Snippet: 339 of 389 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1258)
[4] The fourth of March, a
man was hanged in chains in saint Georges field beyond Southworke of
A man hang|ed in saint Georges field.
The earle of kent deceas|sed.
for murthering the gailor of Horsham in the same field. The
seuentéenth of March deceassed Rei|nold Greie of Ruthin, earle of Kent, at
Herneseie, and was buried at saint Giles without Creplegate. About the same time died Edmund lord Shandois. The
fiue and twentith of March being wednesdaie in Easter wéeke,George San|ders murthe|red at Shoo|ters hill. and the
feast of the Annuntiation of our ladie, George Browne cruellie murthered two
honest men néere to Shooters hill in Kent, the one of them was a wealthie
merchant of London named George Sanders, the other Iohn Beane of Wool|wich,
which murther was committed in manner as followeth.A
discourse of the murther practised and committed. On tuesdaie in
Easter wéeke (the foure and twentith of March) the said George Browne
re|ceiuing secret intelligence by letter
from mistresse Anne Drurie, that master Sanders should lodge the same night
at the house of one master Barnes in Woolwich, and from thense go on foot to
saint Marie Craie; the next morning he laie in wait for him by the waie, a
little from Shooters hill, and there slue both him & Iohn Beane
seruant to master Barnes. But Iohn Beane hauing ten or eleuen wounds,
& being left for dead, by Gods prouidence did reuiue a|gaine: and
créeping awaie on all foure, was found by an
old man and his maiden, and conueied vnto Woolwich, where he gaue euident
marks of the murtherer.