[1] [2] Earle of Lin|colne and o|ther ambassa|dors into France.The six and twentith of Maie, the right honorable earle of Lincolne, departed from London towards France ambassador, being accompanied with the lord Dacres, the lord Rich, the lord Talbot, the lord Sands, and the lord Clinton, sir Arthur Chamber|nowne, sir Ierome Bowes, and sir Edward Ha|stings knights, with diuerse other gentlemen, who taking ship at Douer, cut ouer to Bullongne, where they were verie honorablie receiued, and conueied by iournies to Paris, where they were lodged in a house of the kings named le chasteau de Louure, be|ing attended vpon of the kings officers. Fiue daies after they went to the king at a house called Madrill,The maner of the ambassa|dors inter|teinement. where the king with his two brethren, the admerall, & the most part of the nobles of France met them a distance from the place, & brought them to the house: where they dined, and abode till sundaie following, from whence the king and his nobles with the nobles of England came to Paris. The king, his two bre|thren, & our ambassador riding in one coch togither, and the nobles of England and France being so pla|ced also in coches, came to the said castell of Louure, and there dined. After dinner the king, our ambas|sador, with the nobilitie of both realmes, went to a church named saint Germane, where the French king, his brethren, and nobilitie heard euensong. The noblemen of England withdrawing them into a chappell till euensong was doone, were then fetched thense by the nobles of France to the king and his brethren that awaited their comming, where was confirmed the league which had béene concluded at Blois the ninteenth of Aprill,League with France con|firmed in France. deputies being there for the French partie, Francis Montmorencie, Rei|nold Birago, Sebastian de Laubespine, and Paule de Foix: and for the queene of England, sir Tho|mas Smith, and maister Walsingham ambassa|dors.