Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Angus and Lennox and dy|uers other, to the number of two thouſand men, came in the night ſeaſon vnto Endenburgh, by|cauſe they dueſt not enter the towne in the daye time, for feare of the gunnes that lay in ye Caſtel.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day, being the fourtenth day of Fe|bruarie, the ſaide Earles with the Archbiſhop of Saint Andrewes, the Biſhop of Aberden, that by the Queenes appointment had bin kepte be|fore in warde, the Biſhop of Dunblane, the Erle of Arguile, and diuerſe other Lords and Barons being in the Towne, ſente to the Caſtell, alled|ging, that the King was kepte as priſoner by the Queene,The Earle of Angus his [...]queſt. and iuſtice ſuppreſſed, with great do|mage of the common wealthe, and therefore hee deſired, that the King might bee deliuered vnto them to be gouerned by the aduice of the three e|ſtates, and if they refuſed to deliuer hym, they would beſiege the Caſtel, and if they wanne it, all their liues within ſhold reſt at their pleaſures, the kings only excepted.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene by the counſell of the Earles, of Arrane and Murrey, refuſed not only to deli|uer the King, but ſente them worde, that excepte they did depart the Towne, they woulde ſurelye diſcharge all the artillerie of the Caſtel againſte them.