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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hath Saxo Grammaticus written in effect of Starcaters comming into Irelande, of whome the Daniſh writers make ſuch mention, both for his huge ſtature and greate manhoode. Some haue thoughte, that Starcater was the very ſame man whiche the Scottes name Fin|mackcole, of whome in the Scottiſhe Hiſtorie we haue made mention: but where as the Scot|tiſh writers affirme that he was a Scottiſhman borne, the Daniſh writers reporte that hee was borne in Eaſtlande, among the people called Eſtones.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Reignirus the ſonne of Siwardus,Reignirus. the ſecond King of Denmarke, hauyng atchieued ſundry victories in Englande and Scotlande, and ſub|dued the Iſles of Orkney, hee paſſed likewiſe into Irelande,Melbrick K. of Irelande ſlayne. ſlewe Melbricke King of that lande, and tooke the Citie of Dublin by ſiege, where hee remayned the whole tearme of twelue moneths before he departed from thence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 18 Gurmo the third of that name king of Denmarke.After this, Gurmo the third of that name king of Denmarke, although an Infidell hymſelfe, and a cruell perſecuter of the Chriſtian Religi|on, yet tooke to wife a Chriſtian Ladie named Thyra,He marieth Thira daugh|ter to Ethel|dred King of Englande. Canute and Harolde. daughter to Etheldred King of Eng|lãd, who had iſſue by him two ſonnes Knaught, or Canute, and Harold, prouing men of high valiancie and notable prowes, in ſo muche, that after the atchieuing of dyuers worthy victories againſte the enimies neere home, they made a voyage into Englande, not ſparing to inuade the Dominions of theyr Graundfather King Etheldred, who rather reioycing, than ſeeming to be offended with thoſe manlike enterpriſes of his couſins, proclaymed them hys heyres to ſuc|ceede after hym in all hys landes and dominions, although of ryghte, the ſame were to deſcende fyrſt vnto theyr mother Thira.

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