[1] Thus were our merchants euill intreated on each hand, by reason of those ciuill tumults in the low countries, aswell this yeare as in the former yeares past, and small hope would be of better successe there, if some end should not be had of that ciuill dissenti|on, which hath so long continued betwixt the king of Spaine and his subiects in those countries, not one|lie to the hinderance of themselues, but also of others that haue to trade among them, speciallie for traffike sake and intercourse of merchandize.A conclusion of peace be|twéene the parties before diuided. But at length they haue compounded their controuersies, and are growen to a full agréement and perfect conclusion of peace, which God grant may take place so effec|tuallie, as may turne to the quietnesse and publike commoditie not onlie of those countries but of their neighbors, whereby merchants and passengers may in suertie passe to and fro without disturbance, so as no occasion be giuen of breach of leagues and ami|ties betwixt princes and countries, but that the same may be mainteined to Gods glorie, and the suertie of the christian commonwealth.