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Compare 1587 edition: 1 He buylded alſo the caſtell of Berogoniũ in Loughquhabre on the weſte ſide of Albion,Beregonium. ouer againſt the weſterne Iſles, where he appoynted a courte to be kept for the adminiſtration of iu|ſtice: that both the Albion Scots,A place apoin|ted for iuſtice. and alſo thoſe of the ſame Iſles might haue their acceſſe and reſorte thyther for redreſſe of wrongs, and en|dyng of all controuerſies. The reſidue of his life, he paſſed in reſte and peace with his neyghbours the Pictes and Brytaines, endeuouring by all meanes, to knit and couple the hartes of his ſub|iectes in one friendly bande of inwarde loue and amitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally,Ferguſe went into Ireland, and in his re|turne was drowned. ſaylyng afterwarde into Irelande to be arbitratour in a matter of variance betwixte the Nobles of that lande, as he returned home|wardes, by force of tempeſt, the ſhippe wherein he was embarqued, was dryuen vpon a rocke, where he periſhed, after he had raygned as kyng amongſt the Scottiſh men in Albion aboute xxv. yeares.Rocke Fer|guſe, other|wiſe R [...]ocke Ferguſe. The rocke where he was thus caſt away, hath bene euer ſithence called Rocke Fer|guſe, after his name.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame ſeaſon there raygned amongſt the Brytains one Enanius,Eſdadus. Cruthneus. Camelonus. named by Hector Boetius Eſdadus, and amongſt the Pictes one Cruthneus Camelonus, that buylded a famous Citie, vpon the banke of the riuer called Carone,This citie the Scottiſhe wry|ters take to [...]e Camelodunã, of the whiche there is ſo oftẽ mention made in the Romain writers: but verily herein they do great|ly erre. as the Scottiſh wryters affirme, appointyng it to be the chiefe Citie of all the Pictiſhe kyng|dome, where in times paſte there was a fayre commodious hauen apt to herbrough ſhippes in at all ſeaſons, but now it is damned vp in ſuche ſorte, that vnneath there appeareth any token where that hauen was: and the citie it ſelfe was finally ſubuerted by Kenneth kyng of Scotland, as after ſhall appeare.

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