Compare 1587 edition: 1 With theſe and the ſemblable cruelties, Ca|mus raging both againſt God & mã, was finally aduertized that king Malcolme was come to Dundee with all the power of Scotland.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſodenly he tooke the next way towards the ſea ſide, cõming the day next following vnto a village called Baſbrid, where he pitched downe his tentes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Mal|colme haſteth forewarde to fight with the Danes.The ſame day, king Malcolme making all haſt poſſible to ſuce [...]ur his ſubiects, and preſerue the countrey frõ the cruel outrage of the Danes, came to the towne of Barre twoo litle miles frõ the place, where his enimies were encamped. In the mornyng he drew into the field, in purpoſe to giue them bataile.Malcolmes o| [...]ation. But before he arrayed his ba|tayles, he called his nobles & captains togither, deſiring them to conſider how they ſhould match in fight againſt people blinded with vile auarice, liuing on the ſpoyle & pillage, got by theeuery & not by any iuſt warres: enimies not onely to the Chriſtian faith, but alſo vnto all innocẽt people, whom they ſought vniuſtly to inuade, without hauing occaſiõ ſo to do, ſaue only vpon an iniu|rious meaning to liue by reif of other meanes goodes, wherin they haue no maner of propertie He willed them therefore, to remember how they were come thus againſt thoſe enimies in defenes of theyr natiue countrey, appointed vndoubtedly by God to reuenge the cruell iniuries done by the Danes againſt his name and people that profeſ|ſed the ſame. They ought not then to meaſure force in number of ſouldiers, but rather in man|hood and valiancie of harte.