Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſith we are entred to ſpeake thus farre of the Norwegians, heere by the waye I haue thoughte it not impertinente to the purpoſe of thys Iriſhe hiſtorie to write what wee fynde recorded in the Chronicles of thoſe northern|lye Regions Denmarke, Norwey,Alber. Crants, Saxo Gra [...]. and Swe|den, written by Saxo Grammaticus, Alber|tus Crantz, and others, concernyng the ſun|dry inuaſions made by the Danes, Norweygi|ans or Normans, (whether we lyſt to cal them) into Irelande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fridley or Fridlenus king of Denmarke,Fridlenus. that ſucceded Dan the thirde of that name, ſurnamed the ſwift, arriuing in Irelande,Dublyn beſie|ged. beſieged the citie of Dublyn, and perceyuing by the ſtrength of the walles, that it wold be an hard matter to wynne it by playne force of hand without ſome cunning policie, he deuiſed to catche a ſorte of ſwallowes that had made their neſtes in the houſes within the towne, tyed wylde fire to their wyngs, and therwith caſte them vp, and ſuffered them to flye their wayes,Dublyn ſet on fyre, and vv [...] by the Danes. whervpon they comming to theyr neſtes, ſet the houſes on fire, whiche whyles the citziens went aboute to quenche, the Danes en|tred the citie, and wanne it.