[1] [2] The thirtith of December Reinold Greie was by the quéenes maiestie restored earle of Kent. Anno Reg. 14. ¶ The thirtéenth of Ianuarie deceassed sir William Peter knight,

Reinold Gre [...] earle of Kent I St. pag. 115 [...] Sir Willia Peter dec [...]sed.

His charita|ble déeds.

who for his iudgement and pregnant wit had béene secretarie and of the priuie councell to foure kings and quéenes of this realme, and seauen times ambassador abroad in forren lands: he augmented Exceter college in Oxford with lands, to the value of an hundred pounds by yeare: and also builded ten almes houses in the parish of Ingerstone for twen|tie poore people, ten within the house, and ten without the house, hauing euerie one two pence the daie, a winter gowne, and two load of wood, and among them féeding for six kine winter and summer, and a chapleine to saie them seruice dailie.]