Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king prepared a great nauie of ſhippes, the principall whereof were the Michael, Margaret, and Iames. [...]ty ſent. They made ſayle towardes the ſea the .xxvij. of Iuly, and the king ſayled in the Mi|chaell himſelfe, till they were paſt the Ilande of May, Iames Gordon ſonne to George Earle of Hũtley being one of the captains of the ſame ſhip.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cõmiſsioners met a [...] the borders.The Commiſſioners met on the borders in Iune, according to the appoyntment: but bicauſe the Engliſhmen would not conſent to make any redreſſe or reſtitution till the .xv. of October next,The Engliſh men detract the time. thinking by that delay and continuance of tyme, they ſhould vnderſtãd the ſtate of their kings pro|ceedings in Fraunce, and in the meane time re|teyne in theyr handes the Scottiſh mens goodes which they had taken both by ſea and land (as the Scottiſh writers affyrme,) the king of Scottes being thereof aduertiſed,A king of ar|mes ſent vnto king Henrie at England. ſent Lion king of armes vnto king Henrie then lying at ſiege before Ter|wine with letters of complaint, commaunding him that if King Henrie refuſed to accompliſhe the contents of his ſayde letters, hee ſhoulde de|nounce warre vnto him. Wherevpon Lion ar|ryuing in the Engliſhe armie with his cote of armes on his backe, about the middeſt of Auguſt, deſired to ſpeake with the king, and was within a ſhort ſpace by Garter chiefe king at Armes of England, brought to the kings preſence, hauing his nobles and counſellers about him, where with due reuerence, and ſome good wordes firſt vttred, he deliuered his letters, the tenor wherof enſueth.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RIght excellent, right high & mightie prince,The tenor of the king of Scottes letter. our deareſt brother and couſin, we cõmaund vs vnto you in our maiſt hartie maner, & receiued fra Raf [...] heraulde your letters, quharvntil ye ap|proue and allow the doings of your cõmiſſioners lately being with ours at the borders of bathe the realmes, for making of redreſſe quhilk is thought to you and your counſel ſhould be continuet & de|lact to the .xv. day of October. Als ye write ſtaars by ſee aught not compere perſonally, but by their attourneys, & in your letters with our herauld I|lay, ye aſcertaine vs ye will naught enter in the treux taken betwixt the maiſt chriſtian king and your father of Aragon, bycauſe ye & others of the hale liege nether ſhould nor may take peace, treux nor abſtinence of warre with your cõmon enimy without conſent of all the confederates. And that the Emperor, King of Aragon, yea and euery of you be bounden to make actuall warre this inſtãt ſommer againſt your cõmon enimy. And that ſo to do is cõcluded & openly ſworne in Paules kyrk at London vpõ S. Markes day laſt by paſt. And farther haue denied ſafeconduit vpõ our requeſts, yt a ſeruitor of ours might haue reſorted to your preſence (as our herauld Ilay reports:) Right ex|cellẽt, right high & mightie prince, our deereſt bro|ther & couſin, the ſayd meeting of our & your com|miſſioners at the borders was peremptorily ap|pointed betwixt you & vs after diuerſe dietes, for reformation before continued to the cõmiſſioners meeting, to effect that due redreſſe ſhould haue bin made at the ſaide meeting, like as for our part our cõmiſſioners offred to haue made that time. And for your part no malefactor was then arreſted to the ſaid diet, & to gloſe the ſame, ye now write ye ſtaars by ſee need not compere perſonally, but by their attourneis quhilk is again law of god & mã. And get in criminal action al ſtaars ſhuld naught compere perſonally, na punition ſuld follow for ſlaughter, & then vane it were to ſeke farther mee|tings or redreſſe. And hereby apperes (as the deed ſhewes) yt ye wil nouther keep gud ways of iuſtice & equitie nor kindnes with vs: the great wrongs & vnkindnes done before to vs & our leiges we põ|derat, quhilk we haue ſuffred this long time in vp|bering, mainſwering noundreſſing of attemp|tates, ſo as the bil of the taken of inhalding of ba|ſtard Herõ with his cõplices in your contry quha fiue our wardan vnder truſt of dayes of meeting for iuſtice, & therof was filat & ordeynt to be deli|uered, inſlaing of our liege noble mẽ, vnder color by your folks, in taking of vthers out of our realm priſonet & chanet by the erags in your cuntry, wt|halding of our wines legacie promiſt in your di|uers letters for deſpite of vs, ſlaughter of Androw Barton by your awn commaund, quha than had naught offẽded to you nor your lieges vnredreſt, and breaking of the amitie in that behalf by your EEBO page image 418 deed, and with halding of our ſhips and artillarie to your vſe, quharvpon eft our diuers requiſitions at your Wardens, Cõmiſſioners, Ambaſſadors, and your ſelfe, ye wrate and als ſhewe by vthers vnto vs, that full redreſſe ſuld be made at the ſaid meeting of Commiſſioners, and ſa were in hope of reformation, or at the leſt ye for our ſake wald haue deſiſted fra inuaſion of our friendes and cou|ſings within theyr awne Countreys that haue naught offended at you, as we firſt requyred you, in fauour of our tender couſing the Duke of Gel|der, quham to deſtroy and diſinherite ye ſent your folkes and dud that was in them. And right ſawe lately deſired for our brother and couſin the maiſt chriſten king of France, quham ye haue cauſed to tine his Countre of Millaigne, and now inuades his ſelf, quha is with vs in ſecond degree of blude, and haſe bene vnto you kind without offence, and more kindar than to vs: notwithſtanding in de|fenſe of his perſon we mon take part, and thereto ye bycauſe of vthers haue geuen occaſion to vs & to our lieges in tyme bypaſt, nouther doing iuſt|ly nor kyndely towardes vs, proceeding alwayes to the vtter deſtruction of our neereſt frends, quha mon do for vs quhã it ſhall be neceſſarie. In euill example that ye will hereafter be better vnto vs quhã ye lightly fauor, manifeſtly wranged your ſiſter for our ſake incõtrary our writtes. And ſay|ing vnto our herauld yt we giue you faire wordes and think the contrary, in deed ſuch it is, we gaue you wordes as ye dudde vs, truſting that ye ſuld haue emended to vs, or worthin kynder to our frends for our ſakes, & ſuld naughtight haue ſtop|ped our ſeruitors paſſage to labour peax that they might as ye Papes halines exhorted vs by his bre|uites to do. And thervpon we were contented to haue ouerſene our harmes, & to haue remitted the ſame though vther information was made to our haly father Pape Iuly by the Cardinal of York, your Ambaſſador: & ſen you haue now put vs fra our gude beleue through the premiſſes, & ſpecially in denying of ſafe conduit to oure ſeruants to re|ſort to your preſẽce, as your ambaſſador Doctor Weſt inſtantly deſired we ſuld ſende one of our counſel vnto you vpõ great matters, & appointing of differences debatable betwixt you & vs furthe|ring of peax if we might betwixt ye moſt chriſten king & you we neuer hard to this purpoſe ſafe con|duit denied betwixt infidels. Herefore we write to you this time at lẽgth plaines of our minde, yt we require and deſire you to deſiſt fra farther inuaſiõ & vtter deſtruction of our brother & couſin ye maiſt chriſten king, to quhã by al confederation, blude & alie, and alſo by new band quhilk you haue com|pelled vs lately to take through your iniuries and harmes without remedie done dayly vnto vs, our lieges & ſubiects, we are boũden & obliſt for mutu|al defence ylk of vthers, like as ye & your confede|rates be obliſt for mutual inuaſiõs & actual war. Certifying you we wil take part in defence of our brother & couſin the moiſt chriſten king, and will do what thing we truyſt may cauſe you to deſiſt fra purſute of him, & for deuit & poſtponit iuſtice to our lieges we mon giue litters of marque ac|cording to the amitie betwixte you and vs, quharto ye haue had little regard in time by paſt, as we haue ordaint our Herauld the bearer hereof to ſay, gif it like you to here him and gif him cre|dence: right excellent, right highe and mightie prince, our deereſt brother & couſin. The Trinitie haue you in keeping. Geuen vnder our ſignet at Edenbourgh the .xxvj. day of Iuly.