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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferguſe hauing hereof knowledge, ſpeedi|ly got togyther hys people, and came wyth Banners diſplayed to encounter hys enimyes. In king Ferguſes Banner, there was a redde Lion portrayed rampant, wyth hys tayle fol|den towardes his backe, as thoughe hee dyd beate the ſame, whiche is the maner of them, when they bee mooued to diſpleaſure.

[figure appears here on page 7] The kings Banner with a Lion gueles in it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferguſe was the firſt that bare this cogniſance in Albion, which euer ſithence hath bene borne by thoſe Kings that haue ſucceſſiuely raigned after him there.

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