Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length when they were fallen at a poynt for rendring vp the holde, Duncane offered to ſende foorth of the caſtell into the campe greate prouiſion of vitayles to refreſh the army, whiche offer was gladly accepted of the Danes for that they had bene in greate penurie of ſuſtenaunce many dayes before.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scots herevpon tooke the iuyce of Me|kilwort beries,Spyced cuppes prepared for the Danes. & mixed the ſame in theyr ale and bread, ſending it thus ſpiced and confectioned in great abundance vnto their enimies.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 They reioyſing that they had got meate and drinke ſufficient to ſatiſfie theyr bellies, fell to ea|ting and drinking after ſuch greedy wiſe, that it ſeemed they ſtroue who might deuoure & ſwal|low vp moſt, till the operation of the beries ſpred in ſuche ſorte through all the partes of their bo|dies, that they were in the ende brought into a faſt dead ſleepe,The Danes o|uercome with drinke, fall a ſleepe. that in maner it was vnpoſſible to awake them.