truſtie coun|ſellors ouer hither into Englande, as Sir Wil|liam Perreer, Sir Peter Clifton, & two clearkes learned in the lawe, the one called maſter Iohn Hucch, and the other maſter Iohn Richardes a Chanon of Leyceſter, to pleade and ſolicite hys cauſe: but to bee briefe, ſuche reaſons were ſhe|wed, and ſuche matter vnfolded by the Gaſ|coignes, why they ought not bee ſeparated from the Crowne of England, that finally (notwith|ſtanding the Duke of Glouceſter, and certayne other were againſte them) it was decreed, that the Countrey and Duchie of Aquitayne ſhoulde remayne ſtill in demayne of the Crowne of Englande,The graunt of the duchie of Aquitayne to the duke of Lancaſter re|uoked. leaſt that by thys tranſportyng thereof, it myghte fortune in tyme, that the heri|tage thereof ſhoulde fall into the handes of ſome ſtraunger and enimie to the Engliſhe nation, ſo that then the homage and ſoueraignetie mighte perhappes be loſt for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Indeede, the Duke of Glouceſter, beeyng a Prince of an hygh minde, and loth to haue the Duke of Lancaſter at home, being ſo hyghly in the Kyngs fauoure, coulde haue beene well pleaſed, that hee ſhoulde haue enioyed hys gifte, for that hee thoughte thereby to haue borne all the rule about the Kyng, for the Duke of Yorke was a man, rather coueting to lyue in pleaſure, than to deale with muche buſineſſe, and the weightie affayres of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme, or ſomewhat before, the Kyng ſente an Ambaſſade to the Frenche Kyng, the Archebyſhoppe of Dublin, the Earle of Rutlande, the Earle Marſhall,Ambaſſadours ſente into France to treat a mariage be|tvvene K. Ri|charde and the French kings daughter. the Lorde Beaumonde, the Lorde Spencer, the Lorde Clifforde, named Lewes, and twentie knightes with fortie Eſquiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe of theyr going ouer, was to in|treate of a marriage to be had betwixt hym, and the Lady Iſabell, daughter to the French king, ſhee beeyng as then not paſt an eighte yeares of age, whiche before hadde beene promiſed vn|to the Duke of Britaignes ſonne: but in conſi|deration of the greate benefite that was lykely to enſue by thys communication and alliance with Englande, there was a meane founde, to vndoe that knotte, though not preſently.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Engliſhe Lordes, at their comming to Paris, were ioyfully receyued, and ſo courte|ouſly entertayned, banqueted, feaſted, and cheri|ſhed, and that in moſt honorable ſorte, as no|thyng coulde bee more: all their charges and ex|penſes were borne by the Frenche Kyng, and when they ſhoulde departe, they receyued for aunſwere of theyr meſſage, very comfortable wordes, and ſo with hope to haue their matter ſpedde, they returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But nowe when the Duke of Lancaſter had, by laying foorthe an ineſtimable maſſe of trea|ſure purchaſed in a manner the good willes of them of Aquitayne,Tho. VValſ. and compaſſed hys whole deſire, hee was ſuddaynely countermaunded home by the King, and ſo to ſatiſfie the kings pleaſure, hee returned into Englande, and commyng to the Kyng at Langley, where hee helde hys Chriſtmas, was receyued with more honor than loue, as was thoughte, wherevpon,1396 hee roade in all haſt that might be, to Lincolne, where Katherine Swinforde as then laye, EEBO page image 1088 whome ſhortly after the Epiphanie, hee tooke to wife. This woman was borne in Haynaulte, daughter to a Knighte of that Countrey, called ſir Paou de Ruer: ſhee was broughte vp in hir youth,The Duke of Lancaſter ma|rieth a Ladye [...]a meane eſtate, whome he had kept as his concubine. in the Duke of Lancaſters houſes, and at|tended on his firſt wife the Ducheſſe Blanche of Lancaſter, and in the dayes of his ſeconde wyfe the ducheſſe Conſtance, he kept the foreſaid Ka|therin to his Concubine, who afterwardes was married to a Knight of England, named Swin|ford, that was nowe deceaſſed. Before ſhee was married, the Duke had by hir three children, two ſonnes and a daughter, one of the ſonnes highte Thomas de Beaufort, and the other Henry, who was brought vp at Aken in Almaine, proo|ued a good Lawyer, and was after Byſhoppe of Wincheſter. For the loue that the Duke had to theſe his children, he married their mother ye ſayd Katherine Swinfort, being now a widow, wher|of men maruelled muche, conſidering hir meane eſtate was farre vnmeete to matche with hys highneſſe, and nothing comparable in honor to his other two former wiues. And indeede, the great Ladies of Englãd, as the Duches of Glou|ceſter, the Counteſſes of Derby, Arundell, and others, diſcended of the bloud royall, greately diſ|deyned, that ſhe ſhould be matched with ye Duke of Lancaſter, and by that meanes be accompted ſeconde perſon in the Realme, and preferred in roomth afore them, and therefore they ſayde, that they woulde not come in anye place where ſhee ſhould be preſent for it ſhould be a ſhame to them that a woman of ſo baſe birthe, and Concubine to the Duke in his other wiues dayes, ſhoulde goe and haue place before them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Glouceſter alſo, being a man of an high minde and ſtoute ſtomacke, miſliked with his brothers matching ſo meanely, but the Duke of Yorke bare it well ynough, and verily, the Lady hir ſelfe was a woman of ſuche brin|ging vp, and honorable demeanor, that enuie coulde not in the ende, but giue place to well de|ſeruing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wicleuiſtes encreaſe.About this ſeaſon, the doctrine of Iohn Wic|kliffe ſtill mightely ſpred abroade heere in Eng|lande, and the ſciſme alſo ſtill continued in the Churche, betwixt the two factions of Cardinals Frenche and Romanes, for one of their Popes coulde no ſooner be dead, but that they ordeyned an other in his place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this eighteenth yeare alſo, was a wonder|full tempeſt of winde in the monethes of Iuly and Auguſt, and alſo moſt ſpecially in Septem|ber, by violence whereof, in ſundry places of this Realme, greate and wonderfull hurte was done, both in Churches and houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ambassadors that hadde bin lately in Fraunce, about the treatie of the mariage, (as before you haue heard, [...] An. reg. [...] A tr [...] [...] yeres b [...] England, and Fraunce. Tho. VV [...] went thither againe, and so after that the two Kings by sending too and fro were light vppon certaine poyntes and couenauntes of agreemente, the Earle Marshall, by letters of procuration, married the Lady Isabell, in name of King Richarde, so that from thenceforth she was called Queene of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other couenauntes and Articles of this marriage, there was a truce accorded, to [...]|dure betwixt the two Realmes of England and Fraunce, for tearme of thirtie yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope wrote to king Richard, beſieching him to aſſiſt the Prelates againſte the L [...]s (as they tearme them) whome hee pronounce [...] be traytors, both to the Church and Kingdome, and therefore hee beſoughte him to take order, for the puniſhmente of them, whome the Prelates ſhould denounce to be Heretikes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time,The Popes [...] to [...] the W [...] hee ſente a Bull reuocat [...] concerning religious men, that had either at hys hands, or at the handes of his Legates or N [...]|cios purchaſed to be his Chaplaines, & accomp|ting themſelues thereby exempt from their order, ſo that nowe they were by this reuocatorie Bull, appointed to returne to their order, and to obſerue all rules thereto belonging. This liked the F [...]|ers well, namely the Minors, that ſought by all meanes they mighte deuiſe, how to bring theyr breethren home againe, which by ſuche exempti|ons in being the Popes Chaplayne, were ſegre|gate and deuided frõ the reſidue of their brethren.K. Rich g [...] ouer to C [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King in this twẽtith yere of his raigne, went ouer to Calice with his vncles the Dukes of Yorke, and Glouceſter, and a greate manie of other Lordes and Ladies of honor, and thyther came to him the Duke of Burgoigne, and ſo they communed of the peace. There was no eni|mie to the concluſion thereof, but the Duke of Glouceſter, who ſhewed well by his words, that he wiſhed rather war than peace, in ſo muche as the King ſtoode in doubt of him, leaſt hee woulde procure ſome rebellion againſte him by his ſub|iects, whome he knewe not to fauor greatly thys new aliaunce with Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King after the Duke of Burgoigne had talked with him throughly of all things, and was departed from him, returned into Eng|lande (leauing ye Ladyes ſtill at Calais) to open the couenauntes of the marriage and peace vn|to his ſubiects, and after hee hadde finiſhed with that buſineſſe, and vnderſtoode theyr myndes, hee went againe to Calais, and with him hys two Vncles, of Lancaſter and Glouceſter, and dy|uers Prelates and Lordes of the Realme, and ſhortly after came the Frenche Kyng to the baſtide of Arde, accompanyed with the Dukes of Burgoigne, Berrie, Britaigne and Bur|bonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1089 The [...] of the [...]vievv [...] King [...] and [...] Kyng.There were ſet vp for the king of Englande aright faire and riche pauillion a little beyonde Guyſnes within the Engliſh pale, and an other the lyke pauillion was pight vp for the Frenche king on this ſyde Arde, within the Frenche do|minion,Fabian. ſo that betweene the ſayde Pauillions was the diſtaunce of .lxx. paces, and in the mid|waye betwixte them bothe, was ordeyned the thyrde Pauillion, at the whyche bothe Kings comming from eyther of theyr Tentes ſundrye tymes ſhoulde meete and haue communication togyther: The diſtance betwixte the two tentes was beſet on eyther ſide in tyme of the enterview with knights armed with theyr ſwordes in their hands,Froiſſart. that is to ſay, on the one ſide ſtood .iiij.C. French knights in armure with ſwords in their hands, & on the other ſide foure hundred Engliſh knightes armed with ſwordes in theyr handes, making as it were a lane betwixte them through the whiche the two kings came and mette,Fabian. wyth ſuche noble men as were appoynted to attende them. And a certaine diſtance from the two firſt pauillions, were appointed to ſtande ſuche com|panies of men as either of them by appointment had couenanted to bring with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The othe of the tvvo kings.The two kyngs before their meeting, recey|ued a ſolemne othe for aſſurance of their faithfull and true meaning to obſerue the ſacred lawes of amitie one towarde an other in that their enter|viewe, ſo as no damage, violence, moleſtation, arreſt, diſturbance, or other inconuenience ſhould be practiſed by them, or their frendes and ſubiec|tes: and that if any diſorder roſe thorough any myſhappe, arrogancie, or ſtrife moued by anye perſon, the ſame ſhoulde be reformed, promiſing in the wordes of Princes to aſſiſt one an other in ſuppreſſing the malice of ſuche as ſhould pre|ſume to doe or attempt any thyng that myghte founde to the breache of freendly amitie, during the tyme of that aſſemble eight dayes before, and ſeuen dayes after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xxvj. of October the King of Englande remoued from Caleys towarde the Caſtell of Guyſnes, and with him the duke of Berry, who was ſeate to take his othe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morrow after, being the euen of Symon and Iude, the Kings mette, and the Lordes of Fraunce, to witte, the duke of Berry, Burgun|die, Orleans, and Bourbon, the Earle of Sa|uoy, the Vicounte of Meaux and others, con|ueyed the Kyng of Englande, and from hym were ſente to conduct the Frenche kyng dyuers of the Engliſhe Lordes, as the two Dukes of Lancaſter and Glouceſter, foure Earles, to wit, of Derbye, Rutlande, Notingham, and Northumberlande. After the two kinges were come together into the tent for that purpoſe pre|pared, it was fyrſt accorded betwixt them, that in the ſame place where they thus mette,The Chappell of our Lady of peace. ſhoulde be buylded of both their coſts a chapell for a per|petuall memorie, which ſhould be called the cha|pell of our Ladie of peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 On the Saterday being the feaſt daye of the Apoſtles Simon and Iude, the kings talked to|gither of certayn articles touching the treaſie of peace, and hauing concluded vpon the ſame, they receyued eyther of them an othe vpon the holye Euangeliſtes, to obſerue and keepe all the coue|nantes accorded vppon. On the Mondaye the French king came to the king of Englande his pauillion,The french K. giueth his daughter to king Richarde in marriage. and the ſame tyme was brought thy|ther the young Queene Iſabell daughter to the Frenche King, who there deliuered hir vnto K. Richarde, whiche taking hir by the hande kiſſed hir, and gaue to hir Father great thanks for that ſo honourable and gracious a gifte, openly pro|teſting that vpon the conditions concluded be|twixt them, he did receyue hir, that by ſuche af|finitie both realmes might continue in quietnes, and come to a good ende and perfecte concluſion of a perpetuall peace. The Queene was com|mitted vnto the ducheſſes of Lancaſter, & Glou|ceſter, to the Counteſſes of Huntington & Staf|forde, to the Marchioneſſe of Dublyn, daughter to the Lord Couey, to the Ladies of Namure, Poignings, and others, whyche wyth a noble trayne of men and horſſes, conueyed hir to Ca|leys: for there were .xij. chareis ful of ladies and gentlewomen. This done, the kings came togi|ther into the king of Englãds pauilion to diner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French K. ſat on the right ſide of the hal,The order of the frenche Kings ſeruice at table. & was royally ſerued after the maner of his coũ|trey, that is to wit of al maner of meates apoin|ted to be ſerued at the firſt courſe in one mightie large diſh or platter, & likewiſe after the ſame ſort at the ſecond courſe. But the K. of Englãd was ſerued after the engliſh maner. Whẽ the cables wer taken vp, & that they had made an end of di|ner, the kings kiſſed eche other, and tooke theyr horſes. The K. of England brought the French K. on his way, & at length they toke leaue either of other, in ſhakyng handes, and embracing on horſebacke. The French king rode to Arde, and the king of England returned to Caleys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We haue omitted (as things ſuperfluous to ſpeake of) all the honorable demeanor & curteous entertainment vſed & ſhewed betwixt theſe prin|ces & noble men on both parts, their ſundry fea|ſtings & bãkettings, what rich apparel, place, and other furniture of cupbords & tables, the princely gifts & rich iewels which were preſented frõ one to an other, ſtriuing as it might ſeem, who ſhuld ſhew himſelf moſt bounteous & liberal: beſide the giftes which the King of Englande gaue vnto the French king, and to the nobles of his realme (whyche amounted aboue the ſumme of tenne EEBO page image 1090 thouſande markes) the king of England ſpent at this tyme (as the fame went) aboue .iij.C. thou|ſande markes.The expences of K. Richard at this enter|v [...]evve.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the kyngs returne to Caleys on Wed|neſday next enſuyng,The marriage ſolempniſed at Callais, being Allhallon day, in ſo|lemne wiſe he maryed the ſayd Ladye Iſabell in the Church of S. Nicholas, the Archebiſhop of Canterburie doing the office of the miniſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Thurſday after, the dukes of Orleance and Bourbon came to Caleys to ſee the Kyng and the Queene: And on the Fridaye they tooke their leaue and departed, and rode to S. Omers to the Frenche kyng. And the ſame daye in the morning the King and the Queene tooke theyr ſhippe, and hadde faire paſſage: for within three houres they arriued at Douer, from whence they ſped them towardes London, wherof the Citi|zens being warned, made out certaine horſemen well appoynted in one liuerie of colour, with a deuiſe embroudered on their ſleeues, that euery companie mighte bee knowne from other, the whiche with the Mayre and his brethren,The Maior of London, and the citizens meete the king and the Quene on Blackheath. clo|thed in ſkarlet, met the king and Queen on black Heath, and there doing their dueties with hum|ble reuerence attended vpon their maieſties tyll they came to Newington: where the King cõ|maunded the Mayre with his companie to re|turne, for that hee was appoynted to lodge that nyght at Kenington.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, to witte the .xiij. of Nouem|ber, the young Queene was conueyed from thence with greate pompe vnto the Tower, at whiche tyme there was ſuche preaſſe on Lon|don bridge,Certaine thruſt to deathe in the preaſſe on Londõ bridge. Iohn Stow. that by reaſon thereof, certayn per|ſones were thruſte to death: among the whiche the Prior of Tiptree, a place in Eſſex was one, and a worſhipfull matrone in Cornehill an o|ther.The Queenes coronation. The Morrowe after ſhe was conueyed to Weſtminſter with the honour that aright be de|uiſed,1397 and finally there crowned Queene vppon the Sunday being then the .vij. of Ianuarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Lancaſter his baſtardes made legittimate by Parliament.The .xxij. of Ianuarie was a parliament be|gon at Weſtminſter in whiche the duke of Lan|caſter cauſed to bee legittimated the iſſue whiche he had begotte of Katherin Swinfort, before ſhe was his wife: & the ſame time Thomas Beau|forte ſonne to the ſayde Duke, by the ſayde Ka|therin, was created Earle of Sommerſet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was an ordinaunce made in the ſame Parliament, that Iuſtices ſhoulde not haue any to ſit wyth them as aſſiſtaunts. Moreouer, there was a tenth graunted by the clergie to be paide to the kings vſe at two ſeuerall termes in that pre|ſent yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iuſtices reuoked out of [...]le.This yere the king contrarie to his othe reuo|ked the Iuſtices foorth of Irelande, whome by conſtraynt as before ye haue hearde, he was in|forced to baniſh, therby to ſatiſfie the noble men that woulde haue it ſo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this .xx. yeare of his reigne king [...] receyuing the ſummes of money (for [...] the ſtrong towne of Breſt was engaged to [...] by euill counſayle as many thought, [...] y [...] vp to the [...] of [...] [...] vnto the Duke of Britayne, by reaſon wherof, no ſmall ſparke of diſpleaſure aroſe betwixt the king and the duke of Glouceſter, whiche [...] vp ſuche a [...]ame as it was eaſy to [...], fy [...] matter inough to frede vpon in both their br [...]s that finally it coulde no longer be kepte d [...], nor by any meanes quenched.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Februarye, the King hol|ding a ſumptuous feaſt at Weſtminſter, many of the Souldiors that were newely come [...] Breſt preaſſed into the hall,P [...] [...] betvvene the K. and the duke of Glouceſter and kept a [...] together, whome as the duke of Glouceſter be|held, and vnderſtoode what they were to [...]|ber howe that towne was giuen vp contrary to his mynde and pleaſure, it grieued him not a lit|tle: and therefore as the Kyng was entred in|to hys chaumber, and fewe aboute him, he could not forbeare, but brake foorth,The ta [...]e be|tvvixt the king and the Duke of Glouceſter and ſayde to the king: Syr ſaw you not thoſe felowes that [...] in ſuche number this daye in the Hall, at ſuche a Table? The King aunſwered that hee [...]ewe them, and aſked the Duke what they were

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To whome the Duke made thys aunſwere: Syr, theſe bee the Souldiors come from Breſt, and as nowe haue nothyng to take t [...], nor yet knowe howe to ſhifte for their lyuyngs, and [...]he woorſe, for that as I am enfourmed, they h [...] bin euill payde. Then ſayde the Kyng, that is agaynſte my wyll: for I woulde that they ſhoulde haue their due wages: And if any haue cauſe to complayne, lette them ſhewe the mat|ter to the Treaſourer, and they ſhall bee reaſo|nably anſwered: and here with he commaunded that they ſhoulde be appoynted to foure certaine villages aboute London,Out of a french pamphlet. there to remayne and to haue meate, drink, and lodging vpon his char|ges tyll they were payde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus as they fell into reaſoning of this mat|ter, the duke ſayde to the kyng: Sy [...] your grace ought to put your body in payne to win a ſtrong holde or towne by feate of warre, [...] you tooke vppon you to ſelle or delyuer anye Towne or ſtrong holde gotten with greate aduenture by the manhoode and policie of your nob [...]e proge|nitours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this the kyng with changed countenance aunſwered and ſayde: Vncle, howe ſaye you that? and the Duke boldely without [...]|fed the ſame agayne, not chaungyng one worde in any better ſorte. Whervppon the Kyng be|ing more chafed, replyed thus: Thynke you that I am a Merchaunce, or a verye [...]e, to fell my lande? by Saincte Iohn Baptiſt [...] EEBO page image 1091 But trouth it is, that oure couſin the Duke of Britayne hath ſatiſfyed vs of all ſuche ſummes of money as our progenitours lente vnto hym, and in his auncetour [...], vpon guage of the ſayd towne of Breſt, for the whiche reaſon and con|ſcience will no leſſe but that the towne ſhoulde therevpon be to him reſtored.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vppon this multiplying of wordes in ſuche preſumptuous maner by the Duke againſt the Kyng, there kindeled ſuche diſpleaſure betwixt them, that it neuer ceaſſed to increaſe in flames, till the duke was brought to his ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of S. P [...]le his coũ| [...] to king Ri|charde.The Earle of Saint Paule at his laſte com|ming into England to receyue king Richardes othe for obſeruing the truce, had conference with the king of diuers matters. The king by way of complaynt, ſhewed vnto him how ſtiffe the duke of Glouceſter was in hindering all ſuch matters as he would haue forwarde, not onely ſeking to haue the peace broken betwixt the realms of En|gland and France, but alſo procuring trouble at home by ſtirring the people to rebellion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Sainte Paule hearing of this ſtoute demeanour of the Duke, tolde the King that it ſhould be beſt to prouide in tyme againſt ſuche miſchiefes as might enſue therof, and that it was not to be ſuffred, that a ſubiecte ſhould be|haue himſelfe in ſuche ſorte towarde his prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kyng marking his wordes, thought that he gaue him good and faithfull counſel,Polidor. and ther|vpon determined to ſuppreſſe both the duke and other of his complices, and tooke more diligente regarde to the ſayings and doings of the Duke thã before he had done: and as it cõmeth to paſſe that thoſe whiche ſuſpect any euil, doe euer deme the worſt, ſo he tooke euery thing in euill part, in ſo muche that he complayned of the Duke vnto his brethren the dukes of Lancaſter and Yorke, in that he ſhould ſtand agaynſt him in al things and ſeeke his deſtruction, the death of his coun|ſellours, and deſtruction of his realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Dukes of Lancaſter, and Yorke, excuſe the Duke of Glouceſter to the Kyng.The two Dukes of Lancaſter and Yorke to deliuer the kings mynde of ſuſpition, made an|ſwere, that they were not ignorant, howe theyr brother of Glouceſter, as a man ſomtymes raſh in woordes, woulde ſpeak oftentimes more than he coulde or would bring to effecte, and the ſame proceeded of a faithfull hearte, which he bare to|wardes the king, for that it greeued him to vn|derſtande, that the confines of the Engliſhe do|minions ſhoulde in anye wyſe bee diminiſhed: therfore his grace ought not to regard his wor|des, ſith he ſhould take no hurt thereby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe perſuaſions quieted the king for a time til he was enformed of the practiſe which ye duke of Glouceſter had contriued (as the fame wente amongſt diuers perſons) to impriſon the Kyng, for then the duke of Lancaſter and Yorke, fyrſte reprouing the duke of Glouceſter for his too libe|ral talking, and perceyuing that he ſet nothyng by their words, werein doubt leaſt if they ſhould remayne in the count ſtill he would vpon a pre|ſumptuous mynde, in truſte to bee borne out by thẽ, attempt ſome outragious enterpriſe. Where|fore they thought beſt to depart for a tyme into theyr countrays, that by their abſence hee might the ſooner learne to ſtay himſelf for doubt of fur|ther diſpleaſure. But it come to paſſe that their departure from the Court was the caſting away of the duke of Glouceſter. For after that they were gone, there ceaſſed not ſuche as bare hym euill will, to procure the King to diſpatche him out of the waye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke in deede ſore ſtomacked the mat|ter, that his counſell might not be followed in al things, and ſpecially for that be ſawe (as he toke it) that the King was [...]de by ſome perſons that were about him, otherwiſe th [...]n ſtoode with his honour: for reformation whereof, he confer|red with the Abbot of S. Albons, and the Prior of Weſtminſter.A conſpiracy betvvene the duke of Glou|ceſter, and the Abbot of Saint Albons. The Abbot was both his cou|ſin and godfather: and hauing one day both the Duke and Prior at his houſe in Saint Albons: after dinner, he fell in talke with the Duke and Priour, and amongſt other communication re|quired of the Priour to tell a trouthe, whether he had any viſion ye night before or not. The Prior ſeemed loth to make a direct anſwer, but at lẽgth being earneſtly requeſted,Out of an olde frenche pamph [...] belonging to Iohn Stovv. as well by the abbot as duke, he declared that hee had a viſion in deede, which was, that the realme of England ſhould be deſtroyed through the miſgouernment of K. Richard. By the virgine Mary, ſayd the Abbot, I had the verie, ſame viſion. The Duke here vpon diſcloſed vnto them all the ſecrets of his mynde, and by their deuiſes preſently cõtriued an aſſem|ble of diuers great lordes of the realme at Arun|dell caſtell that day fortnighte, at what tyme he himſelfe appointed to be there, with the Earles of Darbie, Arundell, Marſhall, and Warwike: Alſo the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburye the Ab|botte of Sainte Albons, the Priour of Weſt|minſter, with diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe eſtates beeing come to Arundell Ca|ſtell at the daye appoynted,An. reg. 2 [...] aboute the verie be|ginning of the .xxj. yere of king Richards reigne. They ſware eche to other to bee aſſiſtant in all ſuche matters as they ſhoulde determyne, and therewith receyued the Sacrament at the hands of the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury, who cele|brated Maſſe before them the morrowe after. Whiche doone, they with drewe into a chaum|ber, and fell in counſell togyther, where in the ende they light vpon this poynte, to take Kyng Rycharde, the Dukes of Lancaſter,The purpoſe of the conſpi|rators. and Yorke, and commytte them to pryſon, and EEBO page image 1092 all the other Lordes of the kings Counſell, they determined ſhuld be drawen and hanged. Such was their purpoſe whiche they ment to haue ac|compliſhed in Auguſt following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Erle Marſhall that was Lord de|putie of Caleys,The erle Mar|shall diſcloſeth the conſpiracy. and had maryed the Erle of A|rundels daughter, diſcouered all theyr counſell to the Kyng, and the verie daye in whiche they ſhoulde beginne their enterpriſe. The king bad the Earle Marſhall take heede what hee hadde ſayde, for if it proued not true, hee ſhoulde re|pente it: But the Earle conſtantely herevn|to aunſwered, that if the matter mighte bee pro|ued otherwiſe, he was contented to bee drawen and quartered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king herevpon wente to London, where he dyned at the houſe of his brother the Earle of Huntington in the ſtreete behynde All hallowes churche vpon the banke of the riuer of Thames, whiche was a ryght fayre and ſtately houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After dinner, he gaue his counſell to vnder|ſtande all the matter, by whoſe aduiſe it was a|greed, that the King ſhould aſſemble forthwith what power he might cõueniently make of men of armes and archers, and ſtreighte wayes take horſſe, accompanied with his brother the Erle of Huntington, and the Erle Marſhall. Herevpon at .vj. of the clock in the afternoone, the iuſt houre when they vſed to go to ſupper, the king moun|ted on horſebacke, and roade his waye, whereof the Londoners had great meruaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After that the K. began to approche the dukes houſe at Plaſchy in Eſſex, where he then lay, he cõmaunded his brother the Erle of Huntington to ride afore,The Earle of Rutlande hathe Grafton. to know if the duke were at home, and if he were, then to tel him that the king was comming at hande to ſpeake with him. The erle with .x. perſons in his companie amending his pace, (for the king had made no greate haſte all the night before, as ſhould appeare by his iorney) came to the houſe, and entring into the court, aſ|ked if the duke were at home, and vnderſtanding by a Gentlewoman that made him anſwer, that both the duke and the Ducheſſe were yet in bed, he be ſought hir to go to the Duke, and to ſhewe him, that the K. was cõming at hand to ſpeake with him, & forthwith came the king with a cõ|petent number of menne of armes, and a greate companie of Archers, riding into the baſe court, his trumpets ſounding before him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke herewith came downe into the baſe court, where the king was, hauyng none other apparell vpon him, but his ſhirt, and a cloke or a mantel caſt aboute his ſhoulders, & with humble reuerence, ſayd, yt his grace was welcome, aſking of the lords how it chanced they came ſo early, & ſent him no word of their cõming?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng heerewith courteouſly requeſted him to goe and make him readye, [...] his houſe to be ſadled, for that hee [...] ryde with him a little waye; and co [...] him of buſyneſſe. The Duke [...] into his chamber to put vpon hym his [...] and the Kyng alyghtyng from hys [...] in talke with the ducheſſe and hir la [...]s.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Huntington and diuers [...] [...]|lowed the duke into the hall, and there [...] him til he had put on his raument. And [...] whyle they came foorth againe all togither [...] the baſe court, wher the king was, de [...] [...] the ducheſſe in pleaſant talke, whome [...] nowe to returne to hir lodgyng againe, for [...] might ſtay no longer, and ſo tooke his horſe a|gaine, and the Duke likewiſe: And ſhortely af|ter that the king and all his companie were go [...] foorth of the gate of the baſe court, be co [...] the Erle Marſhal to apprehend the Duke,The Duke of G [...] [...] which incontinently was [...]oon according to the Kings appoyntment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here we finde ſome variance in writers [...] as by an old French pamphlet (which I haue [...]) it ſhould appere, the King commanded firſt, [...] this Duke ſhould be conueyed vnto the Tower, where he ment to common with him, and [...] any other place: but neuertheleſſe the king ſhort|ly after appointed, that he ſhould be ſent to Ca|leys, as in the ſame Pamphlet is alſo contended: others write, that immediatly vppon his appre|henſion, the Earle Marſhall conueyed him vnto the Thames, and there beeing ſet aboorde in a ſhippe prepared of purpoſe, hee was broughte to Calleys, where hee was at lengthe diſpatched out of lyfe, eyther ſtrangled or ſmoothered with pillowes, (as ſome doe write.Out of an [...]le [...]reach [...] ) For the Kyng ſhynkyng it not good, that the Duke of Glou|ceſter ſhould ſtand to his anſwer openly, bicauſe the people bare him ſo good much will, ſent one of his Iuſtices called Williã Rikil, an Iriſheman borne, ouer vnto Caleis, there to inquire of the the duke of Glouceſter, whether he had commit|ted any ſuch treaſons, as were alledged againſt him, and the Earles of Arundel and Warwike, as after ſhall be ſpecified. Iuſtice Rik [...]l hearing what he confeſſed vpon his examination, wrote the ſame as he was cõmaunded to doe, and ther|with ſpeedily returned to the king, and as it hath bin reported, he enformed the king (whether tru|ly or not, I haue not to ſay) that the duke fran [...]|ly confeſſed euery thing, wherwith he was char|ged. Wherevpon the King ſent vnto Thomas Mowbray Erle Marſhall and of Notingham, to make the Duke ſecretly away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle prolonged tyme for the executing of the kings cõmandement, though the K. wold haue had it done with all expedition, whereby the King conceiued no ſmall diſpleaſure, and [...]rare EEBO page image 1093 that it ſhould coſt the Earle his life if he quickly obeyed not his commaundement. The Earle thus as it ſeemed in [...], called [...] the Duke at midnight, as if he ſhould haue ta|ken ſhippe to paſſe ouer into England, and there in the lodging called the Pri [...] on Iune, he ra [...]|ſed his ſeruantes to caſt f [...]ther [...]des vpon hym and ſo to ſmoother him for death, or otherwyſe t [...] ſtrangle him with towels (as ſome write.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was the ende of that noble man, [...]e of nature, haſtye, wyfull, and giuen more to warre than to peace: and in this greatly to bee diſcõmended, that he was euer repining againſt the king in all things, whatſoeuer he wiſhed to haue forward. He was thus made away not ſo ſoon as the brute ran of his death: but as it ſhuld appeare by ſome authors, he remained alyue till the parliament that next enſued, and then about the ſame time that the Erle of Arundell ſuffred, he was diſpatched, as before ye haue heard. His bodie was afterwardes with all funerall pompe conueyd into England, and buryed at his owne manour of Plaſhy within the church there. In a ſepulchre whiche he in his life tyme had cauſed to he made, and there erected.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame euening that the K. departed from London towardes Plaſhye, to apprehende the Duke of Glouceſter,The Earle of [...]all appre|ed. the Erle of Rutlande, and the Erle of Kent, were ſent with a greate, num|ber of men of armes & archers to arreſt the Erle of Arundell, whiche was done eaſily inough, by reaſon that the ſayde Earle was trayned wyth fayre wordes at the kings handes, till hee was within his daunger, where otherwyſe he mighte haue bin hable to haue ſaued hymſelfe, and deli|uered his frendes. The Earle of Warwike was taken, and cõmitted to the Tower the ſame day that the King hadde willed hym to dinner, and ſhewed him verie good countenaunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo apprehended and committed to the Tower the ſame tyme, the Lorde Iohn Cobham, and ſir Iohn Cheyny knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Arundell was ſente to the Iſle of Wight there to remayne as priſoner, till the next parliament, in the whiche he determined ſo to prouide, that they ſhoulde bee all condemned, and put to death. And for doubt of ſome com|motion that might aryſe amõgſt the commons, he cauſed it by open proclamation to be ſignified that theſe noble men were not apprehended, for any offence committed long agone, but for newe treſpaſſes agaynſt the kyng, as in the next Par|liamẽt, it ſhuld be manifeſtly declared & proued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, he procured them to be indited at Notingham, suborning suche as should appeale them in parliament, The [...]es of [...]e appe [...]nts. to wit, Edward erle of Rutlande, Thomas Mowbray Erle Marshal, Thomas Holland erle of Kent, Iohn Holland Erle of Huntingdon, Thomas Beauforte Erle of Somerset, Iohn Montacute Earle of Salisbury, Thomas Lorde Spenser, and the Lorde William Scrope, Lord Chamberlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, the King fearing what mighte be attempted against him by those that fauoured these noble men that were in durance, sent for a power of Cheshire men, that mighte day and nighte keepe watche and warde aboute his person. A garde of Cheshire men about the king. They were aboute .ij. thousande archers, payde weekely, as by the Annales of Britayne it appeareth. The King had little trust in any of the nobilitie, except in his brother the erle of Huntingdon, and the Earle of Rutlande son to the duke of Yorke, and in the Earle of Salisburye: in these onely he reposed a confidence, and not in any other, except in certain knightes and gentlemen of his priuie chamber.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme whyles thinges were thus in broy [...]e before the beginning of the parliament, diuers other beſyde them whom we haue ſpo [...] of, were apprehended and put in ſundry priſons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Parliament was ſummoned to begin at Weſtminſter the xvij. of September,The lordes ap|poynted to come in vvar|like manner to the parliament. and writ|tes therevpon directed to euery of the Lordes to appeare, and to bring with them a ſufficient nũ|ber of armed men and archers in their beſt aray: for it was not knowen how the Dukes of Lan|caſter and Yorke, would take the death of their brother, nor howe other peares of the Realme would take the apprehenſion and impriſonment of their kynſemen, the Earles of Arundell and Warwicke, and of the other priſoners. Surely the two Dukes when they heard that their bro|ther was ſo ſodainly made away,Polidor. they will not what to ſaye to the matter, and beganne bothe to be ſorowfull for his death, and doubtefull of their owne ſtates: for ſith they ſawe howe the Kyng (abuſed by the counſell of euill men) ab|ſteyned not from ſuche an heynous acte, they thought he would afterwardes attempte greater my ſorders from tyme to tyme. Therefore they aſſembled in all haſte, greate numbers of theyr ſeruauntes, frendes, and tenauntes,The Dukes of Lancaſter, and Yorke aſſemble their povvers to reſiſte the Kings dealings. and com|myng to London, were receyued into the Ci|tie: For the Londoners were ryghte ſorye for the death of the Duke of Glouceſter, who hadde euer ſought their fauour, in ſomuche, that now they woulde haue bin contented to haue ioyned with the Dukes in ſeeking reuenge of ſo noble a mannes death, procured and broughte to paſſe without lawe or reaſon, as the common bruite then walked, although peraduenture he was not as yet made awaye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere the Dukes and other fell in counſell, & manie thinges were proponed, ſome wold that they ſhould by force reuenge the duke of Glou|ceſters death: other thought it mere yt the Erles EEBO page image 1094 Marſhall and Huntington, and certaine others, as chiefe authours of all the miſchiefe ſhoulde be purſued and puniſhed for their demerites, hauing trayned vp the king in vice and euill cuſtomes, euen from his youth. But the dukes (after their diſpleaſure was ſomewhat aſſuaged) determined to couer the ſtinges of their griefs for a tyme, and if the king would amende his maners, to forget alſo the iniuries paſt. In the meane time the K. lay at Eltham,Caxton. Fabian. Polidor. and had got about him a greate power (namely of thoſe archers, which he hadde ſent for out of Cheſhyre, in whome he put a ſin|gular truſt more than in any other.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There went meſſengers betwixt him and the Dukes, whiche beeing men of honour did theyr endeuor to appeaſe both parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng diſcharged himſelfe of blame for the duke of Glouceſters death, conſidering that he had gone about to breake the truce, whiche he had taken with France, and alſo ſtirred the peo|ple of the realme to rebellion, and further hadde ſoughte the deſtruction and loſſe of his lyfe, that was his ſoueraigne Lorde and lawfull kyng. Contrarily, the Dukes affirmed, that their bro|ther was wrongfully put to death,The Kyng and the Dukes re|cõciled. hauing done nothing worthy of death. At length, by the in|terceſſion and meanes of thoſe noble menne that went to and fro betwixt them, they were accor|ded, and the kyng promyſed from thenceforth to doe nothyng but by the aſſent of the dukes: but he kept ſmall promiſe in this behalf, as after wel appeared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Caxton.When the tyme came, that the Parliamente ſhould be holden at Weſtminſter, according to the t [...]nour of the ſummonance, the Lordes re|paired thither, furniſhed with great retinues both of armed men and archers, as the Erle of Dar|bie, the Erle Marſhall, the Erle of Rutland, the Lorde Spenſer, the Erle of Northumberlande, with his ſonne the Lorde Henry Percie, and the Lord Thomas Pri [...]ie the ſayde Erles brother, alſo the Lord Scrope T [...]aſourer of Englande, and dyuers other. All the whiche Earles and Lordes brought with them a great and ſtrong power, euery of them in their beſt aray, as it wer to ſtrengthen the king againſt his enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The dukes of Lancaſter and Yorke were like|wyſe there, giuing their attendance on the king, with lyke furniture of men of armes & archers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was not half lodging ſufficient with|in the Citie and ſuburbes of London, for ſuche companies of men,The greate Parliament. as the Lordes brought wyth them to this Parliamẽt, called the great Parlia|ment: inſomuche that they were conſtrayned to lye in villages abrode .x. or .xij. myles on ech ſide the Citie.The Kinges gre [...]a [...]ces opened in this Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of this Parliament, the K. greatly complayned of the mysdemeanour of the peeres and lordes of his realem, as well for thinges done against his will and pleasure, whiles he was yong, as for the straite dealyng, which they had shewed towards the Quene, who was three houres at one time on hir knees before the Erle of Arundell, for one of hir esquiers, named Io. Caluerly, who neuerthelesse had his head smit from his shoulders, & al the answere that she could get was this: Madame, pray for your selfe, and your husbande, for that is beste, and lette this suite alone. Those that set foorth the kings greuances, as prolocutors in this Parliamente were these: Thom. VV [...] Iohn B [...]e, VV [...]am [...]+got, T [...] Gree [...]e. Iohn Bushy, Willia(m) Bagot, & Thomas Grene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king had caused a large house of timber to be made within the Palaice at Westminster, A nevve [...]e made vvith the Pallace of VVeſtminſtres for the [...]|ment of the Lordes [...]. whiche was called an Hall, couered aboue heade with tyles, and was open at the endes, that all men myght see thorough it. This house was of so great a compasse, that vneth it might stande within the roomth of the palaice. In this house was made an high throne for the Kyng, and a large place for all estates besides to sit in.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were places alſo made for the appel|lante [...] to ſtande on the one ſyde, and the defen|dants on the other, and a lyke roomth was [...] behynde for the knights and burgeſſes of the Par|liament.Additions to Policr [...]. There was a place deuiſed for the ſpea|ker, named Sir Iohn Buſhy, a knight of Lin|colneſhire,Sir Ioh. Buſhy ſpeaker. accompted to be an exceeding euill man, ambicious and couetous beyond meaſure

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Immediatly after, eche man being placed in his roomth, the cauſe of aſſembling that parlia|mente was ſhewed, as that the kyng had called it, for reformation of diuers tranſgreſſions and oppreſſions committed againſt the peace of hys lande by the Duke of Glouceſter, the Earles of Arundell, Warwicke, and others. Then ſir Io. Buſhy ſtepte foorth, and made requeſt on the be|halfe of the communaltie, that it myghte pleaſ [...] the kings highneſſe for their heinous acts attemp+ted againſt his lawes and royal maieſtie, to ap|point them puniſhment according to their deſer|uings, and ſpecially to the Archb. of Canterbury,The arche|bishop of Can|terburie ſitting in parliament is accuſed of treaſon by the ſpeaker. (who then ſat nexte the K.) whom he accuſed of high treſon, for that he had euil coũſelled his ma|ieſty, inducing him to graũt his letters of pardon to his brother the Erle of Arundel, being a ranke traytor. When the Archbiſhop began to anſwer in his own defence, the K. willed him to ſit downe again, and to hold his peace, for al ſhuld be well. Herewith ſir Io. Buſhy beſought the Kyng, that the Archebiſhoppe ſhoulde not bee admitted to make his anſwer, which if he did by reaſon of his great wit & good vtterãce, he feared leaſt he ſhuld lead men away to beleue him: ſo ye Archb. might be heard no further. Sir Iohn Buſhy in all his talke when hee proponed any matter vnto the King, did not attribute to him titles of honour, EEBO page image 1095 due and accuſtomed, but inuented vnvſed to [...]n [...]s and ſuch ſtrange names, as were rather agreable to the diuine maieſtie of God,Impudent flat| [...]e. than to any [...]|ly potentate. The Prince being deſirous [...]ough of all honour, and more ambitious that was [...]|quiſite, ſeemed to like wel of his ſpeech, and gaue good care to his talke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus when the Archbiſh. was conſtrained to kepe ſilence, ſir Iohn Buſhy procured in his pur+poſe, requiring on the behalf of the cõmons, that the Charters of pardons graunted vnto the trai|tors, to witte, the Duke of Glouceſter, and the Earles of Arundel and Warwike, ſhould be re|uoked by conſent of all the eſtates nowe in par|liament aſſembled. The King alſo for his parte proteſted, that thoſe pardons were not volunta|rily graũted by him, but rather extorted by com|pulſion, and therfore he beſought them that euery man wold ſhew foorth their opinions what they thought thereof. There were two other perſons of greate credite with the King, beſides ſir Iohn Buſhy,Tho. VValſ. that were, as before yon haue heard, very earneſt to haue thoſe Charters of pardon reuo|ked and made voyde, to witte, ſir William Ba|got, and ſir Thomas Greene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But bicauſe this matter ſemed to require good deliberation, it was firſt put to the Biſhops, who with ſmall adoe, gaue ſentence, that the ſayde Charters were reuocable, and might wel inough be called in: yet the Archbiſhop of Canterburye in his anſwere herevnto ſayde, that the K. from whome thoſe pardons came, was ſo hygh an e|ſtate, that he durſt not ſay, that any ſuche char|ters by him granted, might be reuoked: notwith|ſtanding, his brethren the biſhops thought other|wyſe: not conſidering (ſayth Thomas Walſ.) that ſuch reuoking of the kings Charters of par|don ſhoulde ſound highly to the kings diſhonor forſomuche as mercie and pardoning tranſgreſ|ſions is accompted to bee the confirmation and eſtabliſhing of the kings ſeate and royall eſtate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The temporal lords perceiuing what the Bi|ſhops had done, did likewiſe giue their conſents, to reuoke the ſame pardons: but the iudges with thoſe that were toward the law, were not of this opinion, but finally the Biſhops pretendyng a ſcrupuloſitie, as if they might not with ſafe con|ſciences bee preſente where iudgement of bloud ſhoulde paſſe, they appoynted a laye man to be their prolocutor to ſerue that turn. To conclude, at length all maner of Charters of pardon were made voyde,The charters of pardon gran [...]|ted to the leads [...]de voide by P [...]ent. for that the ſame ſeemed to impeach the ſuretie of the Kings perſon. When ſir Iohn Buſhy and his aſſociats, had obteined that reuo|cation, it was further by them declared, that the Erle of Arundel had yet a other ſpeciall charter of pardon for his owne perſon, which he had ob|teined after the firſt. And therfore ſir Io. Buſhy earneſtly requiſted in in [...]re of the Communaltie that the ſame might likewyſe be reuoked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The queſtion then was aſked of the biſhops, who declared themſelues to be of the lyke opini|on, touching that Charter, as they were of the other. At that ſelfe tyme t [...]e Archbiſhop of Can|terbury abſented himſelfe from the Parliament,Tho. VValſ. in hope that the king woulde be his friende, and ſtande his verie good Lorde, for that he had pro|miſed nothing ſhould be done againſt [...] the parliament whileſt he was abſent but neuerthe|leſſe,The archbishop of Canterbury condempned to perpetuall ba|nishment .vi. dayes hath Grafton. at the importunate ſuite of the ſayd ſir Iohn Buſhy and others, the Archbiſhop was condem|ned vnto perpetuall exile, and apoynted to auoyd the realme within ſix weekes. And therwith the king ſente ſecretly to the Pope for order that the Archebiſhoppe might be remoued from his ſea to ſome other, whiche ſuite was obteyned, and Ro|ger Walden Lorde Treaſoner was ordeyned Archbiſhop in his place, as after ſhal appeare.The Earle of Arundell areig|reigned. On the fraſt day of Saint Matthewe, Rich. Fitz A [...]+leyn, Earle of Arundel, was broughte foorthe to ſwere before the king and whole Parliamente to ſuche Articles as he was to be charged with.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as he ſtoode at the barre,The Duke of Lancaſter highe Stevvarde of England at this arreinement. the Lorde Ne|uill was commaunded by the Duke of Lanca|ſter which ſate that day as high ſteward of En|glande, to take the hoode from his necke, and the gyrdle from his waſte. Then the Duke of Lan|caſter declared vnto him, that for his manyfolde rebellions and treaſons againſt the kings maie|ſtie he hadde bin arreſted, and hytherto kepte in warde, and nowe at the petition of the Lordes and commons, he was called to aunſwere ſuche crimes as were there to be obiected agaynſt him, and ſo to purge himſelfe, or elſe to ſuffer for his offences, ſuche puniſhement as lawe appointed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fyrſt, he charged him, for that he had trayte|rouſly ridde in armour againſt the king in com|panye of the duke of Glouceſter, and of the Erle of Warwike, to the breache of peace, and diſ|quieting of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His anſwere herevnto was,The Earle of Arundell his aunſvveres to the pointes of his indirement. that he didde not this vpon any euill meaning towardes the kings perſone, but rather for the benefite of the King, and realme, if it were interpreted aright, and ta|ken as it ought to be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was further demaunded of hym, why hee procured letters of pardon from the kyng, if he knewe hymſelfe giltleſſe? He aunſwered, that he did not purchaſe them for any feare he hadde of faultes by him committed, but to ſtaye the ma|licious ſpeache of them that neyther loued the K. nor hym. He was agayne aſked, whether he would denye that he made any ſuch roade with the perſones before named, and that in compa|nye of them he entred not armed vnto the kings preſence againſt the kings will and pleaſure EEBO page image 1096 To this he anſwered, that he coulde not deny it, but that he ſo did.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the ſpeaker ſir Iohn Buſhy with open mouth beſought that iudgemẽt might be had a|gainſt ſuch a traitour, and your faithful cõmons (ſaid he to the K.) aſke and require that ſo it may be don. The Erle turning his head aſide, quietly ſaid to him,

not the kings faithfull cõmõs require this, but thou, and what thou art I knowe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the eight appellants ſtanding on the o|ther ſide, caſt their gloues to him, and in proſe|cuting their appeale (which already had bin red) offred to fyght with him man to man to iuſtifye the ſame. Then ſayde the Earle, if I were at li|bertie, and that it myght ſo ſtande with the plea|ſure of my Soueraigne, I woulde not refuſe to proue you all lyers in this behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſpake the duke of Lancaſter, ſaying to him, What haue you further to ſay, to the poin|tes before layde againſt you? He anſwered, that of the Kings grace he hadde his letters generall pardon, which he required to haue allowed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the duke told him, that the pardon was reuoked by the Prelates and noble men in the parliamente, and therefore willed hym to make ſome other anſwere. The Erle tolde him agayn that he had an other pardon vnder ye kings great ſeale graunted him long after of the kings owne motion, whiche alſo hee required to be allowed. The Duke tolde hym, that the ſame was lyke|wyſe reuoked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Arundell con|demned.After this, when the Earle had nothing more to ſaye for himſelfe, the duke pronounced iudge|ment againſt him, as in caſes of treaſon is vſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But after he had made an ende, and pauſed a little, he ſayd: The king oure ſoueraigne Lorde of his mercie and grace, bicauſe thou art of hys bloud, and one of the peeres of the realme, hath remitted all the other paines, ſauing the laſt, that is to wit, the beheadyng, and ſo thou ſhalt onely loſe thy head, and forthwith he was had away, and ledde through London vnto the tower hill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There went with him to ſee the execution don vj. great lords, of whom there were three Erles, Notingham (that had maried his daughter) Kẽt (that was his daughters ſon,) and Huntington, being mounted on greate horſſes, with a greate companie of armed men, & the fierce bands of the Cheſhire mẽ, furniſhed wt axes, ſwerdes, bowes & arrowes, marching before & behynde him, who only in this parliament, had licence to bear wea|pon, as ſome haue written. When he ſhould de|part the palaice, he deſired that his handes might be lewſed to diſpoſe ſuche money as he had in his purſe betwixte that place and Charingcroſſe. This was permitted, and ſo he gaue ſuche mo|ney as he had, in almes with his owne handes, but his armes were ſtill bound behynde hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he came to the Tower hill, ſhe [...] men that were about him, moued him right [...]|neſtly to acknowledge his treaſon agaynſte the king. But he [...]re no wiſe wold ſo doe, but may [...]|teyned, that he was neuer traytour to worde in deede: and heerewith perceyuing the Earles of Notingham and Kent, that ſtood by with other noble men buſy to further the execution (being as ye haue heard) of kin and alyed to him, he ſp [...]ke to them, and ſayd: Truly it woulde haue beſe|emed you rather to haue bin abſente than heere at this buſineſſe. But the tyme will come [...] it be long, when as many that meruayle at your miſ|fortune as do nowe at myne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, forgiuing the executione [...], he be|ſoughte hym not to tormente hym long, but to ſtrike off his heade at one blowe, and feeling the edge of the ſworde, whether it was ſharpe y|nough or not, he ſayde, It is verie will, do that that thou haſte to doe quickely, and ſo [...]lyng [figure appears here on page 1096] downe, the executioner with one ſtroke,The execution of the Earle of Arundell. ſtrake off his head: his bodie was buried togither with his head in the Churche of the Auguſtine Friers in Breadſtreete within the Citie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The death of this erle was much lamented a|mong the people, conſidering his ſodeyn fall and miſerable ende, where as not long before among all the noble men of this land (within the whiche was ſuch a nũber, as no countrey in the worlde had greater ſtore at that preſent) there was none more eſtemed: ſo noble and valiant he was, that all men ſpake honour of him. After his death, as the fame went, the K. was ſore vexed in his ſlept with horrible dreames, imaginyng that he ſawe this Earle appeare vnto him, threatening him, and putting him in horrible fear, with which vi|ſions being ſore troubled in his ſleepe, hee curſſed the daye that euer he knewe the Earle. And he was the more vnquiet, bicauſe he heard it repor|ted, that the common people tooke the Earle for a martyr, in ſo muche that ſome came to viſite the place of his ſepulture, for the opinion they had EEBO page image 1097 conceiued of his holines: and where it was bru|ted abroade as for a miracle, that his head ſhold be growen to his bodie againe, the .x. day after his buriall, the king ſent aboute .x. of the clocke in the night, certaine of the nobilitie to ſee hys body taken vp, that he might be certified of the truth. Whiche done, and perceiuing it was a fable, he commanded the Friers to take down his armes that were ſette vp aboute the place of his buriall, & to couer the graue, ſo as it ſhould not be perceyued where he was buryed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But nowe to returne to the parliament. After the death of this earle,The Earle of VVarvvicke areigned of [...] the lorde Thomas Beauchamp earle of Warwicke, was brought forth to abide his triall by Parliament, & when his accuſers charged him of like points of trea|ſon, ſuche as before were impoſed to the Earle of Arundell: he anſwered that he neuer ment e|uill to the kings perſon, nor thought that thoſe roades and aſſembles that were made in com|panie of the Duke of Glouceſter, the Earle of Arundel, and others, might be accompted trea|ſon. But when the Iudges had ſhewed hym, that they could not be otherwiſe taken than for treaſon, he humblie beſought the king of mercy and grace. The king then aſked of hym, whe|ther he had ridde with the Duke of Glouceſter, and the earle of Arundell, as had bin alledged? he anſwered that he could not deny it, and wi|ſhed that he had neuer ſeen them. Then ſaid the king, doe ye not knowe that you are guiltie of treaſon? hee anſwered againe, I acknowledge it, and with ſobbing teares beſought all them that were preſent, to make interceſſion to the kings maieſtie for him. Then the king and the duke of Lancaſter commu [...]ed, and after the K. had a while with ſilence conſidered of the mat|ter, he ſaide to the erle, by S. Iohn Baptiſte, Thomas of Warwik, this confeſſion that thou haſt made, is vnto me more agreable than al the duke of Glouceſters, & the earle of Warwikes landes. Herewith the Erle making ſtill inter|ceſſion for pardon, the Lordes humbly beſought the K. to graunt it. Finally the king pardoned him of life, but he baniſhed him into the Iſle of Man, which then was the L. Scropes, promi|ſing ye both hee & his wife & children ſhuld haue good enterteinment: whiche promiſe notwith|ſtanding, was but ſlenderly kept, for bothe the earle and the Counteſſe liued in great penurie, (as ſome write) and yet the lorde Scrope, that was L. Chãberlaine, had allowed for the erles diet .iiij. M. nobles yerely paid out of the kings coffers. On the Monday nexte after the ar|reignement of the erle of Warwick, to witte, the .xxiiij. of September, was the Lorde Iohn Cobham, and Syr Iohn Cheyney arreigned, and founde guiltie of like treaſons for whiche the other had bin condempned afore: but at the earneſt inſtance & ſuite of the nobles, they were pardoned of life, and baniſhed, or as Fabian hath, condempned to perpetuall priſon. The king deſirous to ſee the force of the Londoners, cauſed them during the time of this parliament to muſter before hym on Blacke Heath, where a man might haue ſeene a great number of able perſonages. And now after that the parliamẽt had continued almoſte till Chriſtemaſſe,The parliament adiourned to Shrevvſbury. it was adiourned vntill the Quinden of ſaint Hillarie, then to begin agayne at Shreweſbury.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng then came downe to Lichefield,The K. keepeth his Chriſtmaſſe at Lichefielde. 1398 and there helde a Royall Chriſtmaſſe, whiche being ended, he took his iorny towards Shreuſ|bury, where the parliament was appointed to begin in the quinden of S. Hillarie, as before ye haue hearde. In which parliament there holdẽ vpon prorogation for the loue that the K. dare to the gentlemen & cõmons of the ſhire of Che|ſter, he cauſed it to be ordeined,Cheſhire made a Principalitie. that from thence forth it ſhuld be called and knowe by the name of the Principalitie of Cheſter: and herewith he entitiled himſelf prince of Cheſter.King Richarde Prince of Cheſ|ter. He helde al|ſo ſo a total feaſt, keping open houſhold for al ho|neſt cõmers, during the which feaſt, he created v. dukes & a ducheſſe, a Marques, and .iiij. ertes.Creation of dukes and Earles. The Erle of Derbie was created duke of Here|ford: the erle of Notingham yt was alſo erle of Marſhall, the duke of Norfolk: the erle of Rut|lande, Duke of Aubemarle: the Earle of Kent Duke of Surrey: and the Earle of Hunting|ton Duke of Exceſter: The Lady Margaret Marſhall Counteſſe of Norfolke, was created Ducheſſe of Norfolke: The Earle of Som|merſet Marques Dorſet: the Lorde Spencer Earle of Glouceſter: the Lorde Neuill ſurna|med Dauraby Earle of Weſtmerlande: The Lorde William Serope Lorde Chamberlaine Earle of Wilteſhire: and the Lorde Thomas Percie Lorde Stewarde of the Kynges houſe Earle of Worceter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for the better mayntenaunce of the e|ſtate of theſe noble men, whom he had thus ad|uaunced to higher degrees of honour, hee gaue vnto them a greate parte of thoſe landes, that belonged to the Duke of Glouceſter, the earles of Warwicke, and Arundell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And nowe hee was in good hope, that hee had rooted vp all plantes of treaſon, and there|fore cared leſſe who might be his friende or foe, than before he hadde done, eſteeming hymſelfe hygher in degree, than any Prynce lyuing, and ſo preſumed further than euer his grande|father did,King Richarde peareth Sainct Edvva [...]de hys armes. and tooke vpon hym to beare the armes of Sainct Edwarde, ioyning them vn|to his owne armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, whatſoeuer hee then did, none EEBO page image 1098 durſte ſpeake a worde contrarie thereto. And yet ſuche as were chiefe of his coũſell, were eſte|med of the commons to bee the worſt creatures that might be, as the Dukes of Aumarie, Nor|folk and Exceſter, the Erle of Wilteſhire: ſir Iohn Buſhie: ſir William Bagot: and Sir Thomas Grene: which three laſt remembred, were Knightes of the Bathe, againſte whome the commons vndoubtedly bare greate and priuy hatred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Lorde Reignolde Cobham con|demned.But now to proceede. In this Parliament holden at Shrewſburye, the Lorde Reignolde Cobham, beeing a verye aged manne, ſimple and vpright in all his dealings, was condem|ned, for none other cauſe, but for that in the xj. yeare of the Kings raigne, hee was apoin|ted with other, to be attendaunt about the king as one of his gouernors. The actes and ordi|naunces alſo deuiſed and eſtabliſhed in the par|liament holden in that .xj. yeare were likwiſe repealed. Moreouer, in this Parliament at Shreweſbury, it was decreed, that the Lorde Iohn Cobham ſhoulde be ſente into the Iſle of Gerneſey, there to remaine in exile, hauyng a ſmall portion aſſigned hym to liue vpon. The king ſo wroughte, that hee obteyned the whole power of bothe houſes, to be graunted vnto cer|taine perſones, as to Iohn duke of Lancaſter: Edmunde duke of Yorke: Edmunde Duke of Aumerle:The auctoritie of bothe houſes in parliament graũted to cer|taine perſons. Tho. duke of Surrey: Iohn duke of Exceſter: Iohn Marques Dorſet: Rog. erle of Marche: Io. erle of Saliſbury, & Henry erle of Northumberland: Tho. erle of Glouceſter: & Wil. erle of Wiltſhire: Iohn Huſſey, Henry Cheimeſwick, Robert Tey, and Io. Goulofer knights,Tho. VValſ. or to .vij. or .viij. of them. Theſe were appointed to heare & determine certaine petiti|ons and maters, yet depending and not ended: but by vertue of this graunt, they proceeded to conclude vpon other thinges, whiche generally touched the knowledge of the whole parliamẽt, in derogation of the ſtates thereof, to the diſ|aduantage of the kyng, & perillous example in time to come. When the king had ſpente much money in time of this parliamẽt, he demanded a diſme & a halfe of the clergie, and a .xv. of the temporaltie. Finally, a generall pardon was graunted for all offences to all the kinges ſub|iects ( [...]0. only excepted) whoſe names he wold not by any meanes expreſſe, but reſerued them to his owne knowledge, that when any of the nobilitie offended him, he might at his pleaſure name him to be one of the number excepted, and ſo keepe them ſtill within his daunger. To the ende that the ordinaunces, iudge|mentes, and actes made, pronounced and eſtabliſhed in this Parliamente, mighte be and abide in perpetuall ſtrengthe and force, the Kyng purchaſed the Popes [...] which were conteined greuous cenſures [...]+ſes,The king [...] again [...] [...] pronounced agaynſt al ſuche as did [...] means go about to break & violate the ſtatute [...] the ſame parliamente ordeined. Theſe [...] were openly publiſhed and red at Paules [...] in London, & in other the moſt publike places of the realme. Many other things were [...] in this parliamẽt, to the diſpleaſure of no [...] number of people, namely,Rightfull [...] for that diuers right|full heires were diſinherited of their lands and liuings, by auctoritie of the ſame parliament with which wrongfull doings the people w [...] muche offended, ſo that the K. and thoſe that were about him, & chiefe in counſe [...], come [...] greate infamy and ſlaunder: In deede the king after he had diſpatched the duke of Glouceſt [...] and the other noble men, was not a little [...] for that he knewe them ſtill ready to diſappo [...] him in all his purpoſes, & therefore being [...] as it were careleſſe, did not behaue hymſelfe ( [...] ſome haue written) in ſuch diſcreete order,Polidor. at many wiſhed: but rather (as in time of proſpe|ritie it often happeneth) he forgot hymſelfe,Kyng Richarde his euill go|uernement. and beganne to rule by will more than by reaſon, threatning deathe to eche one that obeyed [...] his inordinate deſires: by meanes wherof, the lords of the realme began to feare their owne eſtates, being in danger of his furious outrage whome they tooke for a manne deſtitute of ſo|brietie and wiſedome, and therefore coulde not like of him, that ſo abuſed his auctoritie. Here|vpon there were ſundry of the nobles, that la|mented theſe miſchiefes, and ſpecially ſhewed their griefes vnto ſuch, by whoſe naughty coũ|ſell they vnderſtoode the king to be miſſed, and this they did, to the ende that they being aboute him, might either turne their copies, and giue him better coũſell, or elſe he hauing knowledge what euill reporte went of him, might amende his maners. But all was in vaine, for ſo it fell forthe, that in this parliamẽt holdẽ at Shrewſ|bury, Henry Duke of Hereford,The Duke of Hereforde ap|pealeth the duke of Nor|folk of oftetimes accuſed Tho. Mowbray duke of Norfolke, of certaine wordes which he ſhuld vtter in talke had betwixt them, as they roade togyther lately before, betwixte London and Brainforde, ſounding highely to the kings diſhonor.Thom. VVa [...] And for further proofe there|of, he preſented a ſupplication to the K. wher|in he appealed the duke of Norfolke in field of battaile, for a traitour, falſe and diſloiall to the K. and enimy vnto the realme. This ſupplica|tion was redde beefore bothe the Dukes in preſence of the Kyng: whiche done, the Duke of Norfolke tooke vppon hym to aunſwere it, declaring that whatſoeuer the Duke of Here|forde hadde ſayde agaynſte hym other than well, hee lyed falſely like an vntrue Knighte, EEBO page image 1099 as he was: And whẽ the king aſked of the duke of Hereforde what he ſaide to it, he taking hys hoode off his heade, ſaid [...] ſoue [...] Lorde, euen as the ſupplication whiche I tooke you importeth, right ſo I ſay to [...]ruthe, that Tho|mas Moubray duke of Norfolke, is a traito [...] falſe and diſloyall to your to [...] Maieſtie, was crowne, and to all the ſ [...]s of your realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Then the Duke of Norfolke beeyng aſked what he ſaid to this, he anſwered,

Right d [...] Lord, with your fauour that I make aunſwere vnto your couſin here, I ſay (your reuerence ſaued,) that Henry of Lancaſter duke of Here|forde, like a falſe and diſloyall traitour as he is, dothe lye in that he hath or ſhall ſay of mee o|therwiſe than well.
No more
Å¿aide the Kyng,
wee haue hearde enough:
and herewyth com|maunded the Duke of Surrey for that tourne Marſhall of Englande, to arreſt in his name the twoo Dukes:The Duke of [...]ry Marshal and the Duke of Aumarle c [...]able of Englande. the Duke of Lancaſter father to the Duke of Hereforde, the Duke of Yorke, the Duke of Aumarle Conſtable of Englande, and the duke of Surrey Marſhal of the realm, vndertook as pledges body for body for the duke of Herford: but the duke of Norfolke was not ſuffred to put in pledges, and ſo vnder arreſt was led vnto Windſor caſtel, and there garded wyth keepers, that were appointed to ſee hym ſafely kept. Nowe after the diſſoluing of the Parliament at Shrewſbury, there was a day appointed about a ſixe weekes after, for the K. to come vnto Winſor to hear and to take ſome order betwixte the twoo dukes, which had thus appealed eche other.The order of the proceeding in this appeale. There was a greate ſkaf|fold erected within the caſtell of Windſore for the king to ſit with the Lordes and Prelates of his realme: and ſo at the day apointed, he with the ſaide lords & prelats being come thither and ſet in their places, the duke of Herford appellãt, and the duke of Norfolke defendant, were ſent for to come and apeare before the K. ſitting ther in his ſeate of Iuſtice. And then began to ſpeak ſir Io. Buſhy for the K. declaring to the lords how they ſhuld vnderſtand that where the duke of Hereford had preſented a ſupplication to the K. that was there ſet to miniſter iuſtice vnto al men that wold demaund the ſame, as appertei|ned to his roiall Maieſty, he therfore wold now heare what the parties could ſay one againſt an other, & withall the K. commaunded the dukes of Aumarle & Surrey, the one beyng conſtable, & the other marſhall to go vnto the two dukes, appellant and defendant, requiring them on his behalf, to grow to ſome agreement: and for hys parte, hee woulde be readye to pardon all that hadde bene ſayde or done amiſſe betwixte them, touching any barme or diſhonour to him or hys realme: but they aunſwered bothe aſſu|redly that it was not poſſible to haue any peace or agreement made betwixt them. When hee hearde what they hadde aunſwered, hee com|maunded that they ſhoulde bee broughte forth|with before his preſente, to heate what they woulde ſaye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith an Herauld in the Kings name with loude voice commaunded the Dukes to come before the King, either of them to ſhewe his reaſon, or elſe to make peace togither with|out more delay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they were come before the King and Lordes, the King ſpake himſelfe to them, wil|ling them to agree, and make peace togither: for it is (ſaide he) the beſt way ye can take.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Norfolke with due reuerence herevnto aunſwered, that it coulde not bee ſo brought to paſſe, his honour ſaued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the King aſked of the Duke of Here|forde, what it was that hee demaunded of the Duke of Norfolke, and what is the matter that ye cannot make peace togyther, and beecome friendes?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſtoode forth a Knight that aſking and obteining licence to ſpeake for the duke of Her|ford, ſaid, Right dere and ſoueraigne Lorde,The obiections againſt the Duke of Norfolkes. here is Henry of Lancaſter Duke of Hereforde and Erle of Darbie, who ſaith, and I for hym likewiſe ſay, that Thomas Moubray Duke of Norfolke is a falſe and diſloyall traytour to you, & your royall Maieſtie, and to your whole realme: and likewiſe the duke of Hereford ſaith and I for him, that Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke hath receyued .viij.M. nobles to paye the ſouldiores that keepe your Towne of Callais, whiche he hath not done as he oughte: and furthermore the ſaide Duke of Norfolke hath bin the occaſion of all the treaſon that hath bin contriued in your Realme for the ſpare of theſe .xviij. yeres, and by his falſe ſuggeſtions and malicious counſell, hath cauſed to dye and to be murthered your right dere vncle, the duke of Glouceſter, ſonne to king Edwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Duke of Hereforde ſaith and I for hym, that he will proue this with his bo|dye, againſt the body of the ſaid duke of Nor|folke within liſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king herewith waxed angry, and aſked the Duke of Hereford, if theſe were his words, who aunſwered, Right deare Lord, they are my wordes, and hereof I require right, and the battell againſt hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a Knight alſo that aſked licence to ſpeake for the Duke of Norfolke, and obtei|ning it, began to aunſwere thus: Right deare ſoueraigne Lorde, here is Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke, who aunſwereth and ſaith, and I for him, that all that Henry of Lancaſter EEBO page image 1100 hath ſayde and declared (ſauing the reuerence due to the king and his counſell) is a lye, and the ſaide Henrye of Lancaſter hath falſely and wickedly lyed as a falſe and diſloyall Knyght, and bothe hath bene, and is a traitour againſte you, your Crowne, royall Maieſtye, and Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This will I proue and defende as becom|meth a loyall Knyghte to doe, wyth my bo|dy againſte his: Right deare Lord, I beſeeche you therefore, and your counſell, that it maye pleaſe you in your royal diſcretion, to conſider and marke, what Henry of Lancaſter Duke of Hereforde ſuche a one as he is, hath ſaide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King then demaunded of the duke of Norfolk, if theſe were his words, and whether he had any more to ſay. The Duke of Norfolk then anſwered for himſelf. Right deare ſir, true it is,The duke of [...]folke his [...]svvere for hymſelfe. that I haue receyued ſo muche golde to pay your people of the town of Callaice, which I haue done, & I do auouche that your towne of Callais is aſwell kept at your commaunde|mente as euer it was at any time before, and that there neuer hathe bene by any of Callais any complaint made vnto you of me. Ryghte deare and my ſoueraigne Lorde for the voiage that I made into Fraunce, aboute your mari|age I neuer receyued eyther golde or ſiluer of you, nor yet for the voyage that the Duke of Aumarle, and I made into Almaigne, where wee ſpente great treaſure: mary true it is, that once I laid an ambuſhe to haue ſlaine the duke of Lancaſter, that there ſitteth: but neuerthe|leſſe hee hathe pardoned mee thereof, and there was good peace made betwixt vs, for the whi|che I yelde hym harty thankes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This is that whiche I haue to aunſwere, and am ready to defende my ſelfe againſt mine aduerſarie, I beeſeeche you therefore of righte and to haue the bataile againſt him, in vpright iudgement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, when the King had communed with his counſell a little, hee commaunded the two Dukes to ſtande forth, that their anſwers might bee hearde. The kyng then cauſed them once againe to bee aſked if they woulde agree, and make peace togither, and they bothe flatly aunſwered that they woulde not: and wythall the duke of Herford caſte downe his gage, and the duke of Norfolk tooke it vp. The king per|ceyuing this demeanor betwixte them, ſware by S. Iohn Baptiſt, that he wold neuer ſeeke to make peace betwixt them againe. And ther|with ſir Io. Buſhy in name of the K. and his counſell, declared, that the king and his coun|ſell had commaunded,The com [...]te apointed to bee done at Couen|trye. and ordeined, that they ſhold haue a day of battell, appoynted them, at Couentrie. Here writers disagree about the day that was appointed: for some say, it was vpon a Monday in August: The Frenche People [...]. other vpon S. Lambertes daye, being the .xvij. of September: other on the .xj. of September: Fabian. But true it is, that the K. assigned them not only the day, but also apoynted them lists and place for the combate, and thereuppon greate preparation was made, as to suche a matther apperteined. At the time appointed the King came to Couentrye, An. reg. 22. where the two Dukes were readye, according to the order prescribed therin, comming thither in great arraye, accompanied with the Lords and gentlemen of their lineages. The king had cauſed a ſumptuous ſcaffolde or theatre, and royall liſtes there to bee erected and prepared: The Sundaye heefore they ſhoulde fight, after diner the duke of Hereforde came to the Kyng (being lodged like a quarter of a mile without the towne in a tower that belõged to ſir Wil. Bagot) to take his leaue of him. The morrow after, being the day apointed for the combat a|bout the ſpring of the day came ye duke of Nor|folke to the Court to take leaue likewiſe of the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Hereforde armed hym in his tent, that was ſet vp nere to the liſts, & the duke of Norfolke putte on his armour, betwixte the gate and the barrier of the towne, in a beauti|full houſe, hauing a faire perelois of wood to|wardes the gate, that none might ſee what was done within the houſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The duke of Aumerle that daye being highe Conſtable of Englande,The order of the combate. and the duke of Sur|rey Marſhall, placed themſelues betwixt them, well armed and apointed, and when they ſawe their time, they firſt entred into the liſtes wyth a greate company of men apparelled in [...]ilke ſend all, embroudered with ſiluer, both richely, and curiouſly, euery man hauing a tipped ſtaffe to keepe the fielde in order.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the houre of Prime came to the bar|riers of the liſts, the duke of Hereford, mounted on a white courſer, barded wyth greene and blewe veluet embroydered ſumptuouſlye wyth Swans and Antelops of gooldſmithes worke, armed at all points. The Conſtable and Mar|ſhall came to the barriers, demaunding of hym what hee was, hee aunſwered I am Henry of Lancaſter duke of Hereforde, whiche am come hither to do my denoir againſt Thomas Moun|bray duke of Norfolke, as a traitor vntrue to god, the K. his realme, and me. Then inconti|nently hee ſware vpon the holy Euangeliſtes, that his quarrell was true and iuſte, and vp|on that point he required to enter the liſts.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Then hee put vp his ſworde, which before he helde naked in his hand, and putting down his viſer, made a croſſe on his horſe, & with ſpeare EEBO page image 1101 in hande, entred into the liſtes, and diſcended from his horſe, & ſet hym downe in a chaire of greene veluet, at the one end of the liſts, & there repoſed hymſelfe, abiding the comming of his aduerſary. Soon after him, entred into the field with greate triumph, King Richarde accom|panied with all the peares of the realme, and in his company was the earle of ſainct Paule, whiche was come out of Fraunce in poſt to ſee this chalenge performed. The King had there aboue tenne thouſande men in armour, leaſt ſome [...]ray or tumult might riſe amõgſt his no|bles, by quarrelling or partaking. Whẽ the K. was ſet in his ſeate, which was richely hanged and adorned: a king at armes made open pro|clamation, prohibiting all men in the name of the King, & of the high conſtable, and Marſhal, to enterpriſe or attempte, to approche or touche any parte of the liſtes, vpon paine of death, ex|cepte ſuche as were appointed to order or mar|ſhall the fielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The proclamation ended, an other Herault cried, beholde here Henry of Lancaſter Duke of Hereforde appellant, whiche is entred into the liſtes royall to do his deuoir againſte Tho|mas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke defendant, vpon paine to be founde falſe and recreant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The duke of Norfolke houered on horſeback at the entrie of the liſts, his horſe being barded with crimoſen veluet, embroudered richly with Lions of ſiluer and Mulbery trees, & when he had made his othe before the conſtable, & Mar|ſhall that his quarrell was iuſt and true, he en|tred the fielde manfully, ſaying aloude: God aide hym that hath the righte, and then hee de|parted from his horſe, and ſate hym downe in his chaire which was crimſen veluet, courtined aboute wyth white and redde damaſke. The Lord Marſhal viewed their ſpeares, to ſee that they were of equall lengthe, and deliuered the one ſpeare hymſelfe to the Duke of Hereforde, and ſent the other vnto the Duke of Norfolke by a Knighte. Then the Herrault proclaimed that the trauerſes, and chaires of the champi|ons ſhoulde bee remoued, commaunding them on the kinges behalfe, to mount on horſebacke and addreſſe themſelues to the battaile and cõ|bate. The duke of Herford was quickly horſed, and cloſed his bauier, and caſte his ſpeare into the reſte, and when the trumpet founded ſette forwarde couragiouſly towards hys enimy ſixe or .vij. paces. The duke of Norfolke was not fully ſet forward, when the K. caſte downe hys warder,The combate [...]ed by the Kyng. and the Heraultes cried, ho, ho. Then the K. cauſed their ſpears to be taken frõ them and cõmaunded them to repaire againe to their chaires, where they remayned .ij. long houres; while the K. & his coũſell deliberatly conſulted what order was beſte to be had in ſo weight ye a cauſe. Finally after they had deuiſed, & fully determined what ſhuld be done therin, the Her|raultes cried ſilence, and Syr Iohn Buſhy the kings ſecretary red the ſentence and determi|nation of the K. and his counſell, in a long roll,The King his dome betvvixt the .ii. Dukes. the effect wherof was, that Henry duke of Her|ford ſhould within .xv. dayes depart out of the realme, and not to returne before the terme of & yeres were expired, except by the Kyng hee ſhould bee repealed again, and this vpon paine of deathe: And that Thomas Moubray duke of Norfolke, bycauſe hee had lowen ſedition in the realme by his words, ſhould likewiſe auoid the Realme, and neuer to retourne againe into Englande, nor approche the borders or con|fines therof, vpon paine of death, and that the K. would ſtay the profits of his landes, till he had leuied therof ſuche ſummes of mony as the duke had taken vp of the kings treaſurer for the wages of the garriſon of Calleis, whych were ſtill vnpaide. When theſe iudgements were once red, the K. called before him both the par|ties, & made them to ſweare that the one ſhuld neuer come in place, where the other was, wil|lingly, nor keepe any companye to gither in a|ny forrein region, whiche othe they bothe recei|ued humbly, and ſo wente their waies. The Duke of Norfolke departed ſorowfully out of the realme into Almaine, and at the laſte came to Venice, where he for thought and melanco|ly deceaſed: for he was in hope as writers re|corde, that he ſhould haue bene borne out in the matter by the K. which when it fell out other|wiſe, it greeued hym not a little. The Duke of Hereford tooke his leane of the K. at Eltham, which there releaſed .iiij. yeres of hys baniſhe|ment: So he tooke hys iorney ouer into Cal|lais, and from thence went into Fraunce, wher hee remained. A wonder it was to ſee what number of people ran after him in euery town and ſtrete, where he came, before he took the ſea, lamenting & bewailing his departure, as who ſhuld ſay, that whẽ he departed, the only ſhield,The Duke of Hereforde be|loued of the people. defence and comforte of the common wealthe was vaded and gone. At his comming into Fraunce K. Charles hearyng the cauſe of hys baniſhement (whiche he eſteemed to bee verye light) receiued hym gently,The Duke of Hereford is ho|norably enter|teined vvith the french king. and him honorably interteined, in ſo much that he had by fauor ob|teyned in mariage the only daughter of ye duke of Berry, vncle to the frenche K. if King Ri|chard had not bin a let in that matter, who be|ing thereof certified, ſent the earle of Saliſbu|ry with all ſpeede into France,Froiſſart. both to ſurmiſe by vntrue ſuggeſtion, hainous offences againſt him, and alſo to require the frenche King that in no wiſe hee woulde ſuffer his couſin to bee EEBO page image 1102 matched in mariage with him that was ſo ma|nifeſt an offendor. On Neweyeares day this yeare,1399 the riuer that paſſeth betwixte Suelle|ſton or Snelſton, and Harewood, twoo villa|ges not farre from Bedforde, ſodeinly ceaſſed hir courſe, ſo as the chanell remained drie by the ſpace of three miles, that any man might en|ter into, and paſſe the ſame drie foote at his ple|ſure. This deuiſion whiche the water made in that place, the one part ſeeming as it were not to come nere to the other, was iudged, to ſig|nifie the reuolting of the ſubiectes of this land, from their naturall Prince: althoughe it may be, that the water of that riuer ſanke into the ground, and by ſome ſecrete paſſage, or chanell tooke courſe till it came to the place where it might riſe again, as in other places is likewiſe ſeene. Ye haue heard before, howe the Arche|biſhop of Canterbury Thomas Arundel, was baniſhed the Realme,Fabian. & Roger Walden was made Archbiſhop of that ſee, who was a greate fauourer of the citie of London, the which was eftſoones about this ſeaſon falne into the kings diſpleaſure: but by the diligente labour of this Archebiſhop, and of Roberte Braybrooke then biſhop of London, vpon the humble ſupplica|tion of the citizens, the kings wrathe was pa|cified.Blanke char|ters. But yet to content the kings mind, ma|ny blanke charters were deuiſed, and brought into the citie, which many of the ſubſtanciall & welthie citizens, were fayne to ſeale, to their greate chardge, as in the ende appeared. And the like charters were ſent abroad into al ſhires within the realme, wherby greate grudge and murmuring aroſe among the people: for when they were ſo ſealed, the kings officers wrote in the ſame what liked them, as well for charging the parties with payment of money, as other|wiſe.The deathe of [...]e duke of Lancaſter. In this meane time, the duke of Lanca|ſter departed out of this life at the biſhop of E|lies place in Holborne, and lieth buryed in the cathedrall churche of S. Paule in London, on the North ſide of the highe Aulter, by the Lady Blaunche his firſte wife.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The death of this duke gaue occaſion of en|creaſing more hatred in the people of this realm towarde the king, for he ſeaſed into his handes all the goods that belonged to hym, and alſo re|ceyued all the rents and reuenues of his landes whiche ought to haue diſcended vnto the duke of Hereforde by lawfull inheritaunce, in reuo|king his letters patents, which he had graunted to him before,Thom VVal. by vertue wherof, he might make his attorneis generall to ſue liuery for hym, of any maner of inheritaunces or poſſeſſions that myghte from thenceforthe fall vnto hym, and that hys homage myghte bee reſpited, wyth making reaſonable fine.: wherby it was eui|dent, that the king ment his vtter vn [...] [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys hards dealing was muche my [...] of all the nobilitie, and cried out againſt, of the meaner ſorte: But namely the Duke of Yorke was therewyth ſore amoued, who before this time, had borne things with ſo pacient a [...] as he could, though the ſame touched him [...] neare, as the death of his brother the Duke of Glouceſter, the baniſhment of hys neph [...] the ſaid duke of Hereford, and other mo iniuries [...] greate number, which for the ſlippery youth of the king, hee paſſed ouer for the tyme, and did forget aſwell as he might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now perceiuing that neither law, [...] nor equitie could take place, where the kinges wilful wil was bent vpon any wrongfull pur|poſe, he conſidered that the glorie of the [...] wealthe of his countrey muſt needes decay, by reaſon o the king his lacke of witte, and want of ſuche (as would without flattery) admoniſh hym of hys duty: and therefore hee thought it the parte of a wiſe man to get hym in time to a reſting place, and to leaue the followyng of ſuche an vnaduiſed capitaine, as wyth a leaders ſworde would cut his owne throate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon he wyth the duke of Aumarle his ſonne, went to his houſe at Langley,The duke of York miſtaketh the court, and goeth [...] reioicing that nothing had miſhappened in the common wealthe throughe his deuiſe or conſent.The realme let to ferme by the Kyng. The common brute [...]anne, that the kyng had ſette to ferme the realme of England, vnto ſir Wylli|am Scrope Earle of Wiltſhire, and then trea|ſourer of Englande, to ſir Iohn Buſhy, Syr Iohn Bagot, and ſir Henry Greene Knights.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, the Earle of Arun|dels ſonne, named Thomas, whiche was kept in the duke of Exeters houſe, eſcaped out of the realme, by meanes of one Willyam Scot mee|cer, and went to his vncle Thomas Arundell, late Archbiſhop of Canterbury, as then ſoior|ning at Coleyn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Richarde beeing deſtitute of treaſure to furniſhe ſuche a Princely porte as he main|teined,Tho. VValſ. borrowed greate ſummes of money of many of the greate Lordes and Peeres of hys realme, both ſpiritual and temporall, and like|wiſe of other meane perſones, promyſing them in good earneſt, by deliuering to them his let|ters patentes for aſſuraunce, that hee woulde repay the money ſo borrowed at a day appoin|ted: which notwithſtanding he neuer payd. Moreoreouer,Nevve [...]|action [...]. this yere he cauſed .xvij. ſhires of the realme by way of putting thẽ to their fines to pay no ſmal ſũmes of money, for redeeming their offẽces, that they had aided ye duke of Glou+ceſter, the erles of Arudel, & Warwik whẽ the [...] roſe in armor againſt him. The nobles, gentle|mẽ, and commons of thoſe ſhires were enforced EEBO page image 1103 alſo to receiue a newe othe to aſſure the king of their fidelitie in time to come,The [...] of [...] vvas [...] pl [...]ce [...] vvere to [...] the King vvithall, but the ſame diſple| [...] many that vvas that con| [...]d to pay againſt their vv [...]es. and withall cer|taine prelates and other honorable perſo [...]ges, were ſent into the ſame ſhites, to perſuade men to this payment, and to ſee thinges ordered at the pleaſure of the Prince: and ſurely the [...]nes whiche the nobles, and other the meaner eſtates of thoſe ſhires were conſtrayned to pay, were not ſmall, but exceeding greate, to the offence of many. Moreouer, the kings letters p [...]co [...]tes were ſent into euery ſhire within this land, by vertue whereof,The people cõ+ [...] their othe [...] alegea [...]nce by vvriting [...]ed. an othe was demaunded of all the kings liege people for a further aſſuraunce of their due obedience, and they were conſteri|ned to ratifie the ſame in writing vnder their handes and ſeales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer they were compelled to put their hands and ſeales, to certaine blankes, whereof yee haue hearde beefore, in the whiche, when it pleaſed hym hee might write, what hee thought good. There was alſo a newe othe deuiſed for the ſheriffs of euery county through the realme to receiue: finally many of the kings liege peo|ple were throughe ſpite, [...] malice, [...] caſed, apprehended, and put in priſon,Indirect dea|lings. and after, broughts before the conſtable [...] Marſhall of Englande, in the Courte of Chi [...]a [...]y [...], and myght not otherwiſe bee deliuered except th [...] coulde iuſtifie themſelues by [...] and figh|ting in liſ [...] againſt their acuſers hãd to hand, although the accuſters for the moſte parte; were luſtie, yong and baliant, where the parties ac|cuſed were perchaunce olde, impotent, mained and ſirkly. Wherevppon not onely the greate diſtruction of the realme in generall, but alſo of euery ſingular perſon in particular, was to bee feared and looked for.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time the King being aduer|tiſed that the wilde Iriſhe dayly waſted,Polidore. and deſtroyed the tow [...]s and [...]ges within the engliſh Pal [...] had ſlaine many of the ſoul|diours whiche lay there in gariſon for defence of that county, determined to make eftſoones a volage thither, and prepared al things neceſſary for his paſſage nowe againſt the ſpring.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 A little before his ſettyng f [...]the, he cauſed [figure appears here on page 1103] a iuſtes to be holden at Windſor of .xl. knights and .xl. Eſquiers,A Earles [...] VVin [...]ſor. againſte all commers, and they to bee apparelled in greene, wyth a white Fawcon, and the Queene to bee there well ac|companied with Ladies and damoſels. When theſe iuſtes were finiſhed,

The K. faileth [...] Ire|lande againe vvith a greate [...].

Fabian and Caxton.

The Duke of Yorke [...]e [...]re| [...] generall of England, the king being [...] Irelande. Hen. Marl.

the king departed to|warde Briſtow, from thence to paſſe into Ire|lande, leauing the Queene with hir traine ſtill at Windſor: He appointed for hys lie [...]tenaunt generall in hys abſence hys vncle the Duke of Yorke: and ſo in the moneth of Aprill, as diuers authors write, he ſet forward from Windſor, and finally tooke ſhipping at Milford, and from thence with .ij.C. ſhips, and a puiſſant power of men of armes and archers he ſailed into Ire|land. The Friday nexte after his arriuall there were ſlaine .ij.C. Iriſhemenne at Fourde in Ken [...]s within the countie of Kildare, by that valiant gentelmen Ienico Da [...]ois, and ſuche engliſhmen as he had ther with him: and on the more owe nexte enſuing the citizens of Dublia inuaded the countrey of Obrin, and ſlewe .33. Iriſhemen. The king alſo after her had re|mained about .vj. days at Waterford,Out of a french pamphlet that belongeth to maſter Iohn Dee. marched from thence towards Kelkenny, and comming thither, ſtayed thereaboute .xiiij. days, looking for the duke of Aumarle that was appointed to haue met him, but he failed & came not, where|vppon the king on Midſo [...]er euen ſet forward again, marching ſtreight towards the country of Mackmur the principall rebell in that ſeaſon within Irelande,Macmur. who keping himſelfe among EEBO page image 1104 woodes wyth .iij.M. right hardy men ſeemed to paſſe little for any power that myght bee brought againſt hym. The king yet approching to the ſkirtes of the woodes, commaunded hys ſouldiors to fier the houſes and villages, which was executed wyth great forwardneſſe of the men of warre. And here for ſome valiant acte that hee dyd, or ſome other fauourable reſpect, which the king bare to the lord Henry ſon to the Duke of Herford, he made him Knight. This Henry was after king of England, ſucceeding his father and called by the name of Henry the fift: there were a .ix. or .x. others made knights alſo the ſame time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pioners ſet a vvorke to cutte dovvne vvoodes.Moreouer, there were two thouſande .v.C. Pioners ſet a work to cut down the wooddes, and to make paſſages throughe, and ſo then the engliſhmen entred, and by force got throughe: for the Iriſhmen ſore feared the engliſh bowes, but yet now and then they eſpying their aduan|tage, aſſailed oftentimes the engliſhmen wyth their darts, and ſlew diuers that went abroade to fetch in forrage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Vncle of Macmur with a wythie or withe about hys necke, came in and ſubmit|ted hymſelfe, and lykewiſe many other naked and bare legged, ſo that the Kyng ſeemyng to pitye theyr myſerable ſtate, pardoned them, and afterward he alſo ſent vnto Macmur, pro|myſing that if he woulde come in and require pardon as his vncle had done, he would receyue him to mercy: but Macmur vnderſtanding that for want of victuals, the king muſt needes re|tire within a ſhorte time, he refuſed the kinges offer. The King wyth his army remaining in thoſe partes .xj. dayes, was in the ende con|ſtrained to come backe, when all their victualls were ſpent: for more than they brought wyth them they could not get. They loſt many hor|ſes in thys iourney for wante of prouiſion and forrage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Macmur ſẽdeth to the king, offering a parley.As the Kyng was wythdrawen towardes Dubline, marching throughe the countrey, in deſpite of his enimies, that houered ſtill aboute his army, Macmur ſent to the Kyng, offering to talke of an agreement if it ſhould pleaſe him to ſende any noble manne to meete hym at a place appointed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Glouceſter.The king herevpon commaunded the Erle of Glouceſter to take wyth hym twoo hundreth launces, and a thouſande archers, and to go to trie if he might by perſuaſion cauſe him to come in and ſubmit himſelfe. The earle went, and cõming to talk with hym, found him ſo obſti|nate, that their parley ſtraightways brake off: ſo taking leaue eche of other, they departed and the Earle retourned to the Kyng to aduertiſe hym what hee hadde done and perceyued, by the communication whiche hee had had with M [...]+mur.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King was ſore offended with the ob|ſtinateneſſe of the rebell, that would not agree otherwiſe: but ſo as he myght remaine ſtill at libertie, without daunger to ſuffer any m [...] of puniſhment for his paſſed offences. Where|vppon the king after his comming to Dub [...], An. reg. [...] He c [...] to Dublin the [...] of [...] Henry M [...] ſa [...] and that the army hadde reſted there, and in the countrey nere to the citie, for the ſpace of [...] daies, hee deuided his people into three partes, and ſent them abroade into the country to pur|ſue the enimies, and withall made proclama|tion, that whoſoeuer could bring Macmur vn|to his preſence, ſhould haue for his recompence a greate rewarde: for he determined not to de|parte the countrey till he had hym eyther deade or aliue. But he knew full little then what in|cidents to hinder his purpoſed intention [...] after followe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame daye that he ſent abroade his [...]|my thus into .iij. ſeuerall partes,The Duke of [...] the Duke of Aumarle wyth an .C. ſaile arriued, of whoſe comming the king was ryght ioyfull, and al|though he had vſed no ſmall negligence [...] he came no ſooner according to order before ap|pointed, yet the king (as he was of a gen [...] [...]|ture) courteouſly accepted his excuſe: wh [...] he was in fault or not, I haue not to ſay but veryly he was greatly ſuſpected, that he [...]e not well in tarying ſo long after his time aſ|ſigned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But nowe whileſt the king reſteth at Dub|lin, hys people ſo demeaned themſelues, that the moſt parte of the rebells, what by manhood and pollicie were ſubdued, and brought vnder ſubiection, and (as is to be thought) if no trou|ble vſe had riſen in Englande to haue called hym backe, he ment to haue rid vp the woodes, and made ſome notable conqueſt at that time vpon the rebelles, that yet helde out. But whileſt he was thus occupied in deuiſing howe to reduce them into ſubiection, and takyng orders for the good ſtaye and quyet gouernement of the countrey, diuers of the nobilitie aſwel Prelats as other, and likewiſe many of the magiſtrats and rulers of the cities. Townes, and Com|munaltie, here in Englande, perceyuing dayly how the realme drewe to vtter ruine, not like to be recouered to the former ſtate of wealche, whileſt king Richarde liued and reigned (as they tooke it) deuiſed with great deliberation,The Duke of Lan [...] [...] and conſiderate aduiſe to ſende and ſignifye by letters vnto Duke Henry, whome they nowe called (as he was in deede) Duke of Lancaſter and Hereforde, requiring hym with all con|uenient ſpeede to conueye hymſelfe into Eng|land, promiſing hym all theyr aide, power and EEBO page image 1105 aſſiſtaunce, if he expulſing King Richard, as a man not meete for the office he bare, would take vpõ him the ſcepter, rule and diademe of his na|tiue land and region: he therfore being thus cal|led vppon, by meſſengers and letters from hys friends, and chiefly, through the earneſt perſwa|ſion of Thomas Arundell, late Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie, (who as before ye haue heard) had bin remoued frõ his ſea, and baniſhed the realme by king Richardes meanes, got hym downe in|to Britaine, togither with the ſaid Archbiſhop, where he was ioyfully receiued of the Duke, and Ducheſſe,The duke of Brita [...] a g [...] friends [...] duke of Lancaſter. and found ſuch friẽdſhip at the Dukes handes, that there were certaine ſhippes rigged, and made readie for him, at a place in baſe Bri|taigne, called le Porte Blanc, as we finde in the Chronicles of Britaigne: and when all his prouiſion was made ready,The Duke of Lancaſter, and his adherences [...] Eng|lande. he tooke the ſea, to|gither with the ſaid Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and hys nephew Thomas Arundell, ſonne and heyre to the late Earle of Arundell, beheaded at the Tower hill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] to [...]o [...].There were alſo with hym, Reginalde Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Erpingham, and Sir Thomas Ramſton knightes, Iohn Norbury, Roberte Waterton, and Frauncis Coint eſqui|ers: few elſe were there: for (as ſome write) he had not paſt a .xv. launces, as they tearmed them in thoſe dayes,Tho. VValſ. that is to wit, men of armes, fur|niſhed and appointed as the vſe then was: yet other write,Ch [...]s. that the duke of Britaigne deliuered vnto hym three thouſand men of warre, to at|tende hym, and that he had .viij. ſhips well fur|niſhed for the warre, wher Froiſſart yet ſpeaketh but of three.Froiſſart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, where Froiſſarte and alſo the Chronicles of Britaine auouche, that he ſhould lande at Plimmouth,Th. VValſ. by our Engliſh writers it ſeemeth otherwiſe: for it appeareth by their aſ|ſured reporte, that he approching to the ſhore, did not ſtraight take lande, but laye aloofe, ho|uering, and ſhewed himſelfe nowe in this place, and nowe in that, to ſee what countenaunce was made by the people, whether they meante enuiouſlie to reſiſte him, or friendely to receyue him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the lorde gouernour Edmond duke of Yorke was aduertiÅ¿ed, that the duke of Lanca|Å¿ter kepte Å¿till the Å¿ea, and was ready to arriue, (but where hee meant firÅ¿t to Å