[1] [2] On the fiue and twentith and six and twentith of March, by the commandement of the quéenes ma|iestie hir councell, the citizens of London assem|bling at their seuerall halles; the maisters collected and chose out the most likelie and actiue persons of e|uerie their companies,Thrée thou|sand chosen persons for pikemen and gunners out of halles. to the number of thrée thou|sand, whome they appointed to be pikemen and shot. The pikemen were foorthwith armed in faire corslets and other furniture according thervnto; the gunners had euerie of them his caliuer with the furniture, and murrians on their heads. To these were appoin|ted diuerse valiant capteins, who to traine them vp in warlike feats,Training vp of yoong sol| [...]s in the f [...]ld. mustered them thrise euerie wéeke, sometimes in the artillerie yard, teaching the gun|ners to handle their peeces, sometimes at the Miles end, & in saint Georges field, teaching them to skir|mish. In the which skirmish on the Miles end the tenth of Aprill, one of the gunners of the goldsmiths companie was shot in the side with a peece of a scou|ring sticke left in one of the caliuers, wherof he died, and was buried the twelfe of Aprill in Pauls church|yard; all the gunners marching from the Miles end in battell raie, shot off their caliuers at his graue.