[1] In the meane time the foresaid Gée, vpon know|ledge had that Bullocke was withdrawen out of the waie, was not onelie had in some suspicion, but also committed toward: albeit so as he had libertie to take order to send abrode such as should make sute after Bullocke. And amongst other that went foorth, one of his seruants was sent to Rie, whither the drie vat was conueied: and comming thither, the same drie vat was opened, wherein the mangled corps of Hall was found: whereby the truth of the matter [page 1229] came to light,The drie vat, wherein the murthered man was put to be trans|ported, des|cried. and by the good prouidence of God, the reuealer of such euill facts, Bullocke was at the ve|rie same time discouered at the place in Holborne a|fore mentioned, and there apprehended, did receiue (as ye haue heard) due punishment for his heinous and most wicked offense.