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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Nobles and Gentlemen of the Pictes hearing the cries of theſe women,The Pictes [...] moued to pitie: and being now ſomewhat moued to pitie, conſented at laſte to haue peace with the Scottiſh men, and to renew againe the olde league that was heretofore be|tweene them: And for mutuall iniuries hereto|fore committed, that there ſhould be had a mu|tuall recõpence according as might ſtande with equitie & reaſon. So that where the Bryttains had bene the chiefe procurers of all that miſchiefe EEBO page image 9 and diſcorde betwixt them, in hope therby to de|ſtroy bothe the parties, they ſhould now be repu|ted from hencefoorth as cõmon enimies to them both:Bryttaines re|puted as eni|mies. as for all other articles or conditions of a|greement, it was ordeined that their king ſhould do therein as vnto him might ſeeme good.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The meeting of the twoo kings.In the morning therefore, as was appointed, the king of Pictes meeting with king Ferguſe, declared what his ſubiectes were agreed vpon: & further opening his mind touching the eſtabliſh|ment of the peace, thought it conuenient to haue a day of meting betwixt them to ratify the ſame. Wherwith Ferguſe being well contented & glad that through his motion a peace ſhould thus en|ſue,An other day taken for the ratification of the peace. a day was appointed betwixt them and kept accordingly, ſo that comming together, the aun|cient league was in all poynts renewed, with ſome conditions added therto, auaylable as was thought, for the ſtronger confirmation thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Bryttains go homeward diſapointed of their purpoſe.Before this, & after the firſt meeting betwixt the Scottes and Pictes, I meane ſo ſoone as the Brytains had vnderſtanding of this agreement, they had no luſt to tarie longer in the fielde, but rayſing their power, they departed their wayes homewardes, doubting leaſt the ſayd agreement might turne ſmally to theyr gayne.

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