[1] Roger Cle|ment aliàs tru|stie Roger.Immediatlie vpon the déed dooing, Browne sent mistresse Drurie word thereof by Roger Clement (among them called trustie Roger) he himselfe re|paired foorthwith to the court at Greenewich, & anon after him came thither the report of the murther al|so. Then departed he thense vnto London, and came to the house of mistresse Drurie, where [...]hough he spake not personallie with hir, after conference had with hir seruant trustie Roger, she prouided him twentie pounds that same daie, for the which she laid certeine plate of hir owne, & of mistresse Sanders to gage.Browne the murtherer re| [...]eued with m [...]ne. On the next morning being thursdaie (ha|uing intelligence that Browne was sought for) they sent him six pounds more by the same Roger, war|ning him to shift for himselfe by flight, which thing he foreslowed not to doo. Neuerthelesse, the lords of the quéens maiesties councell caused so spéedie and nar|row search to be made for him, that vpon the eight and twentith of the same moneth he was apprehen|ded in a mans house of his owne name at Rochester and being brought backe againe to the court, was examined by the councell: vnto whome he confessed the deed (as you haue heard) and that he had often|times before pretended and sought to doo the same,He confesseth his offense vp|pon his exa|mination. by the instigation of the said mistresse Drurie, who had promised to make a marriage betwéene him and mi|stresse Sanders (whome he seemed to loue excessiue|lie) neuerthelesse he protested (though vntrulie) that mistresse Sanders was not priuie nor consenting therevnto.