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Snippet: 109 of 155 (1577, Volume 3, p. 13) Compare 1587 edition:
1 Nowe therefore to leaue
Sayntes, and re|turne to other maſters, touchyng the Iriſhe hi|ſtorie.
Snippet: 110 of 155 (1577, Volume 3, p. 13) Compare 1587 edition:
1 In the yeare .586.
The Norvve|gians skoure the ſeas, and inuade the yles of Orkney.
the Norwegians had got dominion ouer the Ilandes in the north Weaſt
Ocean called the Iles of Orkeney, and ſkoured the Seas that none other nation
[...]urſte vnnethe appeare in ſight for dread of them. A people gi|uen
greately to ſeeke the Conqueſtes of other Realmes, as they that coulde not
fayle to fynde more warme and fruitefull places for EEBO page image 14 to
inhabite than theyr owne.
Snippet: 111 of 155 (1577, Volume 3, p. 14) Compare 1587 edition:
1 Theſe fellowes chaunced to
light into Ire|lande by this meanes,They inuade
Irelande. Caraticus king of Bry|taine ranne into ſuche hatred of his
people that they rayſed warres agaynſt him.
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