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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſtate they continued many [...],They liue in peace. encreaſing in pubc [...] of [...] mightie mo|tion, and liued in good [...] ou [...] trouble of watres or [...] vpon [...] any [...]|raine [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time alſo,The Pictes came into Scotland, one of Germanie. the Pictes whiche were [...] people of Germanie, as moſt wri|ters do agree, came [...] alſo in [...] EEBO page image 6 part of Brytayne, which nowe is comprehended likewiſe within Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some ſay that they came forth of the hyther part of Scithia, and other there be whiche holde opinion, that they diſcended of the people named in olde time Agathirſi, whiche inhabited in a part of Sarmatia, & were called Pictes, bycauſe they vſed to paynt and colour theyr faces, or as ſome ſuppoſe, for that they vſed gay apparell of dyuerſe and ſundrie colours: but the ſame wry|ters generally confeſſe, that they firſt came into Germanie or hyther Scithia (that is to meane Denmarke) many yeares before they entred into Brytaine.Pictes came out of Den|marke.

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