[1] [2] This yeare at London after haruest, the price of wheate began by little and little to fall, from seuen shillings to thrée shillings the bushell, at which price it staied (little or nothing rising or falling) all the yeare after: but baie salt was raised from three shillings to foure shillings, [...]aie [...]alt [...] fiue shillings, and six shillings the bushell, the like whereof had neuer béene seene or heard within this realme. The 24 day of Februarie, being the feast of saint Matthie, on which daie the faire was kept at Teukesburie, a strange thing hap|pened there. For after a floud which was not great, but such as therby the medows néere adioining were couered with water, in the after noone there came downe the riuer of Seuerne great numbers of flies & b [...]tels, [...] in Fe|bruarie the [...]. such as in summer euenings vse to strike men in the face, in great heapes, a foot thicke aboue the water, so that to credible mens iudgement there were séene within a paire of buts length of those flies aboue a hundred quarters. The mils there a|bouts were dammed vp with them for the space of foure daies after, and then were clensed by digging them out with shouels: from whence they came is yet vnknowne: but the daie was cold and a hard frost.