[1] This yeare, by reason of the troubles in the low countries, Anno Reg. 18. 1576 the English merchants susteined great losses diuers waies. For the men of warre that kept the seas,English mer|chants su|steine great losse by sea; and why? aduowing themselues to be reteined with the prince of Orenge, vnder colour to serch for their aduersaries goods, oftentimes boorded the English ships as they met with them on the seas, smallie to the profit of them to whome the same ships and goods apperteined. Some they staied and tooke awaie with them. And at length there was a generall restraint made by the prince of Orenge, that no English ships should passe to or fro the towne of Antwerpe by the riuer of Scheld, such being arrested and detei|ned at Flishing as were comming downe that ri|uer, and other likewise that were bound vp the same time towards Antwerpe.