Compare 1587 edition: 1 Infantes bap|tiſed.Secondly, that their Infants ſhould be Ca|techiſed at the church doores by the prieſts, & after baptized in the Fontes of their Churches.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdely,Tythes to be payed. that all thoſe that tooke themſel|ues for Chriſtian men ſhoulde duelye pay their Tythes of corne and Catell, and other increaſing things.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fourthly, that the landes and poſſeſſions be|longing to the Church,Liberties of the Church. ſhoulde be enfranchiſed of all ſecular exactions, and ſpecially that neyther the Kinges nor Erles, nor anye other Lordes of Irelande nor theyr ſonnes, with theyr fami|lyes ſhoulde demaunde nor preſume to exact vio|lently from thence forth any meate or drinke, or harborrow within the Church poſſeſſions, as they had beene vſed, and that the dyet which had beene exacted foure tymes in the yeare of Churche EEBO page image 31 mennes fermes ſhould not any more be demaun|ded nor anſwered.