Compare 1587 edition: 1
Io. Ma. Sir William Dowglas ſlain.
In the yeare folowing, was the ſame ſir Wil|liam Dowglas, being lately before ranſomed out of England, ſlain, as he was a hunting in Etrik Foreſt, by his couſin and godſon William Erle of Dowglas, in reuenge of the ſlaughter of Alex|ander Ramſey, and other olde grudges.Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the houſe of the Dowglaſſes de|uided amongſt themſelues,1354 purſuing eche other many yeares togither with great vnkindneſſe, vnnaturall enmitie and ſlaughter.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next following,1355 which was 1355 ſhortly after Eaſter, there arriued in Scotland a noble knight named ſir Eugenie de Garenteris,Sir Eugeny de Garenteris a French m [...]n arriued in Scotland. with a companie of Frenchmen, though fewe in number, yet valiant and right ſkilfull warriours, which were ſent thither by Iohn king of France, that ſucceeded his father king Philip of Valoys, lately before deceaſſed, and deliuered vnto the go|uernor and other Nobles of the realme of Scot|lande, fortie thouſand Crownes of the Sun [...]e,Forty thou|ſand crownes. to be employed aboute the leuying of an armye a|gaynſt the Engliſh men, that they might be con|ſtrayned the ſooner to withdrawe theyr powers out of France.