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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme there iſſued foorth a fountayne of bloude out of the ſide of a moun|tayne in Galloway,Bloud [...] out of an [...]. and flowed in greate abun|daunce for the ſpace of ſeuen dayes togither, ſo that all the ryuers there aboute (whereof there is great ſtore in that countrey) had theyr waters mixed with bloude, and rennyng into the ſea, cauſed the ſame to ſeeme bloudie certaine miles diſtant from the ſhore.What was ment by theſe wonders. Theſe prodigous fightes put menne in greate feare, for that deui|nours did interprete the ſame to ſignifie ſome great bloudſhedde to fall vpon the Scots ſhort|ly after: They were alſo the better beleeued, for that within a whyle after that greate ouer|throw happened at Bronyngfielde, as before is ſpecified.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [figure appears here on page 202] AFter that Co|ſtantine (as is ſayde) was en|tred into religion,Mal|colme. the before named Malcolme the ſon of Donalde was admitted king, or rather regent [...] who although he percei|ued right wel how the force of the realme was ſo enfeebled, that there was no hope to mainteyne warres abroad, yet his chiefe ſtudie was by all meanes poſſi|ble to defende the bordurers of the Scottiſhe do|minion, and before all things to procure peace with the Engliſh men. But as he was about to haue ſente Ambaſſadours vnto King Athelſtane, to haue treated for peace,Aualoſſu [...] had giuen him Northumber|land. he was credibly enfor|med, howe Athelſtane had gyuen Northum|berlande vnto Analaſſus, and made a league with him to haue his ayde againſt the Scottes. EEBO page image 203 Whiche newes put Malcolme in wonderfull dread, for that he vnderſtood how his realme was vnpurueyed of ſkilfull Captaines to make reſi|ſtance.A councell called. Yet hee cauſed a councell to be called, wherein when ſuche as were aſſembled propo|ned many fond & childiſhe reaſons, it might ap|peare there was ſmall hope of any good conclu|ſion: but euen as they were at a poynt to haue brokẽ vp without any certaine reſolution worde was brought howe through ſeditious diſcorde,The Engliſh|men and the Danes fall out togither, and ſight. whiche had chaunced betwixt the Danes and Engliſhmen being aſſembled togither in campe, they had fought a right bloudy battayle, the vi|ctorie in the ende remayning with the Engliſh|men, who ceaſſed not to purſue the Danes in chaſe, ſo long as any day light appeared in the ſkie.Aualaſſus fled into Weſt|merland. Aualaſſus with ſuche Danes as he might get togither after that ouerthrowe, fledde into Weſtmerland, and within three dayes after, in ſuche ſhippes as he found there vpon the coaſt,Ri [...]ed the Iſle of Man, & got him into Ire|land. he ſayled ouer into the Iſle of Man, and ſpoyling the ſame, with all the pray he paſſed from thence ouer into Irelande. In the meane time king A|thelſtane hauyng loſt no ſmall number of his people in the foreſayde batayle, omitted his iour|ney into Scotlande, and lay ſtill in Northum|berland, no man vnderſtanding what he enten|ded to do. Which newes were ſo pleaſant to the Scottiſhmen,They goe in proceſsion in Scotlãd for ioy that there was common ſupplica|tions and proceſſions made through the whole realme, in rendring thanks to almightie God for deliuering the people by this meanes frõ ſo great and preſent daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Ambaſſadours ſent vnto Mal|colme.Shortly after came Ambaſſadours from A|thelſtane vnto Malcolme to moue meanes for a peace to be concluded betwixt the Scottiſhe and Engliſh nations according to the articles of the old league. Whiche motion was ioyfully heade of Malcolme, though he ſet a countenaunce of the mater as though hee paſſed not whether hee had warre or peace: but in the ende for that as he ſayde, peace was moſte neceſſarie for all partes, he ſhewed himſelfe willing to haue the olde for|mer league renewed betwixte the Engliſhmen and Scottes, with any reaſonable condicions whiche ſhould be thought to be requiſite.The league was confirmed agayne. After the returne of the Ambaſſadours the league was newly confirmed betwixt the two kings & theyr people, with the ſemblable articles as were com|pryſed in the olde league, with this article onely added therevnto,Northumber|land allotted vnto England. that Northumberland being as now repleniſhed moſt with Daniſh inhabitãts, ſhould remaine to the Engliſhmen: and Cum|berland with Weſtmerlande to the Scots vpon this condition, that he whiche ſhould ſucceede as heyre vnto the crowne of Scotlande after the kings deceaſſe,Cumberlãd & Weſtmerland to do homage vnto England. being heyre apparant, ſhould hold thoſe regions, and do homage vnto the king of England as his baſſall perpetually for the ſame. The peace being thus eſtabliſhed betwixt theſe nations, Indulphe the ſonne of Conſtantine the thyrde was proclaymed prince of Cumberland and inheritour to the crowne of Scotland. Af|ter this, Malcolme paſſed the reſidue of his life in good quiet, without any troubles of warre, as a man onely ſtudying to mainteyne the ſtate of his realme in good order, aſwell for the wealth of the temporaltie as ſpiritualtie, wherevnto hee was equally inclined. At length as he rode about the prouinces of his realme to ſee the lawes due|ly miniſtred, at Vlrine a village in Murraylãd,King Mal|colme was murthered. where he cauſed iuſtice to be ſomewhat ſtreight|ly executed vpon offendors, he was murthered in the night ſeaſon by treaſon of a fewe conſpira|tours in the .xv. yeare of his reigne.The conſpira|tors were put to execution. But ſuche as did this wicked deede with theyr complices, by diligent examination were tried out, and on the next day being apprehended, ſuffered due ex|ecution, according as they had deſerued,The murthe|rers were torn with horſes. be|ing torne in peeces with wilde horſes and thoſe peeces ſent vnto ſundry cities, where they were hanged vp on the gates and towers, vntill they rotted away.

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