Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iuſtice & law reſtored.Thus was iuſtice and lawe reſtored againe to the old accuſtomed courſe by the diligent meanes of Makbeth. Immediatly wherevpon worde came that Sueno king of Norway was arriued in Fyfe with a puyſant army to ſubdue the whole realme of Scotland.Sueno king of Norway lãded in Fyfe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But here to the intent it may be the better perceyued, what this Sueno was I will ſome|what touch from whence he diſcended.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This agreeth t [...]t with our Englyſh wry|ters.That Sueno whiche (as ye haue heard) con|quered the realme of England, being alſo king of Denmarke and Norway had .iij. ſonnes, Ha|rold, Sueno, & Canute, the firſte he ordeyned to be king of England, the .ij. king of Norway, and the third king of Denmarke.