Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe newes comming to the knowledge of Edmond, with al ſpeede he gathereth his power, and ſending into Scotlande for ſuche ayde as he ought to haue from thence by couenaunts of the league,10000. ſouldi|ours ſent vnto king Edmond. there came vnto him ten thouſande Scottiſhmen with ready willes to ſerue him in theſe his warres agaynſt the Danes. Then ioyning his owne people with thoſe Scottiſh|men, he ſet forewarde towardes his enimies. There were an eyght thouſande Northumber|land men with Aualaſſus, the whiche vpon the firſte encounter with the Engliſhmenne, fell ſtreight vnto running away, whiche made an open and readie breache vnto the Engliſhe part, to attayne the victorie: for the Danes beyng not able to reſiſte the violent force of theyr eni|mies, encouraged nowe with the flight of the Northumbers, were quickely conſtreyned to giue backe, and in the ende to flee amayne, the Engliſhmen and Scottes following in the chaſe with ſuche fierceneſſe, that all ſuche as they o|uertooke died vpon the ſwoorde, though they ſub|mitted themſelues neuer ſo humbly in requiring mercie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Elgarine yet chauncing to fall into his eni|mies handes was taken aliue:Elgarine ta|ken pryſoner. for ſo had Ed|mond commaunded, that if any man mighte take him, he ſhould in any caſe ſane his life, that he might put him to death in moſte reuell wife, to the enſample of other. After this and for the ſpace of three dayes after the battayle, Edmond EEBO page image 205 lay ſtill in the fieldes neare to the place where they fought: and then repayred vnto Yorke, where Elgarine for his treaſon was drawen in peeces with wilde horſes.Elgarine is drawen in peeces.