Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Walter Stewarde, had a ſonne named Alane Steward,Alane Ste|warde. who went after with Godfrey of Bullion duke of Lorraine, and Robert duke of Normandy ſonne to king William the baſterd that conquered England, into the holy lande, at what time they with other weſterne Princes made the great iourney thither,
The iourney into the holy lande.
Alexander Steward.
in the yere .1099. Alane had iſſue Alexander Steward, that foun|ded the abbay of Paſley of S. Benedictes order. Walter Steward whoſe valiancie was wel no|tified at the batayle of Largis as hereafter ſhalbe ſhewed, was the ſonne of the ſayde Alexander.Walter Ste|ward. The ſame Walter had iſſue .ij. ſonnes,Alexander ſte|ward the ſon of Walter. the one named Alexander, fought right valiantly in de|fence of his father at the foreſayd batayle, and the other named Robert Steward got the landes of Terbowtoun,Robert ſte|ward. and maried the heyre of Crukei|ſtoun, from whom deſcended the Earles of Le|uenax and Dernly. Moreouer the aboue men|cioned Alexãder Steward that founded Paſley, had diuers mo ſonnes, as Iohn & Iames,Iohn ſteward, and Iames ſte|ward. with ſundry other. Howbeit they tooke new ſurnames by the name of thoſe landes, vnto the which they ſucceeded. The afore recited Iohn Stewarde, after the death of his brother Iames, maried the heyre of Bonkill a virgine of great beautie, and had by hyr Walter Steward that inherited the landes of Bonkill, Ranfrew, Rotheſſay, Bute,Walter inhe|ritour of Bon|kill, &c. & Stewartoune, after that his father the forena|med Iohn was ſlayne at Falkyrke.Compare 1587 edition: 1 He maried Mariorie Bruce daughter to king Robert Bruce,King Robert the ſecond. by whom he had iſſue king Ro|bert the ſecond of that name.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Robert the ſecond tooke to wife one I|ſabel Mure, a damoſell of right excellent beutie, ſhe was daughter to ſir Adham Mure knight, and brought foorth iſſue,Iohn ſteward, otherwiſe Ro|bert. three ſonnes and three daughters. The eldeſt ſonne hight Iohn Ste|ward otherwiſe named Robert, who ſucceeded immediatly after his fathers deceaſſe in gouer|naunce of the crowne.