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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Turgeſius therefore with hys Norwegyans the ſeconde tyme inuaded Irelande,Turgeſius what he did. ſuſteyned di|uerſe loſſes and ouerthrowes: but in the ende for|tefying himſelfe by the Sea coaſtes, and recey|uing thereby hys friendes at hys pleaſure, waxed ſo ſtrong that hee ſubdued the whole Ile,He buyldeth Fortreſſes. ſtyll erecting Caſtelles and Fortreſſes as hee wanne grounde, ſo to mayſter the Iriſhe, that with ſuch maner of ſtrengthes of Walles and Rampyres had not as yet beene acquaynted, for tyll thoſe dayes they knewe no defence but Woods, Bogs, or ſtrokes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Turgeſius ſo brydled the Iriſhe Kinges, and kepte them in awe,Turgeſius raigned in Ireland .xxx. yeares. that without inter|ruption hee raigned lyke a Conquerour thirtie yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He cryed hauocke and ſpoyle where anye riche pray was to bee had, ſparing neyther thoſe of the laytie, nor of the Cleargie, neyther Church nor Chappell, abuſing hys victorie verie inſo|lently, Omalaghlilen King of Methe,Omalaghlilen king of Methe. was in ſome truſt with the tyrant. His onely daughter Turgeſius craued for his Concubine.

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