[1] [2] [3] [4] [...] muster at Greenewich [...] the [...].On Maie daie they mustered at Gréenwich be|fore the quéenes maiestie, where they shewed manie warlike feats, but were much hindered by the wea|ther, which was all daie showring, they returned that present night to London, and were discharged the next morrow.Earles of [...] and [...] created. The fourth of Maie Walter De|uexeur, lord Ferrers of Chartleie, and vicount of Hereford was created earle of Essex: and Edward Fines lord Clinton and Saie high admerall of En|gland was created earle of Lincolne. The eight of Maie the parlement began at Westminster, and that same daie in the parlement by the quéenes ma|iesties writs, sir Henrie Compton knight,Barons made. lord of Compton in the Hole, sir Henrie Cheinie knight lord of Todington, sir William Paulet knight of Basing, & sir Henrie Norris knight lord of Ricot, were called barons into the higher house. In this parlement,Roges burnt through the eare. for so much as the whole realme of Eng|land was excéedinglie pestered with roges, vaga|bunds, and sturdie beggers, by meanes whereof dai|lie happened diuerse horrible murthers, thefts, and o|ther great outrages: it was enacted, that all persons aboue the age of fouretéene yéeres, being taken beg|ging, vagarant, & wandering disorderlie, should be apprehended, whipped, and burned through the gristle of the right eare, with a hot iron of one inch com|passe for the first time so taken.