Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme was the whole power of Scotlande aſſembled,King Iames approched nere vnto England with his power with the which king Ia|mes approching to the borders, and nothing a|baſhed of the euill lucke thus at the beginning chaunced to his people, purpoſed with greater ad|uantage of victorie to recouer that detriment:The king of Scots made to much haſt. and herevpõ he made ſuch haſt, that he would not ſtay for the whole power of his realme which was in preparing to come forwarde vnto him, but com|ming to the borders, he paſſed ouer the water of Tweed the .xxij. of Auguſt, & entred into Eng|lãd, lodging that night nere to the riuer of Tuiſel: & the next day laid ſiege to the caſtel of Norham,Norham. The Brayes. Barnekyne. & within ſhort ſpace wan the Brayes, ouerthrew the Barnkine, & ſlue diuers win the caſtel, ſo yt the captain & ſuch as had charge within it, deſired the EEBO page image 420 king to delay the ſiege, while they might ſende to the Earle of Surrey alreadie come with an army into the North partes, couenanting if they were not reſcued by the .xix. day of that Moneth, they ſhould deliuer the caſtel vnto the king. This was graunted: and bycauſe none came within the time to the reſkue, the caſtell was deliuered at the appointed day: a great part of it was ouerthrown and beaten downe.Fourd and Etell taken. After this he wanne the Ca|ſtels of Fourd and Etell, and diuerſe other places of ſtrength, of which part were ouerthrowne. He alſo tooke many priſoners, and ſent them away into Scotland, and diuerſe he aſſured: and thus he abode an .xviij. dayes within England, til two parts of his armie were ſcaled and departed home from him.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 In which meane time the Earle of Surrey Lieutenaunt to the king of Englande hauing rayſed all the power of the North partes of Eng|lande,The power o [...] the north coũ|trey rayſed. came with the ſame towardes the place where he heard that king Iames was encamped,The Engliſh campe in fight of the Scottiſh campe. and approching within three myles of the Scot|tiſh campe in full ſight of the Scottiſh men, pight downe his tentes, and encamped with his whole [figure appears here on page 420] armie. Although king Iames had great deſire to fight with his enimies thus lodged in full view of his campe, yet bycauſe hee was encamped in a place of great aduantage, ſo as the enimies could not approche to fight with him but with greate loſſe and daunger to caſt themſelues away, hee thought good to kepe his ground,King Iames was minded to ke [...]pe his grounde. ſpecially bicauſe all thoſe of the nobilitie which were knowne to be of experience, did not holde with their aduiſe that counſailed him to giue battaile (at what time the Erle of Surrey had ſent an officer at armes vnto him,Paulus Iouius. requiring him to come forth of his ſtrength vnto ſome indifferent ground where he would be readie to encounter him) and namely the Erle of Huntley,The Earle of Huntley his counſell. a mã for his high valiancie ioyned with wiſedome and policie, had in moſt reputation of all the reſidue, affyrmed in plaine words, that no|thing could be either more fond or fooliſh than to fight at pleaſure of the enimie, and to ſet all on a maine chaunce at his wil and appoyntment, and therefore it ſhoulde be good for them to remayne there in that place of aduantage, and with pro|lõging the time to trifle with the enimie,His ſperſwa|tions. in whoſe campe there was alreadie great ſcarcitie of vyt|tayles, neither was it poſſible that they ſhould be vitayled from the inner partes of the realme, by reaſon of the comberſome wayes for caryage to paſſe nowe after ſuch abundaunce of continuall rain as of late was fallẽ, & not like as yet to ceaſe, ſo that in ſitting ſtill & attempting nothing raſh|ly without aduiſement, the K. ſhould haue his e|nimies at his pleaſure, as vanquiſhed withoute ſtroke ſtriken through diſaduantage of the place, & lack of vitailes to ſuſtaine their languiſhing bo|dies. And ſurely beſide the want of vitails,Foule weather. ye foule and euill weather ſore annoyed both parties: for there had not beene one fayre day, no ſcarce one houre of fayre weather of al the time the Scottiſh armie had lyeu within England, but great colde, wind and rain, which had not only cauſed many of the Scots to returne home, but alſo ſore vexed the Engliſh men, as well in theyr iourney thy|therwards, as alſo while they lay in camp aneinſt the Scottiſh army. There was ſending of meſ|ſengers betwixt them to and fro,King Iames ſent his quarel vnto the Earle of Surrey. and the king had ſent his quarell in writing vnto the Erle of Sur|rey by his herald Ilay the night before the battail, cõteyning as followeth:
Where it is alledged that we are come in England againſt our band & pro|miſe, thereto we anſwere: that our brother was bound as farre to vs as we were to him, & when we ſware laſt before his ambaſſadors in preſence of our counſel, we expreſſed ſpecially in our oth, ye we would keepe to our brother if our brother kept EEBO page image 421 to vs, and not elſe: wee ſweare that our brother brake firſt to vs, and of his breach we haue requi|red him diuerſe tymes of amendes: and lately we warned him, as he did not vs ere we brake: and this we take for our quarell, and by Gods grace ſhall defende the ſame at your affyxed tyme, which with Gods help we ſhal abide.Thus was the K. verie deſirous to trie the matter by battail, although the wyſeſt ſort of his Nobles wiſhed not that he ſhould do any thing ouer raſhly.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There chaunced alſo many things taken (as ye woulde ſay) for warnings of ſome great miſ|chance to follow, [...]rodigious [...]ces. which though ſome reputed but as vaine and caſuall happes, yet the impreſſion of them bred a certaine religious feare and new ter|rour in his heart. For as he was in counſell wyth his Lordes, to vnderſtande their opinions tou|ching the order of his battayles, there was an Hare ſtart amongeſt them, [...] Hare which hauing a thou|ſand arrowes, daggers, and other kinde of things beſtowed at hir, with great noiſe & ſhowting, yet ſhe eſcaped from them all ſafe and without hurt.