[1] [2] Upon his confession he was arreigned at the Kings bench in Westminster hall the eighteenth of Aprill, where he acknowledged himselfe guiltie, and was condemned as principall of the murther, accor|ding to which sentence he was executed in Smith|field, on mondaie the twentith of Aprill: at which time also vntrulie (as she hir selfe confessed after|ward) he laboured by all meanes to cléere mistresse Sanders of committing euill of hir bodie with him,George Browne hanged in Smithfield, and afterward in chains on Shooters hill. and then floong himselfe besides the ladder. He was after hanged vp in chains néere vnto the place where he had doone the fact. In the meane time mistresse Drurie and hir man being examined, as well by their owne confessions, as by falling out of the mat|ter, and also by Brownes appeachment thought cul|pable, were committed to ward. And after mistresse Sanders being deliuered of child, and churched (for at the time of hir husbands death she looked presentlie to lie downe) was vpon mistresse Druries mans confession, and other great likelihoods, likewise com|mitted to the tower, and on wednesdaie the sixt of Maie she was arreigned with mistresse Drurie at the Guildhall.