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Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the latter ende of September, the Arch|biſhop of Saint Androwes, and the Erle of Ar|rane, [...]n Ambaſſage [...]nto France. were ſent Ambaſſadors into France. They tooke ſhip the .xxvij. of September.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xvij. of Februarie, Iames prince of Scot|lande departed this life at Striueling, and the Biſhop of Galoway alſo, who was appoynted to be his gouernor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


An Ambaſſade [...]ent vnto the [...]ing.

The .ix. of May in the yeare next enſuing, the Lord D'obigny, and the preſident of Tholous, came from Lewes the Frenche king as Ambaſ|ſadors, to declare vnto king Iames, that he ment to matche his eldeſt daughter in maryage wyth Frances de Vallois Dolphin of Vien and Duke of Angoleſme, notwithſtanding that Charles K. of Caſtel that was after Emperor, made ſuite for hir. Bycauſe therefore he ment not to conclude any thing in ſuche a weightie matter withoute conſent of his confederates, of which he eſteemed king Iames as chiefe: he required him of his ad|uiſe and counſell therein, who after aduiſement taken, made anſwere,The kings anſwere. that albeit the King of France had ſufficient Counſell about him, yet ſith he had deſired his aduiſe, he would friendly giue the ſame: which was, that he ſhould rather marie his daughter within his owne Realme, vnto ſuche one as ſhoulde ſucceede him, than to beſtowe hir vpon any forrayne Prince, ſithe o|therwiſe ſome clayme myght bee made in tyme comming vnto the Crowne by ſuche as ſhoulde match with hir. And ſo with this anſwere the preſident of Tholous departed, reporting ye ſame at his cõming home vnto the French king, who thervpon folowed his own determination therin, confirmed and allowed thus by his confederate the king of Scotland.

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