[1] [2] [3] The two and twentith of Iulie two Dutchmen anabaptists were burned in Smithfield,Anabaptists burned in Smithfield. who died in great horror with roring and crieng. The thirtith of Iulie in the afternoone was a great tempest of ligh|tening and thunder,Thunder and haile, where [...] insued great hurt. wherethrough both men and beasts in diuerse places were striken dead. Also at that time fell great abundance of haile, whereof the stones in manie places were found to be six or seuen inches about. The fourth of September being sun|daie about seuen of the clocke in the morning,The gla [...] hou [...]e burn [...] a cer|teine glasse house, which sometime had béene the cros|sed friers hall neere to the tower of London burst out on a terrible fire: wherevnto the lord maior, al|dermen and shiriffes with all expedition repaired, and practised there all means possible, by water buc|kets, hookes, and otherwise to haue quenched it. All which notwithst [...]nding, whereas the same house in a small time before had consumed great quantitie of wood by making of fine drinking glasses; now it selfe hauing within it neere fortie thousand billets of wood was all consumed to the stone walles, which walles greatlie defended the fire from spreading further, and dooing anie more harme.