Compare 1587 edition: 1 This requeſt was well heard by the Kyng, who therevppon appoynted commiſſioners to common thereof with the ſayde Ambaſſadors, diuers articles were proponed by the ſayd Com|miſſioners on the King of England his behalfe, and in eſpeciall one, whiche was, that the Kyng of Scotlande ſhoulde renounce the league with the King of Fraunce, and that further, he ſhould come into Englande, and remayne there till hee came to perfect age to bee maried: bycauſe the Ambaſſadors had not commiſſion to conclude ſo farrre, the Earle of Caſſels returned into Scotlande, to vnderſtande the myndes of the Lordes and Counſell in theſe poyntes, the o|ther remayning at London till his returne to them agayne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 437When the day of the Parliament appointed to be holden in the Tolbuith of Edenburgh was come, the king Queene and Lords fearing ſome tumult in the Towne to be rayſed by the Earle of Angus, woulde not paſſe forth of the Caſtell, but kept the Parliament within the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Angus and Lennox and dy|uers other, to the number of two thouſand men, came in the night ſeaſon vnto Endenburgh, by|cauſe they dueſt not enter the towne in the daye time, for feare of the gunnes that lay in ye Caſtel.