You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 8 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 7) H.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- HIginus.
- Henricus Huntingtonenſis.
- Humfrey Lhuyd.
- Henricus Leiceſtrenſis.
- Hector Boece.
- Hiſtorie Daniou.
- Hiſtoira Eccleſiaſtica Magdeburgenſis.
- Henricus Mutius.
- Hiſtoria quadripartita ſeu quadrilogium.
- Hardings Chronicle.
- Halles Chronicles.
- Henricus Bradſhaw.
- Henricus Marleburgenſis.
- Herodianus.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 9 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 7) I.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- IOhannes Bale.
- Iohannes Leland.
- Iacobus Philippus Bergomas.
- Iulius Capitolinus.
- Iulius Solinus.
- Iohannes Pike with additions.
- Iohannes Functius.
- Iohn Price, knight.
- Iohannes Textor.
- Iohannes Bodinus.
- Iohannes Sleidan.
- Iohannes Euerſden a Monke of Bury.
- Iohannes or rather Giouan villani a Florentine.
- Iohannes Baptiſta Egnatius.
- Iohãnes Capgraue.
- Iohannes Fourden.
- Iohannes Caius.
- Iacob de Voragine Biſhop of Nebio.
- Iean de Bauge a Frenchman wrote a Pamphlet of the warres in Scotlande, during the time that Monſieur de Deſſe remayned there.
- Iohn Foxe.
- Iohannes Maior.
- Iohn Stow, by whoſe diligent collected summarie, I haue ben not only ayded, but alſo by diuers rare monuments, ancient wryters, and neceſſarie re|giſter Bookes of his, which he hath lente me out of his owne Librarie.
- Ioſephus.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 1 >
Front Matter: Section 5 of
5: ¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is
Snippet: 10 of 20 (1577, Volume 1, p. 7) L.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- LIber conſtitutionum London.
- Lucan.
- Lelius Giraldus.